Golf Players


Tonight we are ripping into two packages sent in by subscribers and friends and what I uncovered inside definitely dropped my jaw!

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What is happening welcome back to the P of live thank you all for tuning in and tonight for the return of mailbag Monday the weekly series where I showcase packages sent in by friends subscribers even mail that I buy on myself off the internet but in tonight’s episode we are

Focusing on two packages to be exact sent in by friends and also subscribe drivers of this tpia family the first one is coming from New Jersey from Andrew Feldman and I cannot help when I see felon but to think of the episode of Seinfeld the Bizarro Jerry episode which is

Absolutely a great freaking episode just watched again not too long ago but uh Andrew felin sent this package let’s see what we have inside of here so inside of that box we have one Soul figure that was wrapped in like a mile a bubble wrap and I’m sure this face is

Going to look familiar to you it is none other than Randy from The Amazing peewee’s Playhouse show that aired in the mid late 80s and this one is actually an original figure too 1987 Matchbox actually made figures for peewee’s playoffs I don’t think I ever

Had any as a kid but I still see them from time of time Randy and globy came together in the same pack and this is absolutely freaking epic this is going to go perfect with ay McGee in the background and also peeee doll cherry and all of the other props that are

Laying around in the background we also have a note inside of here too that says the note says John Randy was getting lonely I hope that Peewee McGee will keep him company by the way have you ever W worked in radio or Sports cast and give a great voice for it thank

You for all the info and entertainment week after week Andrew F there’s an arrow here if you ever feel like offering sealed wax on Wednesdays I’m a buyer could be any sport thank you again take care you know what Andrew I did sell off

A bunch of wax that I had left over from my store I still have some random boxes here and there uh maybe a couple football boxes in like um I don’t know quite a few baseball a lot of I use for pack Lots these days but I wouldn’t be

Opposed to uh selling a box here and there so keep an eye out there may be some coming up here at some point but absolutely freaking epic way to start this mail day off the next package we have is a big bulbas box from our buddy

Brian Smith let’s take a look inside the first thing that I saw when I opened this box were some vintage toys that are freaking amazing I did not expect Brian to send any of this stuff whatsoever he had told me a few months back that he came across some bravar stuff in his

Mom’s basement that was on the card or in the Box I was like that’s freaking awesome man like you don’t see bravar stuff all that often which bravar was a car cartoon in the late ‘ 80s a very shortlived made by filmation Studios and the toys the toys to find on the card

Very difficult I never really see a toy shows or conventions whenever I go so this is absolutely amazing and this is one that I found at a flea market like I don’t even know probably close to 10 years ago and at the time I wasn’t really collecting brav star I was really

Only focused on Ghostbusters I think way back then so I end up taking it and selling it and I’ve kind of always regretted it since well Brian sent me the one he had from his childhood that is never been opened so I don’t know if these are Christmas presents that just

Never were given because someone was naughty or what the deal was but to have this as a kid and not open it you have to have some serious freaking willpower to do that but we have the evil laser fire backpack here still sealed in the

Box give your TX hex Tex Tex hex the main antagonist of bravar real infrared beam action so and this actually required 9vt alkaline battery in order to work but very freaking awesome stuff made by Mattel and here are some other releases which actually came across Fort

Kman an antique mall not too long ago very difficult to find that with the box and uh a guy there had it which is absolutely epic but so freaking cool I love this old box art and everything about it so this will definitely um probably be put in a toy case of some

Kind and put on display absolutely freaking awesome but the next one even more crazy we have a brave star figure of none other than Tex hex himself on the freaking card and still sealed this is a pretty rare figure to come across brand new like this and uh

It’s one I don’t know if I ever seen one in the Box in all of my years of collecting and uh pretty decent condition too the card has a little bit of creasing to it up top but uh overall very very sharp looking um brav star figure and like I

Said one it’s pretty tough to come by so absolutely amazing stuff we have a bunch of other figures here on the back as well as other releases it’s crazy these were like a buck when they came out and there’s a demonstration here pull arm back into position press button in back

For quick draw Power Punch action and we have some accessories along with him again made by Mattel but absolutely freaking awesome piece here for any uh 80s kid I think could appreciate this and a lot of you guys probably even had some Brave star figures but so freaking

Cool man Brian Smith you’re the man dude you not to send me these absolutely epic and we’re still not done there is still more that Brian sent we have this huge box of Randomness here that I think we’re all going to love let’s put that

Off to the side for a second we’ll say that for last Brian also sent me some tins from a couple years back we have tops tins that are collectible Harper you got Bellinger another Harper and aunia these are all empty I just took a look inside but they make awesome

Collector’s pieces and even display pieces and then we have another box here I don’t know what to expect there’s something in plastic wrap oh man that is sick look at that Bri a while back Brian sent me a freaking awesome uh tops Allstar Card Collector shirt that I still wear pretty

Frequently and check this out it is like throwback tops hat it’s got to be a re-release I would think it feels like it’s a vintage hat though but that is absolutely nuts it feel it definitely feels like it’s like a vintage 80s tops hat I don’t think there’s any way that’s possible

Because I feel like these are super hard to come by but uh absolutely freaking sick man check that out I think I’ve ever seen anyone walking around wearing a tops hat with a vintage logo on it so that is so freaking cool man I’ll be rocking that and we got one more order

Of business let’s take a look at what is inside of this super elongated box I’ve never seen a single row box that was this long this has got to be like a thousand count box you I think I’ve seen I don’t know 800 count maybe I don’t

Know if I’ve ever seen one it’s more than 800 count but I don’t know it could be all these faces that are throwing me off so we have all kinds of faces of the 80s and 90s I see Swindell right there Clutterbuck and that filthy sweat

Stained hat Paul Gibs of course we got a couple Paul Gibsons there Alex Cole Tom hanky dork the necklace Wonder Davy Johnson tennis cook of course Dave Smith and eternal sunglass tan line zanen Smith molo Perez for Jonathan H Fred manrique Fernando Valenzuela another Paul Gibson Eric plunk of course is

Gonna be on there oh so many funny faces Ken Phelps down there and we have more my personal favor of kid Jose lean Ron Robinson oh there are so so many dorky faces my Arch Enemy as a kid Vance law Al padric for freaking Paul L

Spanky laler who had a pretty good TMNT collection whenever um he was in the buckos I don’t know if he col collected stuff sealed or if he opened it all up but he was real into teenage M Ninja Turtles and look at this I have not

Checked inside of here but it says uh look at me I’m a rookie card now be a Kurt Schilling looks like so let’s see what uh what we have inside of here Brian knows that I collect tops and Bowman rookies and this box top is not going to

Want to stay open there we go let’s see we got Benny Montgomery first Bowman I know Brian’s hooked me up with so many good rookie cards over the years first Bowman Chrome Drew Jones I don’t know if I had one of those Grayson Rodriguez Conor Joe autograph onard that’s pretty sick

Nice going a lot Willie Mays number out of 75 Gold Label Jordan Walker Platinum rookie card Corbin Carrol I don’t think I had that rookie debut that’s a pretty nice one as well Tristan casses 88 design refractor and his tops Chrome so there’s a lot of tops Chrome rookies I

Don’t have so I’m sure these are definitely going to be put into the rookie box Michael Harris Josh Young’s pretty sick one too vulpe definitely don’t think I had that one I think I was going to buy one on eBay not too long ago rushman rookie in ERT outman Spencer

Tolson Relic America’s pastime that’s pretty sick his rookie card O’Neal Cruz who’s tearing up currently very nice one bow and platinum have not seen I don’t think I’ve seen that year bow and platinum 2022 haven’t seen any of those Spencer steer Gorman Moreno Sanga rookie card Dominguez I’ve

Open only a handful of packs to 2024 tops Ellie that’s sick I did not have an Ellie rookie or Jason the Mingus so that’s freaking awesome I know that they’re mass-produced these days but uh those were a couple that I wanted real bad from series one I did not get them yet

Dominguez insert rookie card very very cool stuff every time I go to Walmart anymore I can’t find any 2024 which is wild maybe they aren’t Mass producing it as much as they were with update and other things that are still on the shelves Jim Palmer I don’t know if

That’s a an SP I have no idea looks like it probably is 16 out 75 that’s pretty sick actually pulled a Palmer autograph from Stadium Club box not too long ago Roy Campanella Medallion is pretty sick Jean Carlos Stanton Relic Clubhouse collection check this out Donnie

Baseball when it was a game it’s one for my dad I don’t think my dad would accept Donnie baseball cards anymore although I did sneak a starting lineup onto my dad’s desk recently and I was like it’s probably I was thinking to myself it’s probably going to take him like several

Weeks to notice that’s there he noticed that night when I stopped over at his house one day I just casually put him room real quick and uh he noticed like within hours and was like thanks for the starting lineup but snuck it over there and he noticed right

Away but I don’t think he would still really want cards of Donny baseball too much anymore childhood car regrets what is this Eddie Murray’s secondy Year card inside of here these are all beat up have a Samberg rookie in here check these out Nolan Ryan 78 yeah these are so

These are your cards that you had as a kid Brian that you just beat the crap out of I could show you my 89 score set probably looks a lot like this the very first set I ever had I’m sure my dad knew I wasn’t going to take care of it I

Don’t remember what they costed back then but his second year Aussie Smith all beat to hell in back there’s an 82 Kent K with feal stain on it possibly and a sanberg rookie got karate chopped down multiple flights of stairs or just leaned against the wall while you whipped other cards

At it that’s what my brother and I used to do probably with my cards more so than his but that’s pretty great though we have this stack of what might be autographs oh no Paul Gibson could not have looked any dorkier and a COA in the back of it too that’s

Sick going on eBay amazing autographs oh man that is epic Kevin bass of course the iconic Kevin bass 89 Topps card that we’ve all come to love or loath the next one’s going to be zanen Smith of course it is but kbass actually has kind of a nice signature I don’t

Know why he chose to draw the dot for the eye there but say story for a different day it’s a little high up Zane Smith he got a pretty nice signature too I wish he could have just wrote it right over his face so he could block that

Entirely like something I try to do every single day block out zaye Smith’s face Zay enjoys listening to Hard Rock music I never knew that about him but uh I’m very intrigued by that the Hideous antics of Zayn Smith never ceased to amaze me here’s an Alan G card of some

Guy named Webb holding a lobster Casey Webb I don’t even know if I know who Casey Webb is I don’t recognize his face but it’s a relic from Allen and gter I’m sure someone probably scold me on Casey web but uh I honestly can’t think of what he’s in Phil Nevan I was

Real stoked on Phil Nevan as a kid so this is pretty sick to see this 688 of 1,000 signature rookies back back then 5,000 autographs was nothing compared to uh you know how many cards they were printing so that’s pretty sick authentic signatures these are awesome I remember

Wanting those real bad as a kid and freaking Al padri sad to see inside of there I feel like Paul L needs his card in his collection I’ve been meaning to sell or send to Paul L something for a while he is the director of Records here at tpia it’s got a freaking

COA from David Hill Senior over the hill cards and autographs soulle proprietor I have no idea where that’s at but I’m sure Paul L will be obsessed with this card and he will want it for his PC which it’s probably gonna end up going to Paul L because I know how much

He will cherish that Al padri as kids we hated him even as pirates fans we have so many more goodies left in here Jazz Chism Relic is pretty sick too George Springer Relic like he’s pulled his back out in that photo which is pretty wild 89 tops design bat Relic is pretty sick

That’s from this year’s tops I never pull anything good out of uh packs when I opened new cards and Coco Crisp it’s pretty wild I know people are pretty pissed off I’ve seen people writing in Facebook fors and stuff like that on different pages like paid 50

Bucks for archive Signature Series and I got a freaking Coco Crisp card so I guess I got one now too two out of 72 but uh kind of a nice signature there for Coco Crisp so that’s that’s pretty pretty sick card I have no idea what

These are I guess a bunch more rookies Henry Davis this is sick I don’t I don’t really have any of these at all so Colton Cal’s a rookie card Evan Carter is a nice one I know Brian definitely opens a lot of new product cero first Bowman is a CJ Crone

First Bowman from a long long ago Drew Jones what a crazy hot card that was whenever it came out and Ma has it freaking plummeted in value since then there’s Jace Young Jackson Merill definitely some ones in here a lot of these will go in the rookie box

Some we’ll go in the backup rookie box and I will keep them in there for a while it’s always fun to have that to go back on every couple years you go back and you’re like oh man I did that uh not too long ago I found a bunch of

Otonis rookies in my 2018 stuff that I had no idea I had like a decal Edge there’s no one Gorman is a nice one several of his Spencer steer very very nice stack there but uh the the stuff with Theon right now is pretty nuts I don’t think any of us really know

What’s going to happen but uh I don’t really I don’t think that uh MLB is going to allow their poster child to just completely sink I really doubt it I’d be very very surprised if that happens Josh Donaldson bat Relic is definitely sweet and check this out a yky on-card autograph Topps certified

1974 design that is freaking amazing some of you guys know that I do I uh PC Hall of Famer autographs I kind of just started it from opening jam-pack boxes was something I never did before that and I’m like I should start keeping these and then uh before long I kind of

Amassed a little bit of a collection there which eventually I will do a video and I did not have a yes so that is pretty freaking awesome in blue Inc beautiful looking card in autograph I will put that into the auto collection that will hopefully be seing sometime

Here soon Brian Holton 89 score has so many freaking error cards I don’t think I even knew Brian Holton was an error but it’s wrong birth date and the wrong place so that’s pretty interesting let check and see what the right stuff is and Greg Walker error number 93 of

66 that’s pretty sick though I like that 93 of 66 score had a lot of Errors I mean a lot of these companies did a lot of Errors back then that uh if you pull like a Beck at Alman Almanac out or even like trading C database and you go on

There and um you’ll find all kinds of errors that you just didn’t know existed some are a lot cooler than others a lot of them might be statistical or you know whatever it may be missing decimal points which I don’t really count so much as an err but those ones are pretty

Sick we got Raleigh green some rookies to him that’s a pretty sick card Michael Harris couple of his I think I pack pack pulled that a while ago those insert cards are freaking awesome I like those a lot Harris Bowman rookie vulpe very nice bunch of rookies in here Francisco Alvarez very nice

Definitely don’t think got a tops Chrome rookie him so some sang rookie cards I love the tops and the bum ones primarily Von Grom very nice these B Platinum are pretty sick I don’t know how I uh didn’t see any of those from last year Von G some Chrome there’s Garrett Mitchell very

Nice some inserts and Quan platinum and there’s his regular uh tops update so lots of freaking rookies Brian Smith never fails to amaze when he sends packages and what is this this is from sport flick set 56 magic motion trivia cards we have 56 freaking ninja stars which is

Pretty wild this came inside of the sport flick sets I’m not sure what year that’s from we have look at me I’m a freaking rookie card now what Brian actually put the rookie card logo on there oh that is going to be raising p demonium and Chaos on this channel

Absolutely That’s crazy cuz it almost looks like it belongs on this card which is freaking wild I’m a freaking rookie card now we have a clam shell case of might be a trifecta in there I’m not sure these magnet pogs whatever these may be that I never really saw because I

Wasn’t collecting when these came out at least uh I don’t know did they release them again recently I I forget what year these are from but Phillips and there’s a Jeter one that’s pretty sick and they are magnetic so I kind of like those I’m kind of obsessed

With them maybe we have to open an entire case of whatever the hell those are because I must know more the last piece of Brian Smith amazing box there’s a Kevin hickey Kevin the trifecta the trifecta has been freaking summoned and Mickey Weston is here for

It you cannot gloss over those cards in that order and not summon the three-headed Mickey Weston Nick West SSP true one of one absolutely freaking epic there Alex Madrid oh there’s a whole bunch of them too the story behind this card for you guys that weren’t collecting several years back somebody

Listed this card on eBay and it was in sold listings for like 25,000 bucks and that was around the same time that the Jose your eBay money laundering was happening and somebody had sold this for $758,000 on eBay and typically if you go into sold listings you see some card

That’s worth 5 cents or less sell for that much money and there’s one bid on it because there’s always an auction and there’s always one bid it’s freaking money laundering most of the time but Alex Madrid was it sold for 25,000 bucks and then created some sort of temporary

Hysteria behind this card it’s it’s absolutely worthless so and Jose rebbe it’s no different unless you have a miscut that is $50,000 bucks I ain’t wor sh there you go it’s written right on the freaking card right there your eBay and there is Paul Gibson the crotch grab

It’d be sick to get a PSA 10 of this card but they’re pretty freaking expensive I feel like uh more attention been drawn to this card as of in recent years and they did go on to fix it they definitely did but an epic card Dennis K Card there is Skeletor himself in

1977 four years before the iconic 81 top skele tour card was produced Doug Jones some the Dream Team cards were absolutely ridiculous and what the hell is this what I have no idea what’s going on with this but uh 87 tops definitely had some photoshopped faces and this is

Definitely like a reprint of some kind with a card stock but I have no idea why they would ever reprint this card it’s a different photo too from what I remember this is absolutely nuts a true anomaly Jose Melendez 93 per deck always had some funny photos as well restra for Paul

Mcut rookie card mean Muggin there’s zann Smith unfortunately it’s not the Zayn Smith that we saw last Mail Day the no face on front the preferred zann Smith card around here to kve Super dorky card surhoff I’ve never seen that one before it’s pretty sick though another cook rookie manrique looking

Dorky sites are running for dear life Barry Jones there’s dick Sharon 74 top another cocoa crisp epic afro all kinds of heavy metal moshing happening on this 2020 Brewers card dick pul 78 oh these are great and the infamous 76 tops traded Oscar gamble with gigantic afro at one point this car was

Selling for like $30 which is nuts because it’s not a valuable card byy means but because of that ridiculous afro people were going nuts over it and we’re going to have some interes Pete l oh the 70s were amazing I wish I I almost wish I would have been alive to

Witness them but at the same time I enjoyed being an 80s kid Brian Downing super dorky I was I actually like was pretty pumped on Brian Downey for a little [Laughter] while Jack brohamer Bud harelson it looks like he would be driving a windowless white van

Greg Minon somebody sent me that card a long time ago definitely a photosho face or a painted face but hideous almost as hideous as our beloved Zane Smith Jamie easterly Ron Davis the miserable and Dave Collins it’s like uh an IT guy turned to serial killer Dave Collins 86

Fleer so absolutely freaking Epic epic package with the Kurt Schilling quote unquote official rookie card and all kinds of freaking amazing stuff in there Brian Smith you’re man dude that was amazing and also to Andrew for sending that Randy official Matchbox release from 1987 I’d love to hear what you guys

Thought about the video what your favorite thing was if you remember bravar or even Randy and uh what your favorite card was and if you like to send mail for a future mailbag Monday you can find the address down below and uh please make sure you comment we’ll have a couple

More days left before we give away the PSA 10 Tom glavin rookie card on April 1st during the 1990 tops no name on front search thank you guys all for watching and have an excellent night I will hopefully see you back tomorrow


  1. Got your package bro, thanks😈🍻😂🤘 Curious, is there any Jim Leyland cards of him smoking cigs in dugout? Topps SnapBack dope…..nothin says fecal matter better than Kent tekulve

  2. Randy!! Bravestarr!! What is going on!?
    Cowboys v Aliens shoulda been a BraveStarr movie!
    Clutterfxck.. lol

    Ha! Topps Archive.. I got a Tommy John with a bent corner and way off center, signed… Lol😂

  3. I collect hats and I firmly believe that's an actual vintage cap in gem mint new old stock condition…VERY NICE! Is that one of the mail in propaganda pieces??

  4. The GOAT Al Pedrique!!! I already got the signed gold cup card though, courtesy of Travis Dowdy about a year ago, Travis if you see this thanks again my man!!!

  5. Great video, just curious have you thought about doing an updated rookie box video, I'd be interested to see what you've picked up over the past few years

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