Swing Faster, Hit Farther: Driver Distance Tips for Slower Swing Speeds

Add more speed and distance to your senior driver swing when you start doing this in your swing.

I’ve got a buddy who’s in his 50s and hitting the ball farther than he did in his 20s.

Now, you know that doesn’t shock me. I’m constantly telling you that kind of thing is possible.

Nevertheless, I’m an instructor, which means my mind is always on learning and improvement.

So I asked him, “What’s your secret?”

His answer directly contradicted one of the most common tips for getting more distance.

I’m sharing his surprising advice with you today, plus a bonus tip for curing that pesky slice.

I got this buddy John he’s in his 50s and he’s hitting the ball longer than he did when he was in his 20s so I said what the heck are you doing how are you making that happen and this is what he told me and it really kind of ties into

Some of the other videos we’ve done with the counter back swing sequence and things like that but in a nutshell here’s what it is is he said Todd most people are trying to slow their back swing down because they’re told that they’re that they’re too quick with

Their Tempo or they’re out of rhythm he said it’s actually just the opposite what they need to do is pick up their backswing sequence they need to get moving faster so let me just show this to you and I’m going to share with you a drill a process a sequence that you can

Go through to help you actually increase your Club head speed by increasing your back swing speed so basically in a nutshell what he’s saying is that a lot of golfers and i’ i’ i’ I’ve told golfers this before early in my career that they’re swinging too quick or too

Fast so they’re told to swing it back low and slow so it looks like this it’s low and it’s slow and then they get real jerky cuz they’re trying to hit the golf ball long way so look like this it’s low and slow and then like they go really quick

I want to actually hit pretty solid Believe It or Not Nick’s kind of laughing like I didn’t think you were going to hit that one that good but it wasn’t too bad now what we do know though through science and understanding is that the faster the club gets going

Early the easier it is to maintain that coming into the golf ball so let’s walk through a couple steps we call this the counter back swing sequence and this is how it’s going to help you increase your backswing speed so basically here here’s the first step what you’re going to do

Is I’m going to have you take your regular stance and you know we love our three setters and you’re going to take the club and you’re going to put it right out here in front of you now from here all you’re going to do is just

Swing it back and then through just like that let me go ahead and do that again notice where the clubs at I’m going to give you a little tip in a second if you if you tend to slice the golf ball to your driver I got something coming up

For you here but put it out in front swing it back then through one more time I like to do my three setters now what’s happening is that and I’m going to go ahead and just step in there and hit one here we go okay that was a little quicker

Already now what happens is that when we put the club out in front like this it gives us more Runway there’s more room to get the club head going versus it’s starting here and stationary right when it’s out here I got the momentum of the club moving that helps me get the back

Swing going a little bit quicker so that’s step number one let’s move to the next step okay if that’s pretty easy for you here’s the next step what you’re going to do now is you’re going to take your setup and we’ll talk about the slicing here in just a second we’re

Going to put the club in front but this time you’re going to take your lead foot and bring it back to your Trail foot so so I did that set up Club in front bring this back now this time I’m going to swing it back and as I start to swing

Forward I’m going to step let me do it slow first so here we go set up Club in front bring it back okay let me do it one more time everybody see how I did that club in front boom okay now let’s go ahead and

I’m going to step in here and I’m just going to hit a shot oh that was better yet now why does that work because if you followed any of the vertical line swing system or you’ve read the book The Bad lie you know that one of the power

Sources is transfer of weight or shifting of power from side to side it’s one of the Corner Stones of the program that we teach and by having my feet together and stepping forward that gets my weight going forward in momentum with the golf club and everything together

All right now let’s talk about the third step and then we’re going to talk about that SL how does that sound Nick does that sound like a good plan okay good see I got one thumbs up out of Nick and we have do you guys like the thumbs up

From Nick put it in the comments I kind of like it I think it’s kind of funny so put it in the comments let us know if you like the thumbs up from Nick I like it help me win this bet we got going on

In the office all right here we go the Third step in this sequence and we’re going to talk about the slice in just a second here is we’re just going to do the opposite so I got my feet together Club in front and this time I’m going to

Swing it back and step this way boom now this one might feel a little bit more natural to you and what we’re doing here boom one more get my thre Setter is I’m loading the trail foot okay so I’m increasing the speed with the momentum I’m learning to load the trail foot here

We go now I’ve done a thre Setter I’m just going to hit one load load oh gosh I can feel the speed is picking up so that’s kind of the sequence and what we want to understand there is that the faster the back swing is the better chance it is

To pick up Clum head speed now what about if you slice I promise you something on the slice so let me te up one more ball here the other thing is you know my favorite question is where are you from God we got people from all over we’re really growing this tribe

This group of people of experienced golfers the bad Li the vertical line swinging hey do us a favor tell us somebody else about it because we’re having a lot of fun bringing this stuff to you and I hope you guys and gals out there are enjoying it cuz I know Nick

And Jordy and JT and myself we’re having a lot of fun now what if you slice it what if you slice it so here’s what I want you to do let’s go back to step number one normal stance Club in front but what I want you to do is the club

Head I got the max vert right here this thing is hot got the max vert and I got the Fairway finders it’s the red line right there what I’m going to do is just take it and I’m gonna point the red line kind of like this so it points more

Towards the sky see I was like this I’m just going to rotate it that way now what that does is that that actually of course closes the club face it releases the club face squares we I did a video on this matter of fact not too long ago

But the other key thing is notice where it’s at see how it’s out here in front of me it’s not over here this would be bad okay this would be good even better feel see that so let’s do that let’s let’s tie that so this is for you if you

Want more clubhead speed and do slice the driver this is is going to fix it here we go let’s tie this together normal stance Club in front rotated all right back and through notice how I even have it up in the air good there’s two one more three

Setter boom all right let’s tie that together here we go let’s get some speed in that club head let’s get that shifting of weight let’s take that information that we learned from John and really get some Club Ed speed going oh yeah God I love that all right

We got a couple thumbs up out of Nick be sure to put that in there if you like those we gave you a couple tips on how actually increasing your back swing speed increases your Club bed speed these tips right here going to help you play some better golf


  1. Todd, Hi Jeff from Venice Florida. What another great Driver lesson. How about woods and hybrids. Thanks again for all you do. Yes, like Nick's thumbs up

  2. I’m just curious, why wouldn’t you recommend pointing the driver out in front of you before you’re taking your actual Swing?

  3. Yes to the 👍🏻 great tips, I have a pretty quick backswing I have been told, just starting after 20 years of not playing. Will try a few of these next time on the range. I lose sight of my shot all the time, any tips for that?

  4. Jim from Indian River Michigan. I like Nick's thumbs up. It reminds me of White Fang and Black Tooth on the Soupy Sales show. 😄

  5. Calgary Alberta Canada, I have the same question I would love to start the club out front in my actual swing when playing on the golf course. How ever would like some suggestions as to how to swing back to avoid hitting the ball on the back on the backswing. I am an 85 year old golfer.

  6. Hey Todd and Nick! I do love the thumbs up 👍🏽! That means we are tracking and fully understand.

    I am having the hardest time with my driver and am looking forward to working on it using the instructions from this video! Driving the ball is the worst part of my game! You make it look so easy and effortless.

    Many thanks to everyone!👍🏽

  7. Thumbs up !!When I speed up my backswing, I have a tendency to stay with weight on back foot. I’ll try you techniques to see if it will correct my weight shift

  8. Todd, I watch your videos and love your teaching. I am hitting my driver crooked, mostly duck hooks, and with no height. I moved the settings from 10.5 to 12.0 and I am still inconsistent. This inconsistency with my driver has effected my whole game. Where do I start to fix this? New driver? Lessons from a pro? I live in Texas, near Dallas.

  9. If the LVS Golf Driver out Drives mine,,i gladly would pay $199 for it.
    I'm 78 years old i need all the help I can get.

  10. I am just the opposite when I am hitting it bad I tell myself to slow down both back swing and down swing. Usually hit the ball much more solid and longer be that’s just me.

  11. I have been using the club forward, step back, then move forward before completing the backswing for a couple of months and it has really helped me. A little more distance, but a lot more consistent in terms of dispersion.

  12. I really liked this segment. I need some clarity for the instruction regarding if you slice. It appears that you are rotating the face of the club closed. Are you taking the club back with the face closed, or is this just a feeling. Should the club be taken back with the normal grip then thru the downswing try closing the face.

  13. Todd, Vermont here. This drill should have a disclaimer. Use an older driver if you don't want SKY marks on your gamer. And for Nick 👍👍

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