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Mathieu van der Poel Wins E3, Pogacar Dominates in Catalunya & Mads Pedersen Surprises | Episode #61

In a week filled with cobblestone action and the Volta Catalunya it was Tadej Pogacar, Mads Pedersen and Mathieu van der Poel that dominated the headlines. Pogacar won 4 stages in Catalunya, Mads Pedersen won Gent Wevelgem for a second time in his career and Mathieu van der Poel defeated Wout van Aert in E3 Saxo Bank Classic after a crash for van Aert.

Collaboration between @thecyclingdane and @OwDoCycling

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00:00 Intro
00:31 Wout van Aert Struggling in 2024?
06:41 Gent Wevelgem 2024
08:12 Is Mathieu van der Poel the Tour of Flanders Favourite?
16:21 Tadej Pogacar Dominates Volta Catalunya 2024
29:41 Archie Ryan Impresses at Coppi e Bartali 2024
31:15 The New Jonas Vingegaard Discovered?
36:27 Brugge de Panne 2024
39:26 Rider of The Week

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of national cycling podcast where three cycling n discuss what’s going to be happening in the week of cycling and also with an eye ahead especially this week because we’ve got Torah Flanders coming up but nevertheless I’m joined by Mr K himself

Yan Wilson and Patrick Blake a cycling and I mean guys uh yeah where do you want to start we’ve got Pacha dominating Welter Catalonia M Pon beating match Bol this week and yeah E3 as well so take your pick my would don’t know um what’s what’s juiciest I think let’s talk about

E3 W and vanderpol and all that Carnage that went on I mean the most tragic part of that whole race is that betti thef obviously that will have been a tragic news for for you as he was watching I’m sure he probably turned it off at that

Point I don’t know I think it was it was an interesting race I mean w was I don’t know he seemed to be playing a different kind of game this year like is it just me as well just like kind of following matchu around letting him do the stuff

And then that seems to be his game plan this year and obviously it didn’t work out because I mean w was sced by a guttering very sadly on the p m did deny as possibly quite a good fight but I still stand by the fact that I think that vanderpol would have probably

Beaten him anyway he just seemed a little bit stronger but the kind of ominous thing is that Vander seems to be just on a completely different plane to anybody else no poy going to Flanders well we’ll get out about we’ll get out about I don’t know I just F vpol seems

Like if when po I mean pogy’s not going to Flanders so therefore he seems pretty unbeatable to be honest to you I’m not I’m really not sure if this Malisa bik’s whole dominating team is really working out to be honest yeah I think I think so

Far in the classics well I mean this week in the classics they had they didn’t look as strong as as they uh like in the opening weekend where we had those races there but um E3 was was interesting I always think E3 is one of the better Classics you’ve had some

Great narratives come out of that race in in the past and this year I mean once vanderpol went there was no stopping him W had that sort of adrenaline rush where he got to about 12 seconds behind van theol but then the elastic snaap then it

Went up to like 30 seconds very quickly and from that point it just felt like I mean there was no point really watching it I I sped watch it I saw I saw Vander attack the Gap went up and I was like boom watching at like four time speed

Because it it really just was like like an inevitable uh finale there but there are some decent performances all around uh Bim gay is definitely looking better he didn’t top 10 the race but he was up there on quite a lot of the climbs OAS Cano as well looked particularly good

Jonathan a impressed me on that race and um yeah yeser stvin got second place beating wild vard in a Sprint that’s always good to see proves my theory that wild vard doesn’t like reduced Sprint it you got a point though it’s kind of he do he seems to just it’s kind like

Kryptonite you do think oh here it’s like a guaranteed like win but when was the last time we really saw W winning like a Sprint like we all think to he’s won a Sprint on the sh e buty last year the the one day race in

The Autumn he wanted spread that and he beat hoggy and mat back at e last year as well yeah that’s true he’s not like a guaranteed succcess if he’s like one-on-one with somebody at the end of a classic it’s it’s not it’s definitely not like a guaranteed just like wman Art’s beating

Him I don’t think that’s the case but he seemed to be like bonking like he literally just seemed to just be like pedling really lightly on the pedals when that group was coming back to him when Sten was bridging it looked like he was maybe just like okay sto is going to

Catch me I’m just going to ease up and be ready to get on his wheel but he didn’t even like contest a Sprint at the end it was like just didn’t he just didn’t care maybe just like to be fair he was probably a bit demoralized with

The day just like falling on a PBG and thinking about what could have been in the day you know he was probably just like our second third I don’t really care too much but yeah I think strowman’s looking really good I mean obviously his teammate Pon also did

Really well winning again thean and the the the real six Monument for those people out there who actually want to discuss about six monuments but yeah Leal track looking actually really strong at the moment to be fair would you say that Leal track’s classic Squad is better than balisa bikes at the

Moment no but in terms of results I think they’re one of the more effective Classics teams s got top 10 Alex Kish got top 10 the other day as well and adri Pac similarly was right up there in the mix of and wayam as well Milan was

In top six and peon took the overall win so they’re definitely punching above their weight and squinch got P strata bian recently as well in San amambo they were in fourth place there I think they’re sort of the team that’s performing the best with their resources

In the classics this year I think on paper visma team is stronger I think they probably are stronger in like a sort of Manon Man classic situation like we had on new spad but Le are definitely building on confidence it was good to see my land right up there towards the

End of heble Cam in particular well they’ve been I Jonathan Milan’s been added to the team as well but it’s been fairly consistent in that team in terms of personnel stoven Pon SC Alex Kish as well for few number of years as well so that could be something about her as

Well knowing each other yeah and they’ve worked closely as well is St and P have been a good sort of sprinting lead out for the past four years now so they they’ve been working very closely for for a couple of years that’s ni boilers so Tom squ in

The interview is going to be on the second day extra and there he actually said for him it doesn’t really matter about Victory he said it’s as well as m p winning as him winning so he’s like I don’t really care about me winning it’s about the team winning which I think is

Yeah a really good mentality for a team to have yeah and I think that this team does have good morale they usually keep Riders on for a long time I think it definitely shows that they’re doing something something good and they are building the they’ve been performing very very highly across all different

Kinds of terrain apart from T gig and HS yeah not all terrain yeah it’s a bit sore isn’t it but I mean um again wel gam that’s the freshest one it’s the last one finished a few hours ago after recording and uh yeah what did you guys make of this we

Did the recap and I mean m p and taking a second getting well G but there is that sad start that uh there hasn’t really been a get Republican winner in recent years go on to win the Tor Flanders so m in fans the torers might not be the

Monument that’s true but pison seems like such a weird one like he wasn’t firing on all cylinders at E3 you could say but then he does really well here so it’s really hard to tell what kind of form we’re going to get him in we do get

D door of course in the middle of next week to get another look at him he’s on a provisional start list it’s possibly gets taken off at fo to get more rest um V the pull of course isn’t taking part W ver is alongside a very stacked visma

Lisa bike Team why I actually said it correctly I can’t believe that but Prov is this message I can’t I don’t know I think that ped’s a hard one to gauge how he’s going to go at at Flanders you know we were discussing how close is he to joining

This Galactic Coast group he’s I think he’s pretty close I think he has gone well over long distances we’ve seen that a well CHS before I don’t see any reason why pedest shouldn’t be going really well at Flanders other than I don’t know maybe dwi’s door takes it out of them

And he is just knacked for a really long event at the weekend but I think the main question is how you defeat rort because he’s the main man that everybody needs to be trying to actually defeat and to be honest with you I just don’t really see well you could say pedison

But I don’t really see anybody really beating him to be honest to be yeah I think it’s going to be hard to be vul his record in this race is just fantastic in 20201 2021 finished second 2022 he won 2023 finished second so that’s just an exceptional record P’s

Got a good record in this race as well but he hasn’t won it Pand Paul’s won it twice I just thinking vul got that kick in him and I think it’s hard to compare heam to Ronda because ham is a lot flatter whereas Ronda is got a lot more

Hills I think that will favor W vard and mat vano over over M pson but I mean today in K Willam it looked like P sorry it looked like vandero was kind of losing energy towards the end he attacked really far out I don’t think he

Should be as sort of confident in that an attack all the way out because we saw today that that somewhat backfired yeah it did I yeah it looked like BP was definitely struggling a little bit on that last Descent of a kelberg like pedison was the one taking it to him but

Without pogy in this race if you give the hypothetical like first and second to wout it does open up a third place for somebody else and I would be quite surprised if it wasn’t a Leal track Rider not just saying pison because I do think that stoven like we’ve been saying

Is looking really good I think it’s probably too hard for Milan but I think stoven was really good at E3 you know it’s very easy to forget that he was top 10 in that world traps Road Race last year as well that’s just a very under radar performance and I think that LE

Track have got a really strong possibility of finishing off a Podium of flads my only thing with uh with yes is that he does not have a great record at Ronda he’s much better at rube um the only top 10 he’s ever gotten Rond of land was back in

2018 um he’s competed every year since then and hasn’t really cracked the top 10 apart from oh sorry 2021 he got top five but it’s he’s not very consistent in this race so Patrick were you saying W vard is for sure number two because he

Was beaten by mass P last year yeah I’m just kind of like still giving omage to W no matter how much I do like to to kind of like take a dump on his name sometimes you got to kind of give respect to the guy that he is you know

He is a monument winner he is very good at cbble races and just because of one oopsy on E3 doesn’t mean I’m going to write him off completely especially with such a strong team I don’t think that Visa par got to play a bit smarter I

Think that E3 they just ended up going with we are working for out strategy and that did not work basically I think they got to play it a bit smarter with the yenson and tratnik who just seemed to not play very protagonistic roles in E3

And I think that that was a mistake of this Malisa bike they’ve got to make use of their numbers because let’s face it Vanderpool when you Whittle down the team strength this Malisa bike is stronger than b than alind kernick so you got to use that Advantage where you

Can because evidently vandero is better than van on these kind of days shown by his record in this race so I think Vis back have going to go back to the drawing board a little bit back to how they did on and bring that to Flanders

And I think that’s going to be better how does m anderol win it this year if he did look a bit weak on the kelberg okay it’s a week out we don’t know if he was just using this as a tuneup as well but I mean yeah my SP doesn’t look strong on

The kelberg but kelberg is not the most influential clim of of the run to landown and on Friday match of V was easily the best on the the qu want and the p which comes up in the r Bland I think vaner is a lot stronger than it

Seemed at King it’s not a race that he’s naturally clicked with as much as thander so I hold my sort of doubts that he’s not on tiptop form I think he is I think he’s looking really good and he can kind of win it from a number of

Situations here he could win it in a reduced Sprint I know he lost it today in k w cam in that scenario and he also lost and he also lost back in 2021 to Casper asra in that scenario but I I think he’s capable of holding it in a

Sprint and also definitely distancing people on the other qu so he wins a run to vanderin except if he turns up in a Sprint with the Danish guy then he’s definitely losing pretty much it’s good thing Yodas isn’t here imagine that Yas beating how many

Danes are on the start line I mean I don’t know there’s a few in chuda Pro cycling I think he could oh Alexander Camp I’m not sure if he’s going is Casper pedison going that he could be the real CP tonight You’ done it before let’s be realistic no the way

Vpol wins is he just leaves it as late as possible for that final kind of double Ascent of the AR of a pass B that’s the the killer combination everyone’s on the knees you stick the knife in on the arqum and you twist it on the PB and that’s the simple combin

Which seems to have worked really well for vandero I think it’s really up to other teams to disrupt Vanderpool before man to try and make it not just to walk over for him to try and win if you just roll to the bottom of the yont and try

To you know get W to just ride hard to drop Vanderpool it’s not going to work I think you got to try and do something a little bit different you got to get somebody else up the road beforehand that Vanderpool that they can just sit on Vanderpool and hopefully that ties

Him out so that you can drop him because it’s not going to work if you just wait for him to like oh we’re going to he’s he’s going to drop on the patberg cuz I think he will to be honest with you um Vanderpool I think as long as he doesn’t

Take pedison to the line basically I think he’s going to be all right to Wi win in a Sprint amongst everyone else but does p have it in him to sort of hold on to matti’s wheel up out P kind of Boom attack I don’t think he does I

Think W does I’m not convinced P you think wild does I don’t think either of them have it to be honest well out of out of the both I think W’s probably stronger on an out quadon kind of climb I think wal is probably stronger than

Than Mass Pac also his name was brought up earlier on Casper as grain have you seen his form this year so far it has been Dreadful today well he didn’t finish envelope G brussa finished in 88 d bianc decent result 16th overall adri on Friday 77th and today heble him 54

That’s Bleak for a man his one Dre in the past wait he what he I thought he was going to be up there but obviously it was a Sprint so he probably didn’t care in the Sprint I mean a name to throw out there who was able to follow

Well he was able to follow on the podo is it’s not just a meme it is BET be when Pacha went and badol followed on podo Beto was pretty much the only person look like G I guess you could say to be able to follow that attack and bet

Of course we haven’t seen him at all this week because well in E fre he dnf for some reason about still not entirely certain on but we’re going to see him at D stor maybe B he he’s won this race before I was almost about to say what

The f has best done at the Tor plers were then I remembered disrespect oops this race I mean Sebastian Langell isn’t he though to block into the final Ascent of the pburg this time but may maybe Beto could be a name I’m just looking at the starless just trying to

Somebody betol had the legs to hold on until the end put some respect in his name Casper ASR couldn’t catch him that’s true yeah okay fair enough but we’ll move on from cobbles as we have just talked a bit about talk Flanders Etc but in terms of the other big race

That was happening W Catalonia I don’t know how you guys normally feel about this race but normally I kind of ignore it I know exactly yeah and even more so when one R is dominating outright from start to finish well last year was a bang in Catalonia because we had Rock glitch

Yeah exactly true but honestly this is a stage race I rarely watch I think last year was the first time I ever watched a full catalino stage but this year holy ghost it was it was something else for for for poy from start to finish pretty

Much oh well day one he didn’t win but he was very close to winning and then just boom he just just like completely exploded this race how many stage wins did he get in the end four I think it’s just mightily impressive and the gaps

They got in the top 10 of GC those are gaps you would see in Grand Tour like top 10 in the end and spare thought Egen bernal’s First World Tour stage race Podium since the J in 2021 I mean this was a bit like was it the do or B

Country last year where Ringo absolutely blamed the field um yeah it’s just when they’re not together it’s just nothing yeah it’s uh I mean just to give some context to you and like time gaps the difference between pogy in first and mik Lander who I space service is a very

Good version of Lander that we saw this week was 3 minutes and 41 seconds the gap between pogy in 10th Place who is Lorenzo Fortunato was 7 minutes and 27 seconds in a stage race that is seven stages long like should we just give him a year

And now is there actually any point in anybody else turning up toiro if pogy stays on his bike and doesn’t get ill it’s going to be what’s the biggest margin of Victory between first and second in a grand tour we might be verging on a new record it’s probably

Like from the old days it’s probably like I don’t know a 30 minutes from like the 1920s but if we have three weeks of this I I like poy I think he’s a great racer but three weeks of this at the J N pass yeah literally no vro is in danger

Of being a massive GC snoozefest and it’s just going to be like you might a massive gap of it just go break away break away break away send them all what they could do is um give po give everyone a head start and it’s like a little fun match where like pogy

Has to like kind of go woo and catch everyone or maybe like put him on limit his gearing give him Junior gearing yes maybe he has to just like he’s not allowed to win I don’t know like just the prospect of the G is incredibly like just dull and dire at this

Point Beno Conor and Beno Conor really challenge him no be real I like Beno Conor as well but he’s not following pogy up these CLS I mean the jro and the bass country in a few well next week or whenever has kind of the same feel where

It’s like who’s going to rival Bing go jir as well it’s it’s terrible isn’t it already we haven’t even taken one one pedal stroke of of the jur isn’t roit going to best country oh okay yeah number 10 and Remco okay okay I take it back lots of

CR country has an amazing stylist but an incredibly underwhelming profile on here it’s a little bit sacr on a really good form like Alex oraro could witness if like if Yas wasn’t here Alex AR could probably finish top 10 GC like actually like not even joking this is aex Rooms

To of France this is all he cares about in the year is dominating exia bass country I also just want to point out two good well tour debut victories well not debut for one of them but mad fun L looked really good he got a win here in

A Sprint uh he’s been knocking at the door for like a big win that wasn’t from a breakway and then uh axelos as well got a Sprint win the current under 23 world champion from France who rides for alberon dck he got majorly shafted last year while the year before when Paris

Cycling Club folded ding lingling but at that point when he was looking for new teams most of the teams were full so he became a St with without who wasn’t allowed to go to World Tour races but now he can and he’s already on winning ways okay back to pog

Because this is the POG clip now oh sorry sorry sorry well Al MAA uh in the interview he said that uh you shouldn’t judge pagat against his form last year because of the RIS so with that strong team and everything do you think this is the best Pacha we’ve seen that’s what I’m

Thinking because he’s breaking records literally every single stage he’s doing and he’s looking frightening to be honest when you also consider consider the strata bian win my only reservation about declaring that this is the best POG we’ve ever seen is that the racist that he’s done hasn’t been up against

Yonas or in a one day setting Vander because I think that’s really the thing is like is it sort of like other results I don’t want to call them like they’re not like it’s not sound bagging but you know are the results inflated in kind of scale just because there isn’t

That other massive rival there saying that I think that pogy is absolutely flying he is um he is insanely good at the moment it’s almost a shame he’s not going to Bas country because that would give us a bit of a to of France rehearsal pogy why have you denied us

Why have you the denied us of this like you’ve just G the Revol to Catalia and ruined everybody’s hopes and dreams when we really needed a bass country fight so we could all get a bit of a sense as to how the tour is going to go this year

But instead to not we’re going to have to be remaining in the dark about it is this the best pogy we’ve ever seen I I guess yes just because of how dominant he’s being against or these kind of second te favor I think if you put a

First tier favorite in there I still think he’s going to beat them yes we’re going to say this is the best pogy we’ve seen I think it’s also just like he’s he’s looking so strong so commanding he’s maturing he’s getting better with his tactics and just a combination of all these different

Things I think his team is performing better him and arid is such a good double act we haven’t seen them really collaborate together but they were fantastic it makes you worry what they’re going to bring up the tour to France this is probably the best pogy

We’re going to see but is it going to be the best pogy after he I mean he’s about to just dominate Theo but is he going to be the best pogy we’ve ever seen once Theo and done and he rolls into the T of France with a grand tour already in his

Legs food for a thought he’s a he’s going to be such an enigma he’s going to be a massive headache for us trying to predict what’s going to happen at the tour based upon air because he’s just going to do Theo and then nothing I mean he’s going to

Rock up the tour and we’re gonna have absolutely no idea if he’s absolutely wrecked or he’s fir on all cylinders he just that’s going to be a really hard part for everybody to try and predict what kind of pogy we’re going to get actually said the that he thinks pach is

Going to win jro and to because the toour is so front or the Jiro is so front heavy and then the last two weeks he can just use is like basically trading and then like he’ll be fral the tour he’ll let just be able to let breakaways go because he’ll be ahead by

10 minutes by the end of stage 12 that he’ll just be able to be like s a break away time and then just Mark moves yeah and I mean if he just puts in that the big moves in the first week is not great

For us but it’s great for him he can get that three minute advantage and ride at home easy he is still a month off you know he’s not going to be riding for like June competitively that’s a great time for him to just you know recuperate

It’s not like he’s like doing racing in between as well I think we might be overanalyzing the Gap in between it’s different because he’s sort of I think mentally he’s been doing other things on top of the tot of France whereas everyone else is just going into the

Totle France but I think pogy is going to be okay he can just sit at home and watch everyone battle out in um the doofan with some popcorn in his his little bucket yeah if anyone’s going to do it it’s him let’s be honest yeah it’s true also side note did anybody notice

How zah ala can descend now that when did that happen what what what kind of evil coneval mate maharic has got into him like on about stage one he was absolutely flinging around corners I was like what has got into him this is not Thea MAA who at Theo was

Losing like a minute on Des sense he was on the hoods like kind of very tentatively getting his way downhill oh this is a completely different jaia and I love it Al is looking good I think he will be a really really important addition to that Toto France Squad we

Now just need to see how he was all right with pogy and then we get sort of another sort of flavor of what that team’s going to bring CU it might even be stronger than VMA Lisa bike in the mountains that’s what I’m feeling yeah for sure I think they’re

Going to rest him one of expert yeah but cus was in the wel Catalonia anyone noticed okay cus is never good at one week long stage races I’ll give him this it’s true I yeah I think that ever since the VOA everyone’s just got like this

Massive like cuss hype going on and I think that we all just need to settle down I think that take Thea last year out of the equation pretend that didn’t happen it’s like he’s he was always a domestique he he never really went through his own opportunities in stage

Races so therefore I think there was probably a little bit too much expectation on his shoulders to do something in this race when he’s never really like you and says done anything like that before the W’s just really kind of made people rethink how sep races whereas that was quite a unpress

Ented result that nobody really expected I think GC cuser going unfollowed you on Twitter well you know what like join all the wart lovers and all the RL people who already hate me already so join the club I will point out Antonio Tiber was really good this week

Sniper we have to talk about it he’s such a goodby though like he was such a good signing well they he he saw the name of the race catalon and he was like this is my kind of thing but um but he was looking really good he like podiumed like one of the

Mountain stages and it’s like this guy was like kind of a bit of like a sort of Hardy time trial engine and boom he’s now become like a decent clim bar who’ have thought he’s like Sao but oh no please well I’m saying that sa is a better t trialist

Good good thank you you redeemed yourself but um tiar is still only 22 like he’s still young so and Chris Harper looked really good actually to be fair I mean he’s been looking really good since he moved well since he left ybo he’s one of the feed Riders who’s

Actually like got better whil after leaving yumbo and sorry vimo well he was there during the yumbo time come on but um I I think he’s been writing really well and join him up with Simon once again and they could be a threatening double act s needs to step it up to

Chris Harper’s level did you know s was in revolta catalon yeah he was actually I saw him his name on the list was he yes he was he actually was he just did not good I don’t know why he didn’t Dar Thomas was there as well that’s true oh

My gosh outside of the grand thoughts to be fair Simon Yates finished in 57th overall who who finished the head of Simon Yates embarrassing um Wonder kid Ian Sosa Ian Sosa beat Simon Yates a grand tall winner in the VA of Catalonia um Darren rafy of Ireland finished above him who

Else could be throw into the the equation edic Antonio fagundes of Uruguay finished higher than him there there are plenty of names you could pick out here Sam is doing a gar Thomas where he only does well in the ground TS now he just like sacks off any bit of stage

Racing as just training did he not win this race like a couple years back I think that was Adam Yates he’s actually tries of stage races anyway speaking of stage races cop Bach also happened not many people care about that race because it was quite small but it has had some

Notable winners in the past Y spingle Mar Schmid last year and I mean this year it wasn’t Archie Ryan I keep thinking Archie Ryan won it but it wasn’t it was Bowman winning another one we stage well 5day stage race for Vis Le bike and actually his

First stage race outright so pretty cool and Yan’s friend Marco Brena won the first stage with a very daring defel thank you RG Ryan though is is the ran is the rider that caught my attention um just 22 years of age looked really really good here he went to Stage the CH

Slovakia a couple years back and it’s good to see him stepping up at the top level they have what three Irish Riders there at EF so good to see someone flying the flag let me let me get my passport right let’s go Ireland how did you even get that

Passport excuse me I didn’t create citizenship law I mean that was that’s a rider like you said you’re he left V bike in his St better well he’s fairly young so it’s bit onfair yeah it’s a hard point of comparison but they had like the what the five riders in the

Time they left yo done well he’s one of them he’s going to B country as well it’s a rival yonas hell yes his former all the secrets REM exactly he’s gonna he’s gonna get he’s gonna get inside Jonas’s head he’s gonna make him more easy he’s going to be like

You’re not actually back good I’m gonna beat you everybody actually needs to be afraid of this whatever D other Danish embryo who’s taken out the K that yonas takes and now everybody seems to just have an absolute obsession with yeah it’s a k that’s very we I think we talked about when PB

Allegedly took it and then it turned out that it was actually he was holding on to a motorbike or something like that the C which is in I’m saying that the Danish way it’s near calp and many Pros use it as kind of like a gauge it’s

About 12 minutes 13 minutes long uh for pros and yeah this this kid from cor Creek Peter Hansen he’s taken beaten the K now 12 minutes and 38 seconds uh the distance of the clim is 6.5 km and he’s riding for K quick which was the team

That yoris b got R for so he got signed in a way of the back of this K in a way yis sping go to yma at the time so maybe this means he’s going to be joining R Spike Peter Hansen no no you wouldn’t sign him up he

Could have been in the back of a of a what’s a Volkswagen you know he could have been in a car he could have had volag ebike like oh I don’t like I don’t like digging too too deep into this you know because they filmed it so you can see it oh

Oh I’m going up mute now are you GNA claim that it was an ebike I should do more research before we hit record the only problem with this is that now like now anyos are going to be like oh here we go another Wonder kid who we need to

Sign to ruin their potential dig them into the dirt and make sure they never get any good results ever just telling now outside of just being a TT monster which he already was which by the way inos are just a TT exper team so therefore forat kind of matches up

I’m talking climers here Sheffield also you can throw out me but he’s a TT guy but when was like I’m talking like inos just don’t seem particularly great at or like getting this Talent going I feel like they always prioritize Pitcock we always prioritize some other elderly

Statesman in the team and we don’t give these youngsters for chance like these would be far better doing the under 23 scene going and doing for total aenir and all that but instead inos pluck them far too early I’m not just saying it’s inos I’m just saying teams pluck them

Too early keep him in a development setting and let him grow stop trying to find the new pagat you know when he’s 18 because guess what he’s probably not ready to be on the world tour just just just leave him to kind of do his thing he’s

Obviously very talented so just just let it be for for a couple years interestingly on this point Jim R Cliffe did an interview this week where he spoke about um his transfer policy for football and like what his sporting teams he was saying that he wants to

Find the new mbappe he wants to find the new pogacha instead of buying mbappe and pogacha he wants to find these new talents and I mean they’ve been trying but ain’t working you know I’m just thinking of a scenario where gar Thomas obviously almost W air last year but

Once gar Thomas retires which I’m going to presume is going to be if if if what whatever he’s the new B basically who’s going to take it up afterwards I me trying to make saying it’s going to be pitcock and Bernal they’ve just got all these like Andrew

Augusts Michael Leonards of the world Fodor storms who had just kind of sat there who I just think could be better off not being on like a world t Team going to random little stage races because I just feel like it’s a waste to be honest I just I’d

Rather i’ I’d rather the tal not just be sequestered in one inos kind of like Mega po rather and just just just spread them out Inus Grand under 23 team where is it we’re still waiting rff said he wanted to develop talent but he’s missing out an under 23 team so I mean

There’s some hypocrisy there it doesn’t add up it literally doesn’t why do they not have an under 23 team and a junior team like most of the World Tour teams do if he wants to find Talent like you says it’s completely backwards just actually execute on what you say it’s

Not like you’re short of cash I’m guessing just just just do it please he probably has more in his couch than it would take to fund a under 23 team for the next five years yeah true this is verging on me having going on a rent about British cycling so should we

Should we move on before I lose it again yeah what are we moving on to gosh oh Brana we end talk about BR for two fastest sprinters in the world and it almost took each other out I don’t get what mil was so upset about what was he

What was he throwing his hands at for philipson what did he think philipson did wrong no they were like kind of fighting for the same wheel and bl philipson did probably like move a lot more than he should have but everyone sit ight you know that’s true I just

Feel like obviously cuz they were going after somebody I can’t remember who it was but basically like philipson was going up for left hand side going the right hand side you can’t just can’t just be like okay I’m just going to like expect you just to kind of Hit the wrist

Ride his back wheel and just stop like he needs to realize that Phillips is going to move out I didn’t really get that but you know what yeah they are literally the fastest sprins in the world I’d say it’s probably those two Milan Milan maybe milanov maybe really you normally go against

Corovan and now you’re battling for him okay okay uh Milan Koy then ROV I mean yeah that that would be quite a good it would yeah those four actually going head-to-head would have been quite good what was KY doing in Paris beating M pson there was there was a good battle

For third place atam that’s true Yi Mar winning that oh Shan win Yi Mar yeah true it feels like he’s um like you know like he’s had like that that one Victory will just be there forever like like sep cus has won the bter that always forever be there you’re

The most won on the Chan but will he ever follow this up with another big victory well today we saw signs that he could I mean it’s pretty big victory to have if you’re going to have one Shamu losing yeah but like we weren’t expecting it can he ever follow

Up it’s like when grer shops oh that’s not fair grer was like the fastest guy at two Feld that’s exactly did you just say was yeah um yeah I think that certain episode that we should dwell on too much took a huge chunk out of him very true

Yes that’s true Jacobson’s not doing well I don’t think DS are doing great with yakobson to be fair though there was a crashing bger depan so he wasn’t actually really able to contest the Sprint so you can’t really hold that against him yeah I’m kind of surprised philipson didn’t roll M for

Third again V but then again they already lost a victory to Pettis so I guess maybe it doesn’t matter tooo much to them all right right of the week yeah right of the week who’s going first you go you well unless you don’t have a name no no okay there’s a real

There are two very lwh hanging fruits that they kind of touch the ground and I’m not going to go for them I’m going to go for EGA Bernell it’s Bernell season and he finished on the podium of w stage race the first time in a couple

Years when we maybe thought he was going to be a meme forever a bit like how I said ryers sometimes get branded with that one big victory he kind of has that but now it feels like okay Egan berell can can start to be taken seriously once

Again and that’s good I’m happy for that and inos has got a World Tour stage race Podium wow against quite a competitive field who’ have thought I mean considering that uh that crash like I wouldn’t have put it past him if you just like stop cycling like the man has

Enough money move to Columbia like could have left live a fairly comfortable life for the rest of his yeah so I’m just picking picking a rer okay fine I’ll say m p in the in the meantime okay I’m G second time and he’s not going to win Flanders because of it

Because of that Cur I’m gonna go with somebody who I don’t think I’ll get an opportunity to say his name as a piy I think no I’m going to go Mel Lander because I don’t think that Lander he will be a domestique for Remco a lot

Of a time and you know what it was just good to see Lando being good again he was actually on the attack usually he just kind of follows moves but he was actually being very animating and I think that he was he was really good at

Catalonia and I was really happy to see him seemingly like a like the old lamba which so I was really happy to see that so M lamba for finishing second in the vter Pacha there was one stage where I tuned in for and I saw patcha attacking

Off the front and Landa tried and then just dropped back I was like well then what’s the point of watching the stage but he tried the most important thing he tried nobody else tried they tried on the final stage to some extent but the race was by far over by then that’s true

Stephen Williams is actually the one who put Pikachu under the most threat on on that is actually he’s a big guy to be threatening like somebody for the edge like if he’s not on the edge all the flesh alone why Israel Premier tank to but anyways that’s basically it for

Episode 61 and uh make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel if you’re new here or on Spotify if you’re listening there and comment down below what you thought of the week in cycling and of course as always thank you for watching and we will see you next We


  1. But if vingo was in this catalunya race instead of pog.. im sure you'll be watching still even knowing gc gap will be 5mins for the 2nd 🤣

  2. Speaking of Kasper Asgreen: Yes his form has not been good this year… But in GW he was working like a dog for Merlier. Did a lot of turns in front of the bunch… So he could probably have sprinted somewhat better, if he had done less.

  3. Well, hard to say about Pogi. Even though he performed well in Catalunya, it is in the absence of Jonas, his only challenger.

  4. really not the smartest point at 7:00 saying that you dont know what you get with Pedersen. Look at his stats the last couple of years in classics and monuments. insane stability. Mads will be there, but I agree that he probably cant follow that one insane punch from MVDP. He needs to go out early and get a gap, but MVDP wont let him this year with pogacar not being there.

  5. It’s good MVDP isn’t riding Dwars door Vlaanderen. I think the E3 effort may have been catching up with him. Looking forward to killer Ronde van Vlaanderen!!! 💪🏻🚴🏻‍♂️💪🏻

  6. Pog's early season form is not necessarily an indicator of his TdF performance. In the previous two years, he beat Jonas comfortably at Tirreno and P-N respectively, but finished second best at the Tour. However, it must be mentioned that he was racing under a handicap in both years. In 2022, he had lost half his team to Covid, while in 2023 his wrist injury certainly affected his preparation. It's also true that when he cracks badly, like at Granon or Col de Loze, it is not just Vingegaard who he loses time to, but a number of other lesser riders.

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