5 MUST DO Pre-Golf Stretches (and 3 Swing Killers)!

Would you play better Golf if you did a proper Golf Warm Up that uses the best Golf Stretches possible?

I tracked down top PGA Tour Golf Physio – Matt Green, to find out! As an added bonus he also told me what he thinks are 3 absolute swing (AND SCORE) killers.

If you’d like to see more of Matt Green, check him out here:


If you’d like to know more about GravityFit, check them out here:

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Hope you enjoy and hope it helps,


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0:00 – The Best Golf Warm Up
1:16 – Golf Myths
2:08 – Myth 2
2:35 – Warning to Golfers
3:23 – Golf Stretch 1
4:19 – Golf Stretch 2
5:15 – Golf Stretch 3
6:04 – Golf Stretch 4
8:06 – Golf Stretch 5
11:19 – What Next?

Music in this video is from Sound Stripe:

When it comes to warming up for golf at one end of the scale you’ve got Miguel Angel jeneth all the way down the other end you’ve got the Wild Thing John Daly and chances are most of us sit somewhere in the middle it seems like very few of

The world’s top golfers don’t have their own warm-up routines but for those mere mortals who are maybe rushing to the golf course after work or rolling out of bed from the night before what’s the best way that we can get ourselves warmed up and ready to play our best

Goal so I’m back here at Conor Golf Club to catch up with PGA Tour physio Matt Green to find out what he thinks and to most importantly get his top five tips on the best stretches for you and me so welcome back to the channel thanks mate thank you yeah so golfers amateur

Golfers like myself if we’re pushed for time is it really even worth us doing much of a Mobility session before we hit golf balls yeah absolutely yeah and there’s a lot of good research around the benefits of doing a good warm up and a Mobility session or even activation strengthening session before any

Sporting activity but especially Golf and I think in general it’s done poorly in golfers and everyone especially Club golfers and Weekend Warriors could do a much better job with it um to help their performance and give them a better chance of playing well okay and we’ve

All seen uh we’ve all got friends that do different types of warmup are there any myths out there or anything that you don’t like to see yeah well firstly I think one of the big ones that I see quite a lot which I think is not not a

Very good idea at all is when people grab two or three clubs and swing it like it’s like so it’s like a really heavy club they’re swinging um and people think oh I swing that then I’m going to swing faster afterwards and actually what we’ve learned through

Research is that as soon as you get something that’s um drastically different weightwise to the actual Golf Club then the whole pattern of what you’re doing changes okay and also you actually you start you actually swing slower it feels like you swing quicker after you after you go back to your

Normal Club just because it’s lighter but the research says it’s actually when you’re swinging something heavy you’re actually practicing moving slower and the other thing with that too is because it’s so heavy I see a lot of people and they’re sort of like heathing it up in

The air and the whole body movement changes and they could actually even hurt themselves so that’s one that I advise people against straight up I think it’s um it’s not a great idea at all it’s certainly not backed up by any research um the other thing that um is not a good idea

Before you play golf or any sport really is just to do your garden variety static stretches you know just a static hamstring hold or or quad stretch or whatever it is we know that stretching will um often inhibit muscles and there’s having been some re research that shown that after you do static

Stretching you actually move a bit slower so static stretching swinging a few guys clubs not great ideas we can do much better than that and I think one of the other things we need to look we need to think about too is that soon as you

Put a club in your hand when you get to the golf course um and start swinging you’re grooving the pattern for what you’re going to do to that day and what I see a lot is people who you know early morning start or they haven’t really warmed their body up they grab their

Wedge they go to the practice range of the Nets they make a few swings and they happen to hit one in the middle of the club face whether it just be like complete fluke or great hands at the bottom or whatever it is and then they feel like they’re swinging well but

Actually they might be swinging poorly but just happen to save that one but they grew a bad pattern so by the time they get to a longer club they’re starting to really struggle so the goal really is to make sure that as soon as you put a club in

Your hand you’re moving well and so the first swing you make the first time your brain thinks I’m making a golf swing now your body’s moving really well and this helps gr with a much better pattern for the day great well I think there’s going

To be a lot for all of us to learn here so we’re going to jump into it with Matt’s top five okay so the first one and and we don’t need necessarily need fancy equipment or anything you can do do it with just what you’ve got with you

At uh in golf bag so the first one with a golf club is holding the club straight overhead and we’re just going to get you to Lunge back and I want you to feel like you keep your hands as high to the ceiling as you can so you’re really

Lengthening through your upper body and the beauty of this one is depending on how what your Mobility is like you control your strength you can you can modify it however you need to for what your level okay so if you’re not really comfortable going into a deep lunge you

Can just take a step backwards if you’re able to let’s get you back in a really deep lunge and then just bend to the side away from that back leg come back up and repeat on the other side so I do you know five to six of those each way

And what you can do to make it a little bit more of a challenge is as you come back up so you do your back lunge your side Bend you come back up and you go to one leg challenge your balance a little bit and then swap sides and go the other

Way so it’s just a little bit more of a challenge perfect that’s that’s number one gra number one what’s tip number two number two so number two is going to be a curtsy into a lateral lunge with some rotation in it so the curtsy is you

Swing this leg behind and sit back down into a curtsy a squat and that really gets some range of motion and activation of the muscles around this hip and then we’re going to Lunge out to the side nice straight leg and then rotate really reach across with this left arm and the

Right hand goes behind me and then you just repeat you go back into that curtsy lunge you go across lunge and rotate really get back down into that hip so you’re loading that right hip the muscles there getting some range of motion and again you can

Go as deep and as hard with that one as you feel able to and you really getting the the various movements happen but like you see with the golf there the big turn as well getting that yeah and and to move like to move there then you got

To be using the muscles that you need working in your golf swing so it’s not just the mobility part of it it’s actually controlling that movement through range of motion that’s why it works so well all right now tip number three for us number three so this number

Three is going to be a back lunge with a rotation towards the front leg okay so arms in front you’re going to Lunge backwards and again you can you can lunge as deep as you feel comfortable you can make it just a step if you like

But a nice deep lunge rotate turn your head with it so you really max out your range of motion come back up and then straight into the opposite side so you’re really looking for a nice flowing motion here so you control your moving okay golf of sport we got to move so

Nice flowing motion and also you got to remember rotate towards the front leg okay so you really got to switch your brain on and not forget that you know am I going this way or that way but it’s always towards that front leg okay and

Again we can make that a bit harder you can go down you can come up into single leg balance then do the other side up into single leg balance just to challenge you a little bit more I like it all right now on to the fourth tip

What’s this okay so number four is um we’re going to have one foot forward so in this case we’re going to go the right foot forward and the back foot there the toes resting on the ground for a bit of balance okay so my my weight and my

Loads through those front foot arms out wide and I want Palms facing up to the ceiling so you’re really opening up through the shoulders that’ll help get the muscles around your shoulder blades and in the back of your shoulders working better Bend forward into your golf stance and you’re just going to

Rotate side to side aiming to keep as stable as you can through your body okay now obviously with this one it’s easy to progress it make it a little bit harder we go that same setup but then the foot comes up off the ground so it’s more of

A balance Challenge and again rotating through range of motion you can always drop the toe there if you think you need to but we’re just trying to get you moving through a full range of motion now in that one shoulder blades activated around the shoulders but also

Those hip muscles are really working to get that stability in that in that leg you know for a back swing or for a follow through and the good thing I’m sentencing here is that these are things that you could do uh from home you could

Do them on the drive-in range or in the locker room really looks like anywhere it’s pretty easy and you don’t need a lot of space to do it in um and you know the the key is to do it with some focus and intent so really focus on what

You’re doing not just doing it for the sake of doing it that’s a waste of time you need to focus and try and do it well but you it doesn’t take too much time but it can get a really good um warm up and a good benefit from it and is the

Theory here that the more time someone has to warm up the the longer they’d spend doing this not not necessarily you want to feel like you you um when you do it with a bit of focus and intent and really feel like you’re you’re moving well now if you

Have a day where you feel a bit tighter and stiffer you might want to try and spend a bit longer on it it’s more based on how you feel and I would even say that if you’re press for time at the golf course and you get there and you go

Through these and you’re really struggling you’re not moving well I’d be I’d be recommending you do some more of these and hit less balls because if you do this well then the balls you hit in practice in the net or on the Range are going to be more valuable and you’re

Going to get more out of it so I’d be I’d be actually making sure you do this really well even if you hit less balls cuz you’ll be you’re going to get more out of it and be more effective there you go on to the fifth okay so the fifth

One I’ve got a little bit of participation in this one exactly right and looking at and look um you know what we’ve done so far has just been with no equipment or just a golf club which does a good job but with a few basic pieces

Of equipment you can actually um get a lot more out of your warm-up um and be a lot more effective with it so um the gravity fit the trpr from Gravity fit is a great little device that I use with a lot of my players and it’s really a good

Way to get some good muscle activation through the core and around the shoulders just to get a little bit more bang feedb out of your warmup okay so if anyone doesn’t have one of these or you’re not sure how to use one if you do have one great little device it’s got a

G here that’s pointing this way up you want that sitting on the back the right way so we’re just going to get John to pop his arm through it and then the other side and if you turn around mate then that that sits right in the middle of

The back with the G facing the right way up okay let’s get you the spin around again and you got these little toggles here so I’m going to get John to grab both bands in one hand hand and push it out in front and we’re going to pull

These toggles up so you can pull that toggle up so you just pull it up to your shoulder which stabilizes it up in the front of the shoulder there good so now what I want you to do is if you um in both hands you’re going to put your

Hands in so that your thumbs are down your palms are out and rotate up and now if you push your round your back and then stand up tall and round your little your back a little bit again so just round a little bit you’ll feel this

Little ball here is just pressing in the middle of your back and so the goal is we want to keep that pressure of that on your back the same the whole time okay okay so now arms I want just hands outside your elbows a little bit good

And your arms aren’t rigid so a little bit of softness about them but still fairly straight that’s perfect and then from there I just want you to Bend forward in your golf stance okay so now with the gravity fit on we get some activation around the shoulder girdle

Around the muscles around the shoulder but it also helps him activate his core well and you can just start off with just some little rotations side to side you want to feel like you shift your pressure in your lower body so we’re being a atic and not just static in the

Lower body good and just get the idea of just getting some nice rotation driven by your body yeah it’s good that feedback as well with the in the in the back and the ball the ball in the back helps get feedback about better rotation and then

We can also look at doing some um split stance work where you work on say your back swing where you would just want to rotate this way and load into that right hip and again you’re getting good feedback and better quality rotation and did you go this way or you

For the split stance I tend to go just over the the front leg and you do it both ways yep so good pressure through the front leg nice quality rotation over that front leg good and then you can finish off even with I like to finish off getting

People just to do like a back and come all the way through into their into their follow through so you get all your weight into that left side but you’re feeling like your body’s doing the work and the arms are just being carried around there it just gives you a good

Feel for that that full body rotation and that that movement through your swing I like it yeah now it works really well and it gives good feedback and it’s a good way just to get some good muscle Activation so when you put the club in

Your hand as I said you want quality as soon as the club’s in your hand and not a bad pack to start with and so that’s kind of a good extension to the earlier ones yeah and like you can use the gravity fit you know for the back lung

Back lung and rotation obviously for the lateral lunge and rotation you can use the gravity fit it works really well perfect appreciate that pleasure mate I feel like I’m already ready to play golf yeah it just makes it a lot easier I like it thanks very much for watching

The video a big thanks to Matt again coming um a few of you reached out to him after he’s on the last video and I think you’re more than happy for people to contact you so I’ll make sure I put his contact details below website social

Media and those type of things and um if you’ve got questions he’s the man to go to


  1. Thanks for sharing this Jon! I'll be incorporating these into my warm-up routine. PS: this is a seriously underrated channel – great value on education and outstanding editing work!

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