Golf Babe

6 Hole Stroke Play Match! College Golfers | Sabrina Andolpho

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What’s up guys welcome back to my Channel today I with a new guest I’ve never even golfed with her before Sydney hi she plays for the college that I played for we’re going to do a six-hole match she’s a current college player so she’s probably going to kick my ass but

I’m going to actually really try we’re out of Miami Shores she knows it better than I do so no don’t here let’s not get it twisted home probably still kick my ass okay anyways let’s jump right into it this your first time like on camera kind of right kind of yeah are you

Nervous a little bit no I’ve got this in the bag what do you mean this a par five it’s a really weird one there’s water in the middle funky hole here I shouldn’t say where I’m aiming right because if it doesn’t go there damn see you’re not camera shy can

I do a little little spin at the club she striped it this is like one of the holes in college where I would either shoot like a birdie or like I’ve definitely made like multiple triples here but oh wow is that too long you think I

Mean you can’t get mad if you hit it too far oh she did sit okay we’re fine oh my God I was literally like are you joking right now I didn’t really do a great introduction my name is Sydney Grimes started playing golf when I was like 11

Really got into it like 13 years old that’s kind of late right like 13 that’s how I was too I wasn’t interested in golfing and I was like wait these clothes are kind of cute wa the boys are kind of cute that’s what got me into

Golf I’m not even joking like golf has some cute guys better looking girls yeah like the golf girls are definitely cuter we’re just going to rip three-wood like it’s not even a like a par five you can get it in two especially when you’re a short hitter like me there’s no way we

Love the short Queens that’s right no please go please go please go okay chunked it but that’s literally we’re safe okay we’re literally fine a little nervous probably yeah that was nerves I was shaking wow it’s so clear the water kind of this is the ocean by

The way I I don’t want to hit three-wood cuz I feel like that’s kind of a weird lie so I’m just going to hit hybrid laying up here [Laughter] how am I this bad okay that actually got a really good kick we both didn’t hit good shots you know what they’re fine

It’s a par five we have room okay I don’t think mine’s fine so like basically in college golf eight or 12 people usually is like standard for a golf team and only the top five gets to go to the tournament so there’s always like these mini tournaments within your

Team called qualifying and it’s every week pretty much qualifying for me is more nerve-wracking than actual to a tournament I know yeah but this is where we did qualifying so it brings back a lot of good and bad memories it’s like 127 to the front I’m probably going to

Play at like 140 exactly and just try and be in the front of the green damn that’s got to go that was fun no no it’s short and it’s not good wait no it’s longall bro my death perception so bad I’ll be telling a shot to go and

It’s like it flew the grave here’s where I left myself it’s 124 I don’t know I think if I actually just hit a draw though I don’t even need a really worry about the trees right where’s that please tell me it literally went still okay we’re both

Over like what is going on right now I feel like par fivs are typically your birdie holes but this one is it’s another level there’s been times where I’ve lit had to hit a highb bird in this sole we didn’t even hit a green regulation on a part five so um time to

Get up and down right yeah I definitely skyrocketed the green and now I’m like shortsighted over the Green in this like mulch of stuff sit please yeah I knew that that was going to happen actually yeah there was like no chance of that being a good shot to be

Honest we’re doing match play so honestly like this could be a pretty much gimme hole for you I can hole out no way though sit that was great I left myself with my least favorite distance to putt though what is that like a onef footer yeah I

Don’t like those she pretty much is probably going to make a par but you know the only goal now is to see if I can just chip this in please go go go okay I have to make a bogey at least like even if you make a par actually you could definitely miss

That I could I told you it’s my least favorite distance for all the marbles pretty much all the pressure is on me right now do you put with the pin in no yeah what are you doing I’m like oh you’re one of those people no I need as much room as possible okay

No wait not the pressure is on me though the chances of me making that so slim okay let me let me tap this in cuz I shouldn’t miss this God that’s embarrassing the college golfer no I’m that’s embarrassing so if I make this through one we tide if I’m if I’m not

Mistaken I’m just being nice can’t let her lose the first toll on her channel right bro yes of course she how did that happen it’s a freaking lab putter okay it’s a freaking lab putter no literally shout out lab golf like I swear this makes all the

Clutch okay so like she’s probably like a better skilled golfer than me right now cuz she’s like still playing college but maybe I can get in your head a little yeah like are you are you mentally weak or you think you have that like pray

Down I guess we’ll find out so far I’m crumbling Under Pressure oh wow these trees look actually so nice are these new don’t think so there’s just like so much wind yeah I think I might Club up too cuz it’s in the front so it’s better to miss long here I think I’m going to hit a seven

Come on oh that was actually perfect be good flew the green like you hit so much club like why did you hit a seven we’re like 113 bro I don’t know you’re getting in my head see why am I getting in your I’m kidding oh my God you’re on though

No I can’t tell you are you are bro like can this not be the case please like where’ it Go of course that’s like the worst spot you’re going to be there’s like a bunch of people around here and like me and Sydney don’t want anyone to see us so we’re going to

Be really quick with this hole I used to have this shot all the time in college sit sit sit sit please please please please is that good or no that’s so good I arrived there I thrived I was so nervous yep let’s see if the the lag putting is

Good oh my God I hit it so so bad that’s not even going to get it to the hole and I’m going to have like 6 ft left now four feet this time but instead like six no oh all right that’s good now I have to make mine she kind of left the

Door open we’re on a really hot start just Bogies but you know I think she’s just a little nervous that’s all oh my go s all right guys one up somehow I swear she makes everything I’ve never seen somebody absolutely everything are you serious does yes you

Haven’t missed a pot it’s the LA Potter maybe a green but not a pot do we play the blue here yeah we’re playing the tips we both out though you want uh thunder or lightning or like 6 months in the hospital or sudden and death which

One is it no yeah we’re both you know gym Girls part four here I actually hate this hole it was like my Nemesis hole in college this is my comeback okay this is your comeback I’m just giving her a little cushion room I’m making her feel

All nice and good about having a lead yeah I like I said in the cart this is literally my Nemesis of a whole like in college golf I would always really screw up here so oh that was no please stop drawing what is that hit car path it hit

The car path no I was saying hit cart path get a bad kick I is this your tea you want this yeah thanks I think you’re fine you’re just a little left do you like this hole um yes and no oh perfect I’ve actually I like C out on The

Fairway on this hole but other than that this green is awful it’s a difficult approach shot that was perfect good shot cute nice coming back we’re talking about if we eat out or cook more I eat like a bodybuilder meal pretty much every day it’s always chicken and rice and green

Beans that’s it once you can get into the schedule of eating that you get used to it but I’ve been eating out so much that eating that at home sounds so annoying yeah no it’s not good it’s not all that but no but no but it’s actually

Great though please be me no that’s you I feel like maybe I hit it further cuz I’m up there yeah okay awesome I’m in the trees yay 81 fun you don’t like that yardage no it’s fine but just off of like a tight light like this okay so for

The viewers watching do you have any tips for for tight lies uh you hit it and prey yeah they hit and hope that’s usually my strategy too yeah because it’s either going to be a skull or it’s going to be fat is that good I thought I hit it good but

I think that went so far so is that the thin you were talking about I wouldn’t say it’s a thin but man I don’t know the depth perception is just not good today Sydney is I have no idea where I think she’s like maybe do you think you’re

Fine or you don’t even know I have no idea this could be my opportunity to maybe not have this last six holdes oh I’m so sorry that’s Lally a joke okay talk all that and then do that all right guys I mean I didn’t really expect to hit that that well because

Obviously I was in the tree but yeah this is just not where you want to leave yourself on a par 4 I have a short-sided chip and unfortunately Sydney is literally putting for birdie and it’s not even a bad putt but her putting like I don’t know you know hey hey now I’ll

Show you a good Putt in a second don’t you worry bro am I literally like this bad actually go got a good kick I could actually make that cuz I’m putter so we’ll see you’re not going to get lovey Wy from him no which is like what I like

Yeah me too okay Sydney how you feeling I’ve got to make a putt in order to get it back all tied I mean who knows if you make a par you could be fine unless I just like absolutely sink that that’s true but honestly I wouldn’t be

Surprised if you did sink it considering you haven’t missed one yet but I have a pretty good look at birdie here little left right slider downhill I’ve go go that’s a tap in no it’s not I would give this to you but literally this is like isn’t this the pressure that you

Need yeah do you want me to give it to you or do you want to just have it do you want to be nice or you want to okay you know what I give it to you like I feel like you’ll make that tap it

In though you have to make it but I did give it to you okay there you go I don’t feel bad now okay you can still tie me she likes the pressure she thrives under the pressure I actually do which is weird cuz in I didn’t Thrive Under

Pressure I like cracked every time it was like really depressing actually oh my God that literally hopped through the whole world did you see that thank God okay but you know what I I want this to be an I want it to go all six hole ah so she’s being nice she’s

Taking it easy if you couldn’t tell that was a dig Okay why is this not moving cart locked I hate when the carts have the uh the system things because it’s so annoy I always end up in a restricted area and then I have to reverse for 10 minutes like yeah I feel like it slows down

Basically no for sure like just let me drive on the green I got one back yeah whatever I I was like it needs to like go she being nice okay now we’re all square three holes left anything can happen here really like who’s your money

On you or me I’m going to say myself what do you mean you got to be confident okay Sydney just said she had homework and I almost threw up the downside of being a college athlete do you get stressed about school like I never care

To be honest I don’t care but also at the same time I do like if I just get it done it’s fine but until it’s done I’m stressed about it for no reason yeah all right Par Four so what is it do dog it’s

A dog leg to the left we’re going to try and hit a draw oh that’s more like a pull where did that go go go it’s either in the bunker or over it either way not good she pipes it that was so good down the middle that was actually like the draw

That I want to see it’s a perfect shot nice that’s what I was trying to do guys I am wanting Sydney to come and be in some of the golf girl games videos if you have not checked out the golf girl games make sure to go check it out it’s

Going to be the best girls golf content out there I think Sydney would be like a really good part of it I would love to be a part of it I mean who doesn’t love watching good girls play golf not that uh what I’ve performed today is good to

The majority of golfers you know like a bogey is a good score when we get a bogey it’s like the worst thing no when I get a bogey I literally am like I hate go have you ever meant to just salad before no is it good yeah it’s my

Favorite 97 to the pin it’s kind of a tucked pin I’m also in the rough I don’t know if it’s going to be a flyer or not and everything depends on this shot right here too so can’t mess around with this oh my God I scolded it please

Sit I think it stopped no no that’s so far off the back what happened was it a flyer no I just was scared to hit the ball oh wow I love this game so much honestly when it’s like super downwind sometimes it’s harder for me than like into my face yeah that’s

Short ha oh it’s perfect that was pretty good guys nice I love when someone sees us in the Fairway and then like hits their drive anyways do you guys watching like do you get pissed if someone hits into you like it’s kind of rude right it

Is I feel like it’s a lack of etiquette honestly and I just want to like hit the golf ball back but I’m like Ah that’s even worse more than rude because they’re trying to kill us basically yeah I was just playing in a tournament and we were on the green and the girl

Literally hit her shot onto the green and we’re all just like what are you doing yeah like you see us here you can play you can play through I mean are we not Lou or okay let’s just keep going I guess cuz they clearly they don’t hear us yep I almost

Threw it into the road pretty much but okay we got to do a little flop shot here you got this sit damn are you joking that was actually so good is that actually good no it got a really bad kick but that was like really good though damn it okay got

To make a putt Sydney actually hit a really good shot from there I’ve been there a lot and it’s just an intimidating shot the lies down there are never good but anyways this is my puff for birdie if I make this then we’re just moving on to the next hole

But if not Sydney definitely has unless I three putt that’s a possibility does she do it I’m going to be a and I’m not going to give that to you I’m nervous okay here we go all day literally it’s like automatic I mean so easy never doubt this is to remain at all

Square let’s see if I can drain a putt oh my gosh does she that was a really weird break it wasn’t even close like not even close your outfit looks good though that’s the main thing you know if you look good you hopefully play good but it’s usually look good feel good but

If you look good and play Bad you still feel like right pretty much that’s the feeling right now okay best and worst part of your game I’m not a long hitter but I’m I’m straight most of the time worst part of my game if you haven’t seen it’s it’s

The putting it’s either good or bad it really just depends I feel like always those short little putts that you know that you should make always get me it’s it’s something mental all right guys here we go driver this is a tough shot it’s a really long approach shot so you

Have to hit a good drive here oh no that’s a little hit solid but you left yourself long distance coming in it may get a good kick I want a Cuban sandwich actually so good let’s try and hit that little baby draw not draw nice fade I think we’re

Going to be in the same spot all right you’re fine there it’s in the Fairway no one knows it’s still in the Fairway I think yeah just not that draw you were looking for no it never is it’s always a fade I swear always it’s so weird when I

Start on my channel and in college I literally could never hit a draw and now I’m hitting a draw every time I can’t wait for that day the day I hit a draw I’m I’m praying I feel like as a girl you want to hit a draw because I feel

Like everyone hits it further when you hit a draw yeah no for sure 171 back pin pretty sure I’m into the wind too yeah and there’s water up front pretty close it it is a little bit downhill though right yeah and honestly the pin’s so far

Back there that being a little bit in front of the pin is not bad like you don’t want to go long all right we’re going to try and embrace the fade on this one cuz the draw is clearly not working out come on no that’s to that over fed

It’s going to be fine it’s faded but it’s too much no it’s actually fine oh my God I’m tired of these up and downs I just want to hit a green I know sometimes like that was always my hardest thing too it’s like I just like

Don’t hit greens at often I know you got to hit greens to make we have 154 yards I don’t know it’s a I don’t even know it’s to hit cuz I don’t want to go over because it’s a back pin so I think I’m just going to hit seven because I can be

Short cuz there’s some green to work with so I’m just praying here please like actually work out but that was not good contact that was so good what are you talking about okay it’s short but it’s on hey it’s AG Green in regulation I feel like we’re at the age

Where it’s like kind of an ick if they ask you what your Snapchat is but also like you you kind of like want a Snapchat like I just don’t want to text you all day no if a guy asks me what my Snapchat is it’s like an automatic

You’re like no no you’re not the one yeah like I need to hire my standards anyways I can’t be like Snapchatting some weirdo yeah a lot can happen on this hole if I win the match was over I know so I have all the pressure to hit a

Good shot and I’m not on a green and you are I’ve really set myself up good for this one you could definitely still win that’s right I’m hold holding this one that’s not hauling it that was actually really great no it got no rule these are like some big putts right now

Yeah there’s a lot riding on this this is for my birdie if I make this match is over if I don’t make this but make a par she has to make her putt yeah and like I don’t know shit’s getting real right now you know it is that was really bad sit

Down okay oh that’s good I’m just going to tap this in is this good that’s good she knows that I’m like money with these all right Sydney pressure is on this is to win the NC daa championship for Barry University yes let’s do this is the putt

That will make or break your Hulk career yes let’s do it go in go in no that’s good ah good match good match little confidence booster all right guys that is it for today I won finally thank you so much for letting me win I appreciate

That if you enjoy this make sure to like And subscribe I’m going to put her Instagram in the description check her out and she’s also going to be coming on to the golf girl games because I think you did great ah thanks I hope perform a little bit better you know a little

Camera shy at first okay no like everyone’s a little camera shy it’s like so different being filmed but she did great um if you guys enjoyed this I already said like And subscribe and yeah this is a bad outro so bye bye


  1. Wonderful match. I live in the city next to Suffolk, VA, so I’m curious as to what courses she learned to play golf. She is a natural for The Golf Girl Games because she has an excited personality. Hat is one of the things that makes The Golf Girl Games great, is because each young lady has a very unique personality that adds to the banter! Keep building your brand Sabrina!

  2. Sydney did great under the pressure of a first timer on a YouTube video. It would be a lot of fun to see her compete in the Golf Girl Games. … For now, she needs a rematch!

  3. Classic Sabrina "Are you like mentally weak?" 😂😂

    Sydney is very cool for a mentally weak Barry U student. We are looking forward to seeing her GGG.

  4. Baby girl you're so fun to watch😊 I don't know shite about golf but I'm trying to learn and I think you could teach me❤,,,🍀🍀🍀

  5. A really fun match on a course with a past for Sabrina. 😄 Hope to see more of you in the Golf Girl Games events, Sydney. You are a perfect fit with the G3 vibe.

  6. Sydney would be great in the Triple G!! Can we get her paired with Deanna Cofessore? I think they would make a good pair! Love that you are showcasing more girls on your channel Sabrina!
    You're the Best!! 🙌🌹⛳

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