Golf Players

Another Dooley Noted Podcast // Episode #334 ~ HBC Steve Spurrier

On this episode, Pat Dooley is joined by The HBC Coach Steve Spurrier, courtesy of Meldon Law!
We’ll have the Big Mill’s Cheesesteaks’ “Yes, No Way, or Maybe,”
Hesser & Kipke’s “Three Things,” Leonardo’s Millhopper Pizza “Quick Picks,”
Adam’s Rib Co. 2GO “Gator of the Week,”
All that, and much more!

[Applause] [Applause] B Another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coaches podcast room at spurrier’s grid iron grill in celebration Point okay and welcome in to another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the meldon law Gator Studios great to be here today at Steve Spur’s

Grid on grill Steve SP will join us in just a little bit and we’ll talk to him about all the stuff it was a wild crazy weekend and then Robbie Andrew will join us for yes no we maybe we’re hoping to have Ernest Graham on Thursday show he

Had agreed to do it and and I know he I’ll hear back from him eventually but he’s dealing with his son’s surgery so um you know a back surgery he had so he’s probably caught up in some stuff if we can’t get him we’ll get somebody else

You we’ll be fine we’ll have a good show you’d know that let’s get to our process service of gain will starting brought to you by process service of Gainsville Scott Hart and the wonderful people that work with him uh we appreciate them being a major sponsor on our show let’s

Start off with number one and I look I’m going to start with the most important thing that happened to me this weekend and that was Florida losing in basketball on Friday uh it was it was Savage um it was not easy um you hate to

Do that you hate to lose on a ball that goes in and then spins out and you go oh it’s going to miss maybe Florida can and then it comes back in it happens Colorado’s not around anymore either you know I mean it was a bad matchup for

Florida but the bottom line is they just did some things poorly they didn’t play any defense they haven’t played defense all year why why would everybody go well they didn’t play defense yeah they didn’t play defense against anybody how many games they give it up 100 points

They did they do it all the time you know um that’s one thing they have to figure out how to get better on defense certainly hand log did not be in the game I’m not saying they’d have beaten Auburn and I’m not saying they’ have beaten Colorado but I would go love to

Go back and play those games with him but when the bone is sticking out of your leg you can’t play it’s a rule um the fact that he was there was huge but hey look I’m just going to remember this team for the positives I really am um

The the three games they won in in Nashville the the wins over Kentucky and Auburn and at K at Kentucky especially uh Auburn and Alabama pounding them I mean I’m GNA remember this team for the positives this was the second year of a new coach this wasn’t the second year of

The football coach who went five and seven this was the second year of a coach who went to the NCAA tournament won 24 games I me I’m not trying to rip Billy nap here I’m sorry I’m just saying this was a great step forward in Florida basketball you

Know what you weren’t going to win it all this year you weren’t okay you’re you’re not as good as a lot of the teams that are out there 67 of these teams are going to be losers at the end of the day they’re going to lose games to to finish their

Seasons I don’t like that it was the first game it was hard and it really um it really kind of uh ruined my whole NCAA tournament to be honest with you I don’t know after that game I just I watched the end of the Yale game and I

Went out and I told my wife I said hey guess what Yale just beat Auburn she goes oh good so that made her happy for like one minute and then she went and she was back she was really down but by the end of the weekend we were kind of

Happy all right number two I I had this tweet I should have pulled it up I had this tweet that I put out and I don’t tweet a lot anymore I I I just hate to say this but I find Twitter boring for the most part I do go on it a lot

Because there’s a lot of news and a lot of opinions and a lot of funny things but I’m not going to waste my time tweeting stuff out to get people mad at me it’s just not worth it but every once in a while I do tweet something out just

Because I feel like it I was at the um and by the way the new gator dock site out in Jonesville is going to open up I think this week we went to a friends and family thing out there Jud Davis was there I saw him saw Lisa sper um and um

It was it’s it’s wonderful I like I like it a lot but the bottom line was I had multiple people come up to me and go man that tweet you sent out was perfect and bl that tweet meant a lot to and I’m like what did I oh here’s what I said in

Pretty much any basketball game you ever watch 50% of the calls going to be right 50% are going to be wrong it’s how you play around the wrong calls how you play around the wrong calls oh there it is right there no this a different one this

A different one no I’d like that one though I want that one up too this is Nate oats saying and I said so let me get this straight you can rip officials during an interview during the game but you can’t after the game I’m a little confused natos he’s just ripping the

Officials but isn’t that publicly ripping officials they they will find you and suspend you if you do it after the game why why can you do it during the game the other one was uh I was talking about the U and again I was a little frustrated with some of the calls

Florida was getting but look like I say bad calls happen you have to play around them I’ve always said that about every sport football basketball baseball you know yeah umpires usually are about get about half the calls right got to play around it uh this is the one I put up uh

College basketball officials get about half the calls right you have to take advantage of the ones they get right and play around as they one they the ones they don’t that has not changed in decades that that’s what I’ve felt for a long time and I feel it today you got to

Play around them man yes they are not look what are you gonna do go get other officials in here nobody can C referee this game it’s just ridiculous guys are banging on each other all the time and everything it’s hard and they don’t get him right all the time and they they’re

Not great people they were talking about somebody the other day that was um going to have to he probably W referee the next game after that call oh I know what it was baseball baseball um Tex A&M guy bumped into the Umpire bumped into a guy and they said he probably won’t referee

The game next week well then why should he referee any our umpire anything he he clearly he’s got a problem H I’m not look I’m not getting on the officials I’m I’m just saying they’re going to be wrong at least half the time and it’s the same way in the in in college

Football in the NFL you you’re telling me there’s not holding on every play so that right away limit eliminates that you right half the time because there’s holding on every play you know that just got to play around that’s my point you gotta play around whatever happens I a’t gonna do you any

Good just got to play around it all right I don’t even know what segment I’m on here that’s how that’s how um into this rest thing I man but let’s get to number three on the process service of Gainesville starting five and that would be my bracket I’m going to

Tell you a bracket story um I you know I we had um Mark Wise and Matt McCall I thought in fact I made my wife go watch that podcast I said just go watch this before the tournament I’m pretty proud of it that may win a Pulitzer if they gave

Pulitzers crappy podcast they would give a pullit her um but she went and looked read it and read it she went and watched it she goes that was really good I was really proud of it but I wasn’t happy that Matt McCall said you get to fill

Out two brackets no you fill out one bracket so guess what I waited and I kept looking at it I kept judging and I’m trying to figure things out does the Kan I think the Kan could win that game I finally fill it out on the ESPN

Bracket thing and then they get they start coming at me with all kinds of advertising they want me to do and I went log off didn’t fill out of bracket sorry you know what I wasn’t going to win what do they have 150 million people

Are in it I wasn’t going to be the one winning bracket I think there’s more that have that take every game wrong in the first round every game right you know what I’m gonna do next year I I literally I’m gonna do this I’m gonna pick the first round and pick every team

That’s an underdog and then I can go how’s your bracket oh I had Oakland over Kentucky and I had Yale over Auburn really how did you yeah I did I had Colorado over Florida too I’m on top of it uh you also had Houston losing didn’t you and you also

Now whatever you’re just bragging with your brackets they mean nothing nobody’s winning now in my day in the old days we would fill them out by hand and there’d be eight people in and you’d all throw $10 in and somebody would M money that’s not the way it is anymore there’s a 250

Million people getting in these brackets and one person is going to win something but it ain’t going to be me so I’m done with brackets unless I can figure out a way to do it that’s fun again I want to I want to make America bracket friendly again

That’s my goal all right let’s get to uh number four which is baseball and I and I I’m sorry that I say baseball for the end it was I will be honest with you at about 9:30 on 10:00 on um Saturday night I went to bed I

Said I I don’t want to watch the gator lose and anything else anymore so I went to bed and the next morning like I said earlier or I said I’m going to say later uh I got a a text from somebody who said what a great win and I was like what

Florida won so I went and looked it up what a great week though for the Gators because again they hate LSU and LSU hates them the feeling is mutual um and again they got really chirpy and I don’t know if you saw the game Sunday now the game

Saturday for Florida to win basically if there was a pass ball that allowed Florida to get a run on base and went bring in a run and then of course Ty Evans big hit and then KAG Leon with a two-run homer but on Sunday uh it was a

Chirpy game because um they’re down 61 a guy hits a homer a long Homer and I don’t know I didn’t think it was that bad he did pause a little bit I I I’m doing my golf grip here instead of my baseball grip with you can’t hit the

Baseball with a but anyway and and then he threw the bat down and then when next guy up KAG strikes him out and he chirped a little bit and they had been worn and and then coach for um LSU comes out and he’s screaming and yelling yeah

They throw him out of the game and his point was probably a good point you you warned everybody you shouldn’t be warning people for that anyway college baseball don’t got to play around you gotta play around the umpires like you have to play around the referees but for

Florida to win those two games look LSU is not LSU from last year but Florida winning those two games is big and um it it’s got me rejuvenator for this baseball season I’d kind of fallen off a little bit there for a minute not not against suly not against anybody in of

The players but it’s pretty good pretty good weekend for the Gators um and let and by the way run ruled LSU to finish it off that’s that’s nothing better than that to go oh we want to get out here a little early we’ll just strike you out

And then we’ll go home okay uh and I I did want to mention softball The Sweep of Kentucky uh texted with uh Tim Walton and I’m proud of him and um 20 were they 29 and four now I think they are um big Series this weekend against Mississippi State uh they’re

Ranked and um they got them I think they’re a Thursday Friday Saturday too so but it’s at home um or it’s no they’re on the road they’re on the road yeah and they’re Thursday Friday Saturday Florida baseball is at home and but they’re the regular times

Okay I think I I think I’ve got it all straightened out here’s all I know let me go talk to a guy who’s is really smart and knows things I I’ll bring Steve sper here to straighten me out on another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator

Studios processed service of Gainesville offers a rapid turnaround on affidavits of service for Gator lawyers locally and Nationwide our friend Scott Hart offers immediate responses on status requests and is a member of naps and facts and he has been a part of the community for almost two decades need service call

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Need an MRI call Titan first and you can go where your doctors send their families now we offering CAT scans all right welcome back to another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden log Gator Studios and of course we are here at Steve Spur’s grid iron

Grill always great to have a meldon Monday with coach sper and we’ve got a lot to talk about a lot happened over this weekend it was a crazy weekend wasn’t it yeah it was uh I guess let’s start with basketball uh men’s basketball we had a good year we B

I’m going to give him a B+ uh went to the finals of the tournament and everything and lost 102 to 100 that was a tough loss but uh anyway uh most all the other secc men’s teams have lost five of eight lost round yeah so anyway

Guys had a good year uh coach Todd golden uh is doing a good job no question about women’s basketball in did you ever play in a game where somebody scored 100 points that a team scored 100 points no I mean it was just baskets right back then yeah no we in fact my

Last High School game was 32 to 30 and we got beat that was a hard but we usually won 45 to 40 or something like that but anyway uh yeah Willams basketball we did win two tournament games so a little above average I’ll give them sort of

Like a C+ year maybe last game was disappointing but it the women’s basketball invitation was what it was called and uh I guess that’s the women’s nit now yeah they just changed the name of it I tell you what that St John’s team came to play I guess they did they

Look better than most of the teams that are in the Big Dance I think yeah for some reason they got left out of the the big dance they got left out of both men and women yeah yeah they sure did uh gymnastics we had a we won the regular

Season I got to give those uh that team in a won the regular season did not win the tournament I don’t know who gets the biggest credit u i know in most sports if you win the regular season that’s better than the tournament but I don’t know about season is yeah regular season

What matters but um look the bottom line is the only thing that matters is where you go from here yeah um just likea tournament you got to get all the way to Fort Worth and I think it’s in Fort Worth again but um yeah I mean it was

Disappointing they didn’t seem to they didn’t seem to really want to put all their best people out there they want to make sure everybody was ready for the the what’s coming up uh well sometimes you just don’t have your best stuff you know happens to every team every sport but uh

Now the tournament to to to declare national champ is coming so uh hopefully we’ll have our best stuff and way we go but still one regular season another excellent year by Jenny Roland and her team so that’s good baseball’s winning the series of everybody we play a big

Win over LSU uh yesterday uh so that was fun to watch but uh yeah all the uh the SEC basketball teams have not fared well in the big tournament not well at all I tell you I so Auburn LSU I’m sorry Auburn uh Kentucky Florida who surpris

You the most losing in the first game well Auburn was our champ so they they went down and then of course we lost the Yale yeah lost to the Yale Bulldogs and then of course we were in the final game so our two top teams you could say got

Beat yeah in the first round uh of course Tennessee still there and who else we got uh Alabama Alabama and Tennessee I think did Alabama w&m got beat in by Houston two teams left but I mean you know I I don’t judge uh conferences by how they do in the

Tournament I’m sorry it’s they’re all freaky weird games you know they and it’s just the way it is but um certainly they are U we we were all disappointed with what happened with Florida I mean they come back they came back but I mean they they’re Bugaboo was they didn’t

Play defense all year they gave up 102 points you lose the game you yeah it was uh a game that uh yeah could have gone either way but didn’t work out for us uh but anyway it is uh March Madness is interesting how those uh down the line

Teams mid Majors is that what they call them oh they can they can play there’s so many good players in America now it’s hard for one school that’s exact that’s exactly what I thought when I was watching the games I was like that guy’s as good as anybody who plays in the SEC

You know these everybody’s got good players now it’s like the opposite of women’s basketball where I think you agree and you I mean you watched Kelly Ray’s team and you’ve watched South Carolina team there’s the pool’s a little smaller so you got to get the best you know B in in

Men’s college basketball if you got an older team that’s played they’re fine they can beat anybody yeah I think da Staley’s record now is4 and three losses in our last uh 107 games 104 and three that’s pretty sounds Osborne back in his in the day oh yeah

They he had a lot of 10 and0 11 and0 years yeah well and again uh I I think what you do and that is that that basketball loss was hard it was a stinger it’s never you never want to see you lose on the last second shot but this team really did a

Lot of fun things this year I I had fun watching them I watched every minute of every game so yeah we had a good team we had a good team that had a good run and uh hopefully most of them that can come back will be back and uh try to go

Farther next year yeah and uh also down we had golf going on this weekend a lot of gators down there I mean none of them really who I think who finished the highest horel I think finished the highest of all the Gators did he I think

He was six under but um at balar and that was fun to watch we had the uh I don’t know how much you watched of the women’s tournament but and I think the problem for the women is we us mentioned 18’s not beaten 16’s not beat one actually Eight’s not beaten one

MH four probably can’t beat one either it’s just they they’re it’s such a dominant sport where certain teams dominate of course South Carolina be one of them yeah definitely no no doubt about it uh did you see the uh valpar golf yesterday a guy named Manali uh

First win in nine years he did and he was actually crying when he was getting the trophy and had his little oh about 5-year old son he was holding and so forth so it’s pretty neat to see these guys they’ been out there grinding yeah you know exactly he’s 36 years old and

Uh but he had one win back in uh 9 years ago 18 I guess 2018 so uh he this wasn’t his first but it’s been nine years pretty neat there’s nothing wrong with crying when you went something yeah I was telling the story earlier about watching Brian song for the 100th time

The other night and I still weld up you know it’s it’s did you ever watch that when you so you would have been what mm that came out like 69 I think a little yeah yeah our good friend Randy Jackson uh played with the Bears so he knew

Brian Piccolo well really they were on the same teams up there in the late 60s and uh I think he’s from Fort laale too a he area yeah Pico is yeah went to wake yeah I don’t think Florida recurred I don’t think they did back in those days

But went to Wake Forest and of course had a good career there and uh if you’ve never seen Brian’s Song I don’t want to talk to you I can’t be friends with you but go watch it and then we can be friends okay because it’s and if you don’t well up a little

Bit I’m mad at you um all right so now we go forward baseball’s doing good softball’s doing good softball 29 and four I I texted back with u Tim Walton after they swept Kentucky I said pretty smooth weekend there he goes yep was very tell we had a huge crowd there I

Had drive by and they’re up on the banks and the stands were full it was H it was a big crowd there so really really nice to see the Gators come out and and support women’s softball and and the Gators will support everything if you win that’s that’s why we got women’s

Basketball up we got we got to get them up there cuz that that women’s basketball is really grown all over the country but then women’s basketball women’s soccer Florida should be better in women’s soccer and again they they went through this LW and everything and we had the coaching change they’ll get

Better I I I’m convinced that she’ll get it done and get them better but uh again it’s kind of it’s hard to get a crowd when you don’t play against other conference States you know somebody from Boston College or somebody comes in if it was Georgia or Tennessee or something

Like that I think it’d be little leure to get a crowd yeah absolutely all right we need to get to our Campus USA play of the weekend and uh it’s brought to you by cus USA uh coach fur obviously is a major spokesperson for that and this is what

It was and it was Jack kagon Saturday night when I’d given up on the Gators hitting this massive two-run Homer to win the game basically I it wasn’t a walk-off but he did win the game and uh that guy is a different animal man he is

And then the next day he hits one again and and pitches seven Innings of uh one hit one run ball I mean I there aren’t too many guys like him are there it’s 65 yeah flowing hair I mean he’s like Fabian out there yeah he can swing that bat that’s

For sure uh did he hit one or two yesterday he h one yesterday one the day before so he’s up to 11 now yeah okay but uh Shelton hit two yesterday okay and he’s been great so uh but I don’t know when you were a kid you were

Just trying to hit the ball hard on the ground right or some or line D yeah these guys are swinging for the fence every playe sometimes it’s frustrating and sometimes but everybody’s doing all the other teams are doing the same thing they’re doing the same thing yeah and that’s why

There’s so many solo Hummers yeah all around college baseball yeah way he that uh but that’s why you got to spot your pitches down and away and you know don’t if you put over the middle of play it’s gone I mean those guys are going to hit

It out they’re that good U but it’s uh it’s interesting to see how it goes all right coach football’s going around I saw in the paper where Miles Graham hurt his back or something getting a surgery but they hope he’ll be full speed by summertime

Maybe and uh be able to get in wonderful shape for the season well I have a saying Steve and that is there’s no good news that comes out of spring football spr I mean what can possibly be good somebody saying oh he looks really good

Oh how do you know we don’t get to watch it anyway but injuries are the one thing that that’s Troublesome we were supposed to have and I don’t know if we’re gonna have um Ernest Graham on U Thursday’s show but he may want to take some time

And you know obviously be with his son but he was one of your favorite players right Ernest yeah he’s the third leading rusher in school history yeah uh Eric rett’s number one uh I don’t know who number I think is EMT number two yeah three years okay but they G two I had

Two of yeah people don’t realize how much we ran the ball uh it was interesting you know Ike Hillyard was in town uh his I heard was his daughter got in the Honors College and I saw Lis Saturday and we talked about he came by the stadium and uh I actually saw him

Sunday morning uh before he left town and uh you know how many touchdown catches he had he he had one less than Chris doring Oh Oh you mean career and Jack Jackson had about two less and javar G had two less or something but we we led the nation in touchdown catches

So people think we threw the ball all the time and then bian labeled you whereas we we ran the ball uh at least 50% of the time almost every game you love that draw play man yeah draw play you don’t see it much anymore best one

Of the best plays in what do you think it is do you think I don’t know what it is well I don’t understand why they don’t have two backs in there every now and then I don’t understand why they don’t put the quarterback under Center

Every now and then but uh most of these teams they just line up in the shotgun with one back and have some guys going in motion and you know throw it out sideways some and and then throw it deep some but it’s they’ve they they’ve changed the game a little bit Yeah I

Think sometimes guys are like they just want to practice one way you know we’ll practice this way with the shotgun then we don’t have to worry about anything else I don’t know I they’re getting paid a lot of money and there’s 95 not just uh college but in the NFL how many

People are walking around that have the ability to uh make change but I don’t know I hey look I don’t know anything about football I I’ve decided on that because I can’t pick any games right or anything like that uh but um I do know

That uh so did you do a bracket this year no I never have done that you know I didn’t do it this year either I I I I talked about it earlier but I I just was like I just want to watch the games that’s right I of course I usually uh

When you’re a coach you can’t gamble it’s you know Ricky newo got kicked out of coaching basically at Washington because he had a office pool right for the March Madness back in 96 or seven something like that but uh so I never never messed with it in fact I don’t

Hardly bet on anything anymore do you I don’t bet I you know I don’t bet it’s not because I’m I’m moral it’s just that I don’t can’t afford it I can’t afford to lose it’s a bad habit it is a bad habit and most people lose and uh Otani that Dodger his interpreter

Guy lost every bet he must have lost every bet I will bet that Otani hits a homer tonight oh well yeah and then you start doubling up to catch up and next thing y what’ he lose 4 million and something whatever it is I mean I look

That story you know to me stories that are in pro sports are kind of in the periphery for me care about college sports I want to I like I’m I’m suffering I’m hurting with the Gators right now basketball wise I love that team I thought that team was so much fun

To watch I feel bad for them now I’m moving on to Gator baseball and Gator softball and Lacrosse and all that but you know I’m not that’s their problems they they know better about this stuff that’s going on and again you’re living in major cities like New York LA and

Everything it’s a different world I get it okay I’ll let him be that’s right all right I think so you’re saying I’m right about something right I’m right about this oh but not gambling yeah oh I would strongly urge people not to gamble but that’s their choice I

Guess and uh you know people they shove it down your throat now well a lot of times you say how’d you do last year they say I almost broke even that’s that’s usually the common phrase I almost broke even or I I was around even when they probably lost a could have but

Maybe lost a bun but it’s it’s weird and again I’m I’m sure I’m glad you didn’t have to go through this where you’ll be sitting there watching a game and let’s say you’re let’s say you’re in your hotel room back at the Holiday end over there and you’re watching the early game

You got a night game you’re watching the game and they’re going these are the best odds to bet on and these are the best odds across your you didn’t have to deal with that but you have to deal with it every day now where it’s like here’s

The best they’re doing shows where it’s nothing but on both sides nothing but betting odds and there are full shows on ESPN and I’m like what happened what is Sodom and gomorra it’s become it really hasn’t I’m look you want to bet that’s your thing but I know what it can do to

People and and I’ve seen it more than once all right spring game April 13 so lag exited lagway should get to play about full game for one of the you know orange or the blue team and uh how would you do that would you divide them

Both up on on opposite sides or would you split up like I know there’s different philosophy about splitting up the uh players and like well three offensive lineman here starting and two here how how did you always do it well we started I think uh doing offense

Versus defense and uh so that way you know but again you can you can divide the orange and blue teams you can do it that way but uh well it’s always going to be offense versus defense but uh you can have a little game I

Think we had a game last year we kicked that long field go at the end for game though 1310 or 107 I think it was 10 yeah it wasn’t much offense in that one well I think I if I was Billy Napier I would say hey guys we’re not going to

Play any defense in this game we’re not going to call any blitzes we’re not I know last year they let him Blitz because they were tired of being bad on defense yeah we had that corner Blitz Austin Armstrong stuck in there to that’s right stop them a few times but I

Would like I think Gator fans are going to go to that game and sit in that stadium and want to see things happen and want see balls going this way and that way yeah we used to tell the defense you can play cover three and one

Which is just manto man and then a three deep Zone that that’s all you can play and uh go from there that makes it a little did two make it hard cover two make it hard no he just that’s no he’s limited to one and three though yeah

Just one and could one or two and three it wouldn’t would matter yeah yeah but you got to play a little manto man when you get down near the goal line so see I learned football again from Steve spur today and I always love that one reason

We love having him on and one reason why he is the best and of course we are here at Steve spurgers gri iron grill we’ll be back with more do you have anything else you want to plug I believe we’ covered we’ve covered we put basket ball

To rest except for pulling for whatever team that’s still out there we still got myself South you South Carolina women so my wife Jerry and I pull for da Staley and her team all the time so it’ll be interested if they can go all the way absolutely and you’re headed where

Now uh going somewhere I’m going out to Texas for a day or two yeah Arlington Bobby stops and his team’s practicing and my son Scotty’s special team coordinator out there he’s had a baby I’ll watch some practice tomorrow he’s had a baby yeah he’s got a young about a

Month old baby we’re going to see so uh watching practice a little bit so looking forward to going to Dallas well say say hey to Scotty for me and Bobby stops one of my favorite people in the world and this is my absolute favorite person in the world that’s Ste sper

He’ll be back next Monday with another duly noted podcast we’ll take a break until when we come back Robbie Andrew will join us so it’ll be a fun it’s always a good day on Mondays we we’ll be right back with another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the

Melden law Gator Studios hello there everybody I’m Pat D of course from another dly noted podcast this is a great Adam Brewer and he has just opened up a place here Adam Brook Co to go uh what would gave you the idea to do this

To have a to go Place uh we really like the fast concept you know being able to get the barbecue uh now we have this new online ordering so we before it was a call ahead carry out quick service um we have like a curbside kind of a deal where um

You know you’re everything’s ready to go for you um and then we thought wow we have a really great dinein concept but uh how can we make this you know streamlined for the customer and make it easy and accessible uh for all parts of town Adam rib code to go come on down

And enjoy it great food great atmosphere a diverse menu everything made from scratch plenty of space and locally owned these are all the characteristics of a great restaurant and you can find each and every one of them right here in Gainesville at Balo Grill Balo Grill prepares all of their food fresh every

Day from their salad dressing to their award-winning soups bring your family and enjoy dinner under the Tim tribo Tiki Hut while listening to live music or if you’re running low on time to eat out they also deliver through Uber Eats fight Squat and Postmates a Gainesville staple that’s been open for over 30

Years check out Balo Grill on Facebook or at Balo another duly noted podcast comes to you from the coach’s podcast room at Spur’s good iron grill and celebration point you can watch and listen to us on Facebook and YouTube for every podcast that we do on Mondays and

Fridays at 2:00 listen to the podcast whenever on Apple podcast Spotify Google podcast overcast any of the other 39 platforms where you can find this podcast or your favorite podcast remember to like follow And subscribe if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comment section below or

Call me if you want to do some advertising at 352 31734 4 44 all right welcome back to another duly noted podcast presented by Titan MRI from the melden law Gator studios here at Steve Spur’s grid IR Grill let’s bring in our great friend Robbie Andrew here uh to on

The big Mills cheese steak Zoom line to play yes no where maybe how was your weekend Robbie good Pat what’s that on your shirt uh campus Camping World baby oh okay okay Camp world yeah well it’s so funny because last year for the golf tournament I’d met

Actually here I’d met her asers the woman who was in charge of all that stuff for God I’m trying to think of her name and I can’t think of it she was dating I think she was dating Carl Franks and I met her and she gave me her

Card and I sent her and she sent me like 40 shirts and I said well I’m gonna be I’m gonna take one of them okay uh but yeah I like this shirt um but your weekend was good hello yeah okay full house are you there yeah you were breaking up a little

Bit no you were breaking up no you’re the dummy it’s The Love Boat Pat no it’s the love boat you’re the Dum inventor of new words God I had I had a little episode this morning but I think it was just in because of all the AL uh not alcohol all

The uh yeah duh well it may have had a factor but the the uh Med medication I’m taking for this neuropathy in my feet and I I had a hard time writing my back nine I started losing the words and then I set Robbie a text and there were words in there that

Are not words right there are two of them that you invented I called you a genius I am the Albert Einstein of fake word words all right let us play yes no way or maybe and yes no way or maybe is brought to you by big Mills cheese steak

Street dining done the right way and I was out there at the uh canapa festival and we got a picture up here of me and sampling um our our good friend big Mills cheese steaks uh Keith Miller who uh is a good friend a good friend of the

Golf tournament Robbie you had those uh sausage dogs on the first all right yeah they’re great and that picture P you look like the cat ready to jump on the canary there without sandwich well funny the funny thing is we split it and Karen and I ate it and

Karen goes this is the best cheese steak sandwich I’ve ever had in my life I go you like I don’t get bad sponsors okay I only get good those are great their stuff is great and they’re huge and I’ll have to make sure that uh because you’ll

Be on the 14 toll at the Bob duly and I’ll make sure I get some uh sausage dogs out to you and U your lovely wife okay that sounds good we’ll take it all right let’s get to yes nowhere maybe brought to you by big Mills cheese sake

If you say you listen to it or watched it you get free fries with whatever order you make I’ll be going over there this weekend how about how about my Tuesday Wednesday Robbie Tuesday I’m having lunch with gr Holloway Wednesday with Carlos Alvarez Booyah wow two legends Pat two Gater Legends and on

Thursday I’m have lunch with you so it goes right downhill who you having lunch with on Thursday you broke up there oh I was gonna say I was gonna have lunch with you and just go right downhill oh yeah that would be a big come down huge come

Down all right let’s go Robby number one on yes nowhere maybe brought to you by big Mills cheese steak the twins we’ll win the division this year we’re getting ready to start baseball in a couple of days uh good question Pat I’ll just say maybe they won it last year right yep

They did I’ll say maybe they lost they lost gray one of their better pictures he went to the Cardinal or somewhere and but I think they’re going to have a pretty good hitting lineup and a really good Bullpen so you know it just depend I think they’re yeah I’ll say maybe they

Have a chance to win the division as long as they’re in the race that makes the season fun to watch if they’re not it’s you don’t even watch baseball if your team’s out of it yeah I I get that I I think the key is going to be whether

Guetti and herck can come around this year I think that’ll be a big factor what about zo Versa ear and ol K killer breu Ola I’ve told Robbie knows this story I’ve told this story before but I used to get baseball signed by players for my

Dad great Larson was a big help on that cuz he knew a lot of people and I brought one back one day and I said Dad see who that is and he looked at it looked at it and he goes I know Tony oliv is but who’s Bert whiskey and I

Said that’s best wishes D Bert whiskey Bert whiskey a short stop he’s a short stop for the Reds he thought he’ been signed by Bert whiskey and Tony Lea that made that made it something no best wishes dad that’s a collectible right there a I miss my I

Know you do too you miss your dad and you miss my dad and we I miss your dad and I miss my dad too it’s uh we were lucky we were lucky that we got to live with both of those men they were they were giants um all right number two

Robbie on yes nowhere maybe John caliper is kuy’s coach next year I’m going to say yes Pat I mean the buy out’s huge and you going to get a a better Coach than him a guy that recruits the way he does they’re just spoiled they they’re treating him like

Spur got treated at the end of his coaching career here at Florida where you know 11 wins wasn’t enough for getting to the tournament’s not enough anymore for Kentucky they want to win titles so I think he’s gonna be there but did you see the headline in the

Kentucky paper today I did they they only misspelled name I think they were trying to make a a pun on Calipari but then you got to put it in parentheses or asteris or you can’t just yeah you can’t it said Calipari for those you don’t know with a

K and that’s yeah with a K now I I don’t know was that a ganette product are they a ganette product I it was maybe they maybe they’re thinking the k for like striking out well yeah they could be striking out or it could be uh thinking about some of

The other people in the South that have K here here’s something dly here’s something I was saying about the other night too with all the heat on Calipari with a c is that if he did they did fire him do you think they’d make a move for Billy Donovan well they’ wanted him

Before would they go and look for Billy I’ve thought about that I and look I can’t answer that question 100% I can answer what I know and that is that Billy doesn’t seem interested in going back to college however um if Kentucky calls again and he things I mean obviously Things Are

Going great with the bulls not going great in the NBA would he think about it yeah but here’s the bottom line he’s right back in the crap he didn’t like he’s got to get nil money together now for these guys he’s got to get transfer Port yeah it’s worse now than when he

Left P exactly and I but hey I’m not saying it won’t if I was Kentucky and I would not make a move on John calip Perry unless Billy dunov said yeah I’ll come that the only way I would do it yeah who else are you going to replace

Them with so then what do I look I’ve got a Oakland t- uh t-shirt coming Joe Joe CIO as soon as the game was over sent me a uh a like a bill of sale for an Oakland t-shirt as soon as that game ended and I’m like you oh he’s getting

It for me I realized that so what do I do if Billy goes to Kentucky I can’t rooe for Billy in Kentucky come on yeah but I don’t think it’s going to happen but yeah I don’t know how that would work out Pat no I don’t think

It I don’t think I I will say this I don’t think the $ 33 million is an issue I mean what did Jimbo get 50 over 30 yeah how about this though Jimbo got over 30 he’s speaking to the quarterback Club the Gainesville quarterback Club this

Year how much money do you need man you should just sit back on your Lake he’s GNA get $500 for doing that I think my I think my joke is going to be uh when he speaks I go I know a lot of you are excited to see Jimbo Fisher here

Thank God and I know none of you is somebody who is a a court reporter because those people we would see them drinking shots after the after they got done with him remember that remember that one year they had oiron and Jim back to back and they afterwards they

They just went they had to like sop themselves the sweat out of their brows it was terrible back to back baby yep all right uh finally uh Robbie number three on yes nowhere maybe you would take Yukon against the field of 15 right now that

It’s all I’m I’m gonna say yes I’ll say yes to that Pat I mean they looked really unbelievable here so far and you know I think everybody thought going in they were the the team to beat in the tournament and the way they’ve played so far has only kind of reinforced that

With me and now they’ve got a chance to go back to back like the Gators did so yeah they’re the team right now I don’t want that to happen but I don’t know that it’s t-shirt worthy you know what I mean like let’s just say uh I don’t know

Who’s left in the tournament well Alabama here here’s another one you Pat South Carolina’s GNA win the women’s title too okay oh I don’t know where you about that well as long as it’s not Kim muli and her tiate her Manifesto that she read the other day which was May

Literally be have I can’t imagine not liking a athletic team more than I like LSU I hate LSU basket women’s basketball right now I despise them because of her players are fine don’t like her want her out but to me p with her it goes back to that opening press conference the first

Thing she did was say first of all let me get rid of this damn mask and threw it threw it across the room so and to me that’s not the way to start your tenure there and now she’s calling us to report all kinds of names even though she

Doesn’t know what the story is about she doesn’t need to know and she’s also turned down two years worth of interview requests so I don’t know I I don’t get I’m not going to worry about her I I’m I’m I’m not gonna worry about her I’m just GNA

Hope somebody beats her that’s all I can do but you know Pat knowing no knowing her political beliefs and stuff I don’t know how her players relate to her as well as they do to me but maybe they just BL that out I think a lot of

Players block out I mean whe whichever side you lean on I think players block out one way or another and they just go hey this guy this is where I’m coming this where they’re going to take care of me is we’re going to play Hey if you got

Enough nil money you can be a jerk you can get away with it um all right Robbie we’ll let we’ll let you go we’ve taken it up yeah I’ll see you on Tuesday okay we’ll see you then Robbie Andrew of course will be with me on Tuesday on the

Tailgate uh which we’ll be doing um Jeff will be in Jacksonville Jacksonville what a wonderful town have you ever heard that song Jacksonville Jacksonville the place is Growing Up by Leafs and Bounds you can pick any City in the 5050 C that’s enough all right let’s get to our our

Fun stuff that we always like to do and it’s always great to have Robbie on for yes nowhere maybe brought to you by big Mills cheese State and oh you already did the Campus USA play of the weekend and we appreciate Campus USA and that

Was a fun one to do let’s get to our Adams R Cod to go Gator of the weekend and I’m sorry guys I mean it’s an obvious it’s a you know Nob brainer but geg Leon come on man okay what did he do this weekend uh hit

A two-run homer in the 11th inning to win the second game hit a homer in the next game when people were yelling and screaming and booing him and pitched seven Innings of one run ball what else you got to do he’s he I’m not saying he’s carrying the team but

He’s kind of carrying the team but look they I think this team is about to maybe turn a corner I will say this though I don’t think it that good here is KAG stats these are that’s what I should start calling them KAG stats can we get a graphic that just says KAG

Stats KAG stats the Homer he hit uh and we were just showing that up up on the screen uh the opposite field Homer again was after they had been booing him because here it is right here boo yeah uh as soon as he hit I went oh he just

Shoved it right up there poies that’s all I could think of it I to be honest with you I screamed it out the the windows and doors were all open in our house cuz we were cook grilling out her cooking and stuff and we’re watching the

Game and I just started screaming it and I had to go to my neighbors and say I’m sorry I used the word ass but it did go right up their ass so I love that um but anyway kags right now 394 batting average 165 ra oh okay

I I’ll never forget going to U one year in Omaha and Wilkerson was up for the golden spikes award and they gave it to somebody else I go and and whoever it was I went well where his hitting stats they go oh no he’s just a pitcher I go

Well this guy pitched anad and did both really well at exceptional level yeah yeah you no you got it wrong that’s what I’m saying you anybody but like right now Jack kagon is a favorite to win every award there is and I hope he keeps it up um

Him handling that crowd Sunday was huge that tells me a lot about where he is matured to so Jack kagon you have been this before and you know who I ran into the other day um I was over at Florida I was doing a thing on deadle har and I

Ran to Macy Fuller who we’ve been who has been our Adams rib Cod too Gator of the week or Gator the weekend different times and I when uh Dudley said yeah this is Macy and I went you’re a legend you’ve been Adams ribco to go player of

The week multiple times and she’s like let me like but very lovely little girl too very small and but she can she’s really good and actually she um was getting ready to get a lesson I got a lesson first in the hallway and then she was

Getting ready to get a lesson from him but anyway you win the adim r Cod to go Gator the weekend it’s a big deal don’t tell me it’s not I will tell you it is and I know that Jack agon knows it is all right let’s get to our Leonards of

Mil Hopper Quick Picks we’re gonna make it simple for you guys Florida FSU Jacksonville Florida Jacksonville no I’m not gonna do that again uh Jacksonville Florida um that is the game on Tuesday night so you don’t have much time to get it in uh pick a winner and again juu uh

I mean I’m sorry jay FSU beat Florida last time 128 I think it was so they’re going play better this time um and I think they will I think I think they’re getting ready to go on a little run I may be wrong though I may be wrong all

Right let’s get to our Hesser and kipy three things Ken Hesser and I it’s so funny Ken um sent me a text late late Saturday night I had gone to bed because I had was frustrated with no game was going my way baseball was losing I felt like nothing

Was going right I went went to bed didn’t have my phone on next morning I wake up and it says great win I go oh did baseball win so I start looking it up oh they did win look how they won pass ball and then a two-run over by

Kago um so I preciate Ken sending me that it he woke me up with a very with a smile on my face and look Ken I’m not trying to say anything but I’m just saying I I woke up with a smile on my face uh let’s get to um heer and kipy

Three things and of course and kipy is a gains of Law Firm specializing in the areas of workers compensation and family law if you’re a loyal listener to the show you know who we are by now if not Google The Firm check out the reviews and hear what our clients have to say

Ken and Jennifer can be reached at 247 uh via call or text at 352 3399 920 3 I should say it right 352 339 9920 he and kipy it is funny I like I I I have different interactions with different sponsors and sometimes it’s just hilarious that we have become pretty

Good friends in with a lot of and I but I appreciate that guys all right let’s get to that number one was Kim M’s rant and look you know me you know I believe in journalism you know I am I don’t believe in Kim Moi uh I think the fact

That she is going on and on and on about a story that’s not been published tells you she has some to hide uh but whatever it is I’m I’m not going to be stunned by it because I think a lot of coaches in college basketball women and men do

Mistreat their players at times um I don’t know I don’t know the details all I know is taking on the media what’s left in the media there’s like four newspapers in the world but you you still don’t take them on you know and it’s just dumb uh but she’s not very

Bright um I think I really believe she needs to get some therapy because she’s just so mad all the time maybe she and Sully can both get therapy at the same time although they don’t like each other either um anyway not my fair I cannot

Wait to hear what Jeff cardoo has to say today about her because he he hated her before was okay to hate her now now I just hate her all right let’s get to number two and that is the one negative about my two TV system that I brag about

All the time not like they’re great TVs but is that on one of the TVs for some reason I’ve set it up to remind me when the Braves are playing so when you’re watching uh like a basketball game and you’re like and all a sudden the part of

Dark part of the screen goes dark and you go what what’s going on what’s happening this game’s important to me and it goes reminder Braves Yankees 10:5 p.m. exhibition game and you’re like get it off the screen I have not watched one minute of one preseason game I can tell you that I

I preseason games are for guys to get ready they’re way the the spring training goes way too long but again I there was a time when I love going to it I don’t care about going to it anymore but I’m ready for baseball and we’re and

Pretty soon we’re going to give you the swamp games of the week and it’s going to include live baseball with teams playing real games not prend games that’s what exhibition and I don’t like exhibition football either it’s just pretend games is all it is um all right number uh

Three on our process I’m sorry on our Hesser and kipy three things um you know I have this saying that nothing good happens in the spring coaches will tell you something different they go oh man this guy got way better than yeah we don’t see any of

That we don’t see it we don’t hear about it they can tell you it did but you don’t know if it’s true or not the only thing that happens in the spring are injuries and we saw it with Miles Graham who has had back surgery I think he has

Had it um back he hurt his back and he’s out for a while and hopefully he’ll be back in time to uh be a factor on this year’s team but who knows miles Graham may be a guy who with that back in in issue doesn’t really make the impact

Till the second year I still hope Ernest Gram’s going to come on uh Thursday but my Gus gut gut or gust or my gust of win is that he probably won’t because he’s probably dealing with this with Miles and we’ll get we’ll get somebody else on

But uh um we send out our best wishes to miles I met miles great kid um I I really liked him a lot and of course we all know how we feel about Ernest he’s one of the best of all time those are our Hesser and kipy three things let us

Get to our swamp games of the week and of course this week it’s funny I think today’s the only day where there’s nothing interesting going on Sports no basketball no I don’t think there’s anything in maybe there’s a no there’s no nit game that I want maybe

There’s some uh game that that’s out there we’ll find something all right let’s uh let’s get to our swamp games of the week and one of them I I would bring up Tuesday night Georgia and uh Ohio State are playing in the NIT now normally I would

Say to you why would you watch that hey there’s nothing else on if you want to watch some basketball want to watch Mike White he’s already won two games in the NIT he knows how to win that tournament I know that um and Ohio State of course

With their new coach uh that’ll be interesting to watch Florida FSU baseball Tuesday night is a 6:00 I think it’s on the plus I according to Florida it’s on the ESPN plus if you get that otherwise I I’ve never really understood the mentality of playing these

Games uh against FSU the three games and three different weeks and not having them televis on normal human TV but um I think it may be on the plus that that’s not Human TV that’s Droid TV that’s where I go I have to insert the plus and

Then I will watch this game it that was a good pitch I mean I I’m not a big fan of that um I am going to give you Thursday I pretty sure baseball starts Thursday right MLB start th MLB okay the game that is going to be on ESPN

7:35 Chicago the Cubs are at the Rangers oh guess what we may get to see Wyatt Langford play who made the big leag Club I retweeted when they told him he made the big league club out there if you want to look at that I am so happy for

Him so proud of him kid from Trenton comes he comes to Florida plays three years goes to the big leagues that doesn’t happen it doesn’t happen it’s really cool and then uh lacrosse is playing Liberty on Tuesday as well and that is a 3:00 game and I

Think that’s on the plus now when it says Plus I assume it’s on so I’m only telling you what what I’ve got that is on the plus by the way that Cubs uh Rangers game is on ESPN at 735 so I think that’s it for all of our fun stuff

That we always do here appreciate all of our great sponsors appreciate all of our great guests Robbie Andrew and Steve spur you can’t do any better than that hopefully Thursday we’ll have Ernest Graham if not we’ll have somebody else and it’ll be fun you guys hey you guys

Know that I get good guess I’m going to get a good guess I promise you until then I will say goodbye for Zach and for Steve and for Robbie and I am deep way back and I am out of here


  1. Hire a defensive specialist coach like Billy D did in basketball, turned his teams around…..Larry Shyat

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