Golf Players

Ep. 5 – Our Karsten Creek Ryder Cup and Unfortunate Drone Timing at The Farmers!

Welcome to Flushfest Golf Pod, proudly sponsored by Hammer Back Golf! In this episode we talk about our annual Ryder Cup event “The Friday Cup” and our most recent VIRAL VIDEO of some unfortunate drone timing at The Farmers!

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Lush Fest well you got four of us again we’re back this is number five watch best episode five here we go I know we’re really on a roll I think however we we’re once again missing our resident short man here down here he’s not under the table I checked

But CP R CP Thunder we miss you we love you we wish you were with us but uh you know sometimes you just once again we’re just selling Perry weather systems you know he’s not here Thunder wouldn’t stop eating out by now we are burning the midnight oil at

Perry weather again yeah shout out shout out to them letting us use the LOL office if there’s an emergency we can’t really help you but just no you want to come hang out yeah call Thunder anyway so there’s four of us um once again and we’ve got some fun stuff to get into

Today but since it’s still going gang busters viral not not me it’s not Cub shockingly it’s this poor old guy taking a piss in the bushes from how many weeks ago oh God when did we that was from the uh farmers and and you caught it on that was the

Farmers yeah we uh we call it the pp video uh internally internally yeah I don’t you can call it whatever you want uh the Drone the Drone footage of at the farmers that was kind of going around catching I think it was the 18th te and

Yeah one of the guys was walking back I still don’t know who it was but he was walking back to the tea and then kind of walked down into the bushes and then the drones coming around and he just starts to un unzip and you know pull out and

Start to pee in the Drone it was a player drone catches it yeah it’s a player uh that was good that had to go before he teed off we’ got to find out who that was I mean maybe he didn’t want to be found but it’s on the video I it

Had to be one of the leaders cuz it was like the last but by the way there was 100% time for the producer to cut away well that’s the beauty of it I saw it Jack and I were watching it and I saw it I go oh my goodness and he started

Laughing so we re we rewound it and I recorded it and then at the very end you can hear his little high pitch Giggle and a lot of the comments on the video are like I think I think the high pitch giggle at the end is the best part 100%

But man yeah it’s it’s uh just that video like it’s wild how social media works it’s CU we have experience with kind of drones from some of our marketing stuff and putting these these uh content things together you can hear the Drone I mean it’s buzzing up there and I bet

That guy got out there and he was taking a quick minute and I bet he heard that and went oh boy here we go well do y’all stop it’ll sting yall remember all the jokes last year like when John ROM joined Liv they’re like well I guarantee

Part of the cont contract has more bathrooms cuz Rah had complained multiple times that the PGA Tour only has like Apparently one or two bathroom stations across the course and those rounds are taking like five hours now so he’s going you might go two hours as a

Player and like if you got to use the restroom you’re just kind of well do you remember I think it was a year ago or so they had the US Open qualifier at Royal Oaks our club in Dallas and then also at Lakewood and it was a bunch of guys who

Were qualifying for the US Open and amateurs and professionals and there were some notable guys who came out and played the morning at Royal Oaks and then went to Lakewood in the afternoon and it was it was like um Charlie Hoffman and coocher coocher we followed

Coocher for a while that was great and uh Pat Perez who left the course after nine holes and just stored off just left but um one of them was um gr McDow was there he was great but one of them we were standing on 14 at Royal Oaks and

Charlie Hoffman hits an approach it’s this long par five and he hits his approach and it lands on the green and I see him running down the Fairway on 14 and he runs up and he marks the ball and there’s a bathroom right behind 14 green

He he puts the ball marks marks the ball grabs the ball and dashes to the bathroom the bathroom and they have those lock codes on them you know and he’s standing at the door and he’s going he goes what’s the code what’s the code and someone goes you know 215 or 214

Whatever it was and he runs in there I’ve never seen somebody run so fast to a bathroom so he must have been touching CL coming number one or number two what’s funny about this it was definitely a number two there’s no question yeah you can number one it was

A number two you’re not sprinting the funny thing about this is there’s literally a porter potty right there for the players like behind the ropes that’s what I was going to say on that video isn’t that I was wondering that like isn’t that yeah that’s a porter potty

For the players right but in his defense look okay so look at the view that he’s about to see while taking this league like he’s looking off into the mountains yeah and it’s either what is that San Gabriel like a little bird up there with camera that’s in uh wait that’s San

Diego right Sano San dieago so he’s looking out at the ocean jger dri or pavon you know what good on him I think it’s great yeah you know and you know what’s funny there’s a lot of comments on there because there’s that you know hundreds of comments at this point but

There’s people that are complaining about the fact that oh I have on a golf course and people pee in my backyard or you know you shouldn’t be able to do that or whatever it’s like listen when you’re golfing and you got to go pee you

Find a tree it’s just what you do yeah and there are no houses on that course it’s not as if there’s some woman having ice tea did that rhyme Evan I did it I don’t know I think it did trademark that we’ll put that on a shirt stamp it but

That one just keeps going and the funny thing about it is that cub and thunder and I really don’t we’re hands off on the Instagram and it’s e-money and Mt who handle most of it and every time I turn around your phone is just it won’t stop I was gonna say you

Gotta turn that off I don’t know how you do it I don’t know we started a bunch of technology companies last last night I got off of the flush Fest account cuz I was like maybe if I get off the account I’ll stop getting notified about all the

Likes and watches and all it’s just by the way you know what that actually REM Evan doesn’t know how to do it Evan’s got multiple tech companies it’s like on uh The Social Network whenever you know the CFO she’s like you’re the CFO of Facebook and you don’t know how to

Change your relationship status like embarrassing I don’t know how to admit it well it’s a good problem to have so um if you haven’t seen the pp video go check that out you’ll be the six millionth person to check it out so far or whatever it is but flush Fest on

Instagram it’s been that’s been a good one and it’s been fun and that’s you know catching funny moments on golf courses particularly in serious tournament environments I think it’s kind of funny because oh yeah you know it’s it’s like hey man if you get caught

In a moment and you’re on 18 you don’t really care if you’re at Cypress Point you got to go yeah you better find a place to do especially before you tea off I mean you can’t tea off with a no no no you got you got to get that out

Yeah got to get that very funny better out than then but hopefully it wasn’t Austin eek root because we’re about to talk about him no it wasn’t him congrats to our boy yeah my boy that’s your poke yeah go pokes OSU yeah talking about getting into talking about our our

Friday cup that we played wasn’t last year but the last time we played it was at carsten Creek and um you know Friday we should explain we had this idea um there’s about 15ish guys that we play with regularly on Friday we have a big group text and we put this idea together

To have a three-day uh Ridder cup style you know team cup that we called the Friday cup because we always play on Friday and we were going to have two captains who were going to pick a team and it was going to be similar to what

You’d see in the Ryder Cup um and thankfully everybody is reasonably within the same handicap so it actually got very competitive but our big problem was where do we have it we could have it at Royal Oaks but over three days it’s okay we got to get a bunch of tea times

And there’s other people and you e had the connection at carsten which turned out to be perfect awesome because there wasn’t really anybody there no it’s it doesn’t get that course doesn’t get a lot of play not too much play and uh they have cabins so you know we’re all

Out of Dallas and it’s up in Still Water uh so it makes it easy pretty close drive so everybody was comfortable you know loading up in a few cars driving up and uh you can stay in the cabins there which are awesome because it’s two they’re two story cabins great yeah you

Can fit I mean how many rooms are in there there’s two beds in each room and there’s one four four six rooms in a cabin something like that I mean it was it’s a lot you can pack I bet pack 30 people you can pack it in and there’s

Three or four cabins so uh it’s a great spot the you know we kind of mentioned it last week the food there is good keevin and I are obsessed with the p TR uh I don’t know what they put in that thing but it’s delicious it goes down uh

But yeah it’s a it’s a great spot you’re you know not really any houses on the course there’s a few houses out there but there’s not really many houses on the course so it’s you’re out in kind of the wild can I say why there’s no houses

On the course you sure yeah yeah because there’s about 100 miles of trees on every hole and nothing over there is one house next to the cabin that we saw and that’s Bo’s house house that was pretty cool his grave side is there and his childhood home which he

Had moved from Mesa Vista and I remember standing there thinking how big a baller do you have to be to say yeah take my childhood home from my 600,000 acre ranch put on the move it over to Carston right next to where I’m going to be buried someday

Yeah yeah yeah well did we mention this is the private course for the Oklahoma State golf team which is why they’re so good so that’s what I was going to say CU Cub Dr it is lined with trees there is basically no rough the the fair you

Got you got Fairways and maybe two to three yards on each side of what you would call a second cut and then it’s lateral Hazard like Forest yeah and it’s long what it’s like 7600 yards or something and when it’s yeah the cowboy so it’s long narrow lot

Of and so we were talking about they were saying you know Victor havin is such a good driver of the golf ball and like well if you play at Carson you have no choice but to learn how to hit it long and straight or you can’t play that

Course I got I got a 10 on the first hole did you really a 10 and I recorded it you did not record that I did cuz it was match I had to it was like okay what an honest guy wait at what point did you

Did you not concede like well I was playing against Keith you just don’t know what’s gonna happen never I thought well I just I’ll hold this one not the only other thing is that the the greens are if it wasn’t Carson Creek and it wasn’t a notable place they would be

Mickey Mouse greens cuz they are insane MH and then the only glimmer of hope is that they’re zoa Fairways which is unbelievably fun shot you have from the Fairway is like it’s like teed up which is great but you’re never getting a flat lie either it’s weird because when you

Look out from the tea boxes it kind of looks okay well just hit it out in the Fairway and you’re you know you be okay if you get it in the Fairway at least but then when you get to your ball even if you hit it in the middle of the

Fairway you don’t necessarily have a flat lie you’re you’re you’re know you’re up or down and that’s the tricky part the balls teed up but your feet are either way above or way below the ball you’re like it’s it’s like a semi-private thing right or something

Like you’re a member there but I don’t know how yeah they they do they only have certain amount of like um I guess you call them like National memberships or something like that out out of state membersip can anyone show up and there’s instate there’s instate memberships uh I

Don’t know I don’t think so maybe I don’t know there’s a there’s a handful of houses there also like people fun fun is when when I signed up for the the you know membership I have sitting in there and I you know paid for the first year

Because they hooked me up with a little deal and um there’re swiping my credit card or whatever and the guy goes just so you know this is meant for the players and we just like to make sure everybody knows that this is players first like like Oklahoma State team

Players first and then you guys get it after that so like if there’s ever you know tournament or anything like that like you’re kind of you know your second fiddle to the players which is makes sense right College it’s the college course but it wasn’t like the normal

Price of like a no no super affordable yeah I think it was like it was only like $7,000 for the year for well for the first two years because I was like halfway through the first well if you’re out of state it’s not as if you’re using

It every weekend it’s not like you’re going to run into the team a lot you know I it we’ve used it for stuff like this I think I had another group of guys come in I don’t think it was after the Friday cup but another another time

We’ve used it where you know you do a couple guys trips and it worked out really well because like I said the cabins are are awesome and they’ll have a there’s a chef that’ll come down cook in your cabin for you or you can go you

Know go into town go to Joe’s get some chili chees speaking of the team being there I remember the day when we were doing the Friday cup we’ve been there a couple of times but it was the second trip and they had sort of the this they

Have the main range and then they have kind of the it looks like a short game range or whatever it was that was off off of 18 remember mhm and was it was it hind who was standing there I think it was Victor hland who was working with a

Swing coach or something I think it was well Victor so the weekend we were there so theala and Victor hoflin were there playing with some buddies that’s right they were there the while we were there Victor was there but you know who else was there that last day on that sh same

Area he was hanging out with his girlfriend and they’re like that Hoffman so Morgan Hoffman is the former he’s down at that where you’re talking he’s the former number one in the world Amer and he went to OSU and I can’t remember he got some dis I

Don’t know if it was like lime disease I forgot what it was some autoimmune thing or something and he couldn’t play anymore interesting story he and I had just read this like a few weeks before we actually ran into him and our buddy Eric actually stopped him and said hey I

Read your deal he went down Costa Rica this a true story he was like I’m having all these issues because of all the chemicals they put on the fairways and all this stuff he basically disconnected from everything he started eating super healthy said he did all these you know

Wild drugs a video about this yes he was living in like a hut down there and he so the doctors told him this is an incurable thing and he literally apparently drink his pee Dr yes I was just about to say he was drinking his own Ur he was like taking like crazy

Drugs he was but a year later he was like the first cured case which is kind of wild so maybe there’s something about the pee I don’t know drink talking about pee pee video a strange episode no but what we GNA say so he was there and we

Talked to him for a while he was super cool and he was trying to make his comeback to the PGA Tour but he was out there with his dog and I remember he was still a little bit kind of different his like girlfriend’s laying like picking flowers his dogs running around and

Everything and he just just live in the dream interesting guy I don’t know there’s some characters at car it’s a very chill it’s a very chill place right especially for the players right they they can be more relaxed out there but I think it was Victor hin was sitting

There chipping sting or doing something and his bag there and he was on this sort of short game area and hitting balls he had a coach there and we turned around and one of the guys from our group just walked over there just struck up a conversation we looked over he’s

Going hey what do you got in here he’s pulling clubs out of Victor’s bag oh we name this person I play a 56 to how about that Victor’s like who the hell is this guy thanks put my clubs back guy get out of here and and he bud this is

Our this is our buddy who’s never met a stranger and the nicest guy in the world but I’m sure Victor was like okay yeah go go ahead check that out if you want to I guess you want to hit it you know he’s like this is weird yeah no he asked

Him he goes so what kind of Shaft or grip he’s like he’s like doing the waggle you know and we’re like dude he’s number four in the world put his Club down like what are you doing yeah hey can I hit this yeah it’s like oh this

Feels great and I’m like yeah cuz it’s a custom tour players club like it’s not off the rack bro he he probably thought he’s just some drunk guy or whatever but it’s it’s a tough by the way shout out to Victor because he was a total like he

Went and stride he didn’t freak out like he just kind of liing about it bro so whenever you think Victor is the nicest guy in the world our experien is I mean he got put in a semi stressful situation he just laughed at all and when you see

Those guys eating like in the you know the clubhouse wide open I always every time I go up there not every time but a lot of times I’ve been up there yeah a lot of times I’ve been up there he’s he’s up there practicing cuz he still lives in still

Water and I’ll see him sitting with the team eating lunch as as we make the turn and grab a sandwich or whatever Peach rep and uh it’s just they’re sitting there laughing having a great time I’ve never seen him not smile and have a great time I’m like damn that’s the

That’s a good hey man if if if I won a bunch of tournaments and had you know 30 40 million bucks in the bank I’d probably eat a pizza wrap with a big old smile to that’s my favorite hav stories when he said I live in still money goes

A long way go I get some extra guacamole on my Chipotle yeah I will have the guacamole well that’s so he won the Tour Championship which was what 30 million bucks last or 20 million bucks FedEx yeah the FedEx Cup $20 million and they said what are you going to buy and he

Goes well I’ll get some extra walk of my they’re like I think you could afford more he’s going well bet he does does he have roommates Victor he still lives like in a townhouse like near the college bars with two well I think Zack

Uh I’m going to butcher this Zack b b b bow can’t pronounce that name uh he was one of the players I think he lives with them still yeah yeah now you know who else was living the dream for a little bit and this is timely because he just

Came back but we we’re here in Dallas and I saw Anthony Kim around town a couple of times um at the Katy Trail Ice House number years ago he rolled up in a big old white Rolls-Royce this was kind of after he had I think retired I don’t

Know if he retired or if he he took the insurance took the insurance remember talk about I think it was was it 25 I thought it was 10 million it wasn’t it was it had to be more I think it more than 10 yeah for some reason 10 million

Sticks in my head and I was I thought it was like 20 or 25 it was some number like that it was 100 I do a little more but the rule was he could never play pro golf again that was part of the insurance but was the rule that he could

Never play PGA Tour golf again no I think it was professional golf see because so a lot of the guys that I know and hang said that he used to do these big money trips 10 to 20 yeah 10 to one so he used to do a lot of trips down to

Cabo like guys would pay him you know Rich guys or whatever CEOs and they’d be having a big trip and they’re like you know hey Anthony will come if we throw him a quick hundred bones or something for the weekend he’ll come down and shoot a 66 and entertain everybody yeah

But he always seemed pretty happy when I saw him a handful of times he had a big old smile on his face too from that big insurance check he got but now he’s back so does that mean k back does he have to give the money back surely live that’s

Why thing is Liv he can do it so so let’s assume he got 15 let’s split the difference SPL yeah so what do you think Liv gave him I have no clue 50 got to pay back to 15 well call 30 like at the very least yeah I mean it’s live guys

They have it’s it’s the Saudi Investment Trust like there’s no limit to that money well and and it’s you know Anthony Kim was a he’s a big name I mean he was a big name for a long time he golfer little rival of the there but I remember

In what was it this this must have been 07 or 08 he was like okay this this kid’s G to come along and be Tiger Wood he was really coming up yeah and I don’t even really know what happened I don’t know what the accident was I forgot

About you might look you you’re the one that has all the well I don’t know his I don’t know like I just know it was ARR thing right yeah he had like some injury that was oh is it not back relevant to the insurance claim and he took the

Money and so he never got back into Pro Golf because like Barrett said he’s got to pay it back well if you go buy a Rolls-Royce you go party around Dallas four nights a week for 10 years can’t really pay it back right 20 million only

Gets you a handful of belt buckles you know when they’ve got 40 carats on them but run stride but I yeah I I Sports insurance claims are kind of funny I remember watching that Beckham thing I don’t know if you watched that Beckham documentary it’s really really good but

He had no that was the chick version but this was like the Netflix one a couple months ago it was really good I didn’t know much about David Beckham but he had insurance on both of his legs at the time he was at you know the

Peak at man united or whatever but that insurance they say what it cost no but they said it came with a a ton of stipulations they were like okay you cannot go skiing you cannot go play like all these things you are prohibited from doing and I’m sure Anthony Kims was the

Same but it’s you know they paid it they must have paid it I can’t I would imagine a lot of pro athletes have this I don’t know I’d be curious to know I think like a like in the NFL and stuff like that don’t a lot of those guys have

In their contracts they can’t ride you know you can’t ride a snowmobile motorcy yeah you can’t go skydiving you can’t you literally can only get hurt from football and we will cover it yeah which would make sense because if your career’s on the decline you’re like I’ll

Go you know rock climbing and fall 10 Feet’s $50 million well I was kind ofc to watch him because it you know 11 years is a long time and I remember when he was at the pink and I went okay this will be kind of fun and I’m not a

Historically live I don’t watch a lot of live golf partially because I don’t want to watch it on my laptop and also because I hate stupid leader board you never know like they don’t do a good enough job of promoting we were talking about this on

Our text thread how do you know when lives like do you know the next live tournament I couldn’t name it if you ask anybody on the street they’re not going to know they don’t do a good enough job of promoting when it is how are you supposed to know well and

You think golf is Thursday every Thursday through Sunday there’s going to be some golf on and it’s going to be the PGA Tour and I I don’t even know what tournament golf channel or NBC right yeah but I don’t even know that where the tournament’s gonna be but I know

It’s on yeah and so you can click it on and okay great I’ll watch and at live I don’t have any idea I also don’t understand and maybe this is my fault I don’t understand the team dynamic because they have that leaderboard with the first of all the logos the F1 racing

Leaderboard the the they have the logos of qu the pole and I swear to you the logos of the teams are the same logos that my four-year-old daughter has in her soccer league on their jerseys they’re bad logos the only one that is sort of reasonably acceptable is the Dustin

Johnson the 4A yeah yeah that one’s okay and the High Flyers maybe the r ROM’s new logo is pretty cool who do you think design by the way who do you think designed I’ll they definitely didn’t go to like Fiverr or whatever and like get

A no tell right now they could have gone to they could have gone to G what’s that website that does a lot of the logos you’ll see these corporate logos that pop up and they’re always sort of the same you know it’s a canva logo canv yeah it’s the are pretty good that’s

What I was going to say they could have gotten done anything than what they’ve gotten anyway I don’t understand live golf but I was excited from 97 did you watch any of Anthony Kims I so I didn’t because it’s the time I mean it’s they were in Saudi Arab they’re in jeda you

Know over the weekend which is time difference I’m not going to wake up at 2: in the morning well I mean did you watch anyf the highlights I so I was actually pretty excited when Liv started not because I thought Liv was cool I was always thought the PGA Tour itself not

The majors because I feel like most people don’t realize that the majors are not the PGA Tour the PGA Tour runs the tournaments between the majors right the majors are separate I always thought it was boring because every week you’d have like five of the top 50 show up they

Never played the same events and so the idea of having like the top 50 players in the world all playing each other on these events to where the leaderboard would be like nothing but big names every week I was like oh that’s really cool but I agree though then they launch

Liv you see the leaderboard you see the logos and everything I’m like you could have done so much better with the production value on this stuff the broadcast the broadcast isn’t great well the reality is they just didn’t have enough money to do that’s right they were run a

Byet you know what is cool about it and the I haven’t watched ended by Dawson’s Creek and the Flash and yeah I haven’t watched many Live Events but the ones I have watched do kind of remind me of the European tour yeah and the the best thing about watching European Tour golf

Is you get to see some unbelievable golf courses that you’ll never see on the PJ tour you see them over in Europe and they’re really really cool golf courses and it’s like wow I would love to these Africa look awesome oh they’re unbelievable and so Liv does get you do

Get to see some of that like I don’t know what you know course they played last week but I saw the highlights and it looked really really cool well that one so that’s the course I think that’s the Royal course in Saudi Arabia that was like commissioned by you know uh

What’s the leader of something NBS we’ll just I know his initials so um but if you look people were talking about even the players which is so funny because it’s in the middle of the desert I don’t know how much water they pumped in cuz those Fairways and greens and stuff they look

So it looked like a rainforest on those Fair like Shadow Creek un yes very similar by the way you know the the thing about Shadow Creek now when you when they showed the last was it the Capital One match thing yeah they’ve done a few of these now by the way that

Had a really bad ratings well red probably but the one thing I saw from the highlights is if you play Shadow Creek now which I never have still would love to but you know what you have to stare at from whatever the sphere the sphere and it’s got this giant blinking

Eyeball or whatever you know what I’m talking about they put this huge well there’s a video is and it’s the most expensive round in the world right it’s $1,000 a round now a lot yeah and by the way for anybody that doesn’t know Shadow Cre what we’re talking about is the

Course owned by MGM in Las Vegas it’s like oh oh that yeah that but it’s the I mean it is apparently it’s unbelievable but it yeah I think it’s $1,000 a round now so it’s the most expensive round in the world and now you have to come down

Whatever Fairway it is looking at this giant blinking eyeball sphere sphere it’s like I cannot believe they they let that happen but um it is like Shadow it’s these courses are in the middle of the desert and they’re greener than I I can’t imagine the water like the water

Bill in Saudi Arabia to do just a perfectly Lush this is why my idea from last week or the week before do an entirely Synthetic Turf golf course you got no water bill there you go I know but how much how much your backyard is

Not that big but it costs a lot to Turf it right but I don’t have to water it anymore and you know what in 150 years I’ll break even that now we’re going to Turf 200 Acres also can we imagine the really bad golfer that totally takes a divot out of turf

Yeah you have to have got a nail in it well you just have a really big green fee yeah can we um going back to Anthony Kim for just a second because you know we do have a golf apparel brand hammerback hammerback golf hammerback um it looked like

He maybe needed a little Golf Apparel this weekend he looked like he needed a collar my when I saw the video of him teeing off it was on The First Tee and he was like can I get a mulligan I was like kind of looks like Adam Sandler

Does when he goes and plays like pickup ball and we we’ll we’ll throw basketball it you all have strong opinions about this and you know me well enough loved it I thought gosh finally guy who just wants to go play golf and doesn’t care what he looks like you

Don’t care about that shirt untucked take your shoes off that’s how golf is meant to be played not this you know I’m going to look listen listen I’m all about the the beach Vibes we we went down got the shirt off we’re having fun this is it

This is your comeback this is your kback and you’re you’re wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt I thought it was fantastic 40 million purse tournament you got John ROM Des Shambo DJ cam Smith like the best players in the world are there there rules I know but he shows up

He’s got Jim shorts like a hole in a shirt undershirt what team was he on don’t teams have uniforms all right so hold on hold on were talking about this earlier and I and I was explaining I said because Barett goes why do you care and I said well

Imagine Patrick Mahomes walks out into the Super Bowl and he’s got you know holes all through his football pants he’s wearing like a cut off he just looks like crap like dude you can’t do that you got here here’s why you’re wrong you got to have why you’re what

Team was he on here’s why I think you’re I I don’t I don’t know he was on a team golf is about you have to be on a team that’s actually a good point I have no idea CU I if I was the team I’d be like

Hey uh here’s some polos and a hat I don’t think he was on a team how I thought to be on a team well he’s maybe except for look if Anthony Kim’s coming like Barrett Barrett’s never watched one but see you pay the guy so you watch it

He’s interesting well if he was on your team I feel bad for you cuz he played like dog dirt he got did he get last yeah playing as an individual I think heess I guess they do that now I think he’s getting back into it and maybe

They’ll put him on a team maybe someone will draft him I’m so confused how does the individual thing work and there was a lot of hoopla about coming into this how’s he gonna do how’s he gonna do and and somebody on some channel was like I’ll tell you he’s going to finish dfl

He’s hasn’t played golf in 11 years what do you think is going to happen but it was still kind of entertaining I I wonder if you could have beat him well what did he shoot I got to be honest I watched some of the highlights I mean he shanked a couple

Shots I was like research before he start shoot I might have to give Anthony Kim Pops I don’t know you might I mean it looked rough you know the thing that he still does and I remember he did this when he was uh in his prime he chokes

Way up on the club have you noticed this I don’t know why like why wouldn’t you just buy like how much I mean like that like a lot like there’s like three inches like a couple inches oh wow and it’s like I don’t know why you don’t

Just buy Colin Perry clubs and you know play shorter clubs M CP well Colin doesn’t play shorter clubs no Colin’s driver actually longer than your it was a half inch longer than mine what are we doing here the live golf app it’s all the teams but there’s no like is there

Like an individual no he’s just a lone wolf he just so he couldn’t win any team money but he could win individual money so I know that y’all don’t understand the team stuff but I can explain like did anybody play high school golf or like ever on did y ever same kind of

Thing your’s an individual tournament in high school and then and then in high school like you play teams it’s the same format for so you win individual money play tennis singles and doubl exactly oh my boy DQ or withdrew that’s okay we withdrew is way better than DQ with Drew

Uh my boy wolf with Drew not a DQ thank you uh Anthony Kim he was 53rd he was dfl uh almost last Ormsby was last no he he beat someone what wait a minute actually no he didn’t finish yeah so Anthony Kim was dead last plus 16 okay

So he was 16 over over three rounds and what was apparently a very easy course and profession six over I could have done four not great it’s not great no but he’s back and we’ll see what happens I I guess I thought it was kind of exciting Tiger’s back too you know the

Other thing about this live thing I know that it’s been people have talked about this to death but half of these live PJ things on the live one I don’t know many of the players and now if you turn on your average run-ofthe-mill PJ tournament I

Don’t know any of them either I know I mean the big ones you know and obviously the majors well because they’re all they all flip-flopped it’s like they’re not on the same thing anymore it’s super annoying and I don’t think I did anyone see like Paul ainger you know you got

Let go for the broadcast stuff this last year and they brought in what’s his name and he did an interview and he had all these comments it was all over social media last week and he said the PGA Tour is now a feeder for live golf and I’m

Like well kind of true not really but I get what he’s saying because I think it’s like 16 of the last 30 major Champion winners now play on I mean you got like Kea dambo DJ cam Smith ROM and they go when you think about that like

Liv didn’t go after necessarily the best players at the top of their game like they didn’t make hard charges Scot and some of those other guys or Klay right they went after the biggest person did well no my point is they went after the biggest personalities by way takes a lot

Of the star power John ROM finished fifth he didn’t he like moved over there he’s not even on the top okay we we’ve moved off this okay that’s just looking at you talk about names and scores all right sorry that’s where Liv to your point like you pulled up the leaderboard from the

Cognizant champ or whatever like I knew Rory but didn’t know any of the other names but if you actually do look at a li leader board like you know everyone in the top 15 that’s what they went for they went for big names I did think that

Was funny Rory was playing in that who’s the guy the champ of the PGA Tour he’s got to play in a bunch of that stuff right who’s the guy who won a couple of weeks ago at the it wasn’t the cognizant it was the one before it it the Mexico

The Mexico nap nap kids got a swing dude he hits it he’s got some flow too oh boy he does he hits it good old California boy I I was like this kid the only reason I watched it was for him actually he was great he was great I’ve never seen 19 he

Won he won no no no no not that one the next one sorry I think he did good last the cognizant I didn’t watch the cognant but I think he did I was watching it was for but I would be curious to know if those kinds of tournaments the Mexico

Maybe not the cognizant because there were some names in that but if there’s sort of the ones that are sort of we the Puerto Rico the week to we ones do you think a lot of those guys so glad Scotty sheffler didn’t enter the tournament and

So glad that oh God thank God Rory’s not here cuz I putter no he was Scotty was Scotty Saturday morning I saw him he there he he had his stuff out on the putting green 8 a.m. but you know what I mean all these all these guys whose

Names you don’t know they go oh if Scotty shows up they’re kind of like well playing for second you know okay I guess I’m not going to win this well 50 as long as he can make some six and eight Footers which I mean he will he has a distinct advantage over everybody

In the what’s funny I saw him bomb one that with the last putty hit when I was there I don’t know what day it was Saturday or Sunday or something like that and he was he was just way down on like the front corner and hitting back

Towards like Randy shed uh hole and it was just a bomb just went right in I like well all right there he goes good well we’re back you know they were showing like your Strokes gain like off the te and te to green and all that he’s legitimately like Peak tiger everything

Like driver irons everything everything except putting which quite honestly might be like the most important thing but he’s like one of the dead last in putting to be fair Peak tiger in putting was almost unreachable I didn’t say he was Peak I said he was Peak tiger in

Driving an iron but man I’ll tell you what every time I go down to the range and it’s not as often as you and it’s not as often as you but every time I go down there he’s grinding on it and and working through it I bet get back and

The other day I kind of felt like a jerk cuz I was walking out of the door from the locker room sh door to go out to the thing and it was one of those things I I reached for the handle and it turned and

It was like someone was coming in at the exact same time and I was on my phone texting somebody and Scotty walked in and he was on his phone and I almost ran into him and I didn’t say anything I just kind of went oh we kind of walked

Around sorry and then I realized after I walked past it was him and I thought about turning around being like sorry and then I didn’t say anything and I thought I wonder if Scotty just up a huge jerk like I almost just ran in he thinks you’re a huge dop he’s like he’s

Like hey man don’t run into me I’m prepping for the Masters here I don’t even think he knows my name but that weirdo I was like should I go back and say sorry maybe not that’d be weird I don’t know just let it go so I’m sure he

Saw me Scotty if you’re watching sorry I almost ran you over oh he’s for sure watching Scot grinding Scotty’s got a couple hammerback belts he’s grinding is he actually yeah yeah he can’t wear like the Hat shirts or anything obviously but yeah he got a few well I think it’s

Always kind of funny to see the leaderboards in tournaments where you don’t know anybody also that’s kind of exciting that napkin came out of nowhere and I went I like this guy I have never in my life seen 190 mph ball speed looks so easy easy except for me it you wanted

The Cog board right CU it looks like you’re trying to chop down a redwood not anymore right not anymore no I’m saying I’m not saying bad I’m saying trying hard he just went he goes like just I don’t understand even how he does it yeah he’s got the flow he’s got the I

Mean it’s great last week I know but yeah well last week no I think there was a big upset right the Happy Meal boys went down oh well speaking of leaderboards by the way about stacked leaderboards and how hard it is to kind of find a tournament

Outside of a major that has a good leaderboard Mt sent us the list which somehow got publicized of the SE put that out the seal member gu comes out and I think it’s a better field probably than most Majors it’s it’s a better field than every tournament this year

But the majors yeah that’s for sure it has Tiger CWA I want to know what the other guys JT speed all The Usual Suspects plus it was like Brady it was uh you know I want to know the guys names that I don’t you know what I mean you don’t

Recogn billionaires those so this is this is the seminal which is a a very very nice golf course in Florida this is their member Pro member this was actually on Monday so this was Monday March 4th this was uh yesterday so that you have Sun JM Ernie eles Justin Thomas

Ricky Fowler Cameron young Rory maroy shout out Tiger Woods uh colur CWA I mean this is insane it’s every major Pro read the Tom Brady group The Tom back up who’s cam it’s a member it’s a pro member so cousin Cam is playing with Tom Wright I don’t know

Him he’s probably a multi-is I bet you he’s worth some coin Tom Brady group it’s Tom Brady and is Tom Brady here yeah he’s at the top of the list top with like is he with tiger or something second column top Tom Brady’s playing with fenale fale and they’re and they’re

Playing with in Tiger’s group yeah yeah so yeah so imagine that imagine that foresome Tiger Wood Tony now and then the other guy so Tiger’s partner in the tournament is a guy named Seth W who is the uh head of the PGA of America so is

There a a convenient a guy that you want to root for more than Tony feno nicest guy in the world there is nothing to not like about Tony and you know what’s funny I’ve watched a couple YouTube golf videos lately and the one with um I can’t remember which one it was but

They’re talking about the nicest players on tour and Tony feno every single one is number one yeah he’s always listed number is number two we know you you are not a Patrick you know what’s funny you know what’s funny they were talking about uh they were talking about they said he’s a

Really funny guy he’s a really fun guy I would love to see that have you ever seen the picture of Klay in the pool when he’s got his shirt undone he’s surrounded by all the no I don’t know maybe can’t lay is a funny guy off the

Course we gotta get you guys to meet yeah that’ll happen yeah well that was fun I’d like to be I’d like to be in the SE old member guest that’d be kind of fun member Pro so all the members which by the way the membership when you look at

That is hilarious I mean to be a member you have to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company or on the Federal Reserve Bo Tom ridiculous guess that’s true Tom Brady okay so so here’s the hot take though you’re Tom Brady you’re paired up with Tiger Woods MH like are you nervous

About hitting a terrible shot no he’s hit plenty of terrible shots in front of him in that match guys I don’t care was him Tom to the ball at that I wanted to see his reaction after nobody filmed it no tiger he Tom Brady is 100% nervous hitting in front

Of tiger yeah he has to be have you ever seen the deal there was uh Justin Timberlake like back when were well yeah but back when they were like at their Prime there’s an old video that used to circulate social media and he played in some member like some proam there’s a

Bunch of people watching he hits a ball hits a good shot somebody’s interview him they’re like are you nervous he goes I am more nervous right now than I was in front of 200,000 people last week and he’s like how do y’all do this professionally like he goes I can’t

Handle the stress and I guarantee you Tom Brady is you canot be stress hitting in front of tiger I don’t care if you got seven Super Bowls you want to hit the best shot in your life every shot well and it’s not your sport you know would tiger be nervous throwing a

Football at 50 yard line in front of 80 yeah of course I kind of don’t think he would be actually he would just say I’m Tiger Woods you know what’s funny about that have you seen speaking about like nerves getting to you have these compilation videos on uh YouTube of

People throwing up the first pitch oh oh yeah at MLB even like stupid you know spring training games that don’t mean anything and and they interview afterwards and they go how do you feel and they go they told me not to throw it in the dirt and I got on that mound and

All I thought was don’t throw it the dirt and they just air mail it over the pitcher they say it’s the most nerve-wracking thing you can do because I’ve always wonder do they practice that like do they get to go out they’re like hey 20 20 minutes before going like hey

Let’s go throw a couple practice shots yeah they got to throw some practice you would think best first pitch ever Bush George Bush right after right after 911 he went out there wasn’t that a Yankees game right after he goes out there and he threw a DOT I mean just right over

The plate smoked it Place went crazy yeah yeah it was a Yankee game full house I remember I remember watching that that would be nering I don’t I don’t know that I could do it I don’t the worst the worst first pitch of all time probably sent one oh did he throw

It fitty threw it and I’m talking it might have gone more sideways than straight it was the worst most unathletic thing I’ve ever seen more more than your Beach football that’s I was saying Mt would throw his you know what we were throwing lasers on Saturday with with the kids

Right yeah that was erroneous you know what else is nerve-wracking even when we you know we how many times have we played Royal Oaks a thousand times but Cub is yeah yeah Cub’s different but when you get in the uh Club Championship and you get up on the first te and it’s

There’s nobody there it’s you know Dean Larson the head pro and I mean it’s not like there’s a gallery it’s it’s five or six guys Cliff the you know the people from the pro shop and maybe Randy is sitting there but then they say now driving Barrett Jones and you get over

The ball and I go oh my God pleas don’t I’m like why do I care about that I’ve done this 7,000 times why changes it because you know you also know you don’t have a breakfast NOP there’s no double Max you got to put it out dou there’s no

Back you’re in these guys never see me hit you know ever and if I do hit they’re gonna go God he sucks they’re gonna tell everybody I’m like I want to hit a good one so you know it’s they’re looking at the fact that you’re wearing floofers in the Club Championship not

The fact that what you’re swing looks like but I care where your but if I hit a good one in flers do you think they go all right maybe we should try that maybe we should try that but I don’t even think it’s Club championships cuz I

Remember the LA so we went out for that wedding at Pebble Beach last year and we sat at the whatever the Gallery Cafe is which you look right at the first te and I’m telling you 50 like the swings weren’t bad you could tell these guys are probably like single digits or you

Know 10 12 like they’re you could tell they play golf and I’m telling you 50% of these people topped it shanked it just because they’re like cuz there were probably you know at all times on that first te there’s 20 30 people like just walking around watching and people are

So nervous it’s not even a tournament or anything course Happ when my cousin and I played my cousin who Cub has met his name is Mark Jones he dresses like a I love him but he dresses like a jiggalo he wears super tight clothes he’s got long blonde hair

He and he had just come back he had just come back from teaching English as a second language in France for three years so he was all Euro out and we go to Pebble Beach he’s got on the you know he’s a good golfer but he wears he

Insists on wearing pants he’s got the tight pants tight shirt the long flow and the tiess hat and he’s got the big bag with his name on it and so it’s like guy looks like a pro he’s got he’s got he’s got a beautiful swing and we’re on

The first te at Pebble and he’s taken some practice just some you know air swings practice swings and right before he gets over the ball this bus of Asian tourists pull up and like 50 Chinese people come off the bus with cameras around their neck and they see him and

They see the bag and they see the pants and they think yeah pro golfer yeah player oh yeah and they all go like this and they put their cameras up and they’re about to go click thinking they’re you know catching some guy and Mark gets over the ball and he slices

One a hundred yards right onto the roof of that house out of bounds all these cam there wasn’t a single click all the cameras just went down and they looked at each other and then they just walked away they were like this guy sucks yeah disappointment straight disappointment

But the nerves got to him it happens man itens happens it you just can’t get rid of it it happened to me on the first T at Carson Creek dear Lord speaking speaking of tops uh one of the funniest parts I watched our Abaco video and one

Of the funniest I don’t know if you guys remember this or not but old Nikki topped one on that part three yep you remember that I don’t remember that oh well wait till you see the video it’s one of the funniest parts of the whole

Video you just he’s like set up and he’s talking trash and then he swings just dribbles forward got when does the [ __ ] video come out uh well it’ll be kind of a guesstimation Thursday this week but when people see this it’ll be last week last week yeah and we’ve got Nikki

Coming on I think March Madness Nikki by the way one of our dear friends we you just can’t pick a better guy he’s an absolute caricature of a person because he’s so entertaining but he one of his weird quirks I won’t not he loves loves loves women’s andc paa hoops and Caitlyn

Clark is his girl hash her he loves her I’m her he bought he bought a shirt he got this a picture he bought a shirt he’s going to wear it bought the shirt he bought the her shirt from bar stool he’s going to wear it here it is we put

It up on the screen but I was like Nick do they make that men’s sizes what is that oh it’s a muscle shirt we’re going to put it up on the we’ll put it up on the screen but yeah I’m going Nick what what uh with the her and it’s so small

Like Nick you can’t wear that public you’re going to get you’re going to get put on a list he’s going to wear it on the Pod so we’ll have Nikki on here we’ve got another cat we’ve got a whole cast of Sesame Street I don’t know anything about college basketball except that’s why

He’s coming that’s why he’s coming on awesome name a play big win against Kansas by the way good for you I don’t even know if TCU is gonna make the tournament I think tcu’s actually no we out I’m I’m I’m on to college football I’m already on to college football yeah

You’re done yeah yeah spring practice about to start yep yep okay yeah well we’ll get Nikki on here and that’ll be fun um we may have to do some editing and post to there will be a few a few lines cut that’ll be for sure look we’re

Trying to keep it PG but we’re fortunate and blessed as many of you probably are listening and watching to have a cast of characters that we play golf with everybody’s different I don’t know how anybody gets along because the personalities are totally different but you get get everybody on a

Golf course and it’s it’s a lot of fun um and so we’ll have to rotate through and maybe there there might be a couple guys who you know could be oil and water that we have to get on together at some point and it it could be could be

Interesting to watch that Nick might need to face the Happy Meal Boys in person you’re gonna next week we’ll explain what that is it’s the most irritating obnoxious thing in the world yeah you don’t even want to know yeah no we might leave that out we will

Cut well um that’s five in the books we’ll have thunder back next week hopefully we’ve said that for two weeks in a row but I know EA in and out yeah he’s never coming back we don’t know if he’s ever coming back we’re keep showing

Up to his office but you know what if he doesn’t come then that leaves room for us to put guests there that’s true are GNA actually have to figure out logistics if we start well I thought he would sit on your lap or something I

Have a have a six mic and we have a sixth plus by the way Carly mentioned me other night she said we should do a a wives podcast and I said what would you all sit on our lap and she said no the five of us the Five Wives would just be

There and you wouldn’t do anything and I’m like pass I’m not sure that’s what our audience wants to hear hard pass we’re going to bring him on you know it’s funny when we’re at dinner we’re talking about that and we were like what would you all talk about and they go I

Don’t know I don’t know just whatever I’d be too nervous like what she said I’d be too nervous in front of an audience I said there’s no audience it’s just you’re just talking and there’s you know camera and she said there’s people watching and I said but you don’t know

That you don’t know who they are anyway our wives are afraid of you and um we’re all afraid of them a little bit so that works out it all works out all right well we’ll catch you next week episode five thanks for checking us out don’t forget hammerback wwwh hammerback

Dcom hats shirts belts Anthony Kim come on baby if you need some head look like you did you can untuck it you can I don’t care what you wear on the bottom yeah he can untuck it on if it’s a collared shirt that’s fine in a tournament no we’ll just cut the collars

Off be great no yeah we can cut them gu hey man you don’t mess with a guy you can call me the old man yelling at the cloud that’s fine we’re g to got to have a little respect to the sanctity of the tournament guys little little respect just we’ll reach out give

Us a call Anthony all right cheers boys in the book all right guys blush Fest

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