Golf Players

What Is The Nikko Controversy About?!?

What did Nikko do to stir up the Disc Golf World at USWDGC. The community is very heated still over the notion of Natalie playing in FPO which was on full display during this event.

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#Discgolf #Nikko #Drama

Tags: #uswdgc, #fpo, #breakdown, #dgpt, #protour

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All right before we get to the uh full recap of US Women’s there is one post that I think I need to talk about even though I really don’t want to I’m here reporting the disc golf news so with that let’s talk about the Nico post very intentional they had the

Foresight to make this a Facebook post and not anything else but with that said his Facebook post went on to basically announce a new release of his line the sacred disc who I believe is being made and manufactured by Gateway but that’s not really important here uh the

Important thing to not is he went on to state that in addition to his uh release of the lavender infused disc he will also be donating the entire amount of the 46th Place finisher with a 45th Place cash prize so essentially if you are the first one to not cash he’ll be

Donating that amount to you basically stating that by Natalie playing it is not fair to the rest of the women and he will be donating the amount to that player so there are a lot of things to talk about here uh first one being his wording it was definitely a little bit

Off-putting uh and I don’t want to claim that I am for or against Natalie PL I definitely don’t want to State any particular side of the Natalie situation but I will definitely say that the characteristic that he was portraying Natalie as was very uh standoffish and

Pretty much like not even a human which I think there are a lot of hot takes people can say about Natalie but dehumanizing her is definitely not a great look for anybody but he does go on to State kind of a more altruistic point of view uh by stating this is something

I feel very strongly about and would love to stand behind in all fairness with sacred disc I’ve been competing in disc golf events for most of my life beyond being a competitor I’ve always wanted to find a way to give back to the sport that has given a lifetime of

Memories and opportunity to grow I appreciate all the people who have supported my journey on and off the course and he goes on to State basically why is lavender dis are so spectacular um but let’s talk about how this is going to be portrayed by everyone and

It’s already being taken by a lot of people a million different ways uh first one being a huge amount of support definitely on that specific Facebook post people are saying they are so enthused to support Nico in this endeavor and I think while there is definitely the ospice of being fair for

Everyone there is also the notion that by buying Nico’s disc you are kind of trying to put down Natalie that may be a hot take I don’t know but I will definitely state that the timing of all this just feels so very like maximizing clickbait maximizing like negative uh

Attitudes it is just very weird timed and it is certainly on brand for Nico I will definitely say that but especially when Brody tweeted it out it was very clear that people are against Nico for a million different reasons and they are against Natalie for a million different

Reasons there is nobody that is truly feeling happy about this unless you’re on that Facebook post B at 69 I just told myself you got to will this one in there whatever you have just will it in there this man unbelievable this is what athletes look for this is the

Moment it is more so just kind of feeling like a compound of hate on hate on hate where everyone is just kind of being negative towards everyone else um and yes there is that good opice of supporting fpo disc golf that is definitely a good thing but there is so

Many more undertones that have not been productive to anybody Beyond just Natalie but one thing I did find very interesting is that when Brody tweeted out the post by Nico Natalie was actually in the comments stating almost in third person we stand with Natalie the strongest most beautiful woman on

Tour I almost don’t know if she’s like trying to troll or trying to like make the best of a bad situation not entirely sure but it is clearly getting a lot of traction by players and Natalie alike so people definitely see what is going on here and it is certainly a very

Interesting PR move for Nico uh because you definitely have a lot of support for Nico even without this situation but having a very targeted reason to support Nico that people are often easy to get behind it is just a very interesting situation and looking at the 46th Place

Person you may be wondering who that is and how much it is it is about $750 for the last cash it almost doesn’t feel real who it is but it is Morgan Lind the player that played against Natalie at the throw down the mountain Championship

I think it was last year and had the huge Facebook post being very targeted towards Natalie so this whole situation just feels like if it was actually giving cash to Morgan lens how weirdly ironic would that be but with that said there is just so much I could like get

So much hate on so I don’t want to speak on it too much I bet people are already commenting about how much they hate this whole situation but this is a major point of news for the disc golf world that will almost certainly have impacts

As the tour goes on and the disc golf world becomes even more divisive about this particular topic so it is clearly not going away anytime soon so with that what do you guys think do you think Nico was right in the way he portrayed Natalie do you think he was right to

Basically have this huge Sales Event around hating on Natalie or do you perceive this as being a true stand for fairness for Foo I’d love to know again I don’t want to take any stance because no matter what I say people will hate on me so with that thank you so much for

Watching wild runs signing out peace


  1. I have nothing against transgenders. Gender dysphoria is a real condition, and I have strong sympathy towards those who have it. However, I am also against doping. Once a male body has been through a male puberty, no amount of hormone treatments will erase the inherent physical advantage the owner of that body enjoys over CIS women. This is a medical fact. Allowing a transgender person whose body has been through a male puberty to compete in women's sport is tantamount to legalised doping. What Natalie Ryan is doing is extremely selfish and plain wrong.

  2. Bro looks like he’s contemplating to transition himself. Probably can’t even answer the simple question… what is a woman? Speak the truth and have no fear of the consequences

  3. What was the dehumanizing comment he made? Making Defamatory statments of a player from a dgpt employee. Nice dude. Lawsuit??

  4. Ryan must have sucked so bad playing DG and transitioning to a female didn't help his/her game at all. It still can win a A Tier even just like Brodie Smith cant win one either

  5. I think its comical that "Natalie" is so triggered by this stuff. Not a smart move by him.

  6. Another content creator that doesn’t care about women’s sports. I refuse to support anyone that doesn’t care about women or women’s sports. ✌️

  7. Dehumanizing???
    This take was not very well thought out…..
    Also,not wanting Natalie to play in the women’s FPO division doesn’t necessarily equate to having any hate towards Transgender people
    It seems theres a lot of people that really don’t understand that.
    Kristin Tattar is ranked outside of the top 1000 men in the world According to ratings
    How many woman can throw a putter 300 ft?
    A lot of hate going around on both sides
    Let’s stick to the facts
    The likelihood that being born a male with give an advantage in disc golf(most sports) is pretty obvious
    We can demonstrate this throughout science and statistics
    Disc golf is awesome and booming
    Natalie should play in MPO

  8. picked up this disc to support women for fair play. As a father of a baby girl, I commend him for making a stance. More men should.

  9. For someone claiming not to have an opinion, you make it pretty obvious where you stand! Will not waste my time with your nonsense biased videos!

  10. Brother, grow a spine and some common sense. Nikko support will grow tremendously because of this. I'll be buying his discs. About time athletes took a stand for something obviously true. Ryan is a narcissist who wasn't good enough to play with the boys. Dude shouldn't be playing with women.

  11. Good for nikko. Natalie Ryan is a terrible person. This person is knowingly screwing over women. Why is this controversial?

  12. Why wouldn't you state which side you are on? That's the problem people are afraid to say how they feel in fear of being shunned by the opposing side or canceled. It's cowardly and aiding to the issue.

  13. Seems pretty clear to me that you have picked a side….too call his statement dehumizing….yeah….thats the language we would expect to hear by Ryan supporters….never mind disrepecting ALL women….because hes so fning special.

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