Golf Players

The ACTUAL Cost of Owning Dorking Wanderers, Managing His Mates & Non-League Stories! | Marc White

I Had Trials Once is back again for another episode…

This week Jordan & Gaz are joined by the owner, steward, kit man, manager, scout and new non-league legend…Marc White.

The boys talk everything from the creation of Dorking Wanderers and how they have risen from the 17th division to the National League.

They then take a detailed dive into what it actually takes to be a football club owner and just how much money goes into funding a 5th tier team.

Marc then openly talks about Dorking’s struggles this season in the National League and why he believes the will keep their record of never being relegated and survive the drop this season.

Finally Marc reveals he has officially become the joint manager of Dorking Wanderers Under 7s where his son currently plays.

If you’re a fan of our non-league episodes then you’re in the right place!

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0:00 Intro with Marc White.
7:35 The Dorking Wanderers origin story.
15:10 The cost of owning a football club & letting players go.
19:30 Non-league team names, Dorking promotions & Best moments.
24:50 Building a stadium from the ground up.
31:00 Signing players, Non-league tackles & touchline clashes.
39:30 Being the underdog, A bunch of amateurs & Being a football manager.
54:00 Snakey football managers, The dream for Dorking & How much money do football clubs lose?
1:05:00 Exclusive: Marc White’s new job!
1:13:20 The next 10 years for Dorking Wanderers.

#ihadtrialsonce #footballpodcast #football

Owner Steward Kitman manager player Scout everything yeah non League legend that was well new non League Legend So one of our supporters turned around and said leave him alone and I just shout back cough on the way back today I’m going to be phoning a player and and and

And telling him to off we’re one n down second half they’ve got a refere and he he played 28 minutes and just blew the whistle said that I do we played a last night and both teams it was like a diving competition no one knows this right this

This is the first time I said it right Jordan welcome back how we doing all right bit early is it it is a bit early we’ve had an early start aren’t we too early for me this why to ring you you kept saying ring me at 7:00 a.m. when

You get up ring me at I don’t get up at that time I’ve been up an hour and a half I know I’m mad so so you never answered anyway so I was still asleep I was G you will still pulling your pudding bed where have you been this

Week uh I was down at the Bel yesterday playing playing a bit of golf before a meeting what you shoot uh [ __ ] no well we only played 14 hes why just because of time all right just yeah we could we did we could only jump on for like two or three hours so

Play 14 hes uh eight over not bad bad especially in the soggy wet so what about you how’s your week been Saturday called off so the ref has come on the pitch and he said there’s a few bits I’m not happy with so he said

If you what what I’ll do if you put some sand down it’ll sort it out so the groundsman said I’m not putting sand down it’ll [ __ ] the pitch for the rest of the season he said put some sand down game’s on put some sand down he went

Over to the sand bounced the ball and it just went he went it’s off oh no so this but this it took him an hour this so the game got called off at 20 to3 we was all ready waiting to go out all the fans

In the ground as well all the fans are there yeah they’ve all got pints Burgers so our chairman your players our Chairman’s losing his mind like he’s got a full room of like sponsors in there ready to go pitch is sound we looked at Barry’s pitch after

[ __ ] me a shambles how ours went on it was sound so what happens then alad’s go into snooker Club 12 points few games to sneaker and we got run last night because of that that’s why I couldn’t go watch these boys so just a [ __ ] week all around yeah

Just rough Sunday get R Tuesday and I couldn’t even go watch Al versus uh sl’s Team so flippy neck well eventful week but before we start massive thank you again to bet 365 for sponsoring the Pod makes this all happen yeah I took 60 qu off mainard actually on Saturday snooker

Did you hello his mainard thinks he’s good but he’s crap well I don’t want to bring it back up you but you still owe me 90 quid yeah when I thrash you up in Newcastle [ __ ] Jordan thought he was good at pool until I schooled him quid

Wor you know double quits thinking i’ got to win one didn’t win didn’t win one I was steaming though don’t count and I’m brilliant right pal do you want to introduce the guest yeah it’s going to be a good how’ you do it owner Steward Kitman manager player Scout everything yeah non

League Legend out as well new non- league Legend comedian model yeah sponsored athlete by Kao and that is Mark White how are we yeah good boys nice to see you pal yeah good yeah good to see you both yeah I got this is like down to wor we like that yeah this

Is how it should be yeah it’s nice and relaxed yeah always a happy face aren’t you I remember meeting you at ding he’s just happy smiley character until it starts so you’ve played against him a yeah yeah played against him two-nil up there Center ass stood on the ball after five minutes who

Was that the old Tony Cay yeah Tony cray he’s a very good player but he’s gone to no he’s gone to kick it with his left yeah tow it with his right right in sound sounds a good player as soon as as soon as we scored I just looked over at

You I thought oh no was going to go mad here but yeah we went 2N up and he beat us 32 it’s oh well there there’s your bet bet 365 2N up thing yeah well we would have you would have won your bet

But we got beat and um I was up in the stand I was up in the stand suspended but it was one of those where it weren a stadium fan it’s like a touch line so I’m at the back of the stand and um

You’re two- n down but I think if we win this game we’re going to stay up I think we needed like three four points to stay up so I thought you’re not allowed to shout or coach and I thought n [ __ ] this I’m going to have to take a risk here

Cuz it’s like you know sometimes you got us to weigh up the consequence yeah I screaming so much our right winger at two down on that side of the pitch to one of our supporters turned around and said [ __ ] leave him alone and I just shouted back [ __ ] off you’re picking on

Him yeah basically I’m picking on him and as it goes he set up the yeah the two goals absolutely skinned Eddie Jones at left back and did they yeah and you end up coming back and winning 3-2 3-2 mate yeah what league were that last National yeah it was um yeah I

Could hear you from the sideline I think so I Gaff on the other side park it he could hear you because after he was saying I’ve got him [ __ ] shouting on from that side he was like it’s almost better that he was at that side and your

Coaches were at that side because you could just manage the whole the whole pitch really yeah so he’s done your favor being suspended yeah yeah exactly mate so I’m to be honest I’m surprised you’re smiling cuz last night were a bad result weren you played Alti again last

Night bad yeah 2-0 down early on yeah I don’t [ __ ] like it there to be fair you know they get them venues over the years you just sometimes you can’t even tell yourself that it’s all right cuz sometimes you think I just there something about the place I don’t like I

Don’t know what it is everyone’s lovely at that club to be fair but it’s just oh great yeah great people but it’s a proper [ __ ] proper home venue in it like it’s all tight it’s old like a town ground you know what I mean just feels

Like you are the Wayside when go there yeah I mean and you’ve dropped into the bottom four he’s out yeah yeah well it is what it is like we we we smashed Chesterfield I’m going to have to [ __ ] bring back positive we smashed Chesterfield on the Saturday 4-1 out of

[ __ ] nowhere which is the sort of thing we do like out of nowhere when everyone writes us off we’ll just go and beat anybody and um so yeah we we we sort of pulled ourselves out of it but there’s like there’s like three four points between like 10 teams yeah yeah

I’ve seen that so even if you win the next game and you go oh that’s Andy with W you can’t really get ahead of yourself cuz you lose one you’re back yeah so [ __ ] um so like there we got 10 games to go and it is I’ve got to be honest it

Is are you nervous yeah 100% I [ __ ] we’ve never been Renegade W never touch one yeah yeah I fancy is you’ve got a you’ve got a winning mentality from over the years aren’t you so I think you’ll be yeah well we like let’s have a little

Let’s have a little like story of how it all started cuz I’m obviously I’ve done my research and stuff like but I’m interested I know like a lot of people will be interested um and it like it all started CU you was a Wimbledon fan where yeah yeah and then

Obviously Wimbledon folded and became or or became two teams didn’t they Wimbledon MK fa let them let them franchise it to a different town [ __ ] mental like people people don’t quite get that right I I say all the time like it’s literally like alram or or or

Brighton over albian and and Y and some someone says I tell you what it is I’m going to buy them and I’m going to move them to Nottingham right this is what it was and uh so this is what happened the the guy winlan said I’m going to I’m

Going to buy this club and will you let me move it to Milton keing and and if I’ve gone yell right it gozy mental right so you’re talking destroying the communities destroying like all these things that clubs build up for and um your home ground’s 200 miles away yeah

Yeah yeah basically what it would be like people in Wimbledon yeah so just Bing the whole thing so like but yeah it was um there’s loads of stuff I went bore you with it all like is a little bit corrupt might be a strong word behind the scen politicians involved

Favors and all that [ __ ] but anyway yeah so that all went FY how did you feel when Wimbledon beat him on Saturday when yeah the first time weren’t it I love it I don’t think it’s the first time but first time in a long time about nine

Years or something but I love it I [ __ ] love it I mean I love it and um I mean you can’t blame the people that follow Milton ke because they all they’ve done is someone’s he started the club there could I think he worked out

That it was the single most area in the country that didn’t have a high level efl football team so he worked out with the fa as well that was it yeah but like what league did they start in well they because they bought the club they just

Carried on where wion were it’s [ __ ] crazy if you ever do that now you got to start off it never happen again no it never happened again level but like people don’t get it they’re like oh yeah that bit when like well they [ __ ] they bought a club and just moved it and

Just said yeah ain’t your club now it’s the people of Milton ke so so like this is why wi and like when they play them they they they won’t print their names in the program nothing they won’t acknowledge them they get a fine right they’ll get a fine for like not putting

Their name on the front of the program they’re just like we will not [ __ ] acknowledge it and be F Milton Kings like they they gave back the history of Wim and so they as it was all going on the fighting they said right well look right fair enough you can put the fact

You won the FA Cup in your pro you know what I mean so kind of give them back it’s [ __ ] mental but yeah so that that one that went banded in and me and my mates just we just started a team just like like kind of Sunday es on a

Saturday and it was just all about going out on a Friday night back then like remember when people went on Friday and a Saturday like back in the day you go out Friday and Saturday [ __ ] it when it w 101 pound a paint yeah yeah yeah now

Fridays are dead is they right because of that but like so we yeah we just go out and then we’d just uh P five each rent a pitch um and we started at step 17 like the lowest level possible like you can’t start lower like [ __ ]

Awful awful we um like the basic there was like you sometimes you didn’t get a ref yeah so the so the rules were if you didn’t have a ref you have to ref one half each right after the game what the what the manager or the clubs you can

Cheat one half and he can cheat so we had a g we played a team called PSV offshore right K yeah straight up we played a team and um we’re one nil down second half they’ve got a refer it and he he played 28 minutes minutes and just

Blew the whistle said that I do he [ __ ] did what and the blo was called Mr [ __ ] maggle oyi this blo right I bet he’s still around somewhere if he’s listening to this a [ __ ] cheat right and uh and he just blew the whistle right and um said yeah that’s it

We’re done we’re done and so we had a massive [ __ ] route it’s like 10 fighting every every week this we played in this area and uh it was rough like we was in division five and every week was like a fight like scraps every week every [ __ ] week like it just s of

Almost like I sock it just let it happen right and um which is why now like we don’t take [ __ ] prisoners you know what I mean cuz where we come all through these leagues where you had to piss around your territory and you had to sort of let them know you’re there

You know so but yeah so we just started there Step 17 and and then we’ve had so much success it’s been unbelievable and it’s hard to [ __ ] legislate cuz you sort of think well how’d you do that then like cuz I ain’t [ __ ] I ain’t no Adam

Morning right come on to that but like no like you know i’ I’ve just given everything I’ve got to it and we’ve just found a way over the years to just keep going forward built a couple of grounds along the way voluntary like dog trenches you name it just to keep going

Forward to get to that ground where you are now is unbelievable it’s on like a nice High Street it’s perfect like I I know this might sound a bit stupid but I didn’t realize that you could just start a team at that level and just win promotion win promotion win and and end

Up where are thought my mates tried it stany and Jake and I’m gutted they didn’t get to your level cuz it just been mint wouldn’t it like yeah like what a journey that is this is it so we now we we come up against all these clubs and they’re [ __ ] big well you

Boys know you’ve been there play for them they’re big [ __ ] clubs and a fan though do you think about like the ones in your league Chesterfield York yeah like you’d have had Rex him last year unbelievable yeah last season we played we was on the [ __ ] yeah we was on the

TV at um KN County the world’s oldest Club versus the [ __ ] wandas like you know and old athletic ex- Premier League team we we ironically on the TV there as well and you and they’re like you know where were they 20 years ago and you’ve got them in the Premier League literally

And we’re just like getting in from a nightclub turning up at Division division five just you know but that is honestly and and we we’re relatively we’re well liked by most people because the work football’s a working man sport in it so people love story as well

So how many years ago did it start 23 12 promotions in 23 Seasons yeah I’ve seen that yeah that is some going that in it yeah yeah it’s a lot of work lot of hard work but um and where’s like where’s the where’s the dream goal well

The dream goal to get in the football league and like complete non league is it like trying and complete non League we’re in a tough [ __ ] League at the moment we’re one of two part-time team but we’re doing two mornings now but we’re still part-time right the idea was

This year just try and sit in the league but listen to be fair with you know if the league stopped tomorrow we’d be sort of like [ __ ] bottom eight somewhere but survive um yeah and then the idea is just try and take it fulltime get in the

Football league we know we know how to be successful but then it’s just can you can the finances continue to enable it like how do you how do you go fulltime because it’s a it’s a massive influx of investment in it yeah exactly that it

Really is so have got to give up the jobs and all sorts like we talked about before it’s a big step yeah and it’s it’s it’s I mean you you know as well like there from you boys but it’s that annoying hybrid step because you got

Boys doing a few mornings but they want another job as well and then they’re sat there on a laptop and you’re thinking yeah but I want you to only think about talking wonders because we’re playing Chesterfield team on Saturday and they’re sat there [ __ ] replying to

Emails and that and it’s like I just [ __ ] but now now at that point where I’m just like no I want you to just think like me every day a week never think think of anything else by winning Saturday but and I really see the the benefit other clubs get that you know

What I mean more than ever yeah so what what was your job like how obviously like I know you started the the the football team but what did you do as a dayj what would I just s them I’ve just in sales and marketing in the city for

Years I was I was on like 15 grand a year [ __ ] probably when I start that club and that and ID just go oh [ __ ] you know back then it was literally 15 grand a year salary and i’ be going right well I need that rent and I I need 80 quid to

Put towards hiring that pitch for the team that was it and as it’s gone through the years it’s like right you’re 150 Grand a year salary you need that there you need fre grand for the wages then it gets the and now it’s [ __ ] now it’s like half a million pound a

Year doing this and you know it’s unbelievable that you like you’ve yeah but I’ve just devoted my life to it that’s that’s what I’ve done and but you started off as a player as well he playing yeah I just yeah I was the one the player manager like type thing just

What position were you I was I was like a old school left Winger like left footed right which obviously means you’re a little bit not above yeah and uh and I was just like a left Winger High goal scoring left Winger that ended up at left back do you

Know what I mean yeah at what point did you think I’m too [ __ ] for this level just when I couldn’t tell other people they was [ __ ] like they’ be looking at me going no you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] how many promotions did you win then as a player probably four three four brilant maybe

And then yeah then but you know what it is and and I always talk when I talk to ex pros and that in the game and they you know and I think you’ll know this gu like when people hold on to thinking I wonder I don’t want to stop playing I

Don’t want to stop playing and they just hold on to it but the minute they stop they think I don’t miss it I don’t miss it and they they think they’re going to miss it and some I’ve just met so many player managers that sort of tried to do

Both but the minute they stopped playing they go a [ __ ] lab manager and they never look back that was me the minute I stopped one week later I’m like this is brilliant I don’t miss it one bit and now I’m doing this so you went literally from one week playing next week I’m

Going to be manager yeah yeah so now I’ll tell you you’re all [ __ ] [ __ ] and you was allowed to say that can’t tell yeah exactly yeah so have you had any mates along the way who it’s hurt you to let them go yeah yeah [ __ ]

That must be hard yeah I find it really hard anyway even now like I’m soft as [ __ ] our wage bills too high because I’ve got people have got extra years on there cuz I’m just like yeah but cuz I’m so passionate about it I’m like nah but

Yeah he might have a broken [ __ ] leg and he can’t even walk but don’t forget 2 years ago like when we got promoted he’ done that for us didn’t he you know what I mean so I’m like I’m soft as [ __ ] with it to be quite Frank I need I’ll be

Honest with you like it’s um you need to be a bit more ruthless sentiment football is it I’m ruthless as [ __ ] when it comes to winning I’ll do whatever it takes but I love when people have have put a shift in for me and they’ve given

Me a bit of loyalty I’m like loyal so I don’t don’t not letting go people but over the years yeah mates it’s been it’s been been tough yeah because obviously you’re starting off at that level there’s a lot of lads who you just started off with who can only dream of

Playing the level you’re at now so yeah it must have been some point where you’re like yeah you need come in my come in my office you’re being let go yeah it’s not [ __ ] nice man it’s not nice at all but um I hate it every single year when

We do I mean when they leave the club even now I do this like um a bitchery almost like they’re dead so what I do is I do a genuine like I you look at our thing from last season like the players that leave I’ll just personally type a

[ __ ] great paragraph on every single player about what they meant to me what they meant to the club could I just I just want to make sure they understand how much I thought of them I hate losing players that’s good for the players though the history of the history as

Well and it at least still be remembered yeah exactly that it’s not nice you do you do it like AI don’t you after 20 years you just put thanks did you see that yeah I’ve heard the open letter that’s harsh it it it’s [ __ ] mental

Maybe I just I ain’t got a time just say thanks that thanks for 20 year service so the the story about your name was like your mate shouted up yeah yeah and you just shouted [ __ ] Wanderers all do yeah yeah yeah well did you see the team last week who the other team

Refused to play them because their name was monter Hunters really have you not seen it on have you not in it no so there was a cup game or summer and the other team have kicked off him we’re not playing against them because it’s just that name is not

Right what they just made a name up monter Hunters they just made their own name up called monter Hunters that’s [ __ ] brilliant in non Leaf foot we get that I remember reading seen a video Once of where they had a minute silence cuz the the blocks hamster had died but they

Never they never told the other team the officials everyone stood there bow bowed down no one knowing what it was for apart from the home team and knew knew it the [ __ ] Center half hster ner that’s class the other one was my mate was playing against the team last

Week he was like oh mate we’re playing against Route One football tomorrow and I said what did he lump it he went no that’s the name route one yeah but all these teams are coming through like the lower levels now they just doing what you do make it

Up but but just imagine like it’s ridiculous because imagine in 23 years time monter hunters in League two against route one against Route One imagine it happen I hope it happens crazy just mixes it up a bit Yeah so so talk about some of like you early

Promotions what were the what were the celebrations like cuz they must be a lot different to what they are now yeah well no not really they’ve all it’s it’s all kept quite similar really over the years it’s just it was just sort of going out partying the whole time really

Celebrating I think that’s half the bug really to be honest with you I don’t I think people underestimate like clubs clubs underestimate don’t they like when they turn around and go oh yeah you’ve won the league and you’ve got a little bonus but I think them clubs that take

The players to Vegas my bay and they have that sort of when you really inject that sort of if you win if you win this is how good it feels and this is how we celebrate I think that that can really self-promote success and we’ve always

Done that pretty well it’s all the m bers and you know just all that is that where you used to go then is it yeah with yeah all the time every every year class yeah with the boys with the team you I mean every single year to have I

Never bumped in year over there probably a few times yeah probably a few times but you know but that that’s the thing and then it’s just like suppose it is that enjoyment though is it because yeah if if you do win something you don’t really celebrate as a team you don’t

Then look forward to it again and like and enjoy exactly you know that get that B that feeling exactly that so I still now we we we’ll try and we got Ro down a few months you know and I and I’ll ear Mark that and think right if we’re safe

In the league that’ll be a Manchester night out that one and we and we’re going get every [ __ ] table going and we’re stay in a nice hotel and we go back next day and the you know what I mean you have to you have to do that

It’s underestimated maybe it’s a bit old school but some people still do it um but it’s underestimated the impact of that in terms of what people think and especially when you’re trying to negotiate with players and you’re you know someone’s getting tapped up and he’s getting off with all this you’re

Think I don’t want to leave doin because dkin looks after me doin’s a [ __ ] great place ain’t no money going to give me what I get out of dkin and that’s what we’re try to create you can so if I meet you on a Tuesday night yeah for the first time at

Trade him and then I go out with you on a Saturday pissed up we we’ve got a miles better Bond then aren’t we well the following Tuesday we’re best mates aren’t we yeah you say why was you doing that Saturday you was whatever it’s just

Miles better 100% you’ve got to do it we have I think we have a three or four pint Rule now at rackliff where it’s if you as go before that you’re getting fined you have to have three or four points yeah as long as you’re not driving fair enough yeah don’t drink and

Drive yeah so spill it yeah so what’s been what’s been your favorite time then would you say over the last few years do is there a is there a pinnacle moment where it went from just a bit of a laugh we your mates to actually do you know what we could go

Some places here not really there weren’t any ever a point I thought about it I was just always looking at how we could off the field build up the infrastructure to compete at the next level and then when we would was in that level just thought how can we win this

League it was just trying to keep that winning mentality going really it was just like how did you get your first ground though like how how do you do that well it’s a great question yeah like we we we we was at the council pitch and the council were like the next

Rule was you have to build one Co genuinely you have to have one concrete path that was a rule to compete to the next League you need a conrete path you can’t ever be on a field anymore why so what a concrete path from from where

Just around on the ground so you can walk yeah but just even one side though right so they were like well you can’t is it you can’t do anything here so we had to move from the council fields and I met a bloke and so we looked around

Dorin where we live and uh for for a for for you know some grass if you like and uh met a bloke and I said listen it’s it’s a sports field but it a’t been used in like no years at all had no water no

Power he let me in he goes look it’s all overgrown and he goes look he goes um can have it he goes like if you can but no one’s ever wanted it because there ain’t no power ain’t no water and we had about 6 months to build a ground like

And it had [ __ ] all no changing rooms nothing it was but they had an Old Timber building that burnt to the floor some tramps have been living in it so we spent the whole summer he’s now the kit man yeah yeah exactly yeah we spent the whole summer um digging trenches laying

Water pipes getting power in there like all the players the players bur and that you know fixing up the changing rooms where’ he get the money for that well local sponsors chipped in you know helped us out I was putting in money so that particular ground our first ever

Game is called West stumble it’s almost like a spiritual home that one to be fair that’s where we just had to graft to be a to exist cuz a lot of teams like route one and all that right they end up packing it in CU they just cannot get

The infrastructure they can’t get it it’s it’s so much involved but that ground our first ever game of that ground we had a rope round the pitch we had our one concrete path changing rooms and the attendance was 30 right 32 people this that work for 32

Right because that was the level you had to you had to have it couldn’t compete yeah but the day we the the week we left that ground right the week we left it we had um the top of the table game on the on the Saturday Winner Takes all then we

Went in the playoffs on the Tuesday and then the playoff final the Saturday and we had um over 7 and a half thousand people go through the ground the week we left it that ground yeah yeah that’s how much success we had at that venue and you you obviously during that time

You’re building stands correct you’re building like flood lights flood yeah yeah because you got to have flood lights when you get to a certain level AR you we had to literally we had I don’t think you can compete in the FA Cup that correct can you without you

Have have you have to have lights yeah so at that ground every year it’s right you need lights now now you need four concrete pass now you need a 50 seat of stand 100 seat of Stand t- Bar two changing runes met it is literally just bolt on every single year we’ve still

Got it now in the National League like right we’ve got we last year we had to spend half a million pound on building our ground up so the big challenge for us is is is kind of like off the field as well as on the field half a million

Have you been to their ground no I can’t believe it like from where you were that ground’s class it’s but that’s not the the same pit though is it move we to move from where we were with this one we built up West did you sell that no cuz

It was just um it’s owned by Fielding trust like a charity ah right but it was um it’s in a real Beauty Spot so we couldn’t really do anything more there than what we had grass pitch and then we just got lucky because there was a site

In dork and it was run down and then we built another ground with the help of the local Council where we are now so we’ve just how how many seat Stadium now is it I don’t know maybe 750 or but it holds 4 and a half thousand but you

Can’t see fuckle if you’re in there it’s like there’s loads of work needed there a lot of flat standing and we’re way behind it but that was fair is good good though is it have you got have you got fans who have you got some fans that

Have been there the whole journey not the whole journey we had at one point we had no fans the only fans would have like if one of the boys nicked the bird on the Friday and then she she’d end up watching the game like she gives a [ __ ]

On the Saturday that would be it literally literally still the makeup on from that yeah no literally I mean honestly so but we had no supporters we had none zero [ __ ] all like and um yes it’s mental now we go all over the country and good people love the fact

That we’ve sort of the workingclass underdog thing like people Al last night and then you get under local people come and go I [ __ ] love that Ding you know what I mean so so we got this kind of really big following do you know what I

Mean and we we have got a good atmosphere where we are now it’s all the kids in the shirts and it’s it’s [ __ ] mental to be honest I couldn’t believe it when I went yeah cuz obviously the only the only similar one I can relate to is obviously the sulfur Journey yeah

Um but they’ve come through I don’t know how many leagues they’ve come through now four or five or some five or six maybe he got 12 you yeah You’ come through yeah you come through double what you was saying so we was going to teams but at a much higher level than

You was and we was like what the [ __ ] is this do you know what I mean like Linny was remember at Prescott that time Linny was saying [ __ ] get me out of here like he just come from like the league and he was playing at Prescott he was

Going I can’t keep playing here but you’ve been to 10 times worse ground oh mate yeah but like but you’d have players different he’d have players coming up with him so they were going to these better grounds thinking wow look at this whereas sulfa we’re bringing in

Players from higher and going to [ __ ] grounds like what the [ __ ] is this we’ve got we’ve got like boy in our Squad at any one time we’ve got boys that have been there six seven eight years right but now we’ got boys been there six seven eight years so you got a good

Nucleus of yeah I that’s a key to building successful teams even in like even in the big drown up football if you’re like you know the United’s Liverpool’s back in the day man city now they just keep the nucleus and just bolt on don’t they yeah and that’s why these

Teams like the Chelsea’s and that just [ __ ] just [ __ ] they ain’t got a nucleus so they’re just churning millions of pounds trying to be good but it don’t work it’s a [ __ ] it’s a sustained period of team building isn’t it to get that real team that can storm

Like ferad where you just be bolting on odd players but he’d have his boys do you know what I mean so we try to do the same and yeah I was just going to say is that what you’ve you’ve tried to do then just keep the same same nucleus of

Players and yeah cuz I bet the I bet the atmosphere The Lads Love It surely yeah they love it and then must be different to to everything that they’ve had before it is it is yeah and they they can’t dispute a thing because the blo that’s

Running it the blo that’s asking them to run through Brit walls as dug [ __ ] trenches for the club so there’s just no on the way back today I’m going to be phoning a player and and and and tell him to [ __ ] off because he’s [ __ ] me off and they can’t answer back

Because I’ve done I’ve done everything there is to do and I do it for [ __ ] all I’m the opposite I I put money in I invest money for the club to be successful so it’s a hard knock school no one gets away with [ __ ] all so who

Was the first player that you paid with your own sort of money yeah yeah I think there was a a boy called Smithy the striker you know how it goes so back at that level you’ll be like right you’re getting I’ll give you 25 quid 50 Quid

But don’t tell don’t tell anyone yeah that’s said that like we’ll give you double anyone else but don’t [ __ ] tell them say anything told us I’ve been the dress going I’m on double what you are yeah yeah yeah so that’s it yeah and then then it just cuz I think in

Football I [ __ ] it’s an easy old game in it like if you’ve got the the teams that win the league have the boys that score the most goals that is how it is the goal lead the center half the the basics of football no matter how many

Things did you have to get to a point where you were going poring other players CU at that level you put seven days in don’t you like was you going watching other games and oh right we need to get that striker in bring him into our team that yeah yeah basically

That it was relatively easy back then really do you know what I mean because yeah you you’d got to sort of spot them it was just a sday approach they weren’t on contract it as easy just to get them you what I mean but obviously now it’s

Different you got to be as you know better than anyone you got to be 18 steps ahead of the game because you know everyone’s at it you know yeah it’s it’s weird to think that you’ve come you’ve come from basically what was like a Sunday League side but yeah on a Saturday to

Now dealing with agents dealing with wages that you would never ever dream about paying on on stage yeah exactly yeah it’s mental we got we got boys that have dropped down the lead like Tony Craig x m w captain and Barry Fuller and and we he’s still playing he’s 40 years

Old and if his tackle was in the Prem probably would have got a red one oh you say that but it’s a [ __ ] belt in tackle it’s perfect every every every real man in the world says what a great [ __ ] T so he’s a great player very

Won it he’s a great player and be fair he took it like a man and know he got up but he’s a great player he just showed him the ball this is Saturday Chesterfield first five six minutes you know the old one he’s a fullback he’s a

Good Winger he’s shown him the ball and he’s full I’m going to [ __ ] put you up in the area son and he smashed him ball player he’s [ __ ] took it’s like so as he’s running he’s stopped and he’s come back to get the ball yeah and he the ball and the man’s

There and he just gone bang he’s about 5 foot in the air but it’s uh and then obviously what you get is you get all the the [ __ ] Fanny department online that’s start going go I tell you what that’s a that’s a coward’s challenge that is now ain’t you [ __ ] [ __ ] that

Brry all game long thought about everything he done do you know what I’m saying that’s how football works yeah you’ve got to get one over if if he there and he’s give you a chance to smash him you have to but like that that

Used to be a rule yeah like 20 20 years ago right first 10 minutes stick one on him whether it was like a Defender who was marking you or a Defender against an attacker or if you had like if you got chance you had to yeah if their best

Player yeah was a wing go like right first five minutes anybody has chance to yeah nail him you do it any bit if you get chance yeah if anybody gets the chance smash him not just go kill him but if you get the chance you’ve got to

Do it the Fuller one was exactly that he’s when you watch it back he’s literally just given him the best opportunity to smash him ever and we fa to Barry he sort of he looked a bit [ __ ] me I’ve in it by B there he just got up

And walked off yeah he had two real perfect tackle but in the Prem that’s going V for five minutes and then it’s probably getting sent off 100% What’s um have you got any memorable nights out that you can remember after after a promotion is there one promotion that sticks in your

Mind to blur yeah it is to be fair a lot of lot of that is do you know what I mean like all the all the nights out we used should just go and spend loads of money celebrating you know what I mean so they’re all they’re all sort of T to

Penny really do you know what I mean there’s nothing too bad no sort of like massively bad all all the average stuff you’d expect with a bunch of lads going around Europe and that ather and all of that and do you know what I mean celebrating success

There must be a point where you where though like you think right okay this is this is serious now like like we we’re moving up to a a real serious level was that like conference south or or or is that when you’ve jumped into the national league yeah last couple of

Years I guess you look at it and it does become annoyingly it can be a bit boring these other teams turn up and there it’s just you look at them just think [ __ ] me you’re so boring like yeah how do you find the other managers boring because

None of them are like you are they other managers like but they’re out there offending for their lives these Gaffers a they like unlike me I’m just like yeah you know [ __ ] I’m in charge but these other managers they’re out there they’re worried about the fans getting the um

The chairman getting the up there it’s it’s paying the it’s it’s mortgage football is it that’s what it is it’s like that level the G for the players you’re paying the bills pretty much well you won’t you won’t even have a a manager’s wage nothing payr on because

You let you see you do free don’t you yeah of course yeah I’m putting money in all the time um because we have to keep doing things behind the scenes yeah so that that 15 grand a year I’m giving you know [ __ ] 80 quid a month it’s now

Gone to me giving 30 40 Grand a month you know it’s like it’s a it’s it’s a big gig and fortunately we’ve got loads of sponsors loads of uh investors in the club now we’ve got a a supporter share of the club and these are just things I

Wanted to do that I thought were important because I wanted to make sure that cuz it’s sadly and it’s [ __ ] sad you are the custodian of a football club is you that is the bottom line you can be the owner of all you want to be but

Ultimately that club should need to be there before and after you so you don’t end up like a ma a berry yeah and all these teams it’s got to be sustainable as well yeah like would you ever get to a point where let’s worst worst scenario happened you went down yeah and then

Struggling again would would you sack yourself and bring in another man yeah if I was underperforming pound for pound I would all day long I mean we spent you know we’re we’re part-time you know we’re doing two mornings we’re [ __ ] we’ won more games than anyone

On the bottom half of our league you know I would just measure it based on where we should be versus the resources we’ve got if that makes sense I’ve got to be fair to everyone involved but I mean I know I’m the best man for the job

If I’m honest with you I’ve got to say that I can’t be a [ __ ] yeah I can’t not say what I think I mean that South first year in it we didn’t we didn’t sign anybody we got in the playoffs without even being bothered second year

We second year we was winning it co got it called off with Five Points clear game to end I was going to ask about that how like how did how did Co affect you and doing like a personally really just stopped him going up yeah sto going out [ __ ] fuming it’s obviously yeah

That’s massive implications for for the club as well is it like financially as well though I was fing because it’s like I was proud of that record every other year promotions I we were top of the league second year in it had only signed a few extra players and um yeah Five

Points still two games in hand ended Jam one it that year and uh everyone was fit we’re beating everybody inide we were going to go off and win it R star 152s we were off and gone you know I want enough leav to know when you get to that

Point when you’re off and gone yeah and um yeah then they [ __ ] called it off I fuming and what they done yeah they um they done this thing obviously everyone was just in a massive Panic up and uh even though the lot had actually funded the league to continue right but out of

Nowhere they put it unbelievably they put it to a vote of the clubs I I think we was in that at the time right so basically what you going to do so I said to him I said everyone from second right for who going related like no call off

Yeah so anyone that could anyone that basically weren’t in the playoffs yeah just said n sack this save money they’ve got their Lottery funding and everyone near the top went yeah we want to carry on I’m like well [ __ ] no [ __ ] Sherlock so called it off and everyone

In relegation like no call it off yeah exactly as you would of course you would yeah yeah exactly that yeah and then tweeting saying no we didn’t vote for that we want we got robbed Rob we got robed anyway so that happened then the year after we’ve we’ve we’ve uh we had a

[ __ ] nightmare for injuries we we we’re winning the league better mind so in that South we’re winning it again two of our best players got injured we’ve we’ve lost the title we’ve gone into the playoffs and we’re [ __ ] 2-1 down 5 Seconds to play 5 Seconds there was on

The watch unbelievable and uh at our place packed it [ __ ] sold out and Barry Fuller as it goes [ __ ] smashed the ball on his left he chopped in the right fullback he smashed it it’s only 5 Seconds of play because one of their fans has thrown a flare on the pitch

Literally and the rest stopped the [ __ ] to get it off and he’s added the time on all sorts of like fat note if he’s got it right they they’re all whis in the opposition full has chopped the bowling and uh Luke mo [ __ ] followed it in the net [ __ ] 5 Seconds to go

Equalized right and then um we won an extra time yeah which is [ __ ] which I just thought of the time I just I literally as I walked off all the crap come on the pitch and someone just stuck a vand on the way off the pitch right

Yeah and I just kept walking to the fan Zone and just got smashed I don’t f i SP I literally just I don’t remember leaving I just thought thank [ __ ] for that that’s the best way to win it it was so I just thought in my head we

Didn’t deserve but it’s so Vindicated for the year before yeah my point is well I’ve won that was that the player final yeah player final yeah wow yeah 5 Seconds to go so yeah I’ve I’ve I’ve [ __ ] been in that South three times won it once twice whatever so I wouldn’t

Be bothered if we went down at all if anything I’ll see it as a challenge to to what I’ve learned is that you have to really get your Club ready for that National League because you’re playing my boys are turning up on on a Saturday morning having been at work on a Friday

And that and your opposition are in a hotel and they’re having breakfast and they’re they’re doing their last bits you’re pushing water uphill I’m a good manager I know to beat teams i’ be I’ve beaten so many teamed in this league but you are obviously fundamentally you you

Can’t do what what you can do no I used to love that what being the being the underdog knowing that they’re [ __ ] doing everything they can and I’ve got to go to work and I’ll still turn up and beat him that’s what I used to H that

Like I yeah i’ I’d hit I want the prep do you know I mean like in a nice hotel breakfast in the morning prepared right and I think if you look at the bottom four clubs probably in your league or the bottom five I bet there’s all the ones who aren’t

Full-time are down there I bet there’s nobody who’s not full-time well no well there’s only two part-time teams in the league now that’s it I would say yeah not many is there no it’s it’s the league oord Oxford are part time yeah Oxford part time they’re bottom they’re

Gone they look like they’re gone and then there’s there’s you guys saw even just staying up yeah is a right result we come 16th last year only about 10 points off the playoff in our first year historically Mo and the team that that got PR mstone that won the South that

Year that come up with us they got relegated straight away most teams end up getting rated straight away or they have to make massive changes it’s a it’s a big old jump so yeah I have no fear about it but I’ll be honest I’d be

[ __ ] I don’t know what I do i’ be devastated because I don’t like [ __ ] losing and you want to you want to continue that Journey don’t want to take a step back even though it’s like sometimes you take a step back and then you get into that winning mentality

Again because you dropping down the league and you get that good feeling but also as well you you’ve you’ve G down the league yeah exactly that so continue don’t yeah fingers crossed yeah where did and what like what did you think when that guy rang you from bunch of

Ames CU I thought you’d have just been like [ __ ] off yeah I know I didn’t really think anything of it actually I think the club just sort of said oh guy coming down just to just to do a bit of filming and then Rich the guy a bunch of

Amateur he said to me do why M wearing this [ __ ] mic do you know what I mean and uh just just just tell us what it is because it’s a bit like the sulfur documentary and it it’s like they’ve been following you for yeah few years

Just like the guy does it really well does he he does it well Rich he’s so talented he’s brilliant he used to work for Sky and’s he [ __ ] at Sky it makes me laugh he said if they offered him [ __ ] 30 million to take his he’d be

Like [ __ ] off I hate you what a liar what a liar yeah Sky if you’re listening if you’re offering 30 million yeah yeah yeah yeah good point if we changes mind but but he used to work for Sky yeah and he’s brilliant and uh Storyteller I

Guess and he Rich he’s got a nice voice as well but he’s he’s just done uh but it’s like ws and all it’s ws and all do you know what I mean like and uh the bits he don’t show would be way worse than the bits he does and the bits he

Does show [ __ ] not ideal sometimes oh really yeah he’s obviously me just myself so I’m not going to change um but yeah but there’s a lot of stuff you has to cut out I have to edit a lot of stuff out of it or I’ll be [ __ ] suspended

And banned every day of the week the uh so he does have you never watched it no I never watched it so he’ll like do the game but then he’ll just film da stuff that’s going on so like one of the your players was putting the ball outside the

Quadrant of a week whose fans was it uh old the shot shot going mad behind it but he’s filming the fan saying this guy is the like you know like like teing their fans and then the guy keeps going and they just getting angry and angry

Bit like the James Madison what have he SE that yeah it’s just honestly but the funny bits of the game and then obviously you’ve got him going mad at it’s just class you you must have seen some bus stops coming up through the through the the the ranks if you will

Yeah yeah what in in the club or yeah like Ju Just with the lads in the dressing room yeah loads yeah loads of Bast starts but I mean I I Ru would [ __ ] iron Rod it’s like you know like I’d rather like back in the day at wimon

You know the a few of my mates were down there and they gen like playing in in the Prem and then they genuinely at training would throw boxing gloves in the middle yeah if a cut the players at with each other and all stand around them and let them bash each other up

Yeah we we used to do ITW so yeah so like Mickey melon if it ever kicked off on the pitch everybody in gloves and then everyone is stand around the outside and you just [ __ ] that why battle it out for a minute yeah battle it out yeah exactly that so so it’s like

Yeah there’s you get bust UPS G I’ve had more I think most My bust ups with goalkeepers to be failed I’m not I [ __ ] ate goalies oh really yeah if I had it my way that football wouldn’t have goalies [ __ ] just catch it yeah

I just I just [ __ ] me off like I just find like just just want to do their own thing it just [ __ ] me off they’re mental anyway are they’re crazy mate I want’s a good lad at the moment actually I quite like him actually to be fair

Who’s that Harrison M at least 12 years good very young keeper good small small like [ __ ] you know 5 foot2 I mean it’s was either play for us or or or [ __ ] stay in Pano sh Shel them next week yeah exactly yeah yeah St pan yeah [ __ ] brilliant great go what’s your

Most memorable game to be honest it’s boring is the it’s the the player final the 5 Seconds yeah because I’m so [ __ ] I’m I’m good in The Dugout cuz I’ve done it so long yeah and I wouldn’t need anybody around me to know what decision

To make when lots of time it just like almost naturally you just know what to do at the right time I’m just going to say that like do like do you analyze the the opposition like do you do you study them look at the way they play or do you

Just do it instinctively no loads of that now you have to do it now loads of analysis we’ve got a great lad that does that coaching team we’ll take stuff to training we know we’re going to play we’re going to set up but in that [ __ ] moment in that moment it’s like

Anything in life in a m in a game like you I think that’s why England have always struggled over the years in in tournaments because no matter what prep we do no matter who youve got like in that [ __ ] moment have you got someone good enough to know what change to make

Or what Nuance is going against you you know and I just feel like I’m really really good with that and um that’s my strength in game stuff and then yeah that that playoff final one was just unbelievable because I’m really focused normally and there was literally the they’re all whistling and the game’s

Done and I literally Dino the assistant who sat on his cooler box I looked at Dino went it make [ __ ] and I never ever break yeah I never break from carried I’m in the zone till the whistle goes I looked him like this is like the

Whole season’s gone in it do you know what I mean I said but F and literally turn around as he Cho the ball in rather for one the Ed and then more the look the guy down the quadrant with the corner you’re talking about there he

Just slid in the far post in it’s [ __ ] hysteria you’ve never seen a ground explode like it in your life that must be that must be it must be a different feeling for you not just being the manager but the owner and bringing him through so many years that it must

Be a different feeling yeah but it is because I think about winning every single day of the week or or progressing if you like you know whoever progressing is St in the division this year whatever like I think about non-stop it’s non-stop so therefore we win a game of

Do do you still work or is or is he’s ding your yeah I’m I’m doing I’ve got a business that takes up my time but ding takes up more of my time and I want it to you like we had um we we got beat a week Saturday we’re [ __ ] [ __ ] and we

Got we got beat and um I knew we had Chesterfield coming up on the this is just the truth and I knew we had Chesterfield coming up on the on the TV 20 points clear 23 points clear and we we had just fallen into relegation zone right and just said to everyone around

Me I’m Tak a week off and I just I was a football manager for a week and I just I literally just put everything I had into into being a normal week off work and just went into yeah I I was just a manager for a week you know just what

Did you do during that week differently then differently just everything was just you know exasperated I was just like more analysis more detail more Ono ones with players I was on the coaching field the whole time with the player which I’m not normally uh these days uh

Um yeah went to a few games went to watch the opposition on the Tuesday at Barnet um I just devoted the week to being a football manager like everybody else gets the luy of doing yeah you know which is mad because then you went and beat him yeah imagine if you did that

Every week yeah that’s what I thought and I and I I never talk about this stuff ever because I don’t want to come across like making excuses you know what I mean I don’t I don’t I’m not that sort of person but I’m pushing water upill

But then and then people might go yeah but Mark then well why don’t you get another manager in then but then but then then we won’t be as successful because the like it’s it’s this kind of like core culture of the club yeah and me dragging it forward that that is our

That it’s our success does that makes sense and I know that I know that and all and all of our supporters know that as well lose their USP a little bit exactly yeah yeah exactly that so the poshest fans in the world D fans well some of

Them are yeah it’s a posh area we’ve got get up you bloody idiot they throw they throw a [ __ ] prawn sandwich at [ __ ] off you yeah yeah yeah but yeah we we’ve got we’ve got a mixture but yeah it’s a decent area class I was going to ask so are you

Sponsored by cappo or how do you know him well no well he he he’s uh I’ve known him my whole life is is have you yeah well not my whole life so CH [ __ ] I’ve known him like he knows um um his his Ms knows mine and you know that’s

That’s the relationship joh the best mates so so yes i’ no mono and he actually he turned out for us you know he played for us yeah a couple of times yeah when he got so yeah Adam morning he he owns Capo now he’s absolutely flying and he’s took off

We’re trying to get him on the show because obvious like he played at Salford with those some stor he lived with me for six months I’ve got a few stories about when he live with me so when when the documentary come out there was like a bit where it

Said sford aren’t doing too well at the minute they’re doing [ __ ] and it just showed about four clips of mono play Sing falling over his own feet a shot well wide and I was like Wow mon they’ve done but we won the league at an Indian were you that yeah

Yeah yeah so we needed Darlington to draw anything but a win and we’d won the league so we all went to an Indian had a few points and Warrington Town scored last minute to draw next in Gary Neville Phil Neville Nikki B gigs all turned up to

The do so it was a it was a messy one fre bar and I just remember at the end of the nights everywhere mono is slapping buty on the headed as hard as he can saying I’ve just got you promoted get me some [ __ ] boots now but you Bal bastard

And all this I was like you like mono you can’t I was going I think he knew he was he was out the door yeah honestly I was looking think you can’t do that to Nikki but he just wasn’t asked about a thing was he mate

Hope he ever has been yeah but like that that that that side then was great and the boys running it better than jonno do you know what I mean like it’s better the devil you know is it football sometimes you what I mean like because

You know some people just find a way to win and uh I think they probably would have done you know they would have found a way cuz they’re they’re successful boys they yeah’s a great lad he deserves all his success but he needs to pay you know

He’s it’s like a sweat shop you know he’s got he’s got 94 year old women on 75 P an hour climbing [ __ ] ladders you know and he only feeds them like you know once a week he’s horrible is he he need to pay more money so have you got

His Instagram he’s just abusing his staff the whole time so I mean it’s a good place good he’s just like it’ll just fil a lad walking down carrying the Box he’s like could this [ __ ] goon here [ __ ] air the lad’s just like leave me alone just some young kid yeah yeah

Yeah yeah beled have you had any um have you had any like altercation with other managers who you really just not got on with not I don’t like the snaky ones do I mean like I’ll never I’ll never try and get somebody else sent off or booked I don’t like

That stuff do you know what I mean so if I get the snaky ones I he saying I have one this season actually and I won’t say you but I [ __ ] he’s your best mate before the game and then he being a bit snaky trying to get trying to get um

Can’t say that someone can’t say that booked trying to get someone booked I heard him saying to the full [ __ ] yeah he should be [ __ ] book there so I said to him if I say that again I’m GNA I’m going to knock you out um I’d

Attempt to I’d attempt to what I mean the thoughts there about the angry ant you know what I mean but nah but yeah listen in the main get on really well with them because they they’re really good people I sometimes feel like when we’re going to new divisions and then

They don’t know us and they just think who’s these chances so then you sometimes have to piss around a terit a bit more I’ve had a few running at Peter Taylor the England manager oh yeah we get well now but we it he was [ __ ] me

Gonna say Welling I think in in in the South but like yeah he was um yeah we had lot of running and that and we’ve had I’ve had a few I think I’ve had two England managers I’ve had a ra with now I don’t know what it is yeah I don’t

Know what it is who’s Pete went to [ __ ] launch me I loved it I thought [ __ ] brilliant what it came to fight you yeah yeah yeah on the way off at half time [ __ ] brilliant I called him an old C and repeat Tuesday yeah for about I don’t know what felt like 20

Minutes and he’s he’s right for his soul cuz he he wound me up about say he’s a [ __ ] good man by the way yeah achieved I love him and uh he’s come and shoved me and I thought fair play mate you I mean because it sounds it sounds

Ridiculous but like we’ve always through the Leakes we’ve always had egg so we’re just like you insult the wanders mate well [ __ ] we’ll let you know about it and uh we both got sent off we both got sent off on the way off at half yeah it’s obviously you’re not allowed to

Watch the game so I went up in the bar I went up in the bar all my mates right in the bar all the boys that used to play back in the day they’re all in the bar and I think we went two them out and they give me [ __ ] go and [ __ ]

Awesome so I went down after the game I said Pete mate sorry honestly felt half cut not going to lie and I talking to the boys going yeah great result L great result and one of them went you stink the [ __ ] booze yeah M exactly won the game but

That’s what football’s about and it’s like ultimately it’s it’s [ __ ] it’s a social being isn’t it if you can you can win off the back of it even better yeah 100% what’s the what’s the ideal dream then cuz in my head I’m thinking League football versus Wimbledon yeah surely that’s the that’s

The got to be an it about MK got to be yeah yeah MK you even beating MK yeah I can imagine me doing that thing where I just run into the the fans and yeah start swinging windmills look he lost the plot last minute winner and just yeah

Literally that yeah that’s got yeah it’s got to be the ultimate or like have you ever you’ve never drawn him in the FA Cup or anything like that yeah n we’ve had a we we’ve been really [ __ ] the FA Cup right I’m a sh I must ad I’ve

Been which is a shame because it’s a money earner is it oh mate yeah killed us this year we got beat this year ear when your main thing is staying in the league yeah it’s tough in it there yeah but like you you went mental this year

Because you got beat off ham yeah two leagues below two leagues below my mates my best football mates a manager as well and the [ __ ] he’s your best mate my best football mate yeah we’ve managed against each other he’s come through the leagues a little bit as well like me so

We’ve been managing Park leagues and he’s now Ham Two leagues below and then I I had the list [ __ ] printed out of who who’s in the [ __ ] draw and then Rich was there recording bunch of amateures he said you mind record you listen to the draw and talk SP said yeah

Yeah you fuming who don’t you want to get I said I’ll play in moment not [ __ ] aan that’s what I said you manifest it didn’t you yeah manifest Horan will play and I’m [ __ ] sitting there going n ding wonders I thought for [ __ ] sake got beat yeah got beat

Players sacked it off like that was [ __ ] [ __ ] and you give it him as well did you yeah actually like it’s cost us cost me all season like that’s I mean they went on to play barnesley and they they got a replay out of it they done well they

Beat s United um so yeah they um half a million pound probably out of it you I mean that that literally will be that will be probably our losses this year will be about half a million pound which is normal really normal this level of football but that that FA Cup run and

Then you get that’s normal half a million pound loss a year this in the National League now the people that run the club will be putting in anywhere between £3 million pound and half a million pound a year to exist 100% that’s how it works but there’ll be 10

Of them yeah to losing 50 Grand whereas you know yeah exactly that exactly but I mean this is it it’s a it’s a tough gig being a football owner and I tell you what it’s broken many of [ __ ] rich man like they they buy these Football

League clubs and they pass all the tests on the way in and then next minut they’re like Jesus Christ I I’m not prepared to lose my family’s inheritance funding this club where the supporters you get beat free games and they’re they’re stood by your motor you know

What I mean that’s how it works is it I’ve seen um Salford looking for investment now I think they’re looking for like shareholders and investors and stuff like which is yeah I’ll put quit in ten you probably won’t you ask for it back I give him that yeah like it’s it’s it’s

Tough is it it’s tough and even if you get to the promised land League two and like it’s you got to go again tough it’s just it’s just like it’s basically like playing poker you know you get get to le2 now I think the the TV deal is uh

Trebling now so next year they will get two and a bit million pound TV money and they get another one and a bit million from the Premier League in League two so it’s a great place to get but then but then everyone just starts spending that

Don’t they yeah so now if you’ve then got to just spend more to stay in the league it’s it’s football is a it’s a vanity game isn’t it in terms of or a passion hobby yeah you know what I mean is that’s all it is there’s nothing in

It for anybody the odd cup run you might hit the jackpot um this and get a Prem team away from home you get in the FA Cup don’t even you know you get you get half the gate yeah yeah that’s how half each don’t you half each so if you are

In the third round proper and you get United you’re just like happy da million pound you I mean so it is a it’s a that’s where you might make a bit Yeah that’s the dream United go now you can all well some of them do it’s a bit of a

Thing you know some of the I think Arsenal done it a few years back with Sutton around our way um some of the clubs do that they’ll say now you have our bit I thought they did AR because they played at s they played s United

Who were in National League at the time and they um Wenger it was and um they they saw our [ __ ] the changing rooms were Etc and they said look you our bit but get your changing rooms done and they done up their changing rooms with their 50% of the gate flarping he and

Then they got promoted League two now the bottom yeah right so your style of management yeah you get the players in on Christmas Day and there’s a video going around of some of the players saying what the [ __ ] are we doing here on Christmas day should be

Out or should be in the pub whatever what what you doing I think just depends who it is if it if it was would you have him in though nah you want ad think you’d have him in Christmas day would you no I don’t think so I don’t that’s

An oldfashioned thing I think do you know what I mean bit of an old fashioned thing yeah you know because you know in this day and age what about when you get to League two though what about what about if you’re top of the National League yeah coming up to

Christmas are you bringing them in yeah yeah I don’t think so because like you know you two both know like the conditioning now of these players it ain’t like it used to be well I was going to say to you have you have you seen a big change in not just the

Mentality of the players cuz like a lot of them are a lot softer aren’t they now aren’t they they can’t take a Bic in like sh yeah that that must be hard because you don’t seem like a guy who’s going to mince his words no they’re soft as [ __ ] um the

Physiques of the lads as well now has changed as well in it yeah S I mean like you can’t look like Jordan and play how how’ you get bigger and get softer though stress yeah but it’s the thing like now like back in the day in the

Chang room You’ have two blos who look like they’re modeling and the rest would be like [ __ ] hell he looks good and now all these boys are fit as [ __ ] they don’t drink half as much you know what I mean so the whole Christmas thing and

All that I mean I understand if it’s a bit of analysis or whatever big game next day whatever but there’s ways and means of doing it person that’s just my personal opinion but um but yeah the the the players now are so soft it’s a [ __ ] joke enabled by officials and

The laws of the game that enables people to be soft we played a last night and both teams it was like a [ __ ] diving competition it was like a [ __ ] diving competition was it that bad yeah [ __ ] B what was the send it off far Regan

Linn weren’t it yeah and Tony Craig off the ball having a go each other do you know what I mean like there aralo should have gone in in the first five minutes he’s gone to celebrate and he’s stuck I think he stuck his shoulder in his face

And knocked him over you know but for me back in the day she have the referee to just go [ __ ] [ __ ] get on with it yeah just you know what I mean get on with it do you see the one in there was one play on there’s one this week where lad’s

Trying to waste time and gone down injured but as he’s done it he’s slid off the pitch so his other mate runs over and pulls him back on the pit while he’s down just so he can the ref has to stop it see that i’ just play on yeah

Cuz that’s piss play around him honestly it’s it’s a shame for the sport it’s actually it’s actually a shame a not on a deep level but it’s actually a shame for for youngsters and for people in general because OB football teaches you [ __ ] life skills it teaches you a bit

Of how to deal adversity how to roll your sleeves up you know how to sort of have a winning mentality which serves you well in any Walk of Life so when I watch all these youth teams now and stuff like that and and they’re run by

Fannies for fannies and um that could be the name yeah and I just think yeah I think to myself [ __ ] what what [ __ ] my I’m I’m this is no one knows this right this this is the [ __ ] this is the first time I said it but I’m

About to become the joint manager of ding wonders under sevens this is true cuz my boy’s playing I said well no one else is going to [ __ ] manage him but my boy [ __ ] loves it manate he [ __ ] loves it he loves winning right he’s got a winning what he play huh

Sundays surely must be Sunday Saturday mornings so you’re going to manage his team in the morning 100% And I’m going to I’m have to I’m going to have to have a joint manager well he obviously he won’t be joint when I’m there he’d be like [ __ ] my assistant right grabbing

Me tea and [ __ ] right yeah but but when I’m not there and we’re on away games and [ __ ] and and whatever then how are you doing your team talk to under sevens cuz you’re not eff and Jeff same identical uh I will um I want them [ __ ]

Was that but see like you know my boy he wants to win he wants to score he mug old granny to win right he’s only six he [ __ ] gets it right he yeah and he gets it but I want that because the thing for me the thing for me is right

Is that like you know he might be in education he might be running a business and that and and these are all the ways you have to think in life how do I be better how can I achieve more as long as you do it in in

Way with Integrity but like when I play football on a firstday night of training in my kids team it’s a good kids club and uh you’re like 11 years old 10 years old and they go and stick on the board The A Team and the B team and you go up

There and go [ __ ] I’m in the B Team Saturday and you say to your old man I’m in the be team you go well course you [ __ ] are because you ain’t working hard enough you ain’t doing that you ain’t doing this right now they don’t keep [ __ ]

Score I know and they and they won’t having it A A B team because it’ll make the B Team kids feel bad yeah well is is you know what you might not be [ __ ] Ronaldo at football but you know what you might be really good at this but

Just giving people the opportunity to understand what rejection or what working hard can achieve that’s where you get it all from that’s where I got it from but I wanted to be really good at stuff yeah I don’t know if I’ve I’m sure I’ve told this story but the thing

That made me a professional footballer was my last year at Junior School the the teacher had to pick the best five out of the 11 footballers like like the the 11 as side like the school team you had to Pi pick the best five to

Go and play at deepdale when it was 3G to play in a five aside comp and I never got in I never got in the the the best five and I was like I was heartbroken there you go as and it was the it was

The last week and it was the last week of school and it was going to be done and the first week of the holidays you know the six week holiday I spent whole the whole six weeks with a Paul Gasco soccer skills book on the back street

Going for every page the skills and I practice and practice and practice and practice and when I came back my first year of high school I got scouted for blackb Rovers I was aund times better player because I wanted it more cuz I was was so angry that I didn’t get

Picked and I don’t think I’d have ever met it as a footballer if I would have had that I you can’t get a better example than that have it nowadays no that’s what people miss out on and my boy had a tournament the other week and then they

Um he [ __ ] talked about that tournament he’s never played a tournament before right yeah they were the best days as a kid he like you know what I mean so he he’s he’s he’s got my name his proper [ __ ] chavy right he’s Mark White Junior right yeah and uh I’ll

Call him I’ll call him Mark berberov he he’s bov right he’s [ __ ] he never played tournament he literally woke four days before he started saying what am I going to eat on the day of the tournament right he’s only six yeah right and he says he says to his mom he

Said like I want I want ham on toast that day right he’ been on YouTube looking at what people eat right before football matches he’s six he’s got his first tournament there there’s nine teams in it yeah as it goes he ended up he’s ended up top goal scor in this

Competition right he run through Brit walls this boy but they they’re winning in the tournament and then they’ve they then they got to rotate the team they got to rotate it like so they so everyone gets him it right so they’re playing the best teams and then you know

To they’ve got to rotate it and then then he got beat he was [ __ ] fuming but this whole this is a big deal and it’ll it’ll change one day one day and all this modern bollocks are go but everything goes backwards everything does everything has Cycles one day it’ll

Be totally fine to keep score under sevens and say we lost 6 nil because we weren’t quite as good as them but how come we be a bit better and how can and and all that’s that’s the things you take with you that that’s what you know

That’s what I believe in we used to go to them tournaments in Blackpool staying a [ __ ] hole BNB but we had a class team we’d be up till 2: a.m. because our coach was on karaoke pissed up by other appearance but we had a mint Team so

We’d always be in the final but one day we were all starving but we knew we had the semi coming up so my dad was like let’s just get a burger before the semi-final so we all had a burger we was the best team by Miles and we got beat with was [ __ ]

So if I [ __ ] on a Saturday now at 33 my dad will ring me and say bit of a burger game to that so you just remember it for like great memories like but I always think you you should see your peers or your friend or somebody in the same

School the same age better than you something so then you go I want to be I want to be like that like I want to like I’ve come third in that race you know like yeah School sports day yeah every all right 10 of you have raced who won

Nobody won you all won come and get a medal yeah what a load of crap what like I want to I want like who’s to say that that person who comes last doesn’t go I really want to be the fastest in that school and then works hard and hard

And they might overtake them in years to come and be flipping Olympic yeah Champion the one who so he’s proper [ __ ] maybe not the me it’s transferable it’s transferable to education business all of it like personal life and that that is why now obviously you get um a lot of

Weak people do y think there that that’s that’s contributing to mental health 100% of course it is let’s not go down this one no but like people have got to be able to cope with adversity aren’t they and when they never when they never go through it from such a young age they

Don’t then build building blocks to be able to go all right well I’ve had this bit of [ __ ] news or I’ve had this [ __ ] day I can get over it f I’ve had this challenge I’ve learned a white mechanism yeah it’s B coping mechanism they never

Get them blocks to be able to cope with it’s BL it’s blurred the lines of it the mental health you know like there’s obviously serious cases it’s all blurred the liines it’s become this massive broad area softes yeah yeah and and so not no sort of like you know completely

Understand there’s people out there with significant issues there always has been but also we’re being frank there’s also a whole wealth of people that you know just haven’t got that resilience that that you may be needing and the youngster coming through you do fear a

Little bit you hope they have a you know a dad or someone or a mom or someone that that gives them instills that stuff in them you know what I mean because Society won’t because it is literally full of [ __ ] fannies and um I [ __ ]

Hate it I [ __ ] hate it and I hate reading what F put you’re under Seven’s team yeah what what you going to do yeah what advice or what would you going to do if the other team’s parents don’t like how you’re doing it well I would just run in

A way that we’re you know where we’re always going to try and win and uh we’re going to the boys are going to give be the best versions of themselves but they’re going to know that if we win we’re going to [ __ ] celebrate and if we lose we’re going to be disappointed

And talk about that and we’re going to find a way to win next week do you know what I mean there’s not going to be any as a parent I’d be happy with that yeah because there’s nothing I know my kids’s going to be decent at point but but

There’s nothing wrong with winning there’s nothing wrong with learning to win yeah and accepting losing yeah it’s no good this Middle Ground where there’s no winning and no losing and everyone’s a winner and everyone’s a loser what no like there’s nothing like [ __ ] sake so where’s where

‘s the next ideally where’s the next 10 years look well we want we need to survive this season it’s uh for anyone that looks at the National League table there’s like 10 clubs about three points points crazy um and there’s 10 games to go some big

Clubs as well is there big clubs mate big clubs Legacy clubs we’re in there but I think yor are down there and like I think how big York are yeah York City I remember scoring a League goal against York when they were in the league yeah

York kidy I mean I mean but it changed every week it’s mental uh some big old clubs in there well established Club woken they’re down there been 100 years in that like third last year yeah yeah it’s a tough Le walking yeah yeah tough Le obviously not been walking hard

Enough [ __ ] me but yeah I mean if I want to stay in there this year and and then you know take my learns into how we plan for next season yeah I’m I’m definitely developing learns quickly I’ve learned a lot from the managers in this league I I

Listen and talk to and and and and you know take on board everything I hear from people I like you know I do like looking up to people even I think I I’ve got strengths they’ve not got I’m not really [ __ ] bothered about that but I

Do like to listen and try and learn who’s the best manager you’ve come across I like Paul I like Paul Cook I was going to say what what voice did he use for you I like cookie many Yeah you mentioned that before has you seen that one other thing you

Someone’s put when your kettle’s almost boiled and he he and Brilliant good back but it’s like where’s he at now chesfield oh yeah yeah chestfield but but yeah you just you know you just get these he man he’s higher level though wig yeah the first

Day I met him um we played him first game of the season year before and uh he said hello Mark blah blah blah I said oh mate what a [ __ ] Journey what a journey he said Mark he said just to let you know he goes this level recruitments

9/10 of the law get it wrong you’re [ __ ] right and I thought yeah took it on Bard and then and what like any good advice you get at the time you might go okay I heard it and nine months later again he was [ __ ] right that b and

You’re starting to think yeah he’s right I’ve given an 18mon deal to this bloke I didn’t do this didn’t do that and so yeah he he he’s great but loads of the I speak to quite a few of the managers at this in this league they’ve been around

There this league mate is [ __ ] the reckon is the hardest lead to get out of the [ __ ] I mean I’m talking in the bottom seven I’m the only manager still there everyone else have been sacked yeah right so you can’t sack yourself yeah you got Phil Phil Phil Browns at kitty yeah

Right right Kev Phillips uh uh heartley Paul um England Striker Kev you know Mickey melons old them now you know you it’s just a who’s who of old football managers in this Division and I [ __ ] love it I’m up against them up against cookie last week and I love it and I do

I must admit and I like I I never talk about it I don’t feel like you know people be sympathetic but I sometimes finish a game and think I wish I could do what he does every week yeah I wish I could be a manager like him every day of

The week I’m not I’m not a manager every day of the week but if I didn’t do what I do the club wouldn’t be where it is see it’s real yin yang [ __ ] scenario what’s your um what’s your tiple after the game when you invite him in do you

Do you invite the other manager in to have a drink with you we haven’t really got any [ __ ] facilities barely I’ll be honest with you we’re pretty [ __ ] of that in terms of like that manager bit end of the game cuz you’re right at this level I never even knew it yeah I

Remember someone old them whoever it was that the Gaff was like ra beer after the game I said to my assistant he wants to get on the [ __ ] Smash and then then I realized it’s just what happens yeah come into me office we’ll have a beer

Talk about it and then jump back on the bus when I went in Phil’s office at kidy and he [ __ ] all he have was just like red wine on the [ __ ] like red wine on a [ __ ] diary on the wall a calendar on the wall that was it um but um yeah

We Jon and buron used to go and meet the other team’s manager we’d be on the bus for like an hour and a half what they was just they’ come back on steaming I like [ __ ] dick Waiting For You full on dicks what he doing yeah so what does

It look like then hopefully stay in this league and then like I think the dream is yeah just try and get out of yeah I’d love to get a Wembley like that I want to get to I’d love to get the Wembley in some capacity I feel like in terms of

Like completing a story trying to get the club there that’s playoff either in the National League or the fa vars into it yeah trophy was that years ago that’s the lower level one oh yeah but yeah trophy order the the playoff final yeah the players listen our best side it’s turned

Over [ __ ] me it’s turned over loads of the in fact it’s turned over way more teams in the top half than the bottom half um and I feel like I could definitely with a fair win build a team that could comfortably get in the plus there’s teams in there now that punching

Up Hal OFA got small budgets and doing a great job in that and so I think I think you can easily get there the aim is to get there try and you know try and get to get to Wembley maybe try and get in the league above it’s doable it’s doable

But this this season is this is a [ __ ] broad it’s a street fight of these clubs it’s unbelievable no one’s safe literally well I’ll definitely be watching out the results from now on of course I always do unbelievable Journey like I say 12 promotions in 23

Years and a manager who’s been there the whole way through manager owner chairman Scout agent for yeah everything you you to that club uses his holidays at work to to have a week of being a manager not all it’s true though it was like that that is the bottom line I wouldn’t

Normally say that but I just thought you know sometimes you don’t do yourself a service you what I mean people just think I’m I literally don’t get the time I want to get so that’s uh but that’s we won be where we are if I didn’t do the

Things I do for the club Behind the Scenes and you know in front of the scenes so but yeah I appreciate it nor is who have you got Saturday W maidened who obviously are a point ahead of us yeah it’s another big game then we W South End on the Tuesday who they

They’re four points away you know it’s it’s it’s it’s [ __ ] every game and it’s annoying because but having said it I’m my my theory I look at Su in the league above and they’re like like chasing one team and I kind of feel like well you know what if you’re chasing 10

You’re never out of it that makes sense either way you know if you win a few games you’re still in it and if you lose a few games you’re still in it so I think it’s going to go to the wire we yeah we got we got like what looks like

Tough games on paper that don’t phe us to be honest with and everyone knows that like we can play Big clubs and and probably more likely to turn them over I don’t know what it is I don’t it’s the mental I don’t know but yeah but yeah so

We’re watch this SP it’s that fighting the dog in it yeah you know when it’s when it’s a ding versus a Chester Field yeah it’s that mentality I didn’t sleep all week yeah I did not we got beat not by our Rivals EP fle it was

That Don us 4-1 they’re the team we beat in the playoff with the flare coming on the 5 Seconds yeah and we played them CU they got promoted a year after we played them we got beat 4-1 it’s a six-pointer um we had a player sent off it [ __ ]

Us and everyone was like [ __ ] me that’s it d a doom Ding A done and I thought right week off work I got a half four every day drove to Starbucks we got I got a service station that’s 24 hours get a coffee every day and all I thought

About all week was beating him and I convinced the players we’re going to beat him mentally strategically every [ __ ] way and at the end of the game I was [ __ ] exhausted [ __ ] hell I was going to say how did it feel when it was actually coming yeah brilliant I actually I’ll be

Honest I just felt like I can do this what were we doing at half hour in morning though just I just get up thinking about it yeah thinking about it yeah nonstop no I I’ll wake up I’ll laptop on look at different clips I think you know what I’ll just watch a

Clip of that Berry who plays Left of their front free and I just see whether he’s suited to this player I was just looking at every bit of detail I could all week all [ __ ] week You’ never think that of him up from the outside

Would you no yeah do you know what I mean so yeah and then and it was that’s a good good point and then when it was done on the Sunday I’m like I [ __ ] wish I could do this the whole time in that level which is what these guys get

To do every day of the week and listen that’s fair play they’re professional football managers so if we can the Le absolutely draining though would it that would be yeah that would be draining if we stand in the league then my thing is that I’ll hopefully put enough earns in

Place that next season we’re just off and gone like we normally are we don’t normally hang about in the lower regions for more than two seasons we have we was in the county leagues like the Northwest counties up here yeah pums and all that you know we was in one of those leagues

Once for four years and um uh so although we’ve had one promotion every two years like we had a 4year period where we just couldn’t figure it out so not again not many people know that either cuz our fans weren’t around then so so I’ve been here before where I’ve

Had a little bit of a challenge or two but just not as publicly not in the public ey you know what I mean yeah well good luck mate ABS pleasure having you I enjoyed that so much right yeah cheers boys


  1. Great podcast as always lads.
    Prescott cables fan love our ground but can see why people hate coming with those changing rooms

  2. Love the podcast name – I got invited to trials once but it was for Southampton and I lived up north, my dad wouldn't let me go.

  3. If you enjoy Marc White content and want to follow the Dorking story subscribe to 'Bunch of Amateurs' on YT, one of the best football channels around easily, you won't regret it. Top podcast lads.

  4. That was tremendous guys really enjoyed that.. Marc White was brilliant. Agree with Seds that can't lose bollix mentality is shite.

  5. the whole learning rejection at a young thing is a thing of the past, remember my first team release, heartbroken, but pushed me

  6. Great pod chaps . Keep them coming, Keep pushing them subscribers and likes Gaz ,We want you to do well buddy 😃.

  7. I don’t know who these two twats are but the first 2 minutes they ignored a bloke that has 12 promotions in 24 years what a pair of pricks .

  8. Good to get a forriner on 😂, great listen once again.
    How about getting someone from the dark side ? (A referee)

  9. As a small town football coach this is absolutely fascinating. Fair play to Mark for his very clear committment and passion.

  10. Just come across this pod what a superb listen,I look very much forward to watching more of your content,I like Gaz seddon & Jordan Hulme,both speak very well,keep up the good work-Hull city loyal

  11. Gareth. Bit of advice less talking more listening. Amount of times you cut mark off mid flow. I find all the best podcasts let the guest talk. 👍

  12. Outstanding, relating to kids was spot on, what happens if you go for a job, does everyone get it, no , you have to get used to winning and coming 2nd

  13. – "Ahh Joe, he was great craic. Remember that time he went over to Liverpool for trials?

    – "No Dougal, he was ON trial IN Liverpool."

  14. never won a race at school – don't ever remember being that bothered or motivated by it though… decent podcast however.

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