The Easiest Way To Shift Your Weight In The Downswing!

Discover the easiest technique to mastering weight shift in your downswing with Harry Shaw, PGA Golf Professional. With expert tips to drills, this guide is tailored for golfers of all levels. Let’s revolutionise your downswing sequence and elevate your game. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your golf game!
00:00 Intro
00:40 Tendencies
04:07 What We Want To See
04:43 The Drill
08:48 GX Golf Gloves
09:17 Using The Club
12:27 Full Swing
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In this video I’m going to be showing you the easiest way to shift your we in the down swing you don’t want to be seeing this in your goal swing you want to be seeing this move instead take place to ensure that you’re going to get

This shift taking place all the way onto the lead side in your down swing to improve that accuracy consistency and more distance to your golf game so for those of you who are new welcome my name is Harry our a PJ golf professional down here from the golf projects transforming

Golfers worldwide while one shot at a time so make sure you drop a comment down below the tips or drills video topic You’ like me to cover next and be sure to hit the Subscribe button if you take these tips and drills on board in your own game now the easiest way to

Shift your weight in the down swing simply comes from that first initial move that takes place from the back swing to down swing so that transition phase of your golf swing and a lot of us do think that we should be firing the hips to begin this downswing and they

Are correct firing the hips is going to get your weight transferred onto this lead side of the body getting this shift taking place in the down swing however due to something called Ground reaction forces we’re going to end up leaning backwards and probably more likely as well early extending and this all comes

Down to the way we shift our hip and try and get this shift taking place in the golf swing so too many golfers I see that come and see me for lessons thinking right I need to fire this hip in the goal so we going need to get this

Weight shifting onto the lead side of the body the left side for right-handed players they’ll get to the top of the swing and they’ll begin with trying to feel like the hip is going to be shifting and moving to the Target now the trouble with this here is watch what

This does to me if I do this in slow motion I move my hip to Target it causes the club to come down on a steeper angle so we’re more likely to hit the ground first and when we hit the ground first or when we know we’re more likely to

Takeit the ground first we jump out of our posture and early extend to try and stop this from taking place and get that Center strike so not only is this stopping you from getting that accuracy it’s really making things difficult for you in terms of the strike as well so

Rather than getting this hip firing towards the target like this here getting this pressure early and then moving off the golf ball okay just like this here we want to encourage the opposite now the way to look at this here in simple terms is the word ground

Reaction forces and how they work in your goal it’s really important that we understand this before I bring in this drill that I’m going to introduce to you to help you get this weight really shifting in the down swing onto that lead side because when we get to the top

Of our swing in this position here and we get this obviously hit moving forward quite early towards the target we get this weight shifting on to the lead side the pressure is being added in this direction here now for every force acting in relation to where the ground

Is there will be always an equal and opposite Force taking place so for every stationary object to the ground there’s always going to be an equal and opposite Force taking place when we add pressure a good example is when we do a jump we have to squat down first before we jump

Up so with this here if we’re getting this move taking place the pressure is coming into the ground in this direction here so as we’re trying to push upwards okay especially when we get that early extension to stop us from getting those fat shots in our game we’re going to be

Pushing upwards like this and look what’s happened there I’ve reversed backwards onto my trail side so this isn’t necessarily going to help you get this weight shifting forward at impact it’s certainly going to help you get the weight shifting forward to start the downswing but not necessarily all the

Way through to hitting that golf bone so instead what we should be doing is trying to encourage more pressure taking place at the transition phase from this Trail side if the pressure is going to be moving in this direction and we’re going to push away from this direction

Here then we should be adding a little bit more pressure into this side but the question is how do we do this because if we can get the pressure moving this way okay we’re going to more likely push off this way and that’s how we can get this

Weight transferred onto the lead side and to keep it on that lead side throughout impact and your entire the rest of your golf swing as well so to get this pressure this weight shifting into the lead side of the body you’re going to be using you can use something

As simple as this training aid this tool I’ve got right here called the downshift board now I’m going to be demonstrating this using the down shift board but you can try this without it the downshift board just gives you a much better feel for where your weight is throughout your

Entire swing especially when it comes to making practice swings without the golf club so I’m just going to place this onto the floor like so with my feet either side and you can see if I rock back and forth it helps me develop this awareness of where the pressure is

Moving where this weight is Shifting in the golf swing here okay going from the lead side to the trail side and so forth so I’m going to be setting up just simply okay what you would usually do is set up 50/50 with this here you’re just

Going to set up with a little bit more weight just applied onto the lead side of the body to begin with so the left side for right-handed players it’s just that we can feel this turn taking place to make a way up all the way up to the

Top of the Swing now for me to do that there what I’ve done is I’ve just allowed my right hip okay to turn towards the wall behind me so it’s effectively going away from the the golf ball but I’ve also allowed this right shoulder just to tilt upwards you can

See that my left shoulder’s almost facing more towards the golf ball so from here I’m just allowing this right hip to twist towards the wall behind me and getting this right shoulder working upwards now you can see them shifting together are slightly behind the golf ball doing this and that’s okay

Obviously the pressure board the downshift board here is encouraging more of this this but when it comes to making a few swings without it you won’t see as much of the shift taking place you’ll be very much over the golf ball which is great so HP moving back right shoulder

Moving upwards to set ourselves at the top of the Swing here now the first initial move I want you to make to begin this down swing here imagine you’ve got a club in your hand and you’re just getting ready to make this down swing the first initial move is adding this

Pressure onto and continuing this pressure sorry into the trail side of the body so we’ve applied this pressure we’re keeping the pressure in this position here now I’ve squatted quite a lot Downs like so I’ve squatted about 5 in when you come to making a few swings

And shots doing this you’re only going to find it’s going to be an inch or so of a drop and a lot of the tall players have this move in their golf game they get this squatting motion taking place this pressure here and then they unleash

And unwind moving onto the lead side the body and that’s where this final part comes in with this it’s such a great drill L for you to give a try so we’re up to the top of the Swing applying the pressure that initial transition phase has took place now and then we’re

Pushing back upwards onto the lead side of the body like I mentioned before that little squat move that squat jump we’re going down to go back up so when we make this swing moving our way up to the top we’re turning up to the top and then we’re pressuring down adding this

Pressure and we’re pushing back upwards like so and I prefer to feel this pressure taking place from this point here pushing back up from this right leg now the reason is if I’m pushing back up from this right leg I can’t physically push that way I always go in this

Direction here towards the target so that’s always going to encourage me to shift this weight in the down swing onto the lead side of the body rather than getting this move here taking place but then applying the pressure to early and then pushing back off and coming back

Onto the trail side of the body so that right there is the drill I want you to be doing now just before I show you the next bit on how to use this drill to your advantage with a golf club I’d just like to introduce a new sponsor to the

Channel GX golf GX golf is a brand new golf glove manufacturer providing players amateurs and Pros alike with high premium quality cabretta gloves for a fraction of the price in comparison to the rest of them on the market so if you’re sick and tired of spending so

Much money on premium golf gloves I’d highly recommend checking them out and using my discount code Harry 10 below so how should this look when using a golf club in fact without the downshift board you can get these by the way from golf swing systems you can use the discount

Code sha five to get yourself 5% off at Le leave the link in the description below to take you straight to golf swing systems to get yourself one of these as well so how we use this with the golf club then so in simple terms we’re just

Making that same action of course but I want you to be wary of this because when it comes to making a few Swings with this it’s going to feel really really strange to begin with we’re going to make our back swing of course turning up

To the top as normal so the right hip is going to move backwards like so as this right shoulders just working upwards in the GOL swing to help you set yourself on this 45° angle that we’re after in the golf swing getting this turn up to

The top of the Swing but from this move here when we get this pressure taking place what am I doing with the rest of my body nothing and this is what’s so important for you to get correct it’s so important that when you get to the top

Of your back swing and get this transition taking place you’ve got to just allow the the body to stay nice and still we don’t want to encourage this turn to take place as we squat down now the reason for this is as we encourage this turn to take place a lot of us

Golfers out there struggle with mobility and flexibility so when we get this hip turning round before we get this squat so at the same time really as opposed to before like this here where’s that club traveling in the downswing look club’s now traveling over the top so we’ve got

To try and fight this over the top move to hit some good golf shots rather than just allowing the club to get to the top then setting as we’re pressing down we’re just making sure that the club the arms and the body stay exactly where they were from the top of the Swing

We’re just allowing this club to fall down just so almost getting this pressure staying into the trail side of the body and from here now all we’re just going to be doing is pushing back upwards like so and you can see there I’ve not really forced my hands and arms

To do anything whatsoever in the golf swing they’re staying nice and relaxed if we begin to start forcing things to take place it becomes very difficult to get that control aspect and as well as the accuracy so we’re getting up to the top of the Swing getting this pressure

Here and you can see I’m not moving anything whatsoever and then I’m just allowing from this point here the Club to Simply fall towards the ball As I push upwards from this Trail side and when you start trying this as you notice like I did then it was very much so

Ground first before where the golf ball would have been so it’s really important that we push back upwards as well nice and quickly so we gain that height back in the practice swings and then get that Center strike again when you make full Swings with a golf ball doing this

You’re only going to drop that much not the 5 in that it feels like to you when you’re making these practice swings and stages so whoops the top of the Swing squat push up like so and the feeling for me there with the club is just

Allowing that club to fall to the golf ball you can make a couple of one-handed swings doing this just getting yourself used to this as you make up your way up to the top you’re getting from here squatting down let go of the club and push upwards and that’s the feeling

You’re allowing the club to just almost just let go in the golf swing that’s the movement the feel that you want to be encouraging no tension taking place in the arms you’re just allowing them to do what they should be doing in the golf swing so bringing this

All into one motion now we’re just getting up to the top little Squat and then push up and through again up to the top push down press down push up and through like so so I’ve got a six sign in my hand here I’m just

Going to see how I get on doing this so whoops the top getting this right hip moving back right shoulder working up pressure down allow the club to fall as we’re pushing back up and through to the Target so six L let’s see that was quite nice little bit

Pushed out to the right left the face open at up but it was a really good strike so I’ll take that one as my first shot here at the golf projects this morning so for those you who have enjoyed the video and come this far i’ highly recommend checking out this video

Over here which is going to be talking to you in a little bit more detail about this movement and we’ll give you a recap from what we’ve just been speaking about be sure to hit the Subscribe button if you’re going to take these tips and drills on board in your game and don’t

Forget the downshift board you can check out in the link in the description below and the golf gloves as well thanks for watching in and we’ll see you in the next video


  1. Just got a net and mat for backyard, be doing all these drills now and finally master this move. What launch monitor would you recommend for around the €300-€400 bracket?! Cheers for the info

  2. Harry, I've struggled to shift weight properly being prone to lateral shift and getting "stuck" in my downswing. I couldn't get the weight shift and resorted in various moves to keep a simple swing. I tried half swings but having a monster arm swing this just got me slashing hard at the ball and I struggled.
    Then recently I decided to try a fuller backswing and start my downswing more smoothly, and that was the first time I felt a better ball strike with compression!
    It's still a bit hit and miss but getting a fuller swing seems to get me starting some hip turn and helps me get a better arc in my downswing.
    Not sure if this is a real or a feel but it it's made Big difference… 👍

  3. I do what you showed in the first part of this video. I see pros shift slightly right on the take away and lead with the left hip on the down swing is why I do it. The result for me is I hit just behind the ball and loose so much distance. I will try this on the range and hopefully fix my weight shift problem. Thanks for this video instruction.

  4. Nice. Very detailed storyline, I like that. I can see myself spending a bit of time this weekend in the DIY shed…

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