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2024 The Open at Austin | MPO R2F9 | Ellis, Marwede, Rathbun, Barela | Jomez Disc Golf

LIVE coverage from JomezPro! Join JomezCast during 2 rounds of USWDGC. Round 1 on JomezPro’s YouTube and Round 4 on DGN Pro ➼

Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the FPO feature cards first round at the 2024 The Open at Austin.

Card: Corey Ellis, Andrew Marwede, Gavin Rathbun, Anthony Barela
Course: The Open Course at Harvey Penick | Austin, TX
BigSexyBarri Commentary: Jeremy “Big Jerm” Koling, Nate Sexton & Paul “Uli” Ulibarri

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
02:32 HOLE 1
07:05 HOLE 2
11:17 HOLE 3
15:39 HOLE 4
18:53 HOLE 5
23:43 HOLE 6
28:24 HOLE 7
32:26 HOLE 8
38:10 HOLE 9

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Uh you know I like the woods Brian that’s that’s my bread and butter I think it’s a good change overall I think if specific trees here and there could go it would be amazing but I mean it’s incredible the amount of work that they’ve done to get these holes in I

Think everybody’s really enjoying it it’s a good mix between woods and Open golf and I feel like last year it benefited the longer throwers a lot more than it does this season I’ve noticed so far this season the courses that I really enjoy I seem to do pretty good

At ideally I could change nothing that’d be great so just going to take it as it goes and try to reenact the same kind of shots and hopefully have a clean scorecard the rest of the weekend yeah it’s really tight on those wooded holes you got to really peer your

Gaps to get some birdie opportunities and for the most part I play those holes pretty clean I’m just trying to focus up extra hard and hopefully just keep the groove going and keep the birdies [Applause] coming hello and welcome to JZ Pros coverage of round two of the open at Austin presented by flight Factory discs we are of course at the Harvey penck Golf Complex on the open course and you are with big sexy Berry Nate Sexton Jeremy coing and Paul youber everybody

Loves puppies first off cannot pet that dog uh secondly the conditions for today uh we were expecting nothing but storms didn’t even think that we’d get the round in but spoiler alert we play the whole round I didn’t think that we would even be able to finish before it got too

Dark because the this car isn’t teeing off until mid 4:00 and that’s two days in a row to be fair that we thought that the weather apps were ringing the alarm Bells yeah and somehow we’ve gotten away with it twice now two players able to shoot 10 under first round Cory Ellis

And this man mared c1x 100% that is a surprising statistic from him only kidding of course one of the best Putters on tour Gavin Rathbun uh he had a really solid round in Florida he’s already off to a pretty decent start beginning of the Season putting together some hot early rounds and upand

Cominging player out of Arizona I believe Anthony barel now of course he’s been playing great for last three seasons and we are on a golf course with big shots watch out there could be some highlights yeah whole one par 3 400 right in front of you just I guess I

Actually heard rumors of people hitting these little these little uh fences M that’s not going to happen today anyway I don’t even know why I brought that up but they are there Heiser all the way to this uh basket looks like the wind switched a little bit from blowing to

Not at all and uh that is a big switch Yeah so just put it in the circle make yourself a putt first up on the TX sponsored by Discraft and his wife Molly Cory Alice low scores watch out I mean if Hot round was 10 under in the extreme

Wind conditions of round one this is as calm as you’re really going to get on a big open course like we have today obviously there are some wooded holes like Cory was mentioning before he likes those wooded holes great width here how’s the length I’d say the one tricky thing

About this hole for a lot of people is not only putting the brakes on getting left to the basket but going too far because of the wind um being down I don’t know even in practice if we had days where it was just perfectly calm like this yeah this is the calmest

I think we’ve played it all week Cory going a little bit long there with his t-shot see if marui can get Pace a little bit better I think he has done that very well I love that yeah I wonder if we could even see Anthony go down to

The mid-range in these low wind conditions that way you don’t have to play wide oh I think certainly he could that you don’t have to play it quite as wide you don’t have to really rely on the skip you can just kind of go point

To point but why would you it’s so much easier to just to throw a 30% shot but maybe not for some people yeah not for everybody I think also good width for Gavin and you’re you’re telling me you’re getting 400 on 30% well uh yeah maybe that’s Anthony’s 30% yeah that was

What I was talking about but Anthony Bella I think if you gave JM a flippy Sidewinder he’s got 400 all day with 30 you might be right I’m big me big boy he’s going the little n that looked like a 30% shot this is just a fairway driver

Nice great touch from three of the four players Cory a little bit hot but just gives him opportunity to show off the Putt and makes it into the wrong basket 56 percent of the field getting the birdie on one I’m actually surprised that’s not higher yeah I think a lot I mean think

Over 60% are getting inside C1 but just at being elevated if you’re out there in corell’s territory or behind a couple of these trees it can be kind of tricky getting the Putt in do you think the the hole one putting stats are a little worse than other

Holes I wonder I wonder that like well that’s actually up here yeah it’s um C1 putting was 76% on this hole and that’s actually the worst Nate a very good call I think maybe nerves a little bit you’re kind of settling in it is a tall basket

Of course I think you see more Miss putts on hole one than than most holes yeah uh Nicholas anel after exactly where you want to be off the t-shot catches a little bit of some branches there but puts it yeah just outside the circle looked a lot closer from that

Angle left side low yeah there were 15 misses in C1 on ho one the next worst percentage was only six misses in C1 so that’s a very good call just without seeing the stats in front of you well just to add to that as well they throw a

Little curveball at you and they don’t give you one of those high rises to practice on either mhm sure Evan Smith he’s off to a hot start 11 under through 17 putting together a solid round jumping into first momentarily ho two par 4 OB down that right side is probably your biggest

Concern here you also have to make sure you don’t just throw too long off the te trying to avoid that right side and find the other side of the Fairway then you’ve got a pretty tight green here especially on that long left area if you’re coming in with a backand you

Really got to watch the Speed neat thing about Evans round he was actually eight under through nine remember how we’re talking about any score under par was a good score obviously that was with the wind yesterday but still incredible stuff for him oh yeah 800 through n is phenomenal

There’s a at least three bonus kind of mhm pickup type of holes yeah I don’t care if there’s a wind that pulls your disclosure to the basket that’s a great score I don’t care if you’re on a pitch and Putt yeah of course it doesn’t it really doesn’t matter eight down through

Nine’s golfing and couple players are going to have to contend with that little rock wall structure surrounding the tree those are little natural bunker areas that well maybe not natural but they serve as a natural bunker area and make that three for three yeah I thought they were OB I went

Over there I was trying to take my meter I was in one of those they’re like what are you doing like I’m not out of bounds oh Cory this needs to slow down a bit and Skip back did it okay yeah nice maybe in the end it’s the best drive we’ll

See it’s not bad that’s for sure he’s got he’s got opportunity to go for the birdie here oh and I like how he takes that left side uses ceiling and look at this slow slow down oh what a shot Cory e oh that deserves every bit of this

Yeah that was fantastic look at the sustained turn and it splits that very difficult to split that stagger tree Gap coming at that angle I thought he ped it I wish I wouldn’t have seen the [Laughter] replay still pretty purify the way back there absolutely gorgeous shot yeah this

Is a lot like that one yeah it is that’s why AB might be the most valuable player in the for the next 10 years because he is learning how to back off a little bit and make shots like that seem routine this next decade of dis golf is

Going to be really fun to watch as if it hasn’t already been really fun these guys are just peppering the green yeah this is this basket got moved back I mean I you don’t expect to see people all just well inside Circle one but I suppose we’re dealing with I was gonna

Say there’s a few Guardians to keep people honest and finally someone hits it Gavin unfortunately the recipient of that deflection a decent effort from 45 50 ft I think we know where this one’s going how many c1x putts did he missed last season it was something just he was

Like 9 3% yeah it’s great it’s just like hard to even fathom Cory great putter as well I think one of those Seasons he was the top putter inside the circle and outside the circle he got C1 and C2 yeah he had a little bit less sample size but still

Enough to qualify for earning that achievement so six birdies for the cards through the first two Holes Evan ends up turning in a 12 under jumping back from a one over round to shoot now he’s 11 underpar incredible bounce back round for him and we have to give a nice little acknowledgement to Donnie Parker are the winner of this week’s practice round giveaway disc for

The uh two hot geese MVP I kept calling a neural pathway I know it’s not it’s a neuron or I I’m sorry I’m butchering the name of it but you’ve won Donnie congratulations we’ll get that disc out to you I like this whole lot this one brings all kinds of different options

Sidearm poweriser sidearm Flex Shot roller backhand up the middle and even the backhand Hiser I’m I’m interested to see where a good sidearm gets in and Andrew has a great forehand I know he’s got a little more than that but when you’re as good a putter as he is though it seems like

Circles his play pin this is what I really want to see how close is AB getting with a forehand um he needs to miss that that was going to be there yeah that had had the power I wasn’t wanting him to go over the right side big Heiser I looked at

That today and it just is it’s scary because the OB left really comes into play and it’s four billion miles unless you can do it like that that’s so far up the hill looks like we might see it twice gav a power player as well and

With them taking that out of bounds away from the right side it certainly entices the Power Players to go up and above that could have been a one time right there that was looking like it had the yeah skip potential yeah I don’t think when the cor course designer was putting this

Hole in he was like I’m going to take the OB out on the right side thinking that people were just going to drop big old hisers over that thing just my guess mared from distance uhoh oh kind of a decent reaction from how extreme that roller angle was off the basket

Still right at the edge of C1 for Gavin and he is low and it does sit after the great J drive from Cory Ellis this putt for birdie and over the [Applause] rim how many birdies did you guys see on your card on this one I feel like this

Is a kind of a tough get absolutely is I’m trying to remember how many there were don’t think I’ve seen one yet I I’ve seen some interesting things happen on this hole but don’t think I’ve seen any birdies yet at least one or two on in my

Group checking out Matt orm that looks like the line you’re looking to go for here with the low wind needs to get down kind of yeah I think that’s probably just a mid-range why aren’t we seeing the one that was closer over there on the right I think maybe because this is

Why that is probably why they’re more fun you jump them in there yeah a park job’s just one good shot jump putt make is Two And mared and Ellis tied to the top once again at 12 under what is the simplest way to improve your disc golf game the answer learn from the very best Paul iberry Simon lazat Ezra aderhold and Holland Handley they’re not just players they are your Elite coaches guiding you every

Step of the way the Power Disc Golf Academy is the Premier online Disc Golf Academy with over 150 on demand lessons that are specifically designed to improve your skills right now so what are you waiting for join today at powerd whole four par 3 460 ft significantly

Downhill here and wrapped by out of bounds all the way around the basket and Fairway also this out of bounds golf green if you were to come up woefully short I don’t expect any of these guys to deal with that though there left side

OB I think can be a little bit of a problem if they come across the pin and take a little bit too much of a skip I expect to see backhand mid-range perhaps backhand Fairway driver Putters I think we’re going to see Putters I think we’re going to see

Putters as well this one looks putter give it height a little bit of width for it to fade in that’s definitely put that took forever to get there in the last day of practice there was a slight Tailwind that might have made the the players’s decision to go putter

Maybe a little bit more um appealing this is better go in otherwise it’s going to have some Firepower oh hitting the rocky [Applause] road oh really straight I like this it’s got a go I think don’t you dare talk to Anthony br’s disc like that I did he’s going to be left

Little a little more Heiser and that’s parked do you guys like saying parked not my favorite thing absolutely I do you do I like saying Park City even in commentary yes it’s like it’s Park yeah oh yeah yeah I don’t I mean it is kind of silly when think about it but it’s

Just like our thing I think I could be wrong it might I I’m sure it’s a golf term that was used way before disc golf adopted it but I feel like never heard one person say parked on on oh really so it’s a disc golf thing yeah I think you’re right on the

Money with that great putt there from Cory Parks it right in the basket yeah he does I like parked because when you really think about it it’s a terrible joke and yet it just sticks right like parked like a car kind of real close it doesn’t really even track but I’m going

To stick with it Andrew just outside the circle and short and low I don’t know what Cory was showing us there with his mini but he was proud to show it off as is Gavin with his birdie that is a good birdie to get hole four always a

Fun hole to play a lot more fun where you getting the two not fun when you’re getting fours not fun when you’re getting fours really fun when you’re parked as usual as usual valet parking too Coral is taking the lead now after missing one he’s rattled off three

Straight look at Co ralin 12 under through 16 holes I’m telling you this course was set up to get demolished if it was going to be calm and yeah I mean there’s just not really a flag blowing at all today I think we’re going to see

Three people try to go over today we’re going to see a a mared sidearm to the right right there two shotter from there he’s going to try to chip another sidearm into this Hillside somewhere in the circle make a little birdie uh but in the calm conditions those other three are going

To have their way with this let’s get a look here at Nicolas antila who elects to go the layup route off to the right side it’s gonna be a little farther away than he’d like but it’s still pretty routine from up there inside 300 certainly he kind of tricks me he has a

Red disc that’s like a driver and he has the exact red disc that’s a and they’re all that sea line stuff and it they all look the same this one’s the mid though yeah yeah I think that’s his tactic there you go leaving himself a little work though

Yeah if there could be a scary Putt in this hole it would be this one right here but he just rocks the baby to sleep nice little putter from 30 ft and looks like Cory’s got the big driver in hand and yazo that thing is ripped close to the be line yeah that’s

A good drive though mhm what is that 80 probably inside that but not by much I think it’s pretty good call I think I can see it way down there Gavin this one flips up a bit staying out wide it’s got plenty of distance but not really an eagle

Territory maybe he’s got the opportunity to go high and get the clearance still to really give himself an opportunity for the close eagle it’s hard to give this t-shot the height that it really needs to to swing that far back to the left oh he sends this out

Wide and it goes out of bounds now that means he’s goes he goes to a drop zone which is pretty much in The Perfect Landing Zone if you played for a easy birdie which I think is what you were saying yesterday Nate it’s just a little too

Easy not quite enough penalty for the player making the big risk to go for the eagle Nice Shot just a little long of the basket I like this a lot a little extra roll though you don’t like that AR one of those players that really likes to go with Fairway drivers and

Putters mid-range forand approaches it’s one of the things that he’s really developed a lot up in the Michigan area when he was developing his game Gory for Eagle the height looked pretty decent across the board on this hole I mean by Far Far and Away the easiest hole in the

Course and probably the easiest hole on tour this season I mean we can Circle back to this one but 3.13 average 87 under par yeah that’s low that is incredibly low and this hole Takes the Cake on all statistical categories across the board Fairway percentage 90 out of 100 and

Those 10 players probably just threw it out of bounds like AB just trying to go for the eagle absolutely I mean there’s nowhere else you could go if you’re in bounds you hit the Fairway highest scramble percentage highest C1 regulation C2 regulation highest c1x putting all of them what a

Wimp whole life is just a wimp FES a win yeah get some back bone yeah stand up to somebody for once he did he stand up stood up to the scary Anthony Barilla that still gave him a par though just let him Waltz right in I kind of like

There being like a c one and a half circle that’s in like a island and then you everyone has to play a layup or the very aggressive players go for the eagle but we’ll see whole six par 4 535 this one has a ton of Fairway trees and the OB line

Down the right side the entire way you got to throw a straight shot to start it off try to get about 300 you don’t even really need that much I think you’ve a little less than that if you’re placed well is going to give you an opportunity to go for

Birdie that is what you’re looking for off the te yeah just all about where you land like he’s going to be their predominantly backhand player that’s going to be pretty tough for him I think this hole it’s just so important to not hit trees because the kicks are just

Nightmarish I like this line a lot Gavin wrath Pon semiflex and gets around that big bunker I think he’s going to love that spot I could be wrong too I have no idea what do you guys think I think that opens it up actually as much as you can open it

Up is getting behind that set because it gives you bigger Alleyways like maru’s obviously going to be a little pinched there he should be fine though with the sidearm that was a great Gap hip and not really a lot to show for it a high that’s going to be messing

With that tree and gets through the V nice that is a fortunate break that like you said D you just don’t really know where those kicks are going to go yeah you see how it gives you this backand and no trees in the way he’s probably going to find one no

Doesn’t find in he that wow is clean all the way up the right side I feel like that’s fortunate because we could see the Gap that he had and he pulled it to the right side of those trees like if you have told me that I could take

Maru’s drive like just to take a screenshot as soon as it leaves his hands I would have said yes but then you get there and you look at what you have for your second shot you’re like what do he do from here what he I mean what he

Tried was do but certainly a high degree of difficulty comparatively o a little too high and he pulls it as well but okay does that stay safe I think it may maybe did oh didn’t kick so far left that I don’t think yeah he still has a shot

Probably fortunate to have that I mean another 10 feet and he might not have much of a swing and really goodlooking shot here for Cory yep The Mulch just gobbles it up inside the bullseye probably the hardest hole today I it’s been the hardest hole the last

Two days it’s even more than nine yesterday yeah I think I think this one let’s check the stats on that I don’t yeah it was actually yep whole nine was only the was tied for the second most difficult just high and left for Anthony first little emotional out burst

We’ve seen from him in a while because we don’t have cameras on them all the time probably seems like we do he’s been featured in each of the first three events I mean like like now there’s not a camera on them now oh this exact moment sure uh ncla has birdied everything so

Far I just now noticed that he everything incredible and he’s going to continue birding everything at least seven holes in what a start wow and he’s still mad about the time violation he got on whole eight yesterday me too no I’m kidding course I think if it’s working for him I’m mad

About it I’m telling you man sometimes you just got to tap into that anger and just be delusional about it and just let it continue festering if you’re just going to biry just be mad I think we need to start accepting the very real possibilities just a fin

And he’s not been mad at all this whole time I think that’s definitely more likely I think we might have read him wrong I think he’s just focused I think he he wants the monkey off his back he wants that big last week he wants them

Celebrating back home and he’s he was so close at the usdgc he was so close last week he’s so close to tasting it again nowm I think he’s just locked in I still think he’s mad straight shot 300 five feet corel’s gonna go Putter and or maybe flippy

Mid nice kick just slows him down he’s going to be Circle two that’s good stuff right there guys that’s a man Ace run that is an ace run absolute gorgeous shot from Gavin slow down though that worked all the way to circle’s Edge it’s hard to do with a low ceiling like

That at 305 ft hurry oh man that is nice oh come on Andrew that that speaking from experience like trying to throw that little tight flex line there’s not a lot of room in there he gets this over just perfectly knows the disc and wow just a couple inches from

Ringing that up I thought he was short like going to be skipping right he was all over that thing that’s crazy that’s a good reaction I I was worried that was going to go very hard left uhoh and I have to work for it yeah that’s 40t oh Cory’s shorter than I

Thought outside Circle to oh no that is an unforced error both of these yeah you’d be just cool C [Applause] collected those little step Huts can be so easy if you’re locked in and both players able to escape with pars certainly don’t want to take a Bogi

On whole seven what is your saying Nate Poor Man’s currency or something oh yeah yeah the C2 putt the currency of the desperate man oh able to get the birdie I thought you were going to say something about how Nate he hates Bogies more than he likes

Birdies haven’t you said that as well I’ve said that yeah I have I’ve said a lot of things we don’t need to go through everything I’ve said let’s see what Ganon Burr’s doing let’s see what he has to say oh he’s all the way up on whole

14 and that’s really what you’re looking to do right there good angle out of the hand going stands still approach needs to move move off of that sand oh or just be short of it and he is currently 14 under tied for Second out there doing big things only shot I think three under round one so that puts him he’s doing good Ho eight is a par 4 another one on the shorter side 570 ft but very technical there is a backhand putter or mid-range down the middle or a wide forehand with a driver to try to get you right here underneath that limb from there it is

About a 250 to 280t straight as an arrow shot down that last pinch green is protected the Fairway is protected on all sides there’s even out of bounds on left side this is a very challenging par for he needs to get back to the right very good it does it was listening yeah

Wow lot going on with that shirt Mari going super high just can’t afford to go high on this t-shot I like the idea of getting a lot of the distance covered in the air just because the mulch play is so hard to predict and I think that’s fortunate as

Well that any right side hit and you could be kicking OB here I think he’s going to be frustrated to hit a tree but he’s got to be thanking the fact that it didn’t shoot another 10 ft right and put him out of bounds and a misses his line

And finds the out of bounds because he didn’t hit any trees I also think that Corey may have been a recipient of an out of- bound stroke with as much Hiser as he had on it had he not hit a tree another thing to potentially be thankful for this is going to be

Zipped well back going to need to flatten it oh over does it that’s okay overdoing it might have been good might still give him some sort of scramble angle he’s going to like that left side more because of his ability to throw that anheiser overstable uh forehand oh no oh that’s a

Double penalty that far in the woods and out of bounds is awful for Gavin this is an awful stance as well really tricky that’s doing about as much as you can do with it but looks like Cory is more than likely G to take a bogey at best Anthony just off on the

Angle this is like a shot that I really think is in mared’s wheelhouse that is nearly good enough to call it in but still has a little work to do a good shot for Cory that will be a bogey and you can see how tricky it is

Even on this left side or still yeah the jump Hut is not guaranteed there’s just a ton of those little tiny finger width maybe he gets through that’ll be for his bogey yeah this holes showing its teeth and after couple birdies in a row to start Anthony Bella has fallen a

Little flat and he’s going to go back to one under for the round mared scrambles his way for a par and he’s going to take the box going into whole nine yeah great start for marwe and that par will ALS o give mared the lead on the

Card taking our first look in the tournament of Kyle kleene he’s out there putting together a really solid round likes it Kyle and Ganon pushing each other well into the double digits already yeah if they if you would have predicted that they would been on the same card together I don’t

Think that you would have thought that they would have been in the I don’t know 30th place or so well they won’t be for long not anymore Canon Burr is 13 under with two holes to go and he’s in first place for the moment wow and that birdie puts Kyle Klein in

The top five the new era of crush boys out there doing some stuff 13 under with two to play 15 under would just be silly o silly silly I I thought 12 under would be an amazing score out here in the calm looks like that number is going to get blasted

Whole nine par for 745 these guys are going to have to worry about this green keep it left if you go left left um of this green you’re going to have about 350 into this really tight green this is one of the better holes on the course there is a low

Ceiling off the te so you sometimes have to worry about getting your drive a little too high but other than that these guys will have plenty of plenty of distance to cover mtio will show us how that’s done this is pretty much picture perfect that’s just that drive that puts

You in the 360 range and it’s like nearly everyone’s right around that 360 Mark going into the screen it’s a little low but the the aim is just perfect and the stability as well getting over that out of bounds area circles Edge Short great birdie and a great front nine for

Mio six under I’ll move him up the leaderboard this needs to go yeah I’m worried about it who good reason just didn’t quite have the height yeah plenty of speed just it’s one of the Knacks against mared’s game he doesn’t have a ton of backhand distance very accurate player

Obviously one of the best Putters we’ve seen there’s that green let’s see how high through that too that’s a huge Drive no Annie at all this will be little left of where Gavin through it and should be perfect it’ll open up a bigger angle to into the

Green he’s going to be able to work his disc from left to right right to left whatever he wants to do I think he can go mid-range from there I think he’s going to be in that 340 to 360 range this is really going left does it slow down before the line

Yes Mar’s in that weird spot what do you decide to do from here he’s going to try to go past the golf green and Skip wow in bounds and that’s about as good as you can do from back there yeah I think that’s as aggressive as you

Could possibly play it and and still had a pretty good decent buffer on both out of bounds areas nice jeez that’s beautiful straightened up perfectly is so good just gets to the green with the buzz I think that was his Athena there was it yeah that was a fairway he’s been

Really down temp so smooth and slow it looked like a mid-flight on his uh Fairway drivers okay Cory’s going to stick that in the bull’s eye see how he’s able to go Hiser from there being left is really nice sure and this is the better angle from

Over here if you want to throw the forehand more room to swing it wide forehand is tough on this green unless you have that good width going to the screen from where AB is the slope that left to right slope really wants the discs to go out of bounds but Gavin

Doing well from back there yeah mared gets the width that you were talking about right there does it well that’s going to save a bogey unless he pulls a little nichlas on on there which I don’t think he will that’s a solid birdie this one from being the second

Most difficult hole in round two to actually averaging below par yeah the lack of wind makes it so much more attackable obviously and these guys other than Andrew with the low Drive able to take advantage we’ll do one more little check in with these other groups and it’s mtio with the most

Stable disc I’ve ever seen in my life yeah the only guy thinking of that line off the Koozie nobody is going extreme anheiser into this island green with stability like Matt and perfect shot I mean able to control the Skip it’s nice keep things rolling that’s going to

Bring matot to seven under and he is up there right now tied in third place with Kyle Klein so we have four players uh who are not on League card right now that have the top four spots in the event but obviously there’s more holes to be played for played remaining

For with our league card uh but yeah a pretty decent front nine overall a few small mistakes but nothing too big leue cards got some things going on for them right now for sure yeah I think so I think they’re going be fairly happy with their position I think Anthony probably

A little bit frustrated at two under but certainly tons of scoring still available to him nice scoring conditions and that big eagle chance coming up on whole 11 so come back and join us for that back nine thank you as always to the founders club and all the fans we will be right

Back A


  1. I’m confused about one part of the evaluation of hole 5. If a player goes for a risky birdie shot over OB and does not make it across safely on a par 3, people would of course criticize the hole design if they were given a 40 foot par putt from a drop zone, because there should be the risk that if you don’t deliver the perfect shot, you’re almost certainly taking 2 strokes more than you wanted. So in that case, if you’re trying the same shot on a par 4 in the attempt at making an eagle, would it not be acceptable that a player is given a drop zone shot that not only eliminates the eagle opportunity, but also, more than likely the birdie as well? In either scenario, the player has to settle for 2 more strokes than their preference. If the drop zone offers too much risk, no one who isn’t desperate would go for the “hero shot”.

    Especially in a game that is quickly becoming considered a spectator sport, and the risky shots are what spectators want to see, I think a simpler drop zone location such as the one on hole 5 plays to the sport’s benefit in the long run.

  2. I know the new elite guys are here to stay but are the old elite guys gone? Mcbeth, Lizotte, Wysocki are MIA this year.

  3. The additional bonus coverage this year is awesome. The only slight problem I've noticed is it shows the lead card's score as if they've already finished hole 1 when they're being introduced and throughout the hole. Not in the first rounds when they show everyone's score as even, but this 2nd round showed which players had birdied hole 1 before they actually did.

  4. …about Hole 5 and the commentary (and for the record I love BigSexyBerry…the best team of commentators – even when they're exhausted – in all of sports), but par for a hole is just an arbitrary number that should really have no influence on how the hole is played. Imagine if that easiest of birdie holes was a par 3 instead of 4. Suddenly it's a challenging par 3 where the safe play is to play for par and forget the birdie. Same drop zone for the risk takers trying for the bird nets a bogie. It's all the exact same result relative to your competitors. Just different relative to "par". For the fans?? …depends…are eagles or pars vs easy birdies more exciting than birdies or bogies vs easy pars? I think it's kind of all the same.

  5. Sorry…but just another thought…what if disc golf got the jump on ball golf and abandoned the whole concept of "par". Just play the course and go for your lowest score relative to your competitors. Think about it. Think about how you would comment on a hole. "There's a play for a 3 but it's risky and could lead to a 5 or worse. Easy routes to a 4 but sometimes a mistake playing safe still takes you out of bounds and now you could be looking at a 6. . Let's see how they play it." Par is no longer a thing.

  6. ok…sorry…me again…playing devil's advocate with myself. The argument against my other two comments being…"boring!" If we remove "par" it's like accountants have taken over the game. And we lose the fun terms of birdies and eagles and 'double eagles' (which is wrong and should always be called albatrosses). So here's another idea for disc golf (to beat ball-golf and get on ESPN more often). The "pterodactyl"…a 2 on a par 6. Imagine a diabolical hole in the woods, 800 feet with a crazy narrow line…both first and second shot. If you pure the drive and the 2nd shot a 2 is possible. It's 1/100 x 1/1000 for the 2….a 1/100,000 shot amongst the best players. But it's justified to have a "pterodactyl" because the hole has OB left and right and 6 is the average score. Ball golf has no comparable type of hole (at least I think not)…and the incentive for going for the 2 on the woodsy-crazy-ass-out-of-boundsy-par-6 is that there's not really a safe way to play it given the trees everywhere.

  7. Hole 4. I have to say as a player, whenever I see someone try to do some goofy step put, because they think they're giving themselves a better shot… and they fail… I smile inside just a little bit. Step puts are for cheaters. I said what I said.

  8. Thank you guys so much for eliminating gatekeeper media to show us a shot or two from the chase card check in that is totally fun, fair, and cool

  9. So Niklas is now the Hulk? Like, "You won't like me when I'm angry" or "That's my secret, Cap – I'm always angry" 😀

  10. @JomezPro I find the chase card check-in's before the hole preview to be a bit weird. Either have last holes check-in after the show card has played, or right after the hole preview flight. Less confusing that way 🙂

  11. Maybe, not-so-hip w/the math. If Barela can throw 600ft., 30% of that would be UNDER 200ft. Stop fellating the pros, please. Guys who are ALREADY throwin' bombs, do NOT need sycophancy from the commentators. Trumping up their abilities only lessens/cheapens/diminishes our perception of them.

  12. love the content ya'll put out, and i've always enjoyed the chase card check-ins. but this year between waco and austin, it feels like you're spending a lot more time on them. i liked them more when it was just a quick 45-60 sec check-in. I find my self skipping through the videos more often now because of those

  13. One nit pick: show the shot longer from the thrower's perspective especially on buttery shots like AB at 41:00. Switch to the catch cam later in the flight so we can see the whole shot, it's just confusing perspective when the cams switch before it's landed

  14. Stop showing everyone else's scores so often. Maybe once every few holes if you have to pretend like we're watching this live, but it just takes away from watching the four featured players and reminds us that they're not leading the tournament, which makes it less exciting. I much prefer the old way of watching the lead card compete with each other, and then being surprised with the rest of the field's scores. You could also show highlights at the end. This is post-production and we know we are watching it later. Unless you're going to actually make it like live golf, where they hop around and show an equal amount of shots from each of the leaders in the tournament from different cards, as opposed to the random highlights that are the Chase card check ins here

  15. Jomez puts the names of everyone on the card on their videos. This is a spoiler if you’re watching last week’s tournament and have to scroll down to the video you want to see. It should just say “The Open: R1F9” and let us find out who’s on the card when we open the video.

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