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New Zealand Women v England Women – 4th T20 27th March 2024 – Full Commentary

Your listening to SEZN Sports Radio New Zealand coverage of the 4th T20 between New Zealand Women and England Women from the Basin Reserve, New Zealand

I don’t like Cricket oh no I love It got a good afternoon and a very warm welcome from the Bas and Reserve as senn Z’s coverage of the summer of cricket continues as the white ferns by host to England the series fascinatingly poised after three games New Zealand pulling one out of the proverbial out of the

Fire it looked like they were going to slump to a 3-0 uh series loss with a couple to play but it’s an incredible fight back late on uh well late on the day on Sunday it was in Nelson Has breathed life into the series and given New Zealand just a chance but England

Have been bolstered by the return of some big name players more on that in just a moment can’t wait to bring you the action of this game number four uh between New Zealand and England live from the Basin Reserve our coverage thanks to rine Quality Paint and colors for your summer Pro

It is a windy old day in the capital very strong Northerly whipping through the capital city the good news is it’s one of those days as I chokingly sent a message to Jacob Oram as he was making his way from his Palace in paliston North for the game uh it’s one of those

Days where the uh the rain might not be able to hit the ground then we had a passing shower for about 5 10 minutes but the covers are off the two Skippers out in the middle and awaiting the official toss of the coin we will hear from the respective Skippers a courtesy of

Tvnz uh as we build up to this game starting at 1:00 Jacob or though wonderful to see you friend how you doing of course my FS have a special Pace at your heart was it 2018 2022 bowling coach building coach of course now with the hind uh I’m sure you were

As pleased as anyone going around that they were able to keep the series alive most definitely in in good morning this morning afternoon here we go and as we speak actually the sun’s coming out so that’s great news for the the match ahead but yeah special place in my heart

Heavily involved in women’s Cricket uh the wo you know they’re a developing side with some actually worldclass players and and they need to show that again today they showed it Nelson and got one out of the fire there and needs to happen again today against a much strength strengthened England team yeah

Absolutely I I know you’ve been out and had a look at the surface there was so much talk about the surface for the test match played here recently it was quite unusual spitting turn plenty of Bounce there’s always pace and bounce here but I think that the pace of the turn really

Did surprise people and before we bring you toss and team details let’s get your thoughts on uh pitch conditions here with our PG rits and turf pitch report uh thanks to p g RS and turf New Zealand’s Turf industry experts I went out there and I thought it’s that

Two-toned color you’ve got a lush green coating of grass but underneath looks quite dry you went out and perused what do you think you’re absolutely right like you said it looks dry and brown but there’s green grass on it you know and um sort of 50 cents each way and you’re

Dead right though I mean even from up here from the commentry booth it’s you can see brown and green in the same pitch and it doesn’t mean it’s sort of motly and colored or it’s there’s not necessarily beer patches so I’m a little bit unsure myself I think it will have

Good bounce though I think this season we’ve seen some good bounce I was here with the central Hinds for three games this year one T20 and two 50 over games and in particular in the 50 over game Rosary who is here with the white FS

Andna gaging who’s got a bit of pace got some good bouns so I’m expecting that today unsure of the pace but um look it’s 2020 Cricket the boundaries are in the sun is coming out as I said I think we’re in for some runs as well uh it was

Interesting when Sophie Devine won the toss in at Nelson ahead of game number two she said I wasn’t really sure the reasons why I’ve decided to to bowl first I think it was a function of having not played a T20 International at that venue for eight years of course

They know this uh but but uncertain nature of the the pitch would you lead down I might just have a sneaky bow first yeah look I think it happens more than you probably realize in terms of God no idea and hope that you lose a toss I mean from head coach well I

Suppose when I was assistant coach or a specialist coach you kind of get asking your opinion but really doesn’t matter what you think you know and then suddenly from being a head coach this year with the Hines and then with New Zealand a for a couple of weeks it’s

Like oh jeez I actually have to learn how to read a pitch bit better but um I think a lot of the time it’s like you can make the decision the afternoon before or you know when you come down to the ground 2 hours 4 but you actually

Wait and see what’s happening with the overheads you know the the the time difference between peeling the covers off and actually the the toss of the coin can make a difference so um yeah it’ll be interesting to see what happens today and honestly as 2020 Cricket the

Pitch isn’t going to change a lot you just got to make sure whatever you’re doing first whatever discipline you do it well uh that was our PG rights and turf pitch report New Zealand’s Turf industry experts are PG rights and Turf great to have their uh support

Throughout our summer of cricket uh the other thing we need to May mention that that wind is really strong it’s going to make the boundaries particularly short when you’re hitting down Breeze uh it is an oval essentially all the boundaries somewhere between 60 to 64 M that’s it’s

A true cricketing uh venue and I think courtesy of tvnz and our wonderful support staff behind the scenes we can head out to the middle for the toss yeah A and Z coin toss time here at Wellington I’ve got the two captains alongside me here the night from England

Sophie Divine from New Zealand our IC match referee Trudy Anderson and today’s AZ quintos kid Rosalie Jane she’s 10 years old Goes to nio School says all the Wellington players are her favorites and Rosalie if you could pass that coin over to Sophia and we’ll get things underway heads Please oh we’re getting a little bit of a winning run with this so another toss win what are you going to do first today uh we’re going to have a bowl first today and reasons behind that a little bit of local Hometown knowledge um yes I guess but I think there’s obviously a

Fresh Wick at it’s bit of grass on it but we always know that in Wellington that it can flatten out pretty quickly so we just want first opportunity to Bowl on this on this green Wicket and a wonderful performance from your side and Nelson have you had a little bit of time

To reflect on that and and what you’re going to bring into today’s match yeah look I think it’s really important that we celebrate our successes but we also know that we’ve only just keep this the series alive and today’s a really important game to make sure that the

Series goes to game five so it’s just about keep doing those things that we did well in Nelson for longer periods of time because we know obviously there’s a few changes in the England side and we’re going to have to I guess step up again to make sure that we can match it

Today you mentioned those changes how much does that get spoken about as a group oh look I think it’s really important that you identify some of the players that are coming into their group obviously worldclass players with the likes ofet s Brunton Sophie klon so we’ve obviously spoken briefly about

Them um I think we know our plans and again if we execute we can hopefully mitigate their their impact on the game and team changes today yeah hanaho comes in for to hoo wonderful thanks s best of luck hether I’ll bring you in now another toss loss unfortunately what

Would you have done first if you’d won I would have done the same so um yeah not going too great on the TOs front but um yeah don’t mind it too much it’s obviously quite a big ground and a little bit of wind involved so it could

Be quite hard to chase but um yeah we’ve we’ve done both things and um obvious we’ve acted well when we have um had the opportunity to do that so hopefully we go the same again and Nelson probably didn’t end up as you would have liked how do you go about talking about that

As a team is it something you spend a lot of time talking about or is it park the bus and move on no we’re really honest I think it’s important um obviously didn’t go how we wanted to and I think it was a really good learning opportunity for us we obviously got some

Inexperience um in that middle order so um situations like that you learn so much from I think and and just being really honest with with how you react in that situation and then take your learnings and and park it and we know you’ve got a few players who have

Arrived as reinforcements have you got some team changes today uh yeah we’ve got four so the wpl girls come back in uh missing out will be uh Bowmont Heath and Glenn has concussion so she’ll sit up wonderful thanks for your time today here they go well well that is it it is

News from the middle thank you very much Frankie McKai uh that audio courtesy of tvnz so New Zealand has won the toss and decided to have a bowl first as the sun now dominating things here at the Bas reserve some ominous clouds being pushed away which is nice very very strong

Northerly whipping through uh Wellington uh gale force at times what a great day for my brother to jump on the fery and head south hope he’s enjoying it out in the middle luck yeah good luck uh no surprise as far as toss no I I think

It’s the safe way to go about it if you’re a bit unsure but in particular after doing well to finish that game you know you would like to think that the white F have a little bit of confidence and even a touch momentum coming out of that winter Nelson and it’s an

Opportunity to put England Under Pressure straight away uh and if they can pick up a couple of wickets and expose that middle order of which there are some changes it should be noted um you know who knows they might be able to unearth a little bit of that uh that Stress and Anxiety

Again in the English lineup New Zealand has won the toss for game number four and will Bowl first at New Zealand’s side Susie Bates Bernardine Boden H hope Millie CER Sophie Divine Maddy Green Brook Halliday Izzy gays Hannah R into the sides with Leah tahoo sorry a Jess K

Back into the side with Leah Taho who uh missing out Hannah row retains her spot from the last game Rosemary M and Fran Jonas make up the remainder of the side so relatively unchanged especially in direct comparison to the visitors of England outgo Bowmont Glenn Dean and

Heath four really really good players of course I know Tammy bont’s you know been more of a fixture of the one-day lineup and had to wait some 26 months I think before her record of the T20 setup going past 100 matches Glenn’s out with concussion the number four ranked bowler

In the world uh Dean’s been pretty impressive bowling her off breaks throughout the series and he probably hasn’t features as much as you would like but in come the likes of Danny Wyatt Alis capsy Nat C BR SOI Sophie klon who of course is the number one

Ranked T20 bowler in the world the full side Denny white my bush who played oh so well betting at number three in game number three uh will push up and uh open the Innings uh Sophia Dunley is going to slide down the order so quite a change

At the top Al Alice capsy retains her spot at first drop as she’s predominantly played in her young career just 19 years of AG Nat C brunt really just one of the best cricketers going around on the woman ciruit her power and that middle order uh much uh welcomed

I’m sure her all round abilities too hether Knight’s going to drop into the number five position Amy Jones will’ll keep him about at six Sophia Dunley has mentioned will line up in the middle order batting at seven then Danielle Gibson uh Sophie Eon um or Bell and

Charlie de excuse me I I I dropped to Charlie Dean from the side uh she’s playing of course uh you know IGG on my face uh really really strong Jacob orm wow that that’s quite a difference yeah drop s GL will not drop she’s inj World concussion sarra gleen misses out and

You just bring in Sophie oon as her replacement which is not a bad place to be in and someone like Tammy Bowmont who was at the top of the order is not in the side now but you bring in I think the best player in the world um probably

Someone like Beth money or something like that would have an argument with that as well but and that c brunt so very strong side a lot of depth and I know it’s something that has been talked about for a long time in the New Zealand women’s game and the white FS the depth

And along with probably Australia England is the gold medal standard for that depth and they can they can pull people and and leave them out and send them off to the A’s her and Nelson and it’s almost like this conveyor belt of talent coming back and forth so along

With Al Alice capsi and Danny White who’s extremely experienced I mean that as four players you would love to bring in at your disposal yeah absolutely for sure Charlie Dan of course is playing it was L Lindsay Smith who has uh been lift out the left arm finger spitter so uh

Eon comes and fills that role and probably will do a very a better job but my bu here gee that was an impressive knock um in Nelson on Sunday a play who’s probably still yet to completely prove herself and cement but you can see why they’re giving her a run here it’s

Great in the field a really good outfielder it just makes it look so easy with the bat that is exactly then coming back to that depth conversation again it’s like you’re not going to get your chance with a side like England if you don’t have some Talent on disposal uh or

At your disposal I should say and I’ve I’ve seen boser a few times now with different tours and asides and even Queenstown a couple of weeks ago with the New Zealand 18 team and we had a warm up game against this full English side and she got I think she got a duck

Or one or two something like that um and even I was kind of like really what you know who at the top of the order and then you see that Nelson and you’re like okay I can see that now shots all around the ground front foot back foot against

Someone even like Rosemary M who’s bowling so well at the moment this whole season really there was one shot in particular where she just hit Rosemary back over her head couple of bounces for four and you just thought y You’ve Got Talent you know Rosemary May has been a

Great story of the summer I thought that first over uh she considered one run Tammy Bowmont didn’t look like she was having fun at all was late on a defensive strokes and they got hit in the throat uh she seems to have found just a great Rhythm yeah she’s bowled

Well now since well the whole summer like I said before I mean I came into the Hinds roll around about September so not far away from the start of the season so really I can’t take any credit cuz all the hard work had been done by

Her through the winter uh and earlier in that preseason I think with her you know she’d been out of white F’s team for a good couple of years because of injuries potentially her own form as well others getting an opportunity and I think what happened and I’m I’m guessing here I

Haven’t really spoken to Rosemary about this but you know it’s almost like she had parked the idea of selection off to the side and it was just about focusing on number one playing cricket and not and trying to keep your body in a good in good shape to play but then number

Two actually just performing well for herself and for the hindes and whatever happened from there took care of itself and my word she’s been the P of the SC was in New Zealand definitely the fastest bowler going round I mean a number of times this season for the hin

You could see there was a little bit of fear at the other end with the B so she well you’re hurrying Tammy Bowman up well exactly yeah that that’s all I need to know yeah and you know sometimes well not sometimes pace is fine but if you

Don’t know where it’s going good players will still hit it hit it and you know I think we what we’ve seen with rosemary is not only that pace and their ability to stay on the field but who Radars on song as well at the moment as well when

You put that together with a little bit of movement and bouncer can be a real handful so I hope today we see her with that Northerly behind her and let’s see how we go uh the the fast bowling stock seems you know with the depth issue that that’s one area where you’ve probably

Got satisfactory depth it’s I guess about striking a balance of your side you know with with the middle order down on runs especially we’re going to a World Cup in Bangladesh do you bringing another spinner so and you can sort of part those conversations for um down the

Line but the hero the now what do they need to do better with the ball we’ve seen say let’s take Nelson brilliant for 14 overs very loose late on game number three it was loose early on and Brilliant when the pressure really was on them bizar see I look at

T20 cricket and I think it’s a bad as game and bad as win you the games so I know you just asked me about the bowlers but you know I I think if the white FS can score more this is going to be like Cricket 101 for listening they’ll just

Be like thanks for the analysis expert the cliche for reason if you score more runs you will win the game yeah and so for me the white FS don’t score enough runs two reliant on three players oh massively and but but I’ve seen the best

Out of Matty green and Brook H and all these other players in the middle order I’ve seen that you know I don’t I don’t look at wats and all stuff cuz I’ve seen them at their best I know it’s there but the likes of those players Bernardine at

The top of the order have got to supplement what Sophie Susie and EM bring to the table but AR you questions that’s just about consistency for as long as you can with that accuracy a bit of variations and you just try and restrict with the ball and again you

Hope that you score more runs through the quality of your bets bets Wanship yeah indeed uh and bizard and hope made a really positive uh and on that game really busy I I think I described in commentary almost busy to a fault but did did throw England off yeah yeah like

She scores in typical Keepers really in weird areas she’ll sweep she’ll first lap she’ll you know really busy like her feet never like I don’t think there’s a constant pred delivery movement with her you know it’s not backing across and wait for the ball it’s kind of like

Always trying to be proactive and put the the bowlers off which is great It’s just sometimes I think there is a need for um a foundation a technical Foundation um and sometimes those busy players those players who like to put the bowler off can forget that they’re

Starting on zero as well and sometimes you have to get the pitch and the the conditions all that sort of stuff before you can get a bit funky uh Jacob Oram is alongside me Daniel Mardi in commentary for today’s game of course our CD coach

Now but was was with the white ferns uh from 2018 through to 2022 knows uh both these group of players very well can’t wait for his insights as our commentary H continues winning the toss and deciding to have a bowl first and looks like Rosemary m will’ll be bowling up into the breeze

Jacob waram not happy what why I think why explain that to me why I don’t know that probably means where Hanah Ro fiing at Deep back with square means she might bow or or Jess K maybe anyway about Rose maybe they they think well you’re bowling well enough fast

Enough even into the wind you’re still going to be a handful but for me that’s just putting a handbrake on someone who is at peak of your poers at the moment absolutely and it is quite a breeze um even by Wellington standards gusts consistently upwards of 70 75k at the

Moment when it’s quieter still 20 to 40K so it’s a bulgy one for sure let’s uh see if this plan does work it will be my buer on strike at the other end Danny Wyatt one of the four Changers to the English side and is an absolute Dynamo at the

Top is Danny White her ability to score quickly right-handed player they are heavily right-handed throughout their order that’s uh probably the only thing I think they would change if they could is turn one of them into a Leander but here we go and bright Sunshine now M

First ball goes past the outside edge good bounce good pace and that breeze as bu’s looking open the blade and run it down towards third man so slip Third Man backward Point cover extra cover mid off mid on midwicket lonely figure of Hana deep backward Square yeah bounced immediately

As well They Carried through nicely it is obviously brand new ball and maybe that’s the thinking as well they’re thinking well Ros is a bounce bowler she’s a seam bowler doesn’t really rely on the the wind for any sort of Swing moves past umpire Brown bows again around about rib cage height it’s

Flicked away off the top of the bat down to Woods roow deep backward Square England on the board with a single one without loss two bow out coverages with Rosine the paint kiwi’s trust not a fun day to catch if the ball goes up I was watching here the night

Doing warm-ups we know what a fine player she is she having a right old knock a right old fight with the Wellington Breeze well to be fair a lot of the English were all the English were the new zealanders are probably well used to it but I notice all were getting

Their extras done with some high catches and some of them W even getting hands laid on it as it blew away from their positions Third Man up inside the circle now deep back Point goes back as Daddy W’s first ball of the series we see her

Beaten outside of off stop sort of a tentative little cut stroke not really thrashing at at the right hander and through to gaze and that’s that bounce again we’ve said it already I mean that’s around about if you can picture fifth stump so a couple of stumps wide

Of off stump which is not worth but it’s going through round about chest high and white just trying to get on the bounce but White’s well known for being more of a front foot player can play the pole but prefer to just get forward and swing

Through a length ball I think that’s why maybe with it being slashed away that’s why that backward points back on the boundary bizarre sort of cocked grip as the bat sort of points away to leg slip as she waits and gets the ball into her thigh pad it’s going to trickle out on

The onside just back with a square gas Sprints around from behind the wi but a leg by signal by umire brown two without loss four balls into today’s game not about but the sun is out most importantly it’s going e it’s nice at the moment an hour ago or

90 minutes ago was quite threatening so very good to see that sun come out and shadows across the base and Reserve busher back on strike she gets worth and his edged one between slip and keeper both half went both stopped and gazed and divine at first slip and a genuine

Chance goes begging first boundary six without loss and those are the chances that the white FS need they are playing against a very good side in England and it must be said that’s not a great delivery probably a wide or nearly a wide if she hadn’t kned

It but I did think to myself Daniel beforehand I don’t know if I’ve seen Sophie Divine in the slips very much at all and for me he Gaz is down on a bit of confidence at the moment I think you’ve seen that there with just an experienced Cordon Rosemary May bays out

As she can’t get a run up rhythmical into the breeze that’s a keeper catch especially going to your right as a right-handed player person yeah I but what I was saying you know for those who have watched the series up till now they have been more so standing up to the

Stumps against the slow ball with some some stumping some errors or just balls being left or played a missed with some hard hands so big day for Izzy Gaye yeah that’s a that’s a fair comment from Over the Wicket May balls again good Bounce Around punched off the back foot into

The cover region and there will be no run so an eventful first over six runs off at New Zealand wining a chance High to the right of gay but sort of perfectly in between keeper and first slip the inside shoulder of Sophie Divine at first slip both sort of half

Both flinched and then both bailed out as we checked on the GJ Garder homes replay so six without loss buer is on five Wyatt yet to get off the mark and it will be Jess C you’ll no doubt be used to these conditions Angel Welling you would hope so you would hope so so she’ll be bowling down Breeze gay standing up to the stuns helmet on Jacob is right she missed a couple of tough stumping chances which she can forgive couple that really didn’t need to be

Taken she to take the one that really really did matter the last ball of the game I just would have loved even if it was one over the first over to see Rose rer with the tail up the wind behind her running in with some real pace and

Bounce and Kirk could come in for the Third over from the vance stand in balls full and drifts it back into the right hander on the front foot is W pushing straight back to C no run there I mean the way they’ve they’ve played it here as well the white f it

Means the 20th over you know the big death over when the night doubt will be swinging for the fences England is Into The Wind so the hits will be heading to long on Long off C Corner into that wind so hopefully it’ll hold the ball

Up K gives W outside of off stum trying to play a square drive and missing it bounces over the top of the bat that’s been the the big feature and also fumbled as well and I watched the zk’s and I’m not trying to pick on her but it

Probably seems like I am but I watched her at warm-ups in particular and she was doing a lot of work standing up just with drill work with some of the coaches and Shadow batters but then when the Bowers are warming up as well so as I

Said before big day for her and she’s aware of those improvements opening the face rolling it to short Third Man sloppy fielding and just gone straight between the gate Fran Jonas really has got to gobble that up that’s an easy single conceded seven without loss I know some fast

Bowlers in the first over would read the ri a there and that’s yeah that again like that catch that went through slipping keeper those are just the I mean that’s not a dismissal like in the first over from Ros but those sort of mistakes just need to be squashed fairly

Quickly from the white FS fairly needless number 24 on the back of K she bows Again full of this time on off stump push tentatively into the offside there’s no run it’s a good start by J K was not an easy task to be able to swing

The ball that that much and to be able to have accuracy with it we see a couple of others and swingers around the country with Claudia green and Emma black who are very similar but probably not quite as accurate with to be able to control as much swing is a good skill

She’s in again moves past umpire black and it’s out driven nice into the cover region but that baits quickly around to a right hand side preventing any run being taken but there’s a lovely crisp sound off the bat of bushier it was a nice shot hit well just

Bounced up nicely for Bates she slid on her right side scarred playing surface here with about eight or nine blocks well used into the pads of busher neatly tucked through the square leg region for a single pretty decent start though by C two runs off the second over

Including a misfield so England sent in eight without last two overs in mom we here Ah that’s the sound of home a house built with expert care and attention by generation homes isn’t just a house it’s a home a place that sets the stage for the rhythm of your life

Whatever that may be with agreed time frames and fixed prices building with generation homes is easier than you might think visit generation. to start today generation homes making building easy our coverages with Rosine the paint professionals use live from the Bas and reserve for game number four of the five

Match T20 series between New Zealand and England England are eight without loss after two bu’s on 6 white one and heno into the attack she’s to start signaling to when she’s replaced rosemar Mia to just go a little bit finer and or’s long leg slip still in

Place as bu is not happy she’s got a gust of Breeze that’s kicked up some dir and into the eye oh she doesn’t like it left eye this a big spell for for Hano because unlike Ros May who sort of bustles in with a bit of strength and

Hits the deck hard Ando does rely on Rhythm and being able to get into a nice stable position rist position to swing the ball a little Fuller than M does she starts gets nice and close to the stumps first ball and advancing bu here meets her flicks it down towards deep backward

Square just for a single Nine without loss b seven off eight if any think what just can move the ball slightly away from the right hand is that best she should do I’m I’m not actually when we went down early before it it wasn’t this blustery and I

Can’t quite recall what kind of angle we were I don’t know if you can recall if it sort of a nor Wester if any anything so that she sort of pushing Prett much fighting against her swing almost yeah it is although and the C’s come out it’s

Probably if you can draw a line between where Danny Wy is and maybe mid off that’s probably the the angle of the breeze it might just help the away swinger it’s not going to help that one cuz that’s a short long hot that’s plundered through midwicket can’t ball

There to W she likes it short at that pace and she has moked it through to the midwicket fence for four Danny White’s a middle order player turned in this is years ago turned into an opening better but a dynamic one and plays her shots she’s about strike rate

She’s not there to about 20 overs so what she face now half a dozen balls yeah it is six balls and now feels like she’s in well enough that’s short nothing behind it into this wind and onto it very quickly the thing about her career record that sticks out 127 strike

Rate and she gets a SL orall wider of off stun but she drags it through Square leg long Chase from M get there just in time keeps it in the field of play awkward Landing for her oh she’s okay hope the left knee is all right they’ll

Sauner back for a third so white moves quickly on to eight and 16 without loss this was my concern that was almost shorter and slower really by Hannah row and I just wonder about her Rhythm into the Wicket and you’re right Daniel about that Landing there it is there just

Heavy landing on that that left knee and left thigh oh sorry right thigh s of rolled did very well though Ros saved one just a three but already a Fielding change because of that and I think that wind is very very strong and roow probably struggling with her that

Rhythm and that timing and Matty greensight gone out to deep Square long leg deep Square the two out inside the circle no slip now short Third Man backward Point cover Extra cover mid off mid on midwicket also inside the circle another the breeze out row BSA very short ball that could be

Called wide no it’s just snuck in under the legal height like to see the GJ Gomes replay on that one looked like another offs speed short pitch delivery seems to have gone to those a lot this series is that something she’s comfortable with well you know what I think sometimes the

Perception is off speed but she just loses the timing of it you know when feet hit the ground arms coming over and actually her release point it gives that impression yeah and again balls Fuller beating the outside edge of the right hander who’s now playing a classical Cover Drive practice

Shot problem was she tried to swat it towards mid on and Miss by quite some distance I sort of feel like this field settle this this end isn’t you know Han a pitch the ball I know she’s tall but she’s a pitch the ball up and swing it

Trying to knck people off because she does get good swing and right from ball one Sophie Divine removed herself from slipped him it off and kind of takes away Hanna R’s strength Ro balls and Bush hits high over long on on the back of the breeze

That might go all the way and does so hit towards the bottom of the bat that loud ping you may have picked up on F mik quite a way to end the over it’s 22 without loss 14 runs coming off the third PGG rits and turf has been

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Products to help you achieve the best possible solution to find out more about how they can help with your racecourse turf grass requirements visit PGG and Well what a stroke from buer May buer to end the third over taking England to 22 without loss our coverage with Rosine the paint kiwi’s Trust Danny White on strike England’s leading run scorer now in T20 Internationals she’s defending dropping the ball into the offside quick single great response from Bush she’s quick

Whether it’s in the Outfield or running between the wickets excellent Cricket 23 without loss and that’s why England is so good previous ball the last ball of henna Rose over which was an amazing shot I I wonder if midon had a chance to catch it at first to catch it I’m sort

Of looking at the Fielder and the trajectory of the ball next thing is it’s on the in unbelievable shot the next balls a drop and run for one good Cricket Kuran again back of a length pulled away nicely through mid workk long Chase for deep square league might not cut it off will

Not four runs flowing inside the power play for England bushier 17 off 12 it’s 27 without loss it’s a great shot cuz that’s not that short we saw a couple of Po shots in the last over by Han that were short and needed to be hit that’s

Probably just about Bale height what it tells me Daniel is it’s good pitch if you can hit a ball over mid on when it’s a good length and then not far off that similar length be able to pull it away through midwicket in front of square

It’s a good Wicket J ker under a little bit of pressure now her response will be watch she bowls Fuller this time and it’s smoked back past the bowler and past Denny white it may have actually flicked the rump of the non-striker I’d like to see a replay of this cuz the

Balls actually trickle towards long on Hano flicks back to Sophie Divine and they’ll come back for two and BOS might have to go down and apologize to Wyatt it’s 29 without loss bring up the GJ G home replay please je you smoke that though maybe just heading the ball into

The wind does that happen on the ground just throw it out there it did you’re right though it did slow up I thought it was four off the bat easy K and again wider of off stamp and a push into the cover reach and no run smart inside the

Circle New Zealand all hunting there b sort of apologizes to why cuz she set off who here 43 off 40 then 12 off 20 in game number two this has scores the series then 71 off 47 and when she went out it was such a winning position CRA I

Hope her teammates bought a dinner after that she waits the right hand of the elegant play it’s a low full toss he drives into the coverage and there’ll be no run that’s bit from K after going for an early boundary so far seven runs off the five balls of this

Over what she’s done here K is still a full length still swinging but she’s able to have that constant line which is straight it’s not allowing boser to have that freedom of her arms to go to the WTH so even though there a four and a

Two off the first couple of balls and a single she’s managed to keep it quiet after that good finish here for cerr fall and driven up towards mid off the end of the over four over Z England batting first 29 without loss ah that gloomy second bedroom all

It needs is is brightening up so how do you get started do you need to seal the walls before you paint are you putting off your painting project because you’re not sure how to do it ask the team at your local Rosine color shop for all the

Help you need on the best paints prep and painting techniques for your project so you can get your DIY to-do list done it’s time to get decorating this summer with Rosine I’m without Lost England after four overs of the Bas and Reserve our coverage with Rosine the paint

Professionals use and J SK bow two over from the van stand end now we’re going to see another bowling change this time from the ADL Road end or government House end whichever you want to call it and it’ll be Rosemary May who bowled the first over conceded just six runs well

Six in the over there was one lead by so five against her name she’s replaced Hanah no slip for her third man and long will deep back with square here’s an edge behind taken looking to play a cut stroke it bounced on a Denny it’s not the tallest but she found enough

Timber and a wicket for me and New Zealand white goes for nine it’s 29 for one well we saw a couple of these playing misses in the first over from Rose rir that one almost was there to hit but I think the beauty of it for Ros

Was that there’s that bounce and we’ve seen a little bit of that already number of pull shots but also some play and misses off the back foot and thankfully this time for the white FS all white could do was just Nick it through to izy gaze who completes the task ask White’s

Gone for nine are you’re thrilled to see the back of Danny White with nine again nine from nine get two names players as I talked about the strike rate close to 130 career strike rate which really does give impetus at the top and she also has

That ability to go on a couple of T20 hundreds as well Denny w a know commodity but a hugely talented player just 19 years of age now let cap SE comes out at number three you get white out and it just exposed just are the wpo players coming

In now white one of them herself now capc then C brunt and Captain H the Knight who wasn’t at the wpl but we know how good she is so very strong batting lineup very deep batting lineup for England today how would you describe the right handicaps as a player hugely

Talented yeah good like most of them you know to get to this level with this singland side to be able to fight your way into the top side lot of power happy to play his shots good strike rate you know it’s what you want in a T20

Player the right-hander will have a slip behind her to counter fin legs now up inside the circle deep backward Square as M gets another Ridge it goes straight to ground is trying to play nice little de late cut didn’t bounce as much was a full of length that’s why but F stroke

Nonetheless 29 for1 it remains yeah well again another Edge we just seen the replay there was a little bit of worth but the bounce just helping Ros in the white Fons but maybe with these these players coming from India they’re not used to the ball bouncing above probably

About wa height and Ros M just one stepe at the moment capy the right hand of bet ra nice and high M gives her with she’s beaten outside of off stump again shorter this time a little bit of worth it’s there to play but it’s that pace

And balance that she has capsy just not capitalizing it’s also a player I think’s under can be under the spotlight 19 years of age made a day B at s you know hugely talented but you’ve got to produce and in her last 12 T20 Innings Jacob she’s only got over 10 three times

It’s that’s quite a string of low scores and just one Beyond 50 against Sri Lanka uh August of last year but she shows what she’s capable of 51 of 39 that day pushed into the point region no run excellent over this from rosemary M Bing 114k into the Northerly that’s what I

Was thinking before well firstly on Capi obviously someone they’ve identified to invest in for the future and when you get that tag you get a little bit of a longer leash um but yeah you’re right I I said before M’s up around that 114 115 which into the wind and women’s Cricket

Is exceptional really you know if you flip her around downwind you’re probably talking about in the 12s which is getting up there I call it the Bas in tax you know she been taxed a few Fuller this time pushed straight back to the bowler who’s very respectful as capsi

And this is turning into a wonderful opening spell from here again 117.5 K Wick it first ball then four dots to the new player and England who are on the cusp of having their best power play in the series now I’ve only got seven balls legal balls remaining

And remain at 29 for the loss of one and that’s something New Zealand has done well throughout the series has limit the damage with the field up the opening six overs last ball of the fifth Mia goes shorter this time climbing but nicely guided backward a point with a cut strak

Long Chase for Biz o to gets and throws and returns but capsi Off the Mark with a couple after five overs 31 for the loss of one New Zealand picking up the wick at Rosemary Ms figures Now 1 for seven off two if I fall off that wobbly old ladder

While I’m painting the house who’ll take the dog for walkies have a h and ask yourself if you get hurt who gets harmed find out more at acc. busy making a crease in the sofa as you watch batsman at the crease well you won’t want to risk

Leaving the couch because you might miss this ball the next ball or the delivery after that best get your dinner delivered instead mackers we deliver cnz live from the Bas and Reserve game number four New Zealand V England our coverages thine the paint professionals use Daniel mccard

Alongside Jacob Oram and we’re going to see Fran Jonas into the attack one over remaining in the power play she’ll be Bing left arm around the Wicket with her finger spin on the back of the breeze too she look to spear it in or she a little bit flight driven dust to the

Right of the bowler Dives across Palms the ball into capsy there’s almost a collision between the two youngsters and a good start here from Fran Jonas who really now looks at home in international crigger she B well this series slide it on with that angle wide of off stump leaning forward

Flicking through midon who pushed back Manny green on the boundary comfortable single for bu’s 19 sorry 20 it’s 32 for one and that’s almost the play there with deep midwicket and long on back although it changes now mid- on comes up and deep Square comes back for capsi but

Fran Jonas won’t be trying to spin it pretty much you’ll just be going from your left arm wide of the crease release point and trying to spear the ball back into the stumps so there are singles there for the English if they want them he one that Tails backing towards

The right hander from wide of the air wide of the Ines the left armor does release it’s just an angle isn’t it it’s hard to beat this heavily packed offside field deep backward Square deep mid work it out on the onside here’s a sweet top Edge out towards the two half for

Players but it lands and pitches lovely little Sand Wedge spins backwards the throw comes in there’s an Almighty sound as gaze destroys the stumps but keps he well past and a couple to the English well see the score go to 34 for the loss

Of one caps he moves to four good bit of homework by the white FS that field change four caps his sweep shot obviously a big player of that shot I’m surprised actually I saw that go up and Amelia C got that run out in Nelson off

Here the night which was a game changer in itself when I saw them t for that too I thought here we go again but better judges of runs than me this far away at 45 years old I suppose yeah long run in from that deep midwicket boundary he’s a

That’s going to balloon off the glove to short fine leg Landing well in front no run Jess kin quickly 34 for the loss of one one ball remaining inside the power play three runs off the Jonas over she’s in again past the Umpire getting the Inside Edge of capsu is trying to open

The face push to the offside he could have easily been dragged back onto the stamps good over from Jonas New Zealand have done a good job it’s under six runs and over after six England 35 for 1land 10 years warranty real security G Oakland quality real durability servicing you since 62 get so much more with a great gar from gar our coverage with crine Quality Paint and colors for your summer projects Jacob Oram how do you judge that power play from a New Zealand perspective tale

Of two halves for me Daniel like I just did a bit of maths then the last 15 balls only went for six runs with one Wicket so I think that’s an outstanding finish England had the momentum first the white FS finish with it new over drive attempt slicing off the bat upper

Le to backward point no run you thought for a while there Wyatt and bushier were going to get away and get something scary like 4550 maybe Plus off that power play but extremely well bowled that second over from Rosary M started it and Fran Jonas finished it

There and a good finish in the end to that power play for the white tuns capsi who’s battling a bit like is Sophia dine who I should have mentioned has come under the attack from the government House end who first ball was a DOT ball

It’s not heavy with a big gust of Breeze but capy as I say fighting a little bit here five off 10 don’t want to give any freebies Divine balls very nicely tight line pushed into the offside good judge of a run though the English Pier do

Dropped an over hit and they steal a run 36 for one if you keep that length I like this field it’s 54 offside field You Got Deep Cover point back and a short on the leg side everyone else on the offside of the ring but on the leg

Side a 45 Ros and then the three on the boundary if you pict it kind of like an offs spiners field and I like that into the wind for Sophie Divine she gets nice and close to the stumps but drags her length down and loners leg stump and

Going underneath and then up and over short fine leag down to the unprotected rope for four BU here your margins of era are not particularly high and she’s made New Zealand pay she moves to 24 it’s 40 for1 it’s a bit too straight that length is okay it’s it’s just into

The Wicket but the problem is it’s at B’s thigh pad he’s able to just help it over Ros at Short F Le Ving again balls bush is advancing meets the ball at the top of the bounds as she works it through midwicket for just a single B

The New Zealand ground Fielding at times was excellent Nelson there some good athletes out there for sure and Mia C there and that that’s feels like a big boundary out there towards where she is that sort of a straight midwicket Cal corner but yeah some good field Amilia leads the

Way there doesn’t she Suzie baits even at her veteran status throws herself around so it’s not a bad Fielding side nice looking cut stke just in front of square by capsi just a single though she’s seven it’s 42 for the loss of one C Patrol in the Deep mid Wicket boundary

Out in front of the Whitefield Memorial in front of the bank that’s that angles to 64 M on either side though the longest the ground but predominantly 60 to 64 if you take a measurement right around the 360° is divine into the hip of the rander buer

Works it through Square leg out to Hannah the end of the over eight runs off it it’s 43 for 1 after 7 England batting first hi pull from water Force as a customer you want it all the backing of a national operation with a local operator that knows your water

Needs that’s why thousands of kiwis just like John Richmond chosen water Force as their water management partner so I would recommend water Force for anyone else they just PR at what they’re doing they made it pretty seamless and easy really good to work with and um happy to

Compromise and change things to to suit our system visit water force. today to find out more live cricket with rine Quality Paint and colors for your summer projects and the eagle D Jacob waren spotted something in the uh little ad break yeah I can pick an injury don’t worry

That years of experience of hobbling around but I well I just noticed Sophie called for something Lee Casper at 12th man came running on and didn’t actually want anything wanted Lee to stay on and swapped so bibs and Sophie came running off with the high Vis B and then called

Straight for the physio let’s hope it’s nothing too serious like I don’t know if she’s got something strapped and needs it restrapped not sure but she was kind of jogging off but let’s see and let’s hope that she’s not too bad and can come back out cuz her overs are crucial but

Obviously with the bed as well so calling the physio to follow her into the changing sheds right it’s not a great sign let’s be honest it’s not going to be a positive thing so it will be me c under the attack the left arm sorry right arm leg spinner starts with

A ball on off stump and it’s crunch through mid off that is just a glorious stroke from buer slightly over pitched but she said it so sweetly just to the Le left of mid off racing out to the fence 47 for1 and bu playing a lone hand

At the moment 30 off 22 I apologize to people listening about my random o and that was worthy of an O though bit of length here from CER Wier of off going back playing through point for one again the ball just sips off that bat out to

The field on the Deep just a single sometimes you see a shot it’s a nice shot to start with but then when you see the timing and the power of it and bu’s got it at the moment and you thought J K mof’s got a chance to her

Left but no chance she just turned to follow it so lovely first ball there for bushier Kurt first wrong and of the spell spinning back into the right hand the cap she takes a hand off the bat she’s somewhat surprised judging maybe the amount of spinoff the Wicker single

Though through Square leg it’s 49 for one well like I said about facing Rosary Mir in the bounce coming from India and not experiencing that bounce you would think that the likes of Capi and C Brun still to come will be fairly ball against spin here’s a stumping chance

That goes begging it’s gone under the bat of an advancing buo here and not glove cleaning from gaze we mentioned it well right at the start didn’t we first second over just those opportunities those those mistakes off Wicket taking opportunities need to be taken you don’t want to give

Chances to these batters you need to take them when they come K goes leg side and it’s pulled very fine pass short fine leg that will run away towards the boundary it’s going to get there just in front of Jonas so that’s the old insult into injury Now isn’t it

He four will take England past 50 and it’s 53 for the loss of one so they let one big let one go between gay and divine and The Cordon in the first over and Now stumping which she does lose sight of it cuz it does go under the bat but to the offside so important pulled away nicely from the bad of buer out towards deep midwicket for a single 54 for one buer to 36 that is the end of the Cur over 11

Runs off it and England 54 for 1 through 8 is your business on a busy road maximize your location and elevate your presence with a vast digital billboard and not just any old billboard an LED billboard showcase your brand and products up and lights bold and bright

24/7 with vast into suit from 2 m to 10 m be seen and increase sales contact vast Billboards to BYOB buy your own billboard think big think vast vast Billboards doc. Fran Jonas back into the attack from the government house and starts to who play from the creas line through

Square leg Rosen quickly to prevent anything other than a single being taken and is a real problem for New Zeal she’s 37 off 27 and England a 55 for1 now coverage is with Rosine the paint professionals use Jonah is very quickly between balls as she’s in again from

Around the Wicket here’s a reverse sweep attempt that’s play to Extra cover figure that one out yeah I can’t figure that one out but this is a big spell into the wind now for Fran Jonas who probably is more comfortable with the wind behind her as every Bowlers let’s be honest gy 804

What she going to do she’s going to come down the W and hit up asly glorious through mid off out the fence for four long off his back two who had what 8 n m to get but that hits the Rope right in front of the old scoreb that’s as good a

Shot as capsy has played today she’s 12 it’s 59 for one yeah used to feat well came down to the pitch of it and knows if she gets it half well and especially if it’s aerial she’s going to get the wind behind it capsi and Susie baat is

An extra cover B her on her right shoulder and bit I think it’s Ros down there on her left shoulder straight Le line tickled around the corner by Capi trickles out beyond the circle just a run can only be had it’s 60 for the loss

Of one the Run rate is just under seven 6.92 to be exact so it’s just K down there at long off had no real chance hit well but with plenty of wickets in the change room the English know they can come hard they can use their feet they

Can swing hard there a sweeper tent nicely taken down the league Side by G problem is it is a wide it’s nice take nice hands I I don’t think gaz’s positioning is either the issue or a head position or it’s almost like sometimes just those hands are a

Little hard and don’t give with the ball pushed up towards long on for a single 62 for the loss of one bushier up to 38 I think he identified it in the first over with J ker bowling to the first one it wasn’t a chance but like the hands

Were you know fully extended they didn’t see much give much quicker through the air from Jonas angling into the right hander it was coming down the Wicket premeditatedly was capsy just a single pretty tidy over Des spite that boundary after nine Englander 63 for the loss of

One as they approach the halfway stage at seven and over the team at PGG RS and turf are all about the delivery of high performance turf grass Solutions they’ve been in the business for over 40 years so they know what it takes to deliver a top quality

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Long on back so heavily packed offside field as capsi drives up towards mid off and cures straight into that accuracy bowling down one getting just enough swing today you know her pushing into the breeze be quite hard to actually land it on the old te tow some players

Just will never get the experience of bowling into this wind will they and she’s one of them Jess K needs that wind behind her really which is a good space for her to be in nice bowling top of off stamp oldfashioned but it’s always demanding turn to midwicket just for a

Single 64 for the loss of one uh fizio has reappeared so Sophia Divine has not for New Zealand I’m unsure if she’s snuck in for a open country drinks break maybe Open Country delivering you a summer of New Zealand’s best trigger with the black caps surely not but as

Jacob Oram spotted a couple of overs ago after she bowled one over she immediately ran off the field and was signaling to the physio follow her follow that with great interest as Cur balls a little bit wider to an advancing buer who tees off gets it over mid off

She didn’t strike it all that well it’s hit high on the bat but she’s such a lovely stroke maker it’s sailed well over Hano down to that unprotected rope for four and England just on the advance at the moment Jacob over the last three and a half overs 68 for1 that’s a great

Shot because with just G in swing to the right hander you think the natural Arc or swing will take to the leg side but to be able to almost keep your body on the leg side of the ball and swing away over mid off long off towards long off

As we talk R May comes up from cover and a row now drops back to Long off but a good shot by bu here C past the Umpire drifting into the legs of the right-hander flicks around the corner got one wants two she is quick good judge of a run ran the first

One hard knew she would be coming back down Breeze and two to her name she moves to 44 off 30 70 for the loss of one we are we are putting the foot down now both these both these batters for England the only thing I can think

About with Sophie Divine is well apart from an injury obviously maybe we know Sophie divine’s diabetic maybe something to do with that here’s a caught and ball chance that’s put down high into the left two hands up just thumb to thigh and that tells you all you need to know she knows

It was sharpish but needs to be taken and New Zealand again guilty of not taking those 50/50s yeah there three now there’s three opportunities and Nick is stumping now caught and bold and you don’t want to have to be getting 13 wickets against an English side they could have four they’ve only

Got one glorious flick off the pads out through midwicket should get to Manny Green’s good Fielder but the placement so good from buer really does look in Rich form 46 K curses herself the end of 10 England well position positioned 72 for1 at the halfway stage hi Paul here from water Force

Keeping your Lawns Gardens Park Subdivision Sports fields and golf courses looking green and Lush is what we do best we’re also experts in improving water quality so it’s safe to drink and use we help a wide variety of residential and Commercial clients around New Zealand to use their water as

Efficiently and effectively as possible water Force offers customdesign solutions for your individual needs and supplies the best quality products and equipment for the child download our home irrigation planning guide to get started at Water force. 37 runs have been scored over the last four overs by England they really are pushing

On here at the Bas and Reserve our coverages with Rosine the paint kiwi Trust on the scoreboard it reach 72 for the loss of one the only one to miss out Danny White back into the side losing her Wick at court Gaz balmir for nine but it’s the my buer show really this

Series 43 KN out playing a secondary role to he the tonight on that way to a victory brilliant 70 yd in game number three failure of 12 of 20 game number two she is 46 off 32 and Hannah Rose going to come back into the attack from

The Govern now’s going to be bowling around the Wicket here Jacob with a long on a deep mid Wicket a deep backward square and a long leg fine leg very fine so she’s aiming at her and kepts his feet that’s the line she be wanting no width whatsoever outside off St five and

Inside the circle on the offside and she’s beaten her outside of off stump angling across trying to drive and C’s play down the wrong line well this is a line or a method that hanaho did try to employ at the back end of the Super Smash and she’s comfortable with

It which is the main thing you know I’ve got a a theory that nothing’s really wrong if you can execute a plan what you’re trying to do you know nothing can be really right or wrong there are probably high percentages of what you can do but it’s all about Hano getting

This line right very wide of the crease slower this time rolling the fingers over it’s played away into the point region and Cap’s body language tells me she’s really frustrated with herself it’s the joy of this game the pain of this game it’s a team game played by an individual and

She knows 15 off 21’s not good enough she also knows that potentially was a chance thankfully for heno it was a slow Ball but that provided a little bit of width but just not quick enough to get onto IT Crowd watching on most on the embankment shorter here’s a top Edge

Pole can they take a catch Jonas is not going to get there it lands about 5 me in front of her didn’t hang up enough in that breeze that so often can here you we’ve seen it over the years Neil Wagner getting people to play those shots and

They hold up for what seems like eternity that one went down way too quickly from a New Zealand perspective 73 for one a single Neil Wagner got people hooking what shock me um just on the Sophia Divine watch um just in between overs is pleas plenty of movement happening down in the New

Zealand Dugout conversations with Physio and the New Zealand manager the white F manager talking to the reserve umpire and even the whole match manager so I’m not sure what’s going on we’ll keep you posted another short one well bold as it travels over leg stump and Bush is

Looking rather awkward it’s the former shees showed so far it’s a a real compliment to row it was pce on 106k and hurried on to her well even if V hits that it’s into the wind if she hooks it it’s into the wind plus you’ve got a

Deep backward square and a f league in place and they’re quite fine I really like this by the white fs and H 73 for one it remains row and again buer comes down the Wicket hits towards long on just to the left of M green on the half

Volley who does neither catch it nor stop it four runs yeah um I think you’ve got to go for that I really do bu’s 50 off 34 balls but it’s such a big Wicket they’ve already put her down with a CAU and bold enous stumping and actually she was also

She she’s had three she’s had the three lives so she’s onto her fourth Innings she’s playing the last Innings of her test match today but I think running to her right from long on I reckon Matty Green’s got to have a chance she’s got

To have a dart for it and see what can happen it’s such a big Wicket such a crucial moment in the match one of those ones she’s run around rather than a direct line too here’s row wider of off stump and a beautiful reverse scoop got her positioning

Perfectly was ready for it and has taken a ball that would have what hit maybe middle middle and off and she’s got it down to the fence for four BU here brilliant again 54 of 35 England after 11 or 81 for one yeah you the hallway with dated

Wallpaper yeah some people might call it Chic but to you it just looks tired what’s the easiest way to remove old wallpaper though are you putting off your decorating project because you’re not sure how to do it ask the team at your local Rosine CA shop for all you

Need on the best wallpaper prep and hanging techniques so you can get your DIY to-do list done it’s time to get decorating this summer with resist Melee CER back into the attack from the vance stand end her first ball is well Bal as capsi was down looking to give it a real lick and then bailed out and just poked it into the offside there’s no run 81 for one to start the 12th over our

Coverages with Rosine the paint kiwi’s trust C and went for 11 off her first over the league spinner in again is a reverse sweep that’s play beautifully just forward of point for one capsi coming back for a second the not in time it was a close run thing but well done

To the English paer 83 for one Jacob orm still getting his head around that reverse scoot played by buer in the last over well yeah both of those that just shows both of them bushier plays one capsi plays there just shows the skill level of these players hit that very

Sweetly here capsi advancing and trying to head over the onside drags it towards long on for a single so run rate 7.3 what were they be happy with with such a good base jaob 84 for1 we’re in the 12th over not 7.3 I’m pretty sure of that um

They would be wanting so that’s getting you around well not enough they would want 160 minimum with this Foundation off the back foot bushier is going to turn the ball the onside for a single through mid on moving to 55 85 for the loss of one been able to see via

The camera work the TV and Z coverage peering into the UN ch field Pavilion which is the Players Pavilion so Sophia Divine sitting there and looking very unimpressed here’s a a LOF of drive that will get over the Inner Circle at Extra cover so much real

Estate out there and a four cap SE nice stroke not quite there but enough bat on it takes the score up to 89 for one it’s really interesting for me to sit here and watch at the international level how the opposition player Mur who as you

Would know when she bowls for the blaze there is panic panic is putting it nicely and and Ur is a great bowler don’t get me wrong but they attacker so much more at this level here’s a reverse sweep attempt it’s hit the pad it was probably missing

Legs St might have been a wrong and the dot to end the over for 12 overs in it’s 89 for the loss of one white gone for nine the only Wicket to fall off quickly look at the New Zealand bowling figures as Mays B two overs 1 for s c three

Overs none for 18 Hano none for 23 off two Jonas none for 13 off two Divine who has left the field none for eight off one and melee CES now bow two overs 419 Rosemary M back into the attack once more from the southern end of the ground so

Pushing up into this very stiff nor norwester as he bits the onfield captain with Divine off the field is having a chat with her probably saying something along the lines of get me a wicket yeah yeah and she’s got a chance you know that Ros bowled well this season in particular

Today extremely well Rosie two overs one for seven in the big Wicket earlier on of Danny White so if anyone’s going to do it it’s probably going to be M 89 for one as we start the 13th over lucky there Fran Jonas forgot the plan nearly stayed back at fin leag

Would have been a no ball with too many outside the ring steady fly runs for England over the last five or six as M has abush driving can’t get it past Extra cover bait does the Fielder so 54 runs have taken off the last nine over so it’s at nine and over maybe if you can go 10 and over over these last few for England you’re looking at a score of what 170 169 exactly that’s what they’ll be wanting with nine wickets and some fire power in

The sh and a set to two set players buer pushes softly towards our bait she throws for digs in one of the U surfaces in front of the stumps and took all Pace out of it I think Bush still might have crept home it turned into an easier run

Thing 90 for the loss of one with that single I wonder if bu’s introduced yourself here as well she’s just come up a bit Ginger after that quick single and flexing that left quad I think not happy with something keep an eye on that as well capsi on strike backs away outside

Leg and then pushes the ball back past the bowler very straight just a single hiy to 24 92 for one is definitely injured she limped through that and is now already called for the physio herself so not happy with something that’s no good down on her haunches now well we might take this

Opportunity as she’ll see receive some attention be real shame she’s played a beautiful hand thus far 56 of 38 capsi is 24 of 28 halfway through the 13th over England humming along 91 for the loss of one back very shortly at the Basin are you investing in advertising

And not getting the results you need add digital Billboards to your marketing mix for costeffective aspiring advertising with vast Billboards visualize your brand up and lights 24/7 bold and bright if you thought advertising on a digital billboard was too costly think again the vast team can have your business live

Within a day on a billboard that suits your Geographic or audience needs for advertising think big think vast vast billb boards. H if I’m injured fishing off those dodgy rocks on the cliff this weekend who’ll spoil a grand kids have a h and ask yourself if you get hurt who gets

Harmed f out more at acc. busy making a crease in the sofa as you watch batsman at the crease well you won’t want to risk leaving the couch because you might miss this ball the next ball or the delivery after that best get your dinner delivered instead mackers we

Deliver CZ live of the Bas and Reserve today with Rosine quality pain tank colors for your summer projects England a 91 for the loss of one new Ze won the toss decided to have a bowl and this the fourth of five T20 Internationals England lead the series by two matches

To one buia and capsi have put on a great partnership 62 off 50 balls and buer though is receiving some attention Jacob boram self-deprecation on your uh behalf a little bit early he said you can spot an injury a mile off hey you’re two from two today well it’s not hard when

Someone runs through and then pulls up short and then flexes her leg and then very next ball Qui well not even quick single actually it was an easy single and that’s the thing and she limped through straight away waved over to her Dugout for the physio to come out had a

Good stretch obviously hadit some pills or something a drink now and for the greater good of this game and the way she’s playing in some of the beautiful shots in particular you know that six over long on of Hanah earlier you know it’s just good to see good Cricket out

There and hopefully she can continue not for too long and then the white FS get her out yeah uh of course Sophie Divine still off for the white FS which is a real cause of con turn no official word from the camp we try and get that when

We get it to you so what what does B’s atten has received her treatment from the english team physio still stretching it quite a bit that left uh quite of Firsts generally in this uh in these circumstances does a player just test running again then decide I’ll just I’ll just swing for the

Fences maybe I think she’s swinging she’s on strike she’s dancing down the work and hitting osly sweetly through widish M off that should allow them to come back for a second hobbling back but she’s running to the N danger end 93 fo one RI goes to 58 it’s a beautiful shot

Though me that’s a good Ball by Ros just back of a length straight and she’s just able to get good power on that length and get it to the right of extra cover and an easy two although she is definitely swinging that League through she’s not really running squats at the

Knee backs outside of League stamp goes hard out it gets a top Edge s over backward Point down to the fence for four 62 of 40 buer really is pushing go it’s 97 for one that’s a little bit of the issue with his field which is so

Leag side dominant on the boundary in particular cuz that’s a straight Ball but B knows the line that Rose R’s trying to Bow so she can adapt herself in her positioning she just sh shifted herself out to the leg side and that created wdth for her to swing her arms

And slash it away behind point for four last ball of the 13th over squatting stroke as she comes down the Wicket sort of tennis style as she spanks the ball up towards long on single the end of 13 but is now 63 of 41 Cap’s 24 of 28 now she is signaling

Again we’ve got a player running out water and what a message and brightly umpire player can he get off the field please H yes I think that’s B he does that shorten the gap between Innings I always forget I bloody rules and protocols around it or is there a set time between

Innings 15 minutes set time no matter what so in theory you could just push out well there is that extra there is a maximum extra time they can have they can add on to the game yeah so will get pushed back so baites into the attack Hero of

Game number three bowling around the wiet as she did in that final over she’s going to be pulled away though all top hedge more than anything down towards fine leg we come back for 200 is up for England it’s 100 for the loss of one M

Moves to 65 so bites will ball with a deep backward Square deep midwick a long on Long off ping her offies from around the wicket Breeze behind her targets off stump looking to sweep the ball away into a gap caps he’s coming back throw needs to go to the

Other end with the hobbled right hander taking an age to get back but the throw went VI mic green to the striker in and capsy ran hard 102 for one well if that quad was just a niggle to start with it’s it’s now torn off the bone with

These singles and two she’s running bu here and she’s now using the bat is almost like a a ski pole trying to drag herself along between the wickets so she’s struggling she’s still swinging hard she’s still hitting the ball well and getting runs but you know you start

To think of the rest of the series potentially with only a 48 hours between the last two of these t20s in the first one hour on Monday for her sake and England’s sake hope it’s not too bad but she’s pushing it hard here all action as far as the the Sirens

Of the Basin who Shar out hits powerfully through midwicket on the up couple of bounces before reaches the field usually thrown back 68 to here 103 for1 so consecutive 50s the first in her T20 career looking to top that score of 71 game number three I didn’t think a

Quad was bad enough for an ambulance coming in well lots of quad injuries at the Basin Bates goes over the out this time punched to the cover reach and there’s going to be no run the ball is fzed back with great anger by Rosemary May fast

Ballers throw that one B was it just short hopped the keeper good backing up update Sophie Divine has left the field after picking up a quad strain while bowling and has been replaced on the field Divine won’t return to the field during the bowling Innings and a

Decision is still to be made as to whether she will be available to bat here is a sweep out towards deep backward square off the bat of capsi for a single moving to 25 it’s 104 for one there we go yeah like you say quads

Under of the day that’s not good for the white ferns I mean thankfully they have the bowling depth to cover her overs but if she can’t bat at all or to her maximum capacity that’s a huge hole really is and which can’t be filled for this game or any other game in the

Series reverse sweep goes to short third man no run pretty tidy over from B she conceded to six runs off it and England now after 14a 104 for the loss of one back shortly hi pull from water Force as a customer you want it all the backing of a

National operation with a local operator that knows your water needs that’s why thousands of kiwis just like John Richmond have chosen water Force as their water management partner so I would recommend water Force for anyone else they just POS at what they’re doing they made it pretty seamless and easy

Really good to work with and um happy to compromise and change things to to suit our system visit water force. today to find out more Fran Jonas her third over none for 13 thus far balls played off the back foot by capsi straight to point there’s going to be no

Addition that’s the sort of shot I think the Dugout would not be happy with capsi who you know at the stage of the Innings with six overs left and someone who’s been in for 30 deliveries can’t just push here’s a reverse sweep attempt and she’s gone wandering she’s lost of B

She’s going to be stumped Fran Jonas went up for an lbw Shout capsi was looking around where’s the ball well it’s perched right next to the leg stump and as he G goes thank you very much I’ll pick it up and take the bail off embarrassing moment for capsi she has to

Go new and have a wickets you’re not a great way look at that not a great way to finish for caps here and innings which started long just a m hit reverse sweep rolled through oh did Fran Jonas hit the ball did is he G I’d like to see

GJ homes replay I think she’s lost the ball as a comedy of errors well one hasn’t been picked up let’s see that n silver brunt just a player you want to see with a score at 104 for2 come out in the 15th over right yeah and not if you’re wearing black U

But yeah a a missed time missed completely verse sweep which had pad rolled away like you said capsi didn’t know where it was going and actually just rolling back towards the keeper we go so as she left her ground as he G just took the Bales off we think in time

Before she dropped the ball but you’re right here comes Nat s Brun the best players in the world the right hander waits for Jonah to goes short and she pulls away through midwicket towards M single 105 for the loss of Tu on the 15th over out to Mumbai Indians teammate good friend

C that’s the landscape now of This Woman’s game much like the men’s game and there it is again I think as he go just had the ball long enough rolled past the league stump oh Jacob I’m not so sure he’s a thunderous drive towards our baits but

The runs just drying up when you want to be pushing forward England from the platform they had but that reverse sweeps at the toe into the bat gone forward and then spun back nearly hit leg stump and gazes right next to it I’m not sure if she’s holding on to it

Here’s a SLO sweep out towards deep midwicket six runs don’t need to run with the dodgy quad if you had it like that me 74 career best Innings and she’s got a thirst for more it’s 111 for two a lovely shot I actually saw the shot and

Looked at Amelia C straight away at midwicket and she gave it up fairly quickly so I knew it was going the way good timing again out that’s the big pocket we were talking about before and that’s a nice release for this English side who haven’t been able to hit

Boundaries lately slow outside of off St waiting slicing a drive out through cover point for a single Mia moves to 75 the end of the 15th over England 1 one2 for the loss of two imagine a dick where you can invite people around to enjoy the afternoon and

The deck looks good and no one slips on the mold are you putting off your painting project because you’re not sure how to do it ask the team at your local rine color shop for all the help you need on the best wood stains prep and staining techniques for your project so

You can get your DIY to-do list done it’s time to get decorating this summer with Rosine our coverage with Rosine the paint kiwi trust England 112 for the loss of two five overs remain K back into the attack she BS to C BR who’s smokes it through Square leg that’s buer

My apologies gee that’s an awesome shot Jacob boram it’s not all that short but the power the powerful which that RAC away to the square league boundary for four so impressive yeah interesting field set though Deep Cover long off and with only four outside the outside the

The ring that means you’ve only got two on the league side and that is just midwicket in line on so anything remotely short that buer can get to square leg will be four that’s a bit of length worked up through mid on for a single bu

Here wow he got 80 of the 117 runs nearly 70% of the runs scored hogging the strike eh yeah and she’s been let off the hook once twice three times by New Zealand there is a message I don’t need to tell them what it is slower through the air sort of yking the

Right hander C BR who was leaning forward wanting to be assertive of the footwork works the ball through mid on for a single 118 for the loss of Two the One Thing New Zealand have avoided though nicely here Jacob is a really big overall two 14 off the third inside the

Power play and the eighth over went for 11 the only overs double figures here’s a sweep attemp from well outside of off stump trying to hit back with a square and that’s really going to stretch that quad muscle dot as it goes into the pads well that’s what I was saying before

After that six is that the white FS have done so well to restrict the boundaries throughout probably the last five or six overs there’s been plenty of ones and twos but that’s not going to kill you there’s bu slicing a drive T that’s G to just fall agonizingly out of the

Reach of Lee Hasbrook who on The Substitute Fielder she was at full length not the tallest she had a couple of extra inches she might have got that one 19 19 21 for the loss of two as they come back for two it always happens to the reserve Fielder as well doesn’t it

Yeah well it is the fourth chance but so there’s been three others to get on I think you’ve got to catch that I really do I know she’s sort of diving or falling away but should have been caught low fall toss worked way through midwicket if there’s any other player

Out there I think Eng going come back for two but with buer battling they hold up and keep it at one so 122 two for the loss of two Bush’s 83 for four herself it was the toughest of the chances buted on the GJ Gomes replay definitely just graze the fingers of

Gasb just been the some of the drop seas in New Zealand oh yeah both men’s and women’s side has struggled to catch well I I was coaching with the black ABS through that T20 Series against Australia and I couldn’t believe it 13 was it 13 dropped

It was a lot yeah I don’t know the exact number but I it was close to that and I couldn’t because there are some good there some good fielders were dropping that I remember actually the Test match here which I wasn’t involved with but watching it and Henry Nichols who has

Got amazing hands and he dropped that one out there towards embankment that’s sky where he was literally standing under it set and just shelled it which you do not see often K into the attack from uh Head Road in and that’s a nasty blow as hits silver brunt where on the

Inside portion of her front KN oh no it’s uh it’s actually hopped up let’s Che the replay here into the midrift not sure if she’s got a top Edge on this one it’s quite full of length oh she takes a huge deep breath tries to gather herself cuz Jessica is

Already running in Jessica none for 18 this is her final over she gets League side it’s flicked over the top of short fine leg long Chase for Rose a good athlete around to her right she gets there just almost crept under her legs and under the Rope they’ll come back for

A couple so silver brunt moves to five of five it’s 124 for two same sort of delivery really first and second B the first one C brunt missed and H her somewhere in the midroof then that one there managed to get some bat on it flick it over that

Short fine leg thankfully for the white funs not the same well not the timing that silver brunt would have liked and fielded by row running around from Deep Square beaten beautifully Bow by K she’s swung and she’s missed by a long long way I think she’s held that one back as

She’s trying to Target the onside yeah big leg cutter that’s beautifully bowled that it’s beaten everyone I mean silver brunt was about a week too early in that shot might have even held in the surface and then Gaz couldn’t quite get the mits rounded either looking to Target that on

Side to S run now she goes across his dumps and Scoops it fine par short fine leag for four stroke making ability right up there with the very best her first boundary nine to her name the score 128 for two well it’s just well it’s not great

Bowling actually we see the replay it’s going way down League anyway so silver Run’s almost in the end she’s lapping it but it’s like a lead glance cuz it’s heading down that way but the ability to want to swing the ball away through midwicket Cal corner with power for one

Ball and then the subtlety of getting down on a knee and lapping it is is really good skills now outside of League stamp hitting over Extra cover into a gap four runs only one back on the offside that’s a long off if you can play that stroke J you’re a nightmare you’re a

Nightmare in women’s Cricket if you can powerfully hit to the onside and then play an inside out L to drive Sumptuous Cricket 132 for two well I think you’re a nightmare in any Cricket if you got power and C brunt does and she’s gone I mean she played a Miss to one through

The leg side then she’s lapping now she’s moving to the off to the on to head over Extra cover it’s just quality batting full stop K her response be slower length ball powered up through mid on they’ve got one they’re going to come back cuz there was a little fumble

By Maddy Green and despite having a tight quad B pushing through the pain two runs to end the over 133 for the loss of two England after 17 Bailey is New Zealand’s number one rural real estate brand and they’ve just launched the country portfolio the special showcases the country’s latest Rule and

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For two the last two overs have picked up 11 and 10 runs respectively so 21 as they look to push on and finish in similar fashion to what they did in game number two and in Nelson when they scored 69 off the last six overs put themselves in a winning

Position that day he’s a reverse sweep attempt that’s out well taken by gays behind the Wicket as the right-hander buer misses swinging hard maybe a little bit too hard for that stroke 134 for two it remains B will be disappointed because that was wide enough outside the stumped almost be in perfect position

For now she goes across her stamps and sweeps conventionally but goes deliberately from low to up sets the ball sailing down towards the gate four runs 138 for the loss of to her 11th four well you you almost can’t defend against us at the moment we saw that in

Civ brunt the last over she can hit leg and offside in front of the Wicket behind the Wicket and the same thing here with bushier so Rose rir comes up from long off and they Dro deep Square back and she’s likely now to hit it over

Extra cover or mid Off K goes wider of off stamp and it’s smoked over mid off one of the best shots of the day one bounce four glorious F here to 91 142 for two well I mean I called it but it’s it’s almost obvious because of

The way I mean she’s been in for a long time here buer she’s faced 54 balls or 55 balls now but the way both of these batters have been toying with the Fielding basically hitting the ball where the field is being moved from now hit to Extra cover should be taken is by

Baits again you see the idea she’s seeing the field well looking for a gap went outside of League stump but just got the bottom of the bat couldn’t get it over baits but Maya bushier has been R taking out best in the series she’s got to go with inside of her maiden T20

International 100 she’ll be devastated at that but 91 of 56 it’s a great Innings especially when you consider she’s carried a leg injury for the second half of it so she may have actually missed out on a few runs as well with some limping between the

Wickets but it was a great Innings 91 of 56 some beautiful shots two and over the boundary well played Maya bushier 25y old assent you would think for a long time in this English setup the KN and here the Knight comes out with a score at 142 for the last of three

K picking up a work up but going for consecutive boundaries prior to that sort of unfamiliar looking figures for outstanding New Zealand allrounder K 1 for 37 off 3.4 but I think Jacob B about 15 minutes ago just summed it up perfectly comped to when she’s bowling at this venue in New

Zealand domestic and people are panicking it’s been the other way that whoever’s been out there facing want to set the tone to melee C putting her under pressure no Bower likes being under pressure here’s a reverse sweep from night she falls over but guess what another misfield hit straight to Cas BR

Goes through her legs and he the night who was face planted down after slipping gets a very easy single and unfortunately brings cver brunt back on strike well we saw exactly the same thing in the second over by Fran Jonas in a similar position I mean that’s just

Hit straight to Le hasri and it’s a now short pulled away down to the fence at fine leg it’s a poor ball has to be said way to leg side almost fearsome feared rather the power of Civ brunt and well that’s whacked away at the end of 18

With two overs remaining England set for a big one at the base and it’s 147 for three 147 every oaklander deserves to have a strong safe secure garador ockland garad door from wellsford to wuku gador ockland service the whole of ockland and with a 10-year warranty they’re hard to beat gador a.c. NZ

Get two overs remain New Zealand need to stop the bleeding England are on a real roll now 147 for three coverage of Rosine the paint kiwi trust the first ball of the over Bow by Rosemary M from the government house in pushed up towards long on for a single M green in

Towards the 30 m Circle to field how often do you see it to in that last over misfield to a new player and the set B A Sil brunt on strike and I know it was a poor ball short down the Le side and near the Knight probably

Would have put it away as well but the set player just puts it away with EAS and you sort of look back at that Mis Fielding Fielder and you think thank you very much it’s a good delivery full whipped away through midwicket though just shy of that Yorker length but hard

To get elevation on 149 for three a great spell today by me she’s into the wind all four overs all four is that correct I think that’s right yeah all four overs into this so out died I mean it’s still a wind it’s a windy day but it’s not quite

What it was at the start of the Innings and M had to front up into that the whole four and whole four overs of his spell comes in again length ball there crunched back past the bow up she tried to get a right hand up it would have

Been an absolute spectacular catch but it’s a bitter stroke because e the knights only face three balls that was a third she’s whacked it away to the long off boundary for four 150 is up that’s a number 153 for three halfway through the 19th just a length ball and you’re

Hoping that here the night drags it to the league side where the four fielders on the boundary are but she’s good enough to hold her Shake keep that shoulder in a side on position and then that way she can still access through the offside of that

Straight line it’s a short ball and sort of lofting The Bard a deep backward point and running back and almost taking the catch I think it Bardo sort of went tried to guide the ball past the Inner Circle got underneath and that allowed them to rush after it is that another

Finger on we’ll have to check the GJ Gomes replay but he have the dropes today well running backwards Bouncer and all here the night she could she did well to reach it actually all she could do is really just poke it over backward Point Baden who is at in the ring at

Backward point there running back over a left shoulder and another one that is a tough catch but really you’ve got to take it5 for three Knight goes across there STS and Scoops over short fine leg while she’s toying with the field that’s only landed 3 or 4 M away from a retreating

Jonas come back for two as Jonas gets inside the boundary rope Knights quickly on to 10 or five 57 for three that’s what I was saying before and you you just mentioned toying with the field you did right Fran Jonas was back at fin leg with mid off up before that ball they

Decided to put mid off back to Long off Fran Jones comes up and hear the Knight says okay well I’ll just H it you’ve just moved that Fielder let’s have a bit of fun now that Field’s changing back again so let’s see if Knight now goes

Looks to go to leg side and hit more over mid off through the covers that’s where the Gap would be she does back away but credit me she followed her and hit the length well it’s a Yorker it trickles out to the onside with no real

Pace and they’ll be able to steal a second but you know if you’re a Skipper and bowler it is frustrating to give away a second but there not much more you can ask in that situation you take two but the problem is England already inside of 160 it’s 159 for three

So going at 8.37 runs and over m with excellent figures one for 28 off four overs and I think 10 of those runs were off the last four balls he well bowled he a good bow good Yorker just unfortunate to that big pocket and M C couldn’t stop the second

Run but if you said to Rosary May or Sophie Divine as Captain or now Susie Bates whoever’s going to bowl bowl in the power play and at the death into the wind all 24 balls and you’re going to go at seven and over I think you’d take

That so not a bad day for Roger M so far here’s a sweep attempt that’s going to be picked up by short fine leg Rosemary Mayfields they’ll get a run C Bruns moves to 21 of 12 160 for the loss of three so 112 for two after 15 and they’ve picked

Up what 11 10 13 12 the last few overs excellent finish Jonas into her fourth and final here’s this one smoked through Extra cover slashing Drive had to reach for it here’s one of Jacob orams oh an appreciation sorry about that yeah that is it’s a reflex action when I see

Something good it’s just down the Wicket I mean it’s gutsy play I think to have Fran Jonas balling this 20th over might prove me wrong she might come back in the last four balls but he the Knight just came down and met it on it length and smashed it away through

Cover now hits upply over extra C more Square G fact way through Point there’s no one protecting that area and it’s well wide of off St not sure that’s the line you need to be bowling there 165 for the loss of th Jonas deserves and he

The Knight makes a pay absolute Gem of a knock here 20 off8 well with the only boundary Rider on the offside being Hano here at long off you just can’t afford to be wide and then was very wide in fact here the night the only reason it

Went so square at Point CU she had to do well to reach it right and kind of carved it if you know what I mean carved it over that offside as opposed to hitting it like the previous ball now decides to come round or over the Wicket

The left arm spinner 68 for three she balls down the leg side and it’s pulled away short fine leg it B fired in could have been a close run thing if H the stumps did not I think he the knight’s disappointed she hasn’t put that away to

The fence well outside of League stump if she leaves it it’s a wide only trickled at to short fine leg 169 for three two balls remaining Jonas again pitches outside League St n BR besides on going a bat left-handed just hit it away to back the point for

Four cuz I’m that cver BR I can do things like that she’s taken that from what a foot and a half outside of League stun you’re having a laugh they’re so good like let’s be let’s just be honest like you know they’ve still got what they got

Amy Jones the world class keeper bat and Sophia Dunley who is has been opening the batting there’s depth but you’re looking at these two here with their strike rates pretty much 200 both of them here’s a sweep over short fin Le down to the fence for four it’s been a

Master class of hitting over the last five overs by England and they post a very very big score 177 for the loss of three the skipper not 21 off n n silver brunt who took a few balls to get going ends up at 29 off

14 and new Zilla will have to go to incredibly lofty Heights and might be down their most feared player in Sophie dine who left the field with a quad injury still no news on if she will bat but well H Lon harsh lesson has been dished to the

New zealanders Jacob Oram over those closing overs yeah look you’ve got to take your chances and I know Dunley uh not Dunley sorry bushier was the fortunate one in terms of getting those chances through her Innings but it actually catches up with you and it just

Means that the likes of C Brun or Knight aren’t coming in earlier you can’t put pressure on you can’t build any sort of pressure throughout the Innings and it just means that at the end of the Innings with wickets in hand you’re able to make toll and that’s what the quality

Side does in England they have depth they have power they have players who can hit all all around the ground and I mean all around the ground offside League side in front of the Wicket behind the Wicket in particular and when you throw someone like Fran Jonas to

Bowl the last against two set experienced players I was fearful of one outcome and unfortunately that’s the way it happened thoughts of Jacob or alongside me Daniel mcard our coverage of the fourth of five T20 Internationals with rine Quality Paint and colors for your summer project so 178 is the target

For New Zealand I’ll give you a quick read of the score can’t then take a break uh Danny Wyatt gone CAU gays off the bowling of M for nine with a score at 29 in the fifth over then we saw a big partnership for the second Wicket

Between Alec Alice capsy who made 25 off 32 she sort of battled herself somewhat the good thing for her at the other end May busher was just in Rich form carrying on from that effort of Nelson she made 91 of 55 at 12 for some of the

Stroke making just glorious two sixes as well so 14 times she either two or beyond the boundary rope in a score of 91 uh before she was caught baits at Extra cover off the bowling of ker Jonas had got rid of caps he stumped after by gay um very funny moment qn sweep

Attempt saw the ball spin back to the leg stump GSI just went walk about completely lost where the ball was and as G has picked up the ball and knocked off the Bales but then unfortunately for New Zealand a quite brilliant finish between NS and run 29 off 14 and here

The night 21 off n 177 for three two extras just one wide was bowled by New Zealand one League by pretty tidy on that front Rosemary M four overs one for 28 Jess CER four overs none for 30 Hannah Ro two overs no Wicket for 23

Fran Jonas four overs one for 39 Divine the one over before she left the field none for eight uh Millie Kur she was made to pay today one for 42 off her four and Susie Bates one over none for six s new Zealand need 178 runs after England posted a fine

Fine total of 177 for the loss of three they had Partnerships all the way 29 for the first work it then 75 for the second and then the icing on the cake over 34 balls England a finished with 73 runs thanks to C Bron B and then here the

Knight joining in on the party cver run and Knight 35 of 14 balls and New Zealand probably felt pretty good about themselves with five or six overs to go be quite a deflating feeling I I can only assume Jacob Oram alongside me when you’ve you know seen things sort of

Spiral wildly out of control in the last few yeah it’s funny when when you think about it the games at the halfway mark and one team’s gone from batting to bowling the other obviously vice versa but it’s amazing that feeling you can take into the change room and how it can

Actually just filter into your the the second discipline that you’ll be doing in the game so I’ve got no doubt that that you know they they might run in or they might they might be clapping and backs slapping going on and you know we can get this we can do this and the

White fans can don’t get me wrong but you obviously got one side who is very up for this and is feeling a lot better than the other side because that finish by England in particular I don’t necessarily think the white F pulled that terribly to be honest with you

Daniel you know just the the quality of betting from buer and then you thought okay we out here we go we got an opportunity well no here the night came out and was just as fearsome as was OB SE n c brunt who we’ve talked about

Enough with all his I honestly it’s it’s actually great to watch him a neutral but for someone who’s been involved with the wons and you know New Zealander I’m trying to be very unbiased but fantastic to watch that stroke play with shots all around the ground you said at one point

Toying with the field they were 100% move field it’s cheeky you move a Fielder okay I’ll hit it there you know and I’m starting to wonder I know I’m going from the tangent now in the woman’s game you’re only allowed four outside the ring players are good enough

Now and and the power has come into the women’s game so much the men have five out just have five more five out you know and then but not to be and I don’t make the rules so one one thing I you know if I’m offer a critique of what

I’ve seen solely in the series alone like massively small sample side they do look more comfortable they being England of course of playing 360° in fact 720 if you takeing n of a brunt betting left-handed at the end New Zealand tend to be an onside looking group would you would you say that’s

Fair that maybe there’s not enough players who can access that offside I think when it comes down to power like when you say go and hit a boundary I think definitely the English have more options and at the end of the Ben Innings when you got Wickers in hand

That’s what you’re after here’s Lauren Bell from Over the Wicket right our medium fast starts full of length and pushed by baits up towards midle and Bell sprinted onto the field absolutely sprinted onto the field cuz there’s no chance she’s doing a Roseberry mirr and bowling into this wind got a strong

Breeze at her bag 113k to start to she wouldn’t even let the captain finish the sentence Lauren you’re at the and she’s already marking a run up you’re from the north with the Vance standing hop at the top of a mark and then starts barreling

In moves past the Umpire b a w wi half FY that is hit away to the third man fence for four baits went hard at it that was the key she swung hard top Edge yeah third man up and inside the circle and there is a boundary just second ball

Into this run Chase four without loss yeah a lot of width in fact would have been a wide we saw one of those earlier to the English which bu necked the first of her four or five chances was it through slipping keeper but that time Susie bat’s got enough wood on it over

The top of third man who is inside the ring no slip unlike New Zealand who started on the attack somewhat beautiful bowling from Bell full of length just nibbling away might have just rolled the fingers over it Susie bits is all squared up ex SM as she looks back to

Bell that’s a nice comeback delivery there Bell who does tend to swing the ball back and not as prodigiously as Sayes CER but does well shape it back in but that just held its line and you’re right if anything just nipped away that’s the beauty of bowling with brand new

Ball with a big G titled to defend baits on the wall tries to chip onto the onside Leading Edge almost as it trickles up towards midon there’ll be no run as Daniel Gibson does the Fielding a short Third Man in point cover just recover mid off mid on

Midwicket B good square and a very fine f League it’s weights slightly Bend to the knee mat Rays around her p as she comes and chips it to midwicket and is caught fou over to the offside and just spooned a very easy catch into the midwicket region and if New Zealand weren’t

Feeling deflated before the Run Chase they will now because they’ve lost to keog bit goes caught for four it’s four for one yeah that sucks that really does suck for suie Bates and the white ferns the ball before similar sort of shot where she sort of went hard at a

Good length ball and it hit high up on the bat and went down to but it was a couple of bounces to Mid on that one there was maybe a bit straighter but similar sort of shot where sus he baits his hands we out in front and could only

Find the midwicket fielder who was in tight to start with nice diving catch forward brings Amelia Cur out and now am I thinking Daniel starts going ahead to who’s coming NE well not next but it was Sophie Divine going to bat at all even further down the order and the last

Update we had was about 30 40 minutes ago confirmation that she’s off the field with the quad strain that she wasn’t going to return during the New Zealand innings in the field and a decision had yet to be made whether she will be available to bat I’m not sure

You need to check the laws of cricket of you know how long does she wait before she’s allowed to come out from Seven down if it’s not an external blow I’m pretty sure but you know we we talk about the big three for this white FS team and Sophie Divine Susie Bas and

Amelia C well Susie Bates is out Sophie Divine might be out through injury that means it’s all on it’s all up to you m it’s all on a Mele Cur to get 100 three runs away from 1,000 and T20 International Crick and she’ll get a single first ball as she works out to

The onside just forward of square the end of the first over Ker one B notes yet to face the ball it’s five for the loss of one the target is 178 that’s getting a replay on the GJ Gomes replay and H well outside the line sort

Of to the offside on a turn it’s h high on the bats just ballooned away it’s soft to smle by Pat’s standards and all smiles was B in theer of the English Squad they know what a big Wicket that was almost a leading Edge not a genuine

Leading Edge but very close to it just with those hands getting out of front the bat not being in total control but a massive Wicket Nonetheless so the second over Begins full of length it’s worked to uh backward Square leg as silver brunt back into the side opening the bowling pushing into the breeze con seeds two runs good running between the New Zealand Piers ker moves to three and that is 1,000 T20

International runs just a 70th match averaging 28.57 some player of run balls good Pace nipping back in heading into the mid of Vu backing away towards Square leg as that followed her yeah that shocked her a wee bit as well see the look on her face want a

Little smile to her Mumbai Indians teammate n c brunt from Aur but I think there was also a bit of what’s happened there didn’t it back just above the thigh pad I think it hit her zbr now catches the outside edge of the bat as it trickles down through the

Galy creeping over the Inner Circle single eight for the loss of one cures four off four run to sh C br she can do a bit of everything make the ball one way then the other so Kur joins M Amy Seth way Sophie Divine Susie Bates having scored 1,000 more T2

Runs Zen height looking to back up after a good knock in game number three she starts with the ball into her I think got a bit of bat on it we look to unire Brown single will be award Ed as the ball goes down towards fine leg nine for

The loss of one and the second over sliping here the KN at first slip H man long leg silver brunt just has a false start there’s also Point cover extra covers creeping in looking to protect a single mid off mid on quite a straight midwicket as well worried about hitting down Breeze

Run from Over the Wicket on the walk and pushing into the onside is cury won’t be a run that required run rate I know it’s very early but it’s already up at 9.3 which is very high already and for me if you’re getting anywhere near that double figures per over required is

Almost getting in the two hard basket can still be done absolutely especially if M gets your going and divine does bad but something needs to happen fairly early there’s a p stroke and the W’s long leg is single only a single five runs off the over New

Zealand through two chasing 178 a 10 for the loss of one ah that gloomy second bedroom all it needs is is brightening up so how do you get started do you need to seal the walls before you paint are you putting off your painting project because you’re

Not sure how to do it ask the team at your local rine color shop for all the help you need on the best paints prep and painting techniques for your project so you can get your DIY to-do list done it’s time to get decorating this summer with

Rine here is Bell continuing from the van stand in right arm over the wickets starts and dabbing the ball as C into the gy no run so B been given consecutive overs at the top 10 for the loss of One chasing 178 New Zealand has

Lost at Susie Bates C of a brunt at midwicket off the bowling of Bal for four and I like the consecutive overs I like the fact that if you’re in a bit of Rhythm got a wicket of Susie Bates in your first over you only went for five plus your bowling

Downwind make the most of it and keep Lauren Bell going plus of the big 3-2 potentially gone if you get me her here put New Zealand in a ginormous hole I don’t know what’s going on this three f starts from Bell she wants to bowl maybe there’s something wrong with

Advertising in front of the S screen keeper Jones putting her arms up waving cerly Cricket will break out again here is B from the top of her Mark moves past umpire black and BS but C running at her and hits a high over mid on one two bounces into the fence for

Four that’s some retort 14 for one that’s a lovely shot there it’s reminiscent of buer in the first innings in fact that’s probably six if you flip around and C hitting with the wind it’s a lovely shot just shuffled down the Wicket a couple of steps able to get to that good length

Ball basically turned it into a half fley and just whip it away over a wide long on or wide mid-on and two bounces for four lovely shot B balls for that’s a beauty goes past the outside edge K’s feet were really nowhere nether forward nor back but that’s just good bowling hits the

Seam and nips away again it’s too quick for Jones behind the wiget she drops the ball as it thunders into her gloves stinging blow to her right hand well I think K was expecting a shorter ball she actually went straight back into her into the box right back in her crease

Expecting a Shore ball to follow up the the down the Wicket boundary and it was well bowled by Bell who held her length here is the shorter one it came one too late problem is it’s way too short sailes high over Ker’s head and that will be a Wide 15 for one New Zealand k n off n bod H at that in going I going to get another go I’m one off one ah the joys of being an opener halfway through the third over K walking again towards Bell B balls wide of off

Stump she is just a check in attacking stroke pushing to point there will be no run B on belly is the call the English Field and bu is not out there is she that quad injury I think that’s best H Heath and at M on there well the ponytail being pushed

Around by the breeze pulled into the onside with no conviction I thought it was going to balloon to Silver BR at midwicket again silver BR around to her right hand side the one thing there that saved Mee Cur is the lack of timing on in a single she will gather moving to 10

At 16 for the loss of one last one see the replay of Susie bat’s dismissal very much a Leading Edge actually more so than I thought when you see them slow motion and they PA on impact it’s most definitely off the edge we can confirm a

Leading Edge the way the moment it’s not even caught in Susie bates’s shoulders are almost touching the ground cuz she know you know was a great feeling what have I done this game sucks why did I choose this so one ball remaining in the third over pretty disciplined start from England in

The Run Chase picking up the early Wicket always helps so bizard in h we’ll get another crack one off one last ball of bells over is one for 11 strong Norther a of back she balls full dab to backward Point into a gap got one maybe

Get a second but Barden height I think was just a little bit anxious of the ball creeping through the Inner Circle so just delayed who push up to the non-striker end the end of the Third D in New Zealand chasing 170 out of 17 for1 I’ve always tried to make good

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Started a fact we’re very proud of Make A wise choice and choose New Zealand’s most trusted home builder gjs here today and tomorrow 17 for the loss of one New Zealand needing a further 161 runs if they’re to square the series and send it to a decider our coverag is with Rosine

The paint kiwi’s trust it’s going to be Gibson into the attack right arm medium Pacer from the Adela Road in Bowling a wide half volley that’s missed out by Boden who tried to ster it down towards Third Man to slightly Miss as it crept inside that wide marker Daniel Gibson’s always smiling always

Look like she’s having a grand old time just another one of those that next wave of talent coming through you’ve got the likes of Knight Sil brunt Wyatt Jones have been there for years lovely side on action short cutway poor Fielding diving away to her right

Was Danny wide has seen it creep under a body that might cost her side four runs and it does any white puts her hands up and sort of apologizes B it’s her first boundary might need one for New Zealand it’s 21 for the loss of One chasing 178 it’s a poor bit of

Fielding just to a right it needed the dive it wasn’t through who legs Danny White’s legs but Harbor Bridge yeah totally yeah what I’m trying to say is you should stop that and someone like Danny White who is a live wire in the field you’ll see it on the she’ll go to

The boundary as soon as the field spreads and she’s she’s amazing out there on the boundary but you got to stop those ire Brown just here little second or two to get back to his position Gibson’s ready to go and she’ll now start to run up pretty straight

Approach into the breeze she will bow for and driven straight towards mid off B not it’s off quickly she likes taking on Mid off it cost to her Wicket in Nelson when she had to run around the bow making the extra yard she had to take uh ultimately a losing yard but but

Uh this was an assured call she Struck it sweetly called Kur through it was late to respond 22 for1 I think if hlon had got that cleanly and we’ had a direct hit so there’s a lot of ifs but if that had happened I think there was

Actually a chance there I think eon’s with you she’s done the old taken her off the ball just the last here’s our Cur steering a ball through Point pass white to a right out of the fence and it’s going to reach the Rope for four just beautifully controlled B by CER

Dancing down the Wicket then steering the ball into the Gap through the offside quality stroke she’s 14 it’s 26 for1 the second time in three balls where Charlie Dean at cover is teased out to the boundary second time in three ball she’s taking a dive and just missed

It into the Rope but yeah lovely play Feet Again by melee K turning into a half FY and just steering into that forward Point Gap nine runs off the over going past the outside Edge has good just given herself room outside of League St again looking to Target the point region completely understandable

Just missed the ball bit of length though by Gibson a bit of length just dragged it back away but not easy for Kur to get on top of that bounce Gibson running it again from Over the Wicket will ball K coming down tries to over hit the ball drags it through the

Mid work at Region was targeting strike gets a single retains the strike after four overs New Zealand chasing 178 a 27 for the loss of one hi pull from water Force as a customer you want it all the backing of a national operation with a local operator that knows your water needs

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Compromise and change things to to suit our system visit waterforce doc. NZ today to find out more our coverage on E cnz of the 4 T20 International with rine quality pain and colors for your summer projects 178 is what New Zealand need to win the game 27 for the loss of one and

Add this into your equation Mr Jacob boram uh sovet Divine is allowed to return to the field as you rightly called after the fifth Wicket or or Charlie Dean’s going to start her first over from the van stand in and she bowls a pie short wide down the leg side and

It’s out around the corner the thin in no it’s not even hit by C it’s four Wise It’s steak and cheese variety that I had from ker yesterday 31 for one I don’t mind a pie oh fa par on a road trip but not like that that is that is

Short down leg in fact K will be disappointed didn’t catch up with it with two inside the ring there behind Square Bowling down winds much better the second one but it’s flicked away nicely for of square long chase out Corner around to her left good Fielding

In the deep is that n c BR what can she not do she prevents a boundary two to the New Zealand Title 31 for the loss of four Cur 17 or 15 but a Soviet Divine according to a match operations it’s either after the fifth Wicket or 6

Minutes after three whatever comes first I would certainly hope New Zealand are not five down in 16 minutes although although we did see five for eight off 16 balls in game number two well you were pulling your hair out of that well it’s I think that’s a good result then

You know like that time is sure I mean dean the off spinner ball short and it’s pulled away down to the boundary for four Charlie Dean who’s been really good so far in the series just struggling to settle in an her first over and good one for new zealanders ker picks up another

Four to deep backward Square it’s lovely batting really is it’s tough field to bow to for the off spinner especially an off spinner who does tend to bowl quite quick because all Amilia needs to do is get something on it and use that pace especially behind square and that’s

Where she’s targeting 11 balls off the first two 11 runs off the first two Swept Away beautifully taken and back with square legs Sophia Dunley heading high on the bat the pace not there for CER and char Dean gets the Wicket and that’s a massive one k goes for 21 38 for two

Sorry Daniel you did right though that took the pace off the earlier deliveries where K had managed to get it behind square and even the wide down the leg side were faster and that was just a little slower probably a different line as well outside the off stump K trying

To access that leg Side Square leg boundary again could only find Dunley at backward square and a nice catch just sort of jumping to a right top right right unfortunately for New Zealand Amilia C is out and 38 for2 New Zealand and Manny green arrives to the

Middle a player who knows this venue well in the number of years with Wellington of course back to Oakland 38 for the loss of Two heading inside the power play very very experienced player now 91 International T20 International going to have to do something special here for New Zealand you would think long way off this target 140 runs to be exact 38 for the loss of two and both baites and K out Dean starts to green short and it’s pulled away England

Have adjusted the field Dunley who took a catch at at Square leg moving to to her right has gone back to deep backwards square and gets us gets uh green underway with a single what if had a second grab if she was inside the circle there but

That’s it’s a big if not sure if green plays that Stoke but it was a good catch by Dunley wasn’t it was high to a right was a good catch yeah she had to time that jump well had to be spot on to make sure she

Was able to get the height Zen comes down the wi that’s powerfully great Fielding from Dean low and to right gets a right hand down and takes all off it it trickles behind her a single we’ll see new move to 40 for the loss of two bazard moves to eight off

Six it’s good over so far for New Zealand apart from the Wicket actually what am I saying anytime you lose immediately Cur it’s not a good over aad but 12 off the four balls so in terms of run rate or 13 off five terms of run

Rate is what they need they managed to drag the Run rate required down to just take over nine good signs there’s a beauty that goes past the outside edge of M greens trying to open the face run it to short Third Man the end of the

Over uh 13 runs off the over but had to go New Zealand 40 for the loss of two chasing 178 the hallway with dated wallpaper yeah some people might call it Chic but to you it just looks tired what’s the easiest way to remove old wallpaper though are you putting off

Your decorating project because you’re not sure sure how to do it ask the team at your local rine CA shop for all you need on the best wallpaper prep and hanging techniques so you can get your DIY to-do list done it’s time to get decorating this summer with

Rine 40 for the loss of two new zealands our coverage with rine the Pate professionals use 138 runs needed from here only 90 legal deliveries available to them Nat s Bruns going to come back into the attack from the G house send the first ball is on leg side

Wide good take though by Jones tumbling away to her left it’s a lovely take she’s very good Wick keeper Amy Jones in fact you wait till she stands up to the stumps to Eon and whoever else is going to bowl slow she’ll probably stand up to all the bowlers towards the

End even the quicks too but great hands very soft hands good mover here’s a slow ball bounce the hits the shoulder of Boden hod is through the stroke the ball Dives on Jones this time has to go alertly to a right and does an equally good job might have actually had her in

The head on the back yeah you’re right shoulder back although now no it was the head we’ve got the obligatory concussion test for a what was probably a glancing blow it’s shoulder then onto the back of the helmet I think on the GJ Gomes replay bizard looks okay of course never

Quite know we saw Glenn go out for a catch in game number three land and whack her head then baling over and obviously felt a little bit unwell left the field wasn’t cited again and is missing today through concussion as well Zen’s having a laugh she’s got a

Smile so I think she’s okay and she’s almost probably a little bit embarrassed that she has to have that check but it is protocol and it’s the right way to go about it you never know do you no you’re right Zen H good in the last game what was it 34 I

Think from memory 34 of 26 fascinating sort of player in this you anyone is an open is really important in T20 cricket it’s a player who spent a lot of time as a wicket Keeper in her career he’s sort of carrying two keepers which is unique leans forward as she’s back into

A work with a uh compact sort of defensive prod back to the bowl and no run well we spoke about it just after the toss around how busy she is the the funky areas she can hit into the different areas the the different sort of approach that she’s got to the

Likes of Bates or ker she’s outside the square wee but I think see even then she’s wandering down and then gets down very low and almost sweeps the ball away on leag start really powerfully downwards long leag for a single but there’s a lot of moving Parts it little

Shuffle forward pivoting on the sweep 42 for two you’re right I mean a more what should we say like more technically focused players probably trying to stand up and hit that straight whereas Zen’s shuffling down then almost a length ball sweep shot against a SEMA and you’re

Right she actually hit it really well if she’ managed to pierce those two fielders deep square and fin leag would have been four but unfortunately straight to final leag bring M green on strike betting at number four with that no Divine at the moment for New Zealand the right hand of

We she’s uh forward and pushes up towards out mid off and there’s no run massive Innings here for green isn’t it really you know chasing a big score the odds are probably against you let’s be honest but still a really good opportunity to lay down a market for

Matty Green Spot in that middle order and say yeah I can get 60 or 40 or 70 or 45 whatever it may be she’s down the Wicket trying to head over mid off’s head and fortune favors the brave getting it on the back of the breeze hit

It high on the bat so it just ballooned over off’s head but it was hit well enough that’s something I’d like to see more from mty Green earlier in Innings the odorous taken gets a boundary 46 for the loss of two then scoreboard presson actually

Just sort of free her up early in the Innings I think the feature of this series is the amount of ball she soaked up and trying to get going well risks are required so that sort of a shot there is is a nice shot it’s a great shot good timing good

Movement now flick off the hip down to Woods f one leg looping away and towards Fielder that’s Alice capsy that will see the end of the six over New Zealand again good scoring rate inside the power play Big Target the chasing though 47 for2 racing season starts now charge out

The gates with 50 bucks and bonus bits on us join T deposit $10 and get $50 in bonus bits sign up at new customers only T Andes apply our bit responsibly busy making a crease in the sofa as you watch batsman at the crease well you won’t want to risk leaving the

Couch because you might miss this ball the next ball or the delivery after that best get your dinner delivered instead mackers we deliver it’s NZ live from the Bas Reserve with Rosine the paint kiwi’s trust New Zealand chasing 178 after the power play a 47 for the

Loss of two at the same stage Jacob or England were 35 for1 and New Zealand 12 hit the problem is so we’re going to win yeah that’s problem might be down Sophie Divine to and uh the best bowler in the world’s coming on Sophie Eon back into

The attack back into the side rather after her break after the uh wpl let’s save the best bowler in the world till after the power play When the field spreads and that run rate still needs to be going at around about double figures per over as always bowling with Sunny’s

Round the Wicket beautifully fighted straight on the money first up pushed up towards middle on no run and the confidence in her quality from herself but also the captain here the night to have mid on Mid off up and to say okay come at her yeah if you want to come

Down the Wicket use your feet try and hit straight good luck a unique bowling style isn’t it just a couple of Paces she balls low full toss it up towards mid off there’s no run fact you combine who with Cen the most minimalist of spinners like literally it’s like bowling from a

Standing start isn’t it but so so good both of them both inside the top five think fourth for Glenn and number one the best going around Sophie Eon and what a career in T20 krer 109 wickets in 76 games prior to this average of 15 economy rate 5.86 he’s a sweep that just

Misses leg stump by an inch if that those are serious numbers I mean sort of a wick at a game is considered good you know probably better than good and if you what did you say 10 something off 799 109 and 76 matches strike rate picks

Up a we every 15 balls there’s a little dab Lake cut straight into heavy traffic there’ll be no run there just coming back to your action though I mean she’s a tall girl same with Glenn you know they’re quite tall big girls I don’t mean that in that’s no disrespect

Whatsoever they’re tall girls they look strong you know they’re not they don’t need a big run up to create that momentum into the crease well flighted outside of off stamp but it’s hit High over mid on geving out towards the boundary Gibson good athlete slides flicks it to C brunt who applauds

Eon gives a big thumbs up as Theoden ho comes back for two I mean Spinners will create a lot of they’ve got the run up sure but you still need to have a lot of energy and momentum AC on delivery through the crease she’s good enough and strong

Enough to be able to do that bit quicker Fuller outside of off under the bad as bazan H trying to sweep again good revolutions on that one three runs off an eckl shall we call it we just call it nelon it’s 50 for the loss of two AR to do

That bit quicker Fuller outside of off under the bad as bazan H trying to sweep again good revolutions on that one three runs off an e shall we call call it we just call it nichon it’s 50 for the loss of two hour a pool here from water Force

Keeping your Lawns Gardens Parks subdivision Sports fields and golf courses looking green and Lush is what we do best we’re also experts on pushing up into the breeze long on his back deep midwicket deep backward Square also deep Point as well like green was looking at Mid Off K

She get to the PCH hard to come down to it seems is a reverse we that hits the glove and balloon straight up and Jones takes one of the easiest catches she will ever and charliie Dean celebrates and then recognizes maybe I should appeal cuz I don’t think anyone else

There had appealed it was that obvious and green goes caught behind for seven and it’s 50 for the loss of three well I thought to myself Dan will probably prefer bowling into the it’s it’s a win but it’s not that strong anymore but I just think it’ll hold her Pace up nicely

And if she can find a link it’ll be tough to hit and she found a length there I don’t mind Med green shot or reverse sweep which she’s really brought into game this season we saw it a lot for the hearts and already for New Zealand this summer but when you get it

Wrong you get it very wrong and you expose yourself you look vulnerable and unfortunately for M green she is out for seven the third Wicket down for 50 runs for the wons and with the time at 3 minutes after three when the Wicket fell Sophie Divine issues to back cannot come

Out so either five down or 6 minutes after three so Brook H comes out it’s going to be on time isn’t it it’s not be too pessimistic Absol certain there won’t be five down has two for 13 what I enjoy about watching Dean Glenn eckl they all have lovely Loop to them they are pulling the ribs on the ball but they’re really hard to get to the down the Wicket to you think there you’re not quite there cuz they have obviously lots of tricks in them sort of

Looped away BS from such a high sort of release Point almost behind a head then again balls and Brook Halliday leans forward and pushes through mid off and we get to underway with the single straight away 51 for three when we played them for the New Zealand a series

In a warm-up game against and the players who faced her the girls who faced her said yeah she’s fast through the year but you still feel like it’s an off spinner not just someone bowling seam up slow sort of meum pace if you know what I mean the difference there’s

Still ribs on it it’s still the trajectory of a spin baller it’s just quicker and I think you’re right she got such a nice tall high action it’s a genuine offs spiners action it really is it’s uh League side here it’s flipped around the corner nicely pass short fine

Leg at toward WS Dunley around from Deep backward square and they’ll come back for two uh 53 for the loss of three sort of shades of gr swans action yeah yeah yes it is actually like almost past the perpendic I think they call it where you

Yeah um but what I was going to say was just such good accuracy and that’s the sign of quality it’s like when you’re batting can you execute your shots more often than not yes you can you’re a good player same thing with Bowers can you bowl the ball where it’s supposed to go

More often than not wide rol stump and it’s Swept Away powerfully into a gap for four B zodo thumps that one lovely strike 17 to her name it’s 57 for the loss of three and see that’s a lovely shot as Aiden H they’re really is nice you execution of the sweep shot good

Power on it Danny White had no chance out there at demon Wicket but you see that bazen’s got to play a really good shot to that good delivery whereas sometimes with New Zealand and other sides around the world you get some bad balls to hit de quicker through the year

Much quicker angling in towards leag stum was looking for an lbw shout maybe expecting similar type stroke it’s turned around the corner a single will leave New Zealand after eight overs chasing 178 58 for the loss of three Imagine a dick where you can invite people around to enjoy the afternoon and the deck looks good and no one slips on the mold are you putting off your painting project because you’re not sure how to do it ask the team at your local rine color shop for all the help you

Need on the best wood stains prep and staining techniques for your project so you can get your DIY to-do list done it’s time to get decorating this summer with Rine live cricket with rine the paint kiwi’s trust here the night into the attack the English Captain replacing Eon who B one over for anlon three runs off it and from the vance stand in with her offs spin here the knight’s first ball slower through the air dancing down the

Wier but dragging it on site Zen home there will be a single 59 for the loss of three the start of the ninth over England with 54 for the loss of one so we’re still going to win based on that comparison but I think Knights come in

As the second off for Halliday the the left-handed the the sole left-hander in the New Zealand team I think and immediately around the work yeah and in last over toine actually had a slip in place they don’t have here to the off spinner but understanding with the ball turning away from the left-hander

Provides an opportunity for them El leans on a bat waits for Knight slower through the air she’s pushing on the up past the diving who was that I think that’s Charlie Dean isn’t it yeah picks herself up she’s been on the ground a lot today yes couldn’t prevent the ball trickling

Out towards long off for a single here the night with a very long run up by the English bowler standards good three or four Paces here’s another sweep and powerfully play but well position field Dunley at Deep back with square is there to prevent the ball reaching

The Rope 20 to Bard that’s 61 for three h just got to be careful here both her runs have come through mid-off but I think she’s definitely looking for that just they just slow it up we find a length that Charlie Dean is at a very short there’s a drive squarer though

Into a gap at cover just open the blade yeah that’s a better option opening the blade to go squarer but Dean is definitely sneaking in at a very very straight Extra cover almost if you picture it in between mid-off and cover but very short as well I think they feel

Like they can get Brook H with a check drive or something like that caught him Bal wasn’t it uhon yes it was yeah just with Brook’s hard hands going at the ball early on back over the Wicket Baden height tries the reverse sweep at balloons to short third man this is

Going to be tight the throw comes in it missed and I think in fness the New Zealand PE were home 63 for the loss of three hour coverage with r the paint professionals use 107 outs the target so you’re in that uh you’re in the Kenny Loggins aren’t you you’re in the danger

Zone I wonder what the hell you’re saying here over 10 I like it over 10 runs and over H heading powerfully on the out not far from that creeping Extra cover single the end of the over six singles off the over New Zealand through 9 is 64 for3 I’ve always tried to make

Good choices for my family’s future and their happiness having an enjoyable and safe building experience is about choosing the right Builder so put your family in safe hands and choose gjs with their proven track record in over 25 years of business and with close to 23,000 builds gjs has completed every

Home we’ve ever started a fact we’re very proud of Make A wise choice and choose New Zealand’s most trusted home builder gjs here today and tomorrow coming back into the attack but this time from a different end the number one T20 International bowler in women’s Cricket Sophie iglon who started

Down Breeze but no brought to push up into this still PR so Gusty Northerly plenty of sunshine now as all plays a look nice looking stroke full of length leans into a check drive through mid on for a single 65 for three unfortunately though I think he’s got to

Do more it is a nice shot and I know she’s only faced what five balls four or five balls but there a left hand better against the left arm Orthodox and I know we’re talking about the best bow in the world but when you’re heading downwind and the

Ball spinning into you into your Arc I think this is where Brook halliday’s got to take that risk and take that shot on to hit over long on or midwicket Eon bowling to baz gets a bottom Edge as she plays a reverse Sweet hits Jones’s leg

Goes out to short F Le there will get a single 66 for the loss of three so eckl will continue what around the Wicket I I love her approach she actually starts sort of know she’s going to go back over the way to the Leander you know when

She’s bowling around the Wicket she starts behind the Umpire umpire Brown’s quite a big man can’t can’t see sophon she actually pops a hit out to look is H coming down the Wicket beaten and fly lot of bottom hand almost P it straight back to the bowler well eer knows what H

Is thinking I mean she’s going to try and hit it towards that Don NE scoreboard With the Wind I mean the Run rate required is now over 10.5 here is a a powerful hit towards the scoreboard mentioned by Jacob Boren but the placement is what it’s all about splitting deep long on and cow Corner one bounce four that’s a lovely shot exactly what needs to happen there a couple of times today I’ve picked it but it’s exactly

The way it needs to play is that the left hand has got to take the left arm Orthodox on she’s got the wind behind her going in that direction got to go again she gets a shorter ball and she pulls just wide of here the night that

It straight As midwicket out to the deep and there is one more for Halliday who’s 10 off eight at 71 for three because the problem for new zealanders we’ they’ve had a boundary off this over but there’s only one ball left and they still haven’t got the required run rate off

This over around the Wicket very full of length here into the point region they’ve got one the throw comes in so after 10 overs England with 72 for one New Zealand a 72 for the loss of three back after the short break the team at PGG RS and tur are all

About the delivery of high performance turf grass Solutions they’ve been in the business for over 40 years so they know what it takes to deliver a top quality result for your needs from pro sports turf and turf Landscaping through the revegetation and a control their highly skilled team knows every aspect of the

Turf and environmental markets to find out more about how they can help with your turf grass Solutions visit pggg and 178 is the target for New Zealand earlier today England made 177 for the loss of three our coverages with Rosine the paint kiwi’s trust and Gibson R medium Pacer back into the attack who first from the van stand end bowling to Bizen heide who backs way outside of

Leag St upper s to Mid half tamely though taken premeditated could not execute though and a sof tople on the end for Barden H who’s gone for 23 in New Zealand slump a little bit further 72 for 4 that was all a bit weird really because Aden gave herself a bit of room

And I thought she got a length and a line created a line to actually hit something we hit that with a bit of power off the bat I sort of saw it thinking wee are going to land over mid off well un he went straight to Mid off

And there was a lot of movement a lot of huff and puff there by Baden how just a 23 off 22 lose there what is that the fourth now with only 72 on the board as he gaze Has Come Out Pass 6 minutes after three for the record so tell you something

About Sophie divine’s status and whether or not she bad after leaving the field with a qu injury 72 for the loss of four New Zealand though needs to find a middle order and here is a wonderful opportunity that’s what helan and G they got to be thinking themselves oh for me

To a bit of a start well even hanaho as well throw her in the mix you know she has some batting Talent we just don’t see it enough there’s opportunities Gibson from Over the Wicket defending as gay sort of hop skipping a jump almost as she pushes

Into the offside there’s going to be no run 72 for four it does remain England hit 104 runs in boundaries today just done the math 234s 2 sixes New Zealand in comparison have had to do a lot of running between the wickets to keep up with uh where England were at the same

Stage England exploded over the last half of their Innings over 10 runs and over here’s a little scoop sweep and a very good one down to the fence for four from as he gave inventive goes across outside of off St uses the medium Paces angle and Pace very nicely 76 for

The loss of four well that’s a great shot keeper standing up finally was quite wide we got just a GI it’s just medium pace but what I like about that the most is the confidence to play you know New Zealand are in a bit of a hole

Lost a couple of wickets gays comes out second ball is lapping which is obviously one of her shots double ambulance coming down Adelaide Road pushed into backward Point there’s going to be no run sirens on there what a triple don’t see that too often hope everything’s okay

Oh so much happening outside of the Bas Reserve traffic and its typical stand still heading to the Mount Victoria tunnel Gibson noted a stand still she bows short wide of off stump and it’s thumped away through to point where the Fielder is positioned that’s Heath who’s on the field no Maya bushier 77

For the loss of four one ball remaining in the 11th so no matter what happens here really obviously there’s still a long way to go in the game and it is not over here by any stretch but saying before about opportunities for these two at the moment Halliday and gaze row coming next

To even someone like Jess C or Rose rir it’s just opportunities to show that what they can do and whether that’s in a winning cause or they go down swinging whatever it may be I think the future of this white FS are the betters out there now but also while you’ve still got

Baits Divine and C at the peak of their powers you need the next level to raise that standard and that’s where the game or the team goes that next level H is uh cramped up pushing up towards mid off there will be no run 77 for the loss of

Four 11 overs gone the wicked and the over to Gibson who now has W for 15 stay in the fence she says stay in the fence and it would look so much better but you have to admit you’re not sure where to start are you putting off your painting or staining project

Because you’re not sure how to do it ask at your local resine color shop for all the help you need on the best stain paints prep painting techniques so you can get your DIY to do list done it’s time to get decorated this summer with

Rine 101 runs from 54 balls that is the equation for New Zealand our coverage here on scnz with Rosine the paint kiwi trust net of Bruns back into the attack her third over none for 12 through two right arm medium Pacer starts with a short one that’s pulled up asly

Ballooning away to deep backward Square Landing a long way in front of Dunley was sprinting in aggressively and that’s I’ve never heard a single applauded so much by a few people in the f stand I don’t know because the runs required an hour 100 right ah knowledgeable crowd isn’t that

What the commentator is supposed to say why would you clap that I don’t know C brunt’s going around the Wicket to H day who gets a top Edge as she’s trying to swivel pole it’s gone right in behind and down towards the boundary it’s kept

In the field of play nicely done by Alex capsi and hallay will come back for two hard to set a field to that 81 for four we’ve actually seen a few I mean the previous ball was a top Edge as well and we’ve seen a few of those today which

Again suggests the Wicket does have a bit of pace and bounce in it even though we’re talking medium pace Bowlers with the keeper standing up it still means the ball just standing up a wee bit with nice bounce which is a good sign for run scoring hence probably England getting 170

Plus means he should be runs in this Wicket bustling into the breeze is a Mis stumping Chance by Jones it was wide outside of off stump H reaches for it she’s only just outside of crease so she doesn’t have long way to go back Jones didn’t take it cleanly no missed opportunity after

Talking Jones up a couple of times already today we’ talked a lot about the keepers of an off day or an off ball there for for Jones who is normally extremely tidy very proficient behind the stumps H now hits up asly over mid off down to the fence for four and it

Strokes like that make you think is there a player in there really sweet stoke strike to 12 she goes sorry 16 16 it’s 84 for the loss of four well that’s a beautiful shot that really is it’s good technique it’s just a check drive on the up over

Top of mid off a couple of bounces well hit but what I’m surprised at is that England didn’t have long off back they’ve played the amount of series that the white FS have played England since Brook Halliday started I’m very surprised they changed the field now

Long off has gone back finally got cuz that is one of Brook holiday’s areas slower this time beaten outside of off DP is Tred to push through the Gap at cover well Bow by silver brunt Jones doesn’t take cingle again ball goes to short F Le no harm Done not sure if she got an edge on that or just a play Miss but again a little untidy by Jones 84 for four Bron balls from around the Wicket back cut beating short Third Man long Chase into the Norther Breeze flick back in the field of play very

Nicely done by B Dunley then drops it and that we see them come back for three bre to the New Zealand title to end the 12th over 91 runs short they almost to the halfway stage it’s 87 for the loss of fallback with more after this are you investing in advertising

And not getting the results you need add digital Billboards to your marketing mix for coste Effective aspiring advertising with vast Billboards visualize your brand up and lights 24/7 bold and bright if you thought advertising on a digital billboard was too costly think again the vast team can have your business live

Within a day on a billboard that suits your Geographic or audience needs for advertising think big think vast vast Billboards doc. nzz live criet with Rosine the paint K trust 87 for 4 after 12 overs HS 19 of 14 gay 6 off five h on strike Charlie Dean with her off breaks

Back into the attack nice Hing drive but unfortunately straight to Extra cover no run that run rate is at 11.4 so that’s not great news the other poor news if you’re a New Zealand fan is that Eon still got two overs left they’re just holding her back for the

The exact right time H comes down just jams the ball into the cover region once more can’t beat Extra cover it’s the Fielder again 8 7 for four Dean has 2 for 21 this is her third over he’s bowled 31 over spells and switched inss each time the up asly just over Extra

Cover let’s go Fielder that Jacob or said must be most interested when Halliday is playing they’ll come back for 2 89 for four honestly I’d have two fielders there you’d stagger them maybe in terms of their line or even their depth I yeah I just think it’s such an

Area that Brooke had almost blinkered towards there she hits it well don’t get me wrong but it goes there so often heading on off stump and deep in the crease gets an outside edge as Charlie Dean ball very quick through the air it goes to short thir man no run I’d almost

Get rid of midwicket yeah probably had it there now but I’d almost have another cover there well you’ve got a deep midwicket anyway so would be interesting Dean R the wck once more coming down heading into the gr into the pitch and bobbling into the cover region

Once more Extra cover Fields no runs so well that’s five balls in this over right and four have gone in that area you know four dot balls in a two Z need to get on with it 89 for four last ball of the 13th punch drive through the mid off so

Helay sort of shakes her head as she runs frustrated with the the entirety of the over so Dean three overs two for 24 90 for the loss of four quickly look in the bowling figures Lauren Bells got two available to jaob one for 12 off two

Silver Bruns b 3 none for 22 Gibson one for 15 off two uh Dean now has two for 24 off her three overs here theight one over for six and Sophie Eon two overs none for 11 and she’s about to bowl a third by the locks so that last ball of

The last over for me is is not just not good enough by Brook Halliday who I rate and who I like and there’s more in who I know but when you’ve only got two off five balls and you need 13 and over you can’t just push the long off for one you

Know you’ve got to be swinging away and that’s what I want to see here from Brook interesting eon’s coming round the work it to the left-hander but she’s got a swing for the fences ones do not win the wons this game she’ll appear from behind unire

Brown BS very slow through the air and I saw Pedal Pull it’s more of a sweep she’s really squatted down low got it towards deep backward Square as H comes back for two 93 sorry 92 for the loss of four so we start the 14th over that’s better it’s trying to hit

The ball where the fielders AR and it’s at least you’re talking about multipul of runs not just an easy single down the ground to Long off that’s what Brook H needs to do more of if New Zealand’s Got any chance any chance of winning this game is slipping off we England we’re at

The same stage is a LOF to drive over mid off sweetly struck tumbling stop in the Deep nicely done at long off ball is returned and New Zealand can only get one run that’s Gibson who really is good in the Outfield but that’s better though I mean she’s down the Wicket Halliday

She’s getting to the ball in the half fly and hitting it with power and it took a fantastic bit of Fielding diving way to her left by Gibson to just keep that to one a three back on the onside for gay the right-hander and a long off

Four inside the circle G comes down drives picks out Extra cover no run nice sa nice sa as the call from Jones behind the Wicket she’s seen a lot of nice stuff from her over the years just so accurate it’s around the Wicket again slower through the air and it swept away

Around the corner but no power bows around to her left they hit a single though the New Zealand here 94 for the loss of four Gay moves to seven 84 off 38 the equation seems rather unlikely in the face of it especially assuming won’t see Sophie Divine H H

High ORS long on coming around to their right and taking the catch good grab good field set it’s very straight very straight at Mid on and it’s easily taken round about waist height and hallay departs for 25 New Zealand l a fifth 94 for the loss of five in the 14th so halliday’s

Disappointed considering her body language but honestly it needed to happen it was either sort of four or out stuff or six out stuff New Zealand need two boundaries and over to win this match they need over 13 and over there’s no point pushing around for ones and

Twos and running hard so H did the right thing trying to get the boundaries just not quite the execution but that’s the right approach which brings Han another one of these middle order players who have potential but we got to see it it’s good from the English though how how straight

Long on is long off is you know back two you you you want to hit in that area because you got the big Breeze at your back they’re well drilled you can just tell with the angles you know and we we were talking about that extra cover fielder for hallay against the offs

Spinner who just keep getting hit ball after ball after well they know what they’re doing you know they set the fields accordingly I can say they’re well drilled they’re well Captain here the Knight is an outstanding leader not only from a cricket knowledge point of view but actually from our own attributes

Hano the new player starts off driving back to the bowl and there’s going to be no runs the rander Gaz that is the end of the over that saw the departure of uh Halliday New Zealand now after 494 for5 get so much more with a great carage from

G every oaklander deserves to have a strong safe secure gador ockland garage door from wellsford to wuku garador ockland service the whole of ockland and with a 10-year warranty they’re hard to beat gador NZ series slipping away from New Zealand our coverage with Rosine the paint kiwi’s trust that’s outstanding English

Side to showing why are they’re so good so few flaws in their game 94 for5 def 178 Bell back into the attack full of length driven into the ground by gays on the bounce to Bell gets a right hand up and prevents a run being taken our coverages with cine the paint

Professionals use can’t quite peer into the New Zealand dug out but I see Sophie dine in there track pants on yeah that tells you everything you need if she was batting she would have been out by now for sure sure so I think that’s uh it’s

Worse than we thought or she thought or they’re just been super cautious or balls very full gay steers the ball once more into playing surface on the bounce to wide at backward Point throws to the non Strikers in no run New Zealand has lost baits for four Cur for

21 matd Green for seven Zen was the next to go for 23 we just s Ro gone for 25 no Sophie Divine picking up a quad injury while bowling short ball trying to go inside the line and scoop it over the keeper his Gaz but so often Bell that

Was a cutter and it’s slow to arrive through to Jones Stop ball and that run rate required Jacob warham Beyond Johan cro territory more than 14 and over 14.8 yeah started this over 14 so a couple of dot balls it or three do balls g weits Bell balls short again she

Pulls away hitting bottom of the bat through midwicket creeping out towards Gibson single 95 for the loss of five the one short one for the over now by black course game number five on Friday then into a one day series the series are alive today you know I’m not sure if you

Elevate the T20 series over a one day series but there need to be a change with Divine likely injured won’t they yeah pulled away by row hting high on the bat going through the midwicket region there is only a run available well who’s on the sidelines here Casper

And toooo aren’t they they’re the two not playing today Carson’s been in the squad Carson’s gone back to the a so just over the straight there and Nelson with the A’s but if divine’s out I think you’re likely to replace her with a batter um who that would be not sure

Well that’s the great question for Michaela Greg was in denan faced that one ball and got run out um B bow shorter outside of off stum hit upply wide of hether Knight at Extra cover into a gap should come back for two and willo so two more to Gaye who moves to

10 it’s 98 for the loss of five and that is the end of the 15th over so five overs remain New Zealand needs something extraordinary 80 to be exact back after this hi pull from water Force as a customer you want it all the backing of a national operation with a local

Operator that knows your water needs that’s why thousands of kiwis just like John Richmond have chosen water Force as their water management partner so I would recommend water Force for anyone else they just POS it what they’re doing they made it pretty seamless and easy

Really good to work with and um happy to compromise and change things to to suit our system visit water force. today to find out more New Zealand battling at the Bas and Reserve needing 178 they 8 Shy five overs remain in row drives nicely back past the ball of very straight should

Come back for two tumbling stop by Gibson gets up throws and two will take New Zealand to 100 100 for the loss of five in the 16th over row moves to Three to England after 15 overs we 112 for two so new not miles off direct comparison but the way England England finish scorching finish thanks to Sil Brun who continues to bowl slow ball lots of bottom hand and Leading Edge Loops the ball back over the Bowers head

Off the bat of En for a single 101 for five well that’s the point of difference isn’t it I think for a long time when you you know with only being one or two wickets down and some good Partnerships Bush got himself and you knew they were

Going to get a good total but 178 shorter slower though into the back shoulder of gay who has swung hard but very early he almost facing the the bowler when that hit maybe his shoulder we didn’t expect 1 78 I was thinking around that 160 to be fair and

It was just that we talked about that that vibe in the chain rooms of the momentum at halfway slower ball that’s up pulled away savagely through Square leag for four nice stroke from G there a nice shot it’s a little bit telegraphed midle C brunt is changing her speed but the

Length is fairly constant whether it being back of length or short especially with this field set all four back on the leg side long on midwicket deep Square F leag it’s a nice shot though by Gaye P shot in front of square was Power 105 for five it’s the 11th four New Zealand

Has had I’ll repeat 234s 2 sixes England where I know we love counting boundar we love counting boundaries against England been doing it for years slow ball that’s at high towards long off is very straight again should go by another no it’s dropped who was that klon

It’s Eon who’s around Sun’s on can’t believe it went in and then just popped out but I tell you what that’s the first ball that decided to bring finally go put long off back you know so we talked before about them being well drilled or didn’t take the catch but setting the

Fields and bowling to it here’s now a towering blow towards mid on problem is long ons back and Civ brunt has to Sprint off after it ball lands bounces and Spins viciously away from the on the old pitch on the old pitch big puff of dust again another single an oddl

Looking single 107 for5 that is the end of the 16th over Gaz as 15 rows on five 71 needed off the final four I’ve always tried to make good choices for my family’s future and their happiness having an enjoyable and safe building experience is about choosing the right

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Trusted home builder gjs here today and tomorrow 107 for the loss of five Charlie te from the van stand in side to the low fall toss driven Away by heno for a single 108 for the loss of five Jacob Orum alongside me uh Daniel MC you

Talked about M Greg is the next best but I look at bizard and H and gays Boden H’s keeping what level is it cuz I haven’t seen a keep for such a long time she missed a lot of that super smash domestic Cricket cuz I think it

Was a broken finger something like that um it’s a reverse sweep attempt that’s missed obviously the selectors are saying gay is the better keeper because they’re picking unless for what we know Baden H’s finger still a little bit not quite 100% but not quite sure of that but

Um here’s another reverse swe that’s missed and into the stumps bow Charlie D wanders off little smirk on her face she has her third and gaze as bowls for 15 off 17 108 for six second reverse sweep in a row this one just a hint of turn pitched outside

Off just a tiny bit of turn back in enough to clip the off stum I don’t I I really don’t mind it by Gaye CU at least she’s trying to expose an area where there there are no boundary fielders and as we’ve said for probably the last what 10 overs New

Zealand need boundaries and she was trying her hardest gaze not a bad effort couple of nice blows in there she out for 15 and New Zealand now 108 for six as Jess Kerr to the middle to join Hano well they’ve already selected the squad for the one as well haven’t they

So there won’t be changes and should there be not sure I mean I don’t mind the consistency in selection I mean you kind of need that but at the same time the injury to Divine probably gives an opportunities to one of the betters in the A’s J is going to turn her first

Ball she faces through midwicket for one run 109 for the loss of six but when I when I see Boden hot and gay I’m thinking you’ve got two players who surely maybe only one spot should go to well gay has opened and for New Zealand

As well so you you you I I understand what you’re saying for sure that’s and I’m thinking Moree to T20 World Cup he’s a swe for 10 from outside of off stump by row misses into the pads well that’s a really good the T20 World Cup you know banglades

Bangladesh we’re probably going to see three or three Spinners use four Quicks generally in this that won’t be happening in Daka row is Bal comes down the Wicket tries to hit across the line she misses Charlie Dean is deadly Dean today she got four for she finishes her four overs

Foul with got brilliant figures of four for 20 26 she started off by getting rid of mil she finishes up by getting Road receiving it right from the off through the air off the PCH everything New Zealand 109 for the loss of seven at the end of the 17th over strange dismissal

In a ro coming down the Wicket using her feet I think a little late to come down to be fair just looked a bit hurried and because of that almost normally you come down the Wicket to straight with a straight swing of the bat that was there

Was almost across if you almost picture a dancing pull shot which is always tough and uh unfortunately for Hannah she missed it and it hit her BS and she’s dismissed New Zealand now two and that over there 109 for7 they are and rosemary M okay man Nelson played a coup of

Glorious straight drivve I thinking why have you been hiding it down the bottom well a picture you know her bowling’s gone well this season but her batting is also I think it’s that confidence in her bowling has dragged her batting with it but one thing for certain we won’t be

Seeing too many dead bat dot balls with these two especially Jess ker I don’t think she’s ever defended a ball in her life well she waits and she holds that bad out with you know sort of anger she looks up and she sees uh Gibson bowling a wide Yorker good bowling Gibson hits

That ball so wow that links so well she a handy cricketer she kind of gets lost in the Rest of Their Stars but my word she performs a role for them a very important one and this the 18th over 109 for the loss of seven England will wrap up the

Series with one to play it will be Gibson again from the adelay road in Yorker dug out scooting to backward Point they’ve got one run it would have been tight Roseberry M was a little bit late to move but uh luckily for her Denny wde didn’t pick up the ball

Cleanly I think Wyatt was already thinking of throwing at the stumps to come back to the Sophie Divine injury thing well I don’t think we’ve had a chance to finish that yeah you would think you know I talked about consistency of selection in the current Group which is fine if you’re going to

Have that same Theory then if you are going to bring a replacement in for divine and you like I said I think there’s enough bowling cover where you need a batter then it’s got to be M Greg I would assume yeah 1010 for 7 here’s a little scoop sweeper tent that’s going

To land in front of short fine League single 111 for seven Caitlyn blakeley’s been doing well for the a and a couple of matches she’s played for them but we’re not talking people racking up 70 880 100 you know we’re talking 30s 40s so but at the moment that might be good

Enough to get an opportunity and and I think at some point you have to expose those players and see what they’ve got powerfully towards widish midon by K they should come back for two and will do so K will move to four3 for the loss of seven wickets just

Two balls remaining this the 18 over and it is the one area that that’s so obviously lacking in depth you know when when I hear players talk about the depth of New Zealand Cricket so if divine’s been on the record some pretty interesting remarks

In the last couple of weeks um is my mic on it’s a low low full TOS spotted away towards long on I had Anna Corbin on a couple of days ago and she felt like yeah she’s probably saying what’s truthful but not sure it’s particularly helpful in the public discourse course

When those young players hear those comments coming from the skipper going on Skipper doesn’t really rap me well that’s what I would think being the mentally fragile individual that I am Jacob you know that 114 for seven Gibson in again length forhead High towards long on coming in sprinting and won’t

Get there as the ball pitches and they’ll come back for two good running from K and she runs into Gibson everyone’s okay two runs to end the over 116 for 7 two overs remain ah that gloomy second bedroom all it needs is brightening up so how do you

Get started do you need to seal the walls before you paint are you putting off your painting project because you’re not sure how to do it ask the team at your local resine color shop for all the help you need on the best paints prep and painting techniques for your project

So you can get your DIY to-do list done it’s time to get decorating this summer with Rosine 116 for the loss of seven Cur is five me is on three eckl from the van stand in Bowling very slow through the air inviting an aggressive stroke K doesn’t

Need an invitation to do that she hits it out wide through mid off but only for a single as Dean does that nice work in the Deep 117 for seven to save eon’s last over for the for the 19th good luck trying to get runs off

Off the but again top top marks to hear the night the way she juggled her Bowlers really good Captain low what a Yorker to an advancing I was going to describe that as a low full toss but it’s perfect length for mlon it slices off the bat of Rosemary m a short third

Man for a single 118 for the loss of seven still a long way off 60 run shy of the target which is 178 has been long over as far as a contest Cur log sweep into a gap and on around again those angles perfect ly looked after in the

Deep with deep midwicket quite straight long on also out there but again Gibson so fast around the B and picks it up on the Move good throw strong good athleticism down there going across those stps and hit just outside of the line on the pads the ball

Deviates behind Jones they’ll get a leag by but that’s why there was no appeal me completely deceived through the air by this wonderful left arm finger spinner and Sophie iglon who is just typically mly figures of 1 for 18 or 3.4 here’s a shot to the onside through mwork it by ker another

Single when you see this and you think back to the the end of that English Innings you know I mean Jess C in particular here is swinging hard Hano tried Rose M is doing it now Brook Halliday for example a couple nice shots then caught on the B and you think

Back to the the way silver brunt and night finish and their ability to frequently hit the boundary just the point of difference low full task driven into the ground and eon’s quickly across to her right she almost cleaned up Jess C the end of a brilliant four over spell

From the best going around 1 for 19 off of four overs New Zealand a 121 for the loss of 7 after 19 get so much more with a great carage St from G oh 10 years warranty real security G Oak quality real durability servicing you

Since 62 get so much with a great gar from gar 121 for the loss of seven our coverage with Ros the pain is trust Bell into the attack slow ball wide of off stamp up pulled off the front foot through widish midwicket for a couple for Kerr who’s 10 of n

123 for the Los just been thinking about your point you may making about what you know the craft of those two those two batters they they had in my mind options a b c and d new new Zeal I’m seeing here granted you know lower order players

Basically a hope the balls put put into their happy spot and they can swing and swing hard Bell from Over the Wicket low full toss hits the left leg of kurur truckles out through Square leg for a single 124 for the loss of seven leg by called yes

Not exactly comparing apples with apples but I I understand what you’re saying is that you know you’re talking about two of the best of the world who have got three options to the same delivery against a good attack it was just wonderful to watch yeah I mean they were

Able to they would hit the same ball over mid off and then over final leag at the same time slow delivery outside of off St May went back wanted to unload defeated though by B Kenny bowling from the right arm quick single to the offside 125 for the loss of Seven three balls remaining Mia is five of the non- strikers in C is on 10 surely it won’t take too long to think about who player of the game buer right bouncer pulled Upp asly towards deep midwicket sprinting in not getting there is B Heath who’s been on the field

For the a for mentioned May busher who picked up a quad injury whilst batting on a way to 91 new zealanders will Sprint back for two ker will retain the strike 127 for the loss of seven Georgia plimmer if there’s an injury if that injury serious for divine and she misses out then

Probably Georgia plimmer is the next cab off the rank with her selection being pretty consistent recently B Ball’s full and it’s h whacked away through midwicket out once more to Heath K wanted to come back for a second but that’s really good Fielding in the Outfield they’ve been so good why bu

Does a lot of that work Danny W’s good but his Heat’s got in quickly Gibson you’ve already talked about Jacob the quick release and the throw was spot on but also I look at it as well like J hit the ball pretty well but it goes straight to the Fielder you know like

The positioning of the field sets is is really first class last ball of the game slow ball outside of off STS hit up towards mid off and Charlie Deans made a mistake she’s dropped a catch and Hur herself I think burst through the hands it’s not going to cost them dearly in

The context of the game New Zealand will come back for a second run but this professional English side who were bolster by some truly worldclass talent coming back into their squad has just shown New Zealand there full hand of tricks and they’ve run away a game that was tight

At times but not for long enough from a New Zealand perspective England win by 47 runs at the Bas and Reserve job Bor and win this series in a bit of a caner yeah they do yeah it was a bit of a one-sided affair today and while this

English team is is very very good they they competing with Australia for the best in the world and creating this depth which is enviable for everyone else still thought there’d be more in the tank for this New Zealand side after winning a great game of Nelson the other

Day but when you come up against some of this quality and they’re on their game there not a lot you can do they fought hard they did they kept trying right through to the end but unfortunately just not quite there today the white Fons and England Run Away With It In The

End by a pretty wide margin what say 47 runs comfortable win for the English side New Zealand obviously had things go against them Sophie dine had to leave the field with the quad injury after bowling just one over she didn’t return she didn’t even bat although she’s

Leading the side out hobbling a little bit looks like a right leg as shushi shakes now here the night’s hand as uh they can see the series England have it in the bag with one game to play uh at the halfway stage of both Innings I know

This isn’t always the best comparison to make but England was 72 for the loss of one after New Zealand 72 for the loss of three but that England have a middle order loaded with power and talent New Zealand are desperately trying to find a middle order yeah it’s it’s the complete

Opposite it really is we’re quite topheavy with our quality and and experience with baates K and divine all in the top four where if you look at the English well they have quality and experience through the whole order let’s be honest they’re they’re a good side but when you’re able to have someone

Like here the night the captain coming at five Amy Jones at six Dunley who’s been around for now four or 5 years and batted at the top of the order at seven that just creates just this confidence through your order to come out and swing the bat and continue to swing the bat

Even if things aren’t going well and I think that just filters through the whole change room the whole Squad and next thing you’re got 177 runs on the board and you’re feeling pretty good about yourself giving the ball to the to your bowling attack let’s uh recap the full scorecard

For you and get the thoughts of Jacob orm about some of the individual and uh team specific uh angles on this game England uh s in after Sophie Divine won the toss and decided to have a ball on a on a pitch that you know didn’t look like your traditional T20 Wicket there

Was aach of green to it lots of green grass but underneath it was quite Brown and I think that green grasses just allow good pace and bounce to Prevail not only today but hopefully into Friday as well overall you have to say it’s a good service with the amount of runs

England were able to post 177 for the loss of three they lost Danny W who was caught behind off the bowling of Rosemary M who again was probably one of the brighter points from a New Zealand perspective 29 for the loss of one in the fifth over then a really good

Partnership between Alex uh Alice capsy rather and Maya bushier capsy was having a day she was sort of fighting Jacob uh but at the other end May bu here fresh off the 71 in game number three even better today 91 of 56 there were some real wow moments in

That knock there were wow moments because the microphones right in front of my mouth the whole time and I can’t hold some of them back but I think she went to another level after Nelson I mean what we saw in almost like a slow start in den and it was a bit chilly

Down there I suppose but a slow start there and then picked her game up in Nelson and then again went to another level here I mean some played some outrageous shots or outrageously good I should say there’s one in particular that I keep Haring on about but

Basically off a length ball off Hanna wasn’t it yeah it was over over mid on all the way for six onto the embankment just really nice strike of the ball but doesn’t try to overit it either no but we we saw from buer um C Brun and N in particular this

Ability to hit the ball you know behind the Wicket in particular so New Zealand would adjust their field accordingly and drop Third Man back or fin leag back suddenly leave cover up or mid off up and then the ability to turn the ball back around that way and hit it where

The fielders were it was just actually really great to watch from just a technical batting point of view it’s not just swing hard and hope for the best it’s a good side we know it is they had too many runs today against this wife side who would down Sophie Divine and

Just their quality came through in the end yeah and over the last 10 overs they put on5 runs just to really exemplify Jacob’s Point buer going deep into the Innings she was dismissed in the 18th over it’s really what you want from someone at the top not only to D impetus

With a strike rate of 162 over the course of her 56 balls Day 124s 2 sixes some really beautiful Strokes gone for 91 and then nicing on the cake is they added 59 off the last five overs and the last pair together here the night in Sil

Brunt I think got 35 or 14 together and it took New Zealand um you know into that that dreaded territory of chasing upwards of 180 177 for three Rosemary m one for 28 or 4 overs C none for 30 off four Hano none for 23 off two I thought

She battled a little bit for rhythm into the breeze Fran Jonas one for 39 off four Divine one over none for H it to then leave the field K expensive by her lofty standards one for 42 off four Susie Bates none for 6 off one I don’t

Think they bow poorly though no they’re okay they really were I mean they missed the areas at some point but then unfortunately against good players when you miss you go the distance you know you don’t miss and get half hit for one out to the boundary Fielder against the

Best players in the world this is men’s and women’s if you’re not on your game and you miss a little bit you give them width or you give them length to get under then you are going to go to the boundary against lesser players you get

Away with it they M hit it they chunk it they you know shank it out to a Fielder and they only go for one or two so instead of an over going for 15 16 like happen today it only maybe goes for seven or eight and you feel okay about

Yourself so some tough lessons today but to to answer your point I don’t think they bowled badly at all today like you wouldn’t look and go oh yeah that was that was average they of course I should have got hit for 180 you know what was poor was the Fielder yeah four chances

By our count to BU here um including one in the first over when ball okay Fizz it goes quickly slashing Drive between first slip and keeper this why you’ve got them there isn’t it exactly that’s why you’ve taken the gamble to have a slip in you look like a genius uh and

There were some other chances there was a Mis stumping chance there was some there was some untidy ground Felding I think that’s probably the most disappointing aspect of today I always felt 178 was beyond them against this really good English attack especially once you know became

Clear of that Divine I wasn’t going to be there but I think if they reflect back in the Fielding effort that’s that’s what’s really made it a great total for England yeah it was it was it was poor let’s be honest you know we can’t sugarcoat it when you miss that

Many opportunities and out of them all were any of them kind of 5050 if they were taking would they be class as spectacular no they all they but none of them were as well they were in that in that range between sitter and spectacular but but you need to take

Them and when you do take them suddenly instead of 178 as I think I said during the game you’re not chasing 178 you might be chasing 155 but you feel so much better about yourself and the Run rate doesn’t immediately go to 8 n 10 it might hover around 8 for a little

Bit longer and it’s it’s a lot more manageable but the the game just got away far too you know quickly well not quickly but towards the back half of the inning the game was basically wrestled Away by England there was no chance coming back you know like I agree with you 178 with

A divin team always going to be too far yes so chasing 178 New Zealand lost Susie Bates in the first over CAU a midwicket just turning that and to the onside Leading Edge balloon to midwick and even before she’s caught you can see a sort of shoulders drop she knows that

She’d given the English one net silver Brun was not going to drop out off the bowling of bell uh Millie ker came out bright Innings 21 but not long enough of 17 balls before she was caught Dunley Bal Dean Boden Hotes was starved of strike really she it’s been a long time

43 minutes out in the middle for a 23 of 22 before she was caught Dean off the bowling of Gibson man green was caught behind off the bowling of Dean trying to reverse sweep early and in South for seven off nine Brock Halliday May 25 off

23 before being caught in the deep but long on off the bowling of vlon uh as he gaze uh Bal looking to reverse sweep Dean for 15 of 7 had a row six off eight before she was bowled by Dean trying to hit a running pull stroke I think you described it as

Uh hanaho very late in the Innings that K made 13 off 12 Rosemary May made Seven off seven with nine extras 130 for the loss of seven New Zealand have finished Lauren bell four overs one for 24 Nat Sil BR four overs no mans no Wicket for

31 Danielle Gibson three overs one for 22 Sophie Eon how mely four overs 1 for 19 uh here theight one over none for six but Charlie Dean has the sparkling figures today four overs no maidens 4 for 26 England have won comfortably in game number four by 47 runs they wrap up

The series with a game to go that is coming to you on Friday before the three match one day series England making a very imposing total of 177 for the loss of three uh up top it was Mayer Who was promoted from first drop where she

Played ever so well well uh in game number three with uh career best 71 while she went meta today 91 of 56 a short time ago she spoke with tvnz after being announced as player of the uh player of the game thanks Katie there were plenty of impressive performances

Here today but today’s ANZ player of the match it is Maya bushier Maya fantastic Innings from yourself 91 new high score back toback 50s as well how much did you enjoy that yeah I really enjoyed it um always great out um to come out and you

Know put performance on and you know to get us to a really good total is 10 one and two and you know getting that chance to the top of the order is something special so um yeah just to go and do that was brilliant yeah I was going to

Ask about that that promotion up to the top is it something that you enjoy the facing the new ball and embedding in that power play yeah definitely I think also Danny with uh batting with Danny um brings a little bit more confidence to me cuz I batted with her a lot um but

Yeah I think just going out there and and playing with that intent we’ve talked about um yeah I think I did that pretty well yeah I would I would happen to agree with you on that talking about it though Nelson didn’t quite go to plan for the team went well for yourself

Personally how how do you take that momentum into today’s game yeah I think you know going into each game I Look to try and just be positive and um you know take those well not failures but you know improvements on and um yeah I think

We we want to make sure that we go out and and try and better ourselves and um yeah to go into this game game and and to put on that performance at the back end as well with the the other girls coming in and and then finishing off the

Game at the end you know that’s that’s what we talk about is being ruthless and we did that we did that today yeah absolutely you picked up a little nugle yourself what is the news on that or was it just a good chance to we feed

Up no just a little quad issue but um looking to you know get back for Friday yeah excellent well we hope to see you it was a fabulous performance today congratulations thank you very much my sh the man oh I was going to say man of

The match ter you know that’s from 2005 player of the game of course um wow what a KN and just the ease for the ease some of the The Strokes didn’t try to overhead it there were check drives that fizz away to the boundary a really talented player and just what England

Need another top order option yeah you you you heard her talk about you know getting the opportunity well I think you’ve taken that opportunity May well played and she’s fought off Tammy Bowman and Sophia Dunley in terms of that competition for the the topof the order spot but she

Played so well today shots all around the ground off both pace and spin it really was some good stuff and and we’ve sort of waxed lyrical about it and I know it sounds like we’re pro England but it’s actually just some great Cricket to watch and she played so well

And just built on what she’d done in Nelson and she’s got that little quad strain I would suggest they’re not going to risk her for a dead rubber on Friday on Easter to Friday and hopefully get her right for the the one day series next week and that might be a little bit

Of a pressure release for New Zealand although then they’ll probably bringing Tammy Bond or someone like that to take her place and of course Sophia Dunley has been doing a pretty good job at the top of the order slid down to number seven she’s probably thinking oh dear um

Right pressure is now on me and that’s why this side functions so well because there is a there is a cast of characters outside the circle are always sort of pushing their case and everyone uh is on their toes that’s why there are such a high functioning side for sure LED with

Great players and players who definitely desperately want to get into that group time to hear from the uh the perspec the perspectiv of both the captains let’s start off with unfortunately the losing Captain today of course is Sophie Divine speaking with TV and z and Frankie mcky

Sophie Divine first up it seems a bit of Quad Squad today first up how is yours how you going yeah obviously probably just a small niggle um just looking at ahead with the one day as obviously being really important with itwc points uh I probably wanted to get back out

There but um probably someone with a bit more of a a rational brain um kept me off so disappointing there but uh yeah looking ahead a little bit of a tough day for your side as well how do you how do you sum up today oh look I thought we

Were really poor in the field and and when you get opportunities you need to take them and we didn’t do that today so uh we take those chances and it could be a very different different story we could be chasing 150 160 so uh full credit to to Myer again though she bet

It outstanding and and was awesome so for us we’ve got to go back to the drawing board and figure out especially playing with that wind and things like that we’ve got to find ways of being able to I think shut off different sides of the Park yeah still one game to go in

This T20 series what are you what are you hoping to see what are you hoping to get out of it yeah look I I was actually really pleased to see the intent from a number of the batters that were going in we saw players from ball one moving

Around the crease and trying to lap and ramp which I think is really pleasing we’ve been speaking about it at length as a group so to see that positive intent is is really pleasing I think to continue that on and and just key Partnerships I think with the bat and

The ball it’s really important that um to break the game open you need those big Partnerships yeah excellent thanks for your time s and best of luck Friday Divine straight to the point she’s absolutely right about the Fielding yes totally is yeah I mean the one thing you can never doubt with

Sophie is her bluntness her honesty you know and sometimes to her fault but she’s not wrong like and couple of things for me that she talked about was the Fielding just wasn’t up to standard and yes things would have been differently maybe not the end result but

Definitely the to being chased the other thing was around some of the quote unquote in intent and I think that word becomes a cliche and used a lot in sport probably in life you know it’s almost like a safety net if you’re showing tin it’s okay if your stuff up but she’s did

Right some players especially younger players I immediately think of I he gay second ball lapping for four like okay we’re we’re in a hole we’re under the pump but are you still going to do what you can do and train to do and today with e guys like took that box yep

Didn’t come off only got sort of a run a ball 18 or 19 but at least she was willing to try those things so credit to Sophie She’ll always tell you exactly what she’s thinking and uh she was on the money there well in this form of the

Game if you want to run with the very best you got to run at their pace and I also love the the sort of I detected a little nod to the quality of that English batting lineup who can hit all around the ground you know we got to cut

Off certain sections of the field she mentioned the wind as well I mean which is it plays a part and and weirdly I thought England played that better considering they the visiting team you know I thought they started at the right end they bowled their Spinners you know

They keep changing everyone around and um but we’ve said it we how many times have we s already about them being well drilled and Polished and having the structure about them they’re just a good side full stop our coverages with rine Quality Paint and colors for your summer

Projects He the night sets pretty high standards I’ll be interested to hear what she said to tvnz England’s Captain here ton night not winning tosses but winning games another happy Captain moment for you today yeah really I think my again was outstanding just to to see how simple

She kept it and really good boundary options the pitch was pretty bouncy actually so adapting to that was really good um and yeah nice to kind of have a really good Strong finish and take some momentum into the the bowling Innings yeah I was going to ask a question on

That on conditions how how did you sum them up you’ve got another couple of games still to play here uh windy Wellington certainly Liv up to its name certainly picked up at certain points and yeah we’re really clear on how we want to go about it it’s really important when the wind’s swirling

Around and changes quite a lot during the match that you’re you’re sort of locked into the the moment and you’re adapting to to what’s in front of you so I thought we did that brilliantly today um but yeah a bit more Pace um I think our see has adapted well see him was

Working quite well in the power play when you hit a good length b a lot of wobble balls managed to get a little bit of movement so um yeah slightly different conditions than we’ve been used to but um I thought we adapted brilliantly again and slightly different

Role for yourself coming in as the finisher how much fun was that partnership between you and and that yeah like you sometimes you’re going to pay off sometimes you’re not in that role you you’ve got to uh not have any fear of of getting out I think so um

Yeah it was really nice to to kind of have that little Cameo at the end I guess um nice to have that back in that that middle order as well and um yeah nice to he see her hitting it well and the Spinners fantastic once again how

Easy does that make your job the control that they’ve got yeah really easy obviously we’re missing Sarah today in those uh Key Middle overs and she’s been so awesome for us so um yeah the other Spinners really stepped up and um yeah it was one of those pitches actually I

Think scene was was probably a little bit more effective and the Spinners still found a way to to really make an impact on the game Charlie in particular know those those wickets towards the back end and and obviously having Sophie in as well class skill that she brings

Um yeah really pleased I think probably C we can get better as well I think the Fielding was um not as slick as it probably has been in the first three games so um yeah a couple of areas to to keep working on keep moving forward but

All in all um Series win and very happy team yeah well when you when you rep up a series with one game still in hand it’s always a good position to be in but what what are you hoping to see one game left in this series what do you want to

See in that last one from your side I think not taking offit off the gas I think we’ve done some really good things in in the series and we’d love to finish it for one I think um yeah we’ll have to to see how everyone is see how myish you

Obviously had a quad um little niggle so St field um so we’ll have a little look obviously going into the one day series as well but um yeah I really want us to finish finish this series strongly and make sure we don’t take our foot off the

Gas excellent thanks enjoy your day off tomorrow here in Wellington thanks cheers the night sitting very high standards wants to win 41 she likes winning and wants to see how M quars it’s like just roll out now you won the series rest are up but that’s high

Standards but also it’s like a different tone and narrative around it you know and I know they’re winning and they’re a good side with experience they know what they’re doing but it’s quite different to listen to isolated like that the two captains isn’t it you know and just the

The words being Chosen and used um yeah bit of an eye there really yeah and all the fronts are St to work for them uh I think she’s right to to pinpoint uh the scene bowling group uh B I thought really good silver Bryant is what a

Cricketer you know can open the bowling a bet number four in your T20 side that that’s all you need to know but Daniel Gibson’s a really really good good Fielder and Bs a great length at the death you know hard to get away um and they’ve just got really nice balance

About them and they have won the series with a game in hand on the way of the white FS today out class uh England at full strength and you always felt these two games today and Friday would give a better indication of where New Zealand

Is at against the Mary sides and uh some distance off in certain parts there are things uh that uh should give uh the new zealanders uh plenty of confidence but there are some glaring holes especially in that middle order uh someone really needs to stand up and help contribute

Because the top order there are some fine players there but a genuine sort of drop off when you compare it to what we have seen from England with the bat as we reflect on the highlights of the game it really all came in the opening 20 overs of this game after England was

Sent in by New Zealand sovet Divine winning the toss and a p who uh sort of forging her own path in international T20 cricket May bushier who was so good in game number three before England’s late meltdown that uh kept the series alive while she was

Right at it from the very outset and led England to a match defining total of 177 for3 let’s listen back to the highlights of the opening Innings not going to help that one cuz that’s a short long hot that’s plunder through midwicket can’t bow it to W she

Likes short at that pace and she has smoked it through to the midwicket fence for four balls and Bush hits high over long on on the back of the breeze that might go all the way and does so hit towards the bottom of the bat that loud ping you

May have picked up on a fix mik quite a way to end the over it’s 22 without loss 14 runs coming off the third third man in long deep back with square here’s an edge behind looking to play a cut stroke it bounced on her Denny White’s not the tallest but she

Found enough Timber and a wicket for Mia and New Zealand 8 14 what she going to do she’s going to come down the work and hit up asly glorious throughout mid off out fence for four long off his back two who had what 8 n m to get but that hits the

Right right in front really like this spider white F and H 73 for one it remains row and again buer comes down the work it hits towards long on just to the left of mic green on the half volley who does neither catch it nor stop it

Four run there’s a reverse sweep attempt and she’s gone wandering she’s lot of B she going to be stumped FR Jonas went up for an lbw shouts capsi was looking around where’s the ball well it’s perched right next to the leak St I’m not sure she’s holding on to it here’s a

SLO sweep out towards deep M work it six run don’t need to run with the dodgy po a it like that M 74 stroke making ability right up there with the very best her first boundry only one back on the offside that’s a long off if you can play that

Stroke now hit to Extra cover should be taken is by baates again you see the idea she’s seeing the field well looking for a gap when outside of leg stump but just got the bottom of the bat couldn’t get it over baits but might boo has been bre taking out best in this

Series she’s got to go with Insight of her maiden T20 International 100 she’ll be devastated at that but 91 of 56 here’s a sweep over short F leg down to the fence for four it’s been a master class of hitting over the last five overs by England and they post a very

Very big score 177 for the loss of three it was a winning score and by some margin England winning by 47 runs New Zealand not help by the fat the most uh feared of their bats Sophie Divine couldn’t take to the field after picking up a quad injury

With the ball earlier today New Zealand restricted to 130 for the loss of seven but really it was about the English batting today buer right in the thick of it with 91 off 56 she hit 12 fours England hit 23 fours and 2 Sixers over 100 runs scored in boundaries you

Compare that to New Zealand who look some way off on the power scale themselves to start notching uh about 10 12 boundaries over the course of their Innings so England have won the series with one game to go we look forward to bringing you all the

Uh the action same time on Good Friday K New Zealand Paul one back and the end team on behalf of Jacob Oram uh my name is Daniel MC wishing you a very good evening well done to England the T20 series all wrapped up three matches to one with one to Play

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