The ultimate dilemma: Lay Up or Go For It?

In this video, we’re tackling the ultimate dilemma on the golf course – should you lay up or go for it? As average golfers, we know the struggle of deciding whether to play it safe or take a risk. Join us as we explore a short par 4 and discuss the strategies and mindset needed to birdie it.

This video is part of our course vlogs series on our golf channel, where we share our experiences and tips for improving your game. If you’re looking for advice on how to birdie a short par 4 and other challenges on the golf course, then this video is for you!
Should the average golfer lay up or go for the green on a short par 4??

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Golf, a game of precision and perseverance, unfolds as a canvas of inspiration. Beyond the lush fairways and intricate shots, it embodies a metaphor for life’s journey. With each swing, there is an opportunity for growth, resilience, and self-discovery. The pristine greens and sprawling landscapes provide a sanctuary for reflection, where challenges are met with unwavering determination. In the beauty of golf, we find not only the elegance of skill but also the wisdom of patience, the resilience to overcome obstacles, and the joy of celebrating small victories. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit and the endless possibilities that unfold when one embraces the beauty of the game and the journey it entails.

I’m an average golfer and I’m on a short hole should I be going for it or should I be laying up I’m going to hit 10 irons off the tea 10 drivers off the tea finish the hole out and whichever score wins wins so you’ll know like the 11th

Hole here at the Heritage it’s a short drivable Par Four but there is danger up there which driver brings in going for it if you’re not accurate with your drive can be punishing but which one is going to come out on top and that’s the question that I’ve got to answer and I’m

Going to answer for you guys so stick around we’re going to start IRS off te 10 shots one after the other down there and we’ll go play them out okay nice and easy we even took lunch between the intro and this we took lunch okay all right Stephen let’s do

This that’s the first really bad one get out of the bunker a it nearly got out oh I hooked that one that was weird better it okay I think we’ve got two un bunkers and one on the left side let’s see what the score is going going to be okay

Let’s see how many we can hit the green with okay we start from here we’ve got a camera up with the green is hopefully not going to die this time put it straight into water Mr the green R Mr the green R follow the a tree let’s get this on the green ah

That chicken filler all did me in go on be good okay that should be tight Oh short kind of took too much off it the wind’s too heavy to be taken too much off it come on come on yeah there’s another one on the green go B go B go B is that

Going yeah okay I am replacing all my divits just so people know go be go ah what a time to get a message on my phone it worked out okay so goof few put for birdie here I like that this is the third shot so let’s get this one

Close go it no then it’s going to spin okay okay it was actually into the drain here so no wonder if we couldn’t see it ah I knew that was going to happen oh that is that’s in trouble that’s in major major trouble this one’s actually quite close so we’re going to

Do the birdie puts first so we know where we stand that nearly pitched in the hole look at that okay we’re one under two under okay started well this be nice to go Tre under wouldn’t it give me some leeway it’ be nice to go four under

Wouldn’t it four under come on R Tree under there I like that now don’t think so anyway okay so there tree under so far I need to get this up and down for a par oh you need to hit it a lot firmer a lot firmer no okay we are two

Under 200 under after five so this one here this needs to get open down for PR okay it’d be lovely to be under power after these tble we’ve got a few dicey shots coming up I’m going to hit this one while I’m here this is this is for par right

Here better better no that we’re just about to lose a shot there so I need this I need this I want this yeah it’s a good par yeah so after seven we’re one under I don’t like I don’t know how I feel about that is that good is that bad this

Sms okay like I don’t know so seven and there’s one down there okay let’s see if we can get this one up and down it’s pretty good all right we’ve put for power on both of them it’s this one down here is the problem though this was the Wild

One imagine the power on this the power on this would be epic oh no that’s gone a long way come on to see where it ended up it’s all right it’s just here oh no okay that was for power get in double double that puts us at one over okay one

Over hopefully I box these two and we remain one over okay it’s a bogey it’s a bogey it’s two over guys two over two over okay 10 shots off the te with the Arn if you even gone down there tree in the bunker Tree in hard places

Two over not bad will the driver give better or worse results let’s get back to the tea and find out some golf stats people say get closer to the green I’m unsure I think it’s there’s a lot more to take in than that to put it in

Context it’s 244 yards to the front of the green here the wind is heavy into though so it’s more playing like 280 I’d say two like 270 280 around that it’ll be a good hit to get there it does narrow a lot but we are here to try get

In the comments let me know what am I going to shoot with this will the layup come out on top and silence the stats people let me know because this is interesting I I’m interested in know the results okay they’re not as NE and tidy I’m definitely favoring the left side up here

Oh sugar I think that’s gone gone gone come on wind no I can tell you right now the layup is going to win well I don’t know let’s let’s finish this out I obviously want to do well potentially two L balls potentially just my gut is instantly telling me that the

Layup is better it’s a better strategy all 10 balls are spread around definitely a lot more erratic than than lay up your arms does it put me in a better position I don’t think it does I’m a bit all over the shop I’m going to

Have to chip two of these there’s two of these here I’m going to have to chip two of them out okay oo that wasn’t good go bit go bit just you got to help me remember the as fast Ste what a spin on that coming back okay so

This one just hung on by the skin of its teeth go go go do you know what I I’m in two bad I’m in bad positions you know that way at least with the other one I was in the Fairway okay so this one here

Was in the bunker so this is my third shot with this one here do you remember the rest of them oh my goodness stop please stop please stop go go go you meant to run now turn in okay those was for power Steven is for power as well oh slow down

Okay that was for power this one’s for birdie go on turn in okay put that I have for bogey come on okay okay now there’s one in the bunker there so that’s two over so far come on run out I tried to chase it down did all right just bit

Left just rolls The Rock he just rolls The Rock I tell you if I couldn’t put ball number this one five don’t know where a couple of the balls are but that’s look I’m an average golfer and this is the result you get with average golfers terrible terrible terrible I’m in the next

Bunker the wind is so strong isn’t it that’s what it was I wasn’t wearing a glove now shocking absolutely shocking now look at that look at that like it’s actually [Laughter] abysmal that was for power this is for power think the answer is clear at this point

Oh it lips out for par that would have been a good par okay what are we Four six eight8 overs wow now we got to find the a golf BS there’s three golf balls left to find okay this is the eighth ball is it eight yeah uh it did it’s not it’s not far off the green if it was straight like oh branch more than likely bunker

Stephen that was a tough spot now we got to try to find the other two okay we found we’ve definitely lost one golf ball we’re one golf ball down it’s in those bushes over over there I want a birdie yay like birdie that I’m an average golfer most of you watching are

Probably average golfers we have those bad shots in US those Wayward shots and in holes like this take them out of play it’s more enjoyable making better scores than it is hitting a driver I find that anyway if you agree with me you agree with me but [Laughter]

Justa okay if you’re an average golfer like me laying up isn’t a weakness you can shoot better scores and to me better scores are more fun they’re more enjoyable I prefer shooting better scores than hitting one drive on a a green that I think I can make I’ve left myself in better

Positions with RN every time I’ve had better looks at birdies I’ve made more birdies doing it so where the stats right or wrong no they’re not anything they’re just the measure of the people that they’ve measured they’re not you or me or anybody like that but let’s try and get a

Birdie guys if you enjoyed the video do subscribe and as I finish this with my head hanging very low I’ll see you in the next one bye pudding’s on top like isn’t that serious like

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