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COTA’s One Flaw, William Byron Calls In and Dale’s “Old Man” Complaints | Dale Jr. Download

Dale Earnhardt Jr. is back in the Bojangles Studio for another edition of Dirty Air.

All three of NASCAR’s top series were in Austin, Texas this past weekend to compete at the Circuit of the Americas, and there was a lot to unpack:
– Roaming scooter gangs
– Connor Zilisch’s eventful NASCAR debut
– What caused Marco Andretti’s rear end failure?
– Austin Hill vs. SVG
– What NASCAR milestones are tweet-worthy?
– Cup race winner William Byron calls in
– It’s time to bring the curbing back at COTA
– We need to revisit the NextGen road course package

During the Ask Jr. segment of the episode, listeners sent in questions regarding:
– Dreaming about racing
– Weirdest items every autographed
– Tattoos
– The best neighbor

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The following is a production of Dirty Mo media hey everybody it’s Dell junr back again for another episode of the Dell junr download here in the Bojangle Studio we’re going to be recapping everything that happened this past weekend at Kota in all three NASCAR series and the winner of the Cup race

William Byron’s calling in let’s get going all right everybody uh pretty exciting weekend or well a lot going on uh throughout the weekend in Cota with the truck race xinity race and the Cup race as well a lot of kind of different races happening and not not you know not

Everything that happened on on Saturday uh followed through into the Cup race the Cup race was quite different we’re going to go over all of that and William Byron I said is going to call in later uh in about 45 minutes or so um and we got a lot of things that

We want to ask him uh but anyways uh yeah so um what’s everybody have a good weekend it was good weekend yeah all right you yeah I did uh I um I’m getting a camper ready getting a so I don’t know if you know been following Along on social

Media I got I I’m selling my bus um kind of been wanting to do that for about three years and uh it’s a bus I bought 10 years ago when I was a full-time Cup racer but it doesn’t work with our kids and it’s Overkill a little bit so

Um quite a bit so I’m selling it uh finally I’m ready I’ve been wanting to do that I’m glad um and I got a fifth wheel from Camping World and uh which I’ve been wanting to do that for a while and I’ve been kind of going through all

These ideas on where I wanted to land on what to get and we got a fifth wheel it’s called a cougar perfect name nice um and so anyways I am we’ve been kind of getting every you know putting sheets on beds and and and getting dishes and and

And all of the things right getting getting it ready it’s got a little bunk house in the back for the girls oh they’re going to love it yeah dang it’s going to Texas for Easter and so um and then you know hopefully in a couple more weeks it

Might be going to a late mile stock race but more on that later um but I’ve been getting this camper ready and and um excited about it the um it’s a Keystone Keystone Cougar 36 foot yeah it’s pretty cool it’s fun man I bought an old used du uh

3500 to pull it has 30,000 miles on it and um man you always get nervous when you’re buying a used car like why did they turn it in something wrong with this thing what do I not know about what do I not know yeah 35,000 miles not that

Much 30 30 yeah even better that’s pretty good um yeah for a duly that’s going to be pulling a fifth wheel all around it’s not a lot of miles um so I don’t know why I got turned back in uh hopefully no big reason but uh yeah I’m

Looking forward to that that’s going to be quite a I think Amy and the kids Amy’s kind of fired up about it going to these you know we got a little L little list of campgrounds started already that we kind of could see ourselves going to

Um what has you excited so far which what which one like oh I mean campgrounds are campgrounds man I don’t know nothing about them as far as I’m concerned there’s camping spots and to do that’s the extent of my knowledge okay yeah yeah so you like around here

Or like the country okay yeah nowhere nowhere specific I mean I can go into detail you really want to do that we don’t have to if you don’t want to you’re genuinely curious I am I’m genuinely curious yeah I’ve got I’ve got buddies who enjoy camping all over the

Country got got okay yeah um do you ask them what some of their camping spots their favorite camp Camp I do cuz I’ve always wanted to camp but I just haven’t you know fully pulled the trigger on I’ve been a few times but I enjoyed the

Few times I went yeah I’m I’m always on the lookout I’m curious is to how much fun camping really is right you pull the thing in you park it um you got all the stuff right you’ve you’ve prepared this thing and got all the things um to to

Just live right food and clothes and all that and then you got some like Rinky Dink camping toys uh ring toss or what the hell right you got these silly camping toys that only people play when they Camp exactly so wife’s thrown a couple of them in there and uh cuz I

Mean I never it’s like a a larger size Connect Four you remember Connect Four on the table the little one right like just a bigger version of that it’s a bigger version of that uh like the bigger version of of uh of uh P what’s it called Jenga Jenga yeah yeah all that

You know all those games you never see any of this stuff until it’s like we got a fifth wheel we got to have all these games and so I guess camping is that you know playing those playing those oversized board games for some reason yeah and uh

Sitting around a fire right that’s my favorite that I can get behind the key is a good chair you need to get yourself a good sitting down the fire chair that’s damn man all right great I grew up camping so I got great point you grew up camping grew up camping see

I I’ve been around a lot of chairs man that is yeah all right and I’ve seen I’ve seen people in their camping chairs there’s some comfortable ones out there but I don’t know if I want so the camping chairs have kind of went toward this sort of sitting low relaxed lay

Back like almost like a beach chair yeah kind of yeah s the I have a hard time getting away from the old traditional 1980s folder yes I agree I want like a tight like seat I don’t want to sink down I don’t either I don’t like to sit

Low knees up yeah no try to hard to get in and out of hard to get out yeah yeah um and I love the Nostalgia of the old folder yeah man also packs way easier too in the cam just kind of folds up a little bit cuz the if you think about

The one that sits low you got to put it back in the bag in the bag but it’s easier I think it stores better yeah Ian Hit or Miss yeah but I mean it’s certainly more comfortable than the old original folder but damn man you know

The I can’t my Nostalgia you know has me in all kinds of uncomfortable situations yeah I can’t help it I’m with it um anyhow got that going on excited about that something that me and Andrew been going back and forth on man is the scooter gang yeah I was wondering if

You’re going to bring this is hilarious so all right man you follow Tyler reic um if you follow Tyler reic on social media you are guaranteed to get a scooter shoe combo post every week what’s up Kota I’m scooting at Phoenix you know I mean just I don’t

Know they must have a scooter deal it’s obvious there must be a scooter deal but there’s you don’t ever see like a brand name or a tag or anything so maybe he does get I it’s For the Love of the Game you think it’s just the love of scooters

Yeah um I got these things they’re piled up everywhere I got two or three at the house the girls are playing with we got one or two over at the other place I mean these you know but I never have the urge to hop on one and take off um no

But apparently they uh you know they do the track walks you know they go to Phoenix every week go to all these racetracks and they’re I went to uh you know we’re in Nashville a couple uh last year I think even and they come on riding by on them little scooters and uh

Reick does it quite a bit he he he’s he likes to get out look at the racetrack um just sort of get you know familiar see anything new or whatever which I get I mean I think that’s really smart to get out on the racetrack um I

Saw some pictures of bra Kowski and and uh and um Chris uh busher out there Chris busher had a scooter Brad did not so Brad’s old school not a scooter guy right kale David none of them guys ever you they’re not riding scooters um but now man you go if you if

You follow reic and the other and Denny all the uh 2311 guys man thing yeah yeah they’re uh they’re they’re on the scooters and then you got Kurt Bush on his scooter he his he his looked like it was the property of Austin Texas like it came from the city

He rode straight from the hotel he had to rent it yeah it looked like uh he was paying for that one by the hour I don’t know um but I I’m I’m fascinated by this um and I don’t want to I don’t want to I’m I’m careful to to I’m careful to to

Use any descriptions such as disappointed or because I don’t want to overstate it it’s you the guys are out on scooters it’s okay but you know I don’t know I don’t want if if I’m a these are Gladiators going out to do battle and they’re going to you know they’re doing something

Uh incredibly hard and and unique and they’re the best in the world and no one else can do it Denny says it in the Netflix sure you know I can I can might I might can birdie a hole that some of the pro golfers birdie I might you know

Can hit the three-point shot that the the NB NBA guys can can hit but none of them can get in my car and match my laps none of them can do what I do nobody can right and so I don’t want to see them on scooters

Man I don’t know not I don’t want to see him on I don’t want to see him on I can’t I I don’t know how to say it not being so sorry I feel like I complain too much no yall don’t get that Vibe it’s just the way you see the world yeah

It’s just about particular things that’s the other part I’m like am I turning into a old man no cuz I’m like triggered by the scooter guys I don’t like scooter these damn kids these days right and my scream old man screaming in the cloud here is that what I become do you

Complain about this to Amy she’s just like all right I know better she ain’t going listen to that just come here and talk about it we’re actually not even recording this is just a way for you thing I know right yeah we’re not even recording just a v session BL off

Ste yeah down leads his hour to just you know talking to him mik and another thing yeah be watching them man it’s Tyler tic the sneaker shoe combo is something like there’s there’s some sort of formula there that they’re working on every week man yeah it’s the shoe

Scooter combo post the sneaker scooter yeah yeah and it’s on both Instagram and Twitter did you see the group picture of all of them together it looks like the you know the first day that their parents let them go to school by themselves they were so proud yeah

They’re all very proud of the scooters that’s right that’s like yeah that it looked like yeah they were like going they’re graduating from middle school to high school right well our first day of junior high so what so true no I was just cuz this is

Going I what made me laugh is like this has been going on for a few weeks this is the first time we’ve talked about we’ve been talking about it so before Bristol I go to reic and uh he actually Flags me down because he’s like what the

Hell is wrong with your hair and I’m like okay I’m going to ask you about the scooters here and he said they don’t allow motorized vehicles so that’s the fastest way he can get around the track yeah it’s better than a bike I don’t I guess you could bike yeah I mean you’d

Be upgrading school from there yeah a bike worse I just I I can’t imagine just seeing someone just like carve through the garage and a bike I think the scooter is a little better what about skateboard oh skateboard cool what about one of those one one tire things oh the

One whe one I kind of like those that’s electric I mean I’m always Pro Morgan shepher rollade you telling me Kurt Bush’s scooter ain’t electric did you see the damn uh did you see that thing as electric they’re not kicked kicking scooter in this thing no they got to be

Electric no the they can’t be electric were motorized and electric is not the same thing I feel like it’s the same thing don’t you do that no not not especially in in especially in a world where you know you have all these fans that are scared of of of racing going

Toward electric cars man you can’t say they’re the same they are not the same one makes noises and one doesn’t I’m just saying like if NASCAR sees that and they’re like okay you’re clearly like you’re not scooting like man using a i if somebody pulls up on me on my electric

Scooter some official and says can’t you take that out there it’s motorized I’m going to tell him to kick rocks BR you got to bring that thing to your Tech I’m tell him to kick rocks and I’m I’m I’m push matching trigger and I’m I’m rolling on I’m I’ll burn some rubber my

Little electric scooter now I’m now I’m part of the scooter gang I’m what the hell happened here somehow you became anti scooter now you’re on the scooter it’s all about that Rebel man I am turning into the old man you’re not going to you’re not going to tell me all right so

Um if uh you’re going to have in your kitchen soon like farmed a table like one of those signs yes you yes yes um like you’re GNA turn into that guy yes did you see um I was messing with Kenny Wallace on his on the ladder the lad thing I wanted to ask

This to keep cozy ladder you were you cracked me up cuz you were like I’m going to bring in the ladder from the garage and just set it up on the side I wanted to yeah I was going to bring my ladder in it’s got

Paint and all kinds of crap on it set it up set it up beside the TV and hang blankets on it like Kenny takes this picture of the race on his TV and beside it’s a a ladder I didn’t see I’m an idiot man I didn’t frecking put it

Together I wasn’t like oh that’s a blanket ladder right oh yeah I don’t think I looked at it and thaton I went looked I looked at it I’m like it’s ladder man says keep cozy on it it’s just by itself keep cozy keep the hell none of that has anything to do with

Anything right it’s extremely close to the TV too I mean it’s close but it’s and I was like the ladder to nowhere and it’s keep cozy yeah I mean i’ I’ve seen people hang signs in their house that say country things but a ladder yeah um

So but then somebody in the somebody in the comments is like hey you dumb it’s rack for for blankets then I feel like an idiot but there weren’t any blankets on it no mean not being used do you see he posted he like got up and put

Blankets yes he got up and put the blankets on yeah good for Kenny stay cozy K I can’t I can’t I feel like man it’s like social media and all these things are just turning me into this guy that’s just like picking everything apart you and your scooters

And you and your ladder um youo I need I got to sprinkle in some positivity here soon man you’re doing it the right way because you’re on a podcast so then you can just say it’s a take yeah D’s got a take on everything well all right we had one bad

Take uh oh yeah well I don’t know I mean the jury may be still out but so the exfinity race we’re going to get to that in a minute um and we’ll talk about my bad take but first off I want to go through the trucks truck race um let’s

Talk about that a little bit um Connor zillich uh Conor zillich comes in you know sets a new track record right qualifies on the poll well clear of the rest of the field there’s this sort of you know he’s going to be driving for Junior Motorsports he’s driving everything kid drives

TransAm trucks Bush cars I say Bush still but uh you know you get it he drives a lot of stuff he’s going to run the cars tour he’s driving super late models and all kinds of things ARCA and so he’s doing it all and what is 17 still yep

So it’s insane this kid this kid has the runway to become a multitime Nascar Cup champion the runway is right there in front of him not many people are getting all of these type all this experience at this age right if everything goes well and he keeps his head on

Straight massive success and and and potential ahead but he comes into this truck race does really well in qualifying they interview Kyle arson oh man it’s going to destroy the field nothing happens somebody don’t run through him he’s killing them and he goes out there in the first corner and

Misses turn one right I as soon as it happens I’m like all right you know doesn’t did he he didn’t he over he overestimated the level of grip in the breaking Zone there coming up the hill okay um he kept coming back and kept having more and more mistakes had to

Change the sway bar really lap two goes one he had the flat drug the sway bar arm off and probably had to come in and change the tire if not change the sway bar that’s pretty remarkable and only lost one lap too which well it yeah C is a long

Racetrack he gets the free pass he spins in turn 12 after getting did he get turned around by Tyler he got dumped he got Dum he got dump so not a up on his part right um and and the sway bar on arm you know hey

He he he slides the tire that’s the mistake in lap one lap two the sway bar that’s just a a repercussion from the flat tire all right he gets a pass through pass through penalty for cutting turn four which everyone else did so I can’t can’t give him a hard time for that

Passes the 98 for second and make contact with him and then he has a tire rub right lap 29 pass through penalty for cutting the course in turn three when he was in fourth place on lap 35 and ended up after all that finishing fourth passing 54 trucks 57 57 sorry and so

Um when when you look at that what what do you see do you see somebody who’s uh I’m I’m on the fence about you know how hard to be on him about all of those mistakes right we had a phone call the other day me and you um Andrew and I

Was like you know it just seemed like he was just kept screwing up over and over and over but when you look at the list of things it’s like well racing related racing related only there was only one real one thing that kind of screwed him up and that was the

Term one mistake that hurt yeah happened yeah yeah happens to the best of us um so I guess I I’m I’m going to chill out you’re going to change your mind yeah changeing my mind so is it an impressive drive then all that and finishing fourth he’s impressive his speed especially on road

Courses the jury is out on his abilities and Talent on ovals look Connor has had success on noals it’s not like we don’t know he can’t race an oval um but when I think his you know his experience on road courses and all the types of

Things that he’s been doing at a young age obviously is going to serve him well when he runs these races um the remainder of the year but when he goes to you know when he kind of gets thrown into the muck of a of a of a Infinity

Race at J right right yeah he’s going to normalize a little bit um but dude could come out there and kick everybody’s ass I think he’ll be in good stuff um he’s gonna drive our I mentioned it he’s gonna drive our stuff this year Connor zillich man he’s like it’s Conor

Zillich is like that Comet that is out in at the edge of the solar system that’s supposed to come by Earth right in a few years we know when it’s coming and we’re all going to be standing outside looking in the sky waiting on it that that’s Conor zillich in my mind

Could be his nickname yeah the comet the comet I like Conor the comet that’s that’s pretty good yeah hey I I just feel like that if everything goes right this kid we’re g to be talking about him talking about him a lot this year and Beyond um Marco and

Drey had the entire rear axle come out of his car czy yeah we saw some photos clean break right in front of the uh right behind the spring buckets right in front of the the ubolt mounts where where the housing kind of clamps to the trailing

Arms a clean break when I see this two things come to mind there either there’s some trickery so they’re doing something to the trailing arms or the rear something back there to try to improve forward drive or he will hop the crap out of this car or truck right

So call I called into Nascar yesterday and talked to a few people and there seems to be from what you know from at this point yesterday there was no trickery like looking at it it’s like it looks all straight everything’s bolted in there right everything’s tight um and

Apparently there was a failure of the track bar mount first like a h on the track bar or something broke first there was some people that saw the rear end moving back and forth before it actually comes out of the truck and so who knows the Train the chain of

Events that happen you know maybe the drive shaft maybe the trailing arms are moving back and forth so much it it you know breaks the Yol of the drive shaft or something like that the drive shaft comes comes out hits the ground and and Pull and twist the rear end and who

Knows right but this thing went through forces that we’ve hard we never see we’ve never see trailing arms dual trailing arms breaking half and the whole rearin that rearin housing whatever went on there it went through some forces that our cars never see and so um you know unless they’re flipping

Down the damn front straightaway at Daytona or something like that they just driving around on four tires we’ve never seen rip the rear end out straight out of the straight out of a car or truck the I was um I was testing one time my very first time at Watkins Glenn in

1998 getting ready for the exfinity race in the AC doco car and I’m coming down into the breaking zone of turn six and um it’s a left-hander right before the final turn coming on the front straightway we C it turn six back then but I don’t know what they 10 or 11 now

But um I will hopped really really bad so I got so will hopping happens when you try to get downshift into gear too soon and you’re using engine braking so the revs of the motor so you get into the downshift and it goes and you’re getting too much engine braking instead

Of using the actual brakes and the brake pedal to slow the car down so I get into downshift into third or second too quickly and it’s the revs are too much for the speed that the car is going and it starts hopping the rear tires they literally start hopping

Down the racetrack and it can bounce like very violently like a basketball so I will hopped it real bad I think I knocked it out of gear with with my hand that stops the wheel hop uh come on Coast in and get into the garage

And the guys are looking under the car I get out and they’re like man you’ve done something there’s grease pouring out of the rear end of the car and so what I had done is was a 9 in uh Ford rear end which is the same thing they run these

Days and the the gear for the engine for the the gear for the rear end bolts into the front it’s a front loaded 9in forward rear end and when I will hopped it it took that gear in the rear end housing and and twisted it back and

Forth like this and pulled the rear end gear off of the rear end housing stripped and and bowed and flexed and bent all of the bolts that hold that gear on and so the gear separated from the rearin housing and the grease just dumped out and so if

That can happen on a on a will hop um I it I think it I think at Homestead in 1999 we won the championship but we broke in the race so we’re running top five in the race come to Pit Road to try to make a

Pit stop and will hopped on the Pit Road and broke the rear end dang um broke something in the drive line doing it that way but that’s when I see that happen uh in that truck race that’s the only thing I can think of is Marco is downshifting and using the engine

Braking probably downshifting too hurly and will hopping a lot uh and maybe did some things in practice also that created some damage you know that sort of continued to to to worsen as he went on into the race I don’t know I mean he he may call me call

Me or text me and go and we’ll hop the damn thing but I don’t believe it there’s no way that rear end that come out of there if there’s no trickery it had to been like some pretty severe wheel hop somewhere you have them long long straightaways and he gets that

Thing will hopping and it can’t stop and he don’t knock it out of gear and it’s will hoop in like you know football two football fields you’re gonna break some yeah um anyhow that was just crazy NASCAR’s saying they’re going to call me back if they learn

Anything about that they don’t want that to ever happen again um but let’s move on to the Infinity race uh one shout out for the Infinity race before we get down deep into it I want to I want to give Austin Green um props for a great result in his first Infinity

Race this is David Green’s son I know that uh um I know Mark David and Jeff Green really well great friends with all of them they want you know David want so badly for Austin to get an opportunity to be a racer I think if you’re a Nascar

Fan you have to love this story about Austin and carrying on you know the tradition of their family and um so congratulations to Austin Green on his first top 10 finish uh Seventh Place um everybody saw uh Parker clingerman and Sage carum getting into it on Pit Road

After the race the ECR guy yeah I age with the way come on man that was so weird yeah and he kept moving back and forth like like he’s like what are you doing let him talk they were just talking yeah I don’t get that until it

You know he he started that before he even really kind of got a chance to gauge whether whether um uh Sage was going to be physical just weird like he’s been waiting for that moment yeah I mean look props to him for trying to keep it all civil but they were just

Going to talk I don’t see why you had to get in the way and listen if it if they end up like the guy’s in his way and the sayage is just like trying to talk to like Parker I can’t see around this big jug that’s probably why they were

Yelling I can’t see around this big Jug Head in front of me can can we have a conversation and he kepts moving and the guy’s like dancing with him that was annoying m all right ECR guy hey I mean at least turn around and and look at Sage and be

Like you know let’s keep it civil right right right and um but dang is that just a crew member’s duty to protect their driver like because I feel like you see that a lot of other instances where these crew guys just I me I don’t want

Sage to I don’t I mean I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not hoping sage just walks up and and and knocks Parker across the chin I’m not that’s not what I’m if Sage wanted to do that I would certainly want somebody to step in and and and and stop

It right but that was uh s you know Sage is just like hey and the guy’s like and he’s got his back to him like it’s just a it’s just a weird thing kind of looked weird to me yeah um Austin Hill so Austin Hill listen

First off I got to give the guy some credit you know he’s sitting there with a chance to win this race uh against s SVG and drove a great Race Austin Hill is good talented yeah you know he’s won a lot of super speedway races and when you do that as I

Should know you get you know um stereotyped it’s all you can do that’s all you’re good at right but he’s good he can he can drive and be fast anywhere and he’s his racecraft is actually in what when I say is race caft I want to

Be careful his ability to start the race keep himself out of trouble and net the best result possible is really really good way better than some other people in the series way better than a lot of people in the series all right he does does that as well as anyone in some

Cases but there’s you know he does drive into the back of people and that’s okay if you if he’s my driver and you know he’s shoving people through corners I’m like yeah get it and he but he’s getting results too so it’s like yeah you know but when it happens

To him he seems to have an IT little he’s a little he seems to have he doesn’t like it no yeah do not like it definitely not he not like his own medicine yeah he didn’t um that’s something I think he needs to work on is look man I everybody is happy

About SVG coming in here and racing and everybody expects him to be a contender in that race in the exfinity car at a road course like Kota especially and and he’s a V8 Supercar racer they’re aggressive Australians and new zealanders by Nature are are aggressive Racers I think in my I might

Be I might have that wrong but I think look man he he he gave it as good as he got it SVG gets out and he’s like that’s fun yeah we’re good it’s you know I’m learning this is a new style for me new discipline I’m getting it but yeah I’m

All good right that’s how like he Austin should have got out went I’m you know disappointed but hell of the race great beating up beating and banging with that guy right not you know not uh frustrated about it right right and it’s for the win too

It’s like yeah like what do you expect I’m watching a replay of this now like Austin Hill shoved SVG so far into turn one and just like took the lead and then SVG quickly forgot about that yes right and closer to the start Finish Line more

Turns later SVG does the same thing to him and all of a sudden that’s not okay nobody gets got wrecked no actually Austin Hill ended up technically finishing better than SVG yeah because SVG gets got the penalty yeah the penalty yeah uh yeah um yeah I I I think you know Austin

Hill I wish Austin Hill would get out and say that’s some damn good racing Austin Hill has he’s a big boy he’s aggressive on the racetrack he drives for RCR there’s all these ingredients to be you know the the be the man you know and and like and sort

Of be imposing and and and gain fans from his you know his work on the track and his attitude about racing in general right and I think you know he’s on the radio saying there’s a bunch of uh the colleague were a bunch of wussies or whatever what I don’t know

What was the exact quote uh well he had a quote where it said uh he didn’t even give me a chance to make the corner so frustrating which I mean you could think that was s the same thing about Austin Hill tell you right now bum when if you

If if you’re within reach in the last couple of Corners atota yeah know you’re not getting a chance to make the corner you’re not no no no matter what series no matter what you’re racing unless you want to run you know indie car or F1 where you can’t touch um yeah you’re not

You’re not going to get a chance the quote you were looking for is he said it’s a bunch of sissies over there okay so you know that don’t don’t do that right right just get out and go good hard racing man you know I lost I’m

Pissed but good damn stuff you know hell that was good racing is a rivalry good though you know if this oh SVG and all rivalries all rivalries are great but I wonder you know for Austin I I just feel like there’s a better Avenue for him in

Terms of helping his own perception and and and helping his own uh how people see him right Right image image do you think that this is an Austin Hill thing or do you think this is a general sentiment towards SVG after his one at Chicago I don’t think that’s nothing I

Don’t feel I don’t know I mean I’m not like we can’t let this happen again yeah it’s like everybody’s kind of out to make sure that this guy doesn’t come in and embarrass us again right I don’t think so so all right look at here’s a great example just and then because kind

Of similar scenario um Watkins Glenn best best finish at Watkins Glenn that you can think of it’s the Kowski Ambrose how did those two guys get out and react to how physical that was it was great racing didn’t Brad get out and go ah give him

Everything I had yeah and man did they not drive each other into the corners shoving each other through the final Corners as hard as they could yeah that’s the way you do it okay yeah right you’re right that’s how you get out and go look I mean even when it sucks when

You’ve when you’re on the wrong into that or the guy gets the best of you especially if you don’t like the guy man I mean if I’m racing you know 2008 KY bus into those final corners and he beats me I’m I’m going to get out and

It’s going to be hard for me to complement the moment but you you kind of gota see it for what it is and that was awesome right do is it more do you have more of a right to be upset when neither of them won because ultimately

They’re Racing for the win and Larson wins well I I could see Larson was going to win that race when they took the white flag you see how fast he was coming yeah he had the fresher tires he runs right up on him in the s’s he still

Had and they were definitely so there was I knew Larson was going to win I got a text message I sent to my friends with like two laps to go Larson because everybody was like oh is he gonna catch him is this svg’s got to catch him he’s

Got to catch him oh he’s gonna you know once they come through turn one it’s like svg’s got to put a hell of a lap together to be able to win this thing I’m like he ain’t neither one of them winning cuz as soon as so Larson’s

Catching them quick as soon as SV G and and he’ll get Within Reach of each other they’re going to get physical and again start missing corners and they did they missed the last Corner yeah they missed the last couple corners and and Lon goes right by and he’s no big

Deal great strategy um it was nice to see tires matter would you say anytime tires matter it’s nice so congratulations to uh to Rick and and every body putting that 17 out there he wanted that number to win badly wanted that scheme and that number to win badly and it finally got

It done uh Greg IES my my my buddy and old crew chief made the call that was the right winning call so good job by all those um you want to move on to the Cup race we can move on all right Christopher Bell’s 150th start congrats

To him man can you believe that that is awesome my goodness that is fantastic news and uh I want to make I don’t know if it is actually but William Byron 78th start let’s congratulate wow saying beable that’s a big number we’re talking about this on episode 526 fantastic yeah that’s a milestone

Love that 526 I it made me it made NASCAR put a tweet out congratulating Christopher Bell on his 150th start I wonder you know I didn’t do this homework but I wonder what other drivers made 150 starts didn’t get a NASCAR tweet oh maybe they’re making up

For it cuz Netflix you know oh oh yeah yeah they’re oh I see your point so they’re kindy to butter him up a little bit they feel bad you’re not being overlooked look we tweeted about your 150th start we tweeted about your 50th start um yeah yeah I you know I look at

The you know what I did immediately since I’m pissed off grumpy old man that’s right I went to the alltime starts and so Richard Petty has 1,186 something like that Sho that’s a number yeah he has a thousand more starts that’s crazy and Richard Petty is so 1100 is

Like Beyond Elite yeah right then you have you know Ricky rud Terry Leon I’m not naming this in perfect order but you have all these other drivers that are like 700 800 900 00 um I’m somewhere in the 600s I think um or maybe the 500s but I think look

Man I we talk about it on this show1 for 6:31 we talk about it on this show um we’ve talked about it before and maybe nobody gives a but I get a little like who like okay 150 it’s not like a it’s not treat it’s not tweet worthy no it’s not

That is not social media content like 400 maybe because you’re getting close to I think once you Crest 500 yeah now you’ve done it right you’re in that club and so I mean do you guys I agree when you hear 150 what do you think I

Mean do you go wow neat okay thanks for sharing that information do you really do you really think that’s good information I I don’t really pay much attention to it yeah hey this you don’t but what if it was like you know what it so where wherever Denny is he’s got

Quite a few right so maybe Denny gets to a milestone that’s like 550 600 630 so it’s at 6:30 so through 6 oh wait no sorry that’s that he’s got more than that because that’s this this is an old so if he’s so if he’s let’s just assume he’s below 650

And he gets to 650 right that’s the tweet no no I think you I think there’s certain Milestones it’s like a hundred so you’re okay for for yourself yeah yeah and then like 500 the team can post like 500 whatever after that once I think it’s then when do you think

There’s when do you think NASCAR steps in to share this I think it’s when you someone important on the list right like oh he’s eclipsed Jeff Gordon now for how many star or you know something like that I think the number doesn’t matter to me okay I don’t come in here and go

It’s my 384th day of work well you know what I mean I think you know the the they’re I just I I I struggle with this one cuz I feel like that you know don’t tell me about 100 200 150 300 don’t tell me right I don’t you’re just in your

Career you’re just going just go it’s not don’t freaking bring it up right 150 starts is about four seasons of cup R imagine like them posting an NFL player congrats on your fourth n season yes that is that is ridiculous that’s my point that’s my point so like all right

You know let’s let’s just go down the road you bring this up you know yeah right it’s a nothing Burger but I think it is and so when they’re but I but when do you think it should matter I think 500 500 yeah I think 400’s pretty good

Number okay 400 starts is when maybe the social media machines should start cranking tweets all right all right yeah let’s get everybody bring down 100 let’s get everybody involved driver tweets team tweets NASCAR tweets right around 400 you get a celebration on road yeah Pace the field race yeah that’s right

Everybody cheers that’s kind of what that felt like a little bit right yeah yeah 150 starts yeah yeah it’s Christoper Bell day everybody uh is he going to give the command from from the exactly he’s announced last in driver intros yes William Byron actually has 222 starts to that clear so I wouldn’t

Have guessed he had Christopher might be the first driver to win on his 222nd start all right so let’s get into the race we haven’t even talked about the race so um so during the uh we talked about track limits last week I told y’all to enjoy those uh the exfinity and

The series gave us 37 penalties of the you know that we know of right there were probably at least 50 uh track limit violations 50 uh would be a round round number that I feel good about uh the the the Cup race did not have I don’t think Cup race

Had quite as many of those I felt that that was probably going to be the case because the cars the car is easier to control I don’t want to say it’s easier to drive because nothing at the limit is easy but it’s just more it’s better suited and Better wellb Built for left

And right turns right where the truck and the Infinity car even Byron gets out after qualifying goes man that thing’s a handful no grip and so you know you get in a cup car and and they just better at not making those mistakes and so we didn’t see quite as

Many issues with that um but we didn’t see yellows either you know we saw we had the stage cautions that are uh sort of the uh not the they’re not fake yellows but they’re they’re they’re not the natural not the natural yes and so uh they’re they’re fabricated yellows whatever you

I don’t know what you call them but uh anyways um I had a conversation with somebody in the industry about you know why didn’t NASCAR throw yellows they had debris all over turn eight right turn Eight’s the turn where they cut right I think and

So that I got a picture of that and I sent that to Andrew it was covered in in obviously covered in dirt from the inside of the curbing but also little rocks covered that corner and when I saw that picture I thought I think that’s reason enough to throw a yellow maybe

Not like inside 10 laps to go you let it play out but I think if you’re sitting there with that kind of track conditions you could have thrown a yellow with 20 to go and said we really need to clean this up yeah this has gotten out of hand

It almost didn’t even look like track no it looked like a sand trap almost so there you know all of the spins the solo spins and all that stuff going on that’s no reason to throw a yellow on a big track like that unless a car stalls get

Stuck or whatever but I think the the corner you could argue that the the situation on the track the surface of the RAC trck in turn 8 was was maybe reason enough to say all right with with 20 to go or 15 to go still a long ways

In that race we might could get a yellow to clean this up otherwise man I mean if the Y if there’s no reason to throw a yellow don’t throw it um I saw this really interesting stat on social media um somebody did a little homework

That was really really cool I wish I had this to show it to you guys but in all of NASCAR history up until around 2000 just some roughly 2000 2004 Nascar had an average of let’s just say 1 and a half debris cautions a race right for 30

Years that was the average and right around 2000 to 2004 from that moment up until stage cautions the number of debris yellows jumped by two per race and I mean we were talking about I was talking about this in my driving career in the 2000s and 2010s about these debris yellows and

They were a horse right they would have a caution and wouldn’t even you know the network wouldn’t even be able to show you anything on the racetrack because it didn’t exist Phantom yeah the pH Phantom yellows right they were real they not they weren’t real yellows but the

Phantom yellows were did did exist because there was a chunk of time from for about 15 years where the yellow flags for debris just inexplicably jumped by two per race from a 30-year history and then as soon as stage cautions came back that number of debris yellows reset back to the

Norm how about that think you’re on to something Dil there’s going to be a redit threat about this in a few days someone’s going to investigate this SE I saw something on social media and man maybe I even saved the damn picture of it but uh I

Was so like holy sh there it is um ah I’m not I’m going to waste our time looking for it but it’s uh it’s pretty cool and I was like yes there’s the proof uh but look I I I like the race playing out if it if it’s if it’s an authentic ass

Kicking and there’s no reason to throw a yellow let’s not let’s not turn it into a an entertainment show right let’s not manufacture anything but um right before this race this is when I had my hot take that that might have been a bit sideways I said after the xinity race I

Was disappointed with the Infinity race I didn’t enjoy it now the beating and banging on the last lap that’s great right I enjoyed that moment but that doesn’t make a good race to me right and so you know a good finish doesn’t mean it was a great

Race three of my cars got black flagged for course course cutting I was disappointed we didn’t get the 4 for four but the eight car Sammy he had other issues so it was just a rough day across the board for Junior Motorsports that played a role in probably my

Feelings about enjoying the race but you know we had a lot of guys that I saw cutting the course that didn’t get penalized and a lot of people that um that you know it was just frustrating to watch and it and I’m like I’m getting more and more angry about the design of

The course never in one never at one point in the weekend was I frustrated with NASCAR and their rulings or their decision- making it’s impossible to get that perfect uh you can’t there’s cars going through there side by side you’re like well I can’t penalize a guy even

Though it looked like he probably was on the inside of the curb I couldn’t see it because he’s there’s another car between us so I mean you can’t perfectly you know you can’t perfectly govern this but um I want to talk about this some more

Byron is called in we can ask him about this ourselves what is the answer going forward um we can even cover my hot take that went South let’s get him on the phone hey William hey how’s it going buddy got me yeah I do sound great

You’re at the you’re at the office I am I am I’m I’m at hendri right now what you got today um I’ve got a couple interviews and then we do our Sim uh for Texas actually and then um and then we’ll talk about Richmond afterwards with uh Rudy and the engineers

So couple hour meeting you’re gonna ring the bail today uh not today I think it’s scheduled for like two weeks from now so we got a little bit of time gotta man that’s always fun going around the they got this Bell we do it here at Junior Motorsports we stole the idea from

Hendrick Victory bail you take it all the way around the whole property everybody gets to ring the hell out of this thing um it’s a lot of fun man hey I wanted to talk to you we were just talking about Kota track limits I got so frustrated uh at the track limits during

The Infinity race I thought we should never go back to Kota um but and I didn’t think it would be an issue in the Cup race and you talked about how the cars are just um more the cars are more reliable but also the cars purpose built

To be able to turn left and right and it probably goes around that racetrack better or easier than a than a than a than a bush car so you’re less mistake prone um and I talked to Kevin Harvick a little bit this morning about this as

Well what is the answer what is the answer we want to we don’t want NASCAR in the officiating of track limits we don’t want to be RAC trck where we even have to say the word so what do you think is the answer to this you know

Have you had a chance to talk about that does it even matter I mean you won the race sometimes when I W a race I could care less what everybody else’s problems are yeah I mean so I I agree on that a lot of times you know you win and your

Your judgment’s a little uh different but I do feel like so during the race for me like I hated the track limits because as the leader I felt like I was at a disadvantage like if I’m if I want to be aggressive with my line and make

Time if I’m in second or third like I’m going to push that stuff a lot more so I I hate that that’s the case because I feel like as a leader you’re in a spot where you don’t really want to make that mistake and um you don’t know I guess

How aggressive they’re going to be in calling it so um I just feel like they they’ve got a limit they’ve got to protect us from ourselves basically and put some curbing in that that we can you know that is a clear line that we’re going to damage our car or go over it

And mess up our race and so I just think that’s the only way with big heavy stock cars that you’re going to protect us because we’re we’re going to use all the track and and the only limit to that is is walls or curbs that are going to

Damage the car so I talked to Kevin a little bit and he said that they have all types different types sizes and Heights of curbs the turtles that a lot of people like to call them and they have them at that facility that they do install different curbing around that

Racetrack for different series to race and so there may be I think the perfect world would be to find some type of a a curbing that would not hurt would not hurt your car but it would just be a slower line to to to use it right you

Wouldn’t want to use it because you just go slower through the segment of the of the course um so maybe there’s an answer there we always think you know it’s it’s you know a lot of people and and myself included we get trapped into thinking no

Curbs or or or full blue turtles right that’s the only options well there’s some Middle midle Ground there on on the severity of the curb that would be enough of a deterrent but there’s also the the mouthpieces and and they’ve seen a lot of great data in the last couple

Of years of what you guys go through so much so that they’re cutting curbs like at the entrance to the bus stop at Watkins Glenn actually shave that down because they learned that it was so severe for you guys to have to go through that I mean yeah is it is it is

That a concern not so much you know you worry about the car but also the drivers as well what what is it like for the driver to go over those curbs for sure like Watkins Glenn in uh 2022 when the car was was new you know we we all try

To get as close you know get our cars as low as possible and with that you’ve got the pucks on the bottom of the car so um you the first few times I uh I actually ran double duty in 2022 so I ran Xfinity and cup at Watkins Glenn and I ran the

Xfinity car and I was like man the ride quality is not too bad you know it feels it’s rough through the bus stop but it’s okay I got in the cup car to practice and no joke no joke like the first run I hit the curb and I like my head hurt and

I was like damn like that hurt like I need a minute and so it just I think that is a little bit you know that’s what we’re up against with this car it’s pretty rigid but um it’s gotten a lot better as we’ve improved the ride quality and the shocks and springs but

Um yeah that first time 2022 I remember hitting the curb and feeling like I needed to take a breather yeah they’ve they trimmed a curb down on the entrance to the bus stop and and I actually got to go see it uh and saw some pictures as

Well and you guys are going to be right up against that barrier heading into that corner it’s going to be awesome but a little bit better entry the next gen car man you you have won more races in this car than any other driver um when

You hear about your success in the last couple of years um are you what’s the s what’s the emotion are you relieved that things are finally clicking are you still does it still feel like a dream to you to even be here um you know kind of what’s the

What’s the driving emotion I mean you’re in my mind you’re easily going to win 30 races or more in your career I could be looking at a guy that wins 50 60 maybe even more than that you know if you’re on you’re so young so driven so focused

If you stay the course the success should be pretty linear and so have you even had your a CH a chance to think about that um how your career is shaping up yeah I mean I think it’s it took me a while to kind of crack the code and

Understand what it takes on a weekly basis to be competitive and I feel I feel like part of that came from just maturity in the race car racecraft like mindset like all those things had to click and then I had to get the right people around that that also could that

I could be honest with and give them the feedback and and they would understand what to give me in the car and so that all those things kind of coincided around a couple years I’d say 2021 when we start going on a string of top 10 and you know very consistent performance um

And then yeah I think um I mean to answer your question about like my career I think honestly it’s just it’s really up to me and how hard I want to work and how much you know desire I have to to succeed and so if um if my love

For racing continues at this level I feel like I can be competitive week in and week out so it’s just trying to manage the distractions so that I can um Love what I do because I truly love competing and racing and um I love the

Challenges and I just try to uh I try to approach every week with a similar process and knowing that that process now is effective do you ever have guys um young guys coming into the truck series or or the expended series asked you for advice

Yet um not as much as you would think I mean I think whether they’re afraid to or whether they just don’t really know me I mean I’m probably not super approachable I’m pretty quiet and in reserve so um Raj and I have gotten to know each other and

He’s probably been the the biggest one that’s come up to me in passing in the garage and just share notes about the racetrack and things like that and I have a few buddies you know stepan is is kind of working his way through the the

Truck series so I try to I I try to help as much as I can and just and we give feedback to each other like he he told me the Break marker for turn one for the for the initial start so I I was

Like dude where am I going to break so I think just um I’ve got certain buddies you know that have we’ve been you know buddies since I started racing and um and then yeah some of the younger guys might ask questions here there yeah I think that you you talk

About you talk about cracking the code and and sort of understanding the effort that needs to be put into this and and where you need to put your focuses to be able to improve and get get good at this I think you would be the perfect guy to

Go to because all that’s so fresh you know You’ you just literally done this in the last couple years um you know for a con zillich or some like that I would definitely be seeking you out to find out what’s worked and what hasn’t so um

You talked about your love for racing we know that you love to race uh at the Grassroots level it seems to it seems that you kind of pick your spots um where are you with that any more races in the future any races this year um

Yeah what’s going on yeah I mean I I would love to I think um as I get in the Rhythm for the season I I wanted to be a little more strategic about it this year not not planed so far ahead because I felt like last year last year a couple

Things happened I moved into a house and I uh was you know personally just trying to get kind of my life sorted out and I felt like it was stressful to go and plan a 10 race or 15 race schedule before I really knew um and I I ended up

Being way overwhelmed in the summertime and had a bit of a slump so um I just feel like I want to organically kind of plan those races but I would love to I love those cars like Chase talked about I feel like the super late model

Translates a lot to The Cup car and uh there’s a ton of good racetracks that you can go to so uh there’s a couple good races in May uh that we’re working on putting some stuff together and hopefully do some stuff over the summer man that’s great to hear about how the

Nextg car can compare and translate to the super because you felt like at least I felt like are worried that with the way the the nextg cars built the components and everything that it was spacing itself further from anything else that runs on ovals in this country

So it’s good to hear there’s some correlation there to encourage uh cup guys to to get down in those cars and go compete um yeah the racking the racking pinion I think made that uh the steering that was a huge like when I and that might have been why the next genin has

Helped me cu did grow up doing the super late models um towards the end going in the truck series and I feel like that was similar right away so we uh me and you have talked about um uh the Titanic you built uh we talked about Legos I got

My Titanic in the mail from eBay I have not started uh i’ I’ve got a I know that I need a dedicated place you said it’d take weeks even if I was you know and I don’t have you know I probably don’t have the time to dedicate to it it’s

Probably going to take me a longer period of time to do this so I have a dedicated spot in my house but all of this talk and everything you did with the nflix um sort of started the rumor of a possible relationship with Lego uh is that something you’re hoping for is

It something that’s in the works man your guess is as good as mine I hope so um I hope so for sure I I definitely have a few uh sets I’m going to build here soon I got the Mercedes F1 car that I’m going to build and uh and

So yeah I mean we’re just going to keep it going it’s natural for me it’s something I enjoy U I would love to have them as a partner because I I feel like it would be uh it’d be one of the one of the few partners that is really

Applicable to my everyday life so that would be cool between um one last question man you you’re one of the drivers that like myself and a few other of the younger drivers really I think um I think you can you I think you look at

The SIM for NASCAR as as a tool uh that’s useful I’m curious as to how much um having been a fan of of racing simulations and iRacing over the years I’m curious as to how much you still use the manufactur Sim how much how much of

That is still part of your your week your your month how much are how much would you factor in percentage wise you’re trusting that s trusting the information you’re getting from it yeah I mean we’ve got unlimited information you know especially with being you know Hendrick Motorsports and Chevy and

Everything so I can use it as much as I want to but we have to be careful of what what we Cho pick and shoes to to use so um you know even though you have all this information you can’t you got to decipher what is actually uh valuable

So yeah I mean we use it for certain tracks more than others i’ would say we’re we’re in there the most like for mile and a half tracks and um for some of the new tracks and then there’s some places like the road courses we don’t we

Don’t use it much because um we have a good notebook so just it just varies but just because it’s there doesn’t mean it’s always you know what you use 100% but um we definitely do yeah all right man well I appreciate you giving us some time congratulations on your win

Congratulations on all the success that you had over the last several years um you’re making another run a opportunity to win a championship which I think you’re going to win one of these days uh William Byron on theale junr download thank you buddy thanks man all right go

On uh pretty interesting uh I you know I talked to Kevin this morning right before we started recording and he told me he’s like um at that racetrack aota they have like all these um curvings in stored to use when different series come to that racetrack and he’s like it’s not just there’s

There’s different levels different heights and so maybe you know there is this perfect curbing that doesn’t destroy the the race car but is slower if you use it right if you if you get if you go over it it upsets the car enough that you you’d rather not do that um and

CH and William even talked about this you know the roughness of the car so you would then therefore maybe want to avoid it because of how uncomfortable that might be right um but I went on Twitter and said the exfinity series should be running the spring Bristol which I still

Think that should they should not skip Bristol any chance they get to go there I wanted to run that race this year instead of the night race I wanted to run the first Bristol race and get my xinity race done um but I definitely wanted to go back to Bristol but I gotta

Wait till the back half of the year and then I’m TR my hope one day is that wilksboro gets a points race um they ran the trucks there last year they’re going to run them there again I’d love for the wilbor to have an expend race in points and possibly a cup

Race one day in points um I’m still of the mind that wilbo’s not all the way there yet it’s back it’s an All-Star Race but n we want more what does it need a points race yeah okay so when it gets that I’ll be like all right I can finally relax right

The the the climb up you know is is over so you know I I I and I don’t mean I guess it I don’t want all of that to happen at the expense of Austin Texas right at the expensive Kota but man you know we’ve got to do something different and I and

I talked to NASCAR a little bit when I called him about the uh rearing housing coming out of that truck they told me that they won’t go back there the same whether that means different or better more efficient officiating because there is some technology and there’s some there’s

Some the the officiating for the course cutting isn’t all judgment it isn’t all well did we see it or not there is some you know there is some technical and and real you know you know they have this um system that they use for Pit Road right

And it’s it’s a camera system that’s triggered by a car you know a tire rolling away or a car being out of the box no one even has to watch it a human doesn’t even need to watch it now there’s there there there are people

That watch it to to sort of back up the system but the system runs itself and penalizes teams based on that information that it gets and they have those same systems governing some of the corner corners of this racetrack at Kota right and so if we can improve that to

Where and if NASCAR could share openly that hey we have a we have a computer system cameras and all these things that are going to govern this we’re not just up there doing you know balls and Strikes because that’s kind of how it feels right MH I think if mentally I can get

Somewhere where I’m like all right man it’s a system it’s a computer system I’m not going to argue that right now I can argue if it’s a human being that’s missing some and catching some others but so there’s the possibility that the the process of governing the track

Limits gets better technology wise but also Harvick told me that there’s these varying Heights of curbs that could be put in place that maybe don’t you know destroy the car but but do it’s enough of a deterrent right that that a guy would want to avoid them or or it

Would obviously you know they may still use them but they’d never go all the way to the inside right um and so maybe there’s a combination of a lot of things that and and I think NASCAR is definitely going to make these adjustments they they they will not go

Back to Kota without some sort of attempt at a solution which I think is a good thing and you kind of talked about like that curbing DBC brought up that like they want to see The Return of turtles to like eliminate that invisible track limit so and Byron even mentioned it too

Like if we could take it out of the driver’s hands and it’s just part of the part of the course and it doesn’t have to be these giant blue things like at the like like at the roal it doesn’t that there’s other you know there’s other styles and Heights and varying

Degrees of of severity so maybe there’s some Middle Ground there um that can we don’t want to tear the race car up right but we definitely want to try to figure out how to get these drivers to race on the track um The Denny had a take

On on uh his show he basically said that there should be a common sense rule that like on a restart let things out you can’t do that all right it’ll be chaos yeah like everybody will be all over the damn track like they’ll be way off right

You know yeah and so then you’re going to have to go well that was too severe now we’re back to how far how far too far now the box is big for a lap and then gets a little small I mean no come on Denny yeah Denny Denny didn’t have a

Lot of time to think about that one I’ll give him that I blame the people who gave him the uh the platform to say it that’s not me I’m just kidding um so anyways you you know I I don’t want Cota to go away I got a little

Flack for saying that on social media but I do I just badly want the wilksboro track to Ser survive another you know a couple decades and I guess in in my mind until it gets a points race at the cup level it’s to it’s not really achieve that that survivability that I’m

Looking for um but it even it I mean after the race Marcus Smith said it looks like there are already planning their return toota in 25 so nothing to worry about there and Marcus is the promoter not the owner of the facility but he does promote that

Race as does he as he promotes wilksboro I te I text him and I said man this is frustrating the track limits on Saturday during accend R I said this so frustrating right I said man we got to do something different and he’s he’s like yeah I’m a little frustrated with

It too he’s the promoter of the tracky he said uh I said they should go to wilksboro and I said it on Twitter but everybody disagreed so you know they’re loving it you know what you’re doing is you’re you know the fans are loving it

So um I’m sure he was happy to hear that but I think a lot of people it’s funny at the end of Infinity race everybody was in love with Kota and then some of those people fell off the wagon [Laughter] Sunday I just for me it seems like we’re

Just not racing at a track that’s I mean it’s not designed for NASCAR it’s designed for F1 but that’s still my biggest thing with Cotto is like this is an F1 track yeah that would be my uh that’d be my opinion too Andrew is I’m not I never was frustrated with NASCAR

The drivers are really anything other than the person that designed this racetrack uh it when you design a track that a that a series then has to create track limits for you didn’t you could have did it differently that you know a place a racetrack that has track limits

That’s a that’s a flaw in that specific area um the other side of that argument would be I think um you know there’s drivers that have raced in our series that have come from super cars they’ve came from indie car and they will say these NASCAR guys are the only

Ones that drive beyond the track limits right like this is they look they come into our series and go this is absurd you shouldn’t be allowed to go way offline at turn one at Watkins Glenn or out of the carousel what is that that’s absurd right we see it and we go that’s

Normal go wherever you want to go race wherever you want to race right but all the other basically every other Series in the country or in the world even looks at NASCAR and sees us running way offline and going what the hell is that that’s

BS you ever think about it like that I mean I I look I I don’t care I mean I’m okay with it I look at it the opposite way I watch race I’m like this is so stupid why are we yeah I don’t see the absurdity of us running way offline on

Certain corners and exits and stuff like that but when when you look at it from their point of view and you go all right every other Series in the country for the most part every all the top Series right indie car and F1 they see that and they go wow these guys

Are different I’m happy to be different yeah I guess so yeah I’m sure sure there’s scenarios in V8 Supercars indie car and F1 where they are offline right I would imagine yeah be hard too extreme as we are but um let’s see KY Bush Christopher Bell KY Bush went right after him man

Yeah and I didn’t realize how much taller Kyle is than Christopher yeah look like about a foot taller Christoper seemed like it yeah did you see Christopher Bell tried to like dap him up right afterwards nope yeah yeah he trying to go for like the shake hand oh yeah don’t go for that

Work I didn’t see that but that’s not not a good you’re not getting hand he didn’t read the situation so Kyle bus says he’s wrecked him three times at that race I think he was saying like twice and Jeff Glock and and Jordan were like saying

That he kind of mailed like that’s twice there won’t be a third oh that’s kind of what he was saying did he wreck him there last year is what they said so apparently this that’s twice in a row at at Kota and did he who said you got one coming it was a

Speculation basically of like he he might he might be you know Kyle Bush is known to return the favor so in our book it seems like yeah he’s gonna have one coming probably um Josh Barry wrecked Kobe ASI uh they were on the same strategy uh in stage

Two which suggests that you know there nobody was going to be short on Fiel we talked about this on our phone call right um I Barry had to pit one more time so really yeah so both of them did well so Barry pit he stayed out and

Collected stage points at the end of stage two pit during the stage two caution and along with a bunch of other guys on that strategy they all pit one more time before the race is over the reason why we’re wondering about that is because so all right so let’s just say

Josh dumped kobashi on purpose something happened the corner before or whatever and this this is not uncommon so I’ve been I’ve been in this for a long time and you get these ringers that come in and they race uh different they have different ideas on what a block is what

Fair is what clean is not good or bad just different they just have a different way of racing and they’re diff different methods from where they come from and so uh but sometimes they’ll do something and you’re like no not not doing that to me today and you know you just you you

Might dump them you know cuzz they’re in they’re in for a oneoff they’re not there all year you might not never race this guy again in your life and you’re frustrated with your day and getting frustrated by getting used up by a guy who doesn’t do this every week it’s like

No I’m not letting that happen and I’m I’m G show you why right and so the thing that makes it even you know I guess I guess I’m not you know not not too spun out over that no pun intended nice nice no nice I don’t know

I I I think it’s fine I either you know I kind of those guys are always going to get used up if they don’t SVG and go to the front of the field like he did at Chicago they are going to get used up by our cup regulars

CU you know and that was just the way it’s going to go that first race is going to be a tough one for anybody and that was at least last year I know he raced last year but but we had all those like oneoff ringers I think J Jensen

Button kobashi even Jordan Taylor filling in for Chase Elliott their biggest feedback was how aggressive drivers are in the Cup Series yeah I think if you come in to run a one off it’s going to be tough unless you can have so much speed that you’re right up

In that top three clear of clear of the mess right clear of the muck but if you’re struggling if you if you’re an expert like road racer and you come in and you’re whether whatever it is car whatever it is you’re struggling in your mid pack you’re going to get beat around

Pushed around it is going to be an experience that you’ve never had before um Tai Gibbs gets uh there I don’t know if it’s criticism it says here in the notes he get some criticism for not letting Bell go um people were asking if he had let Bell go his

Teammate could Bell have won the race there’s an argument to be said that you know should he have let Bell buy easier because Bell was going to close in on Byron and make a race for it um and who’s to say like I don’t think so I

Def I know so you shouldn’t you know I mean if Tai Gibbs decides to do that that’s on him right but no one should expect him to do that that that’s my kind of position on it um what if the Byron car breaks then t gives basically he let his

Teammate buy to and gave up the win right the the 24 could could break something could happen he get a flat he could get a course cutting penalty um you don’t know right so you can’t let your you’re even your teammate get by in that moment Bell is a win too

So it’s like that’s a great Point what does he need another one for I don’t have a win I’m going for my first career win oh yeah you know sure another great Point man you’re hot keep going good day uh uh Ty Gibbs he’s second the points I

Don’t know if he knew that yeah you’re on a row buddy I am I’m good this is my last show I’m going to end on high not people were mad at me because I didn’t let Jeff Gordon pass at Martinsville to get my first Martinsville win that you

Know that was going to affect him in the points for that year but man you gotta that’s just not the way it works um anyways uh we talked to the race winner uh William Byron he dominated the day sat on the pole and um let all let a lot of laps and

Um yeah that was the race Byron pretty much that you just described the race in about a sent y got out and one that was it so all right you know what so has there old man coming in to complain um has the we need like a sound design yeah

Alert we had the short you know short track package has been a you know the short track package has been debated and and and you know criticized for quite some time rad courses have have have suffered similarly and a lot of people look at the packages very

Similar okay the car the next gen car comes in it’s amazing at the mile and a halfs it’s it’s good um we saw some improvements we’ve seen improvements at the at the short tracks you know the Martinsville tire from at the end of the

At the end of end of the year last year was a good advance and um they’re working on the tires and and we saw Bristol was crazy a lot of people like that so we’ve seen some things moving some change in the short track side of things but not so much on the

Road course side of things right and so how far do we go down the road continuing to kind of see these very you know straightforward road course races that are pretty much all so similar um road courses used to be thrilling right even though I don’t love

Road road course racing I’m not I don’t I don’t tune in cause oh man it’s road course I can’t wait I’m not looking forward at the schedule and going next when’s the next road course you know um one was enough uh back when we just raced at Riverside in the 80s that was

Plenty uh you know but a lot of people love road course racing a lot of people love stock cars in our drive you know a lot of people are a lot of people that are in our fan base that’s an important part of the of

The season so how far do we go like how when do we start seeing some some maybe some tries some effort I guess in affecting how the product looks on those RAC tracks one thing is it needed I I I mean I think so I mean said

In his post-ra press conference that the cars are just so reliable and especially like you know these teams have learned the nextg car so that’s why we didn’t see that many cautions there seemed to be some sort of switch that was flipped cuz all of a sudden second half of the

Year the road course racing is like holy cow there’s a reason we added cautions you know to the r last year yeah we tried to figure out maybe just talking taking those yellows away would change it right we added them back quickly um and that’s fine um I I thought that

Would yeah that seemed like okay we’re going to we have a bore we I hate to say the word boring because we don’t even let our kids use that word I’m bored that’s a bad word um you know the races could the races left a lot to be desired and so they

Thought well let’s take the cautions out and see if that changes the way the races look right and it didn’t so we we add them back that’s fine but there’s two things I think that sit out there in front and I hate to I almost hate to keep bringing it up but

Horsepower right if the cars had just so much horsepower that they were hard to get around the track and easy to screw up what we need is screw-ups yeah and not just you know wrecks we need guys spinning their tires trying to get on the gas and not being able to and

Somebody being able to do it better we need guys sliding through corners uh missing apexes and all of those things and so horsepower would cause those things to happen and also or alternatively a narrow tire so less race less tire on the track so the car is built

Symmetrically so it should go around a road course really well and then we have this giant Tire on it a really really big tire a lot of tire on the racetrack a lot of surface uh and so it’s it drives really good right comparable to to some things that raced

There this past weekend like the trucks and Infinity Cars um so maybe NASCAR could have this big tire at some tracks where we don’t really need to make any changes and try to develop a wheel that has a smaller more narrow tread for road courses CU you

Know when I look at the uh went over to Australia to test a V8 Supercar V8 Supercar has got a ton of power and but it’s a road course car it’s got a lot of down force and it’s it’s going to handle and if you put a gigantic Tire on

That thing you’re GNA fly but they had these tires they used to be like from the Porsche career cup Tire um which was not enough Tire it’s not enough tire but that was good you could blow the tires off you could burn them up you could

Beat them up you could abuse them and they would not fail but they would not perform well and if youve slid them spun the rear tires or any of those things those tires they would give up quickly they would they would tap out and so

That’s kind of where we need to be with this car we need we need we know we got way too much Tire the tire is just too good too too good so we need the drivers to have you know to to go back to you know what we

Were saying after Bristol we need the drivers to have to to be careful not not abuse the tire not spin it not slide it and the ones that can’t do that can’t take care of it will be penalized by a drop in lap time and a lack of

Performance and a fail you know grip falling off and all of these things and they’re going to be like ah you know and so I think that’s where R course needs to go and I would love to see like Some some things coming together like we seen on the short track side to try to get the road course racing a little bit more Dynamic Dalton did you know that fast growing trees is the biggest online Nursery in the US with more than 10,000 different kinds of plants and over 2

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We’re having a lot of fun here in the Dell Jr uh into Dale junr download today in the Bojangle studio and um trying to get that out got to get my Xfinity read here um which I don’t even need this because I’m a customer right but this is

New so this year over the last several years we’ve been talking about xinity internet and I’ve been you know that’s been easy for me because I’ve been using it and it’s U but this year they want us to promote their um exfinity mobile it’s the fastest mobile service with 5G coverage

Millions of Wi-Fi hotspots you drive around all the time seeing those hotpots popping up on your phone um Nationwide coverage always going to come through in a clutch situation make the switch today you can save with Xfinity mobile Xfinity is a proud Premier partner of NASCAR we

All know that we’re very thankful for everything that they do um yeah so uh anyways thank them for supporting our uh ask Junior segment always a lot of fun we had a really good show I think uh you’ll be the judge coming up uh uh later today talking about trucks and

Exfinity Kota um I had an idea that uh the the Infinity Series should go to North wilbor instead of Kota I got trashed for that idea but that’s part of it man you’re going to throw some takes out there you’re not going to win every day but uh we got some questions uh

Coming up from Xfinity uh on on X or Twitter I’m getting there call Twitter all right and uh yeah let’s see what what you got today this has been a really good segment uh for the last several months so let’s keep going yes and this first question coming from Bill

On Twitter um sorry I just had to I’m I’m not changing the way I’m saying uh he said have you ever had any weird or crazy dreams about racing oh man um I was say I don’t I’m I’m the kind of person that doesn’t remember their dream

Often but there are nights when I wake up and I I realize that I was dreaming and I’ll will be able to recount whatever happened which is always fun I’m not sure I’d want to be a person that remembered every dream from every night right youd wake up every day going

Glad that wasn’t real or I wish that was real you know you’d have that sort of emotion too that’d be too much but I’ll tell you this man um just a about maybe it’s less often at least it has happened in a long time but I was dreaming about

Dad like at least like once a year and it would be um it wouldn’t be anything like wouldn’t like something significant happening we would just be in the same place and we might be you know at a racetrack or or around a race car and there would other people around and not

Anything of of note would happen we were just there right and uh I you know I I liked that I really did I felt like um you know when you lose a parent um and I’m I’m going to answer the question but when you lose a parent you never see them again they’re

Not here right you got that’s a real hard reality that you’re not ever going to walk into the room and they’ll be sitting there ever right so when they when they when you dream about them it’s sort of this little cheat code you know and it’s nothing that you can control

You can’t do it as often as you want and so it feels legitimate like when it happens you’re like man I really I really I wake up and I’m like man I dreamed about dad last night it was like an exciting thing right that you got to

See even if you didn’t talk or engage or communicate it’s just like getting to see them again and and you know how real you know real dreams can feel um so that’s kind of a kind of the same way it is with racing I don’t dream

About driving a car often but when it happens it’s like you wake up and you’re like and you when you wake up and you remember that you dreamed about racing you’re like damn I dreamed about a race last night I you know I still got the

Bug um you know so it’s just it’s just it’s it’s always good it’s never you never have any nightmares about racing you know dreams but um it doesn’t happen enough and uh but when it does happen you know I don’t my dreams aren’t I don’t know how most

People are but my dreams are like um short segments that are like from one thing to another Bam Bam Bam and then I wake up there’s no end there’s no there’s no solution no resolution there’s no Victory moment or nothing right it’s just I dreamed and I

Woke up in the middle of it you know every time and I’m like usually you’re like damn it I wish I could figure out what happened yeah what was the end and there’s a couple of times you ever woke up and you’re like try to go back to

Sleep so you can finish your dream 100% you ever do that like it it doesn’t work no it don’t no it’s terrible they say like you know if you think whatever you’re thinking about if you’re really thinking about pondering something really really hard and you fall asleep that tends to uh

That could encourage the dream to keep going to be about you know the dream to be about that thing right so you know because we do we we’ll we’ll worry right about something and then ultimately dream about it yeah like days later right um so sometimes this going to sound

Hilarious like sometimes I go to bed thinking about something I enjoy hoping to dream about it right so like I’m thinking about Sim racing or playing hell let loose or you know uh boy I wish I was a football player I’m dream me daydream about playing for Washington commanders see if that might

Be become a dream you know that I can yeah number cariously live out this reality in a dream is it weird am I weird your ideal dream is playing a video game one of them well I am enjoy I I will play video games and then I’ll get so tired that I

Got to go to bed but I don’t want to stop playing video games so I go to bed hoping to dream about playing the video that’s hilarious I just heard that come out of my mouth I’m like that’s pretty stupid um no but it never happens you

Can I can’t never I can’t never like force myself to dream about something plus I don’t I may dream about it but I don’t remember it yeah right rarely do I wake up and remember my dreams there’s no telling how many times I’ve dreamed about racing or my dad and not even

Remembered it interesting yeah I always dream like before a triathlon that it’s race morning and I missed it that’s my biggest thing and then I wake up and I’m like I’m not missing this race like I wake up before my alarm all that it’s crazy stuff good question um this next

Question coming from Colbert uh maybe we’ve asked this before if not if we have I apologize what’s the strangest strangest thing you’ve ever autographed yeah we’ve been asked that before but um I have a spin on that question yeah I I’ll answer it again not I mean the one

Thing that I learned about television is that every time they every time you’re doing a show it’s going to be different audence yeah so um maybe some of the people don’t know this answer had heard it we were in Indianapolis and I don’t know that this was the very first time this happened

But this is one of the memories we’re in Indianapolis and you got right outside of the bus there was this rope and there were you know I don’t know a dozen couple two dozen people waiting for autographs diecast and all the stuff right so you’re going to come out of the

Bus on your way to practice sign some autographs as many as you can then move on down the line and head on to the car or whatever for practice and somebody uh pulled their um prosthetic leg off for me to sign it and I was like

All right that was the first and it’s yeah you know it’s a it’s an unusual object to sign right it’s just like it’s not your die ass die ass shirt shirt shirt leg you know it’s uh it catches You by surprise yeah as it would I think

Anybody yeah but you sign it of course yeah yeah you can’t the spin on that question I have for you and I’ve asked a handful of drivers in the current cup field this and I’m going to compile all their answers and it’s pretty good but have you ever had like to sign someone

Your name on someone’s arm and they get it tattooed and is there extra pressure to do that I get yeah I hate that um because Sharpie doesn’t write good on skin MH so the autograph that I’ve tried to to to write always looks terrible in

My opinion I I’ll write it and I go I really wish you wouldn’t get that tattooed because so bad and so what I try to do is get a blank sheet of paper and say let me sign it on this paper you give that to your artist he’ll get that

On your arm I know they want the they want the real signature it feels more legitimate but it just never it’s never works out like it you want it to right um and something about that close that something about that physical proximity and all is very uncomfortable right being that close to

A stranger and writing on them is just a weird concept right it’s just a so it’s awkward it’s uncomfortable um yeah but people want that yep um so but I always encourage them to like let me sign it on a nice sheet of paper that we can your

You know your artists can use that and some of them are like nah I don’t want that yeah that’s not as good give me the the sloppy one I’m like my idea sounds great surprised that I mean it’s only permanent so yeah yeah I’ve never I don’t have any

Tattoos um now there’s been some times when I’ve thought about it and but I know that if I started it would be this never I would be covered like AR full sleeve like over a period of time like you know five or 10 years it’d be all

Over the place if you had to get one what would be like the first thing on the top of your mind just you don’t have am and I were just talking about this the other day at one point during our relationship way before we were married

I was convinced I wanted to get a Sundrop tattoo no way really get a Sundrop logo on my arm now that’s sponsor Comm that’s why I don’t that’s why I do not need to get tattoos because ter ideas I got filter time right here Yeahs back here Sundrop is

More than a sponsor man this is like a this a that’s a home team I’m going to get a Bojangle Studio we did the remember we did the temporary tattoos and I had Bojangles right here when it’s time I that’s the problem is like I never there I’ve thought about it and

Had probably dozens of ideas about what tattoos I would get because you’re always you know having those conversations with friends and stuff none have ever been good ideas none all were regrettable and so I’ve never went to get get the tattoo because there’s never like this oh that’s a great idea

Right there’s none there’s yeah that doesn’t exist now I see other people and I don’t look at their tattoos and go what a dumb idea it just it’s a tattoo it’s what they wanted yeah but every but if I get one I might I might go oh no I

Can’t why why did I do that it’s got the idea I feel like has to sit with you pretty good for a few years before you even consider getting it I would probably be embarrassed and ashamed of of it yeah yeah unless it was a Sundrop tattoo

Unless it was a Sundrop tattoo that’s pretty cool yeah and then man you’re walking around and people are going is that a Sundrop tattoo yeah is that temporary no it’s not no it’s not had it for 10 years I love that my whole my whole opinion of you has now changed in an

Instant W I didn’t know that yeah you’re that kind of person all right so first I frosted my tips on this show now I’m going to get a sun tattoo okay I’ll do that I’ll figure that out um we got time for one more question uh

This one’s coming from Colin I know like Blay’s lived on your property at at certain times before that’s not true it’s not true so blay so I had a house connected that was part of my property I sold it to Brad and Brad rented to blay

So blay was a neighbor okay so that okay this still the question still stays the same I want to clear that up I’m glad you did yes who who has been the best neighbor you’ve had over all the years blay was great blay was good yeah blay

Was great because you know blay was pretty um blay you know good neighbor’s a neighbor you’re G to you know you’re hardly ever going to see but when you do see them it’s cool um they never complain about what you’re doing with your property uh and you can enjoy a drink or

Two from time to time um it was perfect man he was he was kind of coming in to you know his own as a cup driver wins that first race we got to help him you know make sure his celebration was good we felt like we were helping we brought

The booze but uh and we hung and partied all night you know uh and he uh you know he hey he was in no trouble Man easy and they you know he he might I don’t know how much he did but he would you know he’d ride a four-wheeler over to the

House and we’d hang out in the basement drink drink beer which was great cuz I get home from the race and he gets home from the race and I’m still up and he’s still up I’m like well let’s hang out and drink a beer or two and he that that

Might happen every once in a while and then I think maybe he rode his four-wheeler on the property some we got some Trails so and I didn’t mind as long as nobody got hurt you know um so that was pretty good that’s pretty good all my neighbors are great I mean I don’t

Have a bad neighbor there’s not I mean there might be this one neighbor that’s a little bit critical um you know just just not a good not in a good mood you know that you’re going to have those right you know but uh I don’t ever have

Any bad interaction with anybody and I think um I like the thing I was thinking about this just driving down the road just the other day um you know you drive down the road sometimes and somebody will wave at you that you don’t recognize and you’re like you know they

Know me that I live around here um and I kind of have this idea in my head that I hope all I hope that in my area we all look out for each other right like if I see something going on that is unusual on your property I’m GNA figure out how

To get that information to you right or if I see something happening in the neighborhood that I think this person needs to know that person needs we all kind of got to you know look out for each other and at least that’s how I hope it

Is I um I don’t know how about you guys I mean you know if you live in a duplex or an apartments complex right everybody’s trying to work together right sure definitely got to coexist everybody’s trying to make this happen and everybody be happy and yeah get to

Know each other and and and so that’s that’s kind of what I hope it is like around my place yeah you sound like a good neighbor I’m easy I don’t make a lot of noise you know um you know I gotta um yeah I don’t make a lot of

Noise I’m I’m pretty easy nice I also I need to Circle up to a uh YouTube comment that made me laugh this one’s from Vegas and it goes back to the dream conversation they said I’m pretty sure no one dreams about playing for the Washington commanders hilarious they’ll always be my team yes

You’re the first person to dream loyalty is good quality man anyways that’s uh good place and as you I guess so I guess so all right well thank you to Xfinity Xfinity mobile um all they do for us here uh they support us uh to allow us

To continue to make these shows so you guys can jooy them thanks for tuning in to our YouTube channel here at dirty media and the Dale Junior download and the BJ angle Studio it’s been a fun day hope you enjoyed as Junior it was another good one a lot of fun and uh

Tune in we got Bobby Hillen Jr as our guest this week raced in the 80s I raced him in the 90s in Infinity Series we’re going to see what he’s up to these days and how he thought about his career it’s a great conversation I hope you’ll enjoy

It we’ll see you all right so we talked about dirty mod D and and the success of that show I have to say that um Tampa Tims we have brought you to the table man yeah you the reason while the show has gained so much success you think so

Yeah we ground and ground got no traction couldn’t move that show at all but since you’ve joined it’s blown up exploded must be the beard I guess yeah I feel like people really appreciate your takes well I appreciate that well we know the March Madness uh tournament

Has been going on so um how have you done I mean are you are you striking out no we’re doing pretty Welly doing pretty well yeah hit on a couple Cinderellas early James Madison Grand Canyon um and how did why why did you bet on Grand Canyon listen when they’re that big of

An underdog you kind of just take a shot and there’s always a team dressed in purple that wins it feels like so oh my God gambling shot it sounds like betting on the horse because you like the name it kind of kind of is yeah all right

Take a shot at it purple purple team purple teams yeah all right um so let me ask you this man I’m I’m very conservative especially about things I don’t know a lot about I’m not very versed into gambling World um and I know there’s tons of different types of bets

That can be made you can bet on the team that gets to five points first you can bet on the first the player that’s going to hit the first shot I mean it’s anything and everything you can yeah you can bet on who wins the Super Bowl next

Year whatever right so when you’re gambling on uh something as big as March Madness in this bracket um in college basketball are you conservative are you aggressive I’m conservative yeah I I don’t try to what is conservative uh for me it’s just kind of focus on the Day

Game or the the time frame I would say there’s you know there’s a ton of games going on all at once I don’t try to get on everything it’s really just you know I was at the games Thursday so I just focus saw I know I was did you does that

Make you’re more encouraged to bet on the game you’re at yeah because it makes it more enjoyable more enjoyable watch yeah like I I watched the North Carolina Wagner game and they were like 27 point favorites so I just been on Wagner just to root for the other team but uh just

Something small something just to kind of keep you invested so you’re not dozing off in the seats a little bit that sounds like fun yeah all right let me ask you this what uh what conference wins wins the wins the whole thing o I think it’s the ACC they really they

Only have um Carolina State North Carolina State and um Duke Duke that’s it UNC NC State Duke and Clemson still in there yeah yeah yeah Clemson’s they’re they’re a football school I stood it on dirty mod D this past week but they’re still in it all right

Clemson and state I don’t think are going to win the ti the the tournament I don’t I I think North Carolina’s going to win it you think they can beat Yukon I I mean they didn’t they didn’t but it’s tough to go back to back I hope

Carolina wins it but I’m just not sure yukon’s tough yuk yukon’s tough but it’s tough to go back to back it’s like a given like that yukon’s gonna make it to the finals I know well it hasn’t h no one’s gone back to back in about 20

Years so it’s tough yeah but we’ll see all right that’s why I think it’s a hard bet to put ACC as the I like win I like that there’s four options though if you go in just conference so gotta yeah all right man appreciate you giving us an

Update uh dirty mode D every Thursday uh Tims Tampa Tims and the guys Steve L tart group they all will preview the races do y’all talk about y’all talk about the other sports right yeah yeah how much do you cover those Sports versus racing we cover golf a lot Steve

Actually doesn’t have any any guy Steve talks about doesn’t make the cut so you Auto automatic F but if I’m coming on there to learn about you know the best bet to to make right what sports are you covering uh whatever is going on really so right now college basketball I gave

Out some hockey plays um golf whatever’s going on we talk about it I saw your take on Denny for going into Dakota where did he end up I think he was like 14th or something so you were right I was right yeah he wasn’t really the

Stats I faded him we did really well with Bowman and busher and they they did really well so all right well all right man appreciate you y time for the White Flag um dropped already this week the tear down with Jeff Gluck and Jordan Mian they cover everything at Kota and

Danny Hamlin does actions detrimental where he also covers his experience from behind the wheel of the RAC trck this weekend in Texas door bumper clear with Conor zillich we get to learn a little bit about Connor and uh hear what the door buper clear guys thought about the race weekend dropping tomorrow Speed

Street with Conor Dy and Chase Holden and then Thursday dirty Modo with Steve lart this is your go-to show for NASCAR gambling a lot more people are starting to pick up on this show and uh good to see uh the traction that it’s starting to get djd reloaded will be on Thursday

Last week Matthew dillner returned to the studio as a guest a lot of people were probably glad to see Matthew back yeah and they debated short track racing or the state of short track racing um and so the uh unanimous driver poll was a cool new feature on that show what the

Hell are you talking about yeah so it’s like a I guess we have a poll that we’re going to be rocking with every week where like last week it was what makes a good short track we had a bunch of drivers not every week not every week

We’re use it when we need to use it okay okay well who had the best answer well it’s unanimous well you did Dale wait no uh um I don’t know what was a good answer it’s Anonymous what was a good answer what were the questions oh geez

Yeah what makes a good short track oh okay it was like uh ability to pass was one of the big ones that was a common one was was Lanes to pass multiple groes all right all right fair enough race ability race race ability is that a word I voted for concession stand

That’s What Makes a Good short track the Martinville hot dog all right I hope you guys enjoy it tune in for Bobby Hillen tomorrow um it’s going to be a fun weekend at Richmond bubble pilot driving for Junior Motorsports let’s get it it’s gonna be pretty awesome all right we’ll see you tomorrow


  1. Phantom yellow!Fans at Michigan call that a “hot-dog wrapper yellow.” MIS is notorious for paper debris. Hell someone’s hat blew on the track one year and they had to throw a yellow.

  2. I won't ever go back to the roval. I go to the races to see speed. There is no speed at the roval and I myself just don't like it at all and I don't care to even watch it on tv. Just my opinion.

  3. Sorry Dale but a 5th wheel is not really camping. However if it gets your family outside on memorable vacations I'm 1000% behind it.

  4. Barriers? Walls nothing less makes it clear the race track is here dummy driver. Cutting the corner is simple cheating. Sorry Dale innovation for you.

  5. The street sign your grandma lives on. The front of grandpas shop. Who knows what would work. The pink car

  6. Three strikes then, 5 seconds for each infraction served at pit stops prior to crew being allowed to touch the car.

  7. If you want NASCAR to be a world class racing series and be taken seriously you need road course to attract fans from around the world.
    Nascar is the only racing series that races on any type of tracks. Canadian nascar fan

  8. I agree w/ Dale about the “starts” tweet. It’s clear he’s answering as a racer. As a NASCAR stakeholder & beneficiary of its popularity, he has to understand why they’re trying to bring awareness to this generation of drivers. Right?

  9. In Australian SuperCars they have a transponder under each car and at certain tracks like Adelaide and the Gold Coast if you short cut the track you get a Kerb strike, there's a device under the track surface that picks it up and after 2 strike's 3rd one is a penalty.

  10. Can we get Mike Davis back? Not that I don't like these guys. But I think Mike Davis would be a great addition to them.

  11. Austin hill is and will always be a crybaby, he talks about everyone else needing to be tougher then cry’s when it happens to him, RCR in general is such a embarrassment in the sport with the way they act, the way they treat drivers that want to leave and go to another team is nothing short of crybaby and entitled culture in that organization, that organization has never been elite, look at it this way the only truly successful drivers that have won consistently with RCR are Earnhardt and Harvick, the only reason they were super successful is because they could take below average equipment and over achieve in it.

  12. Make certain you have a pair of dedicated rubber gloves for the sewage pipe. You must unhook all that stuff before starting home. Amy won't like camping at Bob's campground in Bristol….. To many loose women's running around.

  13. NASCAR should run the shorter version of COTA and either go full in on the same track limits that IMSA/WEC would use or just eliminate the limits all together. But run the shorter version of COTA, which no series does anymore, and I guarantee the racing would be much more interesting. Nevermind, fans would be able to see almost the entire track (if shorter) from certain locations.

  14. Want to see a Stevie Ray Vaughan poster on the wall….best "Blues " player; one of the greatest guitarists ever was!!! Ask Clapton, B.B. King if he were still here. Complete package… Guitarist, Blues voice, Songwriter. Met you and your dad at Greenville- Pickens Speedway. Please!!!!

  15. On track limits in v8 supercars , you get 3 or 4 infringements free on your next infringement you are warned that you have run out of chance's. The next infringement the drive through is applied.

  16. Hit the national parks! Go to the mountains in CO. See historical sites like Mount Rushmore Might be too far. My favorite places are west of the Mississippi. You’re beach & I’m mountains. Just the campfire anywhere is worth it. Make S’mores (Hershey bar square and roasted marshmallow between graham crackers in case you’ve never made one )

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