How to Move the Shoulders in the Golf Swing – Ultimate Guide

Correctly moving the shoulders in the golf swing is so important if you want clean, accurate strikes. If you are not getting enough upper body rotation your right shoulder is likely firing out causing all sorts of ball striking problems.

In this ultimate guide, PGA pro Kerrod Gray and Alex Riggs demonstrate how to move the shoulders in the golf swing to improve your distance and accuracy.

The drill progresses over 3 distinct steps so make sure you watch to the end to get the most of the pivot drill.

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β›³ Chapters
0:00 – Introduction
0:45 – Best drill to improve shoulder rotation – Step 1 πŸ‘ˆ
2:05 – If a 100 year old can rotate 90 degrees so can you
3:25 – Shoulder rotation drill – Step 2 πŸ‘ˆ
4:18 – Get this feeling if you are coming over the top
5:08 – Shoulder rotation drill – Step 3 πŸ‘ˆ


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This is the ultimate guide on how to move the shoulders in the golf swing if you are lacking distance and accuracy this is the video for you moving the upper body correctly is essential so in the next few minutes tour Coach Alex Rigs and myself are going to show you

Exactly how to do it let’s get stuck in let’s talk about the shoulders in the golf swing Rigs and how they should work as a whole unit we’re not talking left shoulder right shoulder rotation just as a whole upper body unit we see a lot of players wouldn’t really get enough

Rotation and therefore at the top of their swing TR shoulder would fire out cut across it whole bunch of ball striking issues so what’s one of your favorite exercises to ensure that we’re getting enough shoulder rotation but then also staying in sequence with the rest of the motion in the correct

Fashion and not getting that right shoulder firing out like we see so many players yeah definitely like without a question one of the most common drills I’m going to give the players that I work with is just a basic pivot drill okay so if you take the golf club and

Pin it across your chest make an X with the arms I can put this alignment stick basically just to identify where that ball position would be here mhm now the goal would be when we are completed in our back swing I’d want this lead shoulder to have passed this alignment

Stick that would be a great way of indicating that we’ve gained about 90Β° of turn across the chest or across the shoulders yeah we can see that quite clearly and having that little visual aid out in front of us is perfect especially when I’m watching that just

Make sure when you do do this guys you’re not standing up as you go about it get into your golf posture I would actually even just set up to this alignment stick down in the ground how you would if you’re going to strike a golf ball stay in your posture Golf Club

Across the shoulders Cross Your Arms just like rig said and then from there really focus on getting both the left and right shoulder so the whole upper body turning behind to the point where you can see it clearly pointing behind that stick there yeah now most golfers

Aren’t going to get here most golfers are going to probably find themselves a few degrees shy of that and then they’re going to add in compensations within their arm structure to get more back swing length you’ll see lots of lead elbow Bend overly hinged wrist Trail elbow winging behind them you name it

Right so we know that our objective is to be able to in this strong body turn position so learning the feelings of that back swing I think for most people they’re going to feel a lot more rotated than they previously were yeah and we also get a very uh common comment coming

At us all the time is I don’t have the flexibility to do it I’m yet to ever teach a player yeah who canot rotate 90Β° of upper body turn uh if they are relaxed right breathing and also they use their lower body exactly right let your legs change Flex guys let your hips

Turn I think one of the oldest clients I’ve had was nearly 100 and he came with me and he had zero upper body turn arms moving behind and all we did was flare out his back foot a little bit told him to turn his belt buckle back towards the

Camera before you know he’s all the way over here so every single person that I’ve worked with can do this so Chuck the golf club across his shoulders really get that feeling of moving that club shaft behind like this rigs now what do we do from here mate what we

Want to learn is instead of what most players will do here is they’ll lead their Movement by pulling that lead shoulder towards the target but rather gets get that behind that again I want you to be able to create some shift into that lead side trying to keep this stick

Behind our alignment stick as long as you can that’s great that’s great that so I’ve used this drill a lot uh specifically actually placed another one down on the inside of the right foot for the back swing component but then we do see players get a little bit lost on the

Down swing they’re like okay we what do I do from here this is fantastic we move the stick a little bit further forward really make sure we’re getting behind the stick but now we’ve got a bit of a reference of trying to keep that behind because we’re going to see a little bit

Of opening of the upper body sure and that stick there gives us the perfect awareness of that yes so for the golfer who would have a steep downswing again they’re going to be leading with the opening of the chest so this is a very different feeling and I’m sure if you do that

Again you likely feel and tell me if you do a big stretch along the obliques as you resist the opening across the shoulders yeah it feels like I’m creating this real torque and this X Factor where I know that from that point even as I do this and related to the

Last video we just did as well about creating pressure in the ball of the foot and transition as I keep my upper body wound back I can really feel a huge heat spot underneath that lead foot which just wants me to encourage to push

Off and create a lot of power on the way through exactly as opposed to what we would see Tri shoulder moving across there is no resistance I don’t feel that at all yes okay so set up first take my own advice Club across the shoulders create this x turn behind then we’re

Shifting through staying the upper body back yes now from here well you have stretched so much a lot of this is now you pushing down Y and then turning all the way through perfect and just one little piece of advice for free at the end here for the guys rigs should

The angle of the shoulders be over here should it be level what would should they be looking for much rather see some tilt still in the upper body at that point so very similar to the Tilt that we would have had in those shoulders going back if we can match that going

Through we’re in a great spot perfect perfect and that feels really good just a great dry drill guys you can practice at home during the winter season the offseason even a bit of a warm-up exercise really just make sure you’re always getting yourself set from your address position there’s no point doing

An exercise like this from standing up like this or bent over which is not going to be relative to the golf ball build that awareness of posture distance put the stick in the right spot Club across the shoulders slow considered All the Way to the Top keep that resistance

Back explode up as we can see here nice little tilt of the shoulders all right let me add it I want to hit one just like that mate that felt fantastic little bit of a workout on the lead side as well love it

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