EP 15: My Coach Called Me Out use GG10 at checkout!

Welcome to the gab guchi golf show what’s going on everybody welcome back to the show hope you guys are having a phenomenal day hope your week is great for those of you on the uh East Coast you know uh golf season is upon you we’re heading towards the end of

March now it like it’s got to feel good I’m sending you some good Juju I know in some parts of Eastern Canada they got some snow this week which kind of put a hamper on the morale but hopefully for those of you on the East Coast you know uh in the Northeast at

Least golf season is coming your way very soon and I am fingers crossed that everything is going to be wonderful and dandy for you uh solo pod this week Dave is in transit again traveling but um before I was set to record today uh he just called me and we have a bag

Alert for Dave I’m not going to share it today because I I can’t I can’t do that without him but um he and I are just absolute absolute degenerates when it comes to golf equipment I think like you know we’re we’re the both the best support and worst enemies when

It comes to purchases and stuff um so we have a bag alert for Dave that’s coming next week and I can’t wait to talk about it cuz it’s it’s it’s such knowing Dave the I’s friendship like it’s just the phone call from the store and the type

Of conversation like I wish I could record these and maybe next time I’ll I’ll have to record one of them and play it for you guys in the podcast because it’s just it’s a lot it’s a lot so anyway uh excited for that and that’ll be coming uh next week’s pod when Dave’s

Back so stay tuned for that because I’m I’m really excited to share um in other gear news I have a very cool announcement I have my very first brand partnership that I’m doing I have partnered with Kiko golf gloves okay so as you guys know I have never promoted a

Product with a discount code nothing on this channel I have never had any brand deals and a lot of that has been strategic because I have been offered before to have certain brand deals but I felt like that product um didn’t have the value for me and in and and I just

Didn’t feel like that would be worth pushing on to you guys you know I’m not here to to tell you guys about anything that I personally don’t use and believe in and I hope that you guys have seen that and I’ve demonstr ated that over the past few years of doing this you

Guys have seen anything I’ve promoted has never been um I’ve never had an attachment to it just because I found value now where this came into play is the the company dm’ me and said hey we’ve got a golf club that we think you know can beat out everything you’re

Currently using and it’s it’s actually like a perfect serendipitous timing that they sent me this because I’ve been really struggling with golf gloves and the expense of them and running through them right my biggest issue with golf gloves is that it not for the price I

Run through a golf glove in a day day and a half right with conventional C cabretta leather golf gloves so I stopped using any premium Brands the callaways the titlists the footjoys all of that um a while ago because I just it didn’t make sense to spend you know

Upwards of $2 $25 $30 Canadian on a glove that I was going to get one to two days out of at best and it was going to rip in the thumb and it would be over right so I I have since just exclusively used Kirkland gloves because they last a

Little bit longer than those premium gloves still don’t last long enough but at least the price of a pack of four is the same as buying you know One Premium golf glove so I was able to get some mileage out of it but you know the issue

Would come into and you’ll see this here I basically have to tape up the thumbs of all of my golf clubs after about a day or so if if I’m lucky right so i’ all of the golf gloves in my bag that I don’t use in tournaments are

These taped up golf gloves to just try and get a couple more days of life out of them and that just became annoying because I also felt like the quality of the glove like I just wasn’t being able to get a a good grip right and I’m from

A performance standpoint I was kind of getting to that point especially now going through all this this journey with the swing I’m kind of like man I I’ve got to be definitely giving up something by doing this like I’m I’m I’m for how optimized I am with my shoes and and you

Know how deep into the weeds you guys know I get I’m like I really have not put in any effort to make sure that my glove is up to par and to the standard that I hold everything else in my bag to so they reached out and they said hey

We’ve got a golf club that we know is going to beat everything you’ve got I was skeptical at first because I’ve heard that before um but they sent me one out and I couldn’t believe it honestly it took me six days to put a hole in this thing and the hole was like

So minor okay and again I’m not the typical golfer I play I train you know at a minimum four hours a day hitting balls getting reps in okay and you know at a Max I’m at six to eight hours right and that’s hitting tons of balls hitting

Tons of shots the glove is on for probably 80% of that time frame getting wear getting reps getting wear getting reps here’s a glove that I got from them and this glove is on day five okay so just so you guys get a sense this is on

Day five and I have not even put I’m not even come close to putting a hole in this thing it’s still tight it’s still reactive it hasn’t gotten into that weird kind of funky Zone that gloves get into after a couple days um um especially with sweat and things like that and

I I’m I am pumped I am pumped so we’ve decided to move forward and I’m going to be a brand ambassador for Keo golf gloves um what makes this glove regard what makes this glove super cool and this is one cool thing and and in my opinion this is what makes this glove

The goat of golf gloves and I don’t take that phrase lightly it is made from 100% goat skin leather so unlike traditional gloves that are made from cabretta leather which is sheep skin right they’re the first ever 100% goat skin leather golf glove so it’s a stronger

Fiber um it’s more durable and they have some proprietary um methods that they’ve put the golf glove together I guess you know there’s a way to assemble the glove and treat the leather in order to make it stronger water resistant and make it you know the strongest glove on the market through

Testing I am all in on this I am all in on this and as you guys know when I go all in on something I am all in um and I’ll be honest you’re going to see uh a course Vlog coming out tomorrow on the channel I’m finding better control with

This glove because of how sturdy it is there is a there is a tactile feel so you get all the great grip you get all that the glove feels like like it’s not flimsy so it impact there’s also a a nice bit of absorption right there’s like like you get that

Just the right amount of cushion and you get good grip I like a glove that’s that that’s snug and I can make it tighter if I need so it fits great it’s designed very well and then obviously it lasts and price-wise that’s that’s so important because this is priced as a

Premium glove but with my discount code gg10 at checkout gives you guys 10% off so that’s GG 10 two G’s 10 it gives you 10% off a checkout but what I think provides the best value is that you’re going to buy less gloves as a result and that was a

Big thing for me over the past couple years is how do I save money on gloves and I went down a route that was affordable but I probably was giving up performance and it’s been really cool now to find something that is performance-based and looks really good

Uh feels really good and I know lasts and for me for how hard I train like guys 5 days of doing this and this glove fits like so good the leather still feels very soft you know I have like you’re seeing the wear is just from

Because I have black grips but the feel of the glove and and there’s not even a not even close to ripping through on the thumb which for me is the worst part and I just hate how quickly I’ve ripped through other gloves I even did a test I bought a FootJoy glove to

To do a test and I was through it in a day and a half so after testing this glove out went and tried a FootJoy glove ripped through it in a day and a half and I just just wasn’t a fan so GG tenna checkout Kiko golf gloves I’ve listed it

In the description below I’m all in on this I appreciate um you guys checking out the brand and let me know what you think and if you guys get one please let me know in the comments um this is what I’m going to be using moving forward

You’re going to see this in all my videos and everything and I’m really really excited for this partnership so give them a follow give them a look and stay tuned for some cool content we’re going to be doing showing the performance benefits of this golf glove so that’s super dope moving on

So what’s awesome about having a good coach and having a good relationship with your coach as their ability to call you out constructively and but a week and a half ago Max uh Max and I got a phone call and he constructively called me out and it was good it was something I

That needed to happen um and it was a very good very good conversation very productive conversation and has led to a productive result but I’m going to kind of reverse engineer how we got there and just kind of give some insight as to as to what stem that and so as you guys

Have kind of seen this offseason you know the swing has progressed the game’s good I dropped a little practice highlights video um I can like my my aim and my my ball control has probably been the best it’s ever been but what has creeped into my game is

I’ve I’ve definitely fallen into some bad habits which has exposed itself in a lack of speed and what you guys haven’t really seen on video because I don’t have access to the courses yet which I will very soon because the courses are opening up is um me you know full

Swinging with the driver and being able to kind of play a more allout style of golf right i’ I’ve focused a lot on approach play and wedges because that was obviously a glaring hole in my game the past couple years but this the the more complete Game you know you guys

Have yet to see and and Max and I played a match we won the match but during that match there were a couple holes where you know the driver it was just glaringly obvious that the driver was just not in a good spot technique wise this isn’t a a gear

Thing this is very much a Gabe technique thing and a lot of that stemmed from some of the things I’d fallen into with my iron and approach swing that I was getting away with but ultimately for my North Star was never going to work right

And this is the you know amazing part of having the right people in your corner and having people who have a vested interest in your success and also understand your North Star as a player right so whether your goal is just to get to a single digigit handicap whether

Your goal is just to you know turn Pro whatever it is right the the the goal is irrelevant it’s just the fact that your coach has to be aware of your North Star and help make sure that you are on the track to get there so max is you know

Very aware of my North Star being able to play in Pro tournaments and compete at a high level and so as a result the standard at which he holds me to is is high and you know he and I rarely have to have these kind of conversations

Because it’s not so much he ever has to call me out for effort or anything like that where where I run into issues honestly is I get um I love testing and I love Discovery and I love the experimentation and sometimes that can take me too far

Off a path right so I can definitely go too far in a direction that maybe isn’t a pro direction right so I get in trouble in one way and then you know where this latest um situation kind of stemmed from was just a bit of

Uh you know I I for the last couple years it’s been tough to it’s been tough because the scoring has not been there right there have been times where my swing has looked really good on camera but the scoring has never matched up so now that my scoring is

Matching up I kind of became very much like no no no this is what I do like this is how I swing like I am this because I’m finally seeing scoring results that I just have not seen for the past two and a half years like and and I I’ve been so

Not but desperately to be honest like desperately wanting to see this progression um so I had allowed certain things to slide because I was scoring because I felt like well if I’m scoring then that kind of it that’s what it is right but ultimately um this phase if I allow these things to

Stay in my game we going to be detrimental long term and if you watch my video I dropped uh on I it’s it’s labeled PGA Tour Ground Force coach fixes my swing and it’s my latest video with Ryan Holly I dropped it on uh March 26th so if you’re seeing this March

26th it’s it’s was up um we go through how you know I was collapsing my legs and had this really weak grip and it was allowing me to hit this really reliable fade but it was cannibalizing the things that actually make me athletic and allow

Me to attack a golf course right I’m a big vertical for guy that’s where I have an advantage right especially being short you know I’m 510 on a good day but I can push an absurd amount of my body weight through my feet but if I don’t time those vertical forces correctly I

Don’t get the benefit of that and I had fallen into this trap where I was basically firing them so late that I wasn’t getting probably any transfer and so I it looked like I was swinging hard and Swinging fast but I wasn’t really getting much out of it and started to

Feel that a little bit because I was going like like M I’m I’m swinging this four iron like with with a decent amount of effort and it’s not going or I’m I’m hitting this driver and it’s not going so um so that was my the the Crux of my conversation with Max was

Basically he was like dude like I get that you’re scoring but the way you’re going about this for your goal is just not going to be it um which wasn’t fun to hear because I’m like I’m like come on man like I’m finally scoring like

What do you like like like ah man really like what like you know I’m finally scorning like what like Why Can’t This Be it but he was right and he and he was right and and Ryan kind of laid into me as well and was just like dude he’s like you

Cannot go you canot get to your goal swinging like this so we’ve had to make some adjustments but what’s exciting is that through all the workout stuff I’ve been doing through all the um stuff I’ve been doing with my body cuz the the the other thing too that was driving me nuts

Is I’m like I feel like I’m in the best shape I feel amazing my body feels good I’m like why am I not swinging faster right I I I feel like I’m fine and sometimes you know like looking back it was glaringly obvious now that I know what to now that

I know what to look for but I find you know I I I wasn’t looking for the right things and my swing to kind of go wait a second like you’re screwing up so what’s what’s exciting now is we have found a path where I can now use all this new athleticism

And be able to implement this new footwork that allows me to really post up on this left leg extend and now also to as opposed to banking on my right foot because the way we’ kind of set up my swing before is I would I would push

Off the side of my foot now we really want to rotate that right leg and and push and actually use that to turn the pelvis around the swing which again when I was first doing this at Ryan’s I was like man this is this feels so weird like I I just don’t

See a world where this is going to be quickly like I I don’t see a world where I’m going to be able to pull this off quick but go to the range right after go to the range the next day all of a sudden it starts to pick up and now I

Feel like I can play golf so between you know Max being like we can’t do this we go see Ryan we make those tweaks we make a little grip tweak where we strengthen the left hand um we’re back to interlock grip no more fugazi 10 finger grip

And I’m playing Great Golf like I am I am hitting it I hitting it really good and I’ve been able to maintain my ability to aim that was my big fear right is that I can finally felt like I could I could aim I could pick a Target

And swing to that Target and be confident that I was going to get a shape that was moving in that direction and we’ve been able to maintain that and now we’re going to be able to supercharge it and get this move to work which is is amazing

So long long and the short of it is you know picking the right coach and getting the right people around you who one know what they’re talking about and two hold you accountable using their expertise to your end goal very important right and I think that’s that’s probably one of the

Hidden benefits of of Max that maybe he probably doesn’t get as much Public Credit for and that’s why I’m trying to do you know and kind of tell the background story here is that you know there’s no there’s no video um or swing video or anything like

That that a student can post to kind of validate that side of their coach but it’s it’s it’s having somebody in your corner who knows where you want to go and holds you to that standard and I hold myself to that standard and he

Knows I do which is why he you know he has faith and and wants to kind of push me um but is willing to be like hey dude like we’re getting off the rails here we need to get back on track because for what you want to do the way you’re going

About it is not going to work and then I have to trust him to also go okay what is wrong and address it and I think that was something that that was something that came up this week and you know we’ve been able to Pivot and he was

Pretty confident I was going to be able to turn it around fast which is nice because I was not so confident was kind of feeling like man I don’t know like I might be not I might not be able to be playable for a couple months now

Depending on how drastic this change was so very thankful for that and and guys again you know watch the video with Ryan Holly you’ll see in this upcoming course Vlog if if you if you have not seen Ryan you’re you’re missing out you’re just you’re just missing out you know

And for me like having somebody who is coaching a PJ Tour player and getting insights to that level um that’s just incredibly valuable for me and I don’t take that lightly and and I just think no matter how what level of golf you are um it’s just such

A necessary thing to go down so anyway that’s that’s that’s my recap of that in the swing which is great and I think that’s that’s exciting and I I feel really motivated actually coming out of it seeing my swing on camera now because I’m finally seeing some of that

Athleticism I’ve been trying to build in with my with my core strength and things you know back in 2021 when I started the swing tear down I remember looking at videos of like DJ and col morawa and seeing how much core strength it took to pull off their

Swings and that’s all I’ve been working on not not all but I’ve been working my ass off in the gym to get my body to be mobile and strong enough to hit those positions you know and and and finally being able to get to there now you know

I my body wasn’t in a place where I could have done this even a year ago or maybe even a couple months ago um but sticking with the process and just going to the well every day getting my body into this position I’m I’m excited

To see what I can do six months from now what what what is a year from now on this swing I feel like if I can AIM now and I’m I’m going be able to attack the golf course like what’s another year of this this discipline practice of just

Every day putting in the Reps making sure my body’s right nutrition sleep all of those things um there’s just there’s just no way I can fail by being that consistent and and you know I’m hopeful that I’m going to be able to see some stuff this year and

See some results um there still like it’s funny you know it’s like I I still every time I cross a threshold right it becomes like more obvious as to why I’m not where I want to be yet and and I find that very interesting and it’s actually like like I I get closer

To my goal but then also I go this is why you’re not there yet and I think that’s tough with golf like we want to be better than we are all the time and I know for me I’ve you know I want to just be I want to there’s a

Place I envision myself at and I and I want to be there now but I also can see now that you know we’ve implemented this leg work well I’m like yeah but okay well I I got to work on I there’s some mobility issues I still have to iron out

There’s some strength stuff I got to build in a little more width like like there’s things I need to do my hope is is just that my floor of my game now is is going to get to a point where it becomes just more playable and at least

I can work on these things while still moving the ball forward I think this year I’m going to be able to do that versus in subsequent years that was just not that was just not an option it was just so bad and there was so much work

That needed to be done that that was there was just zero chance of that happening so so that’s that’s where we’re at with that um you know this is and this will help too dealing with with some the fear of of the golf goal and I I find just

The fear gets less and less um the more I invest in this area like it just the fear just kind of becomes less and less like I I would say you know I was definitely more fearful in previous years I said the issue now is not fear I

Just know I need more I just need time I just need time and Reps and it’s just time and Reps time and Reps time and Reps and and I’m just going to keep doing that every single day um on the health side of things and and you know

Just kind of touching on some of the uh New Year’s goals That We’re translating been grinding on the health a lot to make sure that we’re dialed in um one thing that’s been interesting is that just struggling to to put on weight I’m eating my my required I’m eating like

200 grams of protein a day and just cannot get over 174 pounds um it’s wild I don’t know I don’t know like I guess the answer might be more um but I’m I’m training hard I’m eating a ton and just the weight just won’t move

Which I find uh just interesting so um I know the reason I want to get to 180 is just because my best Ground Force numbers where when I was that weight I think you know it’ll just give me a little more power in the tank especially

With this new move I feel like my body just worked really well at that weight so I’m hoping to just kind of if I can get six six seven more pounds that’d be phenomenal so that just might take more time if I can get a pound a month you

Know by the end of the year we’ll be fine but um I’m just shocked at the struggle it’s been to gain weight and I am eating like a horse and I’m eating may I might be eating too clean like I’m not eating a lot of junk like when I

Bulked up you know in 2021 was that was the end of 2021 I bulked up and started that I was like I was a little dirty bulk um and I got to like 190 but I didn’t feel great so I’m also trying to balance

Bulking um but do it in a way where I don’t cannibalize my energy levels right like I was having you know two Weight Gainer shakes a day plus eating a ton of carbs plus you know all these other things I didn’t feel awesome and I’m at

A point now where I’m I you know I I know what good energy feels like I haven’t had caffeine in a in oh that’s a lie I haven’t had coffee in over a year um I cut caffeine entirely CU I quit like diet drinks um about five months

Ago yeah five months ago completely no caffeine whatsoever so I haven’t had caffeine or anything and I feel great my my energy levels are great so I’m like I don’t want to cannibalize that by you know shoveling garbage um so anyway I if you guys any of you have any bulking

Hacks uh throw them in the comments cuz I definitely need them so that would be much obliged uh and then last thing before we end off here I’ve got uh a comment on a recent YouTube video and I thought I’d you know address it here on

The podcast because I feel like a lot of people could relate it’s from J belly 624 and he says I’ve gone from a 25 down to an8 which is awesome my wife and I welcomed our son and my game regressed a bit I’m hoping to get below seven this

Year any advice from me I’ve worked with the same coach for years and have now started taking my fit more seriously than in the past well first off getting from 25 down to an eight huge that’s unreal congratulations that’s that takes a lot of work and unreal also congratulations

To your child uh and having a kid because that’s awesome growing a family um totally understand how you know the addition of a little one can uh you know hurt the practice time and do some of that I would say you know trying to get

Below a seven a lot of it is if you’re going to if you can work out like you can do so much away from the course and I think you know for someone like yourself who’s got family and and things you know you’re not going to have a ton

Of time at the course right so the key is to get your body ready away from the course so that when you do have time at the course you’re not fighting being sore or stiff or any of those things right so working a ton on hip mobility

If you have a job that that requires sitting then you got to do a ton of hip mobility exercises we’re talking you know like like doing the knee UPS good mornings seated good mornings look up hip mobility routines and you got to build hip mobility into

Your week you know three times a week at a minimum is my is my recommendation I think and and I think hip mobility just in general is a human big win but I think you know especially for golf and for those of us that are not grinding on

This every day is something that like I know um for me would have moved me along much faster had I built in hip mobility in early so doing that that’s huge um you said You’ started taking your Fitness more seriously which is great just you know continue to work out

Continue to build strength continue to build flexibility um you know see if you can get maybe a TPI assessment done and see if there’s any particular glaring weak spots in your game uh sorry in your body that are not optimal for golf um you know we’ve all got different

Imbalances in different areas so if you know if you if you have somebody that’s TPI certified um wouldn’t hurt to maybe get an assessment done and and then you can kind of build these into your life you know it’s easy to to to add a 20-minute workout in or add these little

Mobility things in throughout your day I think that’s the other big thing too with with golf Improvement like I obviously take it to such an in absurd level but I know that’s not relatable and that’s not how other people can go about it so I’m not saying follow what I

Do but what I have notic is that there are a lot of small things you can do during the day that that don’t take up a lot of time so for example like knees over toes uh knees over toes guy has you know some Tibby Alice raises you can be

On a phone call for work and you can be banging out Tibby Alice raises you know just standing against the wall um there’s certain uh like lunges and things like that like I will I will take client calls or you know random fold calls or whatever that I’m on and I can

Just do some of these HP Mobility things just passively right so so all those are great things to just kind of do passively and just get your body ready um the other thing is have a a putting setup at home where you can basically do all your putting work and all your

Putting stroke work at home to dial in your stroke I I don’t work on my stroke at the golf course I work on my stroke in alignment at home and then at the golf course I’m simply working on implementing that and speed so having a putting rig setup where you can just

Knock out a couple hundred putts a day just randomly again while you’re on the phone while you’re you’re waiting for an email to come in while you’re waiting for dinner to cook whatever you just sneak down get those in do whatever um another thing I’ve talked up about is is

I think you just need to take swings and and and hit the hit the ball as often as you can but I understand getting to the range can be tough um I I I haven’t totally tested this for sure so I don’t want to talk at a turn but I

Do think even if you can just buy a cheap net on Amazon and just hit balls for 10 minutes in your house in your garage or in your backyard or wherever just just get the feel of hitting the golf ball cuz I think if you just don’t

Have the feel in your hands of hitting a golf ball and then you spend too much time in between that that is where I find the biggest gaps because when you’re at the range yeah you’ll make adjustments if you’re building in some bad stuff you know you can you can

Quickly adjust but I think you just need to get your body into the into the feeling of hitting hitting golf balls so just make sure you’re staying on that and constantly hitting golf balls as much as you can and these are all things again that you can do while you’re at

Home you know put the baby to bed at 700 run downstairs you hit balls for 10 minutes in your garage and you can be good to go right then you can still hang out with your wife you can still do all those things I think that’s something

Easy to build in then when it comes to you know your actual game and building stuff on the course a lot of a lot of what I found for for course management uh you know to get to a single digit is is just very straightforward stuff right so

You know if you’re an eight you want to get down to below a seven make sure you have a go-to shot off the tea whether you know if it’s a choke down cut driver if it’s you know a three-wood a two iron whatever you need something that can

Just always get you in play because there’s going to be days when you’re off more than your days you’re going to be on and so you just need something that is going to get you in play and for me when I was in that period I had this

Ropey hybrid I could hit that would just chase out forever that was a huge huge shot for me to just get me in play especially when the driver wasn’t cooperating so I think you know if you if you can send it great and you’re feeling good great but if you can’t just

Get the ball in play you know and that includes par fives I think you know decade and a lot of these guys are going to always tell you always hit driver but I know when you’re in that handicap Zone your driver can sometimes be the most terrifying Club in the bag so don’t

Fight and this is where I kind of lean to’s you know golf sidekick as a course management strategy like I think his course management is is extremely applicable to this handicap range and to getting it lower um so I would follow a lot of his stuff and I recommend you

Know watching some of his course management tips because they’re great for just kind of getting around the golf course in a very non- egotistical way and I think it’s it’s extremely impactful and extremely useful so Play One Shot shape off the tea and have a go-to two shot that just works eliminate

Your hero shots you know there’s no need to to hit those ego shots that you you know if you’re not practicing and you’re not doing things hitting hitting a force carry over water and a par five when you can easily just kind of you know lay up to a more comfortable

Yardage there’s just smarter ways you know if you if you if you find yourself in the trees don’t hit the hero shot punch out to the Fairway you know get up and down for bogy or even you know give yourself a look at par just a lot of

Those things eliminate your doubles you know try not to chip twice so if you you know if you’re chipping on the green try not to hit the super cool high floater just you know maybe hit something that’s a little bit lower flight that gets you

On the green it may it may end up 20 30 feet from the pin but at least you’re on the green and you’re putting you don’t want to have to chip twice right you don’t want to duft your chips or line drive them through the green simple things like that you know

And I think I think if someone like yourself who is you know dealing with uh a newborn you got a family you’ve got other priorities and you’re trying to fit golf into your life I think these are just really easy ways to lower the score and uh take some of your friends

Lunch money in the process and they’re going to be a little rattled because they’re going to you know be practicing because they don’t have a kid at home and you’re going to be out there winning skins and and and taking their lunch money so I think I think you know add

All these tips up and it’s low cost low low investment just takes a little bit extra COG cognitive brain power and some and some and some just discipline to do it every single day those things to do at home and I think those those would be hugely impactful so hopefully this

Helped hopefully this answered your question and uh best of luck to you man I get down from a 25 to an eight you clearly got some Talent so you know I don’t I don’t see a reason how you can go from there to an eight and not get

Below a seven it’s it’s just as simple as that so just keep going you for sure got this homie all right guys so anyway that’s uh that wraps the solo pod for this week hope you guys enjoyed it um again check out my new glove deal Kiko gloves GG tenna

Checkout and I am so excited to get back out on the course and get practicing also I did uh get a car so I have a new car coming and I got some cool stuff with that coming as well and I think I you know similar to what I had with the

12 hole challenge I think I’m going to put together I’m going to put together a series of checkpoints for myself you know some data points and I’ll take you guys in some insight on that you’ll see that roll out on YouTube I’m going to put together a plan of like you know I

Got to be shooting this scores at my home course before I do this you know I think that’ll be good to just kind of put some process in place for moving forward so all those things coming thank you guys for your support thank you for watching and I will catch you on the

Next one oh


  1. Congrats on the brand partnership! TIps for improvement were great. I'm starting to implement better fitness, putting mat, and swings at home.

  2. I hate buying golf gloves. I keep mine in zip lock baggie. Helps not dry out so the holes don’t come as fast. But I will have 1-2 brand new ones I use for rounds/tournaments and 2 practice gloves the rotate down and out.

  3. Interesting discussion Gabe – great that you're willing to make changes despite, as you said, scoring very well. You obviously trust Max. Something I'm working on (as a right handed player) is trying to ensure my left wrist/shoulder is given extra strength training. I've just sprained my left wrist (again) and I think it's probably due to it not being as strong due to a right sided bias. It could make a big difference I reckon.

  4. I been working with Ryan for about 4 months now as well and I can’t tell you how much your honesty in your videos helped me. See as a 17.5 handicapper when I get told the information from him and I slip in and out of doing it/ unable to fully do it because of lack reps I blame my own game and athletic ability and discouraged that it will never happen. But when someone like you who is years and miles ahead of me in his golf journey has his struggles with relatively the same concept and has to learn to adapt and put the time makes a high handicapper like me feel really encouraged that this game is really difficult and no matter the skill level there is always stuff to work on and be better at. Can’t thank you enough for your transparency and honesty!!!

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