Golf Players

PGA DFS Golf Picks | HOUSTON OPEN | 3/27 – PGA Inside The Ropes

Our Golf DFS (PGA / LIV) experts Matthew Wiley & Keith Stewart ANALYZE the upcoming golf slate. Find out who they are recommending for your DraftKings and FanDuel lineups!


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New name for the show Keith inside the ropes oh it was sort of a three-h hour ago name creation so it’s it’s not super creative yet H you know I like it though my first impression caught my attention um we’re in Texas we’re inside the ropes in Texas this week you you’re

Down there or no no I’m at home this week um getting ready for Augusta in a couple weeks so um I’ve talked to enough people down there though I got a great idea what’s going on it’s um it’s uh it’s like this course is done a metamorphosis and so you you get all

These people debating you know skill and strategy this week it’s like the it’s like the blue green dress what do you see right do you see blue or do you see green or or what are you uh what are you doing so what let’s get right into it

Because of this course it’s playing differently than it has previously um last played in 2022 I think there’s a lot of been said already about it so we don’t need to rehash it but from your impressions from what you’re hearing on the ground and what the players are even

Saying in terms of just you know hit it as far as you can with the shortest Club in yeah absolutely because this place is going to play much faster than it did for the three fall Editions uh when they brought in do and kka uh really do uh in

2019 to renovate this this Memorial Park kind of Masterpiece um they wanted to bring the ground back into play and they couldn’t do that with all the Bermuda grass it’s just too sticky a surface too much like a weed too grainy around the greens and the chipping areas and

Everything and then now with the move to March and the O seed uh the greens are going to be the same grass that you saw at Players you saw at valbar that you see at TP Scottdale and then the surrounds are a Ry POA uh the collars the fringes

They’re a Ry POA overseed mix and then you’re going to get Ry and the rough so it’s it’s gonna play much more Um difficult around the greens uh we know about all the long approaches here the um green surfaces are going to reject the ball a lot better and it’s just going to it’s going to take what you know the average score what was 13 under for those three additions I think

It’s going to lower it it’s going to it’s going to make this difficult uh they got rain last week a substantial amount but they only got a sprinkle on Monday they were going to get like a quarter inch they got less than that and then from here forward they have

Beautiful skies and a lot of win this weekend so the place is going to dry out it’s gonna be good really so it’s just gonna be firmer and faster and less receptive is that is that why just more around the green play comes into into

Into action yeah so when do came in he removed a bunch of bunkers um he brought more the water hazards or that Creek into play um he just he just made it much more challenging in trying to figure out where you’re going to land the golf ball and you know with the

Length that you need here um I I think that it really just falls into the hands of a healthy Windam a healthy Scotty um you know the bombers for sure um I’ll be very interested to see how the Joel Damon of the world fit in you know

Because he’s fit in here he’s fit in here before um and he fits in in US opens but um I really think this is going to favor your your bombers for sure yeah so Damon has two top 10 uh here and I think that got enough people interested in

Looking at him this week um but the narrative is definitely shifted towards bombers and if you think about the top three guys sha Sheffer amazing off the te one of the best in the world uh Windam Clark always been a long hitter tagala no slouch you know

You look at the guys coming in toala Sheffer and Windam Clark their recent form is almost identical last two weeks last two times out one two and six one two and nine uh but probably playing the best golf of anyone on tour and they’re in this tournament together so the one

Question mark now is that we had the Windham Clark my back is injured news now take you know take this with a grain of salt because every time you know uh mat yam says my neck there’s a stinger or sheffler same thing they go out and

Win but what do you take from that at Windam Clark because he said it was really bad midweek ah you know I take it that we live in a world where everyone shares everything and um I’m not overly concerned about it I’m more I’m more with you in the camp of

Beware of the Wounded golfer um you know it almost means to me like he’s paying more attention to his body and let’s be honest these guys are here for one reason reason and one reason only Matt and that is to prepare for Magnolia Lane in Augustin naal right and this is the

Perfect place to do it I mean you’re talking about the average Par Four is over 460 yards well there’s only a couple other courses that they play on tour and one of them every year and that’s Augusta National that has par fours that that long so this place is

The perfect warm-up so so don’t be surprised when the zot toruses and the Scotties and and whoever else thinks that they’re you know going to be in contention for a master’s green jacket in two weeks weeks um if they play well this week so I’m not putting a lot of

Stock in the Windham thing um you know one of the one of the stories about Windam is that um he’s pound-for-pound one of the strongest guys on tour so he hits the gym like nobody hits the gym is basically what I’m saying there and that’s the word i’ I’ve always heard on

On the street about him and so I think that the guy’s probably just a little bit more in tune to his body than the average golfer and maybe tweak something a little bit but um he above all else when you look at the transcript from his press conference

He’s really excited about this golf course and the way it’s firming up and how hard it’s going to be because as you mentioned those three names at the top of the board or anyone else we’re going to talk about The Equalizer at Memorial Park may not ball striking from a full swing

Perspective the three winners on average have gained over seven strokes on the greens and now new Surface with the with greens being even purer does that mean it becomes even more of a value based proposition with the putter than it ever did before the uh the top 10 in 2021 with Ortiz

Winning uh he gained a lot of Strokes with the flat stick but so did everyone else typically you don’t see that I mean they gain one and a half stroke over one 1.25 strokes but typically you don’t see that you’ll see a mix some people did it

Around around the greens some people did it with their irons but everyone here seemed to do it with their putter um and so then you get to the question of Sheffer who has you know looked amazing recently with his putter but if you wanted a if you wanted an anti- sheffler

40 to 60% owned uh 2 to one insane opening line fade would you say that because it’s more reliant on it and still will be is that something that we could really count on sheffler for yeah I mean I I think that’s the edge that if you’re picking someone

Other than sheffler I mean if if you put the odds aside and you’re just saying who’s going to win the only way you’re gonna beat sheffler on a golf course that’s this big and requires this level of ball striking like a major championship like an Oak Hill last year

The only way you’re going to beat Sheffer is from like you know basically 100 100 100 feet and in from whole right so any of the small chips where somebody like Windam is better somewhere somebody like sah is better um those those types of guys that’s where they have a chance

Over the course of 72 holes to to get past the guy I mean that’s that’s basically what it comes down to I’ve always argued about the prep right I I never I’ve never said I’ve never thought someone goes into a tournament and I could be wrong tell me I’m wrong

But as a pro I never thought someone would go into a tournament without the intent of winning but just as a prep do you believe that the top guys are here without the same Force they typically have to win a not prestigious tournament but just just sort of bash it around and

Get ready for Augusta because that changes everything right uh a month ago yes 100% uh way ago uh that the guys would have been doing something to prepare for Augusta two weeks out your date’s your date for the prom okay you’re not switching the limo has been reserved this you this is who

You’re going with right so you’re trying to maximize your potential at this point two weeks out and I learned that in my days when um back you know when I was at Alworth and I would watch tiger uh prepare you know basically eight weeks ahead of time for a major and he would

Start to do things and you would see him hit shots that didn’t fit the golf course that he was playing at the time but it was six weeks until you know the Masters or it was it was a month away from you know the the British Open or

Something like that and he started to work on a shot on the Range and you could see him start to pull that shot and pull that shot out in competition and you’re like man that doesn’t really fit to hit like a stinger here on this

Hole like why is he doing that but he was setting up for something further down the road by the time you get this close to answer your question they’re doing what they’re going to do in two weeks but um you know like a good a good um contemporary example this year would

Be like Xander and Victor were obviously they’re obviously working on things whatever ever they’ve worked on at during February and early March is now what they have and they’re trying to maximize that ability going into the first major of the year that that would be their mindset so would you say that

You know sheffer’s sheffler is more working on things or the top players are and a top 10 is fine for him top 20 is fine for him he’s not looking to because if you’re gonna hit shots that maybe don’t fit the moment or the course

Because he wants to work on it it seems to me that’s a percentage Edge down for him in terms of actually succeeding in a tournament uh I mean Sheffer wants three in a row okay that’s I mean that that doesn’t happen Tex too right I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s

Texas um I mean they don’t like losing I mean he could be as cordial as he wants and everything but all of the comparisons to Tiger aren’t aren’t close yet right and he has to start to do things like this and he and as the number one player in the world he almost

Didn’t win for a year so I mean if you really want to get into this right like where does Sheffer stand in this argument everyone’s making a big deal about the fact that you know Sheffer started the week at 300 then he was taking a bunch of money and now he’s

Down on some books as low as plus 260 all right like and and you say oh okay and um Andy brought up one of the better points on social media and he said like hey we got to pump the breaks on this because you know tiger was winning like

20% of the time when he was down around these odds but the fact of the matter is Tiger at his height now you get we go back a ways here so a lot of your audience I don’t know if they’re as old as me but like I could remember you know

Using a bookie to bet on tiger back in the early 2000s and when we started 2008 so if you go back to 2007 the last six events tiger wins five of them and comes in second right so we go into 2008 he’s going to go to the Buick which is Tory Pines or

The Farmers Insurance open he’s even money to win the tournament yeah even money and he wins okay then they go to the match play and he’s like two to one and he wins then they go to Bay Hill and he’s minus 110 to win against a full

Field not 69 players at beill like this year against a full field he’s minus 110 to win he goes in the m I think he was like plus 150 and then he was like two to one to go win the US Open with a broken leg you know he went

12 tournaments won nine times and never went outside the top five in that stretch until he you know he broke his leg and he sat out for a while but like sheffer’s got a ways to go and I think he’s aware of that so I think the drive

There is probably pretty strong I don’t think that he’s taking his foot off the pedal anytime soon well plus you know who’s his greatest opponent in the PGA tour right now who’s giving the most trouble CL yeah and so I don’t think going into the Masters that he wants Windam Clark

To beat him or do better than him even even tala right does he wanted to finish 10 spots below them no that’s a that’s psychology a little bit no no he he’s going in there to win because then his master’s odds get even lower and then it’s brought up even more and every

Conversation in The Press Room so when we’re sitting there in The Press Room at a in that beautiful wooden room right every guy that comes up Xander kley all of them do you think you could beat Scotty this week do you think you could beat Scotty this week do you think you

Could beat Scotty this week right right you know and and that adds to the fry so 100% I I just I mean he may come across you super nice but I I just just I just don’t see Scotty let letting his foot off the pedal I just don’t see it so

Outside of those big three and I you know in my mind I’ve said we we have these we have these premonitions sometimes like tagala sorry sheffer’s putter is going to return uh at Bay Hill and it did um to me I can really see this as a tagala winning type week I

Think it may be his moment this week I think he’s so close I think his game sets up so well here and um you know I like him at Augusta too so um but outside of those big three three then I’m looking at okay I want I

Want the Heavy Hitters right are you look what Heavy Hitters are you looking at this week that provide some decent odds I the one that stood out to me was Luke Liss which was really surprising and his numbers still surprising at plus 7500 a much approved putter we know how

Long he is off the te uh for many for several years that he was one of the longest um but he’s a much better golfer than a plus 7500 in this field at this course and my opinion considering some of the some of the some of the shorter odds below

Him but do you have any guys like that so the number that surprised me the most this week when the board came out was killer Keith and the reason for that was that it was the same number as it was going into valpar yeah and I would have

Thought that number would have got cut so he started valpar right around the mid 4S and then he started this week right around the mid-40s and this golf course is such better fit for Mitchell than valbar because valbar almost at times takes the driver out of his hands

And he’s just gonna he’s goingon to put a round peg in a square hole he’s just gonna keep using it right and his approach numbers lately are almost matching his skill with the driver now you put him on a super heavy driver course and he’s proven to us over the

Last couple of weeks but especially last week when he held the 54 hole lead that like he’s playing really really well right now he gained two and a half Strokes TD green last week and most he needs to putt better right but but but you know what like that can happen you

You you have to be able to ball strike in order to keep up with Scotty and Windam and what’s gonna happen at the top of this leaderboard and Keith I thought he’d be in the 30s to be honest with you if we were playing a prediction game on Sunday night I would have

Thought he would have been down in the low 30s because it’s just in my mind it’s a better fit and he’s proven himself that he’s been hot lately so for me that was one of the bigger surprises in there and then you know you talked about the guys that have top

10 and there’s two of them don’t um they have two top 10 in the last three years that we’ve played at Memorial Park so Joel’s one and Scotty’s the other right and then you talk about the guys with the top 20s and there’s three guys that have two of those Alex SMY non-factor

Aaron Ry never gonna win and um Adam long I don’t know interesting right okay now you go to top 30s the there’s only one guy in the field that has three top 30s on this venue and he was third last week and he’s G coming off three top 30s

In a row and he’s sitting at a higher number like a Luke list he started the week he’s Canadian yeah but okay I I still think he this guy believes that this is a fall event and he’s gonna win it this week honestly like that’s what

He does but do you think he’s do you think he’s long enough or what changes uh Sanderson Farms heavy heavy driver course have to be accurate have to putt well right right one there um it’s just to me he he he plays well on this golf course um I would love the approach

Numbers to be a little bit better but the short game is so good I think in many ways he makes up for it and it just becomes one of those things where it’s the accumulation of a bunch of skills put together but I I think in that area

Of the board um there’s a guy that has some win equity and you’re comparing I mean he’s long enough to do it for sure yeah he’s gutsy enough I mean he’s he certainly you know he was very close at bpar I thought he may even win it was a

Very strange field very strange tournament in my opinion I really most of these weeks you get a read on what you missed or what you should have uh uh in your notes next year but I mean with melady winning and Ryan Moore being up there I mean just ball strike but I mean

These guys aren’t in superb form right if you had 150 yeah if you had a list of 150 guys who could win Valar last week pre-tournament Mady would have been in the bottom five um oh sure especially with all the distractions exactly but taking nothing away from him so um McKenzie Hughes is

Interesting because I think he’s one of the better Putters on tour period definitely I mean yeah um and he’s great short game um trying to think of who he reminds me of a little bit I guess a shorter Fitzpatrick I don’t know maybe um well he’s just a better play

Fitz is just a better player but I I see where you’re going with that um you know there there’s a couple things going on with Hughes right don’t think for a second you know sometimes you need to spend an extra hour on the putting green to to

You know work out wake up early do all of those things you need a little extra motivation all these Canadians want on Mike we’s President’s Cup team you know the President’s Cup team may not matter to you or anybody at RPS in the audience but like it matters to these guys right

Yeah he’s on the outside looking in like Connors and see I yeah I mean he’s 63 in the world rankings I mean let’s talk about two weeks McKenzie Hughes wins he gets in the Masters you don’t think he wants to do if he gets in the Masters

Then he probably gets himself on the presid Cup team because he has a win in order to get get in there he probably needs to finish first or second this week right and and do something again next week in order to get in get into Augusta yeah you know so like

That’s well are you are you are you uh and it’s in Canada of course in Montreal uh which is still part of Canada for now the still it almost was not back in the 90s we almost booted their ass out dirty fren um are you hearing anything from the

Course in terms of people fighting it right now people players working on it a lot like a Xander or a havin who by the way does not look good um or is anyone sort of working on things too much that’s popular that you thought ah I may take a pass on this week

Um it’s t it’s it’s a tough one for me because um I’ve known this young man a very long time um the first time I saw Will zorus was 2014 at the US Jr and I had a student that played against him in that tournament at Carlton Woods up in

The Woodlands just north of Houston um and I was like man this kid’s like a workaholic and um he seems to be working really hard for somebody that looked really good heading into the players and then he couldn’t put the driver on the planet so this will be a big test for

Him this week there’s a lot of pressure on the big stick for him because everybody was talking about him off the after the API about you know get your futures on zalot torus for the Masters and these guys hear that stuff you know and it seemed to me like he he was

Working way too hard at the Players he was gone after two days and um he spent a lot of range time this week um fow is another one fow just it’s a golfer to me he’s a different golfer right now to me he just really so so fenal gained like

Over seven strokes with the putter when he won here for the third time in what five months back in 2022 and he has he cumulatively hasn’t gained that much with the putter on the positive side since he won in Mexico so think about that that’s a year

Ago yeah right that’s how bad his Putter’s been and you have to be good with the putter here um certainly you have to be long and put the ball in play that that’s that’s that goes without saying I think this week but I I think the Potter is really the the separator

This week and all the research I keep doing I just can’t get over how much people gain with the putter so over over all three years I looked at all the top 10 so you look at all the all like the closest contenders right and the

The the the best gains the best Strokes gains were with the Putter and they were better than approach all three years which which almost never happens and when it does happen it happens in a quirky place where you know it’s like all wedge shots in or something like

That I mean we got five par fours that are over 490 I mean this thing’s a beast 7,400 yards with with five par Theses that’s a lot of yardage I mean that’s a lot of yardage to potentially into prevailing winds right you know and uh

Yeah yeah I mean you got the wind out of the southsouth East all weekend and it’s G to be somewhere between eight and 22 miles an hour with gusts that are obviously going to be over that right right so as you spin yourself around in

This golf course and do took out a lot of the trees and everything and you know you get the grand stands and everything else that’s going on you gotta I mean you gotta pump this ball out there I mean one of the reasons you gotta love theala is that he’s really good at

Flighting the golf ball right so the Amer golfers they do what they hit their driver low and they hit their irons High why because they’re super Scoopy and steep well Pros do it the opposite way they bomb the driver high and they can flight their irons low so if you if if

You guys like anyone in the audience walked up and watched these guys hit like a a 56 degree or a pitching wedge into a green that thing would be like under the roof under the ceiling in their kitchen I mean it would be so low they would be like wow was he knocking

That down like no that’s how you can control spin trajectory and carry distance right versus launch conditions optimizing them off the te you want to hit it with a positive angle of approach which means you’re going to launch that thing at like 14 degrees you know with

175 milph ball speed the thing is going to go 115 feet in the air I mean that’s that’s how they do it so you know when we start to analyze who’s G to do well this week um a guy like theala that can really control I mean put Sheffer

Sheffer could do it all well all right but like a guy like theala is really really good at fighting his irons he almost is somewhat of a lowball hitter um and you know um Willie Z the same way if he’s on he certainly would be a

Threat just seems to me like the driver might not be on but like um and then you know they got a guy like Jason day that hits Moon balls all the time you know even with his irons so like there would be something that I

Would look at um you know you guys all have Apex height to look at if you really want to do a deep dive do a deep dive and and look at your guys and see see what it is you know feno another another Super bomber High guy you know

And um and then see what else you can come up with but that’s definitely a lean on my side of of who I’m picking the uh the the bomber narrative in terms of value guys in the bomber range and I’m talking about guys like bramlet he’s a

Top 10 here right yeah champ played well last week at valbar who seems to who seems to periodically just pop and you know there’s form is not very consistent for him uh uh I think he had several miscuts and just really out a form and then won the Safeway Napa Valley which

Um was was really odd for us at the time because we didn’t expect him to do anything and then he plays well to Valar last week we know how far he can hit it and he can putt uh he’s a decent putter but any of these bombers like I’m

Thinking of bramlet uh I love Cam Davis please talk me off of him because it’s becoming somewhat of an addiction Vegas is a $5,700 golfer now right yeah I mean and he plays he plays tough courses really well and he’s because he drives the ball and straight yeah you know yeah Vegas made make a lot of sense to me at that price and because he didn’t play all last year everyone’s

Like well Vegas hasn’t been playing good time out Vegas hasn’t been playing the last time he had a start was Mexico he made the cut right like there’s nothing to base it on so I mean before that he was uh Vegas was what top 25 in Phoenix right so like if

We um I mean if you’re gonna take Scotty at whatever he is $15 million you know what is it 13,000 in DraftKings you’re gonna need a five guy probably to pair him with and um how about a bomber like Kevin dhy or Johnny Vegas there you go yeah I was

Thinking as Sammy but you know we’ll get we’ll get Sammy one day oh man uh B here I throw some names and you just tell me I’m stupid uh bergon pendrith Norman bramlet dietre those are all the the heavy Hitting off the tea guys that you know I’m kind of circling a little

Bit I mean bramlet you could do on history but the rest of them I you don’t I don’t know I don’t I I um I always play Ryan Palmer in Texas by the way yeah it’s good it’s good yeah and somebody said earlier I saw in the chat

Uh yes the gala moved from California to um uh to Texas he did that’s that is confirmed so this is a home home game for him if you want to my tagala is my non- sheffler winner it’s coming to me strong um yeah I mean he’s um a lot of

People forget he was number one college player in the country um in the spring of 2020 at Pepperdine he was ready to win a National Title and covid shut everything down and that kid handled that um he’s handled some major disappointment on tour and he still managed to win on a very difficult

Driving golf course in Napa and now he’s coming off two straight top 10 on two extremely difficult driving golf courses that are both very very hard and the ball striking is as good as his world class short game I mean that’s an easy that’s an easy script to write for

Me Daniel says what’s your take on Bobby Mack I never really have a take on Bobby Mack I think I think a lot of these imports from the DP world just don’t have the success we see over there um it seems like a Fleetwood Chase but maybe you do

On Bobby Mack you know um I it’s kind of the same thing with hogard right like they’re going to pop every once in a while because they’re pretty talented but the fields aren’t as deep on the DP World Tour so even though they came in the whatever they were the top five in

The points and that’s what got them their card this year with that new um sort of partnership excuse me that the two tours have but like they’re gonna need some time to figure it out you know one or two of those guys is certainly you know Pavone’s another one that made

His way over here he figured it out pretty quick but you know um the fields just aren’t as deep over there so uh I mean just look Fleetwood and the guy’s super talented but he can’t win over here and he’s won like six times over there um you know uh you’re typical like

Mexico over in the DP World Tour and then you get a Tommy or somebody to show up or a Bobby Mack and they win or you know or Rory yeah I mean like you know it’s um I don’t know I I just kind of lump Nikolai and Robert in that group super talented

And everything but I like I don’t know that those guys are any better than like Aaron Ry on our tour you know because Aaron ry’s won over there too you know like that’s that’s a fair comparison you know like um and we you know I could be

Wrong um but um I mean of the three I just mentioned there Pavone hits it like stripe Show versus you love Pavone oh I do I do I I mean what’s not Jake Na’s getting some smoke this week uh yeah yeah length yeah length but I think I

Think Jake Napp has spent a few weeks counting some money and then you know you you I I I think Jake knap is kind of uh probably someone we need to take a break on for a little bit I mean you you make that much money you win you become

Popular there a lot of other distractions media agents endorsements in my opinion from the business side right I you can maybe have a couple weeks and then then it all starts sitting in right I’m a winner on tour and you know are you married Matt yeah so you’re familiar with the honeymoon

Then yeah right yeah yeah exactly you know what I mean what I’m saying is I’m divorcing Jake nap oh that’s tough that’s tough he’s a great young Superstar he’s somebody with at least a penchant for like attracting our entertainment value on tour you know more so than a bucket hat and a dozen

Yellow golf balls but hey who am I two two two last questions one any any any popular any popular Fades that you say a lot of people are chasing right now and you’re just not into like a lot of guys people are getting a lot of Steam on and

You’re just saying that’s just not for me um and it could be in the upper classman like sheffler Windham Clark toala alator nap Jagger Kim well we already talked about feno um Pho he’ll still get ownership in that range I you know like I like SEIU I don’t like

Day um um a lot of people are just fascinated with joerger and um late night I’m just not a joerger shot guy you know like I’m just uh you should do some you know I mean I have I mean I’ve been to college um but uh you know I

It’s just no um you know like if you if you want to ride a guy in this tournament to like with with ball striking to get you close to the Finish Line I mean in that same price range or you gonna take Tom hogi and the q1 that

He’s had or you gonna take Stephen joerger who everybody jumped on at the cognizant and then he completely ejected um I’ll never quit Tom H you know people people are people are gonna jump back on Bo Hustler this week um because he’s going back to Texas and I don’t see that

At all you know I I just don’t see that in that range um Billy horel could be like a Joel Damon at this place I’m sure I’m I’m sure you have you have a very smart audience you know I’m sure a bunch of people have seen his statistics pop up

Um it’s not a bad SP last week looked really good he looked good last week yeah and um H you know Billy puts the work in he’s definitely one of those guys um that works it out on the Range you know what I mean and puts the time in um the

Uh Beware of the right eight events this year eight miss or four Mis Cuts four top 20s so you know a lot of people are going to you know take flyers there um the uh I mean the com um I think I saw in the comments there somebody

Mentioned something about a comp right your comps to a place like this are going to be major championship venues like a Southern Hills it’s not going to be just a long bombers place like a Mexico or something like that or well um from a driving accuracy point of view Sanderson Farms yes but

Everything else no um so if a guy drives it good at Sanderson um like if you want to go after Ben Griffin or something like that then you know so you’re I’m okay with that you’re 1100 par type guy like this is 1100 par winning score oh

Yeah yeah especially when the wind I think so yeah I mean um it uh yeah yeah yeah I think it’s I think with the wind and the Sunshine and the temperature um it’s going to get in the low 80s over the weekend and it’s going to blow 20

And there’s going to be Sunshine um so you know you should typically your your easiest holes in the course are your par fives and uh you know these are difficult par fives I mean there’s there’re still I think 11th or more difficult um and this is not a lot lot

Of opportunities to score here yeah I I mean your three par five is what average almost 600 yards and what of the hardest holes uh um to continually continually par on golf courses par 3es and that’s true for the runps audience and it’s true for me and

You and it’s true for the guys on tour well you just added an extra one and they’re hard here the par 3es are hard here um so I you know I I think that if we get the conditions that um that we expect I I think that if you get

To a dozen or Baker’s Dozen I think you you have to be happy who’s your winner who’s your winner um you could be gutsy you can say Vegas no no I I don’t know if it’s the first name or what but um I’m I’m very high on ke Keith Mitchell this

Week so I just is it your non- sheffler winner or is that your winner winner um you asked me for the winner I’m fine with it I like it I love it you know um I mean I think I think the three at the top something has to go wrong for

Each of them and I don’t know how all it happens for all three of them but um it it uh I don’t know I mean Keith Mitchell’s having a career ball striking moment he is I mean you just look at the numbers he is he’s I mean he gain in two

And a half Strokes TI to Green that’s good in an event I mean that’s that’s good you know plus he’s always hit it far I mean he’s always he’s he’s a big yeah oh I mean he’s uh all right so he’s the he’s the only guy in the field

The last four years to be in the top 11 Strokes gained off the te on the PGA tour only guy last four years so if you’re looking for an elite driver he’s probably the best driver of the golf ball um in the field and that’s why I

Think that there’s a there’s a there’s a huge Edge there you know and um if I have a if I have a worry about Keith it’s just that the putter has to wake up but that’s a much easier to do than it is to try to find 25 extra yards off

The tea and straight tell you that much yeah because there’s just yes you can’t you can’t fake your way through hitting at 3:30 yeah I mean if you took if you took Mitchell off the te and combined him with theala putting you have wam Clark essentially

You know said Windam does it as many Fairways as Mitchell but you know what I’m saying like the the guys that are playing good right now um doing both those things I mean yeah I mean they’re just bombing it there’s so much speed and the and the touch they have on the

Greens is just capitalizing on things you know I mean um average winning scores 1300 par three times here and the top 10 the three top 10 average 18 and a half um subpar scores per tournament so think about bogey avoidance you know that’s yeah like that’s like six to the bad even if

You’re good um you remember when kokra beat sheffler sheffler made a couple mistakes the last day made some loose Bogies it’ll happen here it’s a hard golf course and um that’s why like in that conversation I get hesitant when you’re just like well bramlet did this

And this bomber did this like they gotta be like somewhat good at other things otherwise I mean that’s how Joel Damon does it right he puts it in the Fairway all the time and then he just he you know it’s like a thousand you know a

Death by a thousand paper cuts type of thing that’s the end thing yeah exactly yeah you know um who do you like who who’s winning for you you know it it’s it’s screaming the gala right now I just I just believe that this is his week to

Do it and it’s really going to amp up his juice for the Masters uh which I also believe suits his game I think he yeah I think he’s a phen phal around the green game he’s working on new shots he was working on new shots at the at the

Waste management uh I remember that during his walk and talk and he’s a great putter plus you know he’s a he’s a baller I mean he’s he’s hyper competitive all they all are uh I think I think sheffler going for three makes sense I don’t think he wants either of

Those two beating him going to Augusta I don’t think I don’t I don’t ever believe in the throwaways like I’m just here to work out and work out some things and you guys have have a great tournament I mean this is this is this is Texas and

His territory and you know if they do beat him it’s going to definitely tarnish uh a little bit what he what momentum he has going into Augustus so I don’t ever believe that he’s just GNA lay down not Scotty Sheffer ever no way um no other name what’s that there’s there’s an old

Saying may God have mercy on my enemies for I shall not exactly that’s Scotty Sheffer right there that’s Tiger Woods right box you up you yes I don’t think he’s as outwardly no aggro as Tiger but you did see it I mean he He Turned I forget which hole it was

Um I think it was the API where he yelled at Ted Scott yep ninth hole Friday and Ninth and everything has changed since that moment that’s the first time you saw him really [ __ ] pissed it was a release you know you gota let air out of the balloon

Sometimes and that thing was pretty tight and before it popped he let the air out and then guess what but don’t you feel like their relationship is a perfect balance in terms of caddy and player uh I think Ted’s a good psychologist um he says the right things

The right moments for him whereas others I don’t they’re both BigTime Thumpers you know Bible Thumpers right they’re both big time Bible guys yeah so like that’s Easter freaking Sunday dude I mean Jim Nance is already warming up his vocal cords for the narrative he’s already painting right this guy Scotty

Sheffer is touched by God I mean sheffer’s on top of the ground right Windam Clark needs to be resurrected on Sunday after that lift out putt that’s what I’m talking about you know Jesus that that I still think about that Jesus fair oh my God you know um zah

Uh you know so good in college so so good so talented at scoring um remember it took Scotty like 72 events before he won at wmpo um and this was one of the last events before that when he came in runner up to and he and he fold he had

The 54o lead remember and then he folded the lead and then kokra took him um and then three months later Scotty wins for the first time at wmpo in a playoff over kentley and theala was the was the odd man out there remember because he hits

In the water on 17 so theala and Scotty have a little bit of history there um you know and I think it’s down to them at the end of the day this week I really do maybe it takes maybe it’s just taking theala some time to figure it out you

Know Scotty didn’t like roll out and just start winning everything you know um so uh let me see here I I try to read these things um don’t do that oh SEIU I I like SEIU this week I I think it’s a tough spot for him to win I

Think he’s a great placeman I think he’s a great matchup guy um it’s a tough spot for him to win because the putter has to be great you know um yes I know I took Keith kit killer Keith but um um I think that he’s shown signs uh from what I

Seen um especially you know at players and so on and so forth I think I think that the work is there um but see definitely is a threat because if you need 19 if you need 19 subpar scores seiw can get you there in a heartbeat you know uh yeah he looked

Great at Bay Hill really good well I mean he I mean he was what six that players and in the first round he was awful yeah yeah he was like I think those four guys are playing the best in this field right now honestly well Keith

Mitchell that’s a five um yeah I think uh if you look at the um Strokes gain numbers in the field like who’s the coming in let me just pull it up so I’m so I’m accurate uh okay your first three sheffler sewo Joel Damon Keith Mitchell

Wam Clark there’s your top five is this year to date uh this is last 24 so that’s recent and Joel Jam just kicked it into gear man yeah yeah um so Uh they’re one of my closer friends out there especially Gino and um it’s uh he’s working you know I mean and Joel’s good he’s a good player you know he’s definitely capable of being a top 50 player in the world and that’s saying a lot you know

Like our expectations on these guys are so high all the time did you hear the Galas um press conference where people were like you know people complain when I shoot like two under and I’m like man two under on this golf course is great like this is a PGA tour let’s bring a

Scratch golfer out here on Monday and see him see him try to break 90 you know under the same conditions like this is the hardest golf in the world you can play so um if a guy’s top 50 in the world I mean at your home Club he’s probably like a plus six

Handicap you know yeah yeah I’ve always said that it’s like well you know what would you shoot at the Masters on on a Sunday or let alone a Thursday and people like well and I’m a scratch golfer I’d probably shoot a 75 no you wouldn’t you wouldn’t beat it just you

You’re not factoring in the intense pressure of of winning the crowds your playing partners and the intensity of the affair right so add 10 to 15 Strokes off the bat just you’re not that’s why you’re that’s why they’re there and you’re here taking nothing away from from your wonderful swing it’s that they

They can do it under pressure I mean even if you take the pressure away it’s just that much harder it’s that much great golf what would you shoot this week on Sunday in Scotty sheffer’s group uh it’s in the in the final group if I was in the final group

Yes oh golly um I would say uh okay on Thursday my over should have said 65 and just like just like mik Dro stop it I played Oak Hill I played Oak Hill last year the Monday after the PGA Championship that Brooks won at whatever he was what T 10 under

Or whatever okay um and I played with Gino that day so we’re riding around the cart together Joel gave Gino 86 and I think I took 88 as our over unders and and Gino played the whole thing I played from 7,000 yards so I played one te up

Not the 7,400 and we both needed par on the last hole to beat our number and we both played good like I wasn’t disappointed in the way I played and I was 18 over like you don’t understand Jo shoot uh well no Joel wasn’t with us it was just Gino and I

And then a couple other guys but like um like I played good you it’s it’s really really hard it’s so hard and the pin positions are ass they’re asinine they’re unbelievable and the fact that like people on podcast complain about about them all the time they have no

[ __ ] clue how to set up a golf tournament or what they’re doing they have no clue they just complain about things that for the sake of complaining it’s don’t get me going like it’s unbelievable to me like the it’s I mean these guys are so good I used to like I

I lived and worked where Tiger Woods was from 1998 to 2003 and people would ask me all the time how good is Tiger Woods at golf and I would say Matt Tiger Woods is better at golf than I am at breathing yeah I always I always think okay take

Your home course take your home course or take it take a local course that’s pretty easy what would tiger shoot and it’s always like 54 I don’t know I mean average it’s a video game it’s a it’s like gold it’s a joke all right brother killer Keith killer Keith Johnny Vegas

Uh Kevin Dy those are my two fives guys I you know I dig deep for the audience for those and you hate Joseph rley you hate him as a person no no no you said that you didn’t like him as a person no I I didn’t as a pick rewind the tape

Don’t put H you want me to have the court reporter read it back to us come on no the uh yeah uh I mean come on the um I I think sah or sah is is a wonderful story this week and um um if Scotty if Scotty wins this week look out

Look out he’ll be three three and a half to one just remember 2008 Masters tiger was plus 130 going in that’s it to win plus 13 so who’s who’s who’s your is Scotty your Masters winner right now oh yeah he’d have to be the he’d have to be

The the person that you have to beat I’m really interested in the Masters this year more so than last year when they were like these guys are going to come together and they’re all going to fight and everything no they’re not they care less it’s the media that builds all that

Up right but like the best player in the world right now is Scotty Sheffer number two is debatable wam Clark has thrown his hat in the ring and it’s it’s a case right R is there but there’s but there’s another guy there that doesn’t get to play in

Real tournaments right now and he is just foaming at the mouth I mean he is just you can feel it in his interview oh my God I just can’t wait that guy is GNA be I can’t wait to get to Augusta and see the look on his face I mean it is

Going to be one of such determination like he oh my God it’s gonna be so much he took the he took the bag he knows knows what he did he’s a great interview this is ROM oh I I can tell you right now I mean a lot of the agents do the

Back behind the scenes stuff and overselling it to the players I can tell you right now he misses real competition he misses he misses going [ __ ] Toe to Toe with sheffler and him being number one h i mean when your fire burns like that man you need to stoke it if you

Don’t like if you don’t then you just sit around and you stew you know like go I always heard that two most competitive players Chef or maybe one now but the two most competitive players were Phil and uh John RAM on tour man well I mean tiger was another

Level but well in in this in in the recent okay yeah uh Rah is Rah is hyper competitive and it’s outwardly hyper competitive right um obviously Brooks is that way too but I mean think I think rah’s even above that and I think right

Now if you had me rate those the guys at the top I’d have to go Scotty Windam Rah because even though Rah looks like he’s ready to go and defend his green jacket I got no way of KN seen hav seen any much yet I got no way of knowing and

Next week in Miami at deral is not going to do it you know and that guy is’s going to be like the music’s going to be cranking he’s going to be wearing shorts he’s going to be losing his mind because all he wants to do is prepare for

Augusta and then these guys are going to be these guys are be playing 522 yard par fours and like under tough tough conditions it’s just a totally different world I can’t I can’t speak for him uh I think again he’s been very honest about his his departure but a little bit of

Him seems to be like what the [ __ ] am I doing what God I mean I can’t when we sit down Wednesday of mass Master’s week right and I’ll be wherever wherever I find a spot because there is no bedding at Augusta right so wherever I find a

Spot to sit with you or maybe I’m on the phone or whatever right like whatever I’m doing um to talk to you we will be talking about what rah’s presence is like that will be one of our that will be one of your first questions Keith

What did Rah look like when you first saw him and like is he like ready to take on like to go like kidnap women and children you know like is he ready to go you know like I I mean like is he like full Liam n and taken you know like good

Good luck you know like I mean I I can’t wait I I that’s like the that’s like I’m super super pumped to see all of that kind of come because especially if Sheffer wins this week then oh my God you know they’re gonna ask someone gonna

Gonna ask Rah how you gonna beat Scotty how you think that’s gonna go over uh he’s already kind of alluding it to it now right I mean he’s tired of hearing about it oh yeah I mean what’s he gonna come back and say well it’s my green Jack

Until he pulls it off my back right like yeah them fighting words man let’s go here’s the other thing too here’s the thing that will throw the absolute uh Molotov cocktail into this whole mix is if Rory wins at San Antonio right oh right if he just because he’s 10 to

One people love Rory the stories are there the windows closing right if he wins with authority going into Augusta those three Rah Rory and sheffler [ __ ] right then then then the doors really open for a 31 to one Windam to win that thing because the three of them will try

To kill each other and then some guy like Danny Will’s gonna show up and win by one oh my God Rory Sheffer bramlet later Dude

1 Comment

  1. What about Brooks? Leaving out Keopka? He has to be on fire after losing Augusta on Sunday, last yr. Goddamn!! I can’t wait

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