This Golf Tee Could Help Your Consistency!

If you struggle to get consistent shots off the tee, these could help to improve your game.

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So today I want to give you a closeup look of these Pride professional te’s now this is the pr length plus and this is 3 and 1/4 in but if we open it up I’ll show you a closer look but first of all the design Behind These is

Specifically a a setup to allow you to know how high you can set your tea so you can be consistent each time if I can open it up it’s very well packaged so let’s get inside it and see what we’re working with so if you can see inside

Here you’ve got a standard golf tea this is wooden so actually that’s interesting the it’s coming off in my hands so that’s great but yeah this is really interesting so what you’ve got on here is You’ got the pro length plus so basically when you’re putting the tea

Into the ground you can use the uh the markers on the side of the tea to know how high it is so for example you can make sure that all of the blue isn’t showing when you put the club into the the into the ground ready to hit it with

Your Club so that when you’re putting it on the te you can get the same height every time but if you look at these they look really quality they look like they are very well made and you can see there’s there’s definitely quality put behind these as well because they’ve

Printed the logo on the side they feel good and I can’t wait to get these on the golf course

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