Golf Players

#767 Kim Mulkey sounds guilty, UH looked ?, Jenny is Mom, and more!

Fun show to start the week. Today we talked:
– Kim Mulkey Solunds Guilty af
– UH/A&M
– How’s Your Bracket?
– Jenny Is Mom
– A comedy road story
+ more!

WATCH live:

This is episode 767 of Barry On Deck, my sports and entertainment show that I stream every on Twitch and YouTube. My stream schedule is Mon-Thu 2-5pm (CST)

Thanks for watching
#BarryOnDeck #sports #sportstalk #nfl #nba #mlb #mma #ufc

A A Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Applause] live from the biffet studi world headquarters in Spring Texas it’s Barry on Deck hosted by former ESPN Houston radio host and standup comedian Barry laminat starring Oliver the cat written by Barry laminat produced by Barry laminat directed by you guessed itry bar lamac featuring Sports entertainment special guests film sessions and some

Drinking okay a lot of drinking viewer discretion is advised and now here’s your host Barry lamon oh what’s up you damn dirty deckheads welcome to Barry on Deck I am your host of Barry Lin thank you guys for being here today is Monday March 25th 2024 and this is episode number

767 bar on Deck welcome to the show Welcome to program hi hello how are you don’t mind me I’m just wearing my fancy white tea no [ __ ] I just didn’t put on a fan t-shirt normally I try to wear something you know kind of this is literally just

A Han SL Fruit of the Loom I don’t know what this is it’s like an undershirt t-shirt I didn’t dress up for the show today okay so sue me I mean I am wearing pants I am wearing pants so that’s a plus I got and my zippers up so

That’s good hey how are you deckheads uh good to see you thanks for being here hope you had a great weekend hope it was um full of fun and sports and stuff and things and I don’t know sex if you’re into that um Chris re said 767 and zero

Times on time and that’s not true and I’m not going to let you get me upset uh I know you’re just trolling and trying to get me angry and I’m just not going to let you do that today so yeah uh it’s a good try and I just refused to let you

Do that so um I’m just I’m it’s a it is played out it is absolutely 100% played out um but you should start a show and see how many times you could do everything I do on a daily basis and start on time good luck with that um

Yeah it is uh Man March Madison full swing what a game last night we’re going to get to that Jared Taylor said no coug shirt ah dude I was so conflicted last night we’ll get to that and we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about the game for

Sure we’re going to get into that don’t forget Jenny’s mom going to join me today at around 3:15 so we’ll get into that we’ll talk cougs Aggies for sure I’ve got thoughts on the game uh plenty of sports to discuss uh no you don’t get to do that

Reyes you uh no you know what that’s the I would rather you just own being a dick or own trying to be snarky snotty trolling guy than to do one of those uh I have a snarky shitty comment to say and be like you know I love you that’s

That’s the worst don’t be that person just I’d rather you just be a dick and then to try to play it off and be like you know I love you don’t do that don’t do that just be a dick and own it just be a dick and own it um you’ve been on

Time at least 10 times don’t mind him thanks Amos uh Alex said koug o that was wild it was a yeah we’re going to get we’re going to trust me we’re going to get deep into that game lot to discuss about that game now look I have not kept

Up with all of the games and all of the brackets I’ve watched maybe three or four games I just don’t give a [ __ ] in general about college basketball I mean I think some of it is fun uh this kid y heartthrob thank you for the sub buddy

Harrop just resubscribed for 25 months I don’t I don’t know why that’s going off that’s not supposed to be a thing hold on that’s not all right twitch that’s too many that’s no that’s the wrong alert you dumb asses hold on those aren’t supposed to all be going off jeez

God geez no geez for the love of God for the love of Pete that’s only s are you back off buddy these are only supposed to be followers right now oh gosh oh my gosh okay uh jeez I think I got it now uh yeah so there’s a couple of different

Cool things going on in the tney uh that we’ll get to um one of them uh gim on Sports brought up the other day um Indiana I forget I’ve got to go find it it popped up on my Twitter feed actually I think I put it on my phone so I’ve got

To send this to myself because this dude yeah right here well I’ve got to I’ve got to email this to myself uh and make a slide for it this man has the what what what what what man has the best nicknames in college basketball right now he

Mentioned one of them uh but oh they’re just so fantastic but hard thr thank you for resubscribing 25 months let’s go baby um so we’re going to get into some bracket or some some college basketball talk definitely talking ufh and A&M I was super conflicted on that I’ve got

Your headlines for the day I do have that and I do want to talk about this Kim Moi article that’s coming out but more specifically I I wanted to get into her her her speech I wanted to get into her press conference that she had um the way that that she handled it

Cuz it I mean it just looked rather sus to me all right it just it looked sus AF and I just so we’ll we’ll discuss that hey h more astr fan thank you for the 100 bits buddy so we’re getting into that um yeah we’ll talk about that what else is on my

Agenda for the day uh Jenny’s Mom oh I uh I should go to my monkey doesn’t play yeah well uh we’ll see I I H uh we’ll see hold on um yeah and I’ve got a comedy Road story for you as well I did a show this past weekend yeah

I agree with you htown dud bad look for her um I did a show this past weekend that I booked um oh wow aan D said I still have the 16 teams left in my bracket wow that’s really good I don’t I don’t Donna said I sure hope

Jenny is on today she’s supposed to be unless something crazy happens uh she’s supposed to be she’s got a cool story that I’m going to ask her about to tell y’all um but I uh I got a comedy Road story for you I played at a

College for the first time of my career I’ve never done comedy at a college for college kids and um this was not your average everyday uh College it was a Christian University so I was asked to work um squeaky clean and then there was a Twist

To that as well so I will share all of that with you and if you know because we’re you follow on Facebook or whatever don’t spoil it okay don’t don’t start throwing it in the chat just leave it be don’t ruin it and uh I will tell the

Whole story in a bit okay it’s pretty wild it’s a wild ride and um yeah it was something I wasn’t expecting to have to do this weekend but uh it ended up crazier than I thought it would ever be so we’ll go over your brackets or the

Bracket we’ll talk uh cougs EGS Kim Mony comedy Road story those always take a while Jenny’s mom going to join us may talk a little Rockets uh um all kinds of stuff all kinds of of fun Shenanigans and so on and so forth if you’re joining

Us on YouTube thanks for being here uh YouTube drug tester is he talking about oh you Mike no I’m not talking about oh you Mike um no no I was not that was not who I was referencing I was referencing Mr one% Christopher Reyes he likes to he likes to he

Some people just like to do that and and I’m getting better about not letting people get a rise out of me I’m a work in progress on that usually like with trolls and people trolling me I just I come unhinged and lose it like that right and I’m getting better at controlling

It so like you know two months ago had Reyes post about me being late I would have snapped and just got on a TI raade for 10 minutes and freaked out and I would have turned beat red and started screaming oh Reyes stop playing the victim Jesus

Christ and this is the other thing he’ll talk [ __ ] he’ll start [ __ ] and then he’ll be the victim oh I get so much [ __ ] oh please you start [ __ ] and then you play the victim stop it you don’t get to do that you’re the one that that started

It poor grayes starts all the [ __ ] and then he gets uh um hey what’s up John Dory good to see you buddy but uh I even online like I’m so much better about all of the the trolls and like one guy I had a a joke that I did that I

Posted about shanon sharp showing up at a total wide event he was it was anyways this guy was like you’re too old and too white to be doing this joke and I wanted to be like [ __ ] you don’t know a goddamn thing like and I

Just wanted to go off and I had typed up this long dissertation I went to his Instagram account and I had found all these things where like he had gone to a Star Wars convention like three on three separate occasions one of them he was at like Disneyland at a Star Wars thing

He’s in the millennial Falcon Millennium I don’t know whatever the hell it’s called I call the dude Bubba Fett what the hell do I know I wanted to be like I found one of them he’s got like he’s at the beach and he ain’t got nothing he’s

Got [ __ ] titties I want oh bro I had like a whole list with references I’mma be like first of all you have [ __ ] titties second of all you a grown ass man that went to Disneyland and then went to a Star Wars convention and your girlfriend’s ugly and you hang out with

Your mom more than you hang out with your friends like I was oh my God and I I did and then I just was like nope and all I said was thanks for watching I just I was so proud of me and you know what’s motivating me to

Do that more I [ __ ] you not is the most amazing thing right so I posted a video on uh cuz I did this last week or the week before Alec thank you for sub buddy good to see you Fam thank you for resubscribing Alec Alex said Prime sub was taking

Forever uh so I subbed up to my goat yo I hope you had a blessed weekend you too fammo thank you for resubscribing um seven months now I don’t know what’s up with the prime Subs man I really don’t I wish I could help you with that I they’re weird about that

Dude but I certainly do appreciate you taking the time to invest in the show and and uh being here and I appreciate you man and I’m still waiting you let me know uh and I’ll do the interview with you if uh you know the schedules line up

You just let me know man uh I am down for that always down for that just let a brother know um the hell is this okay um uh Donna said yes my Prime sub is gone I don’t maybe they took it away I don’t know uh let’s see see

Twitch Prime sub is gone let’s see twitch Prime sub option gone why can’t I see my Prime sub there could be several reasons Prime sub is not appearing such as an inactive Prime Membership improper subscription selection or browser related issues how to fix and solve twitch Prime sub not

Showing up H I’ll paste this in the chat maybe we try that uh I don’t know if this link will work but sarer exam I don’t know what that website is if it sucks I’m sorry but that’s the first thing that popped up oh that looks weird yeah don’t go to that

Don’t go to that don’t go to that delete that don’t go to that website I’m G delete this post myself how do I delete this how do I delete my own message time myself out for that that looks like a weird website block don’t go to that website

Uh but yeah I’ll try to find something that’s weird Jeff Bell said it’s still there I just did it okay okay okay I get it I get it okay um yeah that’s crazy um so yeah I don’t know anyways yeah I’m trying to be more

I went uh so that I posted a video on Tik Tok it was I don’t know it was one of about whatever it was the one about that big chick that uh is suing um Tyreek Hill she says she embarrassed him doing football drills and then and I posted it and this

Guy put hey uh you need to get your humor up instead of me saying talking [ __ ] which I wanted to do I just put thanks for watching that’s all I put thanks for watching and one guy came in and put I don’t know I laughed at

It and so I responded to him I was like hey did we just become best friends and he was like well I think you just got you a new follower and I was like hell yeah shake and bake and then another guy came in after I put thanks for watching

And he goes W reply my man and I was like what and he was basically sorry I’m G need a minute he was he was basically he was basically complimenting me for taking the high road I never taken the high road before Oh my God is this what it’s like to be an

Adult oh god oh God I never been an adult before oh [ __ ] it felt so good to be an adult oh God yeah this dude was like Hey W comment my man I was like oh [ __ ] okay so being an adult an adult is actually a good

Thing yeah I know Clarence go to see what happens when you stop going down I know it’s amazing so yeah I got to I’m just trying to get back better at it oh Mom Mom Jenny’s mom said high road is good let’s calm down okay I still like

To get down to slang a little mud hey what’s up Cole Cole said yo Notre Dame women’s game is live okay I mean I’m sure that’s uh you know I’m sure that has some advantages I don’t know that Dame’s up 5540 I don’t know that I don’t know if I

Don’t get into men’s college basketball all that much I got to be honest with you I certainly can’t really get into watching the women’s I can’t I just can’t uh Nast n said I clicked your link now I get uh little person porn no that’s not shut up no you don’t no you

Don’t no you don’t harop says so that’s what it’s like to not get booed for doing the right thing right it’s weird it’s so weird YouTube drug testers sounds like Barry has completed step one of the 12-step program of becoming an adult right it’s crazy hey what’s up

Drake good to see you buddy Doctor Is In how about them Longhorns Haters Gonna Hate and you know what the worst thing about the long horns losing is losing to Rick Barnes C oh God that’s got to Sting the most either that or if they would have lost

To Marquette and Shaka smart that just those two that’s that’s just yo that’s got to hurt that’s got to hurt CU I saw somebody saying like man what’s the how is it that shakas smart was unable to get anything going any momentum in Texas and yet here he is in in

Marquette um and just rolling along so uh anyways got a fun show for you let’s get to some sports headlines and get this show a rolling like I said we got Jenny’s mom joining like she always does um on her weekly visit on Mondays I have

A comedy Road story for you about me driving all the way up to abalene to do a show at a college uh a Christian college and it just gets crazier and crazier and if you know the details from my Facebook don’t spoil it uh we’re going to talk college

Basketball we’re going to talk Kim Moy we’re going to talk all kind of craziness we’re going to have a fantastic time it’s going to be a super fun show stick around but in the meantime let’s get to your sport Headlines by the way I almost didn’t do

A show today I almost took off Nora uh under the weather not feeling well uh stayed home has a fever and you know a lot of times when she’s homesick I use that as a I’ll play hookie too h and um yeah I’ll I’ll cheat and stay home but did

Not do it today damn it I got something in my eye y’all sorry I didn’t do it today because there’s not going to be a show Thursday so um I was like well I can’t take off today and then take off again Thursday I just can’t do that that’s

That’s missing too many days in a row can’t do that uh Thursday I will be filming uh TV show for the night cap so um yeah I will be off it was supposed to film tomorrow but instead I’ll be filming on Thursday so yeah it’ll be off uh I’ll be

Off on Thursday so we’ll have a show today tomorrow Wednesday and Wednesday will be last Wednesday of the month so we’ll have a Trey on deck on Barry on deck on the patio type of show and um yeah and then Thursday no no show Friday

No show of course um so and then uh don’t forget hey CeCe CCE said I hate it here I never get a full week we had a full week last oh well we we kind of had a full week last week because well I mean we had the Fred

Fow show but that was kind of a full week we had a full week the week before I mean we sometimes we’ve had a few I mean look there’s some of them is not my fault CeCe don’t blame me for lights and internet and crashed computers but it

Does seem like lately it’s just my gosh one week after another it’s always something different I was telling I was talking to AJ Hoffman I was uh texting him I forget um I know I love you sh said half ass I mean I got things going on and sometimes I can’t you know

It’s got to it goes on during the day you know sometimes it’s C you are fantastic sometimes it’s during the day and you you know it’s doctor related or whatever um but at least I didn’t not do a show today that would have been only two shows this

Week what’s up shock good to see you buddy um Friday is just off days Friday is uh supposed to be admin days to get stuff done you know stuff get get get videos cut and whatnot uh what was I going to say I forget now [ __ ] I forget I don’t

Even know all right this sports headlines NFL owners have approved a ban on the swivel hip drop tackling technique there’s a whole ass name for this and I’m going to read you this article because I think that just makes it easier than trying to explain I could

Demonstrate it I could go get one of the cats and just kind of run you through what it looks like I think that would probably be good I could get out in the yard get my camera and demonstrate do some tackle drill demonstrations uh on the cat maybe I’ll

Do that that might be better actually um why is this doing this go go away weirdo website uh says owners have approved a rule proposal to ban the swivel hip drop tackle and this caus this has led to a lot of ankle and foot issues uh violation will result in a 15 yard

Penalty NL exe Executive Vice President of football operations strongly implied last week that it is likely to be enforced similar to the use of helmet rule which typically leads to warning letters and fines in the week after a game rather than Flags during play so basically what it is is you’ll see like

Somebody’s running and they’ll grab the hips and they’ll kind of throw themselves around the body of the player drag them down but they end up landing on their feet or their ankles and it’s led to a lot of of uh uh lot of injuries uh season ending injuries on running

Backs and everybody receivers quarter guys running with the ball so um they’re trying to ban that tackle and I I don’t have a problem with it it’s it’s all about player safety and not getting guys injured with certain tackles and that’s fine it’s become it the last couple of

Years it kind of has become an epidemic so players were going or were doing this to avoid having to lead with their helmet uh not necessarily I think the lead with the helmet thing was really more about remember back in the day they used to call it spearing where you’d have like Ronnie

Lot type stuff where you’d have a receiver coming over the middle and he would just launch himself and just use the crown of the helmet that type of thing so I think that was more the spirit of leading with the helmet uh in addition though to this swivel hip drop

Which really just sounds like a a dance that um uh uh uh Shakira would do it does I mean you know it’s like oh did you see that new you heard the new Shakira song I Don’t Know But the dance she does to it the swivel hip drop oh man she’s

Flexible uh two other proposals were approved along with the swivel hip drop tackling technique teams will receive a third challenge after one successful challenge previously teams had to be successful on two challenges to receive a third The Proposal was submitted by the Lions and the other one was if there is a double

Foul during a down in which there is a change or changes of possession including if one of the fouls is a postp possession foul by a team during a scrimmage kick the team last getting possession will keep the ball after enforcement for its foul provided it did not foul before last gaining possession

What oh oh I get it yeah so no problem if there’s a double foul during a down in which there’s a change or changes of possession including if one of the fouls is a post possession fouled by a team during a scrimmage kick the team last gaining possession will keep the ball

After enforcement for its foul provided it did not foul before last gaining possession okay okay okay whatever Z swivel hip drop thing uh said League played a video during a news conference to show six specific plays in which the hip drop tackle was used in games with tight end

Drew sample running back Tony Pard uh receiver Tyler Boyd quarterback Gino Smith and quarterback Ryan tanah Hill all being on the receiving end of the now illegal hit um it’s a new rule so they’ll have uh so they’ll not have seen it this is never practice Nobody Does

This in practice so yeah they’re just going to have to get used to it we’ll see DJ reader said the rules these rules are getting uh crazy out here two-and tag better uh uh two-and tag better fits the game it’s about to there’s about to

Be a lot of M tackles Darius slay said and then Javon Holland said breaking news tackling has been banned I mean all right I guess some of the players don’t like it oh well guess what stop injuring people okay uh Dion Sanders has said that shadur Sanders and Travis Hunter will

Control their Destiny when it comes to the NFL draft in 2025 in other words um he says that they will have a say Steph other guy wants Jenny and Paul to do a hip tackle uh demonstration listen um I think that’s a terrible idea stepen the weather guy Jenny and

Paul if a hip tackle demonstration from those two will just lead to nothing but hip injuries it’s no thanks no thanks no thanks um Cisco said Stephen you’re into some kinky [ __ ] yeah exactly gosh that that would be just awful anyways Deion Sanders shadur and Travis are control

Their fate basically what he’s saying is they’re they’re going to control basically what cities and what teams they play for they’re not going to scrub towns you know what I’m saying if if a bad organization or a team that they don’t want to play for tries to draft them

They’re going to refuse to go there so I don’t know how necessarily I guess you hold out you don’t play you don’t sign whatever but that’s just what they’re saying um in fact this was the quote from Dion which this is yeah that’s Amos said this is Eli and that’s what’s going

To be interesting to see Amos and you know what it’s going to happen is there’s going to be some people that are going to be like oh well look at Dion this is typical Dion Mr flashy oh I got to control where these guys go hey look

Elway did it Eli did it let’s not act like this is Dion being flashy Dion all right this has been done before this is not new territory it just doesn’t happen all the time but it has been done before um but the article says Colorado coach uh said his son shador and two-way

Star Travis Hunter will decide where they go in the 2025 draft and not the other way around quote I know where I want them to go Sanders told the million dollars worth of game podcast Jesus there’s just every there’s so many podcasts I’m doing the wrong

Thing I’m sick of doing this I need to come up with something new everybody has a damn podcast everybody has a damn show what’s the new thing what is something no one else is doing and let’s go do that I’m tired of doing this y’all know me I hate doing

What everyone else is doing let’s go do something else what is what is it that everybody else else is not doing I’ve never thought of this as a podcast but I guess it is because at first podcast was just audio and I was you know we were live streaming we’ve

Been live streaming and live streaming a Sports Talk Show and now everybody’s got one and okay now what what’s the next ringy dingy I know I got it I got it this is genius this is genius Cisco said live shows from a Vineyard that’s not bad I actually have thought about the

Barion deck on the patio where I smoke cigars and drink I’ve actually thought about trying to partner up with a cigar lounge somewhere around here and doing them there once a month I feel like that might not be a bad idea is you know trying to yeah do it do it like

That uh flips at virtual reality show that’s not bad am said MDW of game is a huge podcast uh million dollars worth of game who is that million dollars worth of game is a huge podcast oh it’s Bar store of course of course um it’s got 1.52 million

Subscribers you call that big ha get on my level you’re looking at a guy that’s got over 4,000 subscribers 1.52 million okay oh okay oh okay 1.52 million yeah yeah call me when you get to 4,000 losers um yeah I don’t even know who’s on

It uh what is this uh I don’t even know what is what is it million dollars worth of game let me go to their Instagram and see who it is weekly podcast with Gilly the king and wallow 267 I just see I don’t know I don’t know

Who those cats are I’m an old white dude King Gilly Jesus he’s got 3.6 million followers on IG that’s a lot that is a lot these cats are just doing it up big they got a lot of followers I’ll tell you that they’re doing something right and I am not

Um basically what he said is I know where I want them to go Dion said so it’s certain cities that ain’t going to happen it’s going to be an Eli Eli is a reference to two-time Super Bowl winning uh quarterback Eli Manning who was selected the first overall pick in 2004

By the Chargers for whom he said he wouldn’t play 1 hour later San Diego traded Manning to the Giants and the rest is history uh there were certain cities that fit for me Dion said about being drafted by the Falcons Atlanta fit I want that for my kids all of them I want

The right fit Atlanta was the first time I saw black people in positions of authority it blew my mind it was real in Atlanta I had never seen anything like that in my life I mean look you know what’s crazy is think about this in sports it’s kind of the before you

Become a free agent when you get drafted it’s kind of the one the one of the only jobs you don’t get to pick where you work until you become a free agent unless you go the Eli route but then everybody wants to be like oh they’re

Primadana well I mean you get to pick what city you work in and where you work why can’t they so all right now back to the real deal here back to the real deal what are we going to do how are we going to change this show up let’s let’s get

To that I’ve got ideas okay I’ve got ideas here um let’s See bully oh Dion picked Atlanta yeah live show from a Vineyard yeah I thought about doing it from a um uh uh cigar shop let’s see uh wallow and Gilly are dope oh see so Sean knows who wallow and Gilly are I don’t damn show idea sounds better by the moment

Thanks male only fans I have no idea what that means um virtual reality show is a pretty cool idea but no here was my thought okay here’s my million dooll idea here’s my million dooll idea okay now first I thought wouldn’t it be great if I could sell this

Show to somebody like bar stool or and I saw somebody say get on with johnboy media I’ve talked so much [ __ ] about johnboy media I don’t think I could and also I just kind of hate them so much at this point but I’ve been on the lookout

For like man I you know I would love to get on with a podcast Network and be a part of that cuz they bring stuff to the table but I got to get my numbers up too I just don’t have good numbers I I you know and I’m not

Saying I’m I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth I really appreciate the numbers that I do have when we do this show live it’s way better than a lot of shows on Twitch as far as a live sports podcast does but still need to get better and we’re

Not it’s been the same since it started well actually it’s gotten worse since it started but we really haven’t grown in four years so I got to I got to figure out the growth thing you might have seen I’ve been posting a lot more videos still trying to do that

Um but yeah that would be ideal is to get on with one of those but here’s my brilliant idea instead of doing a live show like on video or stream instead of doing an audio podcast what if no jerd I’m not doing Barry on a mower Dada keeps pitching that I’m not doing

It hey what up Eric rendes um someone said stool yeah bar stool yeah um stream to the metaverse oh it’s really not a bad idea so I tried uh going live on Twitter that was putrid back on YouTube seems to be doing a little better I mean we’ve got six whole people

Um but yeah we we’ll eventually get there but here so here’s my idea instead of streaming video live and then having video on YouTube or whatever instead of uploading audio podcast what if now listen you guys don’t go don’t go posting this everywhere okay this is just between us this is my

Idea and I don’t want this getting leaked out to everybody until I have a chance to implement it okay this is just a preliminary idea but I was thinking blazing a trail here something new something different a new way to get this show to the masses you guys

Know I like to do a a visual show I like to have uh I don’t just want people to listen I want them to watch I want them to see the show I want them to experience a visual version of Barry on Deck so what if instead of doing a

Podcast we release the show every day on vinyl and view Master now you’ll have to have the little red thing but every day I will ship I will overnight a vinyl pressing I will overnight you a record and one of those white discs and then what you’ll do is you’ll put the

Record on your record player and you’ll you’ll put the needle on and then you’ll put the the the white disc into the viewfinder and then as the music starts you start turning that some [ __ ] and it’s like a whole interactive experience and then you just got slides and then you’re just

Yeah I’m telling you man blazing Trails over here new [ __ ] see this is this is this is how you this this is this is the kind you know what I mean these are the kind of ideas I’ve become known for as an innovator in the world of media new [ __ ]

Innovator what why are y’all saying drug test time have you been drinking guys what are you talking about first of all first of all everyone gets to control at their own Leisure how they consume the show fantastic idea you guys don’t know [ __ ] okay you don’t know [ __ ] I’m

Telling you this is the new this is the future of podcasting it’s called view casting okay uh um Gilly is a rapper from the 90s oh really H yeah Barry they are willing to go there and do stuff I don’t know what that even means I don’t even know what

That means Gilly was a rapper what did he rap about I don’t even know and I knew I knew a lot of rappers from the ’90s I mean I didn’t know but I know who they were you can’t smoke cigars every day your face already looks like an old catcher mitt wow Nate

Wow Nate you raggedy [ __ ] golly um you may be shadowbanned and don’t know it I don’t know bro I don’t think I’m shadowbanned I mean I probably am shadowbanned a little bit on YouTube I mean my my when I post shorts they do pretty well I don’t think I’m Shadow

Bann I just I don’t know man H part of it’s my fault I mean but the the lack of growth part of it is my fault I just yeah it’s partly my fault uh Crown Royal left the office yeah that’s nice hey what’s up uh Christian uh good to see

You buddy Christian said [ __ ] bar stool also what’s the worst that could happen with Barry on a mower that’s just that’s not my brand I mean like yeah Barry on a mower if was trying to start a whole Channel about mowing then yes but lawn talk is a

Segment not the niche that I’m trying to be in Clarence I do even want to do the show anymore I mean that’s a really good question Clarance I love doing the show am I getting burned out a little I don’t think I would be so burned out if I was

Growing if I was actually um seeing significant progress if I felt like this was turning into something that was bearing fruit if I didn’t feel like it was just running in place and if I felt like there was light at the end of the tunnel in in a

Manner in which it was like oh this is going to be something huge one day this is going to be the next million dooll thingy or whatever yeah this is going to be yeah but I just don’t have that feeling and I think uh sometimes yes it

It’s it’s defeating to yeah yeah so I wouldn’t say burned out I mean yeah I’m I’m getting burned out uh but also I think it’s it’s partly like well where is this going what are we doing uh um Chris Gary said a show on vinyl would be fun yeah that would be weird

Um Amos said Morris code I could fax you guys the show there that’s not a bad idea it’s not a bad idea not a bad idea at all have you thought about maybe streaming at night again that maybe most people can watch and not be at work you

Know what I don’t I mean Eric I don’t really know what the answer is bro I really don’t there are people there are people live streaming right now there are people listening right now you know what I mean like there are people that are watching stuff and consuming Sports and I don’t

Know I mean there are people that listen to a podcast and watch these shows and stuff like that I just I I don’t know man I don’t know what the answer is I really don’t know ah I have no idea Barry cotton Norris flu nice um

Yeah I don’t know I don’t know what the answer is I don’t know what the answer to this I don’t know if this is yeah I don’t know I don’t know um how many overnights you going to ship what am I missing oh was just me being silly can

You do VHS instead of vinyl um uh maybe that’s that maybe that’s the play John dorier instead of view Masters we just start shipping this hoe on VHS and betas Stephen what is happening here oh scratch and sniff Allan bro well done I know guys that are releasing their comedy specials on vinyl

And it’s pretty dope Cisco said hear me out record it transfer that to Magnetic Tape Magnetic Tape put it in these hard plastic cases invent something that can read the mag magnetic tape patent that and make people have to buy the machine too wow oh I like

It uh U I’m telling you need to promote your conversations with Jen I mean I need to promote a lot of [ __ ] [Laughter] um yeah uh I would watch a lawn show for real yeah I just that’s not what I wanted do honestly I don’t want to do a

Lawn show I like the idea of releasing once weekly podcast of Barry chopping it up with different guests I would love to do more interviews I just yeah I don’t know CLA said all jokes aside being stagnant is very much a thing after three years I

Understand how far would you go if bar stool type bought your show at a co-host a group I don’t know I mean I you know it just depends on what they want I don’t know that I would sell out you know what I mean I don’t know that I would sell out

Um if they wanted to you know it just depends it depends on what the ask was it depends on what they want wanted me to do you know what I mean I’m open to format changes and stuff like that for sure if they if that’s what

Was they were like hey this is what we’re thinking let’s focus focus more on uh baseball or we want to make it less this or more that or whatever I’d be I’d be open to that kind of stuff as long as and this is this is I would have to

Be e interested or passionate about it because I think to try to force yourself to talk about stuff that you don’t give a [ __ ] about on a daily basis it wouldn’t work I would just be like nah I don’t want to do that I’d be

Checked out if I’m just doing it for the money it won’t last you know what I mean I just wouldn’t be into it it’d be like trying to do a lawn show I mean I do the lawn talk thing and that was a bit as much as it was anything

But yeah I mean that’s like when Randy lemon rest in peace to Randy lemon when he was saying he wanted me to take over when he retired it was like yeah that’s cool and I thought about it but I would have been I don’t know that I would have

Wanted to do that the rest of my career in radio I don’t know um flip said sell more merch yeah but you you know you have to have a growing Community I think to sell merch I think you know if your community isn’t growing

If you have the same kind of Base I mean I’ll put it this way I feel like that everybody here was kind of merched out like okay we can only buy so much [ __ ] uh Jared said maybe twitch is great for Community stability but not for growth I’ll be honest I don’t really

Ever go and watch other shows we’ve rated I only watch Twitch for this show I appreciate that Jared yeah and which is partly why I’m starting to stream back on YouTube um because of the you know the fact that they’re not being uh telling this that we can’t do it anymore and

Then the next step would be hopefully to get well and again I don’t know what’s going to happen Happ on Tik Tok and [ __ ] I don’t know maybe try some Facebook but I really don’t know I mean I I don’t know guys I have no and I didn’t I don’t

Know how we got on this this was not intended to end up being a I don’t know what the hell how to grow this show thing that’s not what this was supposed to be how do we get down how do we get on this how do we get on this I don’t

Know how do we get here who’s who’s fault is this it was certainly wasn’t mine I didn’t bring this [ __ ] up wasn’t my fault uh truth social stream make flyers pass out at sports bars that’s not a bad idea I ever thought about reaching out to local

Comedians and let them come on to promote their local shows h no CLA said I love you Barry but it’s time to ask yourself the hard question what do you want to do and what remaining timeline are you giving yourself before you hang it up on

This I like how Clarence is trying to be my counselor or my uh what’s it called my therapist on this Clarence are you are you offering me free therapy that’s great yeah um Ste said same Jared only other channel watch uh with regularities us in

Okay okay I know I feel like Clarence is trying to get me to quit like he’s trying he wants me to stop doing this show he’s trying to talk me into quitting like that’s what it feels like y’all getting that Vibe I’m getting that Vibe I’m very much getting that Vibe

Like he’s like you should really think about quitting um Clarence sounds like he’s about to quit his job it does it sounds something like that yeah uh I think MDW ofg licensed their show to bar stol for like 10 million a year that wouldn’t surprise

Me we lost a lot of followers because of politics Reyes said I mean yeah I get that too um we lost a lot of followers for a lot of reasons he’s only saying what we are thinking is that true CCE Clarence old deck coming soon is that true CC

Um if that’s what he’s doing then [ __ ] him oh love you ajb um yeah I mean look that’s the thing Claire’s like Barry not streaming anymore uh come see my twitch yeah I mean that’s the look y’all I don’t want y’all to be showing up here out of

Like oh c said yeah I think so I’m honestly worried I need this show in my life oh like y all think I’m close to quitting Oh I thought you were like you were with him like trying to convince me to quit I got you CeCe I was like what um I

Don’t know I don’t know I don’t know Clarence wants to buy your sign boss on neck bod that’s funny I don’t know I I mean look I I love I love you guys I love this community I love what we’ve built I love doing

This I love the show I love I I’m I’m being 100 1 million per transparent I love everything about this except two things doing it by myself and and uh the level of income that’s the tough parts now granted there’s a lot of the stuff that I’m not good at or maybe I

Don’t do well or you know like the marketing and the social media and knowing how to grow a podcast and doing it the right way and maybe I need to hire a marketing person or maybe I need to figure that out and we’ve all got

Ideas and do you do it local do you grow in National how do you do that what do you do do you do you think local do you try to be you know a Houston based podcast do you try to be a national based podcast what’s the advantages of

One Versus the other what do you you know is it easier to get a local sponsorship versus a national sponsorship is it this that I just I truly don’t know I truly don’t know I mean let’s be honest this show was just started on a whim I was laid off from

ESPN on a Wednesday this show started the following Monday it ain’t like I sat down over A month’s and planned out and and developed a business plan and and models and and did financials and growth strategies and came up with a marketing plan and this was just all done out of

Desperation and encouragement from you guys and a lot of people showed up and a lot of people you know have invested a lot of time and money and energy a outside of just myself into this show so yeah I don’t know I don’t know I don’t [ __ ]

Know I just wake up every day and I just do this show I don’t know guys I don’t know what I need I need somebody to come along that’s a goddamn Guru that knows what they’re doing and save me and this show and put us on a path to success all I know

Is all I know if I’m being dead ass 1,000 million per honest all I know we’re coming up on four years in May all I know is that for four years everyone has been telling me hang in there you’re you’re so good at this it’s going to happen it’s going to

Pop you’re the you’re one of the best at doing it you’re you’re it’s a like you’re it’s topnotch the graphics of the way you do it it’s funny it’s entertaining it’s it’s going to happen it’s it’s by far one of the best on the I mean people that do this they’re so

Complimentary oh you got to keep doing it it’s h that’s all I hear about is how great it is and to hang in there and stay with it and it just doesn’t seem to be happening so and I’m partially to blame for that but I again you know I don’t

Know what to do or how to do it other than just post [ __ ] on social media but that’s not really happening I can you know what I mean like yeah I don’t know I don’t know how to grow this I’m not a podcast marketing expert I don’t know what I’m doing I’m

Good at I’m good at putting one of these in my face and talking and being funny and entertaining and giving you Sports takes that’s what I’m good at I’m not good at this other [ __ ] that’s now my forte I try to be I try to teach myself I try to learn but

Yeah I’m not that’s not M that’s not what I’m good at so I need some I need an expert to come along help me with that [ __ ] so um oh uh I’m selfish I ain’t trying to imagine the end but I know you don’t get

Out what you put in my and friends know not to [ __ ] with me Monday through Thursday 2 to 5 have you consider doing a podcast that’s not live but a daily 1 to two hour show with shock uh shock’s got his own thing man me and shock were just talking the other

Day that it sucks we can’t get something to going but I mean we’ve tried we’ve tried to do shows I’ve tried to do a show with shock I tried to do a show with shock John and me this is I mean those guys have their own challenges you

Know what I mean and look man I tell people all the time if you’re going to do a podcast or a show or a live stream I I want you guys to really think about this for a second and again I don’t know how we got on this but I

Want you to think about and I’m not saying this in a derogatory way I’m not saying because everybody has their own life and their own path and their own struggles and their own things that and their own challenges and hurdles and but think about how many people how many

Shows how many live stream shows like this how many podcasts how many think about how many of those have come been gone since this one started think about that just didn’t just I mean hell I know for me um in in collaboration just food of Ages Sports

Riot I we’ve seen Josh and Kyle king um I mean this ain’t an easy thing to do and I tell people that all the time if you’re not willing to stick it out and really grind it out for years you probably shouldn’t do it because so many people start this and

Think oh I’m just going to start a podcast and I’ll be famous and it’ll take off and that’s just not the that’s just not how this works it takes an exorbitant amount of time and effort and [ __ ] and like yeah you can’t do this and a lot of people oh yeah well I’ll

Give it six months you will and these are cats that are doing it once a week once a week so yeah I I couldn’t I mean I like that we had the same comment you’re not a shower uh you’re a shower not a grower uh from Stephen on Twitch and

Then over on YouTube Rudy Rod said you’re not a grower you’re a shower look at that we got a thank going on here look at that um jet said my plan has a flaw the co-host wouldn’t get paid when Josh did Josh in the who rotating co-host kept it fun and

Fresh yeah that’s the other problem is you’re the one thing about all this stuff like bringing in people and all this all that requires money and Trust me I’ve I’ve I’d love nothing more than to do a bunch of these things but you have to have I mean you have to have

Revenue you know what I’m saying you have to have Revenue you have to have sponsors you have to have all that [ __ ] so right ajb let’s get back to that come on let’s get back to these sports headlines we got Jen’s mom here I don’t

Know how we got on this I just want y’all to know I don’t know man I’m just riding this out I’m coming up on four years uh um in May so that’s that’s that’s all I know that’s it uh the Bears GM said he tried to help Justin

Fields uh with by trading him to the Steelers which I found to be quite interesting actually he said I was a little bit surprised but as you do research and and we have conversations you have to kind of adjust to the market he basically what he was saying was he was surprised

No one was really interested in Justin fields and I’m like how why are you surprised no one was interested in Justin fields did you watch Justin Fields everyone that I know that watched Justin Fields wasn’t interested in Justin Fields you weren’t interested in Justin Fields cuz you were trying to get rid of Justin Fields if you didn’t want Justin fields and you were trying to trade Justin fields to get picks why did you think

Someone else would be interested in Justin fields that makes no sense to me they’re like all right we got this guy and we know he’s not the guy he’s not good we want to move on from him we’re going to go out and and try a new experiment at quarterback because this

One is failed miserably so we want to move on so hey anybody want to take our our our scraps anybody want to take our hello anybody anybody want our trash I don’t get it guys I don’t I don’t get it nobody wants our trash that’s so

Weird I don’t get it I was a little surprised what are you talking about why are you surprised it’s different if you cut a a guy who’s at his Peak for like salary reasons right salary cap reasons or you cut a guy for locker room issues or you know

Character flaws or whatever that’s different but what we’ve seen from Justin fields on the field I mean it left a lot to be desired and you can point to some of his production running the ball or whatnot but the fact of the matter is he was

Just he was never going to be more than what you saw which was dangerous at times running the ball and occasionally could find a guy but he was never going to be a guy that you felt like could be a leader of a team

So I just that that baffles me um so but what I love is that they felt like they did him a favor by sending him to Pittsburgh now I will say this with Russ also being in a kind of a pro it situation as bad as things got in Denver maybe they

Did you know instead of sending him someplace where the quarterback position is so stable there’s just no way he’s ever going to sniff the field right like sending him to Cincinnati or sending him to Kansas City oh that had been a death nail in his career he’ have never sniffed the

Field but sending him to Pittsburgh to back up Russ I mean maybe they did do him a favor cuz you know Crazy Russ hell Russ might [ __ ] the bed out there too and Fields might actually get an opportunity so maybe they were right on that uh Mike

McDaniel says that the Dolphins have an offer out to Odell Beckham Jr um which I find interesting that you know a team known for offense and loaded with offenses out there pursuing offense cool might want to consider some defense Dolphins uh but they talked about meeting with them things went great that

Was a quote from Mike McDaniel we did make him an offer and business takes time especially with a player such as Odell who’s had a phenomenal career still has really good football in front of him and has options so I think those conversations will be ongoing we’ll see

Where they go so there you go I mean that that’d be a hell of a wide receiver room says dolphins are looking to sign a number three beside behind Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Wadd you could do worse um Beckham’s 31 so let me see uh let me pull up his stats let’s see

Here chome resize let me show you we’ll look at what he did this was here’s his stats last season in Baltimore 14 games 35 receptions he was targeted 64 times 5 oh you can barely see that huh there you go now we’re cooking with grease uh yeah 35

Receptions 64 targets 500 165 yards by far the most Productions he’s production he’s had since 2019 um hasn’t had a, yards since then either had three touchdowns a of 51 um yeah not as you know I mean look he’s not what he was he’s never going to be

What he was when he was back with New York that’s just those days that ship is sailed he’s 31 so what you going to do um what is this what is this oh oh yeah somebody asked about my drink uh that’s new what are you drinking oh

Yeah um I’m drinking these Cascade ice from HB so I am drinking the cherry limeade Cascade ice from HB I drink these they are uh zero calories uh no sugar no carbs no nothing I just I’m not a water guy I got to have a little bit of

Flavor so that’s what I’m drinking yeah um and then Sean ha stuff said the black raspberry Cascade is good I haven’t tried that I I dig the cherry limeade they’re not bad they sell them at HB pretty good no alcohol in it it’s just zero calorie flavored sparkling water

And it’s actually pretty good cuz I’m not a sparkling water kind of guy all right listen I’ve got Jenny’s mom hanging out in the Green Room um she’s there and our Green Room on Barry on Deck is crazy we always have rock stars and celebrities hanging out

In there they never they never come on the show necessarily but the green room with Barry on Deck has become a place for everybody to hang out now I will say it gets a little Rowdy in there sometimes some excessive drug use yeah a lot of

Alcohol yeah and it gets wild in there so I got to go check cuz y’all know Jenny she might be smoking a little reefer uh you never know probably not I mean you know she’s that way um but yeah she’s hanging out in the green room but

I I’ve had two of these along with two coffees so uh I have to pee so before we get to Jenny’s mom y’all are just have to let your boy pee okay that’s just how it’s going to have to go she’s probably like well [ __ ] I’ve been

On hold this whole damn time well I don’t know what to tell you okay uh it’s either that or just piss my pants on the show and that hasn’t happened in four years and I don’t plan on it happening now so let’s take a quick break all right we’re going

To take a very fast break and then coming up on the show uh a segment that I has become a fan favorite on this show Jenny’s mom my mother Jenny going to join me as she does almost every single weekend or every single Monday I should

Say uh right here and Hell we’ll talk I know I’ve got a story that I want her to share with you guys that she was telling me about this weekend uh and I’m sure that maybe a basketball game will come up but you guys don’t care about our

Sports takes uh but we’ll do all that and more and maybe I’ll find out what what elicit drugs she was doing in the green room we’re going to get to that and much more we got to talk about Kim monkey we got to talk all things Sports

And I still have a comedy Road story to share with you guys you do not want to miss it uh it was pretty wild weekend for your boy so all that and more right after this I’m going to pee you’re going to hang around and we’re going to finish

Up this godforsaken show right after this it’s Barry on Deck I’m your host B Linex stick around everybody I got your [ __ ] b now the goddamn Corner doing dop now the godamn corner doing dop B sit down the godamn corner doing corner corner doing do they are to be shame sit

Down the godamn corner doing dop godamn cornn right [ __ ] look at here there you go they’re out here sharing marijuana look at here there you go the same old nasty ass people from last week doing doing do Godamn the goddamn cor doing the godamn cor doing the goddamn Coram godamn right godamn right godamn right doing doing doing doing doing godamn godamn Cornn look at here there you go they’re out here sharing marijuana look here there you go the same old nasty ass people from last Week godamn doam now the goddamn Corner doing now the goddamn Corner doing the goddamn Corner Doing right godamn godamn Godamn do do do godamn Coram corn Cor right bit look at here there you go they’re out here sharing marijuana look at here there you go the same old nasty ass people from last Week godamn Godamn He Hey welcome back to the second half of bar on Deck I’m your host B La thank you guys for sticking around through the break those of you that did those of you that did not are stupid because you’re about to miss maybe the best segment of the week

Each week because joining me on the program we are not going to delay we are not going to [ __ ] foot around as the kids say we’re getting right to it joining me on the program as she does every single week around 3:15 we’re running a little behind it’s okay um she

Was in the green room she’s got Mom you got a little white powder do like that you’re awful J’s mom joining me on the program everybody hello Jen’s mom you need some better snacks in here I’m really hey don’t don’t talk about don’t talk about my snacks Jenny I’m fixing

Your camera hold on here yeah would you please yeah it was all off it’s because I had another guest on there we go that was uh that was when I was had John mlan on I was using this setup here oh there you go looking good Jenny how you doing

Mother hey you I’m doing fine you know what you look rested I was noticing the whole show have you been getting better sleep or something uh yeah I’ve been using a CPAP well there you go you is it working for you [ __ ] no well you got to

Get used to it remember that no you do look more rested though I swear you you you’re your eyes and it’s like I’m waterboarding myself every goddamn night J well you cut too much moisture on it you got cut that down well let me tell

You what and they they gave me a full mask because so you know I go to the CPAP guy and he’s like you do you are you a mouth breather and I was like okay that’s yes I was like I have a deviated septum so I have to breathe out my mouth

And he was like yeah you can’t do the nose thing you got to get the whole mask I was like well I don’t think so he was like nah you got to have the whole mask thing but you have 14 days to try it and

Return it well I didn’t use it for the first three days well so then I finally use it and you know I didn’t want to first of all it’s just it’s demeaning I feel like a [ __ ] idiot wear in this thing I do so sexy isn’t it

What no my God I feel like a [ __ ] I do I feel like like I wait until better I don’t give a [ __ ] I feel like an idiot I do like I’m just like oh my God it’s good for yourself I’d rather just keep dying 37 times a night than wear this

Stupid ass thing and I’m waterboarding myself because so I put this mask on and of course I sleep with my mouth open so I’m drooling so now it’s just filling with water and and it’s just this steady flow of air right well if you sleep with your mouth open and you’re pushing air

Through at about 40 nautical miles an hour it’s just blowing wind into my mouth so now I feel like now I feel like a dog rolling down the street with my head out the window going 70 my cheeks are just you saying that you don’t like it my cheeks are just puffing

Up and I’m trying to cuz when I exhale it’s like me I’m fighting this wind the whole time I’m like it’s like I’m fighting the [ __ ] wind so then I’m when I’m asleep I’m drooling and then the there’s more condensation building up in the mask and the tube so the drool and the

Condensation and then the wind and so now I’m just waterboarding myself with this [ __ ] water so now instead of dying 37 times a night I’m just torturing myself for 6 and a half hours but did you sleep oh it’s great yeah oh it’s fantastic oh it’s and then

And then you know what I feel like I feel like Darth Vader right at the end every once a while some [ __ ] will come undone and then I’m Like it sounds like you need some adjustments it’s the worst [ __ ] ever well you need to get the one the little one that goes right under your nose I’m he wouldn’t let me I waited too godamn long and now I can’t return you have one try it you have one try it no

Just see if it doesn’t work better it’s [ __ ] that chin strap on and put that little thing under there well I talked to my um ENT and he was like well you know um cuz I like should I hold off on going to the CPAP place cuz I had that like I

Scheduled to meet him on Tuesday and then go to the cpat place on Friday he was like no you can go he’s like I do he goes I don’t really do the CPAP stuff but I do the Inspire the one that they implant oh

Yeah he goes I do that but I only do it as a last resort because it is surgery so I only do it for my patients that have tried CPAP and just can’t handle it and well honey you have to you have to get you have to get it right well Mom

I’m first of all I’m a sid sleeper right so then I am too I’m laying on my side and this goddamn mask comes down and the air comes on the sides so then I’m pinching it off cuz I’m laying on it and then the mask shifts so now I got the

Mous like this and then the [ __ ] water and the drool is blown back in and then now the because the mask is on the side now it’s wheezing it’s going I’m like what the [ __ ] man um it’s the worst I have a I have a leak at the

Connection and so then I and then I have to take it off every once in a while just to yawn you ever try to yawn in a cat mask it’s impossible I can’t sleep without mine I get such a good sleep I S you can’t yawn

In a CPAP mask I have to take it off to yawn so then when I I got you got to unhook it at the little uh the little straps right here it’s got little straps that are magnetic right so you unhook it

And then I got to go I got to I got to take it off just to go and when you do you got to remember now you got about you know I mean I’m not saying it’s a hurricane but there’s a godd damn tropical storm coming out of the Mask so

As soon as I take it off you can hear it it’s like and it’s loud as [ __ ] I’m worried it’s going to wake up Nora because it’s just this force of air oh I’m just like God you just you got to get the right mask okay don’t give up you do look like

You okay Jim Balano I’m like what are you talking about this [ __ ] is you do look like you’ve had some sleep though so my bad [ __ ] oh and then I’ll like I’ll I can I think I’ve made it like the most I’ve ever made it is six hours with it but that’s

Good that was six hours of Rim sleep that’s good that’s a very good thing just keep doing it but I want to tell you something and anybody that wears one knows after you get used to it you can’t sleep without it because your sleep quality is so good you’ll get used to it

Hang in there how long does it take to get used to it well it took Paul a while until I kept insisting that he do it and now he he he said it really has helped him a lot and he can’t sleep without it

Well I mean so you just got to hang in there oh well let’s see last night like them cougars let’s see last night’s sleep Quality Index was 79 is that good I only I only died twice an hour well that’s good that’s better yeah it’s weird because they tell how many

Events an hour I don’t even know what that means what the [ __ ] is an event an hour I don’t even know what that is that means you stop breathing that means you stop breathing I see I died twice an hour last night that’s okay two’s good that’s a better than what it was

Um yeah so like this is this is this is my pattern hold on this is the the my pattern of use this God forsaken this is this is how often I’ve used it and then like the the the top bar the okay that’s just get out of here

[ __ ] oh yeah that’s totally oh bar yeah that’s the that top bar you see that’s seven hours so that’s what I’ve been able so far so I skipped Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday and the reason I skipped it yeah the reason I skipped it is cu I

Hadn’t cleaned it and I didn’t know how to clean it and I was like I don’t know so I was just I’ll tell you how to clean it I cleaned it I cleaned it I H yeah I I eventually ended up cleaning it but it

Was just like ah I’m gonna have to talk to Nora she’s gonna have to keep you honest oh God don’t hey what’s up chpro good to see you buddy yeah I know what’s up Perry uh Barry you just need ambian and whiskey you’ll you’ll forget all about

That mask no some nights now I will take a gummy I tell you what there you go the one night my best night of sleeping that bad boy is when I took a gummy and put on a Breath Right nasal strip there you go well if that’s what

It takes and do it I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure that with between the gummy just knocking me out and the Breathe Right nasal strip opened me up I don’t think that I’m pretty sure that the air just went straight through and out my butthole the covers were on the

Bottom were just flapping it was just straight throughout the bottom of the sheets it just passed Right Through Me Right Through Me I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I asked it was fantastic just nonstop yep oh Lord that was just like a wind tunnel it it was crazy it was absolutely crazy

Oh my goodness Bary yeah so there you go yeah it’s been a treat yes it’s been a treat so tell let’s tell me about these bunnies for those of you that don’t know oh my bunnies oh yeah tell tell the people tell the people uh you’re like uh you’re basically like a the

Um you’re the you’re like mes guy in the wild that that that loved animals what was his name in Australia Moses no no okay so I tell me about my bunnies likees so so I’m at my listing and I’ve got these yard people there that are

Giving me a bid on what they’re going to charge to do the yard and we’re in the backyard and I don’t have my glasses on my close-up glasses and this little boy it was a man and his three kids and one of the kids said what is that and I

Thought oh my God we’d had four copperheads in the backyard already and I was afraid it was a snake and I looked down and it was a little bunny and he was about three inches four inches maybe oh cutest thing but he he didn’t have his

Eyes open and he was just struggling and then about six feet from eggs with him cuz we’re getting close to Easter may have been working no but then there was another bunny right down the way another one and so they said were scouting they might have just been you know no the other

Little bunny something had got its paw and and had tried to eat its paw or something so anyway they left and I thought okay I can’t leave these bunnies here I I can’t do it so I scooped them up in a towel and then I was going to

Take them to the the Montgomery County animal shelter and I called Paul and I told him about my bunnies and Mr Softy he goes oh don’t take them there bring them home home and we we’ll we’ll take care of them and they’ll live I well I

Don’t know how to take care of bunnies but okay so I haul these bunnies home and I start researching and then it says well you got to get a tiny little bottle for them right so brain my grandson we go to the store and we buy this nursing

Kit with this bottle about that big with a little tiny nipple and then we come home and then it says you got to get goats milk so then we go out try to find the goat’s milk and where where do you find a goat at 9:00 at night you find

Goats mil at and there you are 9:00 at night milking a damn goat just and then I researched and it said you had hold the bucket still then you got to pasteurize it real quick it’s the damnedest thing that’s right so then we so then I research it

And I find out that you have to feed them every 3 hours so PA up the bunnies they have to so Paul gets up you like me he’s in love with these bunnies he gets up midnight and three and six that’s so sweet and he’s and he’s starting to try

To get this they won’t eat and I’m thinking they’re gonna die on my watch and finally the next morning I get up he goes here you got you got to take this little nipple and you got to push it down in their mouth and get them to suck

On and sure enough he had him nursing wow that sound like a gate I was on once and then I found out you’re not supposed to give them goats milk didn’t you say you read that you give them goats milk well everybody has a different so then I go to PetSmart and

The lady goes she told me that uh goats milk so then I’m thinking oh my God I’m GNA kill these bunnies I can’t kill these bunnies Jesus Christ you’re then you read on like it’s like whatever you do don’t give them goats milk they were so cute they had tiny

Little ear did you kill them no but I started putting neas sporum on that little paw and it got better so then I thought okay so I’m I’m getting all these IDE things off the internet on how to take care of so finally I found this Wildlife Refuge Montgomery County

Wildlife Refuge place and I called them and they said what we do is we rehabil rehabilitate animals for the Wild what do you you have and I said well I have two bunnies that probably are two or three days old she said we’ll we’ll take

Them and we’ll send them to a rehab so I took my bunnies in gave them a $20 donation but let me tell you the funny part when I pull up you know what they’re going to do right no they’re not they they’re going to make rabbit’s feed

Out of them somebody’s going to be rocking around with new keychains they have these people they trained to take care of squirrels and rabbits and all the birds and all these different wildlife and they take them in their home and they rehab them but when

I pulled up two other cars pulled up one of them had a baby bunny I had two baby bunnies and the other one had a bunny that had been hit by a car and he was just bleeding everywhere and they took all the bunnies they took all the

Bunnies they’re G to save them and Rehab them so that’s my bunny story I came home and then I missed my bunnies yeah why didn’t you keep one well cuz I don’t need need a bunny I had a bunny once through a lot of work you didn’t like it yeah I had a

Pet bunny but yeah I got enough lot of people are saying rabbit stew in the chat that’s awful a lot of people are saying rabbit stew out of y’all yeah bunch of Country Ass what are y’all talking about rabbit stew when did we get rabbit stew huh

Paul said he’s had rabbit too his grandma used to make rabbits too I couldn’t eat a rabbit they’re too cute not doing gross there’s no reason to eat a rabbit like wh why I well he had squirrel too they used to shoot squirrels and his grandma would cook them they were in the

Country I feel like I feel like I might have had squirrel I think I had squirrel and frog legs at frog legs had same time over at when well it was um it was at it was at uh a a neighbor of nannies over in that subdivision she used to live in

Yeah I think it was over there I couldn’t eat squirrel I can eat I can eat frog legs I’ve had those many times yeah it weird squirel a rabbit those little rabbits who can shoot a little rabbit Nora had a rabbit she said she had a rabbit when she was in I don’t

Know junior high high school but she said they will chew [ __ ] up oh they they were they weread belts shoes purses you look that [ __ ] laying around they’re done I didn’t tell you the worst part about this is you have to make them go to the bathroom they can’t go on their

Own what yeah so when they’re but until they’re 10 days old the mother rabbit bumps their behind and she keeps bumping their behind until they go to the bathroom she has to stimulate like hit them so said take a cotton ball and wrap it in warm water and then just keep

Tapping their butt and they’ll go to the bathroom how do you wrap a cotton ball in water no you put it in warm water and then you take that you wrap it in warm water no well I’ve been soak it in warm water put soak it in warm water then you

Tap their butt and you keep tapping it like that until they defecate our urinate and if you don’t they’ll die so the first day I couldn’t get them to do it the second day I did that’s when I decided this is a lot of work and I’m taking them to the

Rehab that’s crazy well we have it was crazy we have a rabbit here too um in your yard yeah oh cool amongst all the other animals that exist out in this Wilderness that we live in some carrots and lettuce I mean he could be your pet he

Does pretty well on his own in your barbecue pit no no no he’s he’s long God but yeah we every once in a while he’ll just pop up out of nowhere be hanging out in the grass chilling in the cut we got us a little rabbit just hangs out we

Also have a um we have a posum that yeah yeah every yeah just comes huh no no you got a regular circus around there do but this posum is great man it just comes and cleans up all the bugs and the snakes and [ __ ] and Poss remember the

Snake that was remember the snake that was wrapped around the grill of your front door I saw that picture I do not like snakes yeah that was scary I haven’t seen I haven’t seen any snake oh I saw one snake so far this season at

The four in my listing and that Yard Man was not happy with me why cuz because he said because the grass was past my waist and while they were trying to get the grass down they had snakes everywhere oh well yeah I know that’s not a job I

Would have done I’d have been like no thank you I know it’s done CE said I’m going as a bunny to the rough neck game on Sunday also does anyone want tickets to the rough neck game Saturday no I bet that’ll be a good game the rough necks

Uh yeah I don’t know maybe so um what is this tree rats are delicious oh squirrels tree rats yeah that’s so weird that’s soat St the weather guy thank you for the uh 10 bits he said my wife had a rabbit as a kid they tried to breed it and it got rabbit

AIDS is that is that true they’re such a thing I don’t know if that’s true Stephen I feel like you’re making that up I feel like you’re making that up I think you Mak and I’m like you make [ __ ] up I don’t make anything up woman everything I say is true everything I

Say true totally agree I I concur totally thank you so much thank you well go ahead I know you want to I know you want to talk about it but it’s almost 4 o’clock I’m going to let you go at 4 go get it out of your system Jenny get it

Out go and when I was texting you last night I was about to have a heart attack P so Paul tells me last night he goes you know what I’m gonna watch this game with you well I almost wished he hadn’t because he gets so mad and then he starts yelling at the

TV and it’s like his blood pressure must go up you know 400 yeah he was so upset it was a it was a damn good game it was it really was it really was I hope the Duke game is going to be that hard but those Aggies you know all week long I

Kept telling him I’m really worried about these agies they’ve been so good lately and you know Taylor if he gets if he gets to go we’re in trouble so anyway it was a lot of fun well the the concern is or the question is was this a matter

Of the Aggies playing well or the the Cougars not I think it was the play that’s the question well I don’t know Taylor Taylor did not play well yeah but I tell you what with less than two minutes to go and and coughed it

Up I don’t know well we had two men out already and endine flip just said a lot of fouls and that’s the other thing yeah you have four guys foul out that’s not that’s I mean look you know but did you see Elvin I love Elvin

The kid that the senior that got up there and he never plays yeah yeah you know this story his story is a great story but anyway they were down to him and he had to do a free throw and it was like oh my God he never plays oh yeah he

Got one of them so yeah he said that they they said hey you you’ve got this hey you’re it MP MVP baby you just never know you never know that’s why they say be ready you never know when your number’s going to get called well called

So anyway yeah that Duke game is going to be interesting they they definitely can’t play like that and beat Duke no they got rebound those yeah well see the agies are so good on offensive rebounds too bar the agies are really good I mean they you I don’t know if

You’ve been watching them but they’ve come a long way and the last month they’ve been really good it was a real test I think I don’t think Duke will be as hard as the agies were that’s just my opinion nope I don’t I don’t okay well

We’ll find out yes we will all right mother I love you to death thank you for joining me good job on um saving the rabbits and you know helping them Po and then awful sending them to shelter be so excited to see poop it’s crazy and then you know

Sending them to a shelter to get killed good job Jenny that’s no they’re not gonna kill them I have a website and number where I can see what’s going on with them they’re already tell you should have told me I wanted to look do they have them like you can see them

Live well it just says if you go to this website what is it it’s called here let me read it to you and then you put in this number it tells what’s going on with them ftwl doelp at ftwl doelp and then you put in their number 24 d464 that is

A goddamn email address not a website well oh you’re right well then you have to go there and you have to give them that number and they’ll tell you what’s going on with them so I’ll find out I’ll let you know all right that’s not a website

All right I love you mother all right bye everybody see you later there you go Jen’s mom as she always does joins me every Monday she’s the Ste WEA guy goes oh they’re dead no they’re not well they might be Jen’s mom joins me every Monday

She was so excited and nervous about her cougars she we were texting each other after the game and during the game man let’s uh let’s talk about the game a little bit it was woof I tell you what um like I said talking with her it it’s it’s one of

Those things where you know it’s a chicken and egg kind of scenario right uh how much of that was the agies playing well how much of that was the Cougars not playing well how much of that was and a lot of people are saying well the refs got involved there were some bad

Calls I’m going say this I and and I truly believe this when you play the style of basketball that U ofh plays it is going to happen on occasion that you’re going to get in the kind of foul trouble that they got in that’s just going to happen and I talked about this

A while back when the only game that I watched this team play in the regular season was against against Iowa State and these two teams play a very similar style it is very aggressive they overplay the ball they play aggressive it’s a swarming defense it’s a SWAT defense their their hands are active

They’re active and when you play that way in the tournament you’re probably going to get called for more fouls than you normally would in the regular season and what you saw last night was a product of that it can backfire sometimes so don’t be too mad I mean that’s the style of defense

And that’s the style that they play and we talked about that on this show and they talked about it during the Iowa State U ofh game not the Big 12 Conference Final but the last game they played in the regular season it was something that was mentioned on the

Broadcast it was something we talked about on the show it was something we said watch out for this in the in the in the tournament this could be a problem if they’re this aggressive it became an issue it was an issue last night and look um credit to U ofh for hanging in

There and credit to A&M for not going away that that was a that was a a hell of a performance by them big shots clutch you know clutch three at the end to tie the game send it to overtime and um man when shed fouled out it was like o ah

[ __ ] what’s GNA happen and you’re right Mr Jones if A&M makes their free throws we might be talking about a different outcome for that uh game I mean it very well could be a different outcome for that game so I mean but that’s one of those hey look

You know if if if there was I saw one play that uh Andrew Carlson I think it was he was like well this isn’t a a jump ball and it clearly wasn’t but that kind of shit’s going to happen all the time right it’s going to happen all the time

So y’all know me I’ve never been a guy that’s going to blame the referees for um losing a game winning a game um but yeah I mean Miss free throws that’s a that’s a that’s a it’s a real thing and A&M can blame themselves in that regard for not

Making their free throws facts and you’re right CC free throws were the death uh of Baylor as well they they they should have won they play Clemson yeah they should have won as well so um I’m not going to say U ofh got lucky they they had to pull something out of their

Ass in overtime and they did um and it showed a lot of grit really it showed that they were kind of grimy and gritty and I like what Kelvin Samson said he told him man after after um regulations we’ve been here before they that he referenced um the um Baylor game like

We’ve been we’ve been down this road we’re built for this I’m built different that dude that cracks that egg so yeah I mean it’s an it was an impressive it was an impressive win but not because the score or anything like that it was because they shouldn’t have won

And yet they still did I mean let’s be real U ofh should not have advanced last night and that’s why I say if they play like this against Duke they’re not going any further Duke will beat them if they play like they played last night purred purred they cannot

Play like they did last night and beat Duke or anybody else A&M played well and again I don’t watch college basketball during the regular season um I do know apparently A&M had you know even Jen’s mom was saying A&M got hot down the uh stretch and and and um you know there

Was a lot of talk about how tough they were and apparently they had I think it was Taylor one of the best players in the SEC which obviously is dog [ __ ] in this tournament um but A&M yeah they GNA have to they’re going to have

To um I mean you don’t want them to lose their aggressiveness right you don’t want to not be aggressive if you’re I mean you can’t change you can’t change who you are but I think what Kelvin Samson is going to have to do is he’s going to

Have to figure out how do you manage a rotation that prevents you from getting into the same kind of foul trouble you got into last night some of that has to be a strategy and coaching as well and Jin’s mom said hey as a good coach yeah that too I mean A&M’s program

Looks like it’s um you know headed in the right direction man after Billy Gillespie I wasn’t sure that was ever going to be the case again Samson needs a title to cap off this era he really does and uh this might be one of the best opportunities uh let’s look at the

Bracket real quick hold on let me see here and I I saw you total Dallas we’ll take a look at the bar on Deck brackets here in just a second but here’s the bracket so here is the East uh sweet 16 you’ve got number one Yukon against number five San

Diego uh Yukon beat Northwestern and San Diego beat let me see if I can zoom in here here we go oh Lord Jesus oh yeah uh number one Yukon versus San Diego and um Illinois versus Iowa state is in the East the West is number one versus North Carolina versus is or sorry

Number one North Carolina versus number four Alabama you got number six Clemson facing number two Arizona number one Houston faces number four Duke number 11 North Carolina State versus number two Marquette and then Purdue versus Gonzaga Purdue number one and then number two Tennessee and number three kraton so um

Almost Chalk in the midwest total uncore Dallas I told you that was coming saw a fall I saw a hashtag fall tide and knew just knew CC was going to be timing out total Dallas could have told you that was coming see you in 10 total Dallas see you in 10

Rob Rob buddy thank you for the resub Holy Smokes 25 months Rob sir mucho appreciated buddy hope you’re well hope your meat is uh delicious okay that sounds weird uh what’s up Wags good to see you Wags uh Wags said uh oh [ __ ] what is it wag said Midwest chalk for sure

Kansas not a real four seed after best player injury yeah um yeah and the rest of them really hold on where the hell did my window go there we go um starting back at the top real quick uh Yukon San Diego State Illinois and Iowa State this is going to be interesting

Because when you get to Carolina Bama Clemson Arizona all the ones are still alive right so Purdue Houston Carolina Yukon all the twos are still alive right Iowa State Arizona uh Marette and Tennessee uh threes alive are kraton uh Illinois yeah that’s it kraton and Illinois

And then your fours are Bama and Duke and that’s that’s it as far as chalk goes so every region has a three of top four seeds remaining I think no that’s that’s it so ones and twos are alive that’s it um so uh I forgot the guy from Aras

Went to U ofh what did CCE say say hi to the bunnies total Dallas damn that’s crazy C is ruthless yeah and NC State on kind of the Cinderella team left the only the only team outside of really the the top 10 um you know Gonzaga I mean they’re not a they’re not

A four but uh yeah ncate kind of disrupting the South I don’t anticipate them beating Marquette though um let’s see otherwise yeah everybody else I could see yeah everybody else I I don’t know we’ll see again I haven’t watched a ton of games so I I really can’t I want to

Sit here and pretend like I know what’s going to happen I haven’t watched a ton of these games like I couldn’t tell you um I know Purdue is good but I haven’t watched Purdue I I I don’t know uh only teams that I’ve even watched this year

That I could comment on would be uh Iowa State I’ve watched a little bit of Alabama uh Houston and that’s probably it that’s left so there you go uh Houston versus NC State rematch bro wouldn’t that be crazy that would be crazy that would be insane and it looks

Like yeah it could shape up to happen too yeah that could absolutely happen um cowboy on Cowboy crime yeah uh Iowa state has a good team yeah Iowa State’s really good play a lot like U ofh and they are in the other bracket and it would not surprise me in

The least if Iowa State makes a run especially look if you think U ofh is good if you think ufh is good enough to make it to the final four if you think ufh is good enough to make it to the final then you kind of have to think the same

Thing about Iowa State whether they will or won’t I don’t know it depends on who they run up against again I don’t know all these teams can Iowa State beat Illinois I don’t I’ve not I’ve not watched Illinois play so I don’t know my guess is if

They’re as good as U ofh then yes could Iowa State beat Yukon or San Diego State I don’t know I’ve heard Yukon is good probably the best team in the tournament I think they were the the top seed in the tournament and then ufh was second

As far as like seed rankings or whatever so yeah I think that’ll be their biggest test is Yukon um we’ll see we shall see ufh is going to have to get right though U ofh is definitely going to have to get right little scary little scary all right let me pull

Up the [ __ ] what is we what is we doing baby hold on me pull up all right mother don’t make me cuss your [ __ ] ass out I will cuss your [ __ ] ass out uh dashboard okay freak all right here’s the Barry on Deck uh group if youall can see this or not but

This was all for our patreon members if you’re not a member of patreon you can join support the show uh onck if you want to join you can and you can join [ __ ] like this Winner’s going to get some prizes I don’t know what yet

Still haven’t decided is JY still uh on vacay I think she is I think Jen’s still on the vacas uh I believe so yes yes I believe she is um here you go so uh Black Sheep is first I don’t know can y’all see that is that is

That here we go was a little better oops nope so Black Sheep is first Total Dallas is second that’s why he wanted to see it I should have known better anytime any of you in the chat go hey can we look at the Barry on Deck bracket

Challenge or hey let’s do fantasy it’s cuz one of you did well anybody that’s [ __ ] the bed or not in it never brings it up the only time any of you bring up anything is when you’re doing well at it I should have known better cuz it was tonal Dallas that brought it

Up it was total Dallas that brought it up and he’s second so of course next time next time one of you were like hey let’s look at the bracket I’m going be like if you’re top five I’m timing you out but he’s already timed out so Black Sheep is first with 520

Points to Dallas is tied for second was Cece with 490 points CeCe was bitching about her bracket CeCe was bitching about her bracket the other day she’s second uh Alex vill NOA is third with or fourth with 480 points bz 460 along with Jeff Bell uh hey my sweet sweet Donna boy

Look at all of us tied with 450 tied for seventh it’s Donna myself uh who is that oh Amos and Philip Bernard and uh chrisal Sam Houston and Uzi and Eric rendez all tied for seventh and Eric rendes is screw cuz he had alurn house is 14th uh

420 uh Sylvia is 15 with 400 Francisco sucks he’s 16 with 370 Lisa real real 17 with 340 and dandy Dan is 18 and then Jen she said she wasn’t going to pick she is uh yeah she just started it so there you go there is the uh there’s the

Totals what is the max we can get so sheep can get 1,800 the max I can get is 1730 oh who’s he G get 1730 from the from the rear look at you from the rear Eric says I was doing good until Kentucky and Auburn were like we’re out

Right CeCe said this ain’t my only bracket true true beah say that I missed the road story not yet not yet sir not yet all right so there’s the bar on Deck uh bracket challenge again if you want to get in on stuff like that go join our

Patreon on Deck it’s a great way to support the program support the show support your boy make sure that this show can continue cuz you know can’t do it for free and uh it allows you guys to take control whole reason that uh we’re in this situation is

Uh your boy got laid off from ESP and they shut down The Usual Suspects they said no more and we couldn’t control that so we can’t control this at least we a little bit uh all right I want to talk real quick about this Kim Moi thing and then we’ll do

Probably about 4:30 I’ll get to um the road story uh evil death said there are some fight videos I watched from the USA versus Mexico soccer game last night’s on YouTube Tik Tok and Twitter some are unintentionally hilarious maybe could be used for a future film session oh well

Send them to me yeah maybe I’ll break one down not a bad idea when are we getting the MLB preview show yeah I probably need to do that soon I need to plan that probably need to do that especially considering that it’s uh this weekend is opening day

Weekend probably wouldn’t be a bad idea Eric yeah may have to be Monday of next week April fools um yeah because this week no show Thursday and it’s a bar on Deck uh on the it’s a trayon deck on bar on deck on the ptio on Wednesday because it’s the

Last Wednesday of the month so if we were doing a show on Thursday it for sure would have been Thursday so yeah that’s right Thursday against the Yankees is opening day that’s right uh also did anyone else watch the history match up between Yankees and Diablo from Mexico

No did not did not uh definitely go Astros all right um real quick show you this then we’re going to get to Kim Mony here is the uh women’s bracket if you care about that to Pete invited to try no no that’s I’m not doing multiple on that I only have two microphones

Here’s women’s bracket um there’s still Let me refresh it what uh still working on the second round so Oklahoma Indiana plays today at 5:30 uh but you got South Carolina already Advanced and then you’ll have Oregon State notredam Texas waiting on the winner of Utah Gonzaga Stanford waiting on the

Winner of Tennessee NC State Colorado waiting on the winner of Iowa West Virginia LSU has advanced waiting on the winner of kraton UCLA Baylor waiting on the winner of USC Kansas and Duke is waiting on the winner of Syracuse Yukon um the Iowa game that is today at 7 Iowa is

The favorite but uh they were like I think it was uh the athletic was saying hey man don’t sleep on West Virginia even though they’re an eight seed apparently they like led the country in steals and Athletics seems to think that this could be the end for Iowa and Caitlyn

Clark I don’t know we shall see but don’t know Rangers Cubs is naturally televised raising the banner no you don’t get a DJ orang for that uh that’ll be perfect on Wednesday that means I’ll have something to listen to on the drive of the Houston there you

Go yeah okay so let’s let’s talk Kimi for a second folks because if you missed it she is is pissed off because there’s a hit piece out and she’s not going to stand for it now I want you to watch this press conference thing that she had

It is it is two minutes of her talking Angry all right I want you to listen to it I want you to watch it and then I’m going to give you my two cents on it now this is not the full thing apparently there’s more apparently there’s

More she uh she she she but this is the the first part that I saw or not the first part but this is the part I saw and thought that’s interesting check this out though and uh get your thoughts in the chat and I’m going to give you my

Thoughts about what she says here but this is Kim mili talking about a hit piece that’s GNA come out pretty soon from The Washington Post listen former players have told me that the Washington post has contacted them and offered to let them be anonymous in a story if they’ll say negative things about

Me the Washington Post has called former disgruntled players to get Negative quotes to include in their story they’re ignoring the 40 plus years of positive stories that that people or they have heard from people about me that’s really telling by the way just keep in mind what she just said there that’s very

Telling but you see reporters who give a megaphone to a one-sided embellished version of things aren’t trying to tell also telling they’re trying to sell newspapers and Feed The Click machine The Click machine this is exactly why people don’t trust journalists and the media anymore it’s the SE kinds of sley

Tactics and Hatchet jobs that people are just tired of I’m fed up and I’m not going to let the Washington Post attack this University this awesome team of young women I have or me without a fight I’ve hired the best defamation law firm in the country good for you and I will sue

The Washington Post if they publish a false story about me yeah yeah not many people are in a position to hold these kind of journalists accountable but I am yeah and I’ll do it good that’s all I’m going to say about this right now yeah and now I’m going to

Get back to talking about my basketball team yeah and winning this game tomorrow hell yeah all right coach hell yeah hell yeah you are hell yeah you are guilty as [ __ ] oh my God if I’ve ever heard somebody guiltier it i’ not I’ve not oh my God could she be more guilty

Of what they are about to print about her that is all this is she is just getting out in front of it like hey y’all about to hear some [ __ ] and I am not happy about it that is all this is that is all this is she is literally

Pissed off because everything that is about to come out is true and she is super pissed off about it because that whole I’m got the best defamation lawyers in the world Craig of the world Craig that was a that was a threat because if you know notice if they say anything that’s not

True that was just a shot across the bow you better make sure that everything you print is true or that you have proof to back it up that’s all that was you better not you know you you better you better post stuff that you can back up or I’ll sue

You because I don’t want all this stuff coming out that you have all this dirt on me that you have I don’t want it coming out cuz it’s going to embarrass me it’s going to ruin my reputation it’s going to ruin this program and it’s

Going to make me look bad and I’m pissed off that you have it and I don’t like it that’s what that speech was let’s go back real quick where I told you pay attention and let’s take a listen and a gander at something that she said former players have told me that

The Washington Post has contacted them and offered to let them be anonymous in a story if they’ll say negative things about me the Washington Post has called former disgruntled players M to get Negative quotes to include in their story okay that’s nothing new by the way I just

Want you all to know that that that what the Washington Post is doing journalists have been doing for years is it ethical no is it unheard of no is there do people write articles with a slant all the time do people write articles with a narrative all the

Time but also here’s what I want you to understand if people are writing an article about a coach or a person who has done some awful [ __ ] then what they’ll do is they’ll call a former player and say hey do you want to go on record about your head coach doing a

Bunch of awful [ __ ] and then what that player will do is go back to the coach and go yeah they asked me to go on record about you doing a bunch of awful [ __ ] so what she comes out and says is they wanted them to give to say a bunch

Of things about me in a negative light that’s not how that works that’s not exactly how that works do some people do that sure but not always all right so that’s that’s part of that next part they’re ignoring the 40 plus years of positive stories oh that’s the worst part of this

That’s the worst that’s the most telling part of this whole thing that right there guys that’s the big tail that’s how you know what is about to be printed is based on the truth or based in fact or is at least in some way rooted in the truth because she doesn’t deny it

She doesn’t say that whatever is about to come out is blatantly false what she says is never mind all the good things I’ve done they’re about to tell you about one of the bad ones so she doesn’t say what they’re about to tell you is just not true I’ve done nothing all I’ve

Done is great things she’s done one of those things that we all do when you get in trouble that you know what I mean it’s typical for us like uh if you ever if you’ve ever wronged somebody or you’ve done something wrong you’re like well yeah

But what about all the times I did right by you I’ve messed up one time what about all the times I did good do I not get credit for that that’s exactly what she just said she literally just said they’re ignoring 40 Years of me doing a good job and

Focusing on this one time where whatever is about to come out is about to come out I mean that’s literally what she just said that’s I just listened one more time story they’re ignoring the 40 plus years of positive stories that that people or they have heard from people about

Me I mean that’s that that’s so telling so so telling but you see reporters who give a megaphone to a one-sided embell version of things aren’t trying to tell the truth I think what it is is they’re not telling the truth you want them to tell Kim I believe that’s probably they’re

Trying to sell newspapers and feed the clip machine oh that’s my favorite that’s my second favorite part that’s my second favorite part my second favorite part is that she has spent this entire time now this clip is 2 minutes long but there’s more to it and she’s talking about feeding the

Click machine I cannot believe they are feeding the click machine with this gobble deg they’ve got all of this nonsense and Tom fooleries and things and and spewing garbage and nonsense and it’s all hot ass they have hit up my players for negative things to say about

Me and they have ignored 40 Years of of of of uh uh uh holy things that I have done they have ignored 40 Years of Grace they have ignored 40 Years of pureness for one night of sin and this is [ __ ] and they are just chasing Clicks in the click

Machine let’s be real I would not have given a single absolute [ __ ] about this story had she not sat here and talked about this honest to God this would have been a a a flick of a finger as this story came by my timeline Kimi did whatever don’t give a

[ __ ] whatever but you sat down and caused all this you just ramped it up you just threw gas on the fire and now I want to know now I’ve got to throw some Clicks in the click machine you you’ve made it worse Kim you’ve made it so much worse what you

Should have done is sat on your hands you should have just sent them a letter and said just need you to know I’ve hired this team and you print anything that is false I will sue you for slander defamation of character and everything else so you better make sure your [ __ ]

You you’ve crossed all your eyes and dotted your teas I mean that’s that’s what you do but you don’t come out in this way and make yourself look so guilty before it drops and now everyone wants to know what it I can’t wait oh I can’t wait like you’ve just

Fed the click machine the very thing that you’re pissed off about it’s insane to me it’s insane to me we know what you do to get out of speeding tickets total Dallas yes uh like saying something mean and then saying you know I love yes that’s what she did

Uh she’s feeling it to be saying that um is kimok the female version of Fog Horn Leg Horn thank you for the 50 Bitties uh Stephen that’s not a bad question uh Dre said speaking of Investigations how about the Otani betting Scandal yeah we talked a little

Bit about that last week he was supposed to speak today I don’t know if he’s done that already I have not seen anything yet uh let me go to ESPN’s MLB front page no uh Otani to address what time is he going to speak T’s Camp initially said t transfer

The funds yeah yeah when’s he going to talk about it he’s supposed to address it today at some point and I don’t know when oh he’s speaking at 4:45 okay yeah so I’ll probably have to give thoughts on what he says tomorrow hey what’s up Brandon good to see you buddy but yeah

He’s supposed to talk about it today but I mean I don’t know my initial thoughts on it I talked about it last week there’s just there’s some folks you just get that gut feeling of guilt or innocence Kim Moy I was just like guilty um with Otani I don’t know I

Don’t think he I just I get the feeling he didn’t know about it I get the feeling he wasn’t in on it I’m just so glad to see Dodger fans just like trying to oh it’s not a big deal yeah it is shut up [ __ ] you know damn well if

This was the Astros you’d be losing your [ __ ] stop it you stop it um if she had that statement prepared why would she say [ __ ] like that it makes her look guilty as I agree uh Eric I totally agree uh a AEL what’s up a the fact that LSU’s ad and administration

Let her go out and talk about it shows that either they are the most inept professionals ever or they’re scared to tell her no or they hate her too could be all three uh Brandon said why is total Dallas uh why is total Dallas talking isn’t his dumbass band no no no

When you get timed out it’s just for 10 minutes on Twitch so you get timed out and then you you’re it’s just for 10 minutes you don’t get banned you just get timed out um I think Otani gets a suspension uh I think once you see the investigation go down and I think

What’ll happen is his interpreter will probably have some sort of criminal charges filed and I think that um that will go a long way in excusing Otani so yeah Dre said bar on De if it was yordon his translator everyone would look for him to be crucified well

There’s no doubt given the Astros history now if you take away the Astros history of the cheating scandal then I don’t think so I definitely don’t think so and I would feel the same way about yordon that I do about Otani but I don’t know I mean there’s

Just like in Japan he’s known as Mr Perfect or the perfect human being or some [ __ ] like that I don’t know I I think that those guys like you know Otani especially a guy like Otani there’s just so much to risk you know what I mean there’s this isn’t Calvin

Ridley right I mean it’s so much on the line the only thing the only thing that may be of concern is was he having his guy do it for him thinking that that he would have never he would never get caught because this guy was doing it I don’t think so I really

Don’t uh but what do I know yeah I don’t know the dude I don’t know the dude at all just doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy but again I don’t I don’t know him at all so uh Alex v w said Otani suspension will come in 10 years like

His contract money it could be um Tony Tony said Otani he’s gonna address the media he’s goingon to be like first of all I would like to say that the Astros cheated in 2017 uh fimy Cherry said if MLB didn’t go after the Red Sox or Yankees they

Won’t do anything to Otani let’s be real yeah that’s just it if they didn’t go after the Red Sox if they didn’t go after the Yankees they didn’t go after the Astros players they’re not going to go after the biggest thing that’s happened to baseball at least since the Home Run

Chase between Maguire and Sosa and Barry Bonds they’re just not going to do it they’re not going to they’re not going to do it I just don’t believe that uh I just don’t believe it and I really don’t think he had anything to do with it but that’s just a gut feeling

That’s just a gut feeling I don’t I don’t have anything to base that on just like I don’t have anything to base my feeling of guilt with Kim M on other than some of the things that she said some of the context clues that she said uh Eric said no questions will be

Asked it’s just an Otani statement yeah so he’s just going to be like I didn’t know he did it on his own he stole my money I just think it’s crazy and ballsy that you think you could embezzle for and half million and no one would notice that’s the crazy

Thing like I said last week you know if you if you think if you try to to to funnel a thousand right a g you’re trying to move a grand out you’re just trying to move a stack okay maybe sh Otani doesn’t notice ,000 missing out of his

Account that’d be like me and you not noticing a dollar honestly 4 and5 million that would be like me and you not noticing 4,000 or 40,000 like what come on fam Eric Rend is ask is the FBI investigating oh yeah 100% yes they’re in on it yeah they’re

Looking into it it’s a big and the reason they’re investigating is because and the reason they found out is this dude was the the the it got started because there was a guy running an illegal gambling operation in California running a book taking big bets Big Time bets and

That led them to otani’s translator and so then they found him and $4.5 Million worth of bets and started tracing the money and that led them to oh T and the translator and were like well how’d you get the money and they were like ah and he was like well

He knew about it and then he had to backtrack and say he didn’t know about it so that’s how it all worked um Amy said I think he’s in on it translator is being the Fall Guy yeah I mean that could always be the case right

Like the Fall Guy he’s like listen I’ll give you I’ll give you 20 million once you get out of jail just take the fall for me that could be never know Stephen said how about the NFL coaches yeah we’re not going to do that today I didn’t get a chance I I wanted

To isolate each one or a group of them and I just didn’t get a chance to do that so we’ll have to do that tomorrow um which I did is on my list to get to this week that would be funny if he just comes out and does this whole statement

In Japanese and walks off there would be pretty hilarious joepro that’d be Fantastical all right let’s do this uh story oh my God I got to pee so bad I don’t think I’m gonna make it yeah I don’t really think I’m gonna make it [ __ ] you guys are going to hate me I

Know I know I got to pee so bad though you know what I’m going to do I’m going to run um I’m G to run the Barry on Sports while I go pee real quick can I do that I gotta find it where is it oh what the

Heck trying to sign to my Opus lips yeah 20 minutes is a lot when you have to pee like this okay I’m going to run uh Barry on Sports this is the full Berry on Sports from this past Saturday’s um what’s it called Sports Saturday which you can catch every

Saturday on uh cw39 where the [ __ ] did I go oh there it is cut shows really big show I’m about to BU my pant this thing don’t fuing Hur why is this taking so long [ __ ] I hate this computer Jesus Christ [ __ ] off already God damn it all right uh you mother

[ __ ] all right this is um the Barry on Sports from Saturday’s Sports Saturday at airs 9:30 on cw39 watch this and I watch this and I’ll be back I’m Barry lck and this isn’t what happened in sports this week let’s start at the NFL where former NFL All Pro

Quarterback Richard Sherman says he plans to eventually return to the FS1 show Undisputed after being arrested for his second DUI since 2022 police said they could tell Sherman was intoxicated when he told him that he wanted to continue working with skip Bess Travis Kelsey is reportedly in the

Running for a reboot of the game show are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader the reboot is math-based and challenges contestants to see if they can figure out how long it’s been since the Cowboys have won a Super Bowl without using a calculator the first ever UFL season is

Set to begin on March 30th the UFL of course merges the usfl and XFL leagues it promises to be an exciting combination of the ufs usl’s fast-paced action along with the xfl’s crippling debt in other sports news on July 20th at AT&T stadium in Arlington Texas Jake

Paul is set to square off in a boxing match against 57-year-old Iron Mike Tyson Tyson said he plans to knock so many of Paul’s teeth out he’s going to start sounding like Mike Tyson that’s crazy in his match against Alexander zarev at the Indian Wales Open tennis Superstar Carlos alcarez was attacked by

A swarm of bees that’s kind of surprising because usually tennis is enjoyed by wasps white Anglo Saxon Pro okay and finally the Paris Olympics will reportedly hand out 300,000 condoms to Olympians for the 2024 games which equals to almost two condoms per person for each day and in keeping with Olympic tradition each

Athletes Performance will be scored by a panel of judges and if some of you are thinking that 300,000 condoms is too much listen just remember that many of these athletes have endured four years of intense training to finish as quickly as possible I’m Barry lamac that’s not what happened in sports this

Week I feel so much better all right that was the uh bar on Sports for the week yo what up PCH good to see you buddy okay um all right let’s talk about the the road the road that symbol looks like a lady with a bob what what

Symbol what symbol go to the restroom a lot more when not dehydrated oh yeah that’s all water all water today well coffee um what’s symbol looks like a lady with a bob oh the Olympic symbol I think you’re right I think you’re right all right um so comedy Road story and then we’re

Going to get out of here I I always love seeing um chat messages that start off with you need I love that you need I love when when people tell me what I need Stephen Lether guy said you need a road stories intro like you do for lawn

Talk yeah that’s what I need to spend 15 hours creating a road stories intro uh yeah the Olympic symbol does look like a lady with a bob you are 100% correct CC uh yes Allan gather around ladies and gents of story time so this guy there’s a agency that I’m um a part

Of that I get booked with occasionally and what they do is they’ll send out emails and say hey I got um I’ve got the following gigs that you know I need a comic for one one’s here one’s there one’s here one’s there and it’s very it’s not you don’t get a lot of

Detail right so it might say hey I’ve got a gig in abene on April 20 or March 23rd it pays x amount and includes hotel if you’re free let me know and so Comics will email him back and say hey I’m free and then they’ll go through

Sometimes what he’ll do is he’ll submit uh tapes and then let the client choose the comic that they want and he’ll email us back and go hey they picked you and sometimes he’ll just submit us and be like hey here’s the comic I’m sending you all right so that’s how I

Ended up getting this gig so uh yes I get this gig it is in abalene on Saturday that is all I know leading up to this week this past week week and then I get an email on like Wednesday and in the email it says please confirm that that you got

This okay and I open it up and it says uh gig summary March 23rd I mean yeah so far so good uh abalene Texas abalene Christian University it has the pay Hotel included it says uh please work clean and Showtime is 10 o’clock p.m. that’s

It that’s all it says now I’m like oh okay uh that’s a lot actually let me see um yeah so I was like well that’s that’s uh that’s interesting I didn’t CU you know you just see a city and you don’t know so now I realize I’m going to abalene Christian

University to perform which I’ve never done a college before in 11 years and now I’m performing at a Christian College okay this could be for a lot of different things this could be just a general performance for students it could be for faculty it could be for a specific group

You just I don’t know who it’s for I just know I’m headed to abalene Christian University on Saturday and the shows at 10 and I have to work clean and then he messages me again and he says hey they’re really adamant about making sure you work clean you know I know you’ve

Done dry bar and that’s super clean so just make sure you work dry bar clean not just because there’s different levels of Clean Comedy there’s clean comedy where you know you don’t talk about you don’t get DET you know talk about sex in detail but you may say [ __ ]

Or you may you may you know you may cuss or you may talk about like smoking weed but you don’t get graphic like when it comes to sex right um or you don’t do like abortion jokes or rape jokes but you might be like you might say [ __ ] or or talk about smoking

Weed right but then like with dry bar comedy you don’t do any of that and you don’t talk about doing drugs you don’t take the lord’s name in vain you don’t talk about religion you don’t talk about having sex now you might you might use some innuendo

But you don’t do right and then there’s Church clean which you don’t do none of that [ __ ] there’s no inuendo none of that right so then on Friday I get a call I get an email from a guy who’s over all everything at a ACU abene Christian universe and he’s like

Hey I just want you to know I got you know I got your info from uh Jason and I’m over all this stuff I just want to make sure we’re on the same page about material and stuff and make sure you understand we’re we’re wanting you to

Work really clean like this has to be clean like it has to be clean please let me know that you understand that and I got back with I was like yeah I get it no I understand it’s got to be clean um you know I understand understand well then another

Guy reaches out to me and texts me and says hey um you know I’m with like student services or I’m over student events or whatever CU you call me and I finally get around to calling him he’s like yeah so I just want you to know you

Know this is the first time we’ve ever done anything like this at the at the school ever and everyone’s really nervous about this so you’re our first comedian to ever perform at this school and we want to make sure that you don’t curse that you don’t you know that the all the material

Is uh you know it can’t be anything bad okay and I was like yeah I got you you know no worries I got you um hey congratulations double D says my son got into love at Christian next year but it’s to play tennis hey college is college player what’s up Wags

Um EV said nothing wrong with PG rated comedy yeah I mean if that’s your thing clean comedy is fine there’s it’s just it depends on what you like and depends on you know clean comedy can be funny I know a ton of funny clean comics there’s some that are so funny

You don’t even realize they’re they’re working clean that’s when clean comedy is really good when you don’t even realize they’re clean cuz they’re just that funny um so they’re just all paranoid I mean they’re all paranoid I’ve been getting just you know so I’m like I assure you

You don’t have to worry about me there will be no cussing there will be no I won’t talk about drugs I won’t talk about sex I won’t talk about any of that stuff right no worries I got it I get it I’ve done Dry Bar I promise you okay no worries

So I’m like all right what am I going to talk about for a bunch of students um like what am I gonna what am I gon to talk about right like I how am I going to do comedy for a Christian College full of students

And it’s got to be clean like I have nothing to relate to them I’m 49 some of these kids coming into college are 18 maybe hell some of them might still be 17 like I don’t know you know what I mean like and I can’t even like be like

Hey kids who’s smoking the marijuana is I’m like [ __ ] so I’m I’m on the way to abalene I’m driving and I get a text from this dude and he says Hey Barry my name is Darren and I’m one of the sponsors of the show tonight

And um I just wanted to touch Bass with you about the show um can you please call me or text me when you get here I will meet you I’ll take you to where you’re supposed to be you know yada yada you know um I was like yeah sure no

Problem and oh no I’m sorry it said Hey Barry my name is Darren I am one of the sponsors of the show being put on by uh new Kapp asai I was just wanting to make sure that you know can you call or text when you get

Here I’ll come get you we’ll make this happen and also you know just wanted to go over that material needs to be clean material you know don’t it can’t be any cursing or whatever whatever whatever so when I see this man message me new caai I was like that’s

A that’s not a white fraternity that is not first of all his name was Darren but it was like d a r y n or something I I was like you know you just get that Vibe I was like this is a black dude this is black for

Fraternity this is this this show is for a black fraternity guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed I just had that feeling so I was like plot twist right but I don’t want to assume because it’s abalene Christian University hell I don’t even know if they have black people at abene Christian

University so I Tex him back back and I said um hey Darren I’m on my way you ain’t got to worry about content I’m not going to curse so we’re good could you though I’m trying to put together a set list and it’s really hard not knowing what exactly the audience is

Going to be now I assume it’s going to be students but that really doesn’t narrow it down right like it could be uh science kids it could be mathletes it could be the the football team it could be uh I don’t know could you just maybe help me understand what the audience

That I’ll be performing for kind of looks like so that when I’m putting a set list together I have a better idea of how to shape this my my my material I’m just I’m trying to come up with a way to say it without being like whatever because the other thing he said

Was he said probate weekend and that was the other thing that tipped me off that this was probably a black fraternity but I didn’t want to just come out and be like yo is this a black fraternity cuz he was like it’s their first probate it’s the first time that

Their probate is has lasted the weekend so they’re very excited this s so I asked the question and he said um oh no no no no my bad my bad my bad my bad you know what how about I just read it how about that

Uh so I say yeah can you give me an idea of the type of crowd it’ll be that’ll help me when putting my set list together he goes yeah so the group that is putting this on is the new campus it’s their probate weekend and this is the first time they’ve actually extended

Through the weekend new capai is abalene Christian’s only majority black fraternity and they have marketed this weekend pretty well uh there could be a diverse crowd coming so hopefully also they’ll be pulling from McMurray and Harden Simmons so now instead of just going to Bing Christian to perform

For just random students in the foyer or the lunchroom which is a lot of times what college gigs are now I’m going up there to perform for the only black fraternity at a at at the abalene Christian University and I was like this is the most random the most random

Targeted audience I think I have ever performed for like how is so so specific and in my mind I’m thinking this is what happens when you don’t ask enough questions this is what happens when you don’t ask the right questions you don’t send a 49-year-old white dude heck yeah hey po Marine

Thank you for subscribing buddy 13 months but you don’t send a 49 year old white guy to go perform comedy for a black fraternity at a Christian College like that’s not that’s not a matchmade in heaven you know now fortunately I’m pretty vers atile you know what I mean like I’m

Pretty I’m pretty versatile so I’m like oh my God how am I going to relate to these kids and and honestly I was nervous about doing a set for just a college a Christian College I was was worried I had to do 45 minutes to an hour when you tell a comedian that

They have to do that their their time frame is 45 minutes to an hour when you tell me that you’re getting 45 minutes I ain’t doing an hour unless I’m just having the best time of my life I’m doing 45 minutes and if I’m going into a

To a gig like this where I’m already like oh Jesus Christ I got to do 45 minutes Church clean for a Christian College like yeah I’m doing doing 45 like that’s my time good night so I’m already like Oh no you’re getting 45 out of me exactly and

So I’m like where am I going to get 45 minutes of material that 18 to 204 year olds no not even eight I guess 18 to 23 you know year old black college kids can relate to so yeah be handn and apparently they do so um

I I kind of cobbled together a set list and I’m like because originally my set list was like so am married and I’m like bro they’re they’re not going to give a [ __ ] about me being married I can’t talk about smoking weed can’t talk about drinking I can’t talk about I I

Can’t talk about any of this stuff so I basically sat down and wrote a bunch of material I got to I got into abene at like six o’clock the show ended up not starting until 10:30 so I basically for 3 hours just wrote a bunch of material about my time

In high school being the only white kid around a bunch of black people a bunch of my black friends learning the differences about hanging out with your black friends and you know black moms and how they discipline versus white moms and you know it’s just all of these the

Different nuances of of white culture and black culture and that’s what I wrote about and so I was like I mean that’s and and what’s funny is I had been wanting to write about this forever and and talk about this on stage forever I just never did it and this kind of

Forced me to sit down and like pull a lot of this stuff out and um I was like well I mean I don’t know if this [ __ ] is going to work is going to have to and then I went into the um uh the old bag of tricks so what I did

Is I asked if there was anybody that had ever wanted to do standup and I brought them on stage and I let them perform and there was two different people that said that one of them I had planned um one of them was the uh only

White dude in this all in this black fraternity and so I brought him on stage and y’all he killed it he was roasting people and [ __ ] it was amazing aming amazing uh and then this other chick I was like yeah this ain’t easy you know

This is not an easy job if anybody ever wanted to do this and this one chick was like a I I can do it I was like are you funny she was like yeah I was like well come on up here [ __ ] come on up I just

Say [ __ ] I was like come on up and so she came up and I was like all right I’m going to introduce you I’m gonna bring in you got one minute you got to make them laugh you got to do the whole minute though you can’t quit I was like

A minute’s going to seem like a lot she goes it’s just one minute I was like I know it’s you you think it’s not a lot but it’s going to seem like it’s forever once they stop laughing and they’re not laughing at you no more and I’m saying

This in the mic and everybody kind of laughing and laughing I was like nah it won’t be you’re yeah it’s gonna it’s GNA this going to be terrible and she was like Oh no I got it and I was like what’s your name I’m going to do your

Intro and she about 20 seconds in she started uh uh I was like you got to keep going so that killed like five minutes and then this one kid I was like wanting to bring in somebody from the from the fraternity to perform and he ended up

Doing it and just crushed uh and Stephen said I thought you hated that I hate that at a regular comedy show you got to understand this is different uh I had wanted to personalize the show for them because it was a it’s basically like a kind of a private show like this they

Had hired me to come perform for them so in this case you know instead of having a bunch of inside information about them that I could customize the material this was a way to do that and so this dude goes up and roasts him and he had a

Funny joke he was talking about like at at some practice that they do they’re like they were complaining about somebody being off beat and they were like Jackson would you get him on beat he was like what are you talking about I’m not on beat how am I G I don’t even

Know what the beat is how am I going to get him on beat then he started talking about all these it was fantastic but um my opening line I think is what really kind of saved the whole whole night so the uh the feature act I got to get

Out of here the feature act his name is Derek kley he’s out of Dallas funny dude he’s 48 so I’m I’m 49 Derek is 48 so we’re both old as [ __ ] I mean we might have been the two oldest cats in the building and um Derek was out there first and he was

Doing like 20 minutes and uh he uh you know he was asking like well how yeah he’s he’s doing his thing and I thought you know what I’ve got to go out and I have to get them on my side right away like I have to get these people to buy into me

And what I’m doing and know that this is G not gonna suck for 45 minutes and believe that I’m I can make them laugh because if I if I don’t go out and get them right away I’m going to be in trouble I’ve got to grab their attention right away so I

Came up with a line and this is what I went out and said so uh you know Derrik degraded Derrick’s black so that helped right they had a black feature that helped so then I come walking out and uh they you know they introduced me um like I’m walking out and I’m standing

There for a second I was like hey y’all give it up for give it up for Derek yeah like y’all give it up for Maris he was kind of the host in MC he didn’t do comedy he just brought us out they were like yeah I like man give it up for everybody

To put this together this is fantastic they were like Yeah and then they got quiet and everybody was just it it was kind of awkward just for a second and my opening line was well this is what happens when you order Gary Owen on Teemu and it [ __ ] crushed and they lost their [ __ ] and uh they just they everybody lost it

And I go uh yeah well at least you paid for shipping so I got here on time so that’s good and I was like yeah I didn’t know that I was going to be performing for uh black fraternity I had no idea my my agent called me and was like

Hey do you want to perform at abalene Christian University and I was like oh yeah that sounds white and they’re just dying they’re they’re cackling like I’m it’s I’m like oh God this could not go any better and I was like uh yeah because I would have never have gone and gotten an

Edge up from a white guy had I known that I was going to have a hundred Black Faces staring back at me judging my Edge up the entire time it looks like Michael J fox did my Edge up and and that was it that was it and the rest

Of the night man I didn’t have a problem even when [ __ ] wasn’t working they were still on my side and it was really not even a performance after that it was kind of a conversation because I was able to still do that material that I wrote but it was just me talking about

It and still making them laugh and at one point I was talking about high school and I said something about like I think it was like I said something like I think it was 1990 1991 somebody goes oh my God like out loud I was like what

Did you say I was like excuse me I was like look I can’t cuss I can’t curse right now but when this show is over and we’re out in the parking lot and I have already been paid I’m off the clock I will curse you out in the parking lot

Get ready I will find you I will hunt you down and I will curse you out and so like stuff like that was it it it made it fun it was uh it was cool but I was not prepared to perform for uh a black fraternity at a Christian College in abene Texas

And I had an absolute blast it made me write new material it made me perform new material and they were the nicest kids man they were so cool I I mean like I can’t even tell you that afterwards everybody’s like can we take pictures with you and it was the coolest [ __ ]

Ever man they were so kind and gracious and had fun and man it was a blast it was an absolute blast um couldn’t have had more fun and I’m so glad I got the experience so um shout out to uh abalene Christian University shout out to new capai for

Having me and uh putting on a one hell of a show tons of fun tons of fun and uh yeah it was a it was a different kind of Road story but lot of fun so wag says s are you doing gigs at a Christian University every weekend now oh hell no

Oh hell no I I uh if I have my choice I don’t want to work clean if I don’t have to I’d like I don’t mind writing clean jokes I don’t mind performing clean I just want to I don’t want to have to constantly be thinking like okay I can’t cuss I can’t

Cuss I can’t cuss because it distracts from just performing but yeah dude gelpro you ain’t lying bro it was the most Niche down I’ve ever seen I was like wow this is so very specific I mean unbelievably specific uh and they have like apparently there’s like two more Christian universities

There it uh it was wild uh there’s two Christian Universities in Houston yeah right St Thomas and what’s the other one I don’t know what the other one is yeah pretty wild though all right got to get out of here go take care of my sick wife make sure she’s okay trying

Not to get fever all right tomorrow uh I’ve got a photo of all oh yeah that was the other thing uh poor Marine they do step and I told them I was um on the step team in high school and they were like do something I was

Like bro first of all I don’t even remember second of all I don’t have no rhythm left none I I are you [ __ ] me third if I tried to do any of that I would throw a hip out of socket like uh-uh you out your damn m not doing no

Damn stepping they wanted me too I was like all I remember I can do I can do one little thing on the chest that’s all I got this all you get out ain’t no way but yeah they do stuff when I walked in they were doing some in the

Uh uh foyer of the uh theater I was performing I was like okay down here it fun though man it’s cool yeah oh my God yeah if I tried to do uh tried to remember some of this I was like you can go to my Facebook and

See where I was part of the step uh team but I ain’t [ __ ] remember of that yo P Marine thank you for the th bits buddy appreciate you fam all right yo uh I’ve got the um coaches photo tomorrow we’re going to roast all the coaches well maybe not all

Of them but most of them this is uzi’s idea he’s like uh he sent me the photo and we’re going to go through and I don’t know we’ll talk about why does Andy Reid look like he looks some of these cats look weird man real weird

Some of them look normal some of them look like I don’t know we’ll talk about it I’m going to isolate some of them and we’ll roast the [ __ ] out of all these NFL coaches appreciate you popping in P Marine uh thank you beon I appreciate you buddy uh

Jo bro thank you buddy good to see you uh Joel thanks good to see you as well yuriel flip thank you guys man thank you’all for being here aan said next college gig TSU Homecoming don’t think I wouldn’t do it I don’t give a [ __ ] I’m not scared I

Ain’t scared to do it I would do it it may not go well but I would do it uh uh Hey thank you Alan Denon I appreciate you all right I’ll see you guys tomorrow love you CeCe you’re the best Stephen good show you know I love

You all right I love you guys be safe be kind love each other I’ll see you tomorrow bye Daddy’s making a YouTube video


  1. I really hope you decide to keep doing BOD dude but I get your frustrations with it not growing.

    It might be time for Justin Fields to switch to RB or WR. Bears didn't get much for him so no one thinks he can be a good QB.

  2. Kim Mulkey sounds how Trump usually does. Im surprised she didnt call it fake news during this press conference LOL.

    300K condoms at the Olympics is crazy!!

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