Golf Players


It’s finally here! Join us today as we battle through cold and windy conditions at TPC Sawgrass! We had the honor of playing this course two days after The Players tournament and man was it fun! Through the video I’m going to give you a unique perspective on the course as well as bring you through the highs and lows of playing a tough course in tournament conditions!
Watch my Course Record 59 video here:
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Special thanks to GhostBeatz and Michael Briguglio for the music!
Music codes:

Special thanks to Golf Digest for the Drone footage! The original video and their channel will be linked below!
Every Hole at TPC Sawgrass Stadium Course:
Golf Digest:

Today is definitely going to be battle this may be the worst feeling in golf right here this is going to test the nerves right here dude that wind is is Just Killer I’m looking for some good swings we need to figure something out right Now at least I got it through oh my God we’re like 2 fet baby let’s go let’s go give me some well boys we are here TVC Saw Grass 18 holes just straight out playing we this is crazy starting hole on here at number 17 island green and just going to

Be playing all 18 just seeing how I do we’re going to try to go as low as possible so let’s go I am so pumped let’s go [Applause] Hey at least we hit the green that’s it and then it’s pretty straight from there to there all right okay thank you appreciate it all right this is honestly like way more narrow than I thought I’m going to go driver cuz we’re 15 mi into the wind

Try to hit that fade off that left corner of the water here we go wow holy cow hit the grand sand this is probably not the most ideal situation to start your around with this is going to test the nerves right here hey that’s that’s pretty solid Miss

I’ll take that to be honest just overcut a little bit yeah I had a feeling I was going to do that just sit and soow down yeah and then pretty much like 50% of the way there all downhill good bul from that drive right there yeah this is going to be this is

Usually the hole they start on but this is going to be a a brutal one straight into the breeze about 20 mph I’m going to try to hit a fade off that left pine tree here we go there we go perfect absolutely perfect why can’t I do that on 18 bro

Where’s the cut cut there we go that felt pretty solid right exactly where my target is I just Tred to cut it into that pin but just kind of stayed straight 30 ft for bird oh fudge I did not get that there oh I knew it right when I hit it

All right I’ll take the par I have three wood here par five got to take advantage of this one hole number two and go a baby draw to the middle of the Fairway that’ll work Jim that’ll work we are uh just in the right side of the Fairway we have about

250 straight down wind so I brought three clubs going to figure this out go go go just short of the green I’ll take it you got it right there and then it’s just all uphill until like the last 10 feet right this be big time no shot wow that Fringe took so

Much off it all right we got a tester for birdie here thinking like just inside that green that old cup over there yeah that’s exactly where I have it God that broke a ton classic three but from EV that’s a terrible par dang it I’m definitely going to get

Used to these screen speeds well it’s just it’s so hard to uh bro this wind is brutal holy cow 180 flag I got eight irons wow it’s almost like taking it off with that crosswind I was trying to flight it didn’t even do that well thank

You yeah that tried to sneak right on me I was like woo caught the right side play huh no I haven’t played with them yet no all right this is one of the holes that I marked when I was uh looking at the course whole four here funky one

It’s a short Par Four but you got to hit a good t- shot so we got a three-w in hand just trying to hit nice smooth draw right down the middle hold it hold it it’s going to be close really close can’t even see the flag sit sit

Oh I knew I should have hit 60 gosh dang got to be creative around here huh thank you I’ll take that part what do you think you think this may be the hardest hole in the course this could be one of them for sure 470

In into the wind Par Four all right here we go need a good swing here that wind took it hard right water we’re going to drop kind of right by that last red steak cross had that big cut on it got to drop this may be the worst feeling in golf right here

Well I’ve been in this situation multiple times when when we’re down early one over hopefully we can roll in a par here and uh stay at one but feel like we always get down early or we just don’t start well and I think that’s something that I really need to improve

On especially at TBC Saw Grass like hopefully this wind dies down but it’s been brutal last few holes so hopefully roll one in here dude that breaks so much oh I am not playing enough break let SC hole here um took the jacket off we uh

Need some heat on this body try to make a bird let’s do it god dude just get a good lie somewhere well this is not ideal definitely not ideal is it just right of the pin or is it left of it left of it does it kind of falls off a little bit

So I mean that’d be an uphill putt but it might go a little farther away than if you landed a little right okay so 135 probably going to get me there for sure yeah I think so all right think it’s just left of it right I kind of thinned it but it actually

Worked out pretty well I’m looking for some good swings we need to figure something out right now oh that would have been crazy thank you take the two putt right there hey also let me know what you guys think if just just this video just having me you know watch me play and

Stuff and let me know if there’s any people you want me to uh get a match against cuz we’re going to be uh ramping up this whole content thing in this whole YouTube space so super excited if you love this video put in the comments

And if there’s any ideas you want to see let me know as well all right well 470 straight into the wind power four here we go God Evan Thompson well I’m I’m going to hope it’s uh just somewhere where I can have a shot wow that is just dead straight isn’t

It dude that just went dead straight wow it’s like hacking out of bushes try to put this just past the Downs slope just give myself a putt at par that is not bad my friend I’ll take that all day long dude they are breaking so much I’m

Going to play just a lot more than I think I don’t blame I told you from story I haven’t seen these wow and another bog I mean I think it’s so impressive how they control their ball in the wind all these guys especially Scotty watching him inside the ropes the

Other day I think that’s where I need to uh get better at the most especially in the win 238 playing probably 240 I have 4 iron just trying to scoot it up on the front of the green here we go the one time I draw it today is definitely going to be

Battle I mean 20 mph winds on this golf course with this condition greens are or 14s like I’m barely hitting them and obviously I’m not giving them enough credit so three overpar as we stand right now if we can get back to even I’ll feel really good about this round

So I’m going to try to do that dude there’s like I almost probably had to hit a flop shot right there to be honest wow that was tough but now we got a uh probably a 15f footer left for par dude wow get some momentum going come on

Now I gave that one a little bit more than I thought and it went in let’s go man that’s a momentum I need let’s go be a three shot hole anyway 600 yard into the wind these guys are making this game look way too easy of course you freaking

Idiot oh boy honestly that might be so far right that’ be good got 128 left need a good one here try to get some momentum rolling All right that was a nice flighted PE wedge to about 25 ft let’s make a bird come on baby the one time I play more dead straight dead straight all right no birdie nine holes the over under was set at 72 and2 so we need two birdes think we can do it we

Got some scoreable holes coming up let’s go bro I have to pull off the bubble Watson here this is my thought here so the flag is kind of like over your shoulder I have to go between these trees hit a draw and be somewhere up there see if

You can get this cuz this might be the uh the best shot I hit I’ve ever hit in my life if I pull this off oh be right no idea just short cool hey at least I got it through I think it clipped something on the way dang let’s go this would be

An incredible up and down that’s for sure just a little too far trying to be too aggressive with it no way today we need to make a bird that would be pretty shameful to go birdless at TBC sress so here we go wow this is frustrating very

Frustrating I don’t know what’s going on got to figure something out we’re not in the most ideal spot but we do have a about ye-haw of a gap so here we go just like that let’s go baby that was awesome why can’t I do that every time I don’t

Understand like that Gap is like 3 yards wide I don’t understand why I always hit my good shots here that’s so frustrating like in if I’m in the middle of Fairway or on a tea box it’s just God that’s frustrating we have uh 130 left just a uh very flighted 50° trying

To keep it on this tree and have a look at birdie here we go wow wow that might be the best shot of the day there we go finally we did it God bless America just need about seven more of those it w be good huh Jake let’s go

Man about time here we go let’s try to hit a good drive for once in a while thank you finally just released the club face for once wow that wind ate it up didn’t it that’s crazy I probably hit that about 250 260 Max holy Cow God that’s slung a ton thank You left got it yep Oh So Good so good great jot that would suck if I just the let’s go baby there’s another one there we go finally that feels much better that was roasted right there boys so you can’t miss right and you can’t miss short okay so maybe like right where

Those that staircase is split that in the flag okay what about right at the flag did it actually it almost went in oh my god dude I I could even tell from this far away wait oh my God we’re like 2 feet baby let’s

Go let’s go give me some if I would to hold that out that would been nuts the story oh baby thank you let’s go let’s go well it’s a rumor but the the rumor here is that Tiger’s never birdied 14 in competition and I just did leave wow we found something big

Time dude that wind is is Just Killer it just goes into and then just goes backwards another Fairway baby very standard par 4 here 470 into the wind I have 200 left I’m going to hit a nice comfortable five knockdown five here we go oh no

Where did that come from I have no idea wow that was terrible really not much I can do with this lip right here got to sneak away with a bogey somehow got to sneak away with a Bogey No way oh my thought I had it thought I had it that one hurts kind of felt like a very big glitch in the system on that second shot and get it here and oh so we need a big hole on 16 and I know it’s coming all right need a

Good finish here whole 16 probably my favorite on the course trying to hit a nice old peeler off these left trees let we go I don’t know I figured something out in the middle of the round with that swing I feel like I wasn’t releasing it

And now we got a good look at little Eagle try hit it wind hit it wind go no idea where they ended up but looked good final part of the day see if we can get a long one to go in this would be awesome curl left curl left curl left oh

That’s pretty good right there good finish man thank you I appreciate it thank you let’s go man what with that four birdies on the back bro are you kidding me that was sick hey thank you guys so much for watching brutal day out here the wind finally stopped when we

Finished um it was absolutely amazing absolutely blessed to be out here just connecting with so many people has been amazing we have so much in store for you guys golfing with the pros Vlogs tournaments events let me know how you guys like this video if that was awesome

To just watch me play we didn’t have our best stuff today 75 plus three but on these tournament conditions with this fast of greens with it being cold and windy you know what that’s not going to kill me so uh we got a lot ton of stuff

To work on today kind of open my eyes to things I need and um just going to be transparent and open bad rounds good rounds in between whatever so I appreciate make sure you like comment and subscribe this has been amazing and I really appreciate you guys as always

Thanks guys for watching peace He


  1. Bro is getting creative with how he makes his scores look better. Probably putted his birdie off the island for real.

  2. great video! Don't listen to the keyword warriors. They would all shoot 100+ from tips on this course in these conditions.

  3. Solid boss, great seeing the hustle and grind, every up in the Wisconsin area, would love to get a round in. Keep on grinding buddy!

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