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Matt Jones on meeting between Mitch Barnhart & John Calipari

We know the result of yesterday’s meeting between Mitch Barnhart and John Calipari: Calipari will return for his 16th season as Kentucky Basketball’s head coach. But what really went down in the Joe Craft Center? Matt Jones shared what he’s hearing to open this morning’s episode of Kentucky Sports Radio.

Jones said there have been a lot of mixed messages coming out regarding the meeting from both sides, but he believes staff changes, both on the coaching side and behind the scenes, will occur, along with more transparency on how the program operates.

“These are the two things I definitely happen,” Jones said. “There are going to be some changes in how the basketball program is run, and who’s doing it. There are going to be some people who have been there a while who will not be there next year.”

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I think a lot of the reports that came out immediately after that were the quote unquote results of the meeting Ryan I don’t know that I think all of those are true really yeah okay no I mean I I everybody’s got like a message they want to put out

Yeah and I think that was kind of the basketball message but I do think over the next few days we’ll hear some of what’s going to happen there’s one or two things I’m confident of but just overall the decision to keep Cal is what in your mind uh I guess I’m not totally

Surprised because like you and I talked about I don’t I didn’t think Mitch barart wanted to be the guy that fired John calip Perry and as you pointed out even though the fans were ready for this was be one more year maybe the administration was not there yet maybe

They are now you know I don’t know I don’t know what the conversation was like maybe you’ll be able to fill us in a little bit but for calip Perry you know it sounded like on his show that you know he he wanted to stay you know

He would didn’t want to go anywhere so I think that was clear from his show yeah so I wasn’t surprised when that came out yesterday what about you Shannon you think a good decision uh yeah probably overall probably is a good decision I just you know going back to who is going

To replace them there’s there’s some names out there that maybe could come in and and do a better job maybe but you’re taking a huge risk when you do that I wasn’t surprised that he brought him back as I said I would have been shocked if they didn’t bring him back so it’s

It’s what I expect it I wasn’t surprised but I have to tell you Ryan I think it was a lot closer than people realize really I mean I think they went through all I I I think Mitch went through thoroughly all the options all right if

We fire do we have the money okay where’s it coming from what do we do next like what’s that process look like how do we build a roster what’s that timeline so I think he did that and then I think he played out the other sequence

Right all right what if we keep him what’s that look like you know we talked about how they’re going to have to sell all these front rows of the basketball thing yes is this going to keep it from happening okay it can’t be managed like

It’s done will Cal accept all this and I think they made the decision that they were going to keep him if Cal was cool with what was going to happen and they had that meeting yesterday and one has to assume he was okay with it to come

Out of the meeting with the he stain yeah is that fair to say I think that’s very fair to say now I will say Shannon so I put that out I wasn’t the only one other people put it out I put that out like seven something like that yeah

Mitch’s statement was not exactly full of excitement no it wasn’t you know it was late too right well but I mean that’s okay I mean he does but it was 10 o’clock which you would think would be past his bedtime yeah what are you doing up tweeting go to chery this is not

Exactly I would say a statement of huge affirmation and support as we normally do at the end of the season caliper and I have had conversations about the direction of our men’s basketball program and I can confirm that he will return for his 16th season as head coach I mean that’s

Not that’s just black and white I mean that that’s not like the most supportive comment in the world is it Shannon it’s like yeah he’s coming back no but I think his actions speak for them I mean bringing them back that’s a huge vote of confidence just bringing them back and

Sticking your neck out there as the ad but he also sort of acknowledging that maybe there was some consideration cuz he doesn’t write that every year well that’s true he doesn’t release a statement after he doesn’t release a statement he’s coming he didn’t release a statement last year saying Mark stops

Is coming back yeah he’s getting the emails he knows there’s some angry fans let me ask you this then so obviously the pressure is on Cal next year but is the pressure now also on Mitch next year I think so I think if Cal fails again people Point their finger at Mitch now

Yes I think so cuz he he had had a chance to do it this year yeah in years past it was only really the Cs and I say that with affinity because I have some friends that were CS but it wasn’t like a real option to let him go this year it

Actually was yeah and if he had I don’t know that I mean there would have been some people upset but like I think the fan base most of them would have been all right but he chose not to so I think he’s putting his career on the line too

I think Mitch is probably headed towards the end of his time here anyway voluntarily right yeah I and and let’s say you only want to do this Shannon another year or two yep do you want your last action being firing cow you don’t you probably don’t right you probably

Don’t you’re trying to set this up for the next guy too yeah and I think there’s an argument that if there would needed to be a change Mitch might Mitch is the kind of selfless person who might be like I’d like the next guy to make that change

Although whoever the next man or woman would be that would be a hard a lot of pressure that’s a lot of imag coming in immediately h a basketball coach yeah I mean that’s a lot um now what happened in the meeting I don’t have a ton of specifics

But here are the two things Ryan I think I can say very confident all right these are the two things I think definitely happen there’s a lot of stuff that I don’t know and I but here are the two things I think definitely have one there are going to be some

Changes in how the basketball program is run and who’s doing it there going to be some people who’ve been there a while who will not be there next year um you talking about assistance I’m talking about there’ll be a change with at least one assistant and there’ll be some names

That maybe you all don’t know but are the people who run the place gotcha that are likely G to be not retained and that is a big deal because some of those people have long time cow cow ties and if we’re can we be can we be honest

Let’s be frank shanon do you want to be honest I want Frank Lemon yeah let’s let’s be honest all right go ahead Frank no you’re Frank Frank Jones today oh I’m Frank Jones yeah and again I don’t I don’t really care if people disagree with this because Kyle Tucker’s

Article last year showcase people don’t want to know what’s actually happening I mean they say they do but when then they do they just get angry yeah you pull back the curtain and you like if you pull back the curtain and you don’t see what you want to see you get angry yep

Not all everyone but a lot of people do but the reality is for three years I think this started with covid but honestly the co year was was wild in a lot of ways that aren’t really cow’s fault although the coaching I think was but some of the other stuff but the last

Three years it has been an organizational organizational disaster leave aside what you see on the court just the way things run there have been way out of whack right yeah it’s disorganized it has led to problems off the court where just in the nil World

Nobody’s sure what to do I mean who do you call people with loose lips would tell players they’d get this but then they were never really going to get that and then that like it was just an organizational disaster to get to Cal you had to go through one person and if

That person didn’t like you well sorry that’s just the way it goes and it was a disaster and anyone if they are honest anyone associated with UK basketball would tell you that’s true they all would tell you that people who CS one of their best friends if you

Got them on a lie detector they would tell you that place was run about as unorganized as possible and almost all the off thec Court problems go to that and ultimately that’s Cal’s fault he’s in charge it’s true but it’s not all cow it’s some disser why do you think these people

Left in recent years yeah they couldn’t take that anymore they just couldn’t Kyle dealt with some of that his article but it got worse this year and I think Mitch to his credit has come in and said that ain’t happening anymore we UK Athletics are now going to

Go back to what we do for every other school which is make sure this is run or excuse me every other program make sure this is run in an organized Manner and you don’t get to do it as your own Thom anymore yeah basketball’s kind of on its

Own Island for the last couple years but it was for years on its own Island that operated like a well-oiled machine now it’s own on its own Island where it’s Lord of the Flies and I think Mitch is saying that island is now gone yeah and we’re going

To organize this like we do football like we do like every other Sport and I don’t think Cal loves that but I don’t think he had a choice because even he knows it can’t be like it was yeah so do you think they’ll end up being a guy not

Dwayne pey but a guy like Dwayne pey that’ll be that intermedi I don’t know but I think the way it is now that’s the part of the meeting I don’t know it’s how they decided it will look in the future but I think Mitch said to him it

Ain’t going to be like it was and you got to be okay with that and he must be okay with it and he must have said yes for this to have worked out I was told the night before the meeting it is more likely than not he’s the coach but Cal has to

Agree that this stuff’s getting changed well it’s announced he was the coach yeah so my guess is he must have agreed maybe through all this it’s been kind of a humbling experience and he’s more willing to accept some of this well I don’t know about that he I don’t think

He has a choice for the first time since he’s been here the leverage has flipped yeah that’s right for the first time since he’s been here he doesn’t have the leverage and this was a chance for Mitch to do what he probably wanted to do 10 years

Ago which is make it an actual well-organized business not a Thom led by whoever happens to have moved their way into the top we going take a break we’ll take a break we’ll talk more about


  1. I think there is something going on between Barnfart & Cal….other than a Coach A.D. relationship 😳🤢🤮

  2. Jon Chaney should have just gone ahead & kicked coach Cal's ass when he had the chance. Cal is an arrogant little ahole.

  3. How come you guys haven't reported on the behind the scenes disaster that is this staff. Nothing on the fight between some players during halftime of the Qakland game, running out of NIL money in February and many other issues. You are supposed to be the mouthpiece for the fans. Why are you afraid to talk about these issues? Pretty sorry in my opinion!

  4. Smoke and mirrors. Just a shell game, pointing fingers at everyone EXCEPT the HEAD COACH!! You’re going to try and tell me we’ve been subjected to historic losing streaks and performances….because of office staff and an assistant or two…?! Oh….and let’s not forget that this Hall of Fame coach blamed his own players for losing as well. Never once has he admitted his mistakes or taken accountability for the downward trend. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault. That’s NOT a leader and it damn sure isn’t what you want as the head coach of this program anymore. When he still had fire and a killers mentality AND took responsibility for mistakes, absolutely, he was our guy. But he hasn’t been that guy since COVID at the very least. Between him and Mitch, shame on them for putting this program and these fans in this position and double shame on them for never admitting it.

  5. You know what all those years Cal was the hottest coach in the country pro or college and he was getting offers every year and he stayed loyal, I was ready to fire Cal when Trae came back from injury and he was playing over Adou when Trae wasn’t that good even before the injury he just hit 2 threes against a bad team in a blow out and DJ playing to much starting and then we get off to a slow start this was his worst year I don’t really blame him for last year because the team probably wasn’t going to make a run and the best scorer went 3/15 that wasn’t his fault. But I’m ok with him getting one more year because the class we have coming in and we have a chance at DJ coming back and even Reed because I don’t think he wants that being his last game maybe even Justin but the biggest reason is idk who we hire. If Jay Wright wouldn’t take the job idk who we get. Tom Izzo isn’t leaving Hurley isn’t leaving Nate Oates isn’t leaving I don’t really want Eric Muscleman or Bruce Pearl I’m just not sure who we get Rick Pitano probably isn’t coming back I’m just not ready to rebuild because we probably lose 4 out of the 6 recruits if any of the Freshman are thinking about coming back I doubt they do unless Tyler Ulis gets the job and I’m not sure he’s the right guy even though I like him so you fire Cal you don’t know who you hire who you get or how long it takes to rebuild. I doing like all the NIL talk about kids not hearing offers. I want UGO to leave along with Bradshaw I like the physical Centers we have coming in, really the only 2 Freshman I would like back are Reed and Justin because there 0 chance Rob comes back get Malik Mack out of the portal or another really good PG to go with Reed and maybe another PF to back up Adou who will be a top 25 player in the nation next year with Boogie , Karter and Billy coming off the bench unless Justin leaves then you start Karter or Billy Probably Karter but Billy’s defense is next level with Adou and Somto play 7 to 8 rotation maybe 9 at the most but having a 9-11 man rotation is not good in college I mean the 2 teams that made it to the national championship games played 7 guys 8 if there was foul trouble that’s shooting athleticism defense shot blocking and physicality it’s got to be even in college basketball it can’t be all offense no rebounding or defense. If Cal can’t win with a team like that is time to move on but it can’t be a BIllie Gillespie or even a Tubby Smith you need a young coach who knows modern style who can’t recruit and relate without these kids and don’t play favorites plays his best 5. Cal always talks about how he doesn’t promise kids anything and I think most the time Kentucky fans have no idea what they’re talking about but he didn’t play his best 5. Also Somto will play more than Jayden next yeah idc what ESPN and on3 say, I said the same thing about Reed playing better than DJ and nobody believe me

  6. So if Cal hasn't made the changes in a few months, what then? Do they fire him in the Fall? That's not realistic. So any such agreement is probably unenforceable.

  7. Lol the buyout was $6 mil a year til 2029… That wasnt a sticking block, I guarantee that. I knew Cal wasnt going anywhere. The fans will always be pissed after the tourney. You gotta factor in the delusional kentucky fans as well in the decision. So fuck them leave them to cry cause who gives a fuck! And tell him he stays, meeting over. Thats how hard it was for me to decide.

  8. So disappointed that UK us nit canning the recruiter. I suppose they like being a laughing stock of college basketball as well as KY’s dominance as a top team means little to UK. I am not watching until Calipari is gone. You guys are wrong, the only changes you will see are the ones that Calipari wants. There will be a change when fans stop filling Rupp Arena. Of course, you will always have students at the games. The whole program is in disarray in my opinion. The sad part is that so many still think Calipari is a god. He is paid more than some NBA coaches and never kid yourself that is why he wants to remain coach regardless of all his BS he spews. KY needs to stop bringing these players in promising a year at UK then being drafted for millions in the NBA. These players should have to stay a minimum of two years on the squad.

  9. Barnharts statement makes it clear that there are no stipulations and that the meeting they had was no different than any other year. Not sure why you guys are inventing this fantasy.

  10. Gave up on cal and my season tickets 3 years ago. I hope he can turn it around but I’m not holding my breath. Old habits are hard to change.

  11. So the used car salesman just got the go ahead with the lifetime payments and no warranty on next year's lemon.
    Enjoy the sUcK boys.

  12. True Blue Kentucky fans would never walk away no matter who is or lose. We have to support our team, our program with positive energy! Go Big Blue!

  13. This is just delaying the inevitable. Next season, he will have another 22-10 type of season, fail to win the SEC regular season title and possibly win one SEC Tournament game (maybe). Then, we will not go past the first weekend of the NCAA Tournament and we will be right back to the same situation next year. The only solution was to bite the bullet and fire Cal. No way on Earth can 80%+ of the Big Blue Nation fanbase get excited for next season! This sucks!

  14. This makes me sick at my stomach do you think Robert craft wanted too fire the GREATEST COACH IN NFL HISTORY HELL NO but times has changed an it had to happen and this is mitch Barnhart job this shit has gone on long enough since 2019 I said mitch Barnhart should already been FIRED WITH CAL DAYS AGO and if you people can't see how the fan base is tired of this an how they turn on cal & mitch then God help us get another job I'm done with KY I HOPE THE GOD WE LOSE EVERY GAME NEXT SEASON EVERYONE & when we hire someone else I will watch & root for KY

  15. If it's another year of sanctimonious NBA player development, over team and X&O coaching/development, another rinse and repeat year.

  16. No one can do a better job and you’re foolish for thinking it. There are no dynasties in college basketball a few teams may have a nice run. The nba has at least one of his players on a roster

  17. Im confused why KSR hates on Cal so much but worships a football coach that makes $9 million a year to win 6/7 games. 🤦🏻

  18. I have defended Cal for a long time but after hearing him tell Julius to leave after he wanted to return for a season or two and he bragged about telling him to go and I quote “ if u wanna help your family leave now and if u wanna help my family ( UK program & Success) then come back we are going back to Lexington but u are going to the NBA and aren’t coming with us “ I’m wondering how many times he’s told players this , look Julius was going to the NBA even if he had stayed 4yrs , that just sucked as a fan to hear and I get him caring about his guys but he’s neglected his job and our fans in the process.

  19. This was the best decision to make right now. Any other coach would have been a down grade at this point and that's just the truth of things.
    Duke wanted to fire Coach K after his first 5 years at Duke but they kept him and it was the best decision that program ever made!
    Coach K only won 1 tournament game in his first 5 seasons there.
    This is Coach Ks first 5 years at Duke.
    1981- 17-13 record went to the NIT.
    1982- 10-17 missed the tournament.
    1983- 11-17 missed the tournament.
    1984- 3 seed lost to Washington in first game.
    1985- lost to Boston college in the 2nd round.
    My point with all this is just be patient all great coaches go through this kinda stuff. I still have faith in Cal to turn things around.

  20. I can’t wait for the days when there’s and ESPN documentary about both Cal and Pitino ans their eras.

  21. 7:11 I HATE when people blame things on COVID. EVERYBODY experienced COVID!!! It wasn’t just one team or one person, so the excuses just suck.

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