NFL to Adopt New Kickoff Rules, Ban Hip-Drop Tackle, & Play Christmas Day | COVINO & RICH

COVINO & RICH discuss the NFL rule changes that drastically alter NFL kickoff rules and how players will be able to tackle each other.

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Right and then of course there’s the NFL stories now they’re not as weird but they’re interesting right interesting that they’re making all these moves would you say we learned a little something from the XFL uh yeah I mean just based on that kickoff rule right something right the NFL has decided to adopt

Now when you think about rule changes in sports Danny we always agree that it’s the common sentiment for everyone to hate it at first right like any change yeah most people don’t like anything they’re not used to new iPhone update you’re like I hate Apple actually ended up being okay I think

This the first time there’s been a rule change that everyone’s like oh cool because was anyone really happy with 80% I felt like it was like 80% of the time it was just a lame Touchback like through the end zone yeah felt like a waste of time so with that said the fact

That the offense is going to be lining up on the other side of the 50 one could really move until the guy catches the ball uh Roger Goodell talked about it I think it’ll be a big Improvement I think it will bring the play back into you

Know a relevant play an important play and an exciting play and I think we can do it where the injury rate hopefully will drop now the hip drop tackle that rule has a lot of people saying like how the hell you going to tackle someone

That’s the one where no one seems to be in agreement but I had people up in arms yesterday people were man at Arms yesterday angry and upset current players former players what is this flag football you even brought up in our pre-show meeting do you think we’ll ever

Get to the point where it is flag football it’s possible I mean I mean yeah the ban on the no hip drop tackle caused some controversy and then this one we think we could get behind we agree with this one but again it goes back to what rich said nobody likes

Change at all anyway nobody likes to make those adjustments it’s the cavino en rich cell phone update Theory anytime there’s a new update on your cell phone you hate it you hate it but two weeks into it you’re like ah you know what it’s better and most of the time it is

It is honestly most of the time you get used to it either way very rarely is there an update where you’re like I like the feel way better remember how when they took away the button on your cell phone I didn’t have a cell phone at the

Time but I remember Rich was like devastated where’s my what am I going to do that’s when you were Android boy I was Android boy before that they took the head phone jack away remember everybody hat and then what happens you make your adjustment you’re mad about it

For a few days and then you forget all about the previous way and you move on you move forward and you realize you know what this wasn’t so bad it might even be better I I think am am I wrong that then again I haven’t really listened to anyone else today I’ve been

In my own thoughts but is anyone you’ve been glued on uh on Diddy updates I have you know what I’m really so disinterested I I I feel like all along so many people are creepos and we’re just sadly learning about it I think many people for the most part are like

Yeah this kickoff thing could be fun do do you know anyone that’s really fighting it like not this I want a traditional Touchback most of the time yesterday everybody was mad about the no hip drop tackle thing today the I’m calling it the XFL kickoff let’s let’s

Do it I mean that’s what I’m going with right now I don’t think anyone’s as mad about it the the hip drop tackle has for hop The Hip drop hippity hip hip it’s got people mad in fact I just saw meme as I was getting ready to do the show it said

Well let’s go back to Super Bowl 34 do you remember when the Tennessee Titans came within inches of tying the St Louis at the time Rams that was a hip drop tackle that prevented him from getting in the end zone so they said if that was now it

Would be penalty and the regulation but the Titans would have had one play from the one yard line mhm which crazy when you think about it it’s a big it’s a big play gell talked about that the hip drop T listen it’s a play has a 20 times injury factor for

That standpoint you can’t allow that we’ve been very I think effective uh and very clear when we see a technique that we think is going to increase the safety of our players uh we’re going to work to try to remove it from the game so hey

Man of course the owners are gonna Vote for This they’re trying to keep their players healthy yeah listen uh mix reviews on The Hip drop I think all positive reviews on the new kickoff rules I think it just makes it more exciting right who doesn’t want to see some special teams some

Speed some guys making moves like honestly is there I think it’s a push rich I think for everybody angry about yesterday’s updates you have to realize it’s for the safety of the players but then you get today’s update announcement and you’re like all right whatever it’s

A push that’s fun you know one thing they’ve yet to address now they they’ve flirted with the idea of some weird like hey if you want a onside kick do like fourth and 20 from your territory I what about just going back to the old school onsite kick the new

Onsite kick has made it virtually impossible for that play to be effective at all I’m surprised that hasn’t been resolved but mixed reviews mixed reviews but again that’s just the nature of the beast that’s just how people operate people hate anything new people hate change and like I said total p based on

The fact that no one’s really hating on the XFL kickoff again the kickoff return the receiver once he catches it that’s when everybody gets to run he has to catch it first he’s basically standing in a Zone alone alone and then when it lands or he catches it that’s when

People could run unfreeze unfreeze exactly you you’re going to see the Special Teams kick returner be more of a a key position now yeah we could see another Devin Hester finally I was just going to say how guys like that must feel when they see these updates

What I wonder if there’s going to be guys that want to do a little double duty and I’m not just saying this because I’m a Niners fan but Debo has done some kick and punt return coverage over the last couple years what if you get a guy like Debo that’s like yo I’m

Designed for this if I if they can’t move until I catch the ball I’m going to bust through those zones there’s guys I mean what what if DK super speed that have a a few more seconds to to get it going they really benefit from this what

If a guy a medf with a with speed like a Tyreek Hill or strength like a DK medf what what if some of these Elite wide receivers are like well if that’s the case if I’m going to receive the ball and then have pretty much a a few yard

Head Start before people start tackling me more action more scoring no one’s complaining about thatan you could say you’re not going to put your receiver in that position but in key spots you might all right um and the third one Christmas day it’s going to be on a

Wednesday which is sort of weird right because think about if you’re already thinking about when you’re going to take off work with your company yeah Wednesday like Christmas Eve is on a Tuesday Christmas on a Wednesday Christmas on a hump day it’s honestly like the weakest like do you just is

That week wash like do you you take two days off yeah hold on let me think about this so two games Wednesday day hump day it is it’s a religious holiday you going to be getting your hump on on this hump night so yeah how do you balance that out do

You do you take off before or after I think after I don’t think anyone Works anyway but they they talked about the two games that they decided to have on Christmas day let’s hear it well I think the days are the same for us we we’ve

Done this Co it was actually a learning opportunity I think it was the first time we played on a Wednesday it will not be a regular thing it’ll be when Christmas Falls on a Wednesday uh but the time period between games has been done before listen I don’t see why they

Wouldn’t do it the NBA has done well on Christmas when the NFL has had these opportunities usually when that’s been on a Saturday or Sunday and they do Christmas games ratings are huge everyone’s home everyone’s with friends and family it’s fine and the NFL does Trump the NBA you said you said Trump

He’s also in the news why would told you it’s a weird week why it’s a mess would anyone say no to NFL football on Christmas day no you’re lounging around you’re loung around picking up wrapping paper Rems all day little Co is ripping open his Coco melon toys and then uh

Around stepping on Legos relax and watch some football yeah we know he’s not going to be playing with a toy he’s going to be playing with a cardboard box that came in it’s true you know you’re going to be you’re going to be laying down getting into the gameing and then

Your kids or your wife are going be like we need batteries for the toy then you’re going to have to go out for batteries and you’re going to miss the game that’s what happens it’s a new one Our Generation instead of going out for smokes going out for Batteries going out

For B we forgot Santa forgot the batteries you got now you got to go out and get them and you’re going to miss half the game on Christmas day dude the more Sports the better on a holiday no for sure you’re going to be loung around being lazy that’s great enjoy some

Eggnog enjoy some football I love it so hey uh NFL constantly innovating constantly making fun changes they really are though right and you think that it’s a product that’s not broke so don’t fix it but they keep making adjustments and I don’t think they’re pushing it too much here cuz sometimes

You do get the sense of hipop tackle definitely has some eyebrows raised are you are you a lot of times people will be like are you are you pushing your luck here I don’t think that might be a whammy right there I don’t know yet I think the Wednesday games are good the

Kickoff is good yo Dan buyer what says you the the guy that’s been reporting this all day it’s been it’s been the uh Talk of the Town all day has been that happens to the NFL because we’re all talking trying to figure out the kickoff Rule and what will happen I think

Everybody’s going to love let’s just not waste 10 seconds of our time and kick it through the back of the end zone yeah because I think that that is that is gone I have no idea on how it’s going to appear I do like the the likelihood of

Of more runbacks the Christmas Day stuff I think we’re just all getting accustomed to it I think now we we put our hands up in the air and love to sounds so righteous but on Christmas Day when we’re done unwrapping presents we’re going to be like all right let’s

Turn on the NFL game you know let’s dude I listen if you got kids if you don’t Christmas to me there is a downside though because that’s the one day you’re supposed to put the phone down forget about the game true movies en the family enjoy enjoy your Christmas movie The

Fireplace now you’re going to be glued to the TV instead of helping your kid put his uh Toy together dude it if you thought Christmas was a day that people didn’t do anything then movies wouldn’t historically come out on Christmas but you watched them as a family I hate to

Break the news to you rich your little kid Ben yeah doesn’t care that much about the 49ers what do you mean that’s what I’m saying he just wants you to play with him on Christmas get out of here he wants to you know have your attention on the holiday so there is

There is that if you really want to dive into it yeah Dan no one’s really said anything so I’m I’m not I don’t have some outrageous take but if you do these new kickoff rules which they will and yeah I like that guy receives the ball then everyone

Could essentially play ball right like you you move when the guy receives the kickoff yep why won’t teams use Elite strong fast guys like a DK meaf on your team or Debo or someone with Tyreek Hill Tyreek Hill speed like I don’t think you’re going to have maybe the

Traditional kickoff return guys there because change his special team yeah I think Specialists and I think if we see we if we see if this is an opportunity Dan for teams to get the ball to 3540 if they have a good return team yes you might get some of these

Guys out there I think on the surface although I would not be willing to subject Tyreek Hill or DK metf or you know Debo’s a different animal you know but like I wouldn’t take like your Prime guy to be like hey maybe we can make something happen because it’s not a

Scripted play you don’t know where they’re going to kick it so it’s not like you can set it up I don’t know if I would want Tyreek Hill or just Jefferson to be any in any scrums or piles which you could get in this sort of setup I

Have I I don’t have a lot of experience on how this is going to play out I’m just glad we just get rid of the automatic boots through the Endo like that just like this it’s a different way and there’s that’s the snooze part of the game all you do because you know

That that’s the time you can get up and get a drink or something cuz all you do you’re going to see the ball go through the end zone and you watch your quarterback Trot out to the field and like you know it’s possibly a timeout I

Think there’s a huge and I think there’s a huge difference between the 25 and the 30 yard line and that’s where you would get the football if you booted it out of the end zone the team would get it at the 30 yard line I think this is the

Best adjustment since taking the uprights out of the end zone yes that drove me I never football fies took a hit though because they had no clips of guys you know crotching the U still has their uh yeah but as a kid that always baffled me though I’m like why were when

Were when were you a kid in the early mid 1900s when you would see the highlights from it by the way wait and not try not to dumb it down but I’m good at that rich I’m calling it the XFL kickoff rule yeah isn’t that how we played like

Two-hand touch back in the day wasn’t that kind of how you did it in your backyard or playground when you were sticking or kicking like when the guy caught that’s when you kid got him isn’t that I feel like that’s what we did we froze until the guy caught the

Ball you know you when you said that like freeze it just made me think why you why you calling it the XFL should call cino’s backyard rule it kind of is a backyard rule cuz when you’re thinking about it when you’re playing two sh it right now or t when you’re playing

Tackle football you would I mean sometimes sometimes kids would kick it but if you had a good arm someone would throw it right you didn’t really run until that ball landed or someone caught it that’s kind of how I thought about it um but it worked in the XFL I remember

When we talked about the XFL rules we said that was one that they could adapt or adopt and I think that one will work your thoughts your phone calls you want to chime in mad about the changes here I wonder though with that sorry to interrupt the are we going to get more

Touchdowns because if you break that line you’re gone and a lot of times you could have hey let’s chase him down at the 50 because of the way that it was set up you know it’s only a 40 now if you break through and you only have the

What kicker to beat like that will be something that will be interesting to see too if you’re you’ve got more opportunities for kickoff returns which DB which is which is why it’s that cost you know benefit ratio of do you do you put an elite guy out there because you

Could get a set like if after week three you’re getting a couple kickoffs a week returned or at least to the you know Midfield rich I think we’ll see some teams do that when they’re trailing late probably not the starter games yeah but in a crunch time moment I bet you that’s

When we’ll see Danny I’m not saying I’m not saying Devonte Adams is going to be out there every every time for you but if the Raiders need a some momentum or speed gu like Tucker it changes strategy a little bit yeah I I agree and you’re

Not going to want to take the tance chance throughout the game for injury reasons Dan berer said yeah that that’s probably how it’s going to work out so I find that to be interesting from a strateg strategy standpoint and just a scoring stand stry strateg Strat I said

That on purpose call back there strategery uh well you know what I’m glad all this NFL news came down because the only other NFL news today was sort of bumming me out and it was that uh Aaron Rogers is not going to be anyone’s Vice president so you know hey we at

Least got some good NFL news today right


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