How Does An Amateur Disc Golfer Build a Disc Golf Bag? Throwing Putters EP 1

Let’s get down to it, the hardest part about form work is rebuilding a bag! I’m still working on a lot of my game but this is what I want to be my bread and butter. Let’s start with throwing Putters!

Welcome back guys we are talking about throwing Putters I’m building my bag as you know I’m currently working on a form so a lot has changed and for my season I’m going to stick for at least for the next eight months I’m going to choose my throwing Putters now as an amateur as

You see I have a lot of options and I’m trying to fill basically four slots I’m trying to fill my overstable um my stable my understable and my Approach disc which is like the Zone type so these are really important for an amateur because uh we throw

Putters most of the time on like pros versus you know the courses we play are more like Park style courses in like the area that I play in like I play in Charlotte Raleigh wherever you know and uh we thr a lot of Putters mids Fairways it really depends what course you’re

Playing and I have a bunch of options I’m going to rang find I have the MVP Rangefinder which is you know very very accurate so I’m rang finding the green which is 334 which I’m not hoping to hit with my Putters I’m hoping to hit at least 270 280 250 really depends what

I’m going for and we’re going to start off with all right so I really love a baseline putter so right now I got a couple of mck proo AVS I got the new Kratos I got two judges a throwing putter that I mean a putting putter that

Was now is going to be a throwing putter hopefully a supreme judge two pin Roses One Kev Stone which is a keystone basically from Kevin Gleason and a logic so I’m going to just throw everything on Heiser first I’m just just trying to see

Like what I can do I want to basically I wanted basically the putter to hold its line there is a baseline putter like the Kratos which is a little bit more overstable I’m looking probably for two slots right here so I’m probably looking for like a more dead straight flate flip

Kind of throwing putter for the Baseline and then more of like an overstable that can beat into that flip over so go with logic first Panos pre judge emac judge another pinrose hash team judge oh I turned that over team judge again cstone Kratos two AV left so these are the galactic ones

Okay I didn’t like that release okay but what I’m looking for is how it feels out of my hand I’m choosing two Putters that felt really good um right now I’m going through the premium putter slot which is you know what everything everybody likes so I’m looking for right now that overstable

And stable Putter and that little turnover in the premium plastic this is not going to be my approach this so I’m thinking I’m just going to go ahead and throw everything and then just watch to fly 3x P2 Roach pure second proxy one guy got it as well Ruru two pies

Pure okay so now the most important slot that I think you should have is the overstable approach this so I’m going to go A3 save your Baseline okay savior harp that and Tempo I’m going to go cenus which is the latitud 64 two speed Potter which I’m going to spare

You the deal of me throwing them back and then I’m going to go into another round I’m picking like I think three from each one for my certain slots how I like it what I didn’t like and I explain why I chose those and then I’m just

Seeing cuz I like to forehand Putters too so I going to forehand back some but I think that I like so let’s see these are my Baseline I’m going to go with the judge the kstone the two cenus and then the pinrose I’m going to see like what I

Like best and really pick like I think probably two of these um I’m looking for that late flip up putter where I can throw it on Hiser where it’s going to hit a gap and just flip and turn instead of like flipping over um for premium three discs I got the Ruru which

Is actually pretty unstable I thought it was going to be more stable it feels like it’s going to be more stable and I have these two pies um I feel like this one’s going to beat in really well if I do like that for that turnover shot and

This one uh is opto X it’s a little bit more stable so I’m going to throw those again options that I liked out of the hands I have the Hope Royal hope and the proxy so I’m really I really like this it’s a little bit shallow um it feels

Really good in the hands hope is a little bit deeper it feels like more like that P2 but it’s not as stable I found and then for that overstable putter I have three options right now that I’m debating through I have the Envy which is an Envy is pretty amazing

And then these two Sky gods were actually pretty sweet um I’m going to throw those again and then the overstable which is like the Zone type actually really like the A3 um it’s a little bit more stable I like it on hand a lot and then I like a baseline so

And then I chose a savior so I’m really and then really I think these two are set in stone I’m probably going to throw the Zone one more time just to see and then I’ll show back what I have all right so I’m doing Baseline first I’m

Looking for that late flip to even the stable so I’m going to go pinrose first judge got that low Kev stone or Keystone sorry all right now I’m going for that turnover section I just want to like throw it flat and let it turn more so than anheiser so we’ll

See just like that I need need to get it higher though I’ll stable looking for Sky God all right thinking wasn’t sure so that’s stuff turned okay the yeah I mean even savior A3 these are pretty set in stone I like these a lot so yeah just like more stable than like

My zone that I was throwing um I think it’s just probably cuz I just have bad for right now yeah so out of all the options that you see right here I think the most ones that I really liked and I picked six six Putters Putters um two are basically

Mids um they’re classified as like four speed which is that zone I went with the A3 and the Savior for Baseline I just really like the A3 because of how overstable it is it’s going to beat in really nicely and it feels really nice on forehand it’s not like super deep

It’s not like super flashing or it’s like digging into your hand the same thing with bavier it’s not super deep I really like it it’s like that forehand touch disc that you can like um I’m going with the Envy as my overstable disc I really like it just flight of it

It’s really nice you can hit it proxy is my stable which is actually really surprising cuz I like the flight of it um it was really stable I thought it was going to be more underst stable but it’s actually super stable and then for my turnover disc I’m going pure just

Because I’m doing this one because I think it’s going to beat into that nice Hiser flip turn and for that Baseline throwing putter I’m going Pinos I’m going to try these a little bit more it’s a two42 so it’s a little bit more stable I

Can hit it and try to beat it in where it can get that light flip um that’s not necessarily the goal um I like Baseline Powter sometimes because when it hits tree it doesn’t like kick as hard so that’s what I’m going with and then for that Touch Speed like touch disc I’m

Going with the cenus um these are out of production you can’t really get them anymore uh which sucks but I like it because I can it feels really good on a forehand it doesn’t feel good as a backhand it feels really good on beforehand so that’s my selection that’s

Probably going to be my bag um stay tuned to mid-ranges I’m doing like the whole series so that is my selection as an amateur these are like what I’m looking for you may not have that many options like that you can just stick with like four slots I actually like

Went overboard just because I like throw mids in Putters more with my options um I felt really good about it I’m going to like like probably stick with this probably for rest of like 6 months until my form changes where I feel like I’m ready to redo my form um but that’s

What’s going to be in the bag k for my frowing Putters uh stay tuned for mids bye

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