Golf Players

2024 Seneca Spring Fling | R2F9 | Kneece, Garcia, Thompson, Bates

This is Round 2 Front 9 of the 2024 Seneca Spring fling presented by Discmania and Down South Discs. The event was held on March 9-10 on the Shaver OG DGC at the Shaver Recreation Complex in Seneca, SC.

Feature Card: Martin Kneece, Rico Garcia, Harper Thompson, Austen Bates.

Commentary: Ryan “Ish” Ulmer and @rpmonndiscgolf

Catch Cam: @rykerwest-pc6qh

Drone Footage;: @jonathanwunrow

Original music (The Blue Buzzz) composed and performed by Vern Weygandt.

Hello and welcome to round two front nine action of the 2024 cica Spring Fling presented by dis Mania and down south discs catch cam today is rker West Drone footage is by Jonathan wro commentary team is Ish om and Ryan man card today from Jackson South Carolina we have Martin

Ni from Brentwood Tennesse C Harper Thompson from boring Springs South Carolina Rico Garcia and from Whitmore Lake Michigan Austin baites ho one on the Sena OG course par three 168t straight shot so get your throwing Putters ready first off we got Martin going I believe on the outside needs to sit though sit yeah this is one

Of those old school courses man uh each one of the the holes you definitely want to be paying attention to the car behind you yeah Harper going putter here just straight at it very nice that’s good land flat Rico going to with a the bird I like the bird on this hole no

Glide yep just kind of drops out the sky have you played in many tournaments with Harper I don’t I this is this my this is my first time I’ve ever been in a tournament where he is at the event okay so we got Austin bites going forehand also my first time

Being in a tournament with Austin still pin high right yeah for Circle puts for his verie oh little loone left B that’s a good putt whole one’s a weird one cuz it’s right in that range where I don’t know if I want to throw it or jump out it so

It’s a very it’s like the most soft throw you can do or it’s like one of the hardest jump you can do how did that go in climbed over it that was like my PL from Whole 13 last round Harper coming back for his birdie [Laughter] sound like it rough but stayed

In Rico for the only power on the card it’s like a constant chatter of chains all these holes in the background Yeah hole number two par three 318 ft just a gentle uh turn over to the right um throw a backhand land that tree out there and slide up some people throw a forehand and kind of push that left Edge for rties that is Martin’s going back to

That Quake forehand and just kind of flips turned it over too much y Harper doesn’t go to the for end much just going to throw putter turnover I think this hole definitely fits the backhand more but I still personally throw a forehand because I just like to take my 20f

Footer yeah oh yeah very nice all the way past got uphill putt back at it a going forehand looks like a quake from that stamp Le they get moving right think got caught up on that back left Edge Rico going Firebird forehead uhoh sounds like a ace over

Somewhere probably whole eight yeah yeah oh no it was 177 B Bo Carlson that’s oh that’s right yep speaking of Bo Carlson he had a pretty good weekend this weekend had a ace won won his division we go parar and OG’s not really how you want to start it

Off this course is just uh gives many birdies as possible yep it’s like survive whole three four and five and get the birdies right then survive 12 and 13 and then birdie everything else exactly yeah like par five holes maybe and then take the bra and the

Rest Austin got about a 40 footer here boom top shelf Harper for his birdie coming back probably pump fix a lot of people people out he’s a very aggressive warm-up stroke yeah get one too nice too and then roic and uh Martin should clean up their pars here M

Money Martin’s a very very fast player yeah yeah he doesn’t take much time Nope hold 3 is the only part four on the course 544 ft you want to throw a back in that gets a nice skip down this Fairway and then just H you for a a 4 in shot it’s almost a U-turn essentially you want to throw a 4 in that skips

Right here gets a big flare skip to the right and this one this one’s very tough are most of y’all throwing mids here off the te just to get the you know just around the corner uh I go Fairway driver just so I can get the reliable skip M

But looks like a a driver from Harper looks really good yeah I tell oh3 oh it was an A3 so it was a self commentating all we do is just asking yeah why do we why are we even here TI maybe Raptor maybe definitely has looks beef oh yeah

Looks beefy oh got got caught up going with one of those old school Predators needed to get left yeah very nice that’s good oh yeah say it’s thundy I think it’s the Thunder bir up y maybe just popped it up too straight oh yeah push that right side oh he’s going to have

The I think he might have went a little too straight yeah for and roller from in these Woods is a very popular play try to throw a for and just to get through all that middle stuff is that what yeah that’s what he’s going for oh he jumped the

Bench yes yes sir that is premium from there ladies and gentlemen that was calculated D that was crazy yeah you see R does the the more normal oh wow freight train through the bottom of the bench all right so next time you guys play the hole don’t go to the actual

Fairway he said you’re not going to one up me with a big roller Harper I’m going to guess he’s going to have to go forehead here yeah yeah he’s got a good one he doesn’t really pull out too often yep pushing that left side very nice should be good they’re still commentating for

Us players got to know I don’t hold it yeah good enough Austin after oh after hopping the Ben so close Harper but I feel certain he’s happy with a four after that t- shot exactly you have any look after that t- shot you’re ecstatic yeah oh no that was a weird one

Yeah had to hear Three boom great birdie that’s a good birdie always feel great on three with a three you can birdie one or two out of these next three holes man oh yeah one really good hold number four par three 303 ft um the ceiling really comes into play

Here um you definitely want to uh throw something that that turns late um most people are going to right-handers are going to throw a forehand if they have it um kind of push that left side the whole way something to maybe stand up as you go down you definitely don’t want to

Be early right yeah R throwing what is I’ve never seen this disc in my life the mystery disc it’s probably a destroyer oh yeah that’s good very nice yeah should we we had a mama man sighing there Harper going forhead as well maybe D1 either that or looks yeah definitely

Looks D oneish yeah yeah oh yeah another nice one he’s got a powerful what a skip that’s still down there just the edge of the circle Austin looks like Raptor to me N speed is a good play this hole if you have some power with the forehand that looks

Too high though oh got that good skip though oh nice looks pretty good from this angle it that’s perfect that is perfect inredible Martin going nuke I believe oh yeah that’ll stand up nice that’s perfect a good SK Oh I thought was already past all

That sit oh maybe not as perfect as I thought good tree to stop him though heart prefer birdie I love this course you can just you just hear yeah if you hit the band you can just hear that around and everybody around you yeah exactly Roo

Oh double donk like you you you could hear that one on the whole 17 good clean up for Martin two courses where the people heard your donk yeah this one is really close to 17 CH Austin first too after an incredible Drive really just how how you want to

Play the hole you want to throw it maybe maybe a little lower than he did but hit that down slip with a skip oh yeah anything with a wide rim driver and you’re you know exactly as long as you skip clean yep one two three fours is pretty I think a

Pretty common occurrence on maybe a bogey in there now we go on to the hardest one in the course full five part 3 412 ft uh the plays either a Forint turnover that Fades back at the end or a backend lay up to the middle of the farway very very tough

Hole and if you have the the big arm with a flippy disc forehand I mean you can get pretty aggressive down the right side here but not too many people were comfortable with that shot no it’s a very specific shot shape for sure like Heiser flip to turn forehand

Down the right side not a lot of people like that yeah myself I’ll just take a mid-range out throw it straight down the middle and Chip up and take my par and move on yeah I go Athena backend and try to play for like a 45 footer left my old

MP 40 arm doesn’t quite have that forehand in the Arsenal anymore that’s good from Rico oh nice little yeah that’s good enough scoot out back to the middle should be a little pitch forand or jump up har just going to throw a back end looks like a a

Mid that could be a fair way this hole is really hard to park with the back hand I think it’s oh yeah you you really just got to get lucky mhm you got to get that straight skip through those trees up there and you know Circle two made

Putt oh that second tree was not friendly not a not a great spot and I mean that’s even tough to get up and down for three from there mhm on going with another nuke maybe ripped over a little bit so close yeah but kick that in the middle

When I did have the arm for it that’s what I used to throw down there was a a really flopy nuke yeah they go far Harper just going to play for the maybe a look hey that’s good yeah like a 60 footer either way easy up and

Down jump oh oh hold that Annie yeah s flat oh that’s the edge get put to where he’s fine oh yeah it looked like interesting lie back there you run this one uh no hope not hope not camera camera deceived us first par sit no fear Austin for his part from that angle

You have a little bit of flat spot behind the basket but from where Austin’s putting it’s almost death put after it goes past the basket flat spot but he’s got to run he’s just outside Circle very nice good par very nice par from there Martin for his

Par yep good look clean up took about 5 seconds and then a couple of Tap tappes maybe not he’s went a little far this is essentially a tapping but something you can still so got to take your time on especially since he’s putting for a bogey right now

Boom common scor on this one one bogey three pars I know Ian Brett on my card put about 7t to the right of the basket ho six part three 247 ft dog leg to the right uh the green is on a slight side of a hill most guys are going to

Throw an overstable forehand here that kind of just hits the Gap and then stalls to the right nothing too terribly far I would expect that the overstable 9 speed or yeah I use my fire yep I don’t quite have the the the turn right with the Zone yeah the zone is not

As overstable when you throw it hard oh yeah yep so that’s where I just pull out the Raptor on this one that Firebird I can just do a stand still and just you know throw it flat and hard yepo is going with a Firebird needs to get some fade on

It it’s going to be a very long look yep well there’s worst places you could be after hitting the tree on this one you kick down 16 far oh man Saint it Mar’s going Predator oh snuck inside interior line look like a 4550 footer I think Harper’s going back to

That A3 or maybe A2 one of those testing the ceiling oh very nice right onine R long one do not like classic Rico knows it’s not in but everybody else thinks it’s in Martin oh s good yeah those one tend to roll to like 25 oh yeah that’s a good bir Boom

Ni there you go good par and Mar’s going to come to tap in his far as well so it’s going to be Austin and Harper 2 Martin and Rico three full s Par 3 252 ft up a little Hill slight Bend to the left uh common play

Is a overstable approach disc or over M inch it’s probably a zone out of Austin I normally throw my trusty TI wasp on this one yep I go Malta looks like he’s going putter it’s got to be pretty overstable for this hole need to get some stability

Yeah yeah that one tree L the baskets like 15 ft away going with the rock X3 very nice yeah that’s that’s how you draw it up in your head that’s a breaker for Martin those SP lines it’s like the sparkle plastic the metal flake type

Man why I feel like a lot of times with this course I tend to find myself getting upset that I’m missing putts but you can’t really do that out here when you can pretty much get a look on every single hole yeah you’re not going to make them all so you just got

To take the good with the bad yeah very nice put Harper P looks like it it could spit out pretty easily comes in pretty flat but basket seems to do have been doing their jobs so far 08 part three5 ft um straight ahead with just a little bit of a left turn at

The end the greens sloped right to left it’s a little bit dangerous if you go past the basket this might be the easyest hole in the course oh no Harper low inside but it kind of flipped up yeah exactly that’s my exact response yeah I hate those 12

Footers going to Rico oh boy that look a little wide okay we’re good very nice look deceiving on that angle there I thought it was going to right yeah it’s he’s kind of at I think the camera’s on the next Tad you like weird swing angle part work him his back swing

Par nothing works Martin dude yeah good little tree right there too Ric for his birdie boom there we go this one should be a star frame as long as Harper can just knock down this 12 footer this one does does have a little bit of trick trickiness with that tree

On the right side and the hill on the left but it’s sure enough to where this is almost most mus with authority what’s happened from it’s getting a little it was it was it was a little windy during this round y pushing that storm out yeah

Is now it rained on yall on the first round but it stopped before the second round correct mhm it kind of stopped like halfway through the first round it was around that whole 10 to 11 margin where yeah everybody kind of put their umbrella down put their jackets away good star

Friend whole nine part three 148 ft the Drone is flying the backhand Heiser line if you could even call it that really it’s more like a L-shaped but most people are going to take this forehand inside line I think Harper’s going forand Annie around I never seen that play

Before normally there’s this line on the on the left side I think Rico is going to take yeah yep so we either want to go inside or around it and around it more of an ace Run play insides more of a park job play this is one of the oh

that’ll do it’s one of the weirder holes in the course for Sure yeah I think this one’s one of those uh forced ones to add the extra hole to lead back to the parking lot yeah it’s like one you need to just oh I need to throw in this one to get nine holes in or something yeah well and I’m sure that you know

Oh you had to put it back to the top of the hill yeah oh no oh is he about to park 18 keep going oh my goodness oh no what is that Holy Mo crazy awesome that’s the line I go the big forand yeah that’s nice that’s really nice I don’t know I

Think that’s was a buzz kind of just held the turn harer about 100 feet away it should be fine Martin got a got a pretty clear line on it so nothing too bad should be fine I was weirdly inside I thought he was going to go like through the Gap

Where the other basket is Rico with the missp boom good one nice birdie surprised to see a couple pars on this one this one is that’s one of those finesse kind of touchy shots and you know I mean heck you get 150t roll away can’t really yeah exactly say much I

Feel like this is kind of a hole where if you’re playing good and you and you’re getting the brakes you’re going to park it if you’re getting the bad brakes you’re going to kick and do what Martin did and roll down the hill well I think this is one of those holes that

The pros get to and they aren’t throwing a full shot they’re not throwing 100% of anything it’s a stand touch putter shot and you know most of the pros is not their strong suit mostly yeah most the pros that you don’t need that in your dope Arsenal much at

All cuz normally now you jump from 125 ft away you don’t need to throw it anymore after nine Austin with six down on the round 14 total Martin was three down 13 total Harper was four down on the front 13 total and Rico or three

Down with 11 total see you on the back Down

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