Dark Souls Disc Golf – Level 1 – This Was TORTURE!

Dark Souls Disc Golf – Level 1 – this was torture
#discgolf #darksouls

Rules (tentative): DISC GOLF DARK SOULS
Start with only starter pack Aviar. Each hole is an enemy. Par kills the enemy, earns you as many souls as is their par (usually 3, but if you kill with a birdie then you get 4 souls, etc.) and you move to next one. If over par then you die and lose souls and go back to beginning or last bonfire. Souls you lost will be at the hole you died at to collect unless you die before reaching them. Benches are bonfires, trash cans are merchants. Discs cost their speed. Have access to merchants behind you as long as all holes between are dead. If you rest at bonfire all holes revive (including behind you).

This is Todd welcome to Todd’s disc golf today we’re playing Dark Souls disc golf Dark Souls disc golf if you’re familiar with dark souls and you you’re going to be familiar with the rules we are starting with our starter weapon is going to be the I was

Going to start with the glitch but I forgot it so I’m just going to start with my AVR putter my KC Pro AVR putter each hole is an enemy each b as an enemy after I slay that enemy if I slay him within the par if I get a par or under

Then I’ve beaten that enemy and I collect his Souls the souls are going to be the the par so if I beat hole number one to par three then I get three Souls trash cans are going to be Merchants discs cost their speed and

Souls so I need to make it to a trash can to purchase additional weapons to spend my Souls benches are bonfires I’ve got make it to a bench to save my progress if I die if I get a bogey or or higher on any hole then I’ve got to

Start back at the beginning and hopefully I spent my Souls just like Dark Souls let’s play nice all right so another one of the rules was if you defeat an enemy in under par with a birdie you’re better then you get those extra Strokes as

Souls so I defeated that with a two with this par three so I have the three parols plus the extra so I have four soles to spend I’m going to do a run back to the whole one trash can Merchant and I’m going to buy so I have four

Souls honestly I think I kind of want to buy a the harbest for you know what I’m going to buy this bounty Bounty baby Bounty baby Bounty baby I thought that was going to be ace True to the poison swamp oh man so now I have to make this if I

Otherwise this enemy kills me and it’s back to square one maybe you can spend souls to not have OB not making darks easier wow what’s up what’s up I slay that enemy I’m a Dark Souls Master doing a run back to the trash can Merchant using my three Souls Buy aure oh

No that’s all right I could do that I could kill that enemy it’s our first bonfire over there that sweet sweet bench can’t get to it though it’s over this tiny Ridge that we can’t step over it’s an invisible wall so we’ve got to finish hole three four five and six

Before we get to that bonfire otherwise it’s back to the beginning whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who tried to throw that one in went a little far this is going to be really risky time to put my Dark Soul skill to the test it’s about 20

Ft I don’t want to have to go back and replay hold one two and three it baby [Applause] oh back to the Beginning died on the first enemy Terrible oh forehand again that one too Steep that’s pretty good I got this one all right all right use my three Souls do run back by the swan one Reborn that way I can keep away from the poison come on go right go right go right oh not good all right tough lie but definitely Ely not terrible just makeable

Definitely oh no back to enemy one w not turning it’s all right Yep let’s keep it out of The we that’ll we good R I think we’re going to stick with the old Swan you know like a little Dagger Nice right up there Dark Souls master Baby head and feet nice thank you birdie thank you okay I’m up to 10 Souls never been to enemy four before strongest enemy yet 197 with many obstacles this is like the first shield and and spear guy in the undead Berg fade around fade around fade around

Oh good kick good kick that’ll be a really good lie oh wow another wounded back sore sit down Estus is running out I’m use my dagger apparently I’m a deck build wow wow all right tough line but this is for birdie wow wow all right we’re on the sixth enemy It’s 190

Ft it’s one of the toughest enemies out there because of all these Guardian trees before you’re even halfway to the basket so extremely dangerous hole extremely possible to miss a par and die here I can see the bonfire right after this enemy if I can beat ho six then I

Will get to the bonfire and I’ll be safe if I die here it’s back to the beginning and I’m going to have to call it quit and try another day sometimes you got to put the controller down go to sleep take a nap start again another day fresh if I

Die here it’s over if I get through here and hit that bonfire then we got made in the shade baby I’ve got like 14 souls or something right now maybe more 14 I don’t know but it’s 14 with that other one so now you got uh

16 got 15 16 17 17 was that a birdie yeah no that yeah that was a birdie 18 18 I could buy any disc in the store now but man you know sometimes you just click with something you get at the beginning like the Zander or the Exile

Great so sword and you just use it the whole time that’s me and the swan Reborn Baby Daddy Daddy I might be able to slay this enemy still it really all comes down to this doesn’t it that’s pretty good all right can I kill this enemy and get to the bonfire or is it time to hang it up for the day another yes yes sweet [Applause]

Respit oh that feels so good oh that feels so good I’ve never felt so good to sit at a bonfire in my life left the baby all right go bring her Here ah sweet Firelink Shrine baby beautiful beautiful we finally made it unlock a shortcut back to Hole three and this path goes all the way back to Hole one the level design is amazing there’s whole seven it’s going to be the largest enemy we faced so far but that’s okay we die

We come right back here to the bonfire with our four discs maybe I should spin those SS all right with the SS I’m going to go ahead and by the teabird for seven souls and the Maul for seven Souls Enemy Number Seven 234 ft the longest enemy so far dog leg

Left going with the expensive the most expensive weapon I got right now the t- bird uh-oh two inside two inside I might be able to make that work tough situation oh oh oh wow all right what do we got doing going on here he shoots and he

Misses we’re going with the other heavy weapon the Maul I think this might be the one to destroy this enemy thank goodness for the B fire enemy killed us but we respawn right here wow this enem is dead nice enemy 8 152 this the old Swan reborn favorite

Weapon very good very good all right nice final boss oh wow all right here’s the LIE tough tough game all chicken biscuits wow praise the Sun


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