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2024 NFL Best Ball Draft on Underdog Fantasy | Best Ball Strategies | Alarm Fantasy Football

Andrew Cooper from Fantasy Alarm and Alfredo Brown from Footballguys are drafting in a live best ball draft on Underdog Fantasy! Follow pick-by-pick coverage and find out which players you need to have on your roster and learn strategies to win your best ball leagues this season!

Intro: 00:00
Draft Begins: 03:28
Analysis – Ceedee Lamb 3rd overall: 04:25
Where’s the highest you would draft Marvin Harrison, Jr.: 08:46
1st round recap: 13:14
Nico Collins or Tank Dell?: 13:42
2nd round recap: 15:08
Sam LaPorta vs Trey McBride as TE1?: 15:28
Anthony Richardson’s value this season: 20:10
Quarterback recap/Kyler Murray value & projection: 22:04
Team by Team Recap: 33:20
Rookie Recap: 36:40

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What’s up ladies and gentlemen Andrew Cooper here AKA koe Fiasco and you are here for alarm fantasy football as you can see still know Howard Bender still know John and Pemba they’re off doing round ball boring sports baseball basketball whatever what we’re doing here though we’re holding down the fort

With football baby the Great American Pastime and I got a football guy here with me to do that my good buddy I’ll Brown in the house and it’s a special show because it’s our very first best ball draft of the year Family best ball draft loaded up with family members and

My guest Alfredo so Alfredo first off how you doing today brother what’s happening I’m I’m doing great I’m so excited to be invited to be part of your family here today that makes me feel very very you know accepted and wanted you are wanted man you are part of the

Hashtag family if you could go and click that button and get in the draft you can also be part of the draft which should uh load up shortly uh for those that have never done one of those these never seen one of these real quick what best

Ball is is you do the draft you draft about 20 players but you don’t set any lineups it’s a real League you don’t have to set any lineups it automatically slots guys in for you so we want highrisk High reward players we’re shooting for upside and keep in mind you

Have to draft at least two quarterbacks at least two tight ends because you know there’s going to be by- weeks there’s going to be injuries so that’s the deal we got people popping in the chat I see Jack sends it in the house Jack’s also

In the draft I threw this one out to the the family members Alfredo and within a couple minutes the regulars were already loaded it we got people and then they saw it was me and then they’re like ah dang we picked the wrong one they actually saw that and they said easy

Money Alfredo Easy Money easy money from Alfredo Anie CP in the house saying what up to Alfredo you know what I’m a little dis Alfredo that I asked you on your AMA on Reddit how about your your wonderful beautiful hair and then you hiding it with a hat today what’s the deal you

Know what and I thought about that and I was like you know what I should do my hair up really really pretty and then I just said no and then I just said no and I threw on a hat and I’m so sorry but like I want I want to reserve that for

For our in person meetups you know you’re playing hard I gotta keep you wanting more dude you’re that dude I can’t be cute all the time it’s exhausting oldest trick in the book well you still look cute with the hat on all right draft is underway let’s get the

Draft board up here on the screen yeah it started when we weren’t looking uh so there folks uh how can you guys see that all right let me pop this out give me a second almost missed my pick here I’m up in two picks here yeah we’re gonna do full draft board like

This that’s gonna be better here so yeah we got some folks in this draft the guy picking at one here kiz Matt also Jack senen in the chat besides myself and I was in every single one besides myself he’s the only one to win two family

Beste ball drafts last year so we got a ringer in that house uh a lot of these names I WR I recognize you know Bruce Boston money I mean every one of these names I recognize but guys like icy through uh Hamburglar uh Sigma Chai these guys all were part of you know

Five six seven of these drafts last year so they know their stuff alfredo I got to warn you yeah that’s that’s fine I’m listen I do not think I’m going to do very well in this beste ball draft this is my first one of the off season I got

Really I got deep into it last year and I think I knocked out like a hundred of them or something but uh yeah it’s it’s been a minute you’re you’re you’re breaking me back into the scene right now good all right well let’s start let’s start talking about your first

Pick then talk about talk to us about uh CD lamb yeah so CD lamb I mean I was looking here and it was basically I kind of came down to CD lamb or Jamar Chase and I think that listen if we find out that t Higgins is going elsewhere and

He’s going to be off of Cincy I think you can probably lean a little bit more towards Jamar Chase just for the explosive ability but I mean CD lamb we got to see what that offense can look like when it is just completely revolving around him now the fact that

The Cowboys really don’t have much of a rushing attack at least last year you were worried about Tony Pard maybe taking catches it it’s all CD lamb right now whether Dak Prescott is the same guy that he was last year even just 34s of that CD Lamb’s going to be getting all

The targets right and I mean they haven’t done much they would need to draft a high-end player and they might but even then think about it Jake Ferguson got over a 100 targets last year Y is that something they want to happen if they bring in a second wide

Receiver I think what happens is Michael Gallop was released the second wide receiver probably takes a little from Jake Ferguson probably collects all that wide receiver to business that Brandon Cooks and Michael Gallop were so inefficient on I see no reason why he wouldn’t get pepper with targets again

Is that got a guy that you are who’s your 101 like if you had the first pick would you take mcaffry um you know I’d probably actually I think I’d go and lean Tyreek Hill at 101 um just because especially with bestas ball I want to get some wide

Receivers they’re a little bit earlier um it’s honestly it’s it’s doing you a disservice to try to like pick a guy who should be 101 because you this is one of those few years where you really feel like you can go in any different direction I mean CMC Tyreek Hill CD lamb

Jamar Chase if Higgins is gone I mean all of those guys could absolutely be the 101 and then now we’re looking at a team like the Falcons where like beon Robinson could very easily be the rb1 when it’s all said and done and we’re talking about him being the top pick

Going into next year so like there’s a lot of different ways this can go I know it’s a cop out of an answer but it’s it’s no that that’s the thing dude is that I hate the whole people talk about like cop outs and also I’ve seen a lot

Of people basically say like oh if you’re just going to go with consensus or lean into consensus then that you know then why even have a take the whole thing is about being right and giving you the best chance to succeed so the whole hot take community and that

Business going on and people trying to get attention I’m done with that man like I’m just doing my best to get things right and if anything I have if I have something that goes against the grain that I truly believe in and I share that and it gets attention then it

Is what it is but I’m not trying to go out of my way to to be different and do hot take so never apologize for for a take that you think gives our listeners information gives him a chance to succeed just want to give a quick shout

Out to Ninja Chicken he agrees with you on CD lamb ninja chicken is in the chat as well he is Bost in money so shout out to him and also quick shout out to the twitch gang twitch of glasses for the twitch gang haven’t seen you guys in a

While Brad McCoy coming over from twitch um everybody else on YouTube he wants some late round draft picks we’ll get to that my boy uh let us just get through these first couple rounds and we’ll we’re gonna dig into all that here I think I’m actually on the clock so what

Were you about to say uh well what I was goingon to say man is like fantasy football just lives in a gray area we we can’t walk around it’s kind of like uh like one of my like memes that I use from Star Wars all the time where only a Sith deals and

Absolutes like we are constantly living in an area a gray area for Fantasy Football where situations change players develop coaches move uh there’s times where I mean we look at Players like Justin Fields who everyone was in love with for so long and this still doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad player but

He’s definitely had a lot of bad scenarios and there’s so many other factors that go in into it that I mean to try to look at these guys and act like there’s absolutes there’s just they’re just not exactly dude I love the Star Wars reference man uh I like again

It’s a range of outcomes right and too many people take the high R part of the range of outcomes and pick that as their prediction what you should be doing is thinking about the range of outcomes right excluding injury because for every player the that you include the Aaron

Rogers range of outcomes where the amount of fantasy points you score is zero right so you have to exclude the injury range and say okay this is the realistic set 1 game range of outcomes and then your prediction doesn’t need to be smack in the middle if you believe in

The guy you can have it up there just don’t predict like the the absolute ceiling because it’s just not a good it’s not a good way to prognosticate this in my opinion I gotta ask you real quick on this one uh when you look at the draft board here Marvin Harrison Jr

Obviously a big name here we don’t know where he’s gonna land but he’s almost certainly gonna be I mean again range of outcomes he’s probably going to be the first wide receiver but he’s definitely going to be one of the first three and he’s almost C certainly going in the

First round of the NFL draft so where do you think uh what’s the highest you would consider consider drafting Marvin Harrison I think oh man that’s a great question I’m at least right now without knowing the landing spot it’s really tough to say um let’s say let’s assume that he

Goes number four to the Cardinals and he is the primary target for Kyler Murray yeah I think that you can look at him around that wide receiver you know 12 to 15 area I think it’s very reasonable to put him in the same bin as guys like uh

Chris olve and and rashy rice and Brandon aukes of the world I mean it’s incredibly talented player who’s going to immediately be the number one wide receiver on his team and we’ve seen rookies can produce so it depends on how kind of risk averse you want to be if

You don’t if you don’t want any risk then you know you just avoid them yeah uh Ninja in the chat saying he sniped did you want Drake London there I kind of scrolled down a little bit to I wanted Drake London too we’re in okay we’re all in on London then you know

It’s like I I love what Pete overett has been saying lately another Boston guy Boston money but uh his the whole thing this year is scroll the F down basically saying that you can you don’t have too many people are locked into ADP and it becomes this like cycle of uh you know

If we all stick to the ADP right now then we’re not g to make any adjustments moving forward and we’re gonna screw the whole thing up so uh you know definitely feel free to scroll down pick guys that that aren’t the top sometimes the best guys to the top sometimes they’re not so

Uh and just real quick for everybody out there if you want to play with us on in these drafts first thing you got to do uh is get set up at Underdog uh use promo code alarm they’ll match 100% of your deposit up to 100 bucks we do all

The contest over there we do the pick thems we do but but best ball is my favorite one and it’s best ball season and we’re up and running now so make sure you’re set up with Underdog use promo code alarm or hit that QR code that our producer Matt put up on the

Screen uh so nicely and you can get in these and if you want to do the ones with us live where you can hang out in the chat uh you know talking this and that then uh you can go over and get set up with fantasy alarm in the Discord

That’s where we get these all going uh go to Fantasy gets set up there but uh yeah good times all around man I love these man and afred you said last year you did like a hundred of these how many did you do before the

Draft uh like if you were GNA assign a percentage do you I like to do a few but most of mine do over the summer right you yeah that’s how it ended for me I’d probably say like 10% of mine were before the draft and seeing you know

Like what advantages I could get on rookies and then uh just kind of waited for that NFL draft to happen as soon as that happened boom like that was the time to go like that you just hop right in yeah that’s what’s I love that man

That’s like right after the draft we get the landing spots and stuff yeah that’s H it’s a beautiful thing right now so I want to ask a quick philosophy question then regarding rookies we talked about Marvin Harrison Jr um uh in drafts like this before the draft uh do you do you

Like to lean into taking a lot of rookies or do you kind of stick with more proven guys or or is it more of a mix for you so if we’re talking before the NFL draft I do tend to lean more towards players that are already on NFL

Teams just because you you know obviously you know what you’re getting with them for the most part right like injuries Could Happen play falls off things like that but if like for example if I’m looking at like a cryst la or a Malik Neighbors Malik neighbors could absolutely be way more talented than

Chris but at least I know what I’m getting with him if Malik neighbors ends up on the New York Giants and I’m worried about Daniel Jones throwing him the ball uh yeah that value sort of starts to shift a little bit so I think this just it’s one of those things you

Absolutely have to take into consideration yeah yeah I’m the same way and I really per I’m with you that I lean into basically I make a list of guys that I know are definitively getting drafted and I go for those guys because too many times I’ve made a

Mistake where I dig into the the running backs and stuff and and I’ll draft like sha Tucker and then he doesn’t even get drafted like at all in the NFL draft like he goes completely undrafted and then then the the upside is a little rough there so uh I can see Anthony in

The chat saying he’s watching on his phone I know we have some people that listen in so I’ll just GNA give you guys a quick recap uh first round when about how you would expect you know Christian mcaffry Tyreek Hill CD lamb Jamar Chase Alman Ross St Brown Jefferson Hall beon

Pukan deua at nine uh if you think that’s high that’s actually about where goes in ADP so you’re just gonna have to deal with that Jonathan Taylor jir Gibbs AJ brown right that’s pretty solid there coming around Kiren Williams Nico Collins Garrett Wilson I gotta ask you

Real quick Alfredo uh Nico if you had to pick one would you pick niik Collins are tanked out oh man okay so I this this is a tough one I would probably just lean towards Nico Collins uh because he’s I hate this answer but he’s got that traditional X receiver build to him

That you know he’ll probably end up being one of those guys down in the red zone for CJ Stroud and we also got tank Dell coming off of an injury right like and he could make an absolute full recovery be perfectly fine for training camp like this wasn’t an ACL or or an

Achilles or anything like that but guys coming off of injuries it’s it’s tough I’m actually really curious to see what the Texans do because there was at one point rumored that they would trade Nico Collins to the ners and then at one point it looked like they were in play

For Keanan Allen and get three receivers I I don’t know what they’re doing it’s GNA be really interesting to see how that plays out yeah and you took Brandon auk who play plays essentially the same role in that same offensive scheme right the big outside wide receiver they use

Just like the 49ers they use a fullback so it’s Consolidated now I now I’m gonna throw the curveball to you in this draft Tank Dell went in the middle of the third round niik Collins went at pick 14 overall would you rather have tank niiko

Collins at 14 or tank Dell at 32 tank at 32 I think that’s it the ADP becomes the big factor yeah that’s the big factor there so uh second round running back Squan Barkley Devin uh Anan uh then you have Marvin Harrison Jr middle of the second round London Diggs DJ Moore iuk

Josh Allen first QB in the second round dbo Samuel not a lot of surprises there and again with the third round not a ton of surprises here either if you ask me uh Sam lorta going off as the first tight end uh what do you think about

That in the uh third round there at the end of the third round Sam leapor tight end one for you right now I think you can make that argument I uh you might not like this CP I don’t know where you stand on it but I sort of lean toward

Trey McBride as as being tight end one because I think there’s gonna be a lot more volume there for him than maybe a Sam leaport I don’t know you’re you’re the tight Alfredo how dare you have have such a good take on my yes there we go baby because I’ll tell you what

Especially right now right now uh I think especially and this is also full PPR you’re on the clock right now Alfredo this is full PPR uh there’s two factors for that make this particular moment Trey McBride the pick for me simply because we know that for the

Cardinals to uh make him not a top two Target on the team they essentially need to draft two wide receivers because I don’t think Greg dorch maybe Michael Wilson but probably not I think he’s right now he’s the number one Target on the team so even if they take Marvin

Harrison Jr at four he’s going to be a top two Target on the team whereas with some of these other guys it gets a little bit it gets a little spooky you know like we could see uh you know all all the uh and am I on the clock here

Yeah I’m on the clock all the the Lions would have to do what if the lions trade up and take somebody in the first round and now they have a stud wide receiver and on R st Brown and Le pora is battling to be the third guy right I

Mean it’s dicey if if they go through the draft and everything and don’t take anybody then we’ll have to reevaluate but at this moment I lean into has who has the best opportunity and I think Trey McBride uh has the easier path you know and I don’t have the numbers in

Front of me but uh if I remember correctly was a lot of Sam laporta’s production kind of booed up by touchdowns whereas McBride it seemed like it was way more volume based which is typically just always easier to predict I got all the numbers right here

Dog it’s my it’s my responsibility so uh Sam lorta actually only averaged 52 yards a game a lot of it was touchdowns uh you know he did get 120 targets you know but I mean we we’re looking for guys we want guys that especially in full PPR targets of King you know and

When you look at Trey McBride from the moment that zackerz got hurt in week seven and he did come back but he has to be released because MC was the guy from that moment on the only tight end that got more targets than Trey McBride was Evan Ingram and Evan Ingram had the

Fourth most targets of any player in the league so that is you know quite the quite the honor and level of involvement for Trey McBride and I don’t see why that would change man so yeah I’m liking Nick brde a lot especially right now and you know well again after the draft we

Always have to reevaluate everything but at this moment we got to be feeling the thing is the Cardinals do have like six picks in the first three rounds so they could draft multiple wide receivers so we’ll have to keep an eye on that yeah I mean they they totally could they have

Holes to fill on defense they need offensive line help they need everything yeah yeah I mean I know that there’s the talk that they’re going to be Allin with Kyler and like that’s their franchise guy I mean it doesn’t really feel like you you can go much more Allin than

Having him with Trey McBride who’s already been very successful in the league going Marvin Harrison in the top five picks I mean letting Michael Wilson develop letting Greg dorch take on that slot roll um if anything he might need a little more help in the running game better offensive line there there’s

Other ways to go yeah and I think with the running my my opinion on that has always been that that’s a luxury pick I say you just run James Conor as long as you can and then when you’re when you’re truly ready to compete to win then you

Make the luxury pick that’s when I go out and I draft a running back and I you know get the Hired Gun at cornerback you know or or pass rusher right so I’m with you on that uh let me ask you I’m about to double tap so if you take my guy I’m

Gonna be so mad CPE I’m gonna be so mad log right off I’m not sure if it is your guy but I’m hoping it is so wec log off uh but okay what I was gonna say is that I I very rarely start with four wide receivers so it’s a very popular

Strategy I did that here and then I I’m double tapping the older running backs that change teams how what do you feel about the Joe mix and Aaron Jones RB RB stack there I see that I see that I’m I’m a little bit more excited about Joe

Mixon I think that there’s the stat Bros are really upset about his efficiency and how it’s fallen off over the years and I get that but oh baby I’m sorry I’m really excited I’m gonna pause for a second because I am so excited to dra don’t worry Richardson right here there

It is all right tell us about it tell us about it because I love I love that pick man I love that pick well I mean what did he go off the board as like quarterback 10 here sorry about minimizing the thing I no you’re good we

Got we got Jordan love Joe burrow CJ strad and brightfully so I get it but like while Anthony Richardson was healthy he was quarterback three in points per game as a rookie in his first few games in the NFL now SC a rushing touchdown every game yeah and I’m sure

There’s people that are be like well he got hurt he’s gonna keep getting hurt because all he does is run guys let’s put that myth to to bed last year so many quarterbacks got hurt that were pocket guys like freak injuries happened Lamar Jackson survived his entire season

Running around Josh Allen survived his entire season running around like a toddler like it’s get that out of your heads if you’re going for upside especially in baseball especially at a premium position that you start one guy like quarterback Anthony Richardson is the guy for me and wow to see where he

Fell it’s just it’s crazy but now I gotta go make a pick exactly this isn’t superflex so you don’t need you need to have multiple quarterbacks two or three in this draft but they don’t need they can’t be in your lineup every week so Anthony Richardson these mobile

Quarterbacks who cares if he goes out one week and throws for 100 yards it doesn’t have a rushing touchdown because you’re going to have another quarterback right you don’t even have to slot him into your lineup right and then and uh to your point Edwin poris pretty much

Debunked the whole mobile QBs get hurt more thing like he went in did that uh you know I think there’s there’s some narrative to it but the way the game has been evolving and the way that pocket passers have been getting hurt too I don’t think it’s sign I think the upside

Of the mobility is far more significant than the uh negative of the uh the potential injury so uh to recap for the people just doing the audio here are the quarterbacks have been picked so far Josh Allen went in the second round Lamar Jackson in the

Fourth round Jaylen Herz at the end of the fourth round Patrick Mahomes in the fifth uh then it comes back around with CJ strad Joe burrow Jordan love and Anthony Richardson in the sixth I’m on the clock right now and I’m gonna take based on the conversation we’re having

Kyler Murray there we go I like that yeah Kyler Murray if you take all quarterbacks all time and sort them by fantasy points per game he is top five you can say what you want about his leadership you can say what you want about him playing video games you can

Say what you want about uh the way he scurries around with his little you know toddler legs he puts up fantasy points so for me that’s where I’m at and I you know there’s a couple decent QBs left here uh so I actually didn’t I wasn’t

Pressured to take a QB there it just felt like a good time to take one so I’m feeling all right about what do you think about Kyler Murray I would have taken Anthony Richardson over him so I’m with you Anthony Richardson over Kyler Murray but uh for that for that type of

Quarterback I don’t mind getting getting him where I got him yeah I’m pretty in on Kyler man like I think he’s one of these guys that it’s just fantasy players have short memories and you know like we only look at what have he done for me lately and Kyler missed so much

Of the season and when he came back he was good but not great and I think that too many fantasy managers are kind of like keeping that it in the Forefront of their minds without realizing the Cardinals didn’t have much going on and that was a brand new coach brand new

Everything dudes coming back from very serious injury you give him a full off season you give him Marvin Harrison Jr you you you continue to add pieces to his offense yeah I mean I I think that Kyler Murray Anthony Richardson a lot of these mobile quarterbacks are gonna end

Up being such good values because people are going to be pushing up other players that I mean probably are better in real football but not as has explosive or dynamic when it comes to fantasy football and scoring points yeah well that’s and that’s the thing is that we

Get we get our judgment gets clouded by that right I mean there’s a lot of players where we say everyone agrees they’re good football players but for Fantasy Football that tricks us into taking them higher than usual uh a tight end happens all the time I

Mean have you ever heard anyone say that Pat farth isn’t a good football player no no me neither I’ve been asking around because I’m like there even takes out there everyone agree Everyone likes the guy George KD Everyone likes the guy but because of you know the way the targets

Go and the target competition and the sometimes the quarterback play that they’re not they don’t always live up to that hype so you gota be that’s gotta be very careful with that because and at the same time Joe Mixon you gonna have all these people say uh that he’s not

Efficient or that uh he’s not good or he’s not fun to watch but he’s been a top 10 quarterback in fantasy top 10 running back in fantasy football in three straight years so I mean at the end of the day you play to win the game you know yeah that’s

Right dude uh so let me ask you on on tight end and I’m gonna before I get to that I’m gonna recap the tight end position here uh just with what’s going on what’s going on so far in this draft and uh maybe I’m I’m actually goo on the

Clock and I think I might take a tight end myself here uh I think I’m going to so I’m going to take a tight end right meow for my team Mr David and joku uh and then I’m gonna recap it here so Sam leapa goes off the board in the third

Round uh coming back Travis Kelce in the next round and then Mark Andrews from Trey McBride uh Doon canade at tight end five which uh my boy icy didn’t even give me a chance to take canade my baby Kyle pittson in the sixth Evan Ingram in

The seventh George KD in the eighth then Brock Bowers goes in the sorry in the eighth and Jake Ferguson and David and joku to me I want to ask first Brock Bowers what do you think about that as a rookie tight end pick uh eighth round so not a crazy investment

But uh are you willing to take him at this stage before the draft um she it really depends I think right now a lot of the chalk is saying that Brock Bowers goes Pick 10 to the New York Jets and if he does that I think that the ADP skyrockets up I think

The ad goes nuts if he ends up on the Jets with Aaron Rogers see that scares me a little bit just a little bit for for best ball I don’t mind taking guys of the third target on their team if I think they can score a lot of touchdowns

But in in redraft I want guys that are going to be top two Targets on the team right yes so for me Garrett Wilson’s won and now the question is Mike Williams or Brock Bowers and I mean I think I think we’re even missing Bree Bree might be

Number two right right right I mean his I will I will throw this caveat in there of the teams because I’ve been tracking this for a long time of the teams that have three guys get 100 plus targets it the when the running back is involved it

Does have that that is the the setup that happens more often than the other ones and it’s so you can kind of get away with it like we’ve had a year where Odell Beckham Evan Ingram and saquon Barkley all get a 100 targets that was Evan Ingram’s rookie year and he was top

Five uh we’ve had years with um you know Alvin Kamar and you year with Matt Forte so it’s it doesn’t scare me as much the Bree Hall but the Mike Williams I I don’t know man I don’t know so what do like I I want to see Brock Bowers go to

A team where he he’s like the de facto top dog or top two that’s what I want to see here yeah like even then though when do we really see that totally pan out I know this past season we saw the the rookie tight ends really I mean crushed

And we’ve seen it in the past a few times right like Evan Ingram was great as a rookie uh I know I’m speaking your language here let me throw a Cav on an Ingram because he actually what happened that year is Odell got a 100 targets and

Then he hurt his knee and then and then he missed the rest of the season so angram might not have even have been one of those guys man yeah it’s tough dude but yeah go go through the rest of them no it’s but it’s just like it’s I think

That what we tend to do with fantasy football is we tend to overreact to things and we tend to romanti ize something that happens and all of a sudden we get a few rookie tight ends that played really well last year and we’re like you know what this can keep

Happening and it’s just like no we got to stop betting on outliers all the time we see an outlier and we get so enamored with it we’re like Ah that’s the trend that’s the trend that’s gonna keep happening and I’m gonna be the guy that picks him this year and it’s just like

No not every outlier becomes a trend I know like at one point it was rushing quarterback as the outlier that’s crazy but that was something that became sustainable because of a player’s ability whereas like for tight end it’s it’s mostly going to be based on just one of two things volume or touchdowns

Sam lto was touchdowns in a great offense that superseded anyone’s expectations and Trey McBride nobody was drafting him in fantasy drafts and it was it was injury to Zack hers and it there was so many factors that went to it the Zack Herz injury is what unleashed the Catalyst I mean you need

That it’s so rare for a rookie tight end that that’s the problem is that a rookie tight end not only needs to be the best pass catching tight end on the team but he also needs to be a top two Target on the team that’s that’s the truth and

It’s so it’s so rare that a team drafts a tight end and says we’re going to try and compete right now with this right like uh Kyle Pitts they said okay Kyle Pitts we’re and Drake London that’s it we’re in we’re going with this guy uh

With Sam lorta they they did it with do Kade they did it but it it happens so rarely that that’s why we get so many of these Michael Mayer situations where I still think he’s a good tight end but he’s just as a rookie he was never gonna

Get more targets than Devonte Adams and Cho Myers it just was never gonna happen so I I think what’s gonna happen this year Brock Bowers is probably I think he’s probably gonna be worth Drafting and redraft and then a bunch of other rookie tight end are gonna be overdrafted jatavian Sanders and all

These guys unless they land in a perfect spot I think they’re gonna be overdrafted yeah yeah and I think listen it’s I’m not saying all this to kind of poo poo any hype about Brock Bowers like it’s very possible for him to be a top 12 tight end especially with like the

Way that situations have panned out for other guys like TJ hackinson and and you know seeing how that has kind of just quelled everything over there in Minnesota it’s very possible for Brock Bowers to be good in his first year but it’s like you said like there’s not

Going to be many offenses where he’s going to be the first or second Target and there’s not going to be many offenses where he’s going to be if he is the first or second target where that offense is actually good and gives him scoring opportunities I I’ve got a

Landing spot for him and whole situation where I would move him up in my rankings I’m not even kidding I’d probably move him up to like five in redraft and in Dynasty I’d probably move him up to like one you ready the anticipation is building let’s go if the

Chargers with the fifth overall pick so we’re talking everything comes together Perfect Storm the Chargers at five overall decide to draft Brock Bowers and now you have Greg Roman calling the plays the same Greg Roman that built the offense where Mark Andrews had a top five alltime season right if that were

To happen after they released Mike Williams and traded Keenan Allen I would find it very difficult not to rank uh Brock Bowers insanely hot right yeah I mean I I get that I get that and that that’s the tough thing with rookies is like you could talk yourself into like

Ah I’ll take him really high because that that sounds good on the surface and then you almost you have to like start going through the projections and the numbers of well how many pass attempts are they really going to have who else are they going to maybe sign at wide

Receiver like what else are they so I mean there there’s a lot of ways that goes but yeah I mean that probably would be beste scenario where he’s almost instantly the number one Target in an offense that uses tight end I look so that’s the thing is I look for cold

Water to pour on these situations and that’s one where I look around and there’s not a whole lot of cold water there right that that would be like the he would get the draft Capital he would get the scheme he would have the lack of Target competition like that would be

Perfect and now that I’ve already like set that in my mind when that doesn’t happen I’m probably going to be reaching for the cold one but there are a few spots out there where we could be top to uh you know but that’s enough Brock Bowers we shouldn’t even be talking too

Much about rookies in this I’m gonna uh just give everybody a quick recap on the the rest of the tight ends after that uh once I make my pick I’m gonna take oh boy I hate this pick that I’m making right now don’t you love that when you

Sit here and you’re wow you know what though I like it I like it because I don’t think that the Panthers are going to do anything at the running back spot they’re kind of tied into those two guys and chuba’s the lead guy I I especially

For bestas ball I love those kind of confusing ambiguous back fields like that’s that’s what I ended up doing over here on my team yeah so chuba hubard was the pick for me uh he’s now my running back three after Joe Mixon and Aaron Jones so I’m gonna have to smash on

Running back later uh let’s uh let’s let’s look at some of these teams real quick so my team I’ll do a quick recap Justin Jefferson Drake London Michael Pitman Malik Neighbors were my first four picks I have no problem taking malague neighbors there considering Marvin Harrison goes two rounds and four

Uh then I took Joe Mixon Aaron Jones Kyler Murray David and joku Dak Prescott Xavier worthy chuba hubard so I’m uh loaded up at wide receiver all set at quarterback I’m gonna need another tight end but that’s kind of the way I’m looking at my team uh and then Alfredo

You want to give everybody a quick rundown of uh of how your draft started here yeah so let’s you want me to go in order you want me to just list them I’ll go in order I’ll go let’s go in order let’s let’s be smart Alfredo uh so I

Went CD lamb with pick three then Brandon auk in the second round came back in that turn with Chris olve so three wide receivers to start then Trey McBride in the fourth round as the tight end two uh James Cook was my first running back Anthony Richardson then

After that a quarterback Deontay Johnson my wide receiver four who I love the the idea of how much volume he can get in Carolina Great Value zamir white as my running back too which I might be a little high on him but I think that Alexander Madison signing shows they

Might not be investing too much in running back uh then Brian Robinson as my running back three and Jonathan Brooks my rookie rb1 as my running back four here for this team I love that man I love the the Jonathan Brooks because uh you know we’ve seen it just last year

Breece Hall coming off of ACL he got healthy and he was himself and he finishes the rb2 even though he was you know came in a little slow like Jonathan Brooks if he gets healthy and comes in and he’s himself then he’s the rb1 he

Was If he if he didn’t get hurt everyone would have Mar were they not oh yeah I mean I still have missar W just with the understanding especially after he gave the news that he will be active running around and doing everything and done with rehab prior to training camp that

Had me saying okay cool I’m gonna keep him as the rb1 and then this little tidbit of information was like really cool to hear and big credit to Brett Coleman who does excellent work great content big on NFL draft and rookie stuff um he he brought up a report that

The Dallas Cowboy team doctor is the same doctor that did the surgery on Jonathan Brooks so they know a ton about this kid he’s already a Texas kid as well and they really haven’t spent anything on running back so I’m I’m with that I’m I’m starting to believe the

Narrative that he could end up in Dallas yeah I mean that’s Jack senen he’s on board with that in the chat that’s kiz met in the draft here he wants him with the Cowboys and I think the Cowboys approach I mean they said uh they want to take a cost conservative approach to

The running back position that tells me potentially drafting one and I will say this um especially if you’re zamir white pick people I saw people s with Alexander Madison went there they didn’t like it they were like oh no and I’m like dude that’s the exact that’s the

Exact guy you want them to draft the the devil you know is better than the one you don’t every time I’m sorry Alexander Madison couldn’t stop Tai Chan last year and I a big Tai Chandler stand like I love him um I think zamir white has shown with with volume he was running

Even better so yeah I’m I’m all with zamir white yeah while you pick here you’re on the clock now I’m gonna go through and just give people an idea where the rookies are going in this beste ball draft for those listening at home uh you have Marvin Harrison Jr

Going in the middle of the second round at pick 18 then we don’t see another rookie go until the fourth round where yours truly took Malik neighbors uh and I think that some people a lot of people have him those guys you know interchangeable up there so I don’t see

Why neighbors should go that far I would take Marvin Harrison ahead but League neighbors shouldn’t be going that far behind right know uh so then you get uh next one next rookie not until the uh six round where you have room a duno uh let me know when I’m on the

Clock here so oh you’re on the clock right now my man excellent I’m going to select a player a player that plays football narrowing it down down to Michael Wilson is who I’m going to take with my pick there we talk we talk about opportunity you know and he’s going to

Be the split end there uh we’ll have to see what else they bring in probably could be Marvin Harrison could be Malik neighbors any of those guys there but so yeah let’s get back to it the sixth round Roma dun went uh in the seventh round Brian Tom Thomas Jr so all rookie

Wide receivers and it’s a great rookie wide receiver class so I’m not at all surprised with that in the eighth round you have Brock Bowers going in the ninth round actually no no so after Bowers there’s a big drop off and that’s kind of the way I play outra we talked about

It earlier the guys that we know are going to go in the first round they get a premium and then there’s kind of a glob after that where you just got to take your stab uh the next rookies off the board were actually uh me taking Xavier worthy and I took him because

Fast and shiny those my only reasons uh you took the first running back with Jonathan Brooks and then after that this is where we started saying basically people do what I do is they look and say okay now we got a bunch of boring guys I’m just gonna take my shot on upside

Yes so that a th% yeah so instead of taking some of these like me like you know rotational guys like braxon baros who who’s never gonna play a full snapshare people are saying I’ll just take Trey Benson and I’ll take uh don Mitchell who you took Troy Franklin lad

Makoni I mean they just started come flying off the board here uh towards the end we’ve all we also seen I took Blake corm uh who is as boring as you can get for a rookie but I think could have a starting job Marshon Lloyd to Kizmet I

Think that’s a great pick we had Derek Brown on the show a couple weeks ago he loves him uh and then that’s it for rookies for the time being uh but we’ll get back to those soon I’m back on the clock here but yeah uh of those of those

Rookie picks that you didn’t pick who who are some guys that that you like for best ball that you would take now and why is it Xavier [Laughter] worthy um man let let’s see as much as I’d love to give you your props on Xavier

Worthy um I mean if we’re going later on these rookie picks I think some of these guys like like Keon Coleman is fun if if you’re getting him at that price um lad makoni is is is a pretty easy one as well if he’s going to be getting Pepper with targets wherever he

Goes uh man I think just the the one that you listed earlier the disparaging like the disparity excuse me between Malik neighbors and Marvin Harrison Jr was actually just kind of wild to me yeah it’s uh like and again you don’t have it’s not like you have to look at

The Marvin Harrison Jr pick and say oh that’s too early but right if you think Marvin Harrison Jr is that good then Malik neighbors should probably be going in that uh in that range and we got mogle in the chat asking if if Jaylen

Pul is gone yet no he’s not and that is a uh another interesting play they have three wide receivers coming out of uh that Squad that uh that are very interesting the thing with pulk for me is that I look at and I say am I gonna

Take him or am I gonna wait and take uh his uh his counterpart over there uh coming out of Washington so uh we’ll have to see we’ll have to see where those guys go I’ll let you know when they when they come off the board uh so

For you Alfredo when you do these what what’s your overall strategy for quarterback and tight end do you like taking two do you like taking three do you go with four tight ends at times like where where do you live with best ball like where what’s your ideal build

I’ll usually go three quarterback three tight end um if I see a good value on a hero type tight end or a hero type quarterback like what I got here I’m going to do that last year I had most of My Success on players that were not you

Know um like the studs like Josh Allen and stuff like that it was a l my builds that had Tua um let me make my pick right here and uh oh we’re running we’re running low on time oh oh God you want to get nuts let’s get

Nuts not not in love with it that’s the first one where I say I’m not in love with it but I’m I’m willing to bet on Bryce young this year making some sort of leap at least more so in best ball uh after seeing how Dave Canales has been

With Gino Smith and Baker Mayfield they got a good offensive line in front of him adding Deontay Johnson so I get a little bit of the stack there for for my best ball lineup uh I’ll take him here if I need to as my second quarterback

I’m actually fully on board with it man uh like I have no problem taking Brak down I I went early with two quarterbacks I took Kyler Murray and Dak Prescott so I when I take two quarterbacks that early I’m done but I am absolutely drafting Bryce young he’s

They they changed the coaches they got good new wide receivers they spent 150 Mill million dollars on guards just guards they they went out and got uh they went out and got hunt from the Dolphins and they also got uh L um they spent another 50 million on another on

Another guard sorry it escapes me right now but yeah they’re loading up on protection and I will say this with Trevor Lawrence we gave him a pass when they fired the coach and they fired everybody and then he came back and it was like oh wait a second in a real

Offense he looks good I think right for Bryce young we I gotta give him a little bit of a pass right and just hey you know what new new offensive line new weapons let’s see what let’s give him a one more shot Andy face plants this year

Then we can just be like all right we’re done with this guy right yeah and I think that’s what the NFL is going to do as well they’re they’re doing everything they can to like okay we brought in a quarterback whisper we got offensive line we got a receiver that gets open

The thing is they’re doing everything right they’re doing everything to fix all the wrongs from last year and so if if he really can’t succeed in this then cool we’re going to know immediately but one one of our own over at football guys Jeff Bell he has said that Bryce

Young might be the best or cheapest investment right now to make in Dynasty football because people are willing to sell him for a lot less than whatever his price was last year as a rookie yeah and Jeff Bell’s really good at that uh first off he’s good at uh kind of

Thinking Against the Grain and then he’s good at putting that into a tweet that makes everybody really upset like but he but a lot of times he’s right though a lot of times he’s right because he he he at this part of the draft you got to ask yourself early

In the draft we say why right why am I spending up on this player at this part of the draft you got to start saying why not right yes why not so with you drafting Bryce young I look at Adam th it’s like now they have Deontay Johnson

But then’s still one of the top focal points of this team last year he was wide receiver 17 uh right now on Underdog he’s going off the board at wide receiver 72 so you know it’s like it’s not like this guy tore his knee up or anything I

Mean it’s just like they added they added another wide receiver and now he goes from 17 to 72 to me that’s a spot where I can get some value back right I’ve taken some stabs on rookies and all these guys that you know Xavier worthy all these guys they’re complete uh in

The range of I don’t knows so now I’m gonna take guys like that here’s another one that I think uh that I think is kind of interesting I’ll give you my my case point for him uh but this is a guy that typically I would never draft right now

I’m drafting him it’s Tyler Boyd and my thought press on on that is this at one point he was an every down player right when he played with AJ Green when he played with just T Higgins before they drafted Chase and in those Seasons he he played flanker and then moved to the

Slot for three wide receiver sets and he had back-to-back thousand yard seasons and then they brought in two good wide receivers and he became a part-time player but now he’s a free agent he’s 29 years old so he’s younger than Tyreek Killen Amari and all these guys what if

A team does pay him and say hey you know what for us you are going to for on that team you were a part-time player for our team you’re going to be a full-time player that’s that’s where I look at and I say let’s see what happens right let’s

See what happens and if another team signs him to just be the slot guy well guess what now he’s just Tyler Boyd and I drafted him at the spot where you would draft just Tyler Boyd right well right now he’s in like a sort of a weird

Purgatory where his value just could go up exponentially right like there’s been talks about him joining the Steelers and he can go and replace Deon Johnson over there um if he goes back to the Bengals and they trade T Higgins you know like there there’s a lot of things that could

Go really really right for Tyler boy he feels like one of those guys that you know where the floor is but the ceiling can always go up right like the floor I mean I don’t think he’s ever going to be a zero guy like he’s always gonna be one

Of those wide receiver threes that we can count on right that well that’s the thing is that somebody even if they just use him as a slot guy I’m getting the value that like Tyler boy’s being drafted right now as if he is the slot guy for the Bengals where that you know

He could just go somewhere to be the third fiddle but there are teams out there we talked about the Cardinals that just like don’t have any any wide receivers really you know out a time he would IMM ah I missed it that’s I don’t I don’t mind that pick at all that’s

Actually a great pick he was he was the only player in my queue because I was like ah I was like I really I think I can draft Greg doul because the values right now is crazy him being like tight end whatever it was like 33 or something

It’s it’s wild to see where he is he may end up being nothing but at this point like just take your shots on guys yeah Bri I was sitting here thinking he might be there next round yeah Brian just took my guy which that’s disappointing to see

Oh come on Brian Brian Brian Brian is you better bet that’s he took Keaton Mitchell which you know I know he’s coming off the knee but uh you know I thought for me you never know you know what I mean you never know what could happen next um

I’m running out a clock here too good whatever so yeah that’s who I was gonna that’s who I was gonna draft this wand wand Robinson yeah because it’s like you know at this at this stage we’re like okay who’s gonna leave that team in targets but with tight ends I

Look at I look at it and say okay who could be a top two Target on the team right like I took Hunter Henry because they just brought him back they have Alex Van Pelt coming in who dialed up 20 screens last year for David and joku

Only Evan Ingram had more with 21 and I look at say who who’s catching the ball over there right like even if they draft a wide receiver he could be the second best passet on the team it’s like him and Demario Douglas and JuJu right so

That’s what I look for and I look at Greg doul who you just took and after Corin Sutton you know there’s a conversation to be had that you know he could end up being uh you know the Jimmy Graham and Shawn Payne’s offense like he’s competing with Tim Patrick and uh

Every wide receiver that’s ever played for the Saints you know what I mean that’s now come over m Joe Lombardi brought over Michael Bandy right but like I don’t know Lil Jordan Humphrey is he gonna get you know what I mean like who’s gonna step up over there so that’s

With Jared Judy gone I look and say uh who’s next man up dude yeah I mean I’m I’m excited about Marvin Mims who I drafted on this team yeah uh but like I I think there’s there’s a lot of value to be had in this uncertainty over there in Den

And I think that with you know we still don’t really know who the quarterback is going to be and so it may all be for not like if it’s B Knicks and we’re dealing with B Knicks throwing to Marvin Mims throughout the season it’s probably not

Awesome but I I I think at least right now this is a calculated risk that you can take on these players that have high upsides yeah and I’ll tell you Shawn pyton he came out midseason in like October somebody at reporter I love when beat reporters do fantasy Community a

Solid and just say hey why isn’t this guy playing right yep so they asked about Marvin Ms I’m on the clock now I’m gonna take JK Dobbins oh my God I know I was just like now that I’ve talked to you for 50 minutes I’m like who’s Alfredo GNA take here just I’m

Just telling you it’s like when Michael me back Michael Jordan said that his favorite part of going to play in the uh going to play on the Dream Team was finding out what everybody else would do in practice and in games so he could use it against them in the NBA that’s what

I’ve been doing for the last hour is figuring out how you think so I could snipe all your players I mean you did dude it’s it’s oh but I’ll Tell You Marvin Mims uh Marvin Marvin Mims basically what Sean Payton said was he said it’s hard to get him and Jerry Judy

On the field at the same time because they have an overlapping skill set right he’s like I like what he does with handoffs I like what he does with everything he’s like so that’s why they weren on the field at the same time well Jerry Judy’s gone right so what now Sean right

That’s that’s interesting I don’t know how much I believe the whole overlapping skill set thing and also like if you’re a good coach you just get players on the field regardless of the skill set you go and you use The Talented guys well he had to get all these snaps for Adam

Tropman and Lil Jordan Humphrey and treyquan Smith right like you had overlapping skill sets there right exactly but to your point earlier you talked about big you know like kin Sutton plays a totally different position from Jerry Judy he’s a big split end right like if you’re saying

Sutton is your Mike Evans or uh DK meaf or Nico Collins and then you you have the tank Dell or Chris Godwin or Tyro locket opposite them I guess I guess an argument could be made that you would only have room for one for one guy to be

In that role so that I’m with that’s where that’s where I like the Marvin Mims picks for you I would have liked it better for me uh but you know I think it is a good pick man I’m so as we’re getting like deeper into this oh Kendrick Bourne okay

Picks well that’s well that’s the thing as I’m saying okay if it’s not Hunter Henry who’s it gonna be well I’ll take my stab in the 19th round on Kendrick Bourne you’re not you’re not a KJ Osborne stand you’re not gonna get on the table for KJ Osborne I don’t think

So man I I don’t think so I will say shout out to him for uh that one of the few players my wife knows the name of because he saved one of her uh reality TV stars in a uh a car accident did you hear hear about that yes yes yeah yeah

She’s a big fan of it the challenge I think the guy is on I don’t know I don’t know his name but KJ Osborne man shout out rising up in a an occasion to really help this guy in a tough situation but you don’t really get a lot of fantasy

Points for that and I’m just not sure the the the value what they signed him to compared to what they signed Kendrick Bourne to I I tend to follow the money you know yeah that makes perfect sense Bourne got a lot of money and and the incentives

For Bourne you have to look people are like oh well uh only some of the contract is guaranteed for Kendrick Bourne but when you look at the when you really consider the details of those contracts with incentives they’re considered either likely to be earned or not likely to be earned and if they’re

Not likely to be earned they don’t count against the salary cap well what determines whether they’re likely to be earned or not last year’s stats and Kendrick Bourne because he got hurt mid-season had very low stats so what they basically did is they set up this contract where he’s going to get paid

Most that money but a huge chunk of it isn’t guaranteed and doesn’t count against the cap but all he has to do is be himself and not get hurt to get that money you know what I’m saying Alfredo so uh I think they did like at the end

Of the day I think uh what what he’s actually gonna get is a lot closer to the to the uh the high-end number than it is to the $16 million guaranteed number and that’s my that’s that’s my Kendrick Bourne stump speech right yeah I mean at this at this

Point of the draft like just just take dudes that you think have a good shot at being good at football like there’s not a whole lot of in-depth analysis that goes into your round 18 through 20 picks here no like do are they I’m looking at

These these guys down here and now I’m just gonna start making my picks based on I just took Alec Pierce which is a boring pick but like I’m looking around and I’m like okay this guy Brendan rice is the son of Jerry Rice uh like you know it’s like uh Frank Gore

JR’s here like that’s when you get to the 20th round sometimes you got to start making picks like that uh but yeah uh so yeah this that was my last pick I think uh you have your last pick coming up here uh why don’t you make your last

Pick and then and then tell everybody what you got going on what’s popping and we’ll get you out of here yeah man well here we go last pick surprised this guy’s still not on a team yet Deontay Foreman let’s see let’s see what happens for him I needed one more running back

But uh yeah man you can first of all you can follow me over on Twitter at the pretend GM and you can always check out all my work over at football guys where I co-host the football guys fantasy football show with Dave kugie uh during the season we are on Monday through

Friday and then we have a Sunday morning live show with Joey Wright and Jagger May and a whole bunch of our great staff members over at football guys and then right now we’re going to be doing a whole bunch of rookie stuff we’re going to be diving into some rookie Prospect

Profiles and we have some great guest coming on we just had Marcus Grant so yeah you can check that all that over at YouTube UHF footballguys awesome man yeah I love tude love the crew you got over there I’m actually doing a show with Jagger this afternoon it’s some

Stupid thing horrible person horrible person yeah horrible person some stupid thing Chuck Bass put together so you know it’s gonna be complete nonsense that should be fun uh but yeah thank you for coming on man dude you’re the best uh are you gonna come to uh fsga Boston

In summer dude I’m I’m I’m not making to Boston I did I did just go to the one that was recently in in Las Vegas but uh of course you go to Vegas yeah no fsga Boston for me but I will be at the Expo

In Canon cool I’ll be there as well uh quick shout out to all the fantasy alarm members that drafted with us today icy through Hamburglar Sigma Chai grit iron granny Brian Ninja Chicken this is ninja chicken’s first one we give out badges I set up some badges on the Discord

Recently where it’s like you get badge if you participate you get a trophy if you win if you win multiple which only kissm has done and myself you get a crown right so uh shout out Gringo Loco just Bruce B Jack straw uh steel lifer thank you guys for joining in if anybody

Wants to get down on these go to Underdog get set up over there use promo code alarm and they’ll give you 100 they’ll match up to 100% of whatever you deposit up to 100 bucks you put in 20 bucks they’ll match 20 you put in 100

They’ll match 100 uh and get set up there and then go over to win and get set up with a membership the annual membership’s 40% off right now and if you do it right now that gets you obviously gets you all the football content but baseball starting right now

So get you a full baseball season uh basketball uh you have basic basketball and hockey are in playoffs for Fantasy so gets you basically the whole season of fantasy next year for that like the annual is the way to go we have picks for NASCAR

DFS uh we have uh we have obviously our our MMA guy Mike iown takes down the left hook himself all the time over on DraftKings and those sites so get set up over there we’re crushing pja all that at Fantasy but that’s it for us thank you everybody for tuning in

Thank you everyone who joined us for the draft and especially Alfredo Our Guest thank you buddy out here having me

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