The Swing You NEED For PERFECT Wedge Shots

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In this video, Adam goes over how to hit the perfect wedge shots. He goes over everything, from the set up, weight shift, drills and more! The fastest way to a lower score is to throw a dart into the green. Watch this video and see the scores drop!

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But watch how there’s just no movement off that left side right I’m just around that post the whole time if you look at that lead leg it almost turns more into the target than it does ever off of it wedges outsides of feet to the outsides of

Shoulders that same simple hip bump that creates that I’ll move this on the way down okay I’m just going to put this right here on the way back you feel that wow what a swing M that’s here you’re going to see it up through the front of it right there you

Can see how far past that was you’re starting back on that right side still okay back there and then having to move into it that’s slide into it has it kills rotation right but more importantly it’s a wedge you know if we’re hitting a wedge yeah you know not

Only are we an arrow at The Stance which takes away any of that movement but also when we bump that hip you’re looking at a good 70% up on that lead foot and here’s what I tell people even if a little weight does move back because of

The turn it’s wedge there should be no weight transfer pop in front of me real quick with Kev you guys get in front of me here watch my watch my left hip here you know so watch I I’m narrower bump the hip forward but watch how there’s just no movement off that left

Side right I’m just around that post the whole time and what’s funny is if you look at that lead leg it almost turns more into the target than it does ever off of it we always have to work on creating that posted lead leg especially

With a wedge now a lot of our viewers have seen this you’ve owned this drill with me the lead leg drill the reason why I love this it really identifies where the majority of the weight needs to be throughout the swing that’s the no weight transfer back no weight transfer through just around

The lead side and you can see the bottom of the Swing is really consistent when you get that you know like watch if I line these balls up right here you know you’re not going to see let’s line it up right here on the back of this one

You’re not going to see the divot when I have this lead leg drill back here you’re going to see it up through the front of it right there you can see how far past that was that’s a great drill for the person who’s hitting the chunked wedge because it’s keeping

The top of your pendulum a little bit more centered a little more over the golf ball how you translate that in the swing wedges outsides of feet to the outsides of shoulders that same simple hip bump that creates that post and just feel like you maintain it throughout your swing right away for

Starters narrower a little bit more posted on the left side think about this the little narrower makes the swing more v-shaped mhm if I get wide now it’s more u-shape so just like a driver when the ball’s that much ahead of your pend top of your pendulum being forward and

You’re wider there’s two things that are happening there that help you hit up without having to try to hit up your setup’s doing it for you now with a wedge I’m thinking well how do I hit down past the ball without having to try to hit down past the ball okay narrower

Little more weight stay centered you got it yep exactly big lesson there for everybody big lesson yeah I just got to get like where the feel is of that yeah that lead leg right you just find a that there’s the narrow stance okay there’s the post hands can move forward with

That there you go right there maintain that yeah you see how the low Point moves forward immediately and the ball flight comes down the ball doesn’t go to the sun yeah the ball doesn’t go up to the sun doesn’t bur up in the atmosphere first thing no but you know

Here’s the thing this is a good lesson for Todd and he’s going to keep hitting here but like the better if if you’re scooping balls up in the air and you’re hitting it real high up in the air with wedges like see those are 20 times better already hear that sound what

Happens is you have a lofted club that you’re adding LOF to right so two things are happening there either the low point isn’t good enough and you’re behind it a little bit or you’re tossing the club through there and adding Loft which which affects the low Point as well

Adding Loft to it now if you’re hitting low tight wedges with the divot in front it shows you that you know not only are you on top of it but the hands are in a much better position I’ve been a big believer that over the years I watch my best players

My best ball Strikers they’re great wedge players they’re constantly flighting wedges and hitting them real tight off the face well you take that mindset to the rest of your bag and have that same technique with the bigger swing and then there’s your ball flight there’s your efficiency right

Perfect there it was best of the day best of the day yeah almost got to feel like it funny what you just said right there it literally is like watch my left hip right here because my right one’s turning back into it it almost goes towards the

Target right it’s like there’s never any movement back this way or back that way it’s just into it into it right yeah now now Todd one thing I’m going to show you that’s important here okay this is important tendency for you when you start hitting the bad

Ones your hips forward are producing the spine angle that allows you to turn behind it without having to move off of it you’ll get that lateral push with your upper body that then forces you to have to then get back on top of it I would tell you feel like there’s a knife

At the right side of your head here and you’re just turning more centered so go ahead and set up again you know I’m going to hold you real quick to the top of your swing but just like you know like I’m holding you here feel that feel

How much more that loads in here even yeah that’s the feeling right there okay that’s wild yeah that that and that’ll help you rotate through and not have to Lunge back into it okay try that try that for me and I and I’ll move I’ll move this on

The way down okay I’m just going to put this right here on the way back you feel that wow what a swing that was yeah it’s just it’s just getting comfortable it’s just getting comfortable with it right yeah but it’s it’s just so much more like just drawing

The bo bow tight just tighter stronger that’s what he’s saying he’s drawing drawing the bow tight he’s talking about the bow and arrow analogy he feels like when he does that everything loads a lot more coils a lot more that’s what gives you that necessary tension that you need

Much better low point right much better low point now here’s something I want you to see hop in front of me this is important because this is with all your clubs and this is for our viewer also this is a question I’ve had a lot and I want to start answering questions in

These in these videos for people that I see pop up when you set up like this in a neutral position and then you bump your hips you’re not leaving your hands back here your hips and your hands stay centered and move together it’s a very small motion but that

Engages you and actually helps promote a better impact position so when I get in there you know the hips and hands get going together now here I am I feel like I’m on my left side the whole time okay no weight transfer there you know it just feels like I’m just right

On top of that golf ball and right on top of that ball through impact so that I guess that knes like that all right you see how much better that is and guys watch when he did that his hips stayed Square it’s not like he like opened them

Up or closed them he just went Square just that’s that’s what you got to do right there that’s all it is it’s just get the right setup which your components of that are narrower hip the hands and the hip go together yeah the hands too and all

You’re doing give me a nice smooth smooth Conn control back swing I mean doesn’t get much better than that Todd I mean your best contact of the day by far even Kevin’s back here just laughing is how good that was right there let’s get the ad Aron out let’s

Keep the same stuff going okay all right job buddy no like one thing that we do Todd and I do this a lot and and he like I said he’s been very successful at golfer shoots around par um we spend a lot of time on wedges you know here we

Are halfway through our session we hit a ton of wedges because the Loft on a wedge exposes the weaknesses right if you’re moving around if you’re using your hands excessively like it shows up you your contact’s not good you got the sharpest Leading Edge in the bag you know with the with the

Wedges and that if you hit hit behind it you’re digging into it you know it it requires very clean contact and more importantly here’s the thing even if you’re making decent contact but you’re scooping it the ball rides up the face and goes nowhere so in order to really trap it to

Get it to launch off the face the right way efficiency has to be there and that’s more of this right here staying centered this look through impact right there at poror Zack golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on

The planet we do this through simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a step-by-step easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond


  1. Yeah, pivot around the lead leg. Wedges is about control and precision, not generating as much power as possible.

  2. Hey Adam, you should make a video on how to control and find your wedge distances. E.g how wind effects it-the flight of the shot…….

  3. Great lesson. I wish you showed what steps to take when he went to the eight iron. Slightly wider stance, but what else changes? Long irons? Driver?

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