Golf Players

2024 HERO INDIAN Open Picks, Bets | DP World Tour Bets | 2024 Fantasy Golf Picks

Skylar Hoke and Tom Jacobs preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 HERO INDIAN Open Picks and Bets.

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Hello and welcome back to another week of the DP World Tour picks and Bets Skyler hul here joined by Tom Jacobs Tom we thought the end of our streak Could Happen anytime but we show up here another Monday morning Monday afternoon and we have another winner in the books a

Little one place first place finish for Jer senson here out of nowhere third place for triple digit Sam barsto for you let’s keep the Good Vibes rolling Tom it’s really good like I mean fortunately for me I was asleep when s BTO was four clear after his 12th hole

On Sunday um and when I woke up he was kind of the chance had already gone really um but it was great that spencon come flying through and you know the one person I felt for was Brad I think he was on both um Affy bmer and San BTO

Yesterday and then he was on Mackenzie Hughes as well over at the Val Spar so um a little bit of a tough day for Brad which is not usual for him normally he comes out the right side of those so um I won’t feel too sorry for him but um it

Yeah look it’s a great run right I mean these are the sort of things you build a foundation on as we sort of said probably at the start of the year when when hashino won in Qatar and Then followed it straight up with VRE in

Kenya like if you can pick up those wins early you know you feel a lot better about the rest of the season you’re not second guessing yourself you’re not um you know trying to go for I mean I don’t necessarily do this but I see a lot of

People try and chase them by going for favorites a lot or kind of going for you know ridiculously long odds to try and get a big win you know Midway through the season so the fact that you can just kind of then spend the rest of the year

Doing what you’ve been doing to start the season has been so successful is really promising so um yeah you know lovely start yes was Fenson we’ve been very high on him haven’t we and you he’s already had two run out finishes he’s now got the win looked really good for

It um yesterday in the end I know obviously he’s coming from behind but you to beat afy b in the playoff is is no small feat I think he’s a player that you know Demands a lot of respect and and spencon took him down so yeah really

Really good really good tournament um by all accounts hard to hard to flow with the time zones but um yeah I mean I was impressed with how well we did and how well best I did really at you know hundreds one yeah I mean senson I mentioned every single show or when we

Put him up you were the one that kind of had a really good Keen read on his challenge tour time and you know we thought the course was going to fit spectacularly and it really did I mean he he dominated those power fives he was 1300 on the power FES two better than

Anybody else in the field um and yeah I went to bed and he was 600 through eight win Equity of about 10% um and I was like all right you know let let’s hope for a place here and woke up and just kept scrolling kept scrolling I mean barnrat what uh eagled

The last to get into the playoffs there’s a chance Fenson could have just won a regulation um but no good good for him those are the crap of golfers I mean he’s a little bit older right Jasper um yeah he’s not he’s not like I think I

Think yeah he’s not he’s approaching his 30s it’s not like he’s a you know spring chicken but I think him and and cassad were the Sim sort players and going back to last week when I sort of said the reason I didn’t go s was because of

Cassab being a bigger prize um you know cassab was fourth after round one he just kind of fell away he had a really bad second round and played okay Saturday and into a Sunday but um yeah just goes to show that it does take some players a little bit longer and look if

You think about probably the two years those challenge tour guys you know one on the per challenge DP or lost during covid right maybe we saw this from Jenson when he was 26 10 years ago do you know what I mean like it’s it just

Happens to be a you know so I think having that patience with players is really important and really spon shown no real signs of needing patience he’s come straight out and and hit the re running so um yeah definitely a reminder of what can come up

I’ll be curious he’s 102nd in the world now yeah that kind of game at some of the major tests like if he gets into a major like those are the guys that I end up falling in love with you know what I mean that can bomb it like the the Del

Re at Lac type of thing we did last year um you know like I feel senson I mean what do we have Pinehurst and Valhalla on those tests like could be could be fun maybe not it’s one of those ones like where you think okay let’s not get away think he’s going to

Win but like and that’s not obviously not what you’re saying I don’t think but like there’s no reason why he can’t challenge norin for top swed or finish top 40 or top you know even top 20 we’ve seen players do that first round leaders things like that where you know you

We’ve seen that from people like Del Ray as you said he was so good for for at least one round last year it just and it doesn’t take a lot right like I think Allison finished sixth in the Masters dri’s had some good PJ some good major right so these can happen

It’s just um it’s just getting a read on him and is he the sort of player that if he gets a PJ tour opportunity anytime so need quickly jump ship and you know you wonder whether they should just sort of St stay put for a year um I mean if he

Finishes in top 10 of of the rankings he’s going to go over but um yeah good good to see what happens in the future I think he he really lived up to the hype so far yep absolutely so awesome awesome stretch of golf for us we have one more

Event before a little bit of a break because we’ll have the Masters they’ve done a good job at kind of I guess a good job I say but letting those top players there’s not as many this year um that would make the start but April 18th

Would be the next DP World Tour event so we have the hero Indian open this week back in Action 2023 brought us back to dlf golf and country club we are there again in 24 one of the most unique courses I would say in the world definitely that all that see

Professional golf I always love the challenge it really is something that I mean it’s a spectacle when viewing kind of it because you’re literally on the verge of a quad bogey all the time it feels like at this type of course there’s blows blowups left and right

Single digit winners kind of just a finicky test in some ways that um I look forward to every year yeah like I think if you shoot level par for a day you feel pretty comfortable around there and I know the score was 14 under T win last year nine under 11 under like

That you can’t do that every round but it’s certainly sometimes where you can you can kind of get out with a with a sensible score and I think Matt W said exactly what you just said I think he said every single hole feels like it

Could be a double bogy hole um you know I think Steven Gallagher actually made potentially a triple bogy or quad bogy on on his final round when he won at nine under um you know it’s no walk in the park and I was speaking to Brad earlier about whether we’re going to go

Back to the well with Aid B and we sort of said you know the mental draining that would have come from the play off and then to go into a test like this where you know if you make a double bogey you could easily just eject and

You know do one after the other and all of a sudden your round’s done right so there is this kind of nature sky where and it’s going to reflect in my in my card 100% where I think this kind of pler that always gets seen as a negative

But actually around here it could be great where you just you know can you get 200 under power each day and see where that puts you on Sunday um you know could be beneficial so that’s certainly the approach I’m taking I don’t think you can overpower it

Last year we did see um players kind of come to the four from driving distance so three of the top five last year were inside the top 10 for driving distance but they were Marcel seam who was fifth Yanik Paul was ninth and Jorge Campo was seventh and they’re not traditionally

Big hitters right they they just hit they hit it longer on that on that kind of tournament and I think that’s because of the force kind of layups you get and things maybe that shows you that if you can be a little bit more aggressive here

And and do it in the control manner you will benefit But ultimately four of the top five also ranks inside the top 13 for driving accuracy four of the top five ranked inside the top 10 for greens and regulations as well so it is an all

Around test I think you do need to putt well to keep you in the mix I wouldn’t want to be on someone that can’t scramble um which might be funny when we coms one of my later picks but it it’s yeah I think it’s just a really all

Round test it’s going to be unfair at times you’re going to have to just get over it um and that’s going to be the biggest factor I think yeah absolutely it’s going to be chaos never feel safe I think as much of an overall T to Green test as it can be um

Iron’s going to be a premium totally um in agreement and I think a lot of the market or a lot of the the tweets uh that I’ve seen so far this morning um and throughout Monday are in agreement of what the top selection at least on

The top of the board is right now if you look at the outright odds so you see leading the market Rasmus hoard is quite clear here everyone 12 to 14s leiris 18s to 20s Jordan Smith 20 to1 Ean Ferguson’s 208 to 22 use Lon um all are

Below 25 to1 the one that we are both siding with when I think of an absolute te green test somebody whose game in the traditional DP World Tour sense was the best you know while his time on the DP World Tour was was Burn vburger Right

We’ve seen him now come over in three events on the DP World Tour and it was what has he done and all three of those events just been lights out I guess all four of those events been lights out Tia green you know last week at Singapore as

Irons were flashing with him he was seven 16th there 16th in byon 21st in hero Dubai it just seems like classic burn vburger this type of golf golf course that he can do and if he just T greens it to death I’m not even worried

About the bad putter that he has I think as much as I said the Ping will be important here I think everyone’s going to have the same sort of struggles it’s going to be the people that get there regularly that are going to have the chance to win right and like I Echo

Basically everything you said he was sixth in approach last week 10th in Te to Green he’s an eight time tour winner sky with three playoff losses as well so can conceivably you know give him an extra one maybe you know one of those three is it’s nine wins he’s played in

The rider cup that’s more than anybody else in this field has achieved like I know there’s Yos Lon Eduardo monari and people like that and some more veteran players that have played well with he is I think unless I’m I’m missing someone the the most winningest player in the

Field and I think that will count for a lot on Sunday if it comes down to it right like obviously the thing that people are point to is the fact he went overs to live he also point to the fact that he’s actually had injuries though and I think

That’s really important and you look you rattled off the the performances there 21st 37th 16th and 16th they’re not finishes where you think okay he’s definitely going to win next time but it certainly points in the right direction right and and to me as a player that is showing Trend in

Form with the ball striking added to it I think we should really pay attention to burn petersburger he’s 23rd here on debut one the only time he played he was 12th at the halfway stage so for me considering you can’t necessarily trust any of those guys that you Reed off

There at the top of the odds board and I think for me Yos Lam is the closest and I think I’ve given up from him for a little while like I can’t look at someone like a Rasmus hoard and think okay he’s played so well in consent you

Never boges because that’s not the case and you know I I think he could definitely lose his head here um you know Ferguson I think maybe might be the next best solid shout but uh yeah it’s definitely be as well for me yeah and I think it’s similar to the Paul Casey

Syndrome in the sense that everyone kind of looked at that strike rate last week and Casey played well right you know but his number I mean we’re we’re g to probably get on at 25s 28s here um looks like best price still um probably below

20 by by the the tea off on on Wednesday night right I think that’s likely to occur um but I think 25s 28s I’m I’m more than happy with what I’m not happy with Tom is the fact that you let me B Richard Manzel last week it was case

Point you you let me you didn’t stop me we talked about exactly what was gonna happen yeah what did he do he was the 36 hole leader playing great before I had my dinner on on Thursday night or or what was it Saturday night yeah when round round three goes off or Friday

Night he was three over four over through like six holes he was like t40 Tom it was awful I you can’t bet Richard Mansel it’s funny because I kind of wanted to SP him this week yeah of course you did everything’s perfect and then I just thought back to last week I

Thought back to the conversation where I said you know maybe we should forgive him and and we weren’t right to I think I think the point you make about that just quickly going back to vburger like the fact that he’s going to be you know

Even if he SES at 2025 to one that’s almost double the price of what Casey was last week and Casey had to beat Shane Nar I know Shane n didn’t turn up but like that you know I don’t think we’ve got a Shane Nar in his feeling the

World beater Matthew Pavan exactly that who continues to play well right and I think this G come into one of the later conversations but yeah I think yeah I mean look Richard mans what I don’t know what else to say I’ll take I’ll take it

On the chin and take the blame but um we equally out but I thought I pointed you into vreal to win the Kenya open yeah man I I just couldn’t couldn’t do it with with Mansel ever again um in that mid-range I um I mean Soderberg makes

Sense if you look at what he’s been doing T green right it’s just been been phenomenal Yanik Paul was somebody I was super keen on last year going into this event played really really well hasn’t had that same type of uh form at all it was terrible in Singapore last week um

Alex Fitzpatrick I I could you can make an argument there um you brought up a good point with you go back to Affy barnrat I I’m skipping most of the the mid-range we’re we’re down a a decent bit further is there anybody here that you thought was intriguing I was very

Temp to go back to Ay B I don’t necessarily know how you Ru out s BTO considering how consistent he’s been this season it’s now getting to a number where you have to factor him whether you think he can win or not and based on last week the suggestion was probably no

Um Fitz is always going to get kind of following just by his name value I think in I fact he played so well and his rookie season I don’t see it um yeah not really not really because I think that a lot of these players come into that um

Realm of quite volatile and I don’t think that’s what we need here so I think actually the the boring names that people don’t want to bet are actually the people that that we should be considering this week and that’s where you get the bit of value of them yeah

100% I think I guess I would say we we scream boring with with a winner in which we’ve hit I’ll just go right into into there I mean you kind of maybe once again do the double take for Darius vanre right he’s as low as 66s in the

States if you don’t want the each ways you can find him eight 110 to one if you want you want to bet a separate top five which is still 18s one of the best values on the board for somebody when you show up at a course what do we want

At Kenya we wanted someone who’s going to play from the Fairway someone who’s going to be safe someone who’s going to just take it easy and know we’re we’re going to be on the greens we’re going to be in the fairways and we’re going to hopefully putt well after competing at

At coures that didn’t make sense or I guess even missing cut and Qatar and a course that didn’t make sense Singapore to me wasn’t necessarily the course that should have fit well for for vanriel who played 21st you know or finished 21st overall steady off four rounds um just

The price man what what else do you have to say on on vanriel yeah look I just think it’s if we’re right and it is just gonna this kind of plooding test than van drel perfectly so you referenc Kenya obviously the win 10th in um 18th sorry

In was going T green last week sixth in approach eighth in approach um overall so ball striking was great last week and as you said you wouldn’t necessarily expect him to do that at Singapore so eth and approach 18th T green is a really good sign and of course it’s a

Lot longer and maybe not in his kind of willhouse hasn’t played here which you know that’s that’s one thing you would necessarily hold against him but that’s the only thing I can see as negative is like I don’t know whether he’s good here or not the the suggestion is he should

And that’s what I’m going to go with I think he’s been really comfortable I think he’s dealt pretty well with being a winner I know he obviously finished 74th in the Johnson workw but again he was 20th out of round one 33rd out of round two he’s finished 21st since then

And look at even last week 72 opening round was his worst like worst round I think he’s just really there’s a floor I think to to Van drill that’s pretty steady and yeah I think you know going wire to wire in the Kenya open is a great sign and yeah I think he’s

Overpriced especially if if you just take that kind of win equity and just back him in the basis of I think he’s too big you know because I think most of it is I think he’s disrespected in the market and I think he’s just being disrespected because he’s already won so

If I’m protect myself against that I can afford to take that 110 on the fact that he just might go and win it again yep yep absolutely um I brought him up because I think your next golfer let’s see is right around the same same price I I’m going going kind

Of deep from from here on um Tom so you want to go into uh Simon forstrom for us yeah forstrom is someone Brad really likes un fortunately talked about him a lot um and look I just think he again he feels very much like Darius VRE it’s a

Good kind of segue right like I think it’s almost the same goal for there’s certain amount of events a year where you think they can actually win this happens to be one of them he was eighth here on debut last year he shot 67 on Sunday which was one of the best rounds

It wasn’t the best round but U the sadow open doesn’t let you go and just absolutely bomit he won there last May 17 under par and look we consider that a tough test and he’s still shot 17 under again we consider this Indian open to be

A tough test but he could get to kind of 124 under and I think that’s just right in his wheelhouse and there’s going to be certain events that he just can’t compete at it’s as simple as that he’s just not long enough but I think this is

One of them he can and four rounds of level power better here last year I I mean I haven’t done the mths of many people did that but he must be one of a very few amount of people last year that did that and you know as much as one of

Them was you know a level power round the fact he did so well on that Sunday is really improvising for me so he hasn’t you know lit the world Alik in in 2024 but I think it’s been fine like I think it’s again you’ve just got to

Factor in where can he play well and a little bit like van Drew last week is 29th at the Singapore um classic a really good you know performance for him ninth off around one and to team still going into the final round finishes 29th 27th at the Qatar Masters again

Potentially not the most suitable golf course and yeah I think he’s just outperforming what he should be doing at those golf courses now he comes to one that was you know perfectly suited to him I think the price could look big yeah 110 of one is yep 110 yeah forms a

Little bit trickling this year but if you can nail the spot totally I mean we used to I mean I guess the conversation it it to me we we brought up Kenya we brought up sudall which if I’m correct that’s the Belgium event is that right right who won at both those

Courses weo yeah did he Pi any boxes for you because I mean last week was the first time we’ve seen him in a decent bit I mean he was steady 31st 15th 18th 16th after every round um TD green was pretty good overall I used to you know build

Guido for spots that were going to be super difficult like that’s where I feel like he thrived in Kenya he was not very good at um but I I was quite close to going into Guido yeah I just it’s weird because he has done so well especially in France you know

Recently of his Tough Golf course he just still feels like to me like he’s a bit volatile I like him when he’s kind of got you know places to make shots but actually when it’s super tough I can’t imagine him being comfortable making a double vogi

And just reacting really well to it um so that is that’s my kind of negative on it almost like two stylish to win the Indian open that’s fair that’s fair yeah I mean it hasn’t been hasn’t been bad it’s been better you know like he’s starting to catch a little bit but

Um trying to look through anybody else kind of in that mid-range there what what’s the number that you’ve got on SCH 70 so yeah I did skip over him in the range let’s let’s go into Schwab y let’s go back to Schwab then so look he hasn’t the the issue with Schwab and

Look he’s 71 I think that looks good value right but the one people thing people will argue he’s not one on any tour yet like he hasn’t won on the DP world or the PJ to he’s been playing on both but I think you’ve got to kind of look

Again I think there’s G be a decent case study if someone wants to do it of what players were doing before that covid break what happened since especially the ones that had to kind of go across two tours right um and mat SCH was someone

That was kind of splitting his time so I think there’s a great deal of improvement ahead for Matia Schwab and when you look at 2019 before he kind of departed finished inside the top 10 nine times that year two of them run finishes four more top fives one of those came to

Wjc uh another one came to Turkish aines openly lost in the playoff like he was a really really solid player and if he can get back to what that is then there’s no doubt in my mind that he will win at this level at some point not necessarily

Going to go on and do massive things in the game of golf but certainly on this tour um and you look at his recent events four straight made Cuts now 23rd in Kenya where he was 15th going in Sunday 35th in South Africa where he

16th going in Sunday and he was 43d last week uh sky but he was right there I think he was fifth going into the final round um and I think you can just see that he’s probably pushed too hard he’s probably tried to do what spencon did

And isn’t quite capable of driving in that manner right he’s just tried to push for the win and I kind of you know admire that in some respects and when you look at his course finishes here fourth on debut in 2018 and 18th uh 2019 he was Sith going into that final round

In 2019 as well so everything about Mattia Schwab again he just fits perfectly in that probably a little bit more of an involved version of forstrom and Van drill in the sense I think both of them they all kind of had their difficulties of driving out you know far

Away right but I think he fits the ball the one concern this goes back to the comment I made earlier his scrambling is not good uh his around the green game is not good um if that comes a factor going into Sunday I’d be a little bit

Concerned but um yeah for the most part I think he’s going to hit enough greens and Fairways that it shouldn’t matter too much I mean the old Matia Schwab would just rip this place up man it was it was perfect it’s tailor made for him and

When we went in together right or or talked um or I guess Pat was the one that tailed it that week where definitely saw th those signs uh a Schwab returning so um definitely can can see that I’m going I’ve counted down the literal seconds Tom until I got a

Bet this golfer again and I’m GNA keep doing it because at this point the way that the reshuffle is going and the status is going I I just never confident when niolo glti is going to get any more starts like these guys have to basically win to to lock up what they’re gonna

Play next I feel like that’s got to be part of it I mean maybe they’re they’ve settled in a little bit more once we get back in Korea and they’ll be weaker Fields maybe we’ll get that stretch of their playing but what did GTI do the last time out right he finished 11th

With a really strong weekend um and I keep good tabs here um on the mini tours and GTI picked up a win in the Asher tour in between out in California so that’s a you know one of probably the the better many tours right now in the states a lot

Of those guys went at least the top guys went and started to play on the America’s tour which is the new Latino America McKenzie tour combined down there so some pretty good Pro guys that were playing and they’re like flaven and and bling who were both like sub30 um in

In odds board uh for that first event on the America’s tour so glad would be the favorite probably in my opinion on that tour or close to it the way he’s playing we’re getting him 150s here after what he did um and again we don’t have the the biggest stat

Repertoire for him but what I trust the most is the PGA Tour stats and again I scan through the field Tom he has to be the only golfer in this field with a made cut in 2024 on the PGA tour right I think I think he is so in remember Waste

Management he led the field in accuracy so I feel like GTI should fit well here from his game style and just the talent he has I’m going to go go back into the well yeah me and Brad had a little friendly exchange earlier of we we were

Convinced you were going to bet GTI this week and it wasn’t it wasn’t a difficult decision right like we knew that was going to happen look it comes in Merit right like I think we we spoke about this before it’s not like you’re just you just like a guy and you’re just

Picking him like 11th last time out in Kenya it seems like a pretty good crossover event in terms of not maybe just the similar course but just in terms of difficulty right like I think it’s the one way to look at it you mentioned there about the accuracy at

The Phoenix Open that’s going to be important um I thought you might go with James nicholus as well but I don’t knows that one um but it’s good to have them both in the field yeah I think I think anytime you can find a reason to play

Someone of triple digits it’s worth to me it’s just it’s very much as simple as that I mean I got I got I think three more in now time so you wrap through them and I I’ll just I’ll just nod my head yes I mean so it

Is good to see Joe Dean also I remember Dean was the one who finished second he tried to chase down Darius vreal Dean’s getting another start he that story I sent you or somebody had posted right he was uh delivery driving right in between or like popping over to do some work

Like I mean it’s it’s tough sledding um when it comes to that so these guys need need it okay I’m gonna give the shout out to the audio listeners at this point time before I take a deep breath we can rib through it so you can find us uh daily

Fantasy Sports Picks and Bets the mix available on all different uh podcast platforms we appreciate the love um you know on YouTube in the comments Twitter you can find me at Skyhook DFS Tom Tom Jacobs 93 it’s been fun ride so far in 2024 and your support you know goes a

Really long way in keeping us going here um on the Mayo media Network so super thankful for the way things have been running and and all the love that we get all right um I guess there’s a couple more that well I guess he’s now I think like just

Before you go in that I reckon we’re we’re we’re quite modest I think U so probably underselling the kind of run that we’re actually on here like the last five events we’ve had three winners and the two weeks we didn’t have winners we had Robin Williams you had 150 to1 he

Lost in a playoff retto was third at 100s one and brown was uh sixth at 66th one he was actually the 54o leader and then you had Ivan cantero our worst week was when you had Ivan cantero 6 for 1502 each way like in the last five so and

Even last week I only tweeted out the sson one at 7 had best third as well so not not to just sit there and to our own horn but is really important to point out when it is going well and you know people will jump straight back on when

It’s not going so well or let us know when things have been on a bad run so it’s important to enjoy it while we can I think as I said earlier it’s really important to for the psyche of making the pcks going forward and to trust your yourself in the Judgment so really

Enjoying the run and hopefully that whether you’re an audio listener or a video listener or Watcher you you’ve enjoyed those picks yes no good good time to recap that because it’s true it’s been a really good run probably the best run we’ve had in four four years

Doing this you know like it’s it’s a stretch of golf that obviously some point it’s not going to continue but like our research hasn’t changed right it’s just it just does the dice you know show what you need uh when you roll them out there so um couple that caught my

Eye that I didn’t land uh I I think I think dlf requires or at least because of the finicky I do love course experience here versus many others and we get a combined event right um where we’re going to have a good amount of PJ tour of India golfers who

Also been warming up with challenge tour events too so kind of a good recipe I feel like for some of these guys to be able to run up the leaderboard that’s kind of why I land there but golfers uh either on the DP World Tour or others

That kind of jumped to me you mentioned him last week and I would have kicked myself if he won Freddy Scott has been on a really really good run this course doesn’t seem very good for him at all he somehow led the field in Greens in regulation though last week and he was

Super long but his approach was terrible yeah so that that I’m wondering whether because he was really close to me like I said to you before we come on about the fact that I’ve picked four of the shest golfers on VP World Tour and I’m slightly worried I’ve pigeon ho hold in

In that respect and I think if if I was to add someone purely based and distance I think it would have to be Scott like I think when you look at his form this season you know 37th at the Raz Al but he was fourth after round one seventh

After round two uh he was 56th in Kenya but again final round 68 second round 69 on a good good goal of course there 11th for the Johnson workw 64 and 65 there and then 16th last week where he was a fifth 36 whole leader and just had

Really one really bad round I think he’s too volatile for this golf course I think that’s prettyy much what you’re saying there he’s not a great fit but clearly rounding into some competitive form and you know maybe when it opens up again you know and he can just unloose

Drive at will then that’s probably when we should be betting Freddy Scott but if you need hard sorry stop but it’s so hard when when we say that because he’s not gonna Tee It Up for another six weeks basic or four weeks it’s like it’s terrible and and that’s what like I

Actually admire these players that are coming back and you know missing three or four weeks and just picking out where they left off right like I think senson did it I think cassar did it to a certain extent like the players that are just having these breaks and that’s one

Of the things with like vburg I mean he played last week finished 16th after five weeks off it’s it’s not it’s not a friend I mean I know they they’ve had a couple you know opportunities to play in between that they haven’t taken but not every course is going to suit

You the best right and you you have to be smart with your schedule and not just keep playing yourself into Mis cuts and things like and I mean man’s all five weeks off before finishing 11th last week it’s yeah it’s tough and that would be one reason for Scot is just like

Strike while ir’s hot and maybe he can just overcome that kind of it might even just be a stigma from us that like he’s just a long hitter so we shouldn’t play him like in the form he’s in he probably win or content yeah I miss cut the last

Time and wasn’t he the winner of Q school too right like he um he’s he’s had just such a good good good stretch him um the other golfer who’s a little bit lower than where I landed Kazuma Kori um coming over from the PJ tour of australasia where he is the order of

Merit winner which if I am correct Tom he’s gonna have a full status card next year on The the DP World Tour so he’s gonna get what mish’s give what Michel luzi has gotten which is again terrible in the sense that he’s got to wait nine

Months to to be able to to do that and capitalize on it when he won three out of four starts um pretty much once turning pro uh he missed his only two cuts on the DP World Tour that he’s played that kind of gives me a little bit of hesitation

Showing up here for it um I I liked I liked golfers that you mentioned uh I guess pre-show somebody um what’s it it’s Rahal gang G Gangi right somebody now gangji has been somebody who in which 46 years old has been kind of a lifetime PJ tour of India

Golfer now he finished second on the challenge tour last week 22nd the week before third and second prior to that opening a thousands at a book in the states got immediately cut um I think it was a mistake should be around the hundreds which makes sense there but um

If I am correct G’s best performance was not at the DP world tour right it was on a PJ tour of India one that that was the pause in fact you know you look into him more and he’s 46 he’s been a career kind of PJ tour of

India go and never actually really even set up to the challenge level right and actually he’s he’s played here four times and one of them was in the Indian open event and he shot 7681 and then he’s played here on the pj2 India second 32nd and 22nd now what

What’s weird about that guy is like it’s all professional golf right so suddenly to go so bad and and to shoot that the kind of number numbers that he shot on his debut in the DPR tour of 7681 was he just out of form you know it doesn’t sound realistic that that’s the

Sort of scores he would shoot even even at a higher level right it’s not like it’s extended 500 yards or something like that so um I would be tempted by by gangji if um it came up yeah for for me there was two golfers specifically um

That thrived at the DP world World Tour hero Indian open and then have flashed form going into this year’s event um first one being V ver alaat so ver um I saw Brad and Michael both put him up too if you go on the DP World Tour site

Players list their home course ver is one of two golfers who list this this course as his home course ver finished fifth last week at the challenge tour uh event so a little bit trending for him he was 1 in the in the Dual event um which you’d

Probably say is his best career performance when you look at where he’s basically played uh I mean last year he also was seventh in in Asian Tour event ninth in another 11th and a challenge Tour event too so some pops but he was inside he was fourth going to the final

Round last year um and hadn’t even really been showing much form heading into the event so ver last I checked we can find him he’s 300 to1 um at a book here he’s 100 with the eway 200 at 365 uh if you want five spots so I think 300

For ver going back that route is one for me ver alaat ah L A W8 and then the other golfer who played incredibly well in the hero Indian open too at the halfway point he was second after 54 holes he was seventh Sunday didn’t go

His way but inod Chima C h e m a um so inod was right in the mix and then if you look at his re lead in form 8th 36 3rd 14th his last four events so finished 20th there those two guys I mean they were the clear standouts when

It came to PJ tour of India players last year at this event and then coming into now this year with form it isn’t the SSP chasia kind of form or what we’ve talked about but you made a good point in saying like he did have at least a bunch

Of DP World Tour success and let in when he dominated at this event um so these guys have the best performance that they could have put on basically without you know basically placing um last year and still get some deep numbers yeah 100% And just to clarify those those rounds I

Read out there for um gangji were actually Manu gas’s finishes here there’s actually the next person down so actually gangji had it’s still pretty similar story like he missed the cut he shot 7284 here in the Indian open and then the next time he did play this

Indian open he shot 7780 over the weekend when he did make the cut so similar sort of story but not not the picture I was completely painting So Manu gandas might be the one that you know you mention a lot that’s the next one that I wanted to get to so I was

Going to say I remember like like I was waiting to bet glti this type of week I I couldn’t wait to bet Manu gandis for this event last year he had finally made his first cut on the the DP World Tour event the week before and then he made

In I think he finished 20th or maybe 22nd last year and he probably opened like 300s 400s I mean I was betting him deep into it I mean he was doing the the gucken Chen he was doing the the kaburi he was doing that recipe of racking up

Wins on the tour now with dlf experience he’s got a second place here as well on the PJ tour of too and we’re getting a number on gandis you know like his form isn’t as good as the other two guys but his pedigree is much stronger I say form isn’t as good

He’s 26 miscut fifth 13th and then he did win six weeks ago on the PGA tour of India and last I saw gandis if we look at the numbers here gandis 300 uh is the deepest number we have here in the states um so I I’m for sure going to bet

Him those are the three guys that I feel like coming over in the PJ tour of India let’s you know I mean I always shoot with the moon think we can get a win but you know top five top 10 on those guys I I really really like it this week yeah

302 G that’s was at this event last year and 202 on the the PJ tour of India event that he’ finished second out the year before so but yeah the open of a 70 here last year in this Indian open Event it was eth after round one 18th after round two

And look I think when you look at scores and they go 70 73 73 74 you think it’s a bad week but that’s not horrendous here like it’s one thing you’ve got you’ve got to really pay attention to is that you know anything 72 or better is really

Good around here and then you kind of expect a kind of 73 74 from more different types of players so the fact that it was gandas is you know a young age is is absolutely fine so yeah uh a lot of information is digested with the Indian guys but um hopefully there’s

Some names that feel to pick up from totally agree I think I think basically I’m just just not Uber confident in the top or or mid-range I mean what I got four selections that are triple digit I mean it’s not a surprise the way I bet

Often on this tour but um yeah I’m excited to to kind of roll up with those guys um anybody else to roll through or are you cool with reviewing betting cards I think that that’s probably it I think if I I did look at angel hadalo

Someone I kind of mentioned a couple of weeks ago played well he’s he’s kind of up there in um a couple of key categories for me I couldn’t get there I think Ugo cassad is going to get forget forgotten about quite quickly and probably shouldn’t do um he’s the same

Thing with Scott in the sense that I don’t think it’s a good course fit but man I mean he’s got so many Bogies but he birdied so many holes he should have finished better than he did last week 100% the other one sky I don’t and this

Is always the argument of is it just because of where they’ve been playing but Daniel vanas in some really good form yeah yeah like he he’s playing really strongly uh 10th 27th 28th 9th 7eventh and of course it suits him they’ve played the DP tour in uh South

Africa and he’s gone back to the the sunshine saw when he’s not been playing here but um you know he has plays played this golf of course he finished I think 56th here last year it wasn’t it wasn’t great he had a really bad final round I I could see him playing quite

Well he um when I think about like where he played the best of his life was that PJ Championship that was incredibly hard maybe a hard test suits him um Ugo also won on the challenge tour in India too Gad did he won one of these those close

Antion events last year um I didn’t need much more encouragements by him so that might be a we’ll review that as the week goes on if if I do it then I’ll tweet out yeah the only other guy that I thought I saw um am what’s it am

Prish he had won one of those events too am prish chahun good he was e last week he just never kicked on after basically doing what gandis did in 2022 on the PJ India he did that in 2023 has some success here I am passing but um I I

Think we’re ready to review man I have five selection set of triple digits time this is fine this is good this is a good we let me go let me go through mine and then we can we can put the big hitters so burnt bebers there’s still a 30 to1

At the moment but it’s probably be like 25 to1 by the time you listen to this Matia Schwab at 70 to1 Simon forom 110 to1 and Darius vrel 130 to1 now with forom and Van if you want places you’re looking at kind of like 66 and 80 one

Respectively on those guys um but yeah like them all perfect all right so we align on those top two right we have burned at 25 is now the best in the states I’m still very okay with that vri’s getting cut a little bit over here but they’re still without the places 100

To one GTI 150 with the six places there’s 220 250s without it I’ll probably honestly end up betting a lot of separate guys this week because it looks like the eways aren’t the best um over here in the states at least for this week um ver alaat he’s 300 to1 is

Long so ah l a w a t find him Manu gandis at 300 to one as well and then wrapping up at the end is a it’s a super bomb I guess we could say um Ang God Chima is 750 to one this week so um that’s just some some really long shots

That at least from the context of what we like this week I think that we get one if not two of those guys in the top 10 that’s still a a winning week in that manner when you’re betting um this this deep down the board so a winner plus

That Tom how about how about that yeah it’s get a winner in a big bomb right like I think I think that’s the next stage is to get one of these kind of big that’s probably our next Evolution guys get one of your 7502 winners through the

Post um that would be pretty exciting but look I think I think ultimately we I think we’re on alignment in terms of what we expect from the go of course I like the pcks that we’ve landed on um you’re going to have to kind of take the

Take the hits with the Indians that’s not me I think I’m uh I’m just nodding and agreeing but um yeah I I think it’s GNA be a good week and I’m I’m looking forward to it should be a really good watch um if nothing else so looking

Forward to yep 100% it’s like we mentioned off the top we have a a gap in the schedule I think April 18th is the next time uh the DP World Tour so it’s the week after the master so it should be a three-week break here for us or two we break

Um but thank you as always Tom appreciate all your your efforts uh that we go through with this and let’s uh let’s keep the ball rolling yes get another winner y amen awesome good luck everybody we’ll catch you soon Thanks


  1. You guys have been pure fire. Best euro cappers out there. insane heater on this year. Thanks for all the winners guys keep it going.

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