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What happened behind the scenes at the 2024 Australian GP? After Carlos Sainz insane comeback at the 2024 Australian GP here is what happened behind the scenes when Carlos Sainz won the Australian Grand Prix after his surgery recovery. If you want to know everything that happened at the 2024 Melbourne GP make sure to watch the entire video.

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Good day from sunny mour and what an amazing day out for this team here Ferrari a one2 and Carlos SS absolutely nailing it with a win just a couple of weeks after appendix surgery well this was Carlos’s third win of his career his last win was in

Singapore last year and that was an epic night out today though it was stunning Max V stappen ended up out on lap three with his brakes on fire and at that point everybody just cheered in the crowd but before I go too into the race

I want to go back to Wednesday when I saw Carlos here in the padic and he looked very proppy very Ginger moving around almost hobbling and he showed a couple of Team um crew his scar and then he showed them what he was going to do during the track sessions that he put

Some rubber underneath the seat belt buckle which I can’t tell you whether he did today if you know please in the comments below come FP 1 and two yeah he he did okay but there was always this doubt of um was he going to be well

Enough to drive he did fb3 he did qual but of course qu’s what probably 45 minutes of fullon action it’s not a race but he got through as you know second place but today he started in second and within three laps he was in front and the crowd were just well and truly

Behind him and there’ll be huge celebrations tonight down in Ligon Street here in Melbourne I’ll jump now to park F because I thought that was interesting he parked head on underneath to get out of his car in shade and normally when you win a race and you’re

Not a Max for steppen you’re jumping out you’re springing around but he was still very careful when he got out of that car he moved towards his crew got his gloves threw one into the crowd threw the second one into the crowd he then went over and hugged his important people in

The team his girlfriend Rebecca Donaldson was in the crowd I didn’t see her earlier on but she found him afterwards Zack Brown was quick to congratulate him as was Adam Norris Lando’s dad and then Lando came over gave a beautiful hug to Carlos because they are close friends and a couple of

Minutes later the boys decided to do a selfie in front of the Ferrari crew has this restored some excitement into the sport of Formula 1 I think it has it’s given us some hope that somebody other than Max ven will win a race so what now

For the drivers well many of them are heading to Barley a couple of them heading to Vietnam to just simply relax because it’s on the way to Japan at the moment the crew are madly packing stuff up but there will be some celebration later tonight I have absolutely no doubt

It’s not often Ferrari gets a one two and that’s something that definitely should be celebrated behind me is the Ferrari hospitality suite and there are a lot of people out the front here waiting for their two drivers to come back and celebrate with them but that’s

Not the end of their day they’re at the TV media pin they still have to go up and do the press conference I’ll be up there to have a listen to what they have to say about a truly stunning day I think the whole F1 world is just amazed

That Carlos has managed to overcome all of the pain which I’m sure there was a little bit of maybe plenty of to win his first race since Singapore last year it was a lovely thing to watch and the crowd has really lapped it up well we just had the Ferrari celebration shot

And I am still wet with Ferrari champagne it was quite lovely we ended up um thanks mate we ended up um well they’re still going on back there a bit of showering and excitement in the end it just became a Rabel and we were squashed in then Carlos did pose for some pctures

In front of uh a very tightly bunched group of photographers and videographers what a great thing to be in this Paddock and be a part of that celebration I’m touched and delighted for this young man so that’s the big story of the day but there were plenty of other things going

On here in the paddock well niiko hulkenberg was in a fantastic mood this morning when he arrived into the paddock and I look I I’ll be open with you I I do get on well with niiko and I often get amazing look from him this was right

Up there unfortunately I had a long lens so it’s probably a little bit too tight to turn this shot you can see right into his mouth I must tell you earlier in the day I watched Logan Sergeant come in and of course he’s not driving this weekend

So he’s pretty leisurely and he did interact with a lot of people and then some girls were uh the other side of a fence with their mobile phones and they wanted selfies so they threw them to Logan except one ended up on the concrete not Logan’s fault somebody

Threw at the wrong time but anyway it was a good sport about it and was more than happy to spend some minutes with them I’m standing above the paddock here in Melbourne and that is where you want to be if you want to see the drivers if

You want to be right at the coal face of this amazing event how do you get access to that well it’s not easy you certainly can’t well you can actually buy a ticket that gets you 3 days access to it but it’s crazy money I’m not even sure it’s

Sold for this event but if you buy uh Paddock Club tickets here often you’ll get a tour that allow you to spend I know 30 minutes 40 minutes a day or a weekend down in the padic but it is really an amazing experience and as I’ve

Said before this is right up there with the best paddocks in Formula 1 Oh and next year they’re doing a whole lot of renovations to the pit building now on the subject of this Paddock it is a very busy padic and as you see it’s not

Terribly wide so a lot of the drivers if they want to get from one end to the other won’t walk down here because they probably wouldn’t get down here very quickly because their Pace down here would be very slow because everyone wants a selfie or an autograph so they

Tend to take the behind rout which is a much quicker route and it avoids pretty much everybody back there and what else is back there a whole lot of Catering should we head back and have a look you’ll see these are all the hospitality tents where the teams are cooking up a

Storm over here the Mercedes crew are cooking up a magnificent barbecue with some beautiful Burgers Ferrari have chicken fillets cooking here just grilled and I guess that’ll probably be for their drivers and in here I can tell you I’ve seen and smelt the fact that they are producing some magnificent

Looking pizzas over at McLaren they have fish fingers along with tuna tartar inside and a whole host of other tasty treats now the guys here at Alpine have quite a feast they’ve got prawns with vegetables they’ve got pastor arabiata and also some magnificent fuk catcha next up is Williams well the drivers are

Getting lamb madrass and then there’s another special menu for all the guests and a different menu for the team now at the far end of the padic and it is the very far into the padic we have hars cooking up a storm for their crew in the garages these are glamour sandwiches

Roast beef caramelized onion cam beer and dejon mustard my gosh they eat well here and the Ferrari crew even made me some lovely pizza or farta with onion on it right that beautiful actually told him 10 minutes and I was more like 20 so it’s a little bit cold but that’s my

Fault my fault only very light fluffy dough the Italians can F1 is all about money and Glamour and today we’re having lunch as a guest of Mercedes out here behind the hospitality suite and have a look here isn’t that lovely we’ve got a little table set for

Me and I’m going to try some of their beautiful food which balant the chef from Hungary he’s going to cook for me so the story here at Mercedes is they have do and Co do their catering now do and Co is huge about 8 years ago Nicki

Louder was in the motor home and having lunch and whoever was catering wasn’t doing a great job because Nikki said no not happy gets on to D and Co which is based in Vienna and says right we want you and they’ve had this contract since then the logistics though of cooking for

So many people in a different country every couple of weeks is quite remarkable and I’ve seen people like Carl Heins Hower from McLaren he’s a Michelin starf a couple of days before each event he will be out at supermarkets picking up food and then throughout the weekend he’s also there

Working out what’s fresh what should be served on the menu and it Chang es all the time for a starter it was fish with a potato tempura then we had another starter of octopus with scallop and a magnificent sauce and then for main course some beautiful beef with some

Potatoes and some veggies and a red wine je the steak was stunning it was cooked to Perfection and the red wine Jew was just gold now if I was to order that meal in Las Vegas or Monaco I’m guessing it’s 100 plus us granted though that the view and the

Surrounds might be a little bit more salubrious but we do have sh and I am well sated what do I give that meal I going to give that 9.1 out of 10 just a bit more on the Melbourne walk whilst it is hugely popular here I think

The drivers are pretty happy that it’s not at every single race uh but certainly every time I’ve left the paddock I tend to go out there and just take photos of people with these little insta cameras and give them the prints and uh it’s a very pleasurable 25 odd

Minutes of just interacting with those people cuz many of them get up at 5:00 a.m. and they will spend spend all day out there some of them go and watch the track sessions but it’s a very social scene for those who are really committed well it’s been an absolute privilege to

Be here this weekend to see Kos science win this race and you can see all my Social Media stuff here thanks for [Applause] watching oh we’re just done doing scooter then we got bloody Norris’s dad ambushing my video


  1. Hi Kym, what are your predictions for 2025? Lewis to Ferrari, Max to Mercedes and Carlos to Red Bull. How realistic would that be?

  2. I liked watching Carlos throw his gloves at the team and then pick and choose which mechanics he shook hands with.

  3. I love that you have turned you passion for sports photography into a "insiders look" channel for people to learn more. Great work Kym

  4. So Kym the Australian GP was brilliant
    I must say how exciting F1 is when it’s dominated by one driver or team
    Melbourne is such a great city

  5. Unfortunately the brakes packed in on Verstappen. If they didn't, the race outcome would have been totally different. Unfortunately it turned out the way it did.

  6. Very interesting 'behind the scenes' with the catering corps. How on earth they produce superb fresh food day after day is nothing short of amazing. Well done those people x

  7. Max has to have car trouble in order for anyone to win lol.. Carlos wins by default. But still my congratulations to him

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