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Guenther Steiner’s BIG REVENGE on Haas!

■ Haas have dropped one of the biggest bombshells in the recent history of the sport, firing one of the most experienced team principals on the grid due to the lack of performance that the owner was consistently frustrated with. But with a limited budget as well as a very unique way of financial operating, was Steiner to blame for the results not coming in, and is this a decision that Haas will regret sooner rather than later, as the Italian is potentially getting prepared for another journey in the sport?

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H have dropped one of the biggest Bombshells in the recent history of the sport firing one of the most experienced team principles on the grid due to the lack of performance that the owner was consistently frustrated with but with a limited budget as well as a very unique

Way of financial operating was Steiner to blame for the results not coming in and is this a decision that H will regret sooner rather than later as the Italian is potentially getting prepared for another journey in the sport it goes without saying that Gunther Steiner was one of if not the most likable

Characters on the grid due to his policies of honesty and straightforwardness which were largely talked about and shown in the documentary drive his survive needless to say his figure brought h a lot of fans and the majority of them praised the way he handled the entire Nikita maspin situation back in the early

Beginnings of 2022 but on the other hand the criticism was also very negative with how he handled the entire mix schumaker’s contractual situation so all in all he was a very hot and cold guy with a lot of experience and knowledge behind his back this however was somehow not transferred to hass’s Performance

And considering the fact that the team finished fifth in their third season in the sports ever since the entrance of 2016 the downgrade has been quite disappointing to say the least has struggled with a lot of their drivers and having two rookies in 2021 didn’t help them achieve a lot which is why

Steiner was infamously quoted as saying that he’s done with rookies and from this point on he wants to build the team on Veterans only even with H not spending money on the entirety of the 2021 season and switching their focus primarily on 2022 it didn’t bring the

Results that the fans and the team owner would want it to finishing dead last in 2023 and a modest eighth in 2022 this is the primary reason as to why Steiner had to take the fall for the team according to the words of Jean H who got tired of being 10th in the

Constructor Championship and got tired of seeing at least one of his cars enter Q3 and then finish the race with the back markers due to the lack of of pace it was a bold move to get rid of the third most experienced team boss on the

Grid right after Toto wolf and Herer and while the results were definitely not there for H in order for Steiner to make a compiling case as to why he should remain in the sport maybe it wasn’t all of his fault that the team has not been

Able to compete and Rise From the Ashes they found themselves in money has always been tight for H and we remembered that in the beginning of the season the team made a very Innovative pit wall solution which saved the team $250,000 That was supposed to be put

Onto developing the 2023 car being the only team that has done so it was quite obvious that the financial aspect of this team is not something they could be proud of and even with the new title sponsor Money Gram knocking on the door they would be expecting performance

Sooner rather than later after knowing that they’ve been in the business for almost 10 years elaborating on this matter even further the owner of the team Jean has said it came down to Performance here we are in our eighth year over 160 races we’ve never had a

Podium in the last couple of years we’ve been 10th or 9th I’m not sitting here saying it’s Gunther’s fault or anything like that but it just seems like this was an appropriate time to make a change and try a different direction because it doesn’t seem like continuing with what

We had is really going to work I think gun had more of a human type approach to everything with people he was really good at that iow is very technical he looks at things based on statistics this is what we’re doing badly and where we can do it better it’s a different

Approach we really do need something different because we weren’t really doing that well like I said it all comes down to 8 years in dead last there’s nothing more I can say about that prior to sign’s departure pass announced that their technical director Simone rester had also left the team in what was

Believed to be an in team conflict with Gunter Steiner but as Martin brundle said once you hear from one side only then you know there’s a fight brewing in the team and you know that one of the involved pieces has been done dirty adding in a tweet regarding the current

Situation in H one that gun will talk about on Saturday with David Croft Martin brundle wrote Always significant when the departing person is not quoted in the press release it tells you there’s friction I suspect we’ll hear more about this the team hasn’t progressed in recent Seasons but it’s

Hard to know exactly why without being on the inside good luck Gunter and H as I mentioned earlier in this video continuing the good performance from Saturday to Sunday was the biggest challenge that has faced and in some of the statements that hulkenberg made it was quite disappointing to learn as to

Where the car was moving towards with the bpec car that H brought to Austin it was one of the biggest disappointments that the team could have faced showing clear lack of knowledge as to what needs to be done with their car in order to improve performance but this isn’t

Essentially Steiner’s fault even though he took the axe for it h always had a unique way of operating they basically buy the majority of the non-listed parts which are now known as the transferable components from Ferrari such as the suspension gearbox rear crash structure and other internal parts when it comes

To the chassis darara the Italian manufacturer is responsible for building this very important part of hass’s car so when you think about it the team is not really producing anything on their own which could be a huge Breaking Point towards the deterioration of the relationship between Steiner and H

Although this is the cheapest and least risky way to run an F1 team it’s obvious that it’s going to bring zero to no results and according to Craig Slater the sky1 pundit Steiner wanted bigger Investments to be made in the team in order for him to compete upfront which

Is where the owner started to disagree with the team principal adding further to this matter Slater said ultimately Jean Hass has pulled the trigger here and it’s him not renewing gunter’s contract there were Divergent views on the way forward for the hf1 team I’ve been told Steiner desperately wanted

Significant investment in the factory in Banbury and on the general infrastructure of the team he thought that they had outgrown that facility and needed to invest a bit more to move the team forward I’ve been told that Jean and I will attempt to seek the end of it

Wasn’t going to spend the money but wanted to see the team moving in the proper direction before he would spend heavily again on Fresh equipment and expansion of the infrastructure at the bamry base quite obviously Steiner will cost the team a lot of popularity due to his appearance on drive to survive but

More importantly if he decided to take his talent somewhere else like in Ferrari for example given the fact that he’s very close friends with vur then H would very likely haunt themselves for the decision they have made ultimately finishing last twice in the last three seasons has its price to be paid and

While hulkenberg and Magnuson shared their gratitude with Steiner and never ever pointed towards the performance being his fault managerial or whatever other nature the damage has been done and it’s irreversible from this point on while we’re waiting for Steiner’s interview on Saturday and his point of

View on this entire situation with h as well as his future plans the American team seems to have not wasted any minute when it comes to Bringing in a replacement a kamatsu who has been promoted from his director of engineering Position will have some big shoes to fill now in that andreti is

Knocking on the door to be the American team that the USA fans would fall in love with iow has been a part of hass’s Journey ever since 2016 and according to the owner Jean it was the right thing to do promote from within because only the

People who have been with h since day one know the challenges that this team has faced and will face in the foreseeable future according to the newly appointed team principal kamatsu this was an inevitable scenario because there was growing anger among the staff due to the lack of performance and

Changes were bound to happen adding further to this matter iow elaborated we are a performance-based business we obviously haven’t been competitive enough recently which has been a source of frustration for us all we have amazing support from Gan and our various partners and we want to mirror their

Enthusiasm with an improved on track product we have a great team of people across Canapolis Banbury and Marinello and together I know know we can achieve the kind of results we’re capable of I’m naturally very excited to have the opportunity to be the team principal of

Hf1 Team having been with the team since its track debut back in 2016 I’m obviously passionately invested in its success in F1 I’m looking forward to Leading our program and the various competitive operations internally to ensure we can build a structure that produces improved on track performances

This move by H will definitely give an answer to one question whether the lack of performance has been due to the managerial and human factor rather than the financial one which is very likely where the views of Gunter and Jean have started to stray away from each other as

For Steiner it’s inevitable that he will be a very desired high-profile member for any team out there because of his experience and knowledge and even if he does accept a role that’s below team principal he would be a massive addition to any team that would be smart enough

To utilize his talent who do you think is at fault for this entire scenario resulting the way it did and more importantly where do you think Steiner will end up in the next ch of his career let us know in the comments below


  1. Now the big question is, is there still a reason left to support Haas after this announcement? 👀😅

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  2. Scenario 1. Andretti manages to persuade Haas to sell his team and Haas F1 becomes Andretti F1. Micheal Andretti would be foolish not to consider bringing Gunther back into the team given his knowledge of it. Scenario 2. Andretti becomes the 11th team on the grid. Which team principal brought the last new F1 team onto the grid? Gunther, making him a strong candidate to be Andretti team principal. Both scenario 1 and 2 are helped by Gunther’s fame on Netflix with a huge fan base in the USA. Scenario 3. Andretti do not make it onto the F1 grid. It would be unlikely that Gunther would find a team principal role for at least a couple of years, but could find his way into a lead or consulting role in one of the current teams, either a front running team or one of the mid field teams. Longer term he may get team principal opportunities as current principals decide to leave the sport. Remember that in 2021, Toto did contemplate pulling back on his Mercedes role, so nothing can be ruled out.

  3. I think Gene haas needs a lesson in business! If you're getting somebody elseto make your parts of course it's going to be more expensive than making it yourself! You are paying another company that needs to make a profit on every part they make! It's a no-brainer to make your own parts!

  4. If Gene Haas doesn’t want to invest in the team anymore, why keep it?😂
    There is no win without big investment in F1

  5. Team has been fucking around for 3 years now … not really achieving anything inseason development. Call this a "BOMBSHELL" again 😀

  6. Guenther is a class act, and made Haas a lovable underdog team people loved to love. Gene has done Guenther wrong here, and it takes Haas of my favorites list.

  7. It’s more likely for Guenther going to Audi than Ferrari.

    I think Audi might take their chances with either binotto, Steiner or even Toto ( if Mercedes doesn’t perform the season ahead)
    However Binotto already said he didn’t want to and it would be more practical if the team principal spoke German.

    Steiner speaks both Italian and German which Audi is a fushion of too!

  8. Gene will regrets this. And Hass will pay the price.
    The money gram sponsor was all Gunter's.
    Lets be clear: Everything that is fast with Hass cars is in the parts they buy, everything that is slow is what they develop.
    You cannot develop decent aerodynamics with tools that are 10+ year old and were development tools for the then new regulations.

  9. This is a matter of a little to late, why FOT you not address these issues before with your team, so you Gene and not really Gunther that should take the blame, eight years is a long time but listing to you story, no wonder you had NO progress you were never prepared to take risk without that you will get what you have now.

  10. Darn… Guenther was literally the only person I truly liked in the entire sport since Kimi Raikkonen retired.

    Who will I root for now…? Prob not going to be Hamilton with his "I've always won despite being constantly unfairly maliciously targeted" shtik. We get it… your infinity wins was aaaall you and whenever you didn't win, it was some racist's fault.

  11. When your team/company has been underperforming for 8-10 years, YOU DON’T HIRE FROM WITHIN! You need to look outside, you a complete culture change, you don’t promote the guy, that for the last 8 years, couldn’t fix the issues with an underperforming car-this was year after year! I really don’t get it… Suddenly Ayao can turn the ship around? I wouldn’t bet it!

  12. Regardless good or bad change something needed to change just like how change needed at Williams and that seems like it was a good choice

  13. Haas is being a typical suit. Saying Steiner manages people, and they need someone who is more technical, is just the result of someone saying, “I can fix all your problems. What he’s doing is wrong, and what I can do is fix it. All with the exact same budget you have now.” In reality, that’s bull. I’m sure the reason Steiner “isn’t technical” is because there is nothing technical that can be done to improve. When your budget is the smallest on the grid, no unique R&D can be done, and all your parts are off the shelf from other teams not looking to use them anymore, then the only chance of winning is on strategy and spirits. I think Steiner realized that if they were going to place well, it was going to be on driver talent, because that’s all they have to work with. And according to Saturdays, that works. That’s why you have drivers placing well in qualifying, but the car giving up in a race. But no, your owner-suit doesn’t like that answer because it sounds expensive, so it would be cheaper to employ the first con-artist who says, “I can do the impossible.” I believe this is called “penny wise and pound foolish.”

  14. How can Gene expect to win when their car has barely changed for 2 full seasons. Maybe casual fans don’t see this. They aren’t developing their car.

  15. This Gene came from america to race in F1 and he want to win without spending. Haaaaa makes me laugh, F1 is not some cheap motorsport, in america they don't understand nothing about F1 and it's a shame F1 has been sold to an american billionaire. F1 was much more beautiful when it raced in Europe, and if it stayed in Europe it was much more fun now not even sold to the Americans they already have 3 grand prix in the USA and we are slowly closing our circuit.

  16. I thought I was watching Gunther's revenge or new position on other team like Ferrari just as seen on your thumbnail……..I did not see it…sorry it was just my impression

  17. How is it a bombshell? He was terrible at his job. The team principle us responsible for everything. They hire everyone from mechanics to drivers.

  18. I get that Haas doesn't have the money that Red Bull, Mercedes, & Ferrari do, but dead last? Team performance falls on the team principle.

  19. Team up Daniel Ricciardo & Steiner. Is Gene aware that you don't have to OWN & finance a team in order to advertise in F1?

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