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Kobbie Mainoo MUST start for England | Football Ramble

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The Football Ramble is the original football podcast. Covering the Premier League, the UEFA Champions League and beyond – the Football Ramble is your companion for the 2023/24 season.

On the podcast, we discuss the biggest figures in the beautiful game today. From players like Harry Kane, Mohamed Salah, Erling Haaland, Kevin De Bruyne, Bukayo Saka and Marcus Rashford; to managers like Jürgen Klopp, Pep Guardiola, José Mourinho, Mikel Arteta, Erik ten Hag, Mauricio Pochettino and Carlo Ancelotti.

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That one turn having watched Gallagher as you said like run around a lot press a lot Miss far few passes a younger Jordan Henderson kind of VI yeah maybe makes that turn I’m like right it’s Monday again everybody I’m what a holy Monday Pete Donaldson you’ve

Got a Tash uh I do have a Tash yes and uh guys we’re going to win the Euros it’s all right everything’s fine Brazil’s not in Europe they’re not doing it exactly not irrelevant unless unless they’ve they’ve they’ve got an Australian type deal oh like EUR Vision

Exactly right okay that would put a cat among the pigeons that be annoying wouldn’t it be really annoying yeah any any of the other ones other than Argentina and Uruguay and Chile Colombia not a good idea is it I was going to say get Sri Lanka involved but

They’ do something to spite me wouldn’t they yes but we’d be all for that imagine getting Uruguay in the Euros just getting absolutely kicked to death in the opening game he’ve got yourself Europe gu yeah I mean it’s nearly there in the name Jim it kind of works I think

Or Peru Europe no not quite um England zero Brazil one England suffered the first defeat at Wembley in 21 games and of course um they got the uh the endri experience the 17-year-old scored the winner for those Brazilians he is a formidable looking little chap when he

Came on the pitch and I just thought yes he looks like a Wonder kid scored the goal what is he 62 million pound I think Real Madrid signed him for or something like that but uh but one could call England’s performance a bit flat and uninspiring you were there Marcus do you

Think the the flag made a difference I liked it on the back of the shirt stand on a chance see everything I doctored my England flag which i’ take to look like that one I was waving it away um yeah I I I think yeah I think

The kit probably did yeah could you have been a bit more passionate in the STS that would have helped 12 man yeah I I think I was the only passionate one I tried my damnest to get a Mexican wave going it didn’t happen right um but anyway England’s flat and uninspiring

Performance Jim yeah it was um uh it was worrying in a number of regards wasn’t it because as we’ve said before you know if if Harry Kane is missing that’s potentially disastrous and Harry Kane is a human being so could get injured at any time they have these conversations

In France by going oh killing inpp is if he’s missing well you would expect so surely any any any team is his best player to be fair they have that conversation whenever whenever Jude’s not playing they do they do have that fear that they they lack a bit you know

Someone Point well we’ll talk about for hours later I think just you know it’s a lot of it’s been said a lot over the weekend but England have been geared around Kane for such a long time that when he’s not there um everything’s a little bit janky isn’t it and a little

Bit kind of um uh the connections aren’t there in the same way that the the the style of play has to change in a way that is very difficult to just essentially improvise or to um change with like one short training camp in advance of it so that’s the the concern

Is that we are going to need all of our best players fit I worry about left back a bit as well um in I mean it’s probably going to be trippier if he’s fit but he’s you know probably not um the player he was even a year ago potentially um so

Trippy would do a better job I think than than Ben Chell on that current form and surea I think he’s not scheduled back until sort of May which is quite late yeah it’s still bloody go well I don’t know you know I think it depend I

Mean if trippy is fit he he will he will get the nod won’t he and I think that might save Southgate from making making that risk on Shore yeah I mean you never know I mean Joe Gomez came on of course I mean I think he’ll definitely go to

The Euros um I fact with Maguire pulling out the squad I’d quite like him to start at Center off against quite frankly there’s some weird it was a weird game in that um it was obviously it was [ __ ] um but keed all the debutants kind of had positives about

Them as well so these are weird games aren’t they they’re not they’re not anything that you you can read too much into in terms of what it’s going to mean for competitive football did you enjoy Anthony Gordon Peter I did and I think Anthony Gordon enjoyed Anthony Gordon uh

He was very much like uh you know best day in my life it really sort of meant something to him and I think that’s rare testimony I think in in these days you’re talking about the man who won the Euro under 21s last summer and I believe

Was player of the tournament if he was England’s player of the tourament or perhaps player of the tournament well that was quite a semal moment in I suppose maybe that’s a bit too strong for someone who’s still still quite young but that was the moment because obviously comes comes off the back of

What was quite a challenging first period at Newcastle um goes to the euros does well and then decides not to take time off to go back into preseason for this season and I thought I thought he was really impressive I thought he was you know England’s standout player

Really as far as someone who came in and did exactly what he did when he was picked you know what they always say to debut tons and they always make a point of saying do what got you here you know keep doing that and and he did that he

Didn’t look he didn’t look perturbed by anything at all yeah U you’re right I thought Gordon looked good I think that he could be a handy option I mean greish is obviously cons seemly continuously injured this season and so there could be a spot there because when rashford

Came on I mean his body language looked quite similar as it has done quite a lot this this season but these are not really um things that perhaps people are concerned about I think people might be concerned about that Midfield position yeah next to Rice I thought Gallagher did all

Right I thought he did okay but I think there’s a little bit of split opinion I don’t think anybody’s saying he did brilliantly I mean his passing was a bit off he’s got a good engine on him um and he can hurry and all those kind of

Things but one could immediately say oh really wasan is that is that too much of a compliment I mean I think it’s always handy to have a player like that one thing I would say is when Mayu came on for the for the short time he did come

On I thought he looked very composed very assured and I thought to myself for crying out loud less St him that one that one turn having watched Gallagher as you said like run around a lot press a lot Miss far few passes a younger Jordan Henderson kind of vibe yeah May

Makes that turn I’m like right having like a week before give him the keys forget everything was said on Friday’s show yeah I mean like the week before been like look he’s only a kid you know I think it’s you know we’ve watched United games where it’s it’s

Passing by a bit in part because United are a bit chaotic he did that and I was like [ __ ] it yeah is there a way we can age him like a barrel of vinegar for two months or something it was weird having having mature menu having like two

Little fellas come on and be like right they we’re just watching the future now as well especially andri who has the physique of a Dharma trial right no he he’s got the he’s got the phys there was a Vibe about that you know mean he looks more like a private school 17-year-old

Whose dad got him to take rugby far too seriously far too early yes he’s got proper like you he’s been in the gym since 12 you’re like well that’s why he’s so short yes absolutely yeah but he but yeah the M minor thing’s interesting and I’m a little bit worried that I

Thought this that an 18-year-old who made his Premier League debut this year regardless of how good he is given all the lead up to a knowing that this was a problem position not least because Calvin Phillips wasn’t getting game time at man city did make me think right

We’re not really that we’re not really that further along in this conversation at all and like I didn’t see sorry I I didn’t see this game as a backward step I just kind of saw saw as a bit of a standstill which is also a problem yeah

I think we sort of w menu into existence then maybe just a collective English English fan kind of will love yeah I think well I think we needed something didn’t we I mean I mean ahead of the 2018 World Cup I mean there was there was a couple of players with with very

Little International experience but of course they had a lot more Club experience than so that’s what we’re talking about pford only had three caps going into the tournament and McGuire had five and I know Maguire has his critics now but he was very good in that tournament and has been never pres for

The England side so I you know and and as as well you can look at German squads in in the past where um again they’ve they’ve not been afraid to do that and I I think it is the case with Mayu like if he’s good enough he he he

Plays I just the composure and and the the the way he kind of carries the ball there’s not many English players like that and I think that with England you know they did try and press Brazil they did try and play kind of high but Brazil despite their injuries and England have

Had got injuries as well but Brazil did have a lot of injuries they still had a very impressive front line made L de themselves as well they did as well so three of their back four so it’s important to to point all this stuff out but venicius junior is still Venus J and

Pak and and Rodrigo and all the and so they’ve they’ve got quality in there quite quite clearly um and I think the worrying thing is that how many times they they got through and and how shaky England looked at the back and this is the thing if england try and play quite

An aggressive squeeze them into their own half type of play the vulnerabilities at the back are shown and Walker’s recovery Pace has been crucial for England and of course that was the whole the whole reason why he got injured really was trying to keep up with venicius JR now again one can say

Well there’s not that many players like that well okay but you can’t really kind of go on that and say well there’s a lot of crap toam you know we probably won’t come up against that many quick players so therefore it’s okay but I that’s my concern is that it’s still the same

Questions at the back personally you know I know people you know think I’m well I am a Southgate apologist let’s be frank but at my my even at this late stage my gut feeling would be a stick Joe Gomez in next to Jon stones and I know obviously I’ve defended McGuire I think

Maguire should still go back that was that would be what I would think I don’t think sensible option at this point yeah I don’t I know Gomez hasn’t played that much at Center half recently for he’s an excellent Center half but he’s a brilliant Center half and he has played

There a few times for England even though it was a while ago and I I would be tempted to play Main in front I don’t think that’s going to happen but that honestly after that you get these gut feelings and so and I think that’s what

I’ll probably do can I throw two things Belgium is a big game yeah of course it is yeah but can I throw two things at you because as you say you’re a Southgate apologist but also you were you were there and you watching a lot of

England I the thing that concerned me a bit on Saturday was it seemed like England’s players were really far away from each other there was that yeah and considering the technical skill on the you know England put out on the field that didn’t need to be the case and and

The other thing I’d say um Southgate I think is going to be judged long long term on Phil foden ultimately and obviously you know foden hasn’t done all that well in an England shirt compared to obviously how he’s at City yeah but it feels like he’s someone that this

This period of England is passing him by not necessarily through his own f yeah I mean World Cup he had moments he scored against senal and stuff but I mean it’s all ancient history now but I think the reason for that is because Southgate has prioritized Jude

Bellingham in that in that time that’s what he’s done you know England actually were defending at times almost like a 442 the way he presses he was right up there with Watkins so so Burlingham you know but I think with with with foden yeah I mean look it could be just one of

Those games you know F does have an important game for Man City soon or or there is the Belgium like I know that it will be different in the tournament that the focus the sharpness it’s all going to be there we know this you know we

Shouldn’t get too H up at friendlies I I mean do do you are you suddenly thinking France are crap because they lost to Germany indeed your opinion on France has not changed one little jot has it absolutely and I think as well I’m not really concerned about um this idea that

Foden isn’t quite doing it in an England Shire because I think he’s a player of such quality it’s just it is just inevitable once he gets you know and also a different but you’re right in saying about Kane you’ve got got a very different frontman there who you know he

Had a chance the bounce was slightly high or whatever you want to say but he’d be disappointed he didn’t score I think also from what we’ve said and and Luke has said about about Ole Watkins I think he’s got to start Tony against Belgium I think he basically said that

Yeah I mean all being well neither would really play do you know what I mean so it’s not like the big decision that perhaps we think it is but it’s a decision that still needs to be made yeah that’s spot on I was looking at it

And thinking God so what is the solution to Kane and I was thinking I think it’s something you mentioned Friday about Bellingham being a false n and then I was like well actually like Kane’s injury record is exemplary for England really I think he’s like 22 games in

Major tournaments World Cups and Euros for England like he doesn’t really get injured that often no he’s had a winter break um and there’s obviously he has an injury at the moment but you can’t Bank on the fact that he’ll just be there regardless well I mean this this what

You got to do but you do need backup and I think that but it’s a different kind of backup Now isn’t it which we which we saw against Brazil because he’s everywhere because he’s in Midfield there’s a little bit like suddenly you know um there was a lot of talk in the

Aftermath of the game about all this space England had in the middle and it’s like well yeah cuz a 6′ three bloke who’s like you know 4ot wide is usually the one like dominating that middle Channel isn’t it the we had a lot of chances England had a lot of chances at

Like the far post like Brazil just didn’t shut anything down and but they just couldn’t couldn’t get it into the center to get it to get it in it was it was really disappointing that we didn’t make the most of that well yeah there was there was definitely

Moments where England had the ball in Fairly promising areas but you’re right I mean chws Crossing let him down um there was nothing really I mean England didn’t really create many at all I mean Brazil created more chances more how do op I think it’s op that that they say

Sort of big chances if you like I think they conceded more big chances against Brazil than they did the whole at the World Cup you know so again that tells its own story that it is different at tournaments and so on um but I understand but but sometimes these games

Are actually quite handy I mean I remember ahead of Euro 2016 when England you remember when they went away to Germany with two n down and came back a 1 3-2 with goals from Kane a lovely one from vard Dar and I remember coming into the studio Luke just went this is the

Last thing we need actually you know what one of the things that I think we’ll be usedful going forward and and you know Southgate has hinted at this himself um which is the the treatment Jude Bellingham got and a lot of you know Brazil were pretty pretty foul heavy weren’t they in

General well Pak should have been sent off I’m glad he wasn’t for the sake of it would have been value to absolutely nobody for to be sent off but it happens at tournaments sometimes doesn’t it sometimes you get you get rough house you get [ __ ] house you’re not expecting it it can ruffle

You you can lose your Rhythm and and and a thing like that can upset your Rhythm and before you know it you’re out and you can’t believe it’s happened to you yeah and it’s a it’s a good reminder that that can come out from anywhere when you’re not expecting it and

Bellingham in particular is likely to be the recipient of it so my concern with bellam is that he responds yeah and he went in a heavy one which he got booked for and rightly so but I just think okay we don’t need that yeah he’s a big he’s

Uh the thing I’m I’m not so much concerned about that cuz you know that that retribution is is actually quite controlled because he was pretty good after that he just wanted to get you know get a piece of something in my one concern is he loves talking he does and

He loves talking to the referee and he does that does it in a way that is and he speaks a few languages know he knows all the bad words but but he does it in a way that seems outwardly cuz we can’t hear it quite personable but little like some

Refs have no truck for that have no truck for yeah like you know put your hands on them in a way seems quite friendly he does it in a way in in in in a kind of let me advise you Mr Referee on that and there are one or two players

I mean Roy Keane obviously did it very aggressively but it was as if he was like I’m not happy with that decision you made you need to rethink that next time and you got to be careful as you say especially International level cuz the referees will be told probably to

Clamp down as they always are refere I know where your car is the old uh keep keep smiling cuz the camera can’t can’t pick up what I’m saying I will kill you but more more broadly on on the Bellum thing I’m I’m pretty comfortable with that and I think

Southgate I think he was put to Southgate last week because obviously bellingham’s missed a missed a few games for ra recently and one of them was through suspension through arguing with a referee essentially that’s right yeah um and Southgate says Southgate says um what I will not do is have Southgate

Wars arguably the best player we’ve had in decades all Over The Back Pages I know that’s great f o which is good but it’s obviously it doesn’t it doesn’t rule out the fact that he’s having a conversation behind closed door I mean it’s it’s a thing that England

Unavoidably have um suffered from at tournaments isn’t it silly moments like that where somebody you know a game has changed because someone gets sent off and that’s you know it’s not to say it’s likely from from Belling or any particular individual but devastatingly so when it’s happened so I think it is

Something they’ll think about but yeah he can’t he can’t single players out G you watch your mouth can he and and also because it’s happened in those high-profile situations it should mean it should mean it’s less likely to happen now literally had a documentary about bloke who you know who was

Vilified for that for you know last start of his England career true and human beings got a great track record from learning from the past don’t they famously yeah um mentioned forri Konza came on uh not an easy game to come on no especially especially in his

Secondary position as well I know he’s done it recently with cash being alha Villa but secondary position and also the bloke who is the quickest man in England has gone off because he trying to keep up with one of their blocks anyway good luck there’s there’s your debut um yeah

So we did okay kind of thing with with kza I mean it’ be interesting to see who he takes Center half wise we know it’ll be stones and Maguire um I I really want Gomez in there could it be conza I mean leis dunk when he came on he did look a

Little bit slow for me now you are looking against you are against you know an incredibly quick opposition but still that’s no argument from D well have you seen him you know like but he I like dun I think he’s a good player and his Improvement has been incredible over the

Years um especially recently of course but I I did think he looked a bit slow and surely maybe looking at you know other backup options or something like that quite good quite good with his feet could be good to close out games well but but the thing is though if you want

To press press High then you know but yeah maybe closing out me heading the balls away the other thing the other thing although that’s what got him him in trouble heading I would say also if we if we going from a squad of 26 to 23 he probably lose the Vibes man position

Don’t you yeah do so you’re saying Jordan ederson’s not going yeah’s got to you know buy his own ticket got to get him in there somehow well uh Rico Lewis and James Trafford have been promoted from the under 21 to the senior Squad as Walker Maguire and

Sam Johnson have been ruled out so Maguire’s not there so again great chance for um someone like Gomez or maybe kza to be uh put in the uher who are we going to kick the kick the ball into the back off though that’s yeah that was fun wasn’t it

Right when M gu I was telling him to calm down as well which we read Cher on the yeah everyone calm down what and the way that’s not my fault car Walker reac Oh Harry again you kicked him uh let’s go to Amsterdam where the Netherland will be Scotland 4-0 Scotland

Now without a win their last six games having lost friendlies to England Spain France and the Netherlands in that run so I mean you know some decent opposition it’s important context that yeah yeah but Andy Robertson wasn’t happy after the game he said the fact we have walked off the pitch 4-0 is

Unbelievable we can’t keep doing this going into our old ways against the big teams I mean the word profy has been used uh many times by my accountant for example but this could not could not have could not have been more profit response for from Scotland I like I mean

They had so many chances yes yeah you are right to say that I don’t know how they managed to get themselves in I mean this is exactly they’re talking about though isn’t it like they I mean they were they looked the better team in at the beginning of

The game I think they possibly shocked the Dutch a little bit with how well they controlled the ball also they they harried them as well you D trying to play out from the back he just played into Scotland’s hands time and time again but like I mean obviously Steve

Clark’s absolutely gutted and he was talking about how the approach changed significantly at 2-0 and they seem to sort of kind of just essentially abandon their game plan not really know what they were doing and then I mean it is astonishing that this ended 4-n like looking at how the game actually played

Out and and that’s got to be a concern right a couple of late goals is is kind of uh you know Testament to that the way that it was just like our bollocks you know we’ve kind of thrown this away um and I I yeah I’m surpr I mean they had

The same amount of shots as the Netherlands of course Steve Clark called it painful um and if they’d have come off having lost say 2-0 think a we shouldn’t have lost two a 4-nil the score line is quite daming so we’ll see what they can um produce in the in their

Second uh game of course but yeah I mean losing games against those big sides you can justify and say okay well the big teams you know heart back to qualification where it obviously really matters where they beat Spain of course um but it would be a shame for them

Going into the tournament on a little bit of a a low EB I suppose I think they they feeling about it and talking about it in the right way the like the whole point of this period of you know the Scotland national team is about you know going toe-to-toe with those big teams

And like the reaction to this from fans as well was really interesting because yeah like obviously they played well but like you still get pumped 40 you can’t like G of the days of thinking well actually we you know we were to to Toe with them for a good 65 70 minutes like

It’s kind of not the point anymore no it isn’t the point anymore and they’re going to have to pick themselves up and uh and and and go again I mean they’ve got Northern Ireland on Tuesday you’d fancy them for that so that could be a

Bit of a sort of a confidence boost and no disrespect to Northern Island Scotland are the better team they were not to get a result then I think it would be a real shame for them to to to close the international window I’m now calling it on that note um did you enjoy

Uh Tiani reer opening go judge reinders yeah lovely strike wasn’t it yeah I mean from The Dutch’s point of view I mean they kind of tro off the pitch thinking oh we won 4-0 I mean I don’t think they’ll see that in in the Netherlands like that because they had a few issues

And as I say conceded a lot of chances against Scotland but I mean they have got some exciting players coming through they do and and you know you know I love old Ronald as a manager you know he’s there this is a late birthday present from him he wants an even more

Ridiculously late present as we as we spoke about winning the Euros I I I know people aren’t really fancying them and and that performance may not convince people either but again you look at some of the experience you look at some of the players they’ve got yes it’s not

There on the same level as France or maybe not even Portugal but I don’t think it’s ridiculous to think they could have a good tournament no I think they’re also in a nice position where there’s not a huge amount of pressure on them and they’ve got play like kind of

Youngish players like all and um um Javy Simmons as well coming through who are real real talents who I don’t think there’s going to be this kind of you know um terrible pressure on them to perform that they may play with a sort of freedom and I I think they’re

Probably going to give us some some good moments at the Euros yeah I think that’s it they they they’ve got a lot of players to like be quite exciting but they’re shunky ass aren’t they yeah but I think Jim’s right they’ve got moments in them yeah yeah they’ll be fun to

Watch moments can win your tournaments um but they often are not enough to win your tournaments uh as we bloody well know uh before we go for a break uh Ireland uh Drew nil nil with Belgium who are playing England tomorrow evening of course John O’Shea’s

First game as interim manager I like it that’s Lovely isn’t it it’s a lovely old job lovely old job the former sundland man as he’s well known as um yeah there has been rumors of Chris Coleman coming in as manager don’t think that’s gone down too well in Ireland um but I mean

Who who do you go for give Roy Keane the job come on cowards I can’t well given how he stin went last time I can’t imagine that he’d wanted no of course he doesn’t want it I’m just there certain people above you you know like the the um the party sesh

Monsters or the deles of this world yeah are they still are they still all up there I don’t know so U no I mean we W inv to the leaving do yeah thank goodness yeah um yeah I I I don’t know who they go for now I mean they they

Really tried something with Kenny as we spoke about and it just didn’t work which was a shame so I don’t know never know John OA May um impress I mean they might have been a better result for them had Evan Ferguson put away his penalty a

Little slip in there didn’t he yes down the middle straight down the middle yeah Shame Shame Shame all right everybody coming up in the second half we’ve got some incredibly uh quick goals a little bit of domestic football oh and Sven at Liverpool see you in a moment Go well the football r that was a commentator in Argentina who left his autot tune on quite why was it even on yeah what what M plins best Disco in did you get that from I knew you’d have a problem with the sound who s this to T Pain again lovely stuff that

Thanks to Friend of the ramble Anette uh for choosing that clip you can become a friend of the ramble too by heading over to ramble you’ll also get access to the Discord where the patrons have been floating the theory that the new Brazil manager Doral Jr is a DDA day

Shoms in Disguise click the link in the show description to sign up bit of Wal Smith in there as well maybe could be yeah Chuck them all in I say classic stuff France zero Germany two France is [ __ ] France is [ __ ] FR [ __ ] but Germany are good now yeah

That’s the fear isn’t it that they they’re starting um they’ve got Tony starting their cycle as underdogs they’ve got Tony Cruz back it’s maybe because their um friendship with Aras ended my new friend is Nik maybe maybe that’s that big move is uh oh and they’ve sabotaged out kit haven’t

They all about the mind you they’re annoyed at their pink away kit apparently in Germany or are who knows I smell a rat here well uh I’ll tell you what they are good at is starting games um Florian vers with the opening goal after seven seconds incredible what a go

I mean was like I don’t I don’t know how how much to celebrate I’m just like it’s too early it’s way too early to do any celebrating well go that early you kind of like you you feel like you an England F if I’m celebrating this point it’s

Going to go into a montage when we get hammered yeah exactly you score an early go everyone is just so pumped but as you say there’s a long time to go uh 7 Seconds though and and it was clearly a routine you remember that routine that um was it Barcelona tried it Bournemouth

Did it brilliantly at did really well yeah yeah and there was there was a bit of R I think this is this is definitely something isn’t it because the way the pass the way the runners just bombed forward know where they’re going and it created the space for for ver to sort of

Hung back Cru obviously picks him out now there was a lot to do and there was I think was a Nick off the defender did you say Cruz picks him out yeah yeah does he does he not just like play it to it there was no real obstruction in the

Way was there what do you mean in terms of G rather rather him in a crowd yeah I think it made it sound like oh he’s threaded it through Well he kind of okay fine right Cruz passes the ball to him thank you right and uh of this fancy

Language yeah come on and ger and and France is low block couldn’t deal with it but Germany on the transition yeah and all that kind of stuff but yeah um but Tony Cruz an assist straight away making a difference three years after um he he retired from International

Football it’s his first appearance back Jim Cruz being back is is a huge Bon for them obviously not just because of the quality that he has but if you look at him and El Kai gundan in there but with the sort of the youthful energy and the invention of Jamal musalo and Florian

Vers in there it is but that is a really really well balanced Midfield is brassel doing that thing again you know in ah head of the last Euros where well balanced attack yeah yeah yeah he talks up another side and then he picks another side for his Underdog of the

Tournament he’s doing Germany down he’s he’s got something going on there is he I know what you mean they look I they’re not in the best moment uh as as has been well documented but this might be the beginning of turning that around though isn’t it they certainly believe it well

France fell for it didn’t they they just turn thought they they wanted to they just Sleepwalk to a win but they didn’t yeah it’s hard to get the Feelgood Factor going if everyone already feels good you know yeah I know what you mean you know what would that be like the

Amazing feel Factor yeah doctor feel good oh yeah I’m feeling real good on this emotional Plateau it’s just it’s not the same You’ got to have something to overcome and Germany have had that and this is a this is a potentially a kind of vital step back in the direction

Of the of the Feelgood Place feel good friend but yeah I I mean obviously you know friendlies can be meaningless and and you read too much into them but I think it’s different when you beat France in France as you said earlier my opinion of France isn’t different but if you’re a Germany

Fan you might be looking at like going you know what we might have something here yeah You’ you’ve got to kind of spin it the way you can and and the fact is they’ve beaten them and it was a huge win and apparently the last time they

Beat one of the supposed big sides and kept a clean sheet was on the AFF forementioned Lucas podolski’s unofficial farewell match against England where he the only goal in in 2017 but Cruz was brilliant in his return he ran the show and won again could argue that ah France you know

Taking it seriously da d d da look they’re always going you always take it seriously you always want to win the competitors of crying out loud again it could be different in the tournament but Cruz going in there I think will just relax a lot of Germany fans you go oh

There’s a guy who’s done it there’s a guy who knows what to do yes he has been a part of some of their disappointments but he’s a Quality quality player he’s one of the best center midfielders you know in the last I don’t know how many years you would argue Rudy voler once

Said of him that Cruz has been pissing Ice Cube since he was 18 which would be very painful if it was literal you had kidney stones uh G Stones G Stones what’s the difference uh one’s in the G bladder and the others are in the the

Gold can someone let me know whip it out whip it out get rid of it think it’s for being outrageous yeah it was they had them in northern France it kind of spread and uh you know but uh but yes one for the history fans there hopefully but yeah I

Guess yeah it all makes sense in the end but Cruz was brilliant and Kai havitz up front as well yeah and obviously you know lots of people um are still uncertain about Kai havitz as a striker but what he undoubtedly brings is a sort of defensive solidity in that final

Third and control is obviously going to be be a big part of Germany’s game so that is also something that makes me think the fun might be over if I mean if you’re unsure of him playing up front when they played him left back you were

Less sure of that yeah but he scored then and he scored at the weekend as well so is this a h experiment we’re just going to play when yeah you’ve got your touch you you know what you’re doing we’re going to be okay from the French point of view um their defense is

Interesting to me now obviously I have a huge Premier League bias here but I think if you have William CRA and Ibraham a canate as your defensive options and you play Benjamin pavard and um de upano at the uh at the weekend and obviously this may seem very Premier

League biased Perhaps it is very Premier League biased but William CBA and Ibraham a canate seem like an imperious defensive pairing potentially tell him that yeah but I’m I’m I’m just intrigued as to why Des shamps hasn’t hasn’t really looked at that yeah I mean do you

Remember the goal pad scored in the um I do 2018 absolute Beauty playing it right back yeah true I I mean those two players have got longevity playing under day shoms and as we know with with with Southgate that matter loyalty there so perhaps there’s that I mean yes I agree

With you I mean if those two are they’re fit and their their options why on Earth would you not do it maybe we’ll but I mean Germany had um a couple of players who I think one player who andri who had only had two caps and

Maxim mitat he he started at left back I mean it’s like for his debut I mean they played really well yeah they did with not very much experience so maybe there is well I mean andri had trouble coming yeah andri it’s fair to say I mean if

You if you look at where he starts on on the on the pitch you know if you looking at the formations as it’s sort of lined up I mean around him he does have gundan Cruz msala rudiger and kage you know so if you’re going to be surrounded you

Know put him in there he should be okay I mean he’s he’s fragile shell is it he’s uh you know he’s been important for leverkus been field obviously and we SE they’re having so it’s um it’s annoying that actually thinking about it you look at those names you just read off there

Into stagen in goal as well like you have to take them seriously yeah again they are or were a tournament side but they’ve got it in their in their history very much so I mean the last sort of what World Cup and and and you know the

Last few tournaments have been a little bit off for Germany it’s been it it feels more like a blip yeah and it feels unlikely that it will continue for this long yeah inde DED and and that goal from verts by the way we said um 7 Seconds of course it wasn’t the quickest

Goal in uh in International Football men’s international football history um because Austria scored one earlier on that day which ABS extraordinary six seconds yeah you think to yourself oh my goodness yeah what a start but the austrians got their first I think it was a better goal as well because kind of he

Takes it around essentially the whole team in a way that you’ve done to me on FIFA an annoying amount of times while either humming the match of the day theme tune or going oh Jimmy Cru man is does that sound like me ladies and gentlemen I think it’s better than the Germany goal

Because well as you said the Germany goal had a bit of structure to it it was clearly pre-and B Gardner clearly thought ah [ __ ] it yeah yeah well you I think they’ve been playing FIFA because the way he goes straight there’s two Defenders that come across he shouldn’t

Do that he would have thought of this yeah shouldn’t have done that Deka hadn’t warmed his knees up yet yeah yeah good point and and and he took advantage but it was a lovely finish 25 years day still got to knock it in the corner I’m brilliant brilliant goal fastest goal

Six seconds it can’t be much quicker than that I love the fact though that these quick goals mean that that San Marino goal against England in 1993 or or 94 whatever it was gets just pushed up the list a bit higher we’re only doing top sevens yeah how

Many more do we need before actually I haven’t checked Jim I haven’t checked but I but having two this weekend how many how many FA Cup third round wins of Newcastle have to do to get rid of Ronnie Radford oh Ronnie same amount oh dear elsewhere Denmark Drew nil nil with

Switzerland I suppose the only highlight of this game was Pierre Emil hyberg pushing over the referee because he was getting in his way and if you’ve seen this it is well within his rights do you really I I I think the referee I think the referee if he wasn’t hit in the back

He would have been off and then some yeah I think hyberg a bit lucky that I understand that I I used to be in the I don’t know if it’s still the case but but the the feeling used to be like the referee’s kind of like almost like a

Goalpost you see mean and the ball hits him and you play on although the the laws have been tweaked now turns around and starts kicking his heels on him goalkeeper comes up and puts his water bot next um so I suppose in the spirit of that like if the referee is

There like just you know you can bounce off him or whatever but I don’t know I thought it was I thought he was a bit aggressive I thought a little bit naughty you know when you have and it’s hyberg as well you know when you have the slightest reason to do something and

You do it a bit bad yes that’s it tell us more about that like like yeah yeah me and Vis celebrated shoplifters yeah is that right yeah you nicked something out and assist that you didn’t have to take all those Mars balls yeah exactly

But if you go to shop and there know a carball policeman in the window uhhuh uh like most pound shops in Harleyville you’re allowed to you’re just allowed to really it’s the right thing to do where can people get in touch with you P if that little concave mirror is smudged a

Bit fine get involved there we are get involved that’s how Society Works uh Italy beat Ecuador 2-0 in a friendly last night uh spetti his ban PlayStation from the Italy Camp he said if they need something to do at night I’ll give them homework and something to destroy ra

Them right yeah maybe not in that tone butox man like no one’s yes that’s the way round it like no one’s ever played a video game instead of doing their homeor yeah surely Xbox is the uh I’m I’m you’d be curious as a Italy player though wouldn’t you to be like what

Homework is he going to give us yeah yeah interesting what would this what would this actually be the history of the combustion engine yeah here’s the history of Napoli season last year uh it’s funny I remember when Capello was as we all do was manager and when he

Took them to South Africa it was described as a prison camp or whatever cuz everyone was like you’ve got to be IND and he could never understand the England players always wanted to do activities and they always they were like kids he felt like buzzing around

Where he said in Italy they would just kind of like sit around talk about football smoking uh well I mean maybe not smoking but that kind of vibe of why is smoking table tennis is it like footballers are just they’ve got something wrong inside that makes them

Very competitive and they that make them wrong it just makes them wrong inside it’s an unethical product for football we all know it um and and when when you play they all just constantly when they’re not playing football they have to play pingpong so take the ping pong

Tals or golf or golf yeah Dart is a big one for England as we know right okay yeah Lucas bki and Lucas bolski but yeah but the apparently according to I think it was Capello the Italian players are just s chill out having a cappuccino and

A and a having a big old before midday and all that but maybe it’s are changing maybe in Italy That’s Italian players is not the case anymore give him a darts board for crying out loud a dart just one just throw anything unbelievable uh let’s come all the way

Back to some domestic football action because domestic football carries ones you can have shiny International stuff but there the real football people are still going away in the football league Harriet Town versus Bradford city was delayed 10 minutes because a linesman had a nose bleed he was in fine F he’s

In fine Spirits even though no would not stop bleeding oh dear poor poor chap you could hide a little um tampon in the handle of your flag couldn’t you yeah that’s true you could for such experiences yeah if you’re very very well prepared for every possible eventuality could I mean you could hide

A pepper armi in there yeah what else could you hide in a in a in a flag what about when you’re signaling for offside and it falls out into your mouth um sorry ridiculous question I don’t know why I asked it so it’s it’s it’s kind of is it a naked pepperoni

Though or is it in its little condom oh little condom well you could chew it and then spit out the condom yeah it would be it would be an astonishing did you ever used to eat the condom no yeah I used to Che I us to chew on the chew on

The condom no not for me sounds like sounds like Vish and Marcus and everybody everybody ises it then no not not for me little even even if I get um you’re a refrigerator man uh yeah I don’t mind refrigerator uh but even even

If I have a chizo I I take the um sheath the sheath do you yeah theal you don’t have [Laughter] to version of the pepperoni pepperoni condom little little metal clip good for what yeah just get it straight down yeah it’s bloody good stuff that it is um

There’s a tiny bit of meat just caught in the metal yeah I always don’t steal don’t steal things from me you got to eat it you don’t want an iron deficiency exactly got to get it down here uh El where yeah sorry her and Bradford that’s

All we’re talking about you uh in League one uh Northampton masc Terence the dragon had an altercation with Derby County player Nathaniel Mendes Lang after the mascot picked up the ball when it went out for a corner yeah touching the ball mascot Mendes Lan gave him a

Little um little tap on the shoulder and he he went down like he’d been shot it was brilliant yeah yeah enjoyable Mendes Lang might be the broadest footballer I’ve ever seen well yeah he got incredible shoulders mascots are pretty big aren’t they yeah that’s true broad shoulders don’t have posable thumbs do

They yeah are there any with pausable thumbs like human hands imagine if you had like mascot big S plush body and then human hands I think that be weird it be pretty rough yeah we I don’t think any of us would uh would want to see that um but let’s talk about something

Genuinely good and and football Chesterfield Chesterfield became the first title winners of the season this weekend this is the national league of course not in the football league but Chesterfield now are football league mates they are indeed they went down in 2018 having had a 997e spell in the

Football league but they’re back baby and they’ve done it with a plum you have to admit Jim Campbell I don’t know why you keep trying to deny them this they beat boram with 3-0 at home that means um that they’re through they are they’re through to the football league um

They’re 21 points above second place Barnet they’ve scored 100 goals and they’ve been top since the 16th of September yeah to to to win a title in March is astonishing isn’t it at any level come on come on I I it’s absolutely glorious and Paul Cook him of

The voice change Fame and former pompy man is is their manager The Voice Change Fame he do you remember when he gave that interview and he was sort of talking and said oh yes I thought he meant the um tpen man what is in like all the voice

Jes yeah the aut he doesn’t need autotune he’s a he’s a genuine artist he does it he does it yeah glorious for them and will Grigg has been firing the goals he’s back on fire 25 goals in 38 League games oh nice to know he’s still a flame isn’t it how about that

Unbelievable for Chesterfield let’s finish uh the show with something that obviously is tinged with sadness but it’s also a lovely lovely story Sven Yan Erikson fulfilled his dream of managing in The Dugout at anfield um specifically for Liverpool because of course England did play there under his his Reign um he

Led Liverpool Legends in a charity game against aax Legends on Saturday I mean this is just lovely wasn’t it yeah really really lovely to see and and the main kind of bit that was been shared around obviously is was the video uh of the different um players kind of uh

Giving giving him um a bit of love on on your laptop his former England players yes very moving in Parts Owen hard GES in particular his his tribute to him was very very emotional and it uh it was just lovely to see the affection in which he’s held and the game was a

Beautiful thing as well and you know credit to everybody involved for making it happen and I love how it was first half not so good second half good they were 2-0 down came back to win nice to see Hench Fernando Torres actually play a game as well he looks like a different

Person he’s not got more mobile has he he still scored a goal he did score a goal yeah yeah but they like they really cared as well there was proper celebrations when the goals went in it was it was really really lovely to see griel C of course as well Sven called it

A beautiful day and yeah I just the way he he was really really happy about it because I I did think to myself like for a man who’s like done so much in the game this is you know how kind of made up would he be would he be sort of a bit

Like ah it’s a token effort okay fair enough I’m happy to be but he really was you know and I suppose when you get um if if one is is has horrendous luck and is diagnosed with that then you see life in perhaps a different way but it’s just

Such a as I say it’s obviously tinged with sadness because to see him walking around and chatting you think he won’t be here for that much longer it yeah it’s it’s yeah sorry to sort of that but that is that’s what what we’re talking about yeah I think the yeah the like

Nature of the sport is such that everyone cares so deeply about it but you never show affection for the people who I suppose control your joy or give you that Joy so for someone to have to be able to have that moment and he would have had it with England fans in the

Past and you know Club level as well but for for a team he’s not attached to at all for a team he’s not attached to but for a sport to be able to to show their affection to you and for you for you to be able to feel that because there will

Be as you said there’ll be a situation a few times where a stadium is standing giving him a round of applause cuz he’s passed yeah he was able to see that it would be like him being his own wake almost sort of like professional sporting sense and that’s a a wonderful

Thing that he was able to experience yeah no absolutely absolutely thank you very much for listening to the Football Ramble part of the acast Creator Network do join us on Wednesday of course in the meantime follow us on X Tik Tok YouTube and Instagram at Football Ramble and

Follow us on Spotify as well thank you Jim Campbell thank you thank you Pete Donal thank you foring thank you thank you everybody see you on Wednesday cheers for watching another fantastic clip from the Football Ramble podcast make sure you click like on this video And subscribe to the channel which means

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  1. Mainoo x Rice x Bellingham x Foden x Madders OUR BEST Midfield 5 options for England at the EROUS🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿👌

  2. The big advantage that Germany have is that they’re probably the only country to have a truly elite coach. Imagine Nagelsmann vs Southgate, it’s a total mismatch tactically.

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