Golf Players

Peristyle Podcast – Trojan quarterback Miller Moss joins the show talking USC spring football

In this edition of the Peristyle Podcast hosts Ryan Abraham and Connor Morrissette (aka “Triple Double”) are back in studio with special guest Miller Moss. The USC quarterback threw six touchdowns in the Holiday Bowl against Louisville and now is poised to lead the Trojan football team into the Big Ten era. Moss joins the show to talk about that Holiday Bowl performance and the support he had from Caleb Williams, the gains made in the off-season, the new additions to the coaching staff and the first few practices of spring football.
The interview with Miller Moss was conducted in conjunction with House of Victory, an alumni-backed nonprofit collective dedicated to providing a competitive edge in the NIL space for University of Southern California student-athletes.
If you want to help out USC’s NIL efforts, you can donate to House of Victory here:
This video is a simulcast of our latest Peristyle Podcast episode.

[Applause] Hello to Roan fans welcome to another edition of the parastyle podcast tunnel vision I don’t know these kind of the shows get kind of mixed together but we had not going to do a big intro today because we got a very special guest we’re doing this Live on YouTube We’re

Recording this on different podcasting platforms and we have USC quarterback Miller Moss joining us here from the academic center over on campus here on a Wednesday evening Miller thanks so much for uh coming on yes sir thank you for having me sir wow I thought my intro

Conor wasn’t very good I was like uh I usually do the intro morning like late to the day one I can usually get the hello out really I was like it wasn’t working I just sometimes I could just go but it wasn’t very good so no it was

Good it yeah that was fine we got to change the we have to update our intro too now Miller does have a highlight in the intro there um because those are I think the only highlights we had from the first two games last season so um we

Can we got to change that up uh get some holiday ball highlights in there so we talk about that uh but we want to thank uh House of Victory uh for making this possible we were doing a bunch of these interviews uh last season it was great

Get some players on get some uh you know one-on-one or two-on-one time a little bit kind of get to know a little bit more about them then maybe like the five minutes after practice so this was set up through House of Victory so I just want to let everyone know about that

Some really exciting stuff going on uh over at House of Victory and I’ll put up a promo code if you want to check that out you can scan that promo code and you can donate to House of Victory we’re g to get into more some of that stuff that

Exciting going on uh with House of Victory but definitely want to give them a shout out and thank them and uh as always we’re g to thank Trader Joe we got see if Miller is a big Trader Joe’s fan because you got the one over on

Campus right do you go over there Bunch yeah of course you got of course where I get my cereal at oh you got your cereal at nice I went so I went the other day so Chris jinho was doing we’ve been working a lot because you had a big

Recruiting weekend at USC uh the Women’s Basketball team was over there going you know going to the Sweet 16 Chris was in here doing like a 4-Hour podcast but him and his his real girlfriend Kristen came over to my house and I made them dinner from Trader Joe’s like I did uh chicken

Thighs and um aspar not aspar I did uh brussels sprouts and no I’m sorry it wasn’t bruss it was broccoli I’m gonna together three different greens but it was broccoli uh fettes broccoli fettes and H baby red potatoes and I did it all in the air fryer seasoned it up so good and

Then we had a little we had some wine from Trader Joe’s so that was good you 21 yet I I am that all that cooking is over my head I’m sure it was delicious you can get the you can get the Frozen stuff and you know heat that up too but wanted

To thank Trader Joe’s as well and thank you Mill R what so what’s been going on you you doing all right I mean it’s kind of crazy time since December holiday Bol to now it’s got to be pretty nutty for you yeah definitely I mean it’s definitely been a little a little

Crazier but um definitely excited for this opportunity just in the middle of spring right now so really focused on the team and and what we got to do to continue to climb let’s talk about spring for a second Miller so you’ve been in spring camp with Caleb Williams

And Lincoln rally before when Caleb was clearly that number one quarterback going into the season now even though Lincoln Riley hasn’t said it it feels like you’ll be the guy how is spring different from you for you right now as the qb1 likely to be uh the qb1 this

Season and just take me through the differences from this year in Spring ball compared to the last couple for you yeah I mean there’s definitely a difference you know I mean like you you try to say like you approach practice the same way and you’re always prepared

And I think that’s absolutely true to a certain extent like I I try to have as detailed preparation as always um same way I did when Caleb was was here but um I think with Caleb being here the previous two years like it allowed me to

Focus more on my game and detail what I had to work on and not as much the entire team and the entire offense so now I feel much more responsibility not only to the entire to the team but to the offens performance as a whole which

I welcome and I think it’s a really interesting um growth period for me and something that I’ve really tried to embrace um in that role and in in bringing the offense and like I said the team together as a whole uh putting some comments up so if you’re watching us

Live on YouTube oops I put the wrong uh that’s I put this no I’m getting this the shots on screw I wouldn’t me in uh Miller in one of the shots um I’m putting some comments up on the screen so if you are watching us live on

YouTube thank you very much for doing that if you have questions and stuff we’ll try to get to them but I’ll put those up uh on the screen as they come through uh Mill I did want to talk about the holiday ball real quick I mean that

One of the things we’ve seen Caleb Williams kind of go through the draft process and we’ve done a lot of interviews people asking about them stuff and I was like well if you want to know like who was the most excited in that stadium for Miller Moss throwing

Six touchdown passes it might have been Caleb WS I think that’s that was one way you could explain is that true and what was that kind of like having him there supporting you yeah absolutely I mean like I think typically like in the the environment that in habits college

Football now like a lot of people like to pit players specifically quarterbacks in the same room against one another and I think the the case with like it couldn’t have been more opposite with Caleb and I obviously like it was frustrating for me to not not play and

Not be out there but that never took away from our relationship and I think we both understand understood that the stronger our relationship and the stronger our bond was the more likely we were to to have success on offense so um we worked really really well together

I’d like to think that I pushed him I know he certainly pushed me a ton so um obviously really really happy for him and everything that he’s about to go through but um without a doubt someone I’ll be I’ll be friends with and grateful for for a very long time and

Real quick on that followup I just when I the notes I took during I ended up getting Co I couldn’t go to the holid ball that was the one game I missed this year but you know sometimes as a quarterback like you throw a little dump

Off and it goes for 50 yards at a touchdown and you’re like all right or you throw like a 50 yard bomb in the end zone the guy drops it you don’t get a touchdown I think five of your six passes went into the end zone I mean it

Seemed like when you were throwing touchdown you threw six in that game but like I mean these were legit touchdown passes did it seem like that to you you guys were throwing bombs into the end zone yeah I mean like I’m not necessarily conscious of that at the time obviously

I can go back and and think about like yeah we were throwing the ball in the end zone but um I think for me I was really just trying to make the next right decision based on the look we were given and the call we were in so I

Wasn’t there was no conscious effort of oh I need to show this or show that I think I just wanted to to run the call that coach R said obviously I felt very prepared and have a ton of faith in the call that’s coming from the sideline um

From Coach Riley so I think it it wasn’t anything where I was like oh I need to throw the ball in the hands I was just continue to make the next right decision that’s interesting to hear you say that Miller because I’m curious about he only

Had a couple runs in the game but did you purposely want to run the ball in the Holiday Bowl to show defenses that they need to be honest and respect your running ability in this game was that a thought on your mind at all I’m sure in

The moment maybe not but is that something you tried to do in the game to keep defenses honest in the future no not at all honestly I I hope that they continue to not respect it um but no I mean kind of like I said

Previously like if I if I get a chasing to end um I’m gonna pull the ball and I think that’s that’s just the right decision given that run scheme so there was no cous effort to to move around I tried to just do what what was needed

From me um as as the offense uh dictated so there wasn’t any cous effort to do so but if I have to run I’m I’m more than willing to I remember in the offseason two years ago you talked about wanting to improve your running ability and I I

Think you’ve done that how has your life changed just in general since the Holiday Bowl I mean superficially it’s changed a lot I don’t think like a lot of that stuff is rooted in substance and stuff that that truly matters at the end of

The day um I mean if if your story can help Inspire younger kids and can make people happy watching you play and stuff like that then that’s absolutely a positive but at the end of the day like we’re focused on winning games um and it doesn’t matter how many people recognize

You or don’t recognize you or whatever it may be like all that stuff’s good and nice but the end of the day like we’re we’re focused on on what we need to do to win games so my my head and and heart are are in this facility maybe less in

The academic center where I’m at right now more in the upstairs offices with the with the film room but um but uh we’re definitely focused on on winning games and not so much on on the other stuff um I want to mention some of the other stuff real quick because I you

Know we you of Victory is uh helping us do this uh interview so we we appreciate them doing that I I want to talk about the kind of some of the work that you did or ask you about uh some of the charitable work or anything that was

Kind of rewarding for you that you’ve kind of worked through you got to you know reach out to the community Through House of victory yeah absolutely I think they they do an excellent job putting us players in situations obviously we’re in a huge City so there there’s a ton of

Opportunity um to get involved with the community and obviously me being from La any opportunity I have to give back to the city um given my platform and situation I I’d love to we’ve done work the Boys and Girls Club as well as the children’s hospital for La um which has

Been obviously really gratifying and also makes you feel extremely grateful for the opportunities that you’ve been given so it’s both humbling and gratifying and just a unique opportunity that I don’t think you get at a lot of other places yeah certainly that’s awesome to hear as well and it just seems like

Every day we’re getting a rule change or a new development what’s it been like just overall to be in this era of of nil and even the transfer portal to some extent what with those two things in mind what what is your college experience been like it’s a lot

Different than what it used to be for a lot of guys yeah um it’s definitely different I think the the biggest hurdle is just having continuity within your team and I think we’ve we’ve done a good job focusing on that this offseason um I think it’s just really difficult with

Just an everchanging landscape to have a team that’s focused on on the team and not individuality so that’s one thing that that we’ve really tried to harp on this offseason coming together as a team and I think that we have people that are team Centric in leadership positions and

That’ll really help us going forward so that’s been the biggest hurdle I mean obviously I think it’ll continue to change as we go um we’ll probably look back on this time in college football and be like wow that that was crazy that really happened yeah um just trying to trying to really

Build a team Centric culture and not not play into the individuality individuality the transfer portal and nil and stuff like that can create I mean when I I’ve talked to people just you know recently and you’re like thinking about four years ago how different the world was how different

Life was I think I came out to an event that you were throwing with your quarterback coach I think Bryce young was throwing there and maybe was it t I think it was Tyler yeah yeah uh and you guys were throwing but it was sort of like I think

We had to wear masks it was kind of a weird it was like definitely one of that weird weird times and um there was another like another one of the camps like you were at like how just even from the recruiting process then that’s all changed you know the nil opportunities

You know I know you guys get to do that kind of stuff I mean it it just seemed like a whole different world from when you were like being recruited to USC to where you are now yeah absolutely I think that’s a excellent point I mean the world as a

Whole has definitely changed a lot also um if you would have ever told me that my senior season would be canceled because of a disease that we couldn’t go outside like I it’s just something that you see in a movie it’s something like you would never expect that but um but

Yeah um a lot of radical change in in all areas like you said especially in the recruiting process I mean I didn’t get to take an official visit because of covid and now you get unlimited official visits so um a lot of stuff changed and

I’m sure a lot of stuff will continue to change but like I said like the the the struggle in facing that is trying to build a team that that is that really plays for each other and cares about each other and doesn’t care about how

Much money X Y andz school is going to give them Miller let’s get back into spring practice does it feel like you’re involved in a quarterback battle right now take me through just the quarterback competition and whether you feel like it is a competition right

Now yeah I mean I uh I try not to to go in to to every practice thinking if I’m in a quarterback competition or not I think my my job is to to put us in a position to win games and help this offense become the best offense in the

Country so that’s really what I’m focused on and and leading my guys um to the best of my ability so I think we’re doing a good job of that obviously still a lot of ground to make up but that’s really where my focus is at we have a

Comment we actually got a super chat so let me do the little uh Alex um do you like these Super Chat things you got to do your own show Miller he says uh Miller makes all the players around him better um thank thank you so much for

The Super Chat Alex and I think you’re right about Miller but you can donate the house of victory for this one you don’t need to do super chats for us you can uh put that money uh towards House of Victory and help the team uh but

Thank you for doing that and uh but that’s a good compliment from Alex he thinks you make the the guys around you better yeah definitely um I mean I I appre thank you very much um I think that’s no I don’t yeah no I mean that’s that’s what I

Strive for each and every day so obviously still have a lot of a lot of work to do in terms of understanding each and every guy and how to get the best out of them but that’s also always something you’re striving for in my position it seems like the goal of the

Offseason has been to bulk up have you bulked up and does your arm strength feel any different with a few months of the new strength and conditioning regimen under built yeah definitely I don’t think I’ve I’ve gained a lot of weight per se but I’ve I’ve lost fat and

Gade muscle so um like the the difference in pounds isn’t drastic but the difference in body composition is more drastic so obviously happy about that want to continue to build on that um I didn’t gain 40 pounds like some of the D lineen um but yeah I think my my arm

Feels stronger I feel good I think that’s largely a byproduct of of training but um not so much like muscle like the amount of muscle you have I think like if you want to throw further you have to train throw train throwing farther um I think it’s just like a

Skill based position but definitely feel good excited about where the team’s at and obviously we’re going to have a very important summer window to continue to build on the work we did in the winter it feels different you’ve been around the program for a few years now like

This spring I don’t know how how different it feels from last year I mean obviously like the kind of some of the leadership isn’t there there’s new leadership but just I don’t know maybe the morale on the defensive side seems like people are really excited maybe that’s a two-edged sword for you where

It’s like oh the defense is bigger and stronger and faster like oh crap I got to go against them in the but does it feel kind of different from before with the new coaches and just like I guess seems like a different attitude on the defensive side yeah absolutely and and

To your point like it it absolutely makes myself and the offense as a whole better when you go against a very disciplined group so definitely excited about that and it makes me elevate my game each and every day because I know there aren’t there’s not as many free

And free and cheap yards and completions around the field so I have to be more diligent in my preparation I think the offense as a does as a whole as well so um really excited about the defense I think we have some some great guys that

Came in we talk about Easton and ail and I’m sure there’s a bunch of them leaving out and we have previous leadership that’s been here and guys like Jaylen Smith and a Gentry and bear Alexander so definitely a lot of guys that that were excited about um want to see some of the

New guys even more throughout spring and kind of see where we’re at but it’s definitely going to be a good group and we’re excited Miller what’s the area you feel like you’re teaching your new and younger teammates the most since you have two years of experience in the

Offense yeah I mean obviously like I I know the Playbook fairly well I would hope so at this point um but I think the biggest thing that I can that I can try to teach them and impart to them is the attitude that comes with playing offense at USC especially um as

A skill position player um part of the reason that we didn’t have the success we should have last year I felt like is we we got selfish at those positions and we need guys that are going to be team first understand that the ball will come

To them if they keep doing the right thing so um that’s that’s the biggest message I can kind of impart to the new guys and just to just stay in the film room stay in the weight room um and stay focused on the mission like you said

Like in the in the changing landscape it’s so easy to get distracted by things that do not matter at all so just stay focused on what we have to do as a team and things will work out in the correct way Miller we had a question in the chat

Of YouTube only natties uh question for Miller when you talk building team culture does that also have to do with Riley now prioritizing the defense equal to his offense yeah I mean I think it’s kind of it’s kind of two separate venues right so um when you talk about scheme coach

Riley’s obviously coach her is now the quarterback coach so Coach Riley has the latitude to be involved in a multitude of different things from the o line room to the receiver room to the defensive installs um which is great for him as a head coach and I think is something that

He’s wanted to do for a while and we ended up pulling the trigger on obviously so I think he’s really excited about that and then I think from a team culture building standpoint Coach Riley is absolutely involved in that as well um and I think I guess to your point

Like his ability to be widely involved in the team definitely definitely helps and definitely helps players get around him more and understand his vision more because having him in the quarterback room I absolutely understand how Coach Riley views preparation for games um his attitude towards the game and different

Opponents and stuff like that so I think his ability to now um communicate sou communicate that to the rest of the team will absolutely help our culture Miller what’s the difference between a quarterback position meeting led by Luke Huard and one led by Lincoln Riley and now that Riley isn’t working with the

Quarterbacks as much how often is he in those meetings yeah so he’s he’s in there every day um and he’ll hit on stuff that he feels is is necessary and then Coach H will kind of take it from there um and I think they’ve they’ve done a really good job in making that

Transition feel seemless um they kind of communicate the same points to us throughout the throughout like scheme and stuff like that so um I think they’ve they’ve tried to make that transition seamless they’ve done a really good job of it but um coach here is a really good guy obviously he’s been

In the system for the last two years it’s Unique to hear his perspective just because he’s been coaching receivers so we get a really really good look into what they’re being coached which you don’t always get so that’s been a unique perspective and it’s been awesome to

Work coach you I know it’s still early in Spring practice but you’ve had some padded practices I believe you’ve done some 11 on 11 work I’d be surprised if you hadn’t what have been some of your takeaways from the offense based on the padded practices and the 11 v11 stuff

You’ve done so far yeah I mean obviously some some really good moments and some things that we we have to improve upon I think the biggest thing for this window right now for us as an offense and team as a whole but specifically as an offense is developing an attitude um and

I think at times we’ve done a really good job of demonstrating that attitude that we want to have and at times we’ve not done that so obviously there’s a there’s a ton of work to be done but I think we’ve flashed kind of what we want

To be and those are good things to to build on and then obviously the on the other side there’s good things to learn from so um really want to continue to establish that attitude that that we want to play with gon to try to get you to name some names here which transfers

Have impressed you the most so far and why if you could give names and sentences that would be great but I understand sometimes you guys don’t want to single people out yeah no definitely um I’m sure I’ll leave people out so um if I Do by accident no uh no offense meant to

Anyone obviously but um like I said before Easton and ail um have really stood out on the defensive side I think E’s leadership and and overall football knowledge really stands out and the same with AI um on the offensive side oh on the offensive side Woody Woody’s done a

Great job through four practices obviously excited to see him him in the back field I think he brings a a veteran presence to that to that room that’s needed obviously with with three other fairly young guys in there so excited about those three definitely and I’m

Sure I’m leaving out some guys but um everyone that’s come in has done a good job kind of adapting and and embracing what we’re trying to do here we’ll keep this train rolling same question but for the early and rolly freshman anyone standing out to you so far yeah B Jack

Brian Jackson the the young running back um came in really uh bought into the winter period um cut a bunch of weight looks really great has really really natural hands for running back and can run the rock as well so excited about him and and what he’s going to be able

To do we hear a lot too about Elijah newbie the young linebacker I know he’s on the other side of the field a lot of the time compared to what you’re doing have you had much interactions with many interactions with him and just what have been your takeaways from from his

Practice style he seems like a really good player for the future yeah absolutely it was funny right when you started or right when I stopped talking I was like oh I should have said something about new too um great kid obviously kind of established himself throughout that

Winter workout period um as a guy that’s completely bought in um has had some freaky athletic plays so far obviously a young kid a senior in high school still learnning the system but you see you see the potential there and um really excited for for him going forward we’re

Getting lots of interesting comments so you seem to be a fan favorite there uh lpap says you’re gonna be a great coach someone else commented you going to be a CEO someday uh after whatever your football career is over what were your what what are your plans or if you had

Plans for some other career outside of uh sports or or maybe in football but not playing yeah abolutely I mean people have said the the coaching thing to me before I’m not sure how I feel about that so I’ll stay away they work a lot there’s a lot of work it seems that

Doesn’t bother me as much as I just I won’t get into it but U we’ll stay away from that one for a little bit but I don’t know I’ve always like wanted to be the CEO of my own company so whoever said that I appreciate that oh yeah

There you go but yeah I don’t I don’t want to be limited by whatever I do in the first 30 years of my life the next 70 so um definitely definitely want to you know explore the world and see what I can do to make it a better place and

See what exciting things I can get into afterwards but um right now F on football that’s a great way to look at I like at that you know because I mean as an athlete I think a lot of times people look at like okay I’m G to make the

Professional level make money but you’re probably most people I mean by 30 you’re done right I mean there other you know there’s the top raes of the world but there’s a lot of times your professional athletic career ends when you’re 30 or early 30s and you still have you know 60

70 years left so it’s a good like you got to think about that part too no absolutely yeah Miller I’m curious to hear your perspective on this so being from Southern California and being the USC quarterback you think of Matt ler Mark Sanchez Sam darnold what does it

Mean to you to be a part of that group it just seems like when the quarterback at USC is from Southern California it means a lot to fans and in the era of the transfer portal also you were a guy who was recruited out of high school but

In the program a long time you’re really a fan favorite so two-part question what does it mean to be a fan favorite and what does it mean to be a SoCal quarterback representing USC yeah um I mean when it comes to a to a fan favorite I can’t control that very

Much but obviously very grateful for you know the the Trojan family as we we like to refer to it but um I think when you when you talk about the Trojan family it obviously includes the the coaching staff and the players here but also the school and student body as a whole and

Then the fans as well so I’ve really felt an outpour of support from from all of those groups previously mentioned and couldn’t be more grateful for for the support for them from them um and yeah I I I love being a being a Trojan being a part of this this University and

Obviously this team um when it comes to being from SoCal and being mentioned with those those kind of guys I think I still have a lot of ground to make up in in my career when it comes to being mentioned in in the circle with those

Names but um obviously I mean those are guys I grew up idolizing and looking up to and watching their games and all that kind of stuff so um I think it’s more motivating than anything like being mentioned with those with those guys um and also lets me know I’ve got a got a

Lot of work to do so you mentioned some Legends there Connor and uh and Miller some of Idols for him I wanted to mention so the legends of Troy there is a an event coming up if you want to meet some of these guys uh on Monday April

29th at Bal Bala Bay Resort in Newport Beach it’s the legends of Troy Gala it’s a signature event for House of Victory Al for mentions Mark Sanchez Matt Barkley will be there um Mark Maguire April Ross uh Rodney Pete Sam Clen a whole bunch of uh USC Legends will be

There I know I saw you at one of those events uh I guess it was last year right was it down in Newport Miller you went to one of those I don’t know if you’re going to this one but it’s a looks like a pretty big one so make sure you check

It out you go to House of and uh get more information on that but it’s Monday April 29th and a lot of the legends of USC will be there are you are you going to that one or can you go to that one or I have no idea it’s possible it’s your

One I’m just I’m just focused on practice tomorrow right that’s true You Got U no early yeah what was the 5:30 a.m. practice like was that kind of that was weird for us I don’t know if it was weird for you it was great I mean

Obviously like when that 4 AM alarm goes off you’re like um once once you’re up you’re good and I think it’s it’s good for us just in that we’re going to have those noon kickoff games in the either central time or east coast so we’re

Going to have to play some games on that schedule so obviously good for us to to get used to waking up and going hitting the field running at a not so comfortable time that makes me think about how disciplined you and the team is but you especially Miller you did undergrad in

Two years right how the heck did you do that yeah um it’s kind of an intering story so I I finished high school in three years and then was able to take some junior college classes the first semester of my senior year along with my religion requirement for alaman and then

C like AP calculus or whatever it was and then enrolled early my senior year and then took a full course load there so by the time I was entering the summer before my freshman year I had essentially done an entire year and then I I doubled up on summer school both

Years before graduation so I ended up taking four classes each summer um and then took a heavy course load obviously during the the regular school um semesters and and days so all that kind of piled together let me let me graduate pretty early amazing uh heading into the Big 10

What does it mean to you to represent USC first season in a new conference and I know you’re just focused on practice tomorrow but that first Big 10 game being at Michigan in the big house have have you thought about that at all and what that experience will be

Like yeah absolutely obviously Michigan was a place I I looked at in recruiting so I’ve been there before and seen that stadium and and can’t wait you know Road Road conference games are are gold when you’re trying to chase a conference title so um obviously a really important

Game for us and looking forward to to seeing what our team’s made of in an environment like that do you guys talk about the move to the Big 10 at all is that like when you’re lifting weights like oh you got to do that last set because we’re going

To the big 10 does that come up at all or not really um I mean I think you should do that last set because it’s the best thing for you but um but yeah I mean it’s definitely a motivating factor I think obviously we’ve we’ve taken a little heat for not

Being physical enough and I think that doesn’t go unnoticed but um I mean we’re GNA we’re going to train hard and and physical and and get the most out of our our training program with with Coach Wy because it’s the right thing to do not because of any any conference or any

Opponent we’re playing so regardless who’s on the schedule we’re going to we’re going to get after it because that’s that’s what’s necessary to win games you’ve been around USC a lot and you know just being on the team the last few years was it weird seeing that 2024

Schedule come out and there’s oh Michigan and like there’s there’s no there’s Wisconsin There’s not Washington State I mean for fans I think it’s weird I don’t know for you guys if it it was it like hits you like oh my God like maybe if you weren’t but you’ve known

This team for a long time it’s it’s got to be weird for you yeah definitely I think it’s it’s obviously different but it’s uh definitely exciting as well um we still got Washington so that’s a somewhat familiar there go yeah um but I mean for me like growing

Up watching SC play those those Rose ball games I think they had a series with Ohio State um in the mid to late 2000s so like those are those are that I mean that that’s why you come to USC right to playing those kind of games I

Think when we’re at we were at Notre Dame this year and that place was was rocking obviously and they bring out Joe Montana I mean we go to Notre Dame they’re they’re going to honor everybody that they that’s ever gone there um Cliff turns to me and he’s like this is

Why you come to USC to play in games and environments like this and I I think that couldn’t be more correct so um definitely excited I think the team’s equally as excited yeah that you mentioned that those Ohio State I think it was 2009 the Ohio States game but

That’s I know I saw your video Conor and I both watched it with uh Matt leinard on the on the Instagram with and you you drafted Joe mcnight like he was in he was the star of that game right so yeah I’m getting killed for for that team but

I don’t know I you could have like Marcus Allen or something you know but that’s okay yeah I mean yeah that’s fine you were just you know it’s good um I mean you took the bitov award winner so that’s good you know he’s he’s he’s legit yeah

Definitely but that was funny but yeah mcnight was a you know playing that game was a big part of it with Matt Barkley and all those guys no absolutely he was he was a baller people were just people are on raid a little bit I feel you like

USC’s is kind of recruiting I know you can’t talk about like prospects now but USC recruiting in the South like back in the day you know he was one of those guys like Ed orron wanted them when he was at Old Miss and everyone thought he

Was going to stay in the South and Pete Carroll kind of you know snuck him out of there he’s a big you know five star recruit and uh recruiting is different now but like we’re seeing some inroads down into SEC country so uh getting some big some big names to commit from on

There do you get involved in that recruiting stuff much though like when they’re hosting do you do you help host visitors and things like that yeah I mean what obviously whatever is needed for me to to help the program I’m more than happy to do so um whatever whatever

They ask of me and if I can help or provide a good perspective for the recruit or whatever it may be show them on campus and other activities then I can I can help out then I’m more than happy are you still doing a lot of meditating

Miller yeah um I mean I do obviously before every game and then I try to regularly just throughout the the offseason just because I feel like it I don’t know I just feel better when I do it it’s like it’s like using the cold plunge like you just you don’t like see

It the the results right there but you just feel better when you do it so and can you explain how you got into that I think your mom introduced you to it right at at a young age and um I know it’s really helped me too so I

Definitely recommend it as well yeah definitely my mom um trying to think how old I was I was young I’m trying to think I think I was 13 and my sister was nine but we went to uh see a meditation specialist and like San mon area and and introduced us to

The practice we did kind of like a 3 four day intensive um and then kind of just kept up with the practice from there so it’s been an awesome tool for me just in my life since then so very grateful for that he know we taken a lot

Of time we let you go here for we did have a question from uh Ben in the chat how did you find your throwing motion was it natural or developed um I mean I think to an extent like it was natural but there’s years and years of of development from from

That like you pick up and and throw a apple when you’re four or five and your coach is like hey like maybe you can play quarterback and then um there’s there’s some natural element to it obviously but I think it’s since evolved from years and years of of training and

And coaching and stuff like that so um yes there’s some natural element everyone kind of has their own stroke um but it’s it’s based on years and years of of coaching and development from from people that I trust and believe in so is it kind of like a golf swing where you

Can kind of get little tips where like you know maybe Lincoln Riley has something to say or you know you’ve had your personal quarterback coach or um Cliff kingsberry is like Hey try you know put your finger here like is there little things like that like you shift

Your weight you know your takea away for the golf swing is there are there any elements to that like a golf swing I think there are I think the only difference is like when you’re swinging a golf club like you don’t have 300 lb people running at you so

Um so you can like if you if you’re looking to make a a substantial change in your motion and your processes on the football like you have to rep that hundreds and hundreds of times outside of a competitive performance focused environment so that it then shows up

When you get to that environment so I think you it’s something you can be conscious of in the offseason and training and stuff like that but like once you’re on the field and playing like you’re just going to play you’re not going to think about that in the

Moment so if you’re going to make a substantial substantial change like that like it’s definitely something that has to be wrapped and wrapped and wrapped okay we can wrap it up here with one question from one of our message board posters on the parastyle Trojan 777 Miller wants to know in today’s transfer

Portal world even though you did choose to stuck around stick around was there ever any temptation to at least explore the portal um I don’t think there was necessarily temptation to go on the portal I think there was definitely frustration in in sitting on the sideline for a few years that was that

Was definitely difficult but I don’t think there was ever a time where I was like leaving and going in the portal would be better for me than staying here and developing and waiting for my shot um so frustration yes but temptation to leave no Conor you want to do a couple

Quick ones for the Pary like two more minutes Miller is that cool are you good yeah no whatever you guys need do you have any other ones from the parel pulled up we do have a few other ones so sure USC rocks wants to know which current or former NFL quarterback do you

Model your game after and why um I mean in in watching NFL tape there’s two guys that I kind of study the most um it’ be Stafford and and burrow I think their ability to play the game the right way to play on time to know where their their throwaways are to

Not take negative plays really sets them apart I think Brady was great at that obviously but he’s unfortunately no longer around but um but um yeah those two guys really stick out I think they play the game the right way um like I said they they know where

Their Outlets are at all times to avoid negative plays and I think I I can obviously got a ways to go but somewhat see myself playing in a similar manner so those are two guys I I really look up to another one from USC rocks what area

Of your game do you want to improve the most this offseason what are you working on specifically yeah I mean I think the the best way to answer that is is everything um you can you can always um even if you’re like just because you are strong

In a certain area doesn’t mean you should then not work on it you know like your strength are your strengths for a reason um so I obviously want to improve my strengths and eliminate my weaknesses so without giving too much away that’s where I leave nice I I like it and then

We can wrap up here 619 Grizzly wants to know aside from yourself and then you mentioned e and achill too who on offense and defense has stepped up as a leader this offseason anyone else outside of you three yeah uh great question I think Jonah monheim for that that o line group

He’s kind of become the veteran in that room um and then Karen Hudson in the the receiver room they both kind of ended into roles of of leadership in their rooms with younger guys around them um and then in the DB room I would say Jaylen Smith and and Bryson Shaw have

Have stepped in a leadership Pooles um Jaylen Smith in particularly obviously um someone who’s not not always comfortable speaking up in a leadership role but someone who has played himself into the right to speak so he’s done a great job kind of coming out of his shell and being UNC being

Comfortable being uncomfortable and stepping into that leadership role that we as a team need him to to have it so super happy for him and obviously always welcoming more leadership on the team yeah well I mean you obviously you know very close to him through high school

And everything uh I we interviewed him I interviewed him in person on campus last year for one of these series and he was great great like just um just all all kinds of personalities so was he kind of someone in he was in a shell a little

Bit and he’s come out a lot more now yeah defin I mean like I don’t think he’s ever put in his show like personally but as a leader okay should say yeah um but like you said phenomenal guy someone like that I’ve loved being around since I was 13 14 years old so

Great great dude but really happy for him and proud of him to see kind of the role he’s starting to take in this team all right all right well we going to like thank you Miller Moss killing it uh great job follow on Twitter Miller moss7

Do you do Instagram more or what’s your favorite like social media thing or if you do any of them yeah I’m I’m on Instagram I try to stay off Twitter okay probably yeah yeah but yeah um I’m on it occasionally but definitely more Instagram okay well you got to go follow

Them because it kind of helps nil deals and stuff the more followers you get and everything so get on there and help them but we really appreciate you coming on uh thanks so much and best of luck you know getting through these early practices in the spring and of course

Going into 234 and big and being a big 10 play so thanks again for coming on Miller yes sir thank you so much guys all right uh we’re going to take a little quick break and we’ll come back thanks again to Miller Moss we’ll be back in a minute Everybody alrighty we are back here on the parisel podcast uh we got Connor we got me Miller’s gone that’s okay you know we we had a lot of his time so I thought that was uh it was good but I thought it was good interview he’s definitely someone

That is going to represent the university well uh his performance in the Holiday Bowl looks like he can play football so it seems like USC’s uh in a pretty good spot as far as uh you know leadership and quarterback play kind of going forward but I really like that one

I what’ you think yeah loved it you didn’t tell me that the Super Chat was for 50 bucks though I know thought it was for like two bucks 50 bucks thanks Alex we had to yeah thank you Alex um but I mean I didn’t want to like we’re

We’re trying to get you to donate to House of Victory you know we’re you know we can’t uh we’re not you know we’re not part of that we’re not part of the recruiting process and all that stuff but you know we you know we have uh you

Know we can promote uh the house of Victory and by having uh players and stuff come on our show so we wanted to kind of do that so kind of want to focus on that but that was cool that was good stuff I mean he’s yeah I mean he he’s someone that’s

Easy to root for obviously certainly people will say I focus on the negative too much and I probably do I thought it was interesting he said the skill position guys last year a little selfish we haven’t really heard much of that and it makes sense when you have the math

Exodus from the receiver room that USC did I think there were some unhappy campers in that room and we saw what happened in the Holiday Bowl with the younger guys getting their chance and and Miller getting his chance and it just seems like that group really came

Together well and now you add some transfers and some early and rly freshman guy like Elijah newbies bought in I I think I don’t know from a talent perspective how much better USC will be this upcoming season but I think they have a lot of the intangibles or they

Should have a lot of the intangibles that last year’s team maybe didn’t have so I I think that’s really significant and with Miller leading the way he’s a guy who waited his turn and I think people really respect that especially in this era where if you don’t play as a highly ranked

Quarterback you’re 99% chance you’re gone and he is one of the rare rare exceptions so I think he has a lot of credibility without even playing that much which is big and that’ll trickle down so the team is a lot more likable heading into next season and I think

That’s significant because last year for a lot of those games especially at the end it was frustrating and I think maybe some players it’s college football so you don’t want to say that the team was unlikable but I I think this team will be a lot more likable in the can get

Behind him more yeah and it’s weird cuz like Caleb Williams was the face of the team and and some people are trying to make him unlikable because everyone you know he was going to be the number one pick of the draft but I don’t think he

Would have been part of that there was just other reasons right I mean it was you would think it’s oh was I don’t think Caleb will like like I mentioned I put that picture up if you’re watching uh live on YouTube uh earlier I mean the the Embrace that Caleb Williams and

Miller Moss had like he literally was so excited for Miller moss and it’s like okay you know and when we asked Miller about it like same thing like you could tell like that’s that was legit so uh but yeah I think this is a team that a lot of people can

Really you know are going to like and uh you know we’ll see they’ll probably add some guys in the portal uh we’ll see how kind of spring develops but with the new coaches it just seems like it’s it’s there’s a different feel here um we didn’t really get to do at the beginning

Of the show because is podcast we wanted to get right to Miller but yeah getting him for 40 minutes was great so thanks to Miller for coming on and sharing some time and House of Victory too uh if you want to send us any questions for the show especially through Spring football

Podcast USC is the email address let us know which show you’re talking about if you want to leave us a voicemail or send us a text you can do that too 424 254 9141 and you know you can subscribe on Apple podcast Spotify is getting really popular right now for

A lot of podcasting you can leave us a a rating there and on Apple podcast you can leave us a review we appreciate those we did get a new one from EMG Trojans one he said podcast in Georgia I just want to say thank you to your team

For providing all the different content on USC football living here in GA it’s SEC country for sure but being a California Native I can follow the Trojans on a weekly basis throughout the year it’s much appreciated cheers to you guys and fight on uh Eric Garcia sent

That um I play beach volleyball with an Eric Garcia but not him he’s not in Georgia but thank you for the review appreciate that um and uh yeah like I said those help grow the show if you want to do that so cool stuff very very

Kind review should we get into some of these nil developments Ryan I saw on YouTube Someone wants us to talk about that and I don’t blame him what a what a big day today’s been in the nil space I know I’m not the host though I’m kind of

Stealing your no you drive the boat no host away so uh we um Spencer uh Harris from House of Victory the ex executive director over there helps set up these interviews he did post on the Pary a little bit earlier today before we went live with a really interesting update on

USC’s nil situation and if you’ve heard you know lick and Riley made some uh really interesting comments about how far this nil program has come if you’re not a parel member over at USC you can do it right now until the end of the day tomorrow for 50% off so make

Sure you go check it out but you’re going to get stuff like this these nil updates uh The Insider information is on our site 247 you know all the time not just the name of our site but it’s always over on there but uh Spencer came

On and posted an exclusive update on the parastyle about uh where USC is with nil and House of Victory so if you want to kind of summarize that uh Conor that’d be good sure he said the 2024 budget is much bigger than 2023 but the biggest thing I’ll just read the first two

Sentences Tennessee going after the NCAA changed everything House of Victory can now have open discussions with recruits and support them with nil opportunities before they enroll at us C if you’re a USC fan hearing that you’re thinking Hallelujah finally we can do what other teams are likely or were likely doing in

The past and that lawsuit really changed everything USC now is a big- time player in the nil space because they have the funds but also because Let’s Tell It Like It Is they’re paying the high school recruits what everyone wanted a massive massive deal hearing that from

From Spencer today USC now that there’s no excuse for them not to have a top 10 class I think they can even have a top five class between the defensive staff and then Lincoln rally what he does on offense and now this nil setup I think

USC’s in the game now and they weren’t in the game until these last couple weeks it’s a massive massive deal yeah I was talking to some people that work at USC and just the changes that have been made and and some of it is you know the

The philosophy and I I I reached out to all of them after that lawsuit happened with Tennessee and they were just still trying to feel it out so but now it seems like they’re like okay there’s pretty much no more rules and it’s not necessarily even like paying high school

Players like that that can be involved but it’s USC wasn’t engaging with a prospect about nil opportunities they were waiting until they were enrolled and like House of Victory wasn’t going to be involved now they have a special wing and and and Spencer put a link on

It where you can donate to funds to you know four High School we’ve heard donations have gone up um you know the the engagement has gone up they’re more involved in the recruiting process and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that USC’s had its biggest recruiting weekend in years uh just over

The weekend after this was kind of going on so the combination of like you still need to do the USC stuff like the the selling the Heisman the being in Los Angeles the defensive staff yeah the defensive like having great recruiters defensive staff guys like Eric Henderson

But if Eric Henderson didn’t have nil opportunities as good as he is and you have Aaron Donald on campus you can’t that’s the way USC recruited before nil is a huge part of it now like now like you can use all those advantages USC has in recruiting Because you have good nil

To go with it so when you had kind of crappy nil all those advantages you might get some kids but you’re going to lose a bunch and now you’re going to be in on those guys and we saw the kind of you know results uh this weekend it was

Just crazy uh having great recruiters having so much to sell and also you’re not behind as far as like basically someone’s not taking a pay cut like I think Alabama is learning this lesson like you would go to Alabama because Nick Sabin they would take the Nick Sabin discount because you’re like you

Know what it’s Nick Sabin so it doesn’t matter if they they pay as well as Texas A&M does now you’re not getting that discount anymore so now Alabama has to be competitive in that market I think USC is now competitive in that market so you’re more an even playing field and

You have a lot of advantages that other schools don’t so they can get back to like Connor said getting the top 10 top five classes again massive massive difference and one thing that I think is really important too nil is huge but you also now have a defensive staff where we

Need to see it on the field of course but it’s going to be different for sure and I was the one who said Alex Grinch’s defense will be better in the second year at USC so I I get it if you don’t want to believe me but this staff I just

Feel like is so much more competent and having Eric Henderson be able to bring in Aaron Donald and just the way he recruits it’s different and we’ve been telling you that for a while especially on the recruiting front I I do think the defense will be a lot better and that

Needs to be talked about too the nil stuff I think is the most important part of all this but if they had the same defensive staff as last year with this new nil stuff would they have gotten the recruits that they did over the weekend

I don’t believe so so there were sort of two missing pieces and Lincoln Riley addressed that after practice Tuesday I wrote about it how it’s the collect and the defensive staff and that’s been a good combination one other thing I got to get off my chest oh go ahead I’ve

Been talking about nil for a while and how USC I felt like they could be doing more it’s great to see that they are doing more but I heard from a lot of USC fans who would tell me hey we don’t want those nil guys they’re not good for our

Culture we don’t want people getting paid in high school that’s that’s not what we’re about and crickets from those people since Spencer Harris came out and said we can now get involved with high school recruits you you just need to be on The Cutting Edge you need to be doing

Stuff that might seem kind of is this the right thing to do should we really be getting involved with high school recruits if other teams and some of these powerful teams are doing it like in Ohio State like a Texas you’re going to get left behind and I believe

Even though I like a lot of what USC did with their last recruiting class there’s a reason they’re outside the top 10 outside the top 15 it’s because of this because they weren’t doing what other schools were doing now they are the playing fields level they’re on The

Cutting Edge with a lot of these other teams and when you have the money that USC has they’re not only on The Cutting Edge but they can start being Trend Setters and they can really take this to another level I believe I think they can

Go crazy here and and really explode I I I firmly believe that with this new nil setup so thank you to the schools that that sued thank you Tennessee and was it it was it was in Virginia too but I think it was North Carolina maybe sued

In a Virginia court or something I don’t think Virginia the school sued but this has really changed everything and now that the playing field is level with these other Elite recruiting teams and these other elite football programs I’m really excited to see what USC has up its seve because I think weekends like

This can continue based on the playing field being level yeah and I think now that you are compe like so when money’s involved it’s you know it changes the game you’re now competitive I don’t USC is probably not going to be outbidding a lot you know like Tennessee or somebody

Or maybe even like Oregon for a player but if you’re competitive and you want to go to USC over I think that’s where before it was like you weren’t even competitive so it’s like I’m going to just weren’t competitive with Oregon and I I wrote about it at signing day they they had

Maybe one or two guys who Oregon also liked but let’s be honest if Oregon really wanted them they probably would have gotten those guys too the list goes on and on I I I wrote about it I recommend people check that out I think that’s changed now right will USC get

Everyone no but they’ll be a hell of a lot more competitive than they were that’s a guarantee yeah so you’re comp with those guys but say you know Phil Knight’s still going to like we’re going to overpay for this guy and I think USC will probably be smart you know with the

Funds they they actually have funds now and will they go all in overpay for some guy that some other school might get yeah probably not and maybe you might lose some guys that way but it’s not the the philosophy of paying a high school player it’s just how much do want to

Like I think now USC can be competitive with those guys they’re not going to lose anyone that cares about money at all they’re not going to lose them but you might not get the guy that was just I’m going the highest bidder no matter what I’ll go to you know kraton or uh

Fairmont Community College as long as they pay the most they don’t care like you probably lose those guys and maybe those are the kind of guys that the the The Message Board guys that you were talking about didn’t want and if that’s all they care about is is getting the

Most money then you know maybe that’s not the right person for your program that that totally makes sense but now you’re at least competitive with the other teams that are trying to recruit the same guys and uh it just it it’s going to make it a much more Level

Playing Field and you can get a top defensive lineman from the state of Georgia who was committed to Georgia to flip to USC because you have similar funds and also there’s LA and Aaron Donald and all this other stuff going on that that you can sell but before you

Couldn’t sell that stuff because you didn’t have the money to kind of back it up you now you have the money to back it up and you can use all those other advantages to try to recruit without these changes too there is a 0% chance USC would have held on to Julian Lewis

And not because he’s an nil guy but because he wants an nil setup that allows a school to build a class around him yes and of course he’s an nil guy to some degree as well but I mean that in the sense that he’s not the highest

Bidder kind of guy he just wants the best chance to win and USC with what they’re doing now they’re going to be able to put him in one of the best chances to win compared to every other school in college football it’s just a drastic drastic change better late than

Never I understand USC being risk averse with some of the stuff that’s happened in the past and not wanting to middle finger of the NCAA just based on some prior transgressions that’s done now and I’m excited to see what the future holds because I got a text after Eric

Henderson landed all these guys last weekend that said he’s not done they’re going to get some more guys on the defensive line and expect him to continue to roll I got another text I said Sunday Julian Lewis’s dad was really really impressed impressed with what USC was able to do last weekend

Which is huge because now he’s going to visit USC this weekend he has a bunch of stuff planned out some nil some stuff at USC it’s just great that the nil people can now work with him and talk with him and say it’s one thing if the coach says

Uh this is probably the price range and these companies can work with you but now an nil person can say no here’s the plan this is what we have for you and it’s just different than it was it’s a massive massive difference that’s the the words I keep going back to USC’s in

The game now it’s great yeah basically before House of Victory did not get in wouldn’t have been involved in this big recruiting weekend they wouldn’t have been giving a presentation or talk like now they can be now it’s it’s more integrated uh and it’s eventually going

To be part of the universities like it’s basically going to be universities going to start paying directly that’s going to happen I don’t know it could be in the next year could be the next five years but it’s going to be that way soon enough and I think USC set up pretty

Well cuz House of Victory could just go from like you know kind of an Affiliated thing to inh house and that probably wouldn’t be much of an issue at all um but it’s going to get there but now before they were pretty separate because they weren’t really involved on those

Recruiting weekends they weren’t involved in that stuff where they would be at other schools now they are and I think it shows you’re taking it more seriously and a guy like uh Julian Lewis sees what happens on this weekend they’re like okay I’m not going to be

There by myself there’s going to be some really great players coming in as well because they’re taking this more seriously so this is a big step and I think you know is it going to show results in 2024 probably not but I mean the next couple years like you’re

Going to see getting those kind of guys on campus and we’ll see how this recruiting class pans out and if these guys all stay and all that kind of stuff but it’s it’s it’s a game Cher for USC just where they were like it was going

To be tough to do this in the portal every year um but if you can build the high school through the high school rank like Lincoln Riley said he wants to do you that’s kind of more for long-term success I think on the football side so

Uh we’ll see where they go with it but it’s it’s it’s a game changer for sure and that’s why I think Lincoln Riley has been in such a good mood these past couple weeks he I don’t know if you’ve felt that way Ryan but it practice he’s

Smiley he he’s happy at 5:30 the other morning he gave us a big smile and at the women’s basketball game talking to Jen Cohen the night before he he seemed happy and I thought one really interesting part of Tuesday he said the nil stuff outside of the collectives

Last year was really good but the collectives were just okay and he says that on the record something that I’ve been saying for a really long time they just weren’t and it wasn’t it’s not Spencer’s fault it was higher-ups directing him what to do so people think

I have beef with Spencer no I I I do not why do you hate Spencer what happen I I like Spencer a lot what I what I’m trying to say is Lincoln Riley pretty much put on the record what we all thought all along and

It was nice to get some Clarity on that the the collective last year because of stuff outside of his control outside of Spencer’s control wasn’t as good as some of these other schools and now it is based on new rules and based on more donors I I’ve heard USC’s gotten some

Massive support recently which keep saying massive has gotten some big-time support recently which has been significant yeah for sure um we got some questions in the chat if you do have a question in the chat uh if you’re watching live on YouTube thanks very much we got a lot of people stuck around

After uh Miller left but um if you’re still watching in the chat and you have a question you can put that up there we want to mention uh Andy Enfield as well oh yeah um what was it what night was it was it Monday night what when did I text

You guys you heard before anyone it was might have been was it Sunday night maybe I think it was Monday it was I was at the women’s game maybe it was Monday night and I get a text and it’s like Andy edfield is looking at um SMU and I

Was like oh okay that seems a little different I know because a lot of fans after the disappointing season uh were kind of all over Enfield and wanted them fired a lot of not everybody but a lot of fans did you know we had reached out I think Conor and I both to

People that we know around the program and not we got zero indication that that was going to happen and it was quite the opposite that Enfield was coming back and we you know let you guys know I think probably put in the war room um uh

Over at USC if you want to check that out so this was a different development um if I think I mean if there was no cost involved I don’t know but people in the athletic department probably would have explored going another direction for the basketball team but it just made sense I

Think for them with everything involved to bring him back but if he leaves on his own and USC gets you know an eight fig payout for a buyout and they get to find a new coach I think it might make for a tough first year in the Big 10 um

But you know it might be a clean slate you know kind of everybody so it’s we’ve heard that it’s very likely happening it’s not I don’t think it’s been signed yet there’s been some reports out there it seems uh very likely at this point it’s kind of one of those

Things where you know what it you know you’re you’re talking about it it would be hard to come back at this point right but um yeah so it looks like most likely Andy Enfield is heading to um SMU and you USC will have a coaching search for a

Men’s basketball coach and uh kind of rebuild the program a little bit but any kind of thoughts on everything that’s been going on Connor I do think he’s gone even if it isn’t official yet the reports out there that he’s expected to leave next week officially and I kind of

Feel like even if something were to fall through it’s very challenging to come back from the week that the USC men’s basketball program has had where it’s not just reporters being shut out coaches of recruits are reaching out saying hey can you give us some clarity what’s happening and people are just in

The dark completely so anything’s possible could he in Theory come back and they have a good season if they recruit in the portal fine I I guess that’s possible but I I just think what’s happened this week with stuff trickling out on Monday like you heard Ryan and now here we are

Wednesday night and people are reporting he’s expected to be gone it’s just a lot’s happened and if he does leave USC I believe will hire someone quickly because the Portal’s open and then maybe they’re already looking now I’m sure they are with Him likely to be gone so

We have all our stuff ready we I have got a list of hot board candidates ready I I don’t want to post that until he’s officially gone but at this point in time I would be shocked if he returned based on everything I’ve heard yeah I

Mean I I talked to someone in the athletic department earlier today and he has not resigned as of yet I think you had heard the same um but I think that’s where we’re likely going uh so you know we’ll see we’ll kind of keep you up the

Date on what’s going on with that but yeah but it might I mean I think a lot of USC fans wouldn’t be all that upset if that happened um yeah it’s one of those things it’s kind of like the Florida State and Clemson suing the ACC to get

Out I mean even if you like you got to figure out a way to be done with this relationship it’s just sort of like you’re filing for divorce you’re like n I’m going to I’m fine I don’t want to be divorced anymore I mean that’s it it

Just seems like that’s that sour the relationship if he’s this close to taking a job I I think it makes it almost impossible to come back because then it’s like there’s no trust there it just seems kind of the weird ones kind of a weird one so we’ll probably should know

Something really soon but you know like we said it seems very likely but not like official official and it’s too bad for USC that it probably won’t happen until next week because they’ll be at a disadvantage recruiting the portal even though they maybe could do some stuff

Behind the scenes me to overcome that a little bit but the financial piece of it you can’t fire Andy Enfield because his contract is guaranteed through whenever his extension was signed I I late this decade so he has a lot of years left is what I’m trying to say and if you fire

Him then you got to pay him a lot and if he leaves on his own then you don’t and that is significant so the recruiting timeline kind of stinks if he doesn’t leave until next week you’re at a big disadvantage in the portal but you save

A lot of money and that’s probably more important in the the long term I think we got a couple questions in the chat and we’ll end this one uh what player are you most excited to see and who really looks like a dude what player am I most excited to

See that’s a great question I wish we could see more yeah we can’t really see much so that’s a hard one to answer because we don’t see a whole lot um I think on offense Woody marks yeah he would be up there jumps out to me he spoke to us on

Tuesday um kind of quiet kid but just you can tell like you just get the feeling like all right this guy’s going to play you know oh he has to play without him they’re in trouble at running back so I’m excited to see what he looks like and I I imagine he’s

Goingon to get a ton of touches and I think he’s better as a pass catcher than Marshon Lloyd is so or was so he can do some more things for that offense kind of like a Swiss army knife so I’d say I’m probably the most excited for him

And then what was the other question oh uh who looks like a dude Elijah newbie looks like a dude he’s solidified himself taking number two reps alongside rayon Davis based on some of the linebacker stuff we’ve seen it was great to hear Miller Moss talk about how he’s really bought in I don’t

Know if playing time not on special teams will will happen with him much unless there’s an injury or he really really impresses but I I think USC got a really good player and there’s a reason his recruiting ranking every time the new updates came out would go up and up

And up he he’s someone who it’s not just Miller Moss it’s not just us talking about him it’s it’s sort of very apparent that uh he’s just getting better each and every day they want to know um who’s taking like Teka Curtis’s reps too so newbie would be one of those guys right

In the practice Yeah so what what we can see it has nothing to do with 11on 11 football but when they’re doing their own separate linebacker drills it’s been Mason Cobb and East mascarenas Arnold taking good um probably the least heralded of all those guys there juice Robinson maai

Lemon um I’m excited for Mai yeah Makai like he you know he he showed some flashes in that game too and then you know you know zachari Branch was sort of like the afterthought in the Holiday Bowl but those you know those three guys were stud so I think seeing that room

And him mentioning like Kiran Hudson who we got to talk to uh the other day as well you know being one of the leaders so it’s it’s not as deep of a receiver room but I mean it’s I think they have some real talent in there and they’re

Probably they’re going to add somebody from the portal as well but um seems like pretty good chemistry right now and uh and some really good talent there and some young some young talent I do think there will be one or two home run portal additions this second window I don’t

Know who I don’t know what position but I think they’re going to hit on a couple of guys who okay like I’ve heard of that guy and he is a real player guys who I don’t want to say they didn’t hit in the first window but like a Jordan Addison

Or like a Barry Alexander someone who people will really know and has a lot of talent we uh we’ll do one last one only nates at USC Hoy how is Amos T looking offensive line is suspect this year we need him to hold down the Right Guard

Spot he’s been taking some Right Guard reps so that um is a good development for him but I think Chris had something in the Paris style about how Isaiah Rees beat him up in one drill he’s just young so I don’t know their offensive line needs a

Lot of help to me it’ll be the talk of the off season how good the offensive line is will determine how good the team is in my opinion because I think there are some major holes there and they they need help both tackles are very inexperienced and you need a Right Guard

So three out of five spots are sort of up in the air and then Jonah Center Emanuel penon at left guard those people are reliable I I think in Jonah switching positions last year we saw some guys switch positions who were reliable in the past and then it didn’t

Work out so maybe I’m mistaken to put him in the automatically going to be good stack but I do think he’ll be good he’s the best offensive lineman on the team even if uh he is playing Center so that’s where I’m really nervous about and we’ll see I think Josh Henson and

Lincoln Riley behind closed doors are nervous about it too yeah I think when we asked Henson about it yes is it yesterday yeah yesterday at practice it was so early it was like seems like two days ago but um I mean the first thing he mentioned with monheim was just how I

Mean how smart he is and it’s just it’s one of those things that you you rely on that Center to do a lot and I think the stuff you would that Henson might worry about with a center if they’re not getting the calls right or not making

The right you know I don’t think he feels that way with monheim so at least you’re starting off in a really good spot and we’ll see you know if you’re someone playing out left tackle like you can know what to do but doing it can be

A whole different story um so as long as the Snaps are good I think you know we know we can block but just making all those calls and doing you know getting all that stuff right setting you get everyone on the same page getting those

Five guys to be you know they always say it’s like five fingers on a hand they all have to kind of work together that’s his job and it seems like Henson was pretty confident that he could do that uh so you at least you got that going

And you know probably the hardest part you feel pretty confident you could do I saw a question on the YouTube about freshman on the too deep if the season started tomorrow Elijah pagee red shirt freshman left tackle either Amos or anani Noah at Right Guard to well Noah

Is actually a sophomore but uh Amos is a red Shir freshman and then at right tackle if it’s not Mason Murphy who is more experienced it would be Tobias Raymond who’s another redro freshman freshman so there certainly would be some guys on the two deep we’ll see what

They do in the portal but even with those additions Elijah paig is going to be on the two deep no matter what and then we’ll see with those other guys alrighty um well I think that can wrap things up uh where do we go yeah hour

And hour and 11 minutes or hour and 12 minutes um great stuff uh from Miller Moss again thanks to uh House of victory for putting that together we haven’t had a uh a player on for a while so it’s good um to get them back get to talk we

Didn’t get to talk to Miller this week so it’s good to get a little catch up with him and see how things are were going and want to thank house Victory thank Trader Joe’s our longtime sponsor and you know of course Connor for coming in he’s just been killing it he does

Every show he wants you know all inst analysis he’s out all the basketball stuff just killing it Conor you’re ready just you never say no I love it thank you for the kind words Ryan I appreciate it yeah uh but if you guys haven’t uh checked out the site Conor’s putting a

Lot of great content up RJ Chris jard shotgun everybody you know Mod’s been killing the women’s basketball coverage um so much good stuff going up there over at USC so make sure you check it out uh you know our podcast feed you’ll love that Pary podcast and

Of course our YouTube channel at insid Troy a lot of great stuff going up there tons of videos go up from every practice and of course we do these live ones as well uh podcasts and the video shows and all of that so uh for Conor Moret Mr

Triple double himself I am Ryan Abraham hope you guys enjoyed the show and we will talk to you next time


  1. Delusional SC fans. The GUY has played ONE GAME in three years of college. Maiava played an ENTIRE SEASON as a FRESHMAN STARTER AT QB, and was FRESHMAN. OF THE YEAR. I expect him to start at LSU.

  2. NIL/paying college players i think is analogous to when the olympics started allowing professional athletes to compete … it lost the meaning of the sport … like, who cares if nba players can beat a team of amateurs from paraguay or some such thing …

  3. Hey my boy I am glad you stuck it out all theses years God is going to bless you so much for being so patient Miller I have a name for you there going to be saying yo quiero Miller Moss all the way Trojans for life ✌️ USC football Go get um

  4. You guys can have those mics off set, you dont need to have them right in front of your mouth. Just a tip from an SC fan, letting you know you dont need to look so goofy. If thats not the case, invest in streamer microphones that are away from your mouth.

  5. When the Air Force wants to drop bombs they use the B1, B2, or even the B21, but when SC wants bombs dropped they call on M7!

  6. MM7s strength is his understanding and execution of Riley's scheme and concept. As for JuJu Lewis, if he doesn’t come to SC, it will be due to more money or wanting to start day one. With the bidding wars becoming more even, we are back to what the school offers, the players around him, and the emotional needs—demands—of the player. Ultimately, how much of your soul do you want to give to a player?✌️

  7. Quickly becoming one of my favorite Trojans of all time. The epitome of fighting on, working hard and believing himself and most importantly never quitting on himself and more importantly the team. Truly selfless

  8. Phenomenal young man! I would have appreciated if we could have gotten more detailed answers for behind the scenes of the offense

  9. Dude, that’s a different cat. I’ve listened to interviews with SC guys for decades and he’s just different. He’s an old soul who has the wisdom and maturity of a 60 yo.

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