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Cameron Smith and Denan Kemp’s Round Four Preview – SEN THE CAPTAIN’S RUN

Denan Kemp and Cameron Smith preview the long weekend of footy!

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0:00 – Panther vs Roosters, Rabbitohs vs Bulldogs
13:14 – Broncos vs Cowboys
18:36 – Dragons vs Sea Eagles, Titans vs Dolphins
28:36 – Warriors vs Knights, Sharks vs Raiders, Eels vs Bulldogs

Roosters host the Panthers Thursday 8:00 p.m. 7: p.m. que time live on scn with Joel Kane Brett CLE and Spud Carol Ki back to partner Sam Walker uh with sand and Smith out I will just say quickly and I’d love to hear your thoughts if everyone was not injured like if

Everyone was um free to play geez I’d be tempted to keep s and SMI Sam Walker yeah and give Ki an extra week just to rest just to see how they went what what are your thoughts yeah no I think um that would definitely be an option but I

Think as soon as K’s fit and ready to go I think he goes straight back in naturally just being a you know more senior player I I totally understand where you’re coming from though Ki they were their combo last week was very good um and at times you sort of you had to

Double check like the the jersey number on their back jez they look alike in the way they play yeah particularly with those couple of little kicks into the in goal like their little kick and Chase um of their own kick where they they got a

Couple of tries from but um no I I think Ki back in the side is fair enough um with with Sammy Walker Lindsay Collins out with that hammy look this is um this is a good game it’s a shame that all the big names aren’t um available Fisher Harris still out isn’t

He yeah fish is out uh but Maverick gu steps in yeah MAV gu so this is um this will be a huge this will be a huge um moment for the guy family of course Mark gu um most most people know him as big mg um of course a penth legend one Help

Win a Premiership for the Panthers their first Premiership um it’s his son um making his debut there for um the Panthers uh this weekend so that’s that’s a huge moment for the entire family I know Maddie quite well um Maverick’s Uncle um from my playing days at the Melbourne storm and I’m sure

They’ll all be proud as punch proud as punch but um I I man I think roosters h I really really enjoyed watching them go about their stuff on the weekend against the rabbits um I just if if they can find that same uh energy and commitment that they

Played with and rightly so it was U Jared’s 300th and I think that’s where they got a lot of their motivation from as well as being the Rivalry game against the rabbits um you know they need to get thems up for this one they’re playing the three-time um

Premier uh in in the Panthers but no Cleary uh no Fisher Harris as well um I think if if they play that same game or similar game that they played last week I think they’re a real good chance of winning this one well won’t it be interesting and I understand the Broncos

Lost ree Walsh last week but all the talk going into the game was Reynolds out H out now the Panthers going to this game in a relatively similar situation fer Harris out Nathan cley out and I think we’ll get a really good indic of I guess the different levels of depth

That each Club has because basically you know Broncos were going to play penth the three-time Premiership penrith are going to play The Roosters who you know have been playing incredibly well uh and so it’s going to be a real test of penrith Panthers um depth this year

Because I can’t remember the last time they had both Fisher Harris and clear out and they they are truly keykey players to that Squad yeah they um I think they may have played without the on a couple of occasions over the last couple years maybe when they were rested

Coming into the back end of the year but um yeah it’s a little bit different now no um no Koga yeah who was so important to penrith when clear wasn’t there right either clear missing or Jerome L missing Koga would come in and and he would play

A similar style of footy interesting to see how Brad Schneider fits into uh their lineup because they play they play a certain style of footy don’t they penth absolutely no matter no matter who no matter who’s in the lineup they they they they don’t tend to change their

Style of football um you know they they try and have just everyone play their role the way they would if they were from 1 to 7 in with their strongest side um but you know you know it’s it’s unfair on Brad because he’s not Nathan clear we all seen how good Nathan was

The other night and you know I sort of I made the point after the match you know we’re talking about his performance and the the way he plays is like he’s like an NFL quarterback right so he he’s got the playbook in his head and everyone else around him

Understands that Playbook as well but at any point in time any tackle he just he pulls the strings and says right boys we’re putting this play on he’s the one that makes the decision where the ball goes but everyone else just plays their role in that play and they put them

Themselves in the position where they need to be for Nathan clear right so he’s not he’s not he’s not your most outstanding sort of halfback um where you know he’s got excellent speed or strength although like he’s got a little bit of both he he is just a player that is more consistent

Than any other number seven in the game with with what he does and how constant he’s at the opposition that’s what makes him so good that’s what makes him so good that’s that’s such a good point Smithy like you might have a lot of harves that like go 20 minutes of

Peppering you or 30 minutes but clearly he’s asking that question every minute of every game Essen anytime that he can ask the question he’ll ask the question at about an eight or nine out of 10 um that’s that’s such a great Insight another little thing um with the

Panthers and it shows you such a well Coach side so you know how they’ve been cracking down on the um the blockers yep anyway so other coaches have leaked footage or someone’s leaked footage and and leaked it to the media so what they’re doing now Panthers is is when

That last tackle happens Mitch Kenny will throw the ball to clear and then he runs and follows it follows the ball follows the ball to block off the marker run too smart they’re so smart it’s just like when you’re at the top it’s just that’s what you do that’s what you do

Well that what that is that’s that’s thinking about the game and it’s staying ahead of the game Ki yeah right so a new rule comes in into play to help other teams or you know to take a a strength of particularly you know the top teams

Um away from them you even out the contest and then they just go no we’ll we’ll find another way we’ll find another way and it’s I’ll tell you what people can view it as illegal but it’s not how’s that illegal it’s not it’s the dummy half passing the ball and

Following the play yeah absolutely I cannot wait for this Clash uh now on to rabitos V the dogs this will be live on SC with Jimmy Smith Justin horro Tim manner cook named to started hooker this week after last week being put to the bench Hawkins keeps his spot in the

Halves Bulldogs no changes how do you see this one playing out Smithy uh not sure this is a huge game for the rabbits oh my God huge game for the rabbits they um this is the worst start to a season for them in a long long time I’m talking

Ah jeez off the top of my head I’m thinking way back to 2008 something around that kimpy um 0 and three they are now and like I I just don’t know what happens um at Red Fern oval if they go 0 and four oh sorry they’re not red fern

Overal anymore they they’ve moved they’ve got a brand new facility but um I don’t know what happens at the rabbit o if they get beaten by by the Bulldogs which in the form that they’re taking into this match is it’s every chance it could happen every chance it could

Happen mate like I’m just the thing is is the Bulldogs even though they lost their the first two games they showed so much fight they were outstanding last game yes it was against the Titans but it would be hard not for JD if they lose this much to not make a very drastic

Change significant change not not necessarily around form but around sending a message so so there’s going to be someone that even if they play okay someone’s going to have to be the scapegoat to send a strong message cuz how else do you get through this yeah

Well well I think a lot of people seen that as loand ilas right after round two but that that didn’t really change a whole heap given he’s a he’s a relatively young guy like how many games has he played 50 Max 50 60 let’s let’s

Just say around the 50 Mark yep like the message isn’t going to be heard unless it’s a an older senior player now I’m I’m not I’m not at all I don’t think we’re talking about that that should happen but there needs to be some sort of change they can’t just keep doing the

Same thing every week and expect a different result that’s just yeah that’s just craziness thinking that so um I don’t know is it is it a change of the lineup like there’s a lot of people I’ve seen comments around maybe moving latrel Mitchell does he move from fullback to a different

Position like the play in the in the left Center possibly yeah but then but then what happens to Jack whiton what does Jack do does he get the back row does he play fullback other Center Spot maybe yeah does he switch sides but he’s a left side player yeah

Gray has been outstanding in in New South Wales cup at at fullback not you know not to say that he’s you know he’s in lr’s level and I I think you you just said it as well it’s not necessarily about a specific player it’s just in these dire moments a strong message

Needs to be said like it there’s just no other way around it so hopefully they can get a win and maybe this is just exactly what they need I will say some of these chopping and changing has been interesting okay so uh early in the year

Um they move camaray to a bench sha Mitchell comes in and plays 13 then he’s out of the 18 and I don’t think he’s been back since so unless he’s injured apologies if he injured then Damen cook starts um then he gets put to the and

Then round three gets put to the bench to start the game havil goes in there to start and then at the moment havil has been named out of the site and so I’m getting um I would just love to know what’s going on there with some of these

Decisions uh in regards to a player that’s in your starting side one week and has pushed out a veteran all of a sudden he’s not even in the the side unless he’s injured I’m not sure I’m not sure well it just it creates a bit of confusion I believe you know this in

Within the squad that when you’re chopping and changing and then all of a sudden like so havil be he’s promoted to the starting side as you mentioned um may have been a late change in in the lineup um but all the same he was promoted to the starting side and then

Finds himself not in the team the next week I don’t know just just I just think it adds a bit of confusion within the group it’s and it’s hard then to build cohesion within the group too when there’s so many changes when the team as a whole is struggling yeah like they’re

Not playing their best at all um so with the chopping and changing it’s hard I just think that IO sha Mitchell sry he’s back in on the bench this week I think the the only way they can fix it is through effort yeah there you go like

And I’ve tipped them all right I’m tipping the rabbits in this one I’m happy to give them another go but the only way they the only way they get themselves out of this little hole that they’re in at the moment um you know they’re not they’re not in D Straits

Right right now it’s again it’s only three rounds I know they haven’t posted a win yet but they they need to put effort in they need to put in more effort than what I’ve seen in particular over the last couple of weeks mate I am actually going

To go the rabitos broke my heart last week they broke my heart I just got a text you hey Kempy what has happened to Tara Maro he’s been injured for most of the year and I think he’s fight like pushing his way through uh Reserve grade

To get back into the side yep I’m going to go the Bulldogs doggies I’m going doggies like they broke my I went rabbit o last week I thought look if they couldn’t bounce back for that I’m going they just you’ve just wiped them look I’m not I haven’t

Wiped him but I just I I look I just think the way the dogs played last week they’re coming in with a lot of confidence they’ve been ripping and tearing for three rounds now like every single game they’ve played even though they haven’t won the first two effort

Has not been the concern um and I just the concern I have with the rabbito if they couldn’t get up for that roosters Game Y what’s going to make him get up for a doggies game but in saying that I would be glad to be wrong because I love this rabbito

Side so many characters when they on it is some of the most exciting foot you to watch but I do think there are a lot of concerns at the club at the moment I do think that some honest extremely honest conversations need to be had CU this

Side is way too good um to be 0 and4 if they do go 0 and4 uh now we’re going to head to a break after the break we’ve got Broncos V the Cowboys which is an interesting selection um Cole L but back in the centers after withdrawing late

Last week with an ankle injury Smithy how do you see this game panning out um always a good Clash Bronx cows uh especially when it’s played a sun going to be a big crowd Good Friday um everyone’s got the day off so they’ll be up there nice and

Early as I said earlier mate really impressed with the way the cows are playing at the moment I think they they’ve got a couple of little things they need to sort out like defense conceding some early points um against the dragons a little bit concerning last

Week uh but they’re good enough to you know finish strongly over the top of them um so they’re going to have to be a little bit better you know I think you the Broncos I think we all know that they’re they’re a little bit better side

Than the dragons at this very point in time but they do have some key players out Walsh out of course um which will help the Cowboys cause pay har still out he’s still a few weeks away isn’t he he’s like another what four or five

Still I think at them about four so yeah yeah so still still a few out uh big in um Adam Reynolds um particularly with his kicking game um against drink water Scotty drink water one of the for players of the competition um if you can

Really if you can pin in him pin drink water into some Corners uh take away his running game that’ll go a long long way to the Broncos being in this one uh but I am man I’m leaning towards cows on this just given given the form they’re in at

The moment if they turn up and and defend strongly and are happy to get into a bit of a grind and stay patient not think oh jeez oh we haven’t scored points for a while um and then start throwing the ball around I think if they defend strong stay patient with the

Footy I think points will come for them and I think they might win this one and stay undefeated the Cowboys um they remind me a bit of the Broncos last year where they’d almost go all right we’ll let you score you know couple tries but we’re so

Confident in our attack that in a 20 20 minute period we’re going to put four tries in you and all of a sudden the game’s completely turned on its head their their attack is in my opinion the best in the competition right now Scotty drink water has been absolutely electric

I think the um the the way that you can try and get him out of the game especially on kick returns is exactly what you said kick into corners but also physically rough him up a little bit if you can I know in the modern game you

Can’t really do that but physically in contact he he does struggle cuz he is a bit of a smaller body and also if you can negate somehow that one pass off a kick turn so if you can get it deep enough into a corner and have a kick Chase strong enough that’s almost

Landing on that pass if he wants to throw it um because we know he’ll throw that pass so if you get L if you kick into the corner you get lazy he’ll just throw a massive cut out to his Winger that that drops back inside so I think

Um basically just you know furthering a point is that that that kick and that kick Chase y can change all their momentum if they want to win the Broncos yeah and that’s a good point you make there can’t be about the Broncos defense like that’s that’ll be a huge part of

Them being in the game because we’ve seen last weekend and and we’ve seen every game that the Cowboys have played they don’t they don’t mind throwing the ball around in their own end yeah well they were they were Shifting the ball last week and I think I’ve seen them do

It a couple of times against the Dolphins as well they were Shifting the ball inside their own 10 met zone so if they sense an opportunity or they see some space out wide particularly when they going out to Val homes they’ll um like he’ll Zing the ball yeah he he

Doesn’t need to be invited um drink water like if he sees it he’ll he’ll have a crack and he’s one of those guys that just he he doesn’t die wandering on the footy field and if you make him if he makes a mistake it just it’s just

Erased from his mind straight away and he just thinks next job yeah he’ll have a crack the next time to get the ball so that that’s one part of the game where if they start to drop off a little bit so if their kicking game is not on it’s

Slightly off and they got some space for drink water to return the ball and then that next tackle that’s the vital one yeah those next you could even throw in the next two if they don’t have some good line speed and they’ve got all their players downfield in that line

Moving up then they could be doing some chasing yeah and and ironically you actually do more work by not doing the hard work early you know it’s something that um they used to drill in at the Bronx early 2000 was do the hard work first do the hard work first and that

That’s um how often do we watch games where Wingers sorry threein ERS and Wingers they go oh the ball’s not coming my side so I’m I’m not going to get any line speed I’m not going to get up and then before you know it you’re going oh

My God there’s half a line break here yeah um and so yeah it’s key key for the Broncos if they even want to give themselves an opportunity it’s doing the hard work first and and nine times out of 10 you’ll do the hard work first and nothing will happen you know you won’t

Even need to make a tackle but it’s that 10th time if you’re not there you’ll get skinn by Scotty drink water and um you know Val homes uh we’re going to head to a break after the break we’ got plenty more to talk about including uh dragons

V Manley but also we’ve got to talk about the Titans what is doing welcome back to the captain’s run with Cameron Smith we’re here for chem Warehouse save on your prescriptions at Chemist Warehouse heading to store today let’s get straight into a show we dragons host

The Mighty Sea Eagles molo little and Su back in for the dragons h s makes his Club debut um yeah I mean what a what a big in for the dragons uh now onto Manley no changes made aren’t dragons an interesting team is year because I feel

Like you see these flashes of oh wow this could be a team that challenges from 8th to 11th and then you see other periods where you’re like oh God this is going to be tough yeah oh I think um when you look at the dragons I think

Everyone that first up win right when they beat the Titans I think everyone was like wow I think everyone sort of sat back and thought wow you know fleno Shane Flanigan he’s made a huge impact on this group low Maes to the wing um Sloan you best game that he’s played in

A long long time at fullback they look like they’ve got a great mix you know in their footy side and they’re playing good footy but I think the following week they sort of come crashing back down to earth with that loss to the Dolphins where they didn’t score a point conceded

38 um and then also looking at the form of the titans the team they beat first up you’re sort of thinking well you know maybe maybe it’s not the team KY maybe it’s not the team or the or the change that they’ve made dramatically over this this um

Preseason um but still they’re they’re a better side than what they’ve shown the last couple of weeks let’s let’s be honest um you know like it’s it’s you don’t want to be too harsh on these teams because you know that they they they’ve got better football in them than

What they’ve shown um particularly um the dragons you know a lot of people say well no no they’re not a great footy side I still think they’re better than what they’ve dished up the last couple lot they conceded 38 against the Titans started extremely well on the weekend

Extremely well yeah um against the Cowboys and like I was watching that game Thinking well here we go like this is this is what a lot more of what we were seeing in in round one and then just I don’t know just that middle part

Of the game the grindy part of the game it seemed like it just got a little bit too much for them um and the Cowboys overpowered them of course um you know before a late try in the last 10 minutes where you know the game was done and

Dusted but um yeah I I think this week dragons V Manley manly you know I’ll just go back to what I mentioned earlier I think they along with North Queensland have the most potent attack at the moment they showed that on the weekend against parata close game for them big

Game for them um but their their early attack was incredible incredible look the the thing that I really excited for manly again the question obviously the forward pack can they go 27 rounds but they still have some ins to come back in for sure yeah but when they are humming when that

When like for example how good’s Brooks has been for the first three rounds so good man like and then you add that to dce how long has it been since DC had a genuine six that can create space for him y it’s just it’s been a while been a

Very long time and at Tom tro he looks as fitt as he’s ever looked so at the start of last year you could see his gate was a bit changed and he didn’t he looked a bit he just didn’t look like he was fully free at the moment he looks

Red hot like there’s absolutely no drams in the world um and so there’s a lot there’s a lot to like in the mly side they’re it’s ironically they’re a little bit similarish to the Cowboys where if they can just sort that defense out and and that that that grindy bit out I mean

There’s no reason why they can’t push for a top four at the end of the year yeah they should be I think that’s where they that their goal should be should be that yeah um you know I think with the way that they have shown us that they

Can play footy there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be aiming for a top four spot I I know finals for everyone is is the goal like we just want to be part of the finals but put the put the bar a bit higher boys yeah you know like you’ve

Shown that you you can do it um and with the lineup that they boast you know the you know and to be fair like when you look at some of the names you’re like well they’re not they’re not the the sort of high high-profile names in those particular field positions in across the

League but they’ve got some really really good footballers in this in this outfit and they and the main thing about them is they’re consistent um you know and the way they play their outside backs are big and fast yeah they are big and fast manate and if you give them

Room and you give them space they they burn you and that’s that’s what they’ve done in this this early part of the year um I think looking at the dragons man if they they really need to tighten their defense up and work hard for each other if they don’t then they

Could be this team is capable of doing exactly what the Cowboys did last week now uh let’s get to the next game and we’ve got some texts here uh hey beaky uh don’t give us any tips again because the Titans didn’t you tip the Titans last week here’s another one afternoon

Men am I suffering early signs of dementia uh dementia I’m sure you two BLS to the Titans to possibly finish top four what are your thoughts now Brett um well firstly just want to get some specifics out there I said they were a smokey the big Smokey uh didn’t have

Them in my top four but you are correct in saying that uh I have to readjust my evaluations of the Titans at the moment um unfortunately looks like a disastrous year it is still early days it is still early days but they are nowhere near

Where I thought they would be uh this at this time what do you reckon Smithy oh man not no way no way I I think with looking at their their team um look and they’ve got some big outs right so faid hasn’t played um at all this year um

They’ve just lost Tino let’s just talk about that quickly like the loss of Tino fur Mal like not only is he you know the starting prop and Captain like he has been the heart and soul of that footy Club yeah over the last few years heart

And soul mate heart and soul like they haven’t won too many games but I’ll tell you what he hasn’t he hasn’t been anything less than I reckon a s and a half every match yeah that he’s played like he he busts his absolute backside

Um every time he gets out there so um he is a big loss and I know I know they’ve got some um you know they’ve got some forwards there that have played some big game footy m f f Waker is in there faid’s got to come back Bo Bowie fermer

Is in there um so they’re all going to need to step up in his absence um but yeah they just I don’t know I know it’s hard to put the finger on what’s going wrong there because they are a better outfit and and I think everyone was thinking

Well you know Dez Hasler turning up well you know like this they’re only going to make this this team stronger a more for formidable footy side but it’s almost been in the complete opposite yeah like they’ve reacted in like literally the opposite way they they seem tired their

Energy is quite low the the little 1centers don’t even it’s it’s genuinely bizarre genuinely bizarre um the Titans VI the Dolphins though this Saturday what about the Dolphins I mean they come out have an absolute Barry Crocker then they come out and absolutely tear the

Dragons up yeah what do we see with them this so far this year um yeah well night and day isn’t it really from from one week to the other and and I think a lot of that was would have been with the way that um you know way Bennett would have

Put them through their Paces in that in that second game uh given that they were so poor KMI they they were they were there was no other word for it they were so poor in the first round match could hardly hold on the footy were doing you

Know huge amounts of work defensively so when they did get the football and the Cowboys did a great job of turning the ball over close to their line when they get did get the ball the the only energy they had was just to go one out and they

Were they were all bundled up like a swarm of bees behind the football yeah so it was never ever going to challenge the Cowboys so you know I think they got a bit of a revving on the back of a couple of personnel changes I think as

Well yeah AA coming into the halves um and you know I thought he made a real difference there uh you know and they the hammer was on fire um when they played when they played last as well so look if he’s if he’s anywhere near that

Form or feeling in that mood again this weekend um it could be a trifest at seab Super Stadium there’s no doubt about that the worrying the worrying the concerning thing for me um you know for particularly for all of our listeners you know sort of down South of the

Border the The two feeded clubs for the Titans are the Tweet e goals and ipso Jets now the competition’s underway up here in the Queensland cup tweet SE goals they haven’t won a match either they’re 0 and3 and the ipswitch Jets the other FY Club they are they are one and two yeah

Wow so out of the six matches of their feeded teams that have played they’ve won one game oh my God so yeah so when when Desi’s looking for some answers and then if he’s looking for possible changes he’s bringing guys up that that their teams aren’t particularly in great

Form either so um he’s going to need a huge shift in in attitude and mentality from this current side running out um you know this weekend against the dolphins all right we’re going to head to a break after the break we’re going to preview Warriors V the knights

Sharies V the Raiders g v Tigers shall we Warriors the Ws take up the knights take on the knights um to a vek is named at fullback very exciting to see him back there uh neot coming off the bench for the first time in 2024 saiti comes into the starting

Lineup for Leo Thompson who was suspended Koga and Campbell gamble retain their spots in the hares after a win over the storm how do you see this one playing out Smithy I think Warriors is too strong mate too strong at home great to see the great man uh RTS Roger

Back at fullback he has been he has been so good since coming back actually hasn’t missed the beat it’s like he hasn’t like he never left the game like he stats from last week um I’ll just read him out quickly one try one line break five tackle

Breaks uh only had to make six tackles which is how good’s that uh made 22 runs for 200 M and that crazy try that he scored that got him out to 1810 yeah like that was a huge effort you know what I mean like crucial try so could

That that that’s him playing in the centers can only imagine what he’s going to do with fullback so um yeah look I think uh too strong I think too strong for the knights Knights were uh like wins a win right wins a win and they got one against storm which is

You know that’s a good scalp but uh very much a depleted Melbourne storm like let’s be honest uh and they Scrappy in the second half they just held on yeah I I hate talking like this because they got the win first win of the year but it was far from convincing

And look maybe that’s just what they need they need to get the two points get some confidence back you know understand like that winning feeling again um but it was uh it was it didn’t convince me that we’re we’re looking at the Knights that we saw in that 10 game Run last

Year and not not to say that they would expect to be at that form again this early in the season but it didn’t convince me that put this way at the moment they aren’t playing top eight footy uh whereas whereas at this time sorry this time of the year after what

They did last year I wouldn’t expect them to be at the top of the table but I would expect them to at least be playing top eight footy and that’s that’s where I feel like the disconnect is in regards to how they’re going n totally agree

Mate uh to the warriors uh how important was that win over the Raiders obviously went down to the wire but just imagine this side who I think has actually been playing really good footy imagine if they were 0 and three right now how different the conversations would be

Yeah yeah well well they would be but you’d also have to take into account those previous too they were right in the match as well you know there was um there was opportunities for them to win for various reasons they didn’t and at certain times of those first two matches

They were they were leading the game yeah um particularly the storm game like they should have won that yeah up by what was it up by 83 to go they’re the games that you need to finish off particularly with the class of players that you do have in your footy side so

They’d be ruin that one but hey it’s early in the season no need to get you know bogged down by that one loss they need to keep keep looking forward um and it was a good way to kick off their season with their first win um last week

I think they can extend that to two now uh shakies V the Raiders sharies are still favorites in this one but for nuken hunt Rudolph out ham Hamlin Elli still out talaki is going into the second row with Ido into the centers uh Schiller and Chris com into the backline

For the Raiders and rapan is playing his 200th game for the Raiders um I actually like the Raiders in this one yeah y tell me your reasons please okay my reasons obviously all of those outs but the Raiders for me are playing top eight footy okay yes do they lack some star

Power in the spine okay I I’ll grant that but is their forward pack been playing at a top tier Premiership level I do think they have um I’ve really liked what I’ve seen from the Raiders and I just think that when you look at the the sharies and the

Amount of players they have out in the middle I just think that they may struggle to go with this Raiders forward pack now they may be able to make up for it with niiko Hines bouncing back from a disappointing performance last week but I think the Raiders are playing great

Footy I really do yeah I’ll tell you what they’re doing they playing tough footy and sometimes they’re the that’s the style of footy that get you these early wins so when teams are still settling into their season um you know working on combinations team team sort of um game

Plans and all that may not be settled but when you play tough fo0 and you play with effort which the Raiders have been playing with you get results and and that’s what’s happened for them like they’re sitting they’re sitting third on the table yeah you know what I mean and

That’s so that’s no fluke that’s no fluke that that comes from playing some pretty decent football whether it be through your def through your attack through effort whatever it is you need to be doing something pretty well um consistently so um I’m with you I’m with you with the

Way that they’re playing at the moment they’re bringing some pretty good form into it uh big game for Jordan rer of course one of their um players at long serving players at the club they’ll be up for this one and you’re taking fuk and hunt and Rudolph out of this

Lineup um I’m I’m actually I like everything about the Raiders and I think you know having sticky having coached at crella I think you’ll have them very very fired up and I think they’ve got some real like a really good record at Shark Park but we’re going to head to a

Break after the break we’ll get to the final game eels vers tigers on a Monday eels VI the Tigers Moses out tagi is going to play at six Brown at halfback civo returns uh change to the Tigers 12 ruled out with concussion kapoa comes onto the bench what do you reckon Smithy

Oh good Monday Clash always a big one um another battle of the West actually Blaze Tangi how good is he on De Bo mate I I really like this kid and he may he may fix their woes of an explosive outside back but he but he’s playing halves unbelievable well so

He’s playing six he actually played a lot of fullback at uh in New South Wales cup and and Brad Arthur has been a bit you know all is Guth the long-term guy maybe he’ll play center so it’s going to be interesting to see what they do with

This young kid um yeah difficult one this one strong lineup of course eels No Mitch Moses so that’s a big out for me um love the enthusiasm from the Tigers last week LED beautifully by appy Corel tell you what I’m going to do mate I’m going to go and upset on Monday I’m

Going the West tigers tigers what wow holy there you go and I just want to um leave this with a parting text that finally we found someone with a bit of sense denim now I got my name wrong but that’s okay uh smi’s long struggled to sleep you sleeping with a truckload of

Cash stuffed in a Duna on top of you and yes he’s up at sunrise every morning to count it again regards there it is the people have spoken wake up at 7:00 see you next week


  1. Testimet to the roosters but"" if panthers beat roosters tonight without Nathan. We are dealing with another panthers possible premiership contention. 💯🥸🍻

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