One thing NOT to do when GRIPping the Golf Club (easy grip fix)

In her instructional video, “One Thing Not to do when Gripping the Golf Club,” Coach Shayain addresses a pivotal aspect of golf fundamentals—how to hold a golf grip without falling into the common trap of excessive tightness. Unpacking golf grip mistakes, she details a simple yet effective golf grip pressure easy fix, teaching viewers the nuances of gripping the golf club correctly.

She dives into golf grip tips that debunk the myth of needing a vice-like hold, explaining that optimal golf grip hand position is more about finesse than force. By adjusting the golf grip to a moderate pressure level—a five or six out of ten—she demonstrates the transformation in swing dynamics. Highlighting the difference between gripping golf club in palm versus in fingers, Coach Shayain showcases how a relaxed grip iron golf club fix can markedly improve your game.

Throughout the video, Shayain emphasizes the importance of holding the golf club grip correctly. Her engaging explanations of the golf grip right hand easy fix and her demonstration with just two fingers reveal the secret to a more natural and powerful swing. The video is a treasure trove of advice for any golfer looking to refine their hold, from gripping golf club too tightly to adjusting the elbows for an unencumbered swing.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Coach Shayain’s insights, including gripping the golf club in fingers easy fix, will guide you to a better, more effective golf grip explained with easy fixes. Join Shayain on this golfing journey and unlock the potential in your swing by letting the club do the work for you.

Knowing the Golf Fundamentals will 100% make you a better golfer. Download for step by step guidance with pictures. Print it and put it in your golf bag so you can have it on the course or driving range for reference.


GAPS – Golf Fundamentals

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00:00 Intro
00:34 Tip 1 Grip Pressure
03:55 Tip 2 – Elbows
05:20 Tip 3 – Hold in Fingers
06:23 Golf Fundamentals
06:50 Golf Starter Guide – Free

#golfgrip #beginnergolfers #golftip #coachshayain

Do you know how to properly hold your golf club? And a lot of you are making this very simple but very big mistake, which is actually not helping you in your golf game. Well, I am Coach Cheyenne. Let me help guide you on what not to with your golf

Grip. Let’s get started. Hi. So a lot of you are new, some of you aren’t, but you’re making this mistake and I’ve seen so many people as I teach, do this. In your head you think that you are supposed to crush your grip, death grip. Let’s just say you’re brand new.

You dunno how to hold it. You have a 10 finger grip, which all that means is your left hand goes down the middle, your right hand thumbs down the middle, all of your 10 fingers, they’re not detached, they’re attached with your thumbs down the middle. Let’s use the very basic 10

Finger golf grip to talk about this. Alright? So what ends up happening is you have your 10 fingers. Now every single person wants to crush the golf ball. We all want to do it, myself included. But what do we do? As soon as we want to crush our hands become really tight.

I can see white knuckles on all of you. And as soon as you hold this club very tight, which has no movement, your shoulders come up to your ears and now you’ve brought your elbows in and you look like this. When I tell you to hold your golf club,

I’m going to show you from this view what it looks like. So I’ve told you 10 fingers, you’re stressed, you’re panicking. You want to do really, really well. So now you’ve held it really tight, right? 10 out of 10 in terms of strength,

And you have brought your elbows in. You’ve brought your shoulders up because you want to hit, and now you have nowhere to go with your hands. So your knees are coming in and you look like this. And I always tell you,

Push your butt out, push your back up. And you might do it, but you’re still really tight. So if you’re tight, your hands have nowhere to go. You have no, you’re not giving yourself the leverage to bring your hands

Out if you had to because you’ve brought everything in here and you’re so tight and most of you will look like this. So I am here to tell you, first of all, you need to relax. You need to breathe, you need to let it go. We all want to crush it.

But crushing the golf ball doesn’t require you to have your golf club in a death hold or a very, very strong grip in terms of pressure of the grip. So if I was shaking someone’s hand, a lot of you go in for handshakes when someone goes in and they crush you like

This and you’re like, whoa, that person to take a deep breath. Or some people come in with real floppy hands. That’s not cute either. You want to come nice and relaxed with a proper handshake. So your club is the extension of a hand shake.

What you need to remember is that in your head, if you are holding a 10 out of 10, I need you at like a six. Even if you tell yourself a five and you’re probably thinking, well, if I hold it at a five, the club’s going to fly out of my hands.

The club will not fly out of your hands because when I tell you hold it at a five, you’ll probably hold it at a seven. It’s just the mental thing that happens in our head. So now I have my club. What’s going to happen is I am going to have my 10 fingers,

Nice and down and relaxed. Make sure you’re not bringing your elbows in. Your elbows are just as relaxed. So my elbows have a little bit of a bend, they’re not locked solid, and I haven’t brought them in. So watch again, I haven’t locked them solid trying to do one of these.

And also I haven’t brought them into my hips and now creating me to do a forward bend this way, which looks like this. Okay, so you’re breathing, you’re holding your club, you have your hands nice and relaxed, and you have placed your club at a five or a six.

The best thing you can ever do is give it a little waggle. So you just know your club has movement and flow and not rigid like this, where nothing is moving with it. Okay? So another thing I want to point out to you, your golf club,

You should be able to hold it with two fingers. Two fingers. I know that sounds strange to a lot of you. You’re like, how do I do that? You don’t want your, if you come a little closer, you’ll be able to see this.

A lot of you may have your club on a diagonal angle like this where it sits in this part of your palm. We actually don’t want it there. We want your club sitting here. So we want a little bit of space in your palms, almost like by where your fingers all connect.

You want your club there. If I was to show you, I can hold my club with just my pointer and my thumb. So if I was holding it here, I’m going to lift it up so you can see, and you should be able to hold it with just two fingers.

That will be your test. If you have it here, you won’t be able to do it because your club will fall out of your hand. So we’re going to bring it back. I’m going to have it within my fingers where the creases are,

And that’s where I want to hold it, not in the palm. Okay, so I’m going to show you the two fingers again. If I have it, I can hold it. If I have it here in the palm, it’s going to fall down.

So not only does the pressure matter of how tight you’re holding it, it also matters where you’re placing it in your hands, your grip. If you have not watched my full grip video in the description below, and at the very end of this video, you can watch my series on grip, aim,

And alignment, posture and stance, which I call gaps. And that is your core fundamental before you even hit the golf ball. 80% of mistakes happen before we even swing. So make sure after this video you go and watch that series. There will also be a link below.

And because I love all of you and you’ve been so kind to me, I even have a free gaps guide, a free golf fundamental guide, which you can click, you can have the printout, put it in your golf bag. Whenever you forget something,

You can always use it as a reference. And in the comments, you can always ask me, I am your reference. So I want to show you what it looks like when I hold death grip and come in. And then I want to show you what it looks like when you’re actually relaxed,

Letting the club do the work. You’re going to hear that quite a bit. So I am here. I have my death grip. I am crushing this club. Can’t even move. Hardly moves. I have my white knuckles. I have come up to the ball. I’m nervous, I’m scared. It’s all very stiff.

I’ve opened my feet and now I am going to swing with my elbows tucked in. That was actually pretty decent contact, but a lot of you will not be able to do that, that well. Now I’m going to come with hands really locked, still very stiff, and I’m going to come.

The club had nowhere to go. So what we’re going to do, it’s always breathe, have our fingers downward, our fingers, connect, have my thumb down, have my thumb down. Always remembering I can hold with two fingers. My club has movement.

I can do a waggle. It’s at a five or six out of 10. When it comes to the strength, I’m breathing. I’m relaxed, nice and relaxed with my hands. And that’s it. So that is your hot tip. Do not crush your grip. Relax your shoulders. Don’t bring them up to your ears.

Relax your elbows and feel like your club is an extension of you shaking somebody’s hand. I really hope this video helped you. Make sure to click the subscribe button and the like button. If it did, do not forget at the bottom. Make sure you get your free gaps guide.

And right over here you can watch the full grip video on what the three different types of grips there are and which one you should use for yourself. Hope it helped. See you next time.

1 Comment

  1. Golf Grip is one of the main first steps to the Golf Swing. If you haven't watched my Golf Grip Video – 3 diff kinds of grips. Head to the Description or the comments below for the link. This Video I share 3 other tips I have seen with golf grips that won't help you on the course. ONE THING NOT TO DO would be Tip #1 in the video. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

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