Standing Like This Makes Rotation Easy

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Talk about how to stand to the golf ball and particularly when it comes to things like rotation and making rotation much easier because having a good postural position will definitely make it easier for you to turn through the ball let’s first of all from the side on

Perspective what you’re looking for is a nice good bend of the hip don’t get too concerned about you know tucking under hips and stuff I get that question a lot I wouldn’t worry about that just stand up normally okay and then just CR a nice Bend of the hips you feel like you’re

Comfortable introduce a softening of the knees and then what you’re looking for in terms of the distance away from the ball is I would say you’re looking for a good old thumbs up fist position so that would be a good indication I I don’t think I’d encourage getting too close

Okay because you know getting too close might be a good exercise to encourage you to rotate well through the ball but generally speaking most people just tend to expose the hotle when they do that so I would say a a sort of thumbs up fist position is a good uh setup distance and

That that should feel like you’re stretching your arms and the reason why I say that is because as if I get into my posture and I let my arms sort of fall there does have to be an element of lift or if you’re like pushing away from

Me to get into that posture so that’s why the old thumbs up is a good exercise to practice first and foremost now from the face on perspective this is what will make a bigger difference because this is probably what will be slightly different than what you’re currently

Doing um width of stance if you were to draw a line vertically through either ankle it should fall onto the hip okay so if you like sort of shoulder width the Lead Foot needs to be uh forward facing your Trail foot perpendicular it can slightly outward facing I discourage

Allowing it to go too much out because then you you’ll lose that platform to turn into but the big one is your sternum try and get your sternum over the golf ball so to most golfers this will feel like your upper body is more over the left side okay and that’s why

We tend to see with the professional golfers they they tend to have like a slightly favoring weight pressure on the lead side in that set of position and that’s going to be because that upper body is lining itself slightly over towards the left side in the setup

Position so you’re St more over the ball and being more this way is going to give you a much better chance when it comes to hitting it of staying more over the ball with that chest and that’s something that I do which I know would make a big difference to helping you

Guys turn through the ball much better as well so try and follow those steps it’ll make a big difference I’ll see you soon


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