First Timer’s Guide to Visiting the Masters (10 Things to Know!)

Visiting the Masters this year? Congratulations! You’ve got a lot to look forward to. Here’s the written version of our Masters Guide with even more details:


Getting to visit The Masters as a patron is one of the greatest experiences in all of sports. The Masters is unlike any golf tournament, or sporting event you’ve ever been to. It’s the most well-oiled machine you’ve ever seen, and it’s probably the only major sporting event you’ll attend where you’ll actually feel like everything is a good deal.

But if you’ve never been, and especially if you only have one day, it can be a little overwhelming. So here are my ten tips for what to do in order to make sure you have the best, most memorable tournament experience possible.

And you can click the link above to check out our written version, which goes into even more details about what to do throughout the day, as well as where to stay, and where to golf when visiting the Masters as well.

00:00. Have tickets to the Masters? Congratulations!
00:38. A couple quick notes and disclaimers.
01:11. Sorry but there are rules.
02:04. Check out my written guide to the Masters!
02:21. Don’t be afraid of traffic or parking.
03:08. Go there with a plan for the day.
03:37. Make sure you bring an armless, foldable chair.
04:22. Consider these locations to set up for the day.
05:41. Be sure to walk the course.
06:23. Any extra tickets? Think of me first!
06:44. Don’t skimp on the concessions.
07:19. Don’t forget to have your picture taken.
08:01. The gift shop? Awesome!
08:49. Explore the clubhouse area.
09:35. And the most important thing of all…?
10:17. Wrap up.
10:28. Close

#themasters #mastersgolf #Masters2024

So you got lucky you got to take it to the Masters this year congratulations you are in for the time of your life it is the best sporting event in the world hands down but there’s some things you should know if you want to make the most

Out of your time at Augusta National today I’m going to talk about 10 things you got to know before you go to the Masters this is going to help make sure you don’t get in any trouble it’s going to help make sure that you get the most

Out of your time there and that you have the best time possible so if you’re ready to find out all the fun stuff that’s going to make your day super special or you just want to hear about all the cool things that someone else is

Going to get to do when they go to the Masters while you watch it on TV keep watching today’s video is for you two things real quick there’s going to be less b-roll in this video than there are normally in our videos because well I just don’t want to use any coverage or

Any photos of Augusta that might get me in trouble that is one organization that I would like to remain on friendly terms with because well obvious reasons second if this is your first time here welcome my name is Sean Ogle I’m the founder of this thing here at breaking 80 where we

Talk about cool golf courses golf travel golf product so if you got some value out of this video you’re probably going to get value out of future videos so maybe consider hitting the Subscribe button that would be super helpful for me but now let’s help you with some tips

For how to make the most out of your time at the Masters all right first thing you need to know is you need to know the rules like did you know that you can’t take your phone into the Masters or a laptop or an iPad or any sort of device that can transmit

Information so leave it in the car there’s a page on the Master’s website that details all the rules you need to know things like you can’t ask for autographs or that there’s no signs or that you can’t bring a backpack you should make sure you fully understand

The rules so that you don’t show up and then get turned away at the door or Worse somehow sneak something in and then get caught and then kicked out for life because that would kind of suck and while one of the rules is that during tournament days there are no cameras if

You go during a practice round Monday Tuesday or Wednesday you can bring a dedicated camera into the grounds so not a cell phone that has a camera in it but it has to be a dedicated camera so if you’re going to a practice round definitely make sure you bring your

Camera because you’re going to get photos that you may just not get another time ever again so take advantage of that opportunity hey real quick I also have a written Master’s guide and I will link to that below it has even more information including a straight like

Hour by hour guide of where I would go and what I would do and what the best vantage points are so if you’re looking for a little bit more help planning your Master’s day then I would go check that out I think you’re going to find it super helpful second thing you should

Plan to do is park at Augusta National if you were going to a Super Bowl or even if you going to like a college football game there’s a good chance you might not have a parking pass or would be super expensive to do it so you plan

To park far away and walk or take a shuttle well the cool thing about the Masters is that Augusta National has plenty of parking so you can park on the grounds for free it’s actually super easy and traffic in my experience in the three times that I have gone it is not

Nearly as bad as you expect it to be and that goes for the Masters as a whole you would expect it to be super crowded and while there’s definitely a lot of patrons at times all the lines move quickly nothing ever feels unorganized this is the most well well oiled machine

In Olive Golf and you’re going to experience that from the second you get into the parking lot to the time you get into the gates throughout the entire day to the second you leave it’s very impressive third thing you should do is have a rough plan for the day it can be

Easy to get overwhelmed or not really know where to go or you just kind of set up shop and you just stay in one place the whole time well if you’ve only got one day at the Masters and if you’re not sure you’re going to be coming back

You’re going to want to kind of see all of it and throughout the rest of this video I’m going to talk about all the things you should do and the order you should do them in but you should at least have a general idea of what you

Want to see what’s important to you where you’re going to go at what time and by having a little bit of a plan it’s going to allow you to make the most of your experience which brings us to number four because this is one that’s going to allow you to really make the

Most of your experience is make sure you bring an armless foldable chair so there are specific dimensions for this that’s going to be on the Master’s website that I will link to below but this is one of the coolest things in all of sports so you’re allowed to bring one armless

Folding chair you want to get in as early as you can and you can go take this folding chair and you can put it anywhere on the course or at least anywhere that patrons are allowed well if you’re lucky enough to get your tickets from the tournament itself and

Not an obscenely expensive reseller then this is going to be the cheapest best seat you will get at a world-class sporting event you can take that chair you can put it anywhere so first thing when you walk in you take that chair and you go find the spot that you want to be

Later in the afternoon so some places to consider the 18th green if it’s a Saturday or Sunday and you’re one of the first people in you can go put that chair by the 18th green and you can can have an excellent spot to watch everything happen as the tournament is

Concluding it’s pretty cool for me personally I would probably go 16th green either along the water or back behind the green depending on where you are you’re going to be able to see people come into 15 you’ll be able to see people teeing off on six and you’re

Going to be able to watch the iconic 16th pole which no matter what day you’re doing it that’s just an awesome spot to spend an afternoon the second green is also an awesome spot because you can watch the approaches on to two green and you can watch them tea off on

Three and seven green is also not a bad spot to put your chair because it’s slightly elevated and it’s close to 2 and three so you can see some of the action happening there as well as everything happening on S so you might be thinking okay yeah I I buy my chair I

Put it down at 8:00 in the morning by 2 it’s either going to be stolen or someone’s going to be sitting in it no the Masters is this special place where nobody does that there might be someone sitting in it but they will immediately

Get up if you tell them it is your chair and no one is stealing your chair it will be there when you return so it’s pretty cool by doing that first by taking that chair putting it where you want to be it’s going to ensure you’re

Going to have an awesome spot to watch the action in the afternoon uh just be aware that there’s also thousands of other people that have this same idea so be prepared for that but don’t run because there’s no running at Augusta National the fifth thing you should do

When you visit the Masters is kind of obvious and that is walk the course so for me more than watching The Players more than anything else like the best Master’s experience and one of the best golf experiences I’ve had was the first time I showed up and I walked the course

I got a cup of coffee I got a breakfast sandwich I I walked the back nine early I did that first right after I put my chair down there’s hardly anyone back there there was no players in the morning so being able to go back with

Very few people and walk the back nine at Augusta National I mean that’s one of the coolest experiences in golf so even though you’re going to be excited for the tournament you’re going to be excited to watch everything take the time to have a leisurely stroll and go

Enjoy the course because it may be the only time you ever get to see it hey sorry to interrupt real quick um do you have any extra Master’s tickets maybe one extra one for your favorite YouTuber um yeah Sean shoot me an email would love would love to talk

Would love to go back because well obvious reasons it’s awesome I’m joking I mean only kind of unless you actually have a ticket that you want to give me okay back to the video speaking of coffee and the breakfast sandwich the sixth thing you should do is get

Concessions get all of the concessions how much you think a beer costs at the Super Bowl probably like 20 bucks I don’t know a lot of money you know how much a beer cost in 2023 at Augusta National $5 sandwiches $3 soda less than that I’m going to butcher the exact

Numbers but I once saw something that you could buy the entire menu at the Masters for like 40 bucks or something like that so you should probably just plan to do that the concessions are so unbelievably cheap and even better than that they are delicious and make sure

You get the Pento cheese sandwich it’s just a staple you got to do it so number seven this is a little known fact you can get a photo at the course so if you are going to a tournament day you can’t have a camera kind of a bummer there’s

Nothing to remember it by but there is you can go around to the front of the clubhouse you can go to What’s called the founder Circle and you can go there and get an iconic photo in front of the flowers in front of the clubhouse and

They will send it to you at the end of the day so just being able to get a photo of yourself at Augusta at the Masters is cool but getting like the most iconic view right at the end of Magnolia Lane with the clubhouse and FL

I mean it doesn’t get much cooler than that and you can do it for free when I’ve done it I usually go midafternoon I go at like 2:30 or three I’ve never had to wait more than 10 minutes so really there’s no reason not to do this it’s a

Free souvenir that you’re going to get that it’s going to be a wonderful reminder of your day at the tournament eighth make sure you go to the gift shop the gift shop there is absolutely stacked with so much good stuff and it’s honestly really affordable chances are polos hats sweatshirts all of these

Things are probably going to be less expensive than what a similar Polo would cost at your own club so there’s no reason not to go insane and just buy out the whole thing which people do so make sure you get enough stuff for yourself make sure you got stuff for your friends

And don’t be afraid of crowds and lines and all the people because even if it seems long it’s going to go very quickly as does every single line at the Masters it’s pretty insane actually and personally if it were me I would wait till the end of the day to do this it’ll

Probably be more crowded at that time but I also don’t want to carry around my bags of souvenirs with me throughout the whole day so by doing it on the way out it just kind of saves you the hassle number nine is to make sure you spend

Some time up near the clubhouse and some of the other places you might not think to consider so up near the clubhouse there’s a lot of stuff happening you’re going to see a lot of members wearing their Green Jackets there’s a good chance you’re going to see some

Celebrities you’re probably going to see some players giving interviews going out to the practice range and the practice scens and watching how the players practice is really cool it’s also one of the most unbelievable ranges you will see I still remember one of the last

Times I was there I was watching Phil on the practice screen and he was just hitting flop shot after flop shot I was like how is he doing this watching that in person is just a totally different experience than what you see on TV if you happen to go on Wednesday also be

Sure to go to the par 3 course and watch the par 3 tournament that’s one area that often gets overlooked and not as many people get to see it so being able to have the kind of fun casual laid-back Vibe of the part 3 tournament and seeing

Another Part of Augusta National is a really cool experience and finally the last thing you to know before you go to the Masters is to have fun you’re at the most unbelievable sporting event in the world everything about it is antithetical to what you would expect from a typical big sporting event once

You’re in the gates everything is Affordable you can get unbelievable seats for the most part everybody is calm and polite and respectful and honestly the whole experience is just so special and not only is it unlike any other sporting event in the world it’s unlike any other golf tournament in the

World if you’ve been to a golf tournament you’re like yeah it’s not my thing you’ve been to the waste management you’re like yeah it’s a little too the Masters is nothing like that the Masters is truly a special thing so enjoy every second of it and

Just hope that you can get tickets again next year because I guarantee you’re going to want to go back so there you go those are all the things I would do if I were visiting the Masters for the first time or frankly the fifth time if I were

To go back this year I would still pretty much do all of those same things with that my name is Sean Ole I’m the founder of this thing here at breaking 0 where we talk about cool golf courses and cool golf products if you got some value out of this maybe consider

Subscribing to the channel it helps me out a lot and I hope to see you on the next video peace


  1. @8:38 – I have never been, but I've read that the Masters merch tent offers bag storage that you can use, so you don't have to carry your purchases around all day. Sounds like it's best to go early for that, however, as they will run out of storage and then you may get stuck carrying all your goodies. I also saw that they also offer UPS shipping onsite, so you can pay a little extra money and send your gear back home right from Augusta.

  2. Agree with everything you say. I’ve been 3x and walking the back nine early in the morning when there are no golfers on it was a fantastic experience not to be missed. My wife and I put our chairs by the 18th green and then left them there for hours.

  3. Having been inside the gates 3 times (one for dcp) my advice is bring someone who loves to shop so you don’t have to waste a minute not looking at the course.

    Also don’t risk waiting for the end of the day for shopping or anything you want to do because they do get thunder/lightning storms and because safety is first you will have leave the premises immediately.

    Also because of the no cell phone rules, it’s important to have a plan with your group. I would say to meet at the car because anywhere else may not be an option. You may have to exit at different gates. And again, no cell phone.

    Our first time the year reed won we walked the back 9 early morning with Sergio and Joaco and then the front with Tiger and everyone else.

    And then we followed Jack and Gary and Watson who won the par 3.
    I Met Barbara!
    I got autograph from her on a visor. And then my kid got Jack to sign the visor behind the 9th green; and Jack says: “oh the boss signed it”.

    That’s after being directly behind jacks grandson when he made that ace.

    It’s a truly magical place that literally anyone would enjoy.

  4. Additional tip – I assume this is still available (I went in 2016) – After making your purchases you can have them shipped directly from the course. I believe it was right around the corner from the main merchandise tent. Just keep the chair you just bought, put everything else in a box and hand it off to be shipped. You do pay for shipping, but there's going to be too much to take on the plane anyway!

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