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10 Best Wrestling Promos | Tables, Lists & Chairs

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Written by: Luke Owen, Oli Davis & Pete Quinnell
Presented by: Luke Owen, Oli Davis & Pete Quinnell
Edited by: Adam Witney
Thumbnail by: Brandon Syres

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Welcome to tables lists and chairs welcome back to another episode of TLC here on Wrestle talk if it’s your first time here here’s how this show Works each of us will come up with a top 10 list of a certain wrestling category and we’re going to go through and reveal our

Picks at the same time each of our picks will be assigned a point value on number 10 pick assigned one point our number nine pick two points Etc all the way up to number one and at the end we total up the points and see what is the correct

Right answer definitively of this certain wrestling category so for today’s episode I’m joined by Hi C Cabana how you doing and I’m joined by Luke hello there C Cabana and we are going through the 10 best wrestling promos ever admin because you were very clear on this Pete when we were putting

These list together MH it’s promo not segments featuring multiple people promo not a jeal no no no no not not yeah so I’ve done I’ve done that broadly I ask you for one thing for these episodes I thought I had done it and then I thought oh watch that one

Again just just to remember what was said there two people in it but I I think I think it you know it stands up as a as a monologue I would say one of mine has got two people in it but I’m not focused on the other

Person that’s one person that is a promo that’s the promo is what I’m focusing on because you can have a segment made up of multiple promos 3 2 1 one o oh okay I love it when people get fired up and you can see they’re like you feel their emotions coming through

When they just they start shouting and they get really hyped up and that’s kind of why I really like this and I know this has been meeme to death I know Twitter just says this the best promo ever it’s not but it is but it is number

10 on my list because it is really good when you hear the Miz come up and you can feel that he believes every single word he says when he’s like I am trying to make this the most important belt and nobody showing me respect I believe

Every word he says and for me when I can tell that someone believes what they’re saying I’m instantly I’m hooked so you’ve just went 2019 is that just the whole year yeah yeah thought he had a great 2019 no it’s the Cody rhods unfreaking deniable promo uh this was

Very early on in Dynamite’s Reign I think it was what was the the build to full gear 2019 and this was either the go home show or the week before and Cody cut this promo I you I wasn’t infused about watching Jericho versus Cody rhods

I love Cody rhods he was my brother at the time remember but even back then we were a bit fatigued of Jericho and Cody Cuts this promo and not only lays out oh by the way if I don’t win the title I’ll never challenge it for it again but

There’s a moment in this when he starts talking about how this isn’t for the dead this is for the living this is for his mother for his sister for his wife and he break he starts to break when he talks about it and it’s about the 14

Years it took me to go from undesirable to unfreaking deniable and I felt it this is the promo that made me be a wrestling fan is it really it’s one of the first things I saw when uh WWF went to channel 4 in 19 in 2000s when

Sunday night heat was shown and they showed a recap of this promo on Smackdown where mankind comes out and he’s like one thing I know for sure is that mankind is now ready for a street fight against Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship but I think these f fans deserve a suitable

Replacement and I think I know the guy his name is Cactus Jack and he takes off his T-shirt to reveal the C and like this is the best thing ever and I was hooked on wrestling from then on 3 2 one the roast of Roman Reigns uh oh what punks return Punk’s

Return at number nine yeah I don’t did he what like the Collision one is that is that also called a first dance it’s that one would you like to know something else Onie it’s not on my list I mean that’s mad I think this is the last non CM Punk

Promo Paul Hyman smack 2001 Smackdown oh man when he just runs down Vince and just like everything you stole from me I didn’t know what was I you know I was 13 14 years old watching that I didn’t know what was happening as an as a an an

Older teenager watching back when I understood more about the territory system and that’s the line that really gets me in this he has loads of great lines but it’s you you say you’re a self-made billionaire but you inherited a lot of this from your father and your father went around every promoter in

North America and promised them you wouldn’t compete and he died and you competed and you killed everything and you did it by stealing my ideas and it’s that taking that real life thing and bringing it back to this motivation for Paul heyman’s character of why he’s

Trying to invade WWF when you talk about catharsis with that one this for me was like finally someone said it but it was John Cena I know I know it I know it’s John Cena and I know that’s controversial because I I hate John Cena promos a lot of them are insufferable to

Sit through this one when he said you’re a corporately created John Cena bootleg I was like yes he is thank you John cuz I hated Roman Reigns so much this was the perfect prom for me to go like yes and you too this was so cathartic to me

To be like at least somebody in WWE and has said it on TV acknowledges that this isn’t working can we have a change now and I know it was leading to Cena putting over Reigns but this promo just like showcased everything why Reigns wasn’t the guy I like this promo it’s PR

Good you know I’m not saying it’s a bad promo I’m just it’s number nine it’s number nine on my list the Kong Skull Island of promos I have had a bit of flack recently on the Resto podcast Channel where I have taken against CM Punk uh in WWE saying I’m home and I

Never wanted to leave in the first place cuz I just don’t believe it now I’m not saying that he’s not happy in WWE I think he’s actually probably much happier in WWE than he was in aw I think that’s evident like I think for now you

Look on his face dep I mean this video is not going out for a while but when he says I’m home or I never wanted to leave I’m like I don’t believe you the reason why I don’t believe him is because this promo I believe every word he says because this

Is a real actual promo and not just I’m home I never wanted to leave 3 2 one tear my eye we got here ter oh we’ve gone old school I’ve gone for Dusty rhod’s big heiney promo the famous line where in that promo where he talks about

Having a big hiney I got a big belly I got a big honey my bell is just a little big my hand is just a little big that’s what the pr is remembered for else it’s yeah he he’s written like the whole reach now he’s got a very

Telic tell Evangelical T evangelist no tell seales was was an Actor he’s like he’s reaching out like you know all the power all the trust all the belief you’ve put in me put your hands through the screens I feel your hard times yeah it’s brilliant it’s the Cadence it’s the conviction it’s real it’s real to him it’s in Cody’s song

Yeah my father said when I was younger hard tbes make better men yeah and big hiney that’s in there as Welly yeah that’s a big hiy that’s the bit I this is an iconic promo I could not have it on my list because it’s one of the most quoted things it’s in every

Recap package of Legends in WWF history and it is a fantastic promo it’s one of those where you go like yeah this makes sense like this is why Flair’s what one of the top guys this is earned after his Decades of service into the industry and

Everything and he has this promo to make you go like y that’s it I I believe that this is the greatest day of your life it was like one of the first things I saw of ECW and it’s one of the first things that really drew me into Raven having

Gone back and rewatched it I don’t think it holds up great I think it it’s got a little bit of um uh High School drama um you know year eight acting to it but I love it still because it means a lot to me and it’s very ECW cuz I think it’s

Shot on a toilet and the reason why it’s such a great promo is he kind of runs through everyone you know like Stevie I’m going to be you know doesn’t matter if it’s you if it’s Sam man doesn’t matter if it’s you but he gets to Funk

And he’s talking about how this is meant to be Terry funk’s big comeback and he starts to talk about how he hurt his father like Raven he was just like I hurt my father and he looks to Terry Funk as his father figure and so he’s

Like so now I’ve got to do it again I’ve hurt my father before so I I don’t think I won’t do this I’m going to ruin your entire comeback and it’s really like it’s so cool and I’m like oh man you’re the greatest character and this is why I

Love Raven and I had to have a raven promo on here and this might be one of my favorite Raven promos three two one o yes o yes yeah thought they might be up your alley jacket it’s a salmon jacket his little pink suit it’s what everyone calls that promo yep it’s the

Salmon jacket promo it’s the salmon jacket promo he comes out in this in Pink Suit it is well good though great suit he must be retiring other why is he come out in a pink suit this doesn’t feel like you know Mark Henry uh and then he cuts the most convincing

Retirement speech I’ve ever heard more convincing than edges than danielson’s it’s ruined all other retirement speeches because I now think they’re a work he’s going to going be there be like I’ve got a retirement world strongest SL John Cena comes out like I genuinely think it’s John Cena’s

Best performance it’s Prett good yeah and then Mark Henry just world strongest slams him so I’m not done it’s great awesome it’s such a good promo this is an incredible promo and even though I didn’t have any other the context cuz I wasn’t an ECW guy growing up hadn’t

Watch any of it and all that I watched this promo out of context and went H that’s a great promo and then Having learned all the context and then come back to it man it is incredible and it’s exactly the right promo for that crowd at one night stand to perform to those

Fans that used to take up that Arena and to be like you know the only reason that your Champion is cu Triple H didn’t want to work Tuesdays was like oh JBL is having the time of his life on that show because he is just getting wasted y you

Hear about the blue meanie story what I done oh yeah Austin 3 SEC oh yeah just one of the most iconic promos ever well that’s it you know it’s like you said earli about those promos you do to yourself in the mirror you talk about your Psalms Austin 316 said I Just

Whipped Your Ass it’s that’s it all you need is just like and it’s just so good that is the most successful t-shirt of all time in wrestling and it’s from that promo so maybe it’s the biggest money line directly ever that’s it 3 2 one oh so close so close so close so

Close Austin 316 oh it is his Cadence on that is perfect and it’s cuz he’s got like the gravel in his voice just delivers it so perfectly it’s an iconic promo and for all the right reasons I’ve come for Eddie Kingston’s fight me fight me fight me because in my head that is

Just Eddie Kingston shouting fight me at CM Punk for 8 minutes uh actually it’s an 8 minute dualog where they go back and forth this was the one that’s M you know maybe pushing the the boundaries boundaries the limits the rules we set ourselves for the promos if I have to

Fire myself up I’ll listen to you know a promo that might come later or I’ll watch that 30C clip of Eddie Kingston challenging CM Punk for full gear 2021 yeah full gear 2021 and he just starts walking towards him fight me fight me fight me fight me and then like

Punk puts his hand don’t feels it feels like Eddie Kingston is actually going to fight him this is I mean I’ve got this is my second Foley PR he’s he’s quite good at the old prom game this is one of those promos you’re like you I can feel something really

Truly feel something this is probably the most iconic ECW promo ever it’s great because it’s an anti- hardcore promo it’s an anti ECW fan promo but man this might be some of his finest finest work 3 2 1 I got the same I’ve just called it something different the anti- hardcore

Promo yeah do we no like a three count thing absolutely not it’s a different show um yeah I everything you’ve said I’ll just add the this like it’s an 8-minute genuinely great monologue from an actor yeah and it’s so well written and performed he talks about the ear

Being seven in Germany he didn’t know the German word for FAL dehy so he couldn’t preserve that ear for the way back just all the stuff that he sacrificed his body for laying it out and saying and I did that so wrestling could be respected and then I get in the

Ring and the fans call my match for me we’re those fans yeah it’s a promo on us it really it really turns around the lens of of wrestling and it’s it’s at us and it makes yeah makes you aware of your own complicity in the viewing experience uh hard time/ big heiny the

Big heiny the big heiny promo as it’s now going to be called uh as you said earlier the Cadence of this is so magical and I think this is where Cody always looks to get his blue-eyed baby face or a from cuz Dusty has it nailed down in this promo cuz he’s the

Hardworking guy and he’s there for all the people reach through the screens it is phenomenal and again you just feel that connection with a wrestler when the facade goes away and you’re like yes person I feel you it’s it’s this is the prim way to do it it’s perfect do you

Feel him sir I feel him I feel dusty in this promo do you feel him sir mjf vers CM Punk is the greatest wrestling Feud of the modern era it’s so so good and this is my favorite promo from that Feud when mjf just tells his story and he

Bears his soul and he tells the story of how he was a CM Punk fan and he talks about the bullies at school and it’s so captivating because up until that point mjf had just been like I’m going to come out here and methany and I’m going to

Come out here and say you’re a fat guy and you know do the mjf heel staks and then he comes out here and he’s like I’m just dropping all character Bard and I’m just going to talk about who I am but that is who he is like the character and

He are one and the same which is why it’s so brilliant and then Punk coming out and just like off my Is that real is it true Is that real it’s bingly like I’m getting just thinking about it it’s incredible 3 2 1 oh suit that’s what it’s called it’s

The pink jacket promo yeah I mean it’s to what you said earlier like it’s it’s the most convincing retirement speech every time I watch it I think he is retiring it’s so good perfect yeah uh yeah Pete’s already had this one the one night stand all the things you said

There’s also a great line in there about Eric bishof because he’s up he’s up there on with the wrestlers and hmon said something like it’s not Paul Heyman going to a WCW show with his tail between his legs just AET like screw you Eric Bishop it’s just those like

Cathodic releases of no no no the company is aware of how bad it is occasionally they say it on their own product yeah for me this is everything that I want out of a promo it’s a man getting emotional bearing a soul where like the the pro wrestler goes away and

You just see the person and he gets emotional and he fires up and the crowd fires up with him and he just rises in Cadence and rise and rise and rise and he’s explaining exactly why he needs the world title why it means everything to

Him why he needs it how the world title is his addiction now and you get to the end and everyone goes that’s the guy Eddie Guerrero is the man and it sold you on wanting to see Eddie as the champ it was perfect 3 2 1 oh it’s close so close O Okay

Interesting so close you put that high yeah I sure have love this promo it’s so good Cody’s delivery of that undesirable to UNG godamn deniable it just and his voice cracking in the emotions and you be like I love this man he’s a baby face forever um and then he got

Booed but he was a baby face oh absolutely it’s true yeah uh I’ve gone for aew’s CM Punk debut uh of course some people cried at this remember that fan who’s that fully Ray doesn’t like you and it’s him it’s actually him it’s actually him the pro is what I needed to hear

Like he said all the right things it was that bit where he said just look if any if any of my actions and decisions impacted you and and I wasn’t there for you I’m sorry and this is so I hate using this language uh but it it is true I felt

Heard you know I felt like all of the the seven years of hurt and this guy that I idolized and and you know personally got me through a lot of tough times and he cut this promo about where he’s been and I’m like okay that’s cool

Okay thank you and then you know he went to WWE again when I got back into resling in 2005 this was the show I was most excited for because I was an ECW mark from my teenage years so I was super pumped for this show and I loved it it’s

Got one of my favorite matches ever in Mike Aon versus Mas Tanaka one of the best matches I’ve ever seen in my life so I was so excited for this show but it’s this promo is the one thing that I think everyone really remembers from this show because it’s just hymon saying

All the things that I was thinking I hated Edge and he’s my guy hymon hated Edge too and I thought JBL was rubbish and hmon thinks jbl’s rubbish as well and he and I hated Eric Bishop and he thought Eric Bishop was rubbish as well like yeah you’re right Paul we’re all

Right 3 2 1 hey match mat there he’s so hurt he’s so betrayed what yeah I feel like this is a coordinator absolutely not it’s absolutely not no but this I think this is okay let let me explain right I think objectively speaking this might be the best promo

Ever personally I have one that I care about more which is my number one but this is spectacular this is the thing that changed the industry this is the thing that changed WWE from the PG johnsen era into what it is now this promo was phenomenal in the fact that I

Didn’t even understand half the context when I first watched it and me and my mate were still like oh my God can he say that is this real when I went into work the following day people thought it was real there were people who really thought he’s gone off script and they

Weren’t supposed to show that that’s not how the show’s supposed to work they executed it perfectly yeah they literally had like they they cut him off they cut the microphone off cut the feeds you know didn’t have any of the normal outro bits or anything they just

Like uh uh and SE Punk’s talking off mic and then they just cut the the feta black the best promo ever apart from the one that I’ve got at number one I do think is is actually the best promo ever prepare yourselves well you know maybe I’ll talk about it in a

Bit mjf’s roll of quars telling his truth one it’s um I when I watched it at the time I it blew my mind because it is an anti- wrestling promo in a different way to what Mick Foley did with his Kane jwy promo which was sort of anti I not

Going to wrestle for these fans I’m not going to sacrifice my body anymore for them what mjf was doing was what seemed like a work and at the start of this promo the crowd are still booing things like him talking about being diagnosed with ADHD being uh learning having

Learning difficulties at school and stuff because they think oh it’s mjf the swerve is coming he’s going to say something at the end of it that undermines all of this but he doesn’t and he just tells this story about how CM Punk left him in January

2014 and then how that was the time when he needed him and he’s going to become the best wrestler in the world in spite of CM Punk it’s stunning I’m so curious of what your number one is I’m curious what your number one is prepare yourselves people you curious curious

About I think I know what your number one might be 3 2 1 oh wait you being serious I’ve I put a joke thing on for Lucha things are you serious of course of course name me a promo that hasn’t only defined a wrestler to find an era of

Wrestling to find an entire promotion this promo transcends wrestling this promo I if you’ve said to someone TNA this will be one of the first things they think of is steths it’s promo is this has stood the test of time it’s genuinely a remarkable piece

Of promo are you having a break down no it’s it’s one of the best promos ever if not the greatest promo ever it’s infamously bad no that’s where you’re wrong that’s what people think they think it’s a bad promo but it’s not because it’s made people care it has

Made people care when people think of TNA they think of this promo well but but you just had the pipe bomb and you think people hear the pipe bomb and think they think of CM Punk and WWE CM Punks cut a thousand great promos no one ever talks about any other promo that

Scott Steiner has done in his career even his shoot promos that he’s done but they talk about this promo this promo has defined an entire wrestler it has defined an entire promotion I feel like I’m being gasl I I struggled cuz we’re also doing worst promos next week I struggled

Whether to put stamats on best or worst cuz I was like it deserves to be on both I think because it’s a really bad promo but it is so good that it has been meaned to there and Beyond and it’s hilarious and it’s perfect and it’s great and it’s awesome right I don’t

Think it’s number one though I’m telling you I’m telling you cuz there’ll be there’ll be a lot of people in the comments are going to agree with me on this one you’ve worst matched ever yeah that’s what you’ve done it’s no it’s not I’m not looking at this from an ironic

Stance either you you should should try it in a way I am it was originally my number two and then and then I looked at I was like no it’s more iconic than the pipe bomb and and and I think it is and I think it’s more

Iconic this man is totally insane has there has there ever been a t-shirt about the pipe bomb no but there’s t-shirts about this to this day to this day Scott dinosaur din out on this to this day people dine out on this promo staths

Man a Lucha things h yeah it’s a way to get comments it’s a way to get comment it’s not a way to get comments I’m not doing this for the comments I’m not even doing this for the bit how good of a promo is this I wrote down two words and

You knew exactly what I meant you can write down pipe bomb and it’s one and we know exactly what we mean let’s be fair I did have to write down six for this one salmon suit pink jacket fake retirement you know the one moving away from stamats although it’s hard to it is

Hard to move away from that he says percents he does say percents chance and then add 6 and 23% drastic go down drastic go down see what I mean you chances of winning drastic go down senior Joe I can’t see see m Joe for me the pipe bomb is the

Best promo ever but this one makes me feel more cuz this is how you work a crowd to come out completely cold no preamble to this at all Mark Henry just comes out in a segment everyone goes what’s Mark Henry doing here this is weird and he’s starts talking everyone

Goes oh oh God he’s retiring and he gets emotional and he starts crying daddy’s coming home brilliant amazing emotional moment and even at that point I was like what a promo that’s an incredible retirement speech and the fact that it was a work just puts the cherry on top

To go that is the greatest promo I have ever seen cuz every single person watching in the arena and every single person watching went I believe him so good Lucha things I’ll try obviously it’s the PIP bum yeah obviously obvious see it is for me I’m pretty sure I’m on

The thumbnail for this oh pipe bump uh but it is it to me I think objectively it’s the greatest promo of all time in delivery in content at the time it was cut just what that promotion needed at that moment not only objectively the best promo personally to me it means the

Most because that’s a time when me and my longtime partner are broken up I’m living back at home again things were on the decline and wrestling was a Solace for me but then they just done the Nexus angle at SummerSlam and I was like I’m

On the ropes here this one thing that I was loving is also letting me down right now you know I was getting into Ring of Honor and I was going to more Indie shows and that that helped me but you know it’s not the same as WWE it’s a

Different habit you can’t talk to people at work about oh did you watch Ring of Honor last Wednesday yeah try as you might and and I was I was hating hating WWE and that was such a bad episode it’s at the end of a three one of the this

Was pre the 3-hour raar era it was a 3-hour raw it was like a Las Vegas through episode episode just just I was hate watching it and then at the end Punk sits cross-legged on the top of the ramp and he cuts this promo and it says

All of the things that I was feeling about WWE and it just I was like well whatever happens in WWE now I’m at least going to watch it for Punk honestly if Punk doesn’t cut that pipe bomb I don’t know if all of us are here right now

Because I probably wouldn’t have kept watching wrestling and I’ve just gone on and done something else and you know we wouldn’t be would have sort of carried on the wrestle talk stuff under my banner so yeah Ste I’m telling you man he gets the numbers right he sure does yeah as an

Off-the-cuff promo it’s a generational promo so we’ve done all the picks it’s now time for the results the official results the best wrestling promo of all time Adam Whitney has written justice for big heiney in here uh in third place with 19 points Paul heyman’s one night stand

2005 good choice in second place with 21 points Mark Henry’s fake retirement pink jacket salmon suit promo and in first place with 28 points in his CM Punk’s pip bomb well that’s a great top three well deserved yeah very good top three thank you for watching this episode of

TLC if you enjoyed why not subscribe to the channel and like the video and if you want to watch us talk about more great things in wrestling then why not watch this episode of TLC where we rank the 10 best Royal Rumble matches ever just imagine if the Undertaker oh want a

Challenge for the eastw championship you Bobby Lash


  1. No Rock promos? Wild. I do like that Pete put Eddie's Addiction promo on his list. Even Eddie's "Why'd you make me do it, Rey!" Is phenomenal

  2. 21:45 from then on, Oli Davis is looking at Luke Owen, like Gene Siskel looked at Roger Ebert when he said Home Alone 3 is better than 1 & 2

  3. These are superb lists—Cane Dewey is my favorite promo ever—but there is one glaring omission:

    “Who’s your daddy Montreal?”

    The platonic ideal of a heel promo

  4. As someone who got into wrestling way later than both promos, and was therefore very much outside of the wrestling 'bubble', I can confirm that Steiner Math is 100% more culturally iconic. It was quoted/memed EVERYWHERE; I saw that typography video so much I basically knew it by heart. Meanwhile I didn't even know who CM Punk was, let alone the Pipebomb.

    TL:DR put some respect on Professor Scott Steiner's name.

  5. Mox "The only thing I drink is blood" promo would be in my top ten. I stood up from my chair and shouted "F*** yes!" As someone who has been sober for 4+ years. Mox just hits differently. Hes my guy

  6. Luke’s argument for Steiner maths was logical and rational, whereas Oli’s argument for the pipe bomb was purely emotional, which shows why Steiner maths is the true #1

  7. It's funny, for some people Punk is the reason they kept watching…he's one of the main reasons that I stopped. I never bought the fake hype around that guy.

    For some he's on Mt. Rushmore…to me he's on Mt. Flushmore.

  8. 8:14 So happy to see Raven represented here! one of my favourite promos but…. kinda chucked Raven under the bus here, Raven is the goat of a promo, respectfully disagree on not holding up and Year 8 acting, Raven is probably the most underrated disrespected top talent of all time

  9. 11:24 the Austin 3:16 promo birthed everything Austin. Besides "Austin 3:16", he improved "and that's the bottom line, because Stond Cold said so" to wrap it up. That's just as iconic.

  10. I'll be honest, this (well, the worst promo video I watched right before this) is the first time I've ever heard of Steiner Math. TNA/Impact is a huge blind spot for me. Never watched it, especially in the Hogan era. And Steiner (at least starting with Big Poppa Pump) was never my favorite because he seemed more unintelligible than Ultimate Warrior most days.

  11. The fact that there isn’t MORE Scott Steiner on this list, the “size does matter” promo, the ric flair shoot promo!? SCOTT is so much fun on the mic

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