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‘Surprised Branthwaite didn’t get even a FEW ENGLAND MINUTES!’ | Sean Dyche | Bournemouth v Everton

Sean Dyche press conference to preview Bournemouth v Everton

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#everton #efc #dyche | Sean Dyche Everton press conference today

Timeline courtesy of Warrior J93
0:00 Intro
0:29 Larry Lloyd
0:53 “It’s too early”
1:25 Everton takeover situation
2:09 Realistic Outcome
2:51 “I was surprised” on Jarrad Branthwaite
3:54 International Break
4:34 Nathan Patterson
5:01 Finishing
5:51 Bournemouth
6:37 Gueye & Danjuma
7:06 Goals
8:13 Stats on Chance created
9:17 Bournemouth
10:13 Beto
10:50 Change of Style?
11:46 Seamus Coleman
12:21 Danjuma
13:05 PSR
13:53 Forest point deduction
16:21 Onana
17:06 Outro | Please like the video and subscribe!

Have a shave in a t up yeah you’re right Fair it I always have to check me phone sorry mate can’t find by the players if it goes off kind have that power might find me thank you okay afternoon everyone Welcome to our pretty much press conference to preview our game against

Bournemouth we’ll start off with Vine Sky Sean just to start with and given your Forest connection just wanted to get your thoughts on the sad news that Larry lyd passed away yeah um I didn’t know him personally that well but obviously I know a lot of the Old Forest

C and the Legends who were there and and he’s certainly one of them um and I’m sure held in high high esteem for his achievements um not just at Forest but certainly for forest for yourself there’s been plenty to deal with in the three weeks that since you’ve had a game

Always is always is here well first of all there was the hearing this week regarding the second charge for of profit and sustainability rules what indication if any of you be given from those who were involved as to how that’s gone uh too early yet other than they’ve

They’ve shared the information that was uh asked of them um so too early to get a feel of it um and just waiting really like we did last time I’m sure everyone’s hoping that it’s fast tracked slightly U but we’ll have to wait and see also the premier league has said

That they’re minded to approve the Takeover as well what have you been told as the likelihood of Triple 7 Partners getting hold of the football club in the next week or so I know no more than what I did know um so I’m sure they would let

Me know by the way but I know no more than what I did know which is not that much really the one meeting Still Remains I had with them very casual meeting that it was um and waiting for more news do you feel though that you finally getting to the stage where you

Know exactly where you were at and you can maybe start at least putting some kind of concrete plans in place to before no I don’t think we’re there yet um there’s certain things the club guidelines currently um and kind of given a feel of where we’re at now but

Then obviously if that changes new owners etc etc points maybe we’ll have to wait and see but no it’s nothing it’s uh pretty fluid at the moment until we know more news and just back to the hearing I mean what would you say is a is a realistic or an acceptable outcome

For yourself from that well I think the last one jolted everyone in football so I think really we’re just waiting now um because I don’t think anyone has concrete proof of how which way these things will go um and particularly after the the first one so I think is just you

Know from our point of view we can only give the information that’s appropriate um I wasn’t there obviously but some to we’ve given every bit of information that we can give um and hope that they they see accordingly what the club’s been trying to do to make sure within

The the right areas that they need to us to be in um so therefore we we’ll hope that it comes to nothing we’ll move on to football um obviously Jared BR was part of the England did you make of the fact that he didn’t have any any game

Time with England I mean I’ve never um you know I know Gareth well I respect him as well um I’ve never tried to put any um of my thoughts on him he’s asked me about players their form they in um but you know I would say that as a a

Manager and someone who cares for the players of course and I was surprised he didn’t get even a few minutes that being said fantastic experience to be around the group um I know Gareth they certainly treat them well there um and as a collective like a unit so I’m sure

Li enjoyed that experience had a quit we him today but nothing heavy um when he’s back in the group training with us today it’s not knocked his confidence at all absolutely not no I mean it can do nothing else than boost him getting a a

Call up to the the the main side rather than the under 21 so no no absolute positives all around for him um but you know like I say I’m m a manager and I care for these players and I would liked him to get a few minutes um but Gareth

Wanted to get what he thought was the right team to win that’s the job yourselves how useful has the break being in terms of just building things up because obviously we know 16th of December was the last time you won in it no it’s been I mean the the challenge we

Had as you know is that the extended period due to the change of games and I think we used it as wisely as we could um to make sure and some have been away of course I’ve already just got them Lads back today and a few of them you

Know played more minutes than others Sheamus particularly um me great news of course U played the other night you know geso 70 odd minutes so Po’s played a couple as well so you know we’re monitoring them they did less today quite obviously um because they’ve played so recently bringing them back

Down and then then ready to train tomorrow and get ready for the Bournemouth game just on P Nathan Patterson obviously you made headlines a little bit during this break what can you clarify exactly what happened well yeah you know the old F never let the

Truth get in the way of a story a good story so yeah there’s nothing in it really it was a it was a it was a joke on ra I tapped him on the head like you older brother would um and he didn’t get the joke that was it basically there’s

No more to it but of course that wouldn’t have sold so when that do go everyone has to add layers and layers and layers to it but it’s really that simple that was it but what we saw at the training camp it looked like finishing wasn’t a problem so how’d you

Go about replicating that in games now well I think the moment of truth is different when it’s on a training pitch you know everyone knows that um and I think sticking to task you know I think a lot of the performances have been right a lot of the performance levels

Statistically been right we’ve spoken endlessly about it but the the words have to stop at some point and we have to take action and I think we’ve been very close to doing that you know the freedom to miss the freedom to score whichever way you look at it that’s the

Bit that’s missing a lot of our performances is is the the final moment so I think just reinforcing um reinforcing to the players the good work they’re doing reinforcing how important the final moments are of course um but they know that you know it’s about going

Into these games with the right frame of mind and performance-wise we are um but we’ve got to win games that’s that’s the job end off and you beat Bournemouth comprehensively at goodison earlier this season but they seem to be in a lot healthier State than they were back then

So the challenges yeah they they had that really tough start and then they kind to a really strong spell of results um and then acquire a spell and then popped up with another one you know another couple of good results and they’ve turned into a decent outfit

They’ve you know they’ve worked hard at their game I think um as have we in different ways you know and we obviously with the points added on would be similar position but there lies the truth of a story you know Bournemouth being rightly so respected for the season they’re having and us being

Questioned and you go well if we didn’t have them points take away we wouldn’t be getting questions so there Li the change in a story and the facts are that it’s still a tough game it’s a PR League game and we have to take it on wisely

And be ready to go and perform Sean good luck thank you thanks for we’ll go to Allen at Premier League Productions hi Sean um can we just get an update on andisa G and AR John Juna and where they’re at with yeah andisa played I think with 70 minutes or around 70

Minutes a lot of traveling involved so he’s had quite a day today but he’s fit um and an he’s only just back on the grass with us he’s been on the grass with the the medical side in the sports science side getting fit and making sure well but literally his first training

Session with us today as a as a group so therefore he’s going to need a bit of time to make sure that he’s right we mentioned that that slightly longer break for unor players obviously mentioned the international break as well but do you feel like you’re any

Closer to cracking that code when it comes to goals well you can never you can never guarantee it but the stats and the fact suggest earlier season um and I spoke about it clearly then the the team that we have who break down the numbers

You know I spoke to them said what do you think and they said keep doing what you’re doing cuz they the the stats were that strong then of course we we won down at Palace then the break had the points taken away and then four wins on

The Trot so they were kind of correct you know we were on the right lines and we’re similar but different now you know we’ve got to a point where the stats are strong the performance levels are strong the physicality is strong the fitness is strong they’re all they’re all

Measurables the hardest been to measure is the Moment of Truth when when someone whoever that someone is takes that chance you know you can’t always measure measure the mindset of a player and it’s difficult to recreate that on a training pitch um but you got to keep doing the

Right things and we’ve got to continue to do that we are doing lots of the right things but all the right things are deemed different if you’re not winning you if we’d won five out this run everyone would be saying yeah no wonder because they’re playing well

You’re not winning and then they go They’re not playing that well that’s the difference between perception and facts it’s my job to look at the facts because the stats are very good apart from the finishing and when you look at the stats about chantings created and then also

Expected goals does that frustrate you at all when you then look at the returns that you’ve got from it yeah of course because you know the the idea of modeling a team is to be successful at both of the pitch you know and and defensively overall I mean we’ve had our

Hicups but I think it’s been a solid outfit from from the front to the back um and in attack we’ve done all of them good things but not fight you know not put the finish in touch on and and that that is frustrating of course it is because you’re watching the side play

Well and not get the goals that that bring the rewards um on the other hand it’s the consistency that I spoke about so I can’t change my view now we need to keep consistent performances and they’ve got to be consistently High to win games um so there’s a there’s a judgment on

That where I go whether consistency has been good on my eyes the stats the facts and also can we add in the final moments to not just be consistent in performance but win games and that that’s been the difference you know that winning mentality and Winning Edge to go and

Kill a game off and take the final moments Bournemouth are a team that you’ve had particular success against as a manager but we’ve already mentioned that they’re having their best season in the Premier League what’s it going to take to to break them down yeah I mean they they’ve they’ve changed slightly

Early season it was out and out football they’ve gone slightly more direct not a lot in it um the center forwards played well for them of course and you know few changes to this team but roughly the same kind of plan um and fair play to

Their manager he stuck with it when he was getting heavily questioned and they turned that corner and started winning games like I say a bit less So lately but they had that real strong spell um no they were a good outfit you know and

Like I say you you can’t you have to be a good outfit to be in the Premier League but you have to be a good outfit to do what they’re doing so we’re aware of that the players aware of that but our mentality has been right um home and

Away in particular away after all the question marks when I got here about their away form so we got to use our mentality but use our talent as well and go and take it on and just a quick one on on betterto he tops the stats for off

The ball runs this season second to Darwin nunz for runs into into the box he’s clearly working incredibly hard on the pitch what what more do you want to see from him um well he’s he’s earning the right to have more minutes of course and then when you get that minutes

Taking Chances you know and I think the same with dom I think Dom’s hasn’t definitely not hasn’t lacked work ethic and work rate it’s it’s taking the chances you know that’s what you want from strikes but you want that from all players I’ve said many times not just

About the strikers about the whole outfit thank you thanks we’ll go to Julia okay and while you’re talking about looking for those goals can we expect a change in the style of Everton’s play at the moment is it something you’ve worked on in the break

Looking to play we can’t work on in the break CU a lot of players are away so you don’t really get that chance maybe the first week we had a spell um when we went away so some work but it’s it’s you know the the the fine lines like I said

Early season people suggesting we weren’t playing that well I was suggesting we were and then we turned that into wins and then everyone said we were playing well actually statistically we weren’t playing as well during that winning run that’s what we were early season but the wins changed the

Perception and they do for the players as well by the way you know sometimes it’s important the players get them wins as a reward um the format the way we’re working sometimes individuals change sometimes the team I think change the way that we do uh change the way the

Team operate but it’s not always something that’s dead obvious to everyone um you know but I think the the subtle change of what you’re hoping uh brings the the big change which is to win games quite obviously and you mentioned Sheamus before had played twice in four days for the Republic of

Island I think he got the player of the match as well isn’t he this week given he’s a leader he’s been in these situations before he’s in an attacking style of player as well if you can get him back in that side if he is okay to

Play is he somebody that will be back in that starting line yeah I mean he’s a he’s a valuable member of the club let alone the squad um you know what he stands for being here and he’s been exceptional and he still is and to get

Them them games in R is very pleasing because the hardest thing when they’re coming out of injury is to get game time so we’re really pleased that and he’s he’s never out of contention as long as he’s fit obviously and he is fit Dan Jim is only back today then just wanted to

Ask a bit more about him though um he’s clearly talented as a player but when he’s been in the Premier League it hasn’t really shown that Talent is there any reason for that is it just that the of the Premier League yeah I think a mixture of everything you know I’ve

Spoken to about it the working both ways in the Premier League is slightly different um I believe in his talent he does as well there’s no two ways about that very unlucky I think with his injury because I think he had a good all round game down at Fulham in the game he

Got injured so we were looking could he build on the back of that and then got injured which is a real shame his his injuries taken slightly longer than he he would hop because he was really pushing um but he’s he’s back on the

Grass now so we just want to get him fit as quick as possible and hopefully can affect us in a positive way and I appreciate you don’t know too much about the the PSR hearing but I just thought because it’s a second time around do players know how to handle this I know

It’s a really unusual situation or do they have questions about it because it’s sort of a case of here we go again I know the fans feel some trepidation how how are you containing it in here well it’s yeah I mean you can’t uh judge every person in their their own deepest

Psychology um but the main thing is to let them know that look we’re all on board with it it’s a reality um they’ve dealt with it well so far we’re going to have to deal with it possibly again we don’t know um but certainly the noise

Around it so I think it’s an experience we didn’t want none of us wanted that of course but it’s a reality so I try and deal with realities when I can uh and the players seem non affected at this moment in time so wait and see what it brings we’ll go to

Will hi Sean can you just ask you about for points deduction obviously only four points compared to to six when they were in Bleach of allegedly 34.5 million hav were in breach of 19.5 do you understand that can you get that there’s no I mean

The you know each I don’t know the the minua of own let alone theirs you know when you’re in that room and the way they decide things maybe there’s different reasons when it’s that that you know the facts you give like that it sounds really obvious but I can only

Imagine there’s more depth to it which is why they gave them that points and us that points but on its on its simplest form yes of course I think every well how does that work but that’s on its simplest form I don’t know all the depth behind that I don’t know the depth

Of all the the case they put forward um because there’s so much that goes into it and you you know unless I was physically there at these meetings then you can’t tell so you know what what the reason Rhymes and reasons to it is is down to the the uh appeal situation you

Know it’s not down to me that’s for sure um but yeah and it’s simplest form then everyone I think everyone not just us I think it’s the same it’s well similar bit different to when our the original charges against us and some about every went how how’s that where did that come

From and not just devonians by the way people with EV I mean people across football so in it simplest form yeah I think everyone’s going well how does that work out um that’s for them to decide I can’t do nothing about that just on PSR I mean seeing maybe clubs

Are going to have to sell to to meet rules as well do you think there needs to be a change you think it’s almost like a glass ceiling for some clubs to to break into that top six because of what’s in place well um the learning

Curve of what we well what I imagine the learning curve is to see but the one thing for sure is when our case here um look at the spending in January so whatever the outcome was everyone went well H in a minute the breaks need to go

On because spending is an alltime low or more or less an alltime low so therefore to that to happen that must have sent a wave through the H of football whether that was part of it whether it was just an add-on I don’t know but it must have

Affected it so how that affects the next um steps that clubs are going to take we’re going to have to wait and see including our own of course I can only manage our own and and you know think about our own but it’s there are some outside like I say that one particularly

It’s like the ripple effect must have went through football which is why the spending just went whoop straight back down because everyone must have been going right okay we need to find out where we’re at maybe with a bit more depth I don’t know but it seems a pretty

Obvious knock on effect so we’ll have to wait and see what comes next that’s a really good game for Belgium against singl over night it’s the challenge for him now to really add cast ir and consistency to his game and all is still quite he’s still yeah he’s still a young

Player you know you forget I think it’s like with a lot of young players when they bought in for a decent level fee people somehow forget their age you know whereas if it’s a kid coming out the academy they’re just like oh he’s young and could be the same age you know but

It does it does give you a twisted view of it and I understand why um and he deals with it pretty well I think but yeah there’s more to come from him and there’s more consistency but there’s more consistent in his performance not necessarily what fans see but the way we

See habits the way he plays and for him to keep developing um but yeah he’s he’s a fine player know that any further questions in the open section before we move on no okay


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