Golf Players

Matt Eberflus Interview: Bears draft, QB evaluating & more

The Adams sit down with Bears head coach Matt Eberflus at the NFL Owners Meetings for their annual check-in with coach, from how he’s handling the draft process to what he looks for in a young QB, the foundation of what he’s building, the defensive trajectory and much more exclusively on Hoge & Jahns.

0:00 Bears stadium news
10:46 Matt Eberflus interview
26:00 Interview reaction

#chicagobears #chicago #calebwilliams

What’s up welcome in hog and John’s with you in Orlando at the NFL annual meeting and our annual sitdown with head coach of the Chicago Bears Matt eberl on the show as well lots to talk about yeah what do you want to lead with well it’s

Been a busy couple days got to talk to Ryan poles yesterday obviously he had a big quarterback swap um so it’s was good to hear things in his own words had a long conversation with Kevin Warren this morning most of the that was about the stadium and then Matt eberl also had his

Breakfast which we hit on kind of a little bit of everything with him um this morning but why George mccassie later yeah we got George later when they wrap up these meetings and hopefully pass this uh kickoff rule um which will which you know is pretty much going on

This morning the biggest item let’s talk Stadium though to start because that’s kind of fresh in our minds and I thought it was newsy with Kevin Warren uh this morning because this his first you know on the record comments really other than some statements that they put out making

It clear that the lakefront is their focus now but to hear Kevin Warren talk about it this is a very very real thing it doesn’t feel like posturing it doesn’t feel like a hard negotiation tactic with the Arlington Park site it doesn’t feel like that at all this feels

Beyond real renderings video the full financial plan Kevin Warren said it’s all going to going to be released in the near future what did he say laser focused the Bears are laser focused now on the the lakefront site um and then there’s a whole bunch of reasons why

Like the whole idea of building in Chicago like appeals to Kevin Warren so I this is real this this is this seems to be happening if the Bears want it to happen this is this is going to be their their plan going forward yeah and in towards the end of the conversation I

Wanted to clarify with him all right so all these things come together and there’s a lot that has to come together here if to to be clear but all of it comes together plans get approved is that shovel going in the ground on the lakefront or does Arlington Heights

Still have a chance here to change their stance to have a rebuttal to recruit the Bears back to Arlington Heights and he made it very clear no the shovel would go in the ground on the L in the lakefront and that’s on record so that that’s that’s a big deal to me now

There’s a lot they still have to figure out um those renderings are coming the plans are coming I can’t wait to see them because I asked specifically about the parking which is a big issue um thinking selfishly not just for us but I mean it’s already hard to get in

And out in Soul out of Soldier Field where’s the tailgating stuff like that The Fan Experience and they he didn’t really have those answers right now um so I’m very curious to see what this all looks like and how realistic it is once those plans come out and also the money

Too that they still got to get the public money but that is a big deal that if all that does come together they are going to build the stadium on the lakefront yeah there’s a lot of hurdles still and I’m sure I could see Arlington Heights um putting out another statement

We we’ve been in constant contact with the Chicago Bears and I’m sure they’re going to express some level of optimism what tells me that this is very serious with the Chicago Bears is they’ve already met in person with Friends of the park that is a sign ific hurdle to

Get over just in terms of building things on the lakefront we we know Lucas museum is out in Chicago because of the friends of the park the Bears have already met with them in person Kevin waren explained to to that to us today um to me like that’s a sign of how real

This is for the Chicago Bears of how like how much Arlington Park might be out of the picture right now in terms of what’s next for the stadium by the way they might have dodged a bullet with that Lucas Museum I saw it last week it’s right across from the Coliseum in

La it looks like a toilet it should have been uh the Millennium Falcon like Stadium instead yeah I mean I think that’s what they were going for but maybe it was just the a the angle I took my photo from The Uber I was in but I was like that looks

Like a toilet um yeah and and look I think I I I got I will give Kevin Warren Credit for this because look when Kevin Warren talks he has big ideas and if we’re being honest like the some of the things he say is it’s almost like they’re so grandiose that sometimes you

You you feel a little tempted to roll your eyes like really like come on but hearing him talk about this stuff um talking about Burnham’s vision for the World’s Fair like that would be one of those things where it’s like come on man but the thing is is he actually thinks

That way he really and a couple times he referenced it today just like I mean it shouldn’t be that hard like someone just needs to really instead of saying why can’t we do this just look at it more of why can’t what like why can’t we do it

Why can’t we do it like instead of the reasons why it can’t happen just be like what about the reasons where where we can make this happen and that seems to be his approach to this whole thing and I’m going to give him credit CU I the

The idea of building a new stadium on the lakefront seems so dead in the water when this Arlington Heights thing started coming together I’m not sure there’s another man in the world that could have put this all together in a way where even at this point it seems

Realistic now when I don’t think it did even a couple months ago no no you know to look there’s so much that Kevin Warren said you can read it on um stories up right now as we’re recording um chgo will have it as well to hear him explain his vision

And like even down to the details of you know when we were in Minneapolis building that Stadium we hosted engineer ering classes you know as the construction was happening for interested engineering students like how about having classes for you know grade school students you know on the lakefront campus you know to incorporate

All the the the museums and whatnot and this was a vision like when you hear him explain his vision like it came off to me like this is what he’s telling like mayor Brandon Johnson this is what he’s telling you know Governor pritzer this this is what he’s telling the politicians this is

What he’s telling Friends of the park this Vision it’s not just building a giant Stadium it’s how it’s Incorporated with the lakefront expanding green spaces that was an important uh thing he added um how that’s why I’m wondering where the concrete is yes I mean all I’m

All for Parks but like where’s the parking where do you tailgate where maybe it’s just open Green Space for for for tailgating it’s it’s different the the the renderings forly Arlington Park site had a bunch of open Green Space um we know that’s you know popular not with

All new developments and just the the idea like this this struck me um just how many like the lack of cranes and building in Chicago right now and how that bothers him I feel like that might endear himself to the Chicago business Community to city leaders just in terms

Of2 billion dollar worth of private Chicago Bears money being pumped in to downtown Chicago yeah and and you can tell that his love for the city um by living in the city and caring that much about the the money coming into the city I it’s it’s all it’s all

Real I don’t think it’s just you know him saying things I mean I think a part of it is the politics but also I think it’s because he really believes it and he’s good at all this it it to to me he seems like he is so again I

Um it’ll be interesting if they go down this I I’m still obviously a little skeptical that knowing Chicago that they’ll come together but I do think that if he’s so in on this idea and the city I think is going to buy into understanding we can’t let the Bears

Leave Chicago I mean different mayor if the mayor you know if Brandon Johnson didn’t take over I’m not sure they’re in this spot they probably aren’t with everything that Lori life foot said about the team and that the relationship that was there so sometimes you need a

New team president and a new mayor to come together um and we’ll see where this thing goes and in terms of what happens with Arlington Heights I kind of liked his answer on that well we’re we’re the largest land owner in Arlington Heights it’s good to own land

Yeah yeah so we’ll and they’ve already cleared the property you know they’ve already done some of the hard work for the next developer out there so yeah is is the Arlington Park deal done n you can’t say that with finality but it sure feels like it’s like it’s

Almost there doesn’t it yeah and and you know I’ll say more of these feelings perhaps when it is finalized but if I wrote a column a few years ago back before we even knew the Bears were interested in that property but it was when Church Hill DS put it up for sale

And like Arlington Park is a place where my family spent a lot of time we used to go our mother Mother’s Day every year like going to see the horse races there was a big deal deal and I was sad to see that happen and my whole thing was but

If it does have to happen this is the perfect opportunity for the Bears to build a new stadium here the same way the Rams did on Hollywood Park inle Englewood California and so I don’t know what’s going to happen to that land but that is

A personal kind of downside to for me um I’m on record if they can get this thing done on the lakefront that’s where the stadium should be I got no problems with that but it is going to kind of suck if that just turns into like I don’t know

More residential or another Warehouse or something Kevin Warren’s In Charge you got to think big coming 2030 masi racetrack okay the masy come on now that’s something I definitely could not have envisioned five years ago yeah the masy racetrack I well then why they knock it all down well it was kind of

Deteriorating um so I don’t know that that’s seemed that’s a big deal so we’ll see where that all goes can’t wait to see the renderings um should we get to Mt eberl let’s do it all right head coach mad eberl sitting down with us uh we decided to dim the lights a little

Bit something like that for our conversation uh with mie bro so here he is the head coach all right we got our annual sitdown here with Maddie brfl at the owner’s meeting it’s not quite as sunny in this room this year is uh some of our past conversations kind of

Depressing but uh we are in Orlando and I appreciate the time coach yeah thanks for having me on and uh I’m okay with this this is this is going to work well you had plenty of time in the sun right two golf trips down here with with Ryan

Poles couple 18 rounds I played Bay Hill that was that was really cool to be able to do that and then uh played another course down here so it was exciting to be able to spend some time together how much football do you and Ryan talk maybe

On the golf course um a very little um but we do have some things that uh usually it’s around 17 or 18 we start talking ball cuz uh we usually ride together which is great and um it’s it’s good to spend time outside of football

You know we relax and you know hit the golf ball and be able to you know really work through some things too you know we always talk about uh how we’re putting this team together you know really physically how we’re putting a team together but also how we bring these

Guys together relational wise too yeah and you won both rounds right uh I didn’t play real good the first one the second one I was better yeah the second one I was better how would you describe the last couple months on your end uh on the Bears end of things kind of

Navigating the the waters with Justin Fields the I mean at this point you guys have talked a lot about how that you came to that decision why Pittsburgh was the best spot for him but I just mean you know as you guys went through all these scenarios and now you’re we saw

You last week at USC at the at the pro day just how busy it’s been and how tough some of these decisions have been for you yeah it’s been it’s been since the end of the season really you know you talk about putting a whole new staff

Together on offense I think that was important uh that we took our time during that process and and made a good decision um with Shane and the rest of the offensive staff so that’s number one and then you start to acquire these players you know in free agency so

That’s that’s an important part of it and working hand inand with the coaches and the scouts you know we wanted to when we put this thing together we wanted to make sure that the scouts and the coaches are working always hand inand uh to get the best players in here

That fit us and I think we did an excellent job of that uh this year um you know and then working into the pro days we’ve been traveling looking at these uh the prospects the quarterbacks and all those and and it’s it’s been good um what’s great is that on the

Playe plane ride back you can always talk about what you saw what was your opinions and I think it’s important to be able to do that right away you know for initial reaction to the workout how much have you embraced the challenge I guess of evaluating quarterbacks you mentioned earlier having that one-on-one

Meeting with with Cale Williams in in California like when you’re in those interactions what are you trying to figure out like what are your go-to questions like how are you trying to break through to these guys that so you get the answers that you want yeah first

And foremost you’re trying to just get know them as people so you really just listen to their Journey you know I think that’s important to be able to sit and listen um to them you know and and where their support is and and how do they respond to adversity during those times

Times as they came up you know in life and in football as well so that’s the first thing you do and then after that you just really start talking to them about you know what we’ve done here at the Chicago Bears the last couple years um with building the foundation and then

Then you start talking ball after that so you’re really looking at those three things you know getting to know them let them know where we are you know in terms of year three um you know in our systems and then and then working really uh into

The football piece of it you you coached at the college ranks for a long time before you got into the NFL how has the nil era kind of changed things these last few years I just I mean specifically with Caleb you look at this guy and like in some ways he’s already a

Superstar he’s on Dr Pepper commercials and I think Nissan like that’s that’s a different thing to kind of deal with in this draft process and I’m just curious like what makes you guys comfortable that you know the Bears have the infrastructure in place to to handle not

Just Caleb but some of these other guys that are coming in with all the stuff already yeah we actually look at as a positive because uh he’s already ahead of the game you know in terms of working through um you know the sponsorships that he has and and the all the things

That he’s working through there um he’s already got a leg up so to speak you know uh typically a rookie would come in and they would start that process right there he’s already done that for a couple years so I think he’s ahead of the game um that way and really all the

Guys that that come in now um that are high-profile players coming from college when when you start talking ball with them how is that different maybe with you as a defensive coordinator a defensive coach like how is that back and forth maybe different than Shane Shane Waldron’s conversations with him

Um I don’t think it’s any different at all football’s football um and I think we’re all talking the same language you know so it’s it’s going to be important that uh the the development of all these guys that we bring in even the free agents you know I believe in you know

The coaches jobs is is to develop players and and and make them better and helping those guys in partnering with those guys to make them better I I couldn’t help but notice during uh a big portion of Caleb’s throwing session last week you were talking to Lincoln Riley

Um how helpful was that just kind of I guess in general you guys probably talk to head coaches all the time in fact I know you do just how are those conversations valuable to you and then in particular that one as you’re kind of watching him throw at the same time I

Mean was that fun yeah Lincoln was great uh during the whole process uh you know before the workout the day before we had a chance to spend about you know an hour or so together just visiting about everything you know cuz uh he coached uh

I think at Texas Tech and I when I was at Missouri and um but it was uh it was great to be able to hear his perspective you know on the quarterback and you know and on the offense and I was just trying to get some good information from him

And and they were great to us there and uh but during the workout you know just kind of just visiting there about uh I was asking more about Spring ball for him and how he how he implements his offense how they how they go about uh uh installing their their schemes Caleb

Threw a punt in there at the end I mean can you can you work with that you know we do that at the high school level yeah he actually did that I think you know a couple times there uh you know for Lincoln so uh but uh yeah he can do a

Lot of things are there certain quarterbacks like you keep in mind when you’re evaluating quarterbacks like which quarterbacks from your history do you I guess hold dear as you start evaluating the draft class yeah they quarterbacks are all different they really are you know so all the guys that

I was around you know Dak Prescott Tony Romo you know Philip Rivers I mean you think about those just naming those three guys you know um they’re just all different right but they all they all are effective and uh so it’s uh everyone of them’s different and I understand

That to me it’s always about the accuracy and it’s always about the ability to move the ball in critical situations rookie quarterback versus veteran quarterback that’s I mean that’s a big deal uh in the NFL with with where your roster appears to be where it’s

Headed I mean how much of that was a part of your guys’ discussion in understanding that okay I mean you guys look like you’re ready to win here but anytime you’re bringing a rookie quarterback in like there’s got to be a little bit of a a feeling out process

There before you can really hit the ground running yeah I mean it’s going to be a process of of like I said bringing the team together so it’s important that we do that you know it’s we can’t skip any steps we got to pay attention to

Detail we got to make sure that we’re we’re we’re we’re crossing AV do evi and making sure we’re doing that and that’s an important part you know me as the head football coach and the coordinators we got to we got to pull that off offense defense and kicking um you know

So this it’s critical these 10 weeks coming into the offseason before we get to the summer break um that we do a great job of laying the foundation for our our 2024 football what are you going to draw from I guess your relationship with with Justin just in terms of

Building a new relationship whether that’s Caleb or another quarterback that you guys draft first or overall like what can you take from those moments those moments at The Breakfast Club that you can carry over to the next quarterback yeah it’s it’s just like I said it was about being authentic and

And being real and and just being open and and communicating well and that’s that’s you know because there’s a lot of things that every player has to deal with you know you have to deal with your your performance you know how did you perform that day is it good yep and

There’s things that you need to work on and improve and you need to partner with your coach to be able to to make that Improvement um if you keep it right there um I think it’s it’s pretty easy um but you we also understand that adversity happens and how you’re going

To respond to that so um it’s going to be a process of that um you know talking with you know all the rookies doesn’t matter if it’s the first pick you know with the 75th pick or the ninth so um it’s going to be important that we do

That is there a best way to challenge a quarterback maybe that you’ve learned over the years maybe on on the field but also like as a head coach yeah I I I I do think that you can challenge them um you know for sure but I also know that

The great ones challenge themselves you know every single day they really get after it um if they have some adversity they always respond um and they’re Alpha competitors all all the really good ones I’ve been around are that way you know they have a tough day man they come

Right back at you and U you know they’re always going to be in that spot they know they’re apex of the offense and it’s important that uh you support them as a head coach um and it’s important that the whole team supports uh that position what do you like most about

Where your defensive identity is right now you know two plus years into this and how it’s come along yeah it’s it’s been good um you know the first year we you know obviously with the whole football team we did a good job of laying the foundation how we play you

Know the physical style and then last year I thought we did a good job of uh you know the run defense you know was was was good you know the the takeaways was was in positive you know going down the stretch um and you got to continue

That you know we have to continue that you know but it’s really about the players you know the the you know Germaine and TJ and you know tez and you know jayin and Tyreek and you know jaquin you know all those guys that that you know we got the young tackles U so

We’re in we’re in a good spot you know we’re we’re in a good spot and uh it’s important that we you know you know do the work you know and put our best foot forward does does Jaylen Johnson kind of embody this process that’s been going on

The last two years because he’s been vocal in some of his interviews about like this hits thing when I first got here you know trying to battle through all that but obviously he’s gotten to the point that you guys rewarded him with a with an extension and and he’s

Obviously a huge focal part focal point of the whole he’s been he’s been great uh since we’ve been together and uh he’s he’s done it respectful hard worker um you know first guy in last guy to leave leave and he’s done a wonderful job of leading that not only the secondary of

The defense but now he’s starting to lead the football team and uh we’re excited have how would you characterize maybe the the field the momentum you think was established especially over like the second half of the season and maybe like how the the players maybe sense what’s coming for the defense so

You know what I’m getting at like feel good things feel very much on the horizon for your defense like better things than last year like how do you feel that yeah I I really feel that uh you know we got to do it again uh this

Year you know we got to have a fast start you know to uh to that unit uh to our offensive unit and to really the whole football team and it’s important that we do that um you know we didn’t accomplish that last year and we got to

Do a really good job of making sure that we have a great um 10 weeks in in this offseason in the spring and guys really build this thing up to make sure they’re they’re in the best shape of their life going into training camp and then you

Know working through you know the Hall of Fame game and and all those things and and then uh making sure we’re going to that process we’ve talked so much about quarterbacks but how much time are you putting into these pass rushers who could be avail double at number nine

Yeah we’re going to spend time on all of them you know the pass rushers uh be it inside or outside uh we’re going to we’re going to look at that and then we’re going to make sure we’re doing a great job of the receivers and the tackles and all those premium positions

That that you could take there um and it’s uh it’s going to be a great process but I know Ryan and I are excited to get going all right you know I got to talk some special teams with you um with this as we’re recording this right now

There’s a vote that’s about to come up on the kickoff rule so we don’t necessarily know what’s going to happen as we’re recording this but let’s just talking as if this thing is happening this season how excited are you just as a coach to to to work into the strategy

Uh of what that play can possibly be and hopefully what is the return of the kick return into the football game because it’s really just diminished into almost a non-factor yeah and really the the thing that the league is is trying to do and I support it is that bring that that

Play back you know it’s an exciting play uh Devon Hester wouldn’t be in the Hall of Fame if if we had the play the play as it is sits right now so we have to bring the play back and I think it’s a it’s a unique way that we’re doing it um

But I’m excited about being able to look at the scheme and to see how we can you know either you know the cover part of it and also The Return part of it so HT and I will work hand inand together in that and uh I’m excited about getting

That process going coach hiow has been such a big part of of pushing this um I know he was down here too at at the meetings uh just I you feel like he got he has a leg up on this since he’s been such a big part of of TR trying to

Convince the competition committee that this is the way the league should go yeah coach high tower is is is really good at um at what he does and uh and it’s an exciting time because this is a new play and I know that all the Special

Teams guys are excited about it and uh we feel that it’ll pass we’ll see um but HT has done a wonderful job of really presenting this to the league and adjusting it you know with the Special Teams coaches you know the Roger Goodell and those guys ask HT to come in and really

Um you know spearhead this thing with a couple other uh special teams coaches and he’s done a wonderful job with that is your special teams segment done now I’m excited yeah I I kind of want to do at the high school level just so we can start scheming for this but that’s not

Going to happen all right last last one um you can’t get out of here without talking about I guess your your new look we talked about a little bit at breakfast um we know the your girls are behind at Lawrence Funk at housea but like have

You like noticed have they told told you about the buzz about it on social media and whatnot yeah I don’t have social media but my my girls do so they’ll they’ll send me some stuff once in a while but I think it’s fun I mean it’s uh it’s light-hearted and it’s good and

Uh as long as they like it I’m good with it what have the players said so far uh Jaquan said something that he’s like coach that’s fire you gotta keep it so I was like okay that’s fine well coach we’ yeah we’ve we like the look uh and our

Listeners viewers do too and uh thank you so much for sitting down with us again we appreciate it we’ll let you get to this okay man thank you appreciate it okay truth be told we figured out the lights after the man FW interview our friend herb Howard who is here with us

Uh he touched the right button it makes sense cuz you know we’re in a different room yesterday with Ryan poles and it was brighter and I’m like why can’t we but you know what no I’m not gonna do it I’m not going to throw anybody under the bus Fox

32 Jeff we from Fox 32 I would have trusted a little bit more with the lighting but he had his own light so maybe he was sabotaging us maybe that’s what was happening I uh you know anyway I hope you we di the lights a little bit

For flu uh back on with the bright lights now and we have an update because since we wrapped up the recording that interview uh as Flo indicated and he was going literally straight out of this interview to go vote on that kickoff Rule and it did pass so the that

Optimism he had about it uh was real it’s a one-year trial basis there is an SFL kickoff in the NFL for one year you know I’m excited about it okay fine we could talk special teams for a little bit you know Nicholas Morano put this a good way I was kidding

Yesterday I know you were when Devin Hesser was on the Bears it was like to me that was like Frank Thomas coming to a bat four times a game like you didn’t want to miss it when there was a kick return you you you weren’t going to turn your T you weren’t

Going to the bathroom if you were in the stadium you weren’t going to go to the concessions at that point it was like the musty moments of the game that the kickoff has become when now when you go to the bathroom yeah that’s when you

Like if you’re in the Press Box you know if there’s a touchdown scored you have enough time to run to the bathroom down the hall at Soldier Field and get back in time you you might have missed a kickoff but you didn’t really miss anything because it’s first down well

First this is the first time I think I’ve ever heard anyone compar Devon Hester to the big herp right herb Howard that analogy made sense right baseball you only get four bats a game 10% of the Baseball fans I know he’s a Hall of Fame player I I get it uh two

They’re both Hall of Famers damn it now like when I used to like I have a couple um very long Devon Hester stories out there like including in a book that I wrote and like even when Devon Hester was in in the league like Devon Hester

Was so special like of course he was must watchat television but all the other guys it was still the bathroom break time you would still use it but it’s I like that the that football play is now back in football there’s just so many touchbacks now and the bears

Actually have one of the best Touchback kickers in the in the league but just to have one of the most exciting one of the most I don’t know unpredictable football plays back into the game I like it herb is veis Jones a lock to make the team [Laughter] now yeah so yeah hopefully people could hear that he’s just mad about our Frank Thomas yeah I don’t know I threw I threw him off with that one there you go Sammy Sosa was must must watch def fine I’m with him you know steroids and all mark

Mire man I watched every one of those theats in8 don’t tell Gordon Wim that he once nearly killed me for saying that he say baseball not literally but it was a it was a debate um David Kaplan might have been involved too you can imagine yeah all right well I’m excited about

The kickoff I’m excited about the stadium I hope it does happen for Chicago I mean the idea that Chicago could have a Super Bowl and you don’t have to go to Arlington Heights to get out there when you know everything else would be downtown Super Bowl week um

We’re a long ways off we’ll see where that all goes and we really haven’t talked about Caleb Williams much yeah I was about to say we can’t get out here with at least two minutes on Caleb Williams um the feedback has been outstanding yeah outstanding that’s that’s from Ryan poles himself um he

Kind of C he caught you a little bit he goes they just they don’t like him they love him like there was like a pause there yesterday when we when we talked to Ryan poles um mat had a very positive interaction with him the day before his

Prod day uh Kevin Warren um tried to talk around the kale Williams questions a little bit but he’s he’s M Williams himself at the combat yeah and there there was one thing from the flu interview that we just had that that did kind of stick with me and that was when

I asked him about the nil stuff and because I am really curious about like Caleb Williams is coming into the Bears as a much bigger superstar than most of you know guys you ever draft Mitch Tris yeah yeah even in the same Stratosphere of things I mean he’s literally in commercials everywhere and

So many people have tried to paint this business stuff as a negative for him um and it’s very interesting like oh he doesn’t care about football he’s got all these other interests and and you know the dead and all this stuff like it’s a big negative

And it’s according to the Bears who I also give them credit they’re not shying away from talking about this no I mean that’s another thing about this you don’t usually have I would say theyve embraced it I’m not even sure the NFL loves how much they’ve talked about it

They’ve definitely embraced it um but they first of all a he loves football they’re making that very clear they have no issues with him with his teammates they’re making that very clear and in terms of this business stuff as some type of a distraction as flu said in

That interview they look at it as a positive because the the biggest thing that is so hard you could vet a prospect as much as possible great guy great teammate whatever you never know how these guys are going to react until they get that first paycheck life

Changes so it’s just human nature it’s it goes from something you did in college as an amateur to now you’re getting paid for it now it’s your full-time job and now you get that big paycheck especially for these first rounders who get more of the money it

It’s going to change anybody you know would change us if we ever uh you know were able to get paid like that which we never will but Caleb William’s already there he made $10 million last year like they already know how he handles all this that to me that’s a huge Advantage

I think it’s revealing it also reveals a lot about the people he has around him just in terms of the advice he gets just like the honestly I don’t think some of the things have been portrayed negatively it seems like it’s more positive if anything just in terms of

The structure they’ve built around him to where he can focus on football and not be so engaged in his commercials with Nissan at the Heisman house and whatnot and like here’s the thing like I think Bears fans who are critical of Caleb Williams have to understand like if he’s a superstar quarterback he’s

Going to be commercials like this this is all kind of new for us but like this is beyond like Dunkin Donuts Billboards this is like SNL it’s you know discount double checks and things like that like it’s pton Manning who is on every commercial imaginable like this is what happens

When you have a superstar quarterback you know there’s Hollywood girlfriends and what not this is what happens when your quarterback is good like good good yeah I think the probably the best comp I can come up with off top of my head for somebody who would get that type of

Stuff so early in their career because even with Payton Manning I think it took some time if I’m I mean I guess I can’t remember 98 that well um Baker Mayfield Baker Mayfield got thrown into a lot of commercials right away they were great commercials too and by

The way I I am in full support of the progressive ads coming back yeah they need to come back those are hilarious threw for over 4,000 yards last year he’s got a new deal new stadium to call home though let’s go yeah well that’s fine um it’s probably a better Stadium

They can do yeah those ads I I it’ll be interesting to see how much of that takes off right away with him as a rookie but the point being it shouldn’t be that big of a distraction cuz he’s already used to all this stuff been through it yeah all right any other

Final thoughts no before we leave we got another big show coming Friday maybe talk a little bit more football yeah football we’ll uh we’ll wrap up anything George mcy has to say later today um and our show Friday is going to be a crossover oh Bears Hall of Fame game oh

Yeah we knew that yeah we kind of already knew that but they did officially announce it August 1st um training Camp’s going to start a week early be kind of a different offseason there um so the Bears are going to four preseason games and uh but Friday’s

Episode we’re going to be talking to Robert Mays and Nate Ty Crossover with the athletic football show excited about that so we’ll get their take on everything and anything else that we didn’t cover in this episode but always good to talk to flu always the new flu

New flu no yeah no he’s the new flu new flu it’s next next gen flu love it all right uh follow us Adam hog Adam Johns hog John’s now Hogan John’s like Twitter account just it trips me up you got to say our names too many times also follow herb Howard who’s

Sitting here at herb Howard because he’s the best even though people think we hate each other now I need more coffee her want some coffee John’s needs some too I don’t know how I have energy right now but um maybe it’s just a new kickoff rule we’re

Out of here we’ll talk to you Friday and uh it should be a fun episode of Robert May and Nate tyon see you nothing’s off to take table nothing on is on the table right now


  1. I don't buy it. They need money from the public and Chicago can't afford it. Warren is playing poker, he's playing with Chicago. He's going to let the mayor fail and he will save the day by building in AH.

  2. It would be interesting to hear how Flus would explain not moving on from Getsy earlier to see if improving the Bears' offense playcalling could have made a difference. His unwillingness to do that raises concern about his evaluation skills and flexibility to make the adjustments needed for building a successful team.

  3. To be fair. They're getting asked about CW. So they're talking avout CW. No one was asking questions on DM, JD, JJ, BN, MP.

    But yeah they've def embraced the whole thing.

  4. Lol the classic "better be parking"–it's a downtown stadium in one of the most dense cities in the country. Does Yankee Stadium have surface parking lots? The AH site would have lots but also an hour just to get out–look at all nightmares at SoFi.

  5. The Frank Thomas at bat comparison to a Devin Hester kickoff was so good, they both had that similar electric vibe and anticipation.

  6. Hopefully it's the last year of Poles and Eberflus!
    When's is anyone in the Bears upper management going to accountability for their record… Poles, Eberflus?? Matt Eberflus is 10-24 that's worse than Marc Trestman.
    What's going to be their excuse when the Bears win 6 to 7 games because of a rookie QB that has all of the strengths and weaknesses that they just rolled over!

    Hoge & Jahns lobbing up softball question!!
    Poles and Eberflus don't know how to build a team or a winning culture… just look at their record!!

    I think trading the pick with top 3 pick, adding an early 2nd and 3rd round pick and possibly a 2nd in next year's draft was a good idea!
    Heck which door is better… Caleb Williams vs Justin Fields and something like Marvin Harrison Jr, Zach Frazier, Braden Fiske and early pick next year!!

    And these guys chose Caelb Williams!! Off-Season grad: D

  7. I’m very impressed after this interview . Like wow .. Coach spoke very well. I believe in the vision only because of what coach said.

  8. The thing that impressed me most about Eberflus last-season, was the way the team stuck together after a tough-start, big injuries & bad losses.

    With the right horses, this guy can win.

  9. I still can't believe this joker is the head coach. I realize the defense got better after Sweat but Eberflus still made god awful decisions last season. I'm not a fan of watching him stammer through post game interviews and try to act smart by avoiding simple questions. Everyone just gave him a get out of jail free pass by the end of the season for making the defense work for less than a half of a season. If he fails at the beginning of the season again I'm done with him.

  10. Dude knows it’s playoffs or bust for him or they move into an offensive minded coach for 2025. Plain and simple

  11. Flus has gone from possibly "1 and done" as an NFL HC with an 0-4 start to a HC with another NFL team if DA Bears pull a Cubs move getting Counsell over Rossy!! Great Leadership during a "dark" time!! Way to go Flus!!!

  12. Kind of disappointed that they aren't going to Arlington. That was a golden opportunity to turn that area into a bears zone

  13. Why did I just see Caleb with him wearing lipstick, pink IPhone, pink wallet, pink nails painted, what’s with all this pink shit? Does he use pronouns? Will you paint the locker room in rainbow colors?🤔🤔🤔

  14. I’m personally thankful they’ll stay on the lake. I fly into games. Don’t wanna take multiple trains to just be in Arlington. I need the museums and restaurants downtown, not a 48 minute train ride to a Suburb.

  15. I think JFK said in his inaugural address: “instead of looking at it as ‘why can’t we do this’ look at it as ‘why can’t we do this’”

  16. At one point I was all for a lakefront stadium but now i worry that it will be the first step of a slippery slope where private enterprise will take over the public lake front lands. No one should be for that.

  17. Sorry if I sound dumb… Are the bears not currently "on the lakefront"? Where would the stadium be going?

  18. They are going to Arrington Park . They still owe on S F state of I’ll said they would not back this plan . A Park already cut the school tax to around 50 million !

  19. They lost alot contributors drafting a fruity qb, over the dawg we had, im sure his punk nails and lipstick will go over well with teamates

  20. The Bears are idiots if they go into business with the parks department it'll be the same old crap no parking no tailgating primetime Game canceled because field isn't in shape when you're talkin 300 + acres verses 5 or 6 acres what the hell are they thinking Chicago has screwed down long enough why can't they wake up they build their they need to own the land if that isn't going to happen they need to run

  21. Defense def finished strong, but still like to hear that they're aware and addressing areas to improve. They still had very bad numbers (granted Sweat wasn't there half the year) in red zone scores given up and 3rd down conversions allowed. And the pass rush needs to add more, and 9 pick may end up being an offensive player. Plus can they always get all those INTs? I'm optimistic but stil work to do.

  22. "Hahj", outside of you & maybe 4 other people, no one gives a flying f*ck about the stupid Shlox or the Big Skirt.

    And Williams' $10 mill was made over the ENTIRETY of his collegiate career, not just this past season.
    F*ck, man, get it right, willya?!?

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