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Republic of Ireland 0-0 Belgium | John O’Shea reaction

Republic of Ireland 0-0 Belgium | John O’Shea reaction

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Hi guys uh we’ll do a live press conference in here with John of course and then we’ll go out into the room for a huddle with the print J the Irish so once we’re set I’m ready to go please hand for the first question in live

NE hi John your more or less a boring game low Rhythm many difficulties slow passes no sharpness you have a more positive outlook but no sharpness from his team or uh well I think primar his team yeah right H look we we had the best chances

Um we were aware beforehand uh well you we were kind of thinking that they were going to go um that four 433 shape um obviously look we knew The Talented Squad that they have that they made changes um and the players that they have obviously coming on were were uh

Talented youngsters as well playing at top clubs around Europe too so there’s going to be a challenge but when you saw the couple of chances the big chances we created early on it was exactly what we’d worked from um to be compact compact aggressive uh look for the 10

Look for the opposite 10 combined and it was a shame we didn’t get the rewards in the sense from that first half especially um that was a big thing for me Samy his ability to take the ball on on the turn play the key factor in a couple those chances yeah and look

That’s why obviously we we went with giio and Sammy uh to support Evan in that sense and the form they’re in playing for our clubs uh the confidence that they have and obviously uh the connections they have with the team as well was was a big factor K John just

You kind about the penalty be ready seemed take the ball initially and then EV C took it off who was on no EV EV would have been on the penalties I think that would have been just the case of uh maybe Rob trying that one of another protecting the the taker type of

Scenario but uh it was just just unfort um just before just before he knocked it so uh would have put it off but as it look uh youngster stepping up like that in front it’s uh shows obviously the courage he has and he didn’t let him affect him he he knocked

Into the center backs as soon as he could again got his confidence going and it’s uh it’s one of as well how we started um that’s what we talked about at halftime quickly about the reset really go at Belgium as quick as we could worked a nice little kickoff

Um and it was a really great ball from Robbie and uh was unlucky probably just a touch too high but if Ed might have timed it a little bit better but touch too high as well he was unlucky with it it was a well worked move just you

Brought him back in he havn’t been seen much the last year or two I know two injuries but his not didn’t looked like he was never away and his General player and SE Seth player he was a threat yeah no it was big because you think of the

Two Wing back Sheamus and Robbie um that’s what I kind of almost thought about straight away when I saw the potential for our three center backs that are playing in the Premier League um that they have that experience around them to keep encouraging keep pushing um

I thought look that was never going to be an issue for me because I know the type of players and people that they aree I don’t what would you say to Evan afterwards because this is a long go run now and obviously no it’s look as straightforward he’d be uh he’d be ready

To go um as as soon as we need him to it’s it’s one of those things I spoke about before the game in terms of he’ll have another spell five six years down the line of a couple of months without a goal it happens with top Strikers and

He’ll uh as soon as he gets on the goal Trail again he’ll be he’ll be back on a run again and a word on shames performance because easier job than coming up against yeah no look as I mentioned uh any any of the players coming back in that haven’t been around

Sheamus obviously it’s almost a year to the to the time he was back around the squad and uh you’re kind of thinking is it we’ll have a little war with him halfway through the second half just to see how he was in terms of uh ready to

Go Fitness if we were going to need to have a little reshuffle with the subs um but look the words that came back were very positive and it wasn’t surprising but we just needed to double check but um look that’s why he was uh picked to play and obviously the captain of the

Team what one what does the result you to the squad because okay it’s not a win but it’s not a defeat either the group suffer too many no look it’s it’s yeah look it’s a frustrating one because yeah you appreciate Belgium had a a decent bit of possession but we kind

Of felt beforehand that we didn’t mind that in the sense because we knew the damage we could create again against them on the Break um and if you take those chances when they arrived in the game I think that even opens up Belgium a little bit more for us and we can

Exploit that even more so um frustrating one in that sense but yeah look you’re playing Belgium in Dublin you take a clean sheet but little bit disappointed in the end too and the last couple of years John Ireland have enjoyed a lot of possession in these games but haven’t

Really done much with it today it was sort of ring back a little bit more compact defending and counterattacking do you think that’s more suited to this squad than previously it’s a it’s a mix no not previously at all it’s just a mix in the the current situation in terms of

Where the players are at at the clubs uh um what the opposition that you’re going to face at a certain time it’s just for the here and now it’s not about a previous uh scenario or anything this is just for the Here and Now what we felt

Would be most beneficial for us today to get a win Ed you John um the partnership between Josh and Will didn’t seem to be more than 10 yards apart the whole match um you talk about where that partnership came from and how impressed you were with it yeah look um look I’ve obviously

I know Josh very well and I know will very well in terms of uh where when he came into the 21s uh worked with him at Stoke as well um and a few times obviously he’s done it for sampton too um that sixth position or lower pivots in Midfield um that that’s the

Connection we just felt that was going to be a key in terms of protecting the team but also a huge chance for it to to us exploit on the Counterattack with our passing ability to connect the teams out short passing combining themselves different angles to find the pockets of

Sammy and uh and CH that was a key thing for me that’s what we were looking for um and I talk to two of them cuz we knew uh physicality in terms of Belgium have some Big Boys in there too that we knew we’d have to be up against them battle

Away Nick the ball away press when we could and the two of them are really aggressive on that front too and then just in terms of the back three start of the game it looked as though they may have just mark one person they sort of worked it out amongst themselves with

DAR pushing Robie up a there and then the te was coming late but you know Josh would have gone was that was the plan to sort of let go yeah that was the look in terms of that’s the domination I kind of want from our center backs to be pressing

Into Midfield pressing players high up the pitch being able to excuse me being able to swing round into four with the wing backs pushed high like a wing Winger that the the the center backs can be aggressive like that because they’ve got the attributes and the ability to be

Aggressive stepping into midfield if it might be where the player’s gone and I think that’s a key asset for the team going forward um the quality and aggression and pace and power of our center backs it’s it’s crucial for us PR just out thank you


  1. Best performance in years solid as a rock defensively and created 3 clear cut chances. Adjusted brilliantly to belgiums tweaks. Tactical master class and picked the right team. Give him the job if he gets result against Switzerland he has the fans backing.

  2. O’Shea has a presence, an aura that Kenny lacked. Also he knows what it takes to qualify for major tournaments. Also 15 years under sir Alex couldn’t have done any harm

  3. I hear a lot about people wanting O’Shea to stay on and honestly I would be in the same boat however, is that even on the cards? Have the FAI not already got their man? If the Swiss performance is anything like this I can’t think of anyone in the FAIs scope that could do any better or even as good as I seen the side tonight. There’s only so much to get out of the squad we have. We have decent players but to see how solid we were defensively tonight coupled with some good attacking play, it was enjoyable but realistic. It’s as though we have kept the good things that Kenny had implemented but also found our trademark Irish hearty defensive block that has stood us so well previously.

  4. He communicates so much better about the game than the other fella hope he gets to stay in the management team in some capacity.

  5. I was impressed with ireland and john o shea I just feel adam idah should have started ahead of Ferguson and we might have won the match. Definitely a positive start.🇮🇪

  6. Give him the job, or at least the WC qualifiers. He's been there, done that as a player and has worked under good managers so I'd expect he's learned a lot from them.
    The players respect him, he's young, he's Irish, and he appears to be tactically aware, so what's not to like?

  7. Lol gave hihn the job hope and pray he gets 2 draws in theses friendlies so they can give him the job full time. Absolute cop out from the hungry FAI again

  8. Really solid from the boys I like the formation I think it really suited us I'm looking forward to Tuesday now 🇮🇪🙏💪

  9. 95% of players that try there hand in managent fail. People getting over emotional in a friendly is quite ridiculous.
    It would be like saying if we lost oshea is not up to being a manager.
    I hate when an interim manager that would not get anywhere near the job normally has a couple of ok matches and people are saying he should get the job (im the gaffer)

  10. We are gonna take our tine and maybe over analysis guys coaching careers for the past decade to then start pushing a guy that has zero management experience because he took over a couple of freindlies

  11. A nil all win and the Irish are buzzing and calling it a tactical masterclass against the B team of Belgium 😂 absolutely hilarious!

    Ireland did well. Solid performance in terms of defence. But it’s not a win.

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