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Patriots Caught Under Inflating Balls Again?! | Pat McAfee Reacts

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There was news broken on the internet that surprised nobody that’s right with how things have happened around New England there was a report that the balls were actually underinflated for the kickers this past weekend between the Kansas City Chiefs and the New England Patriots now obviously that’s not going to steal the

Headlines okay people were talking about cadarius Tony somehow having a ball balance on the top of his head and going to the other team’s hands the other way bigger deal and talk about Kelsey getting triple team and not getting as many fantasy points as everybody expects

Or wants them to and patri Mah showing emotion on the sideline I want to talk about what is the problem in New England okay why are you singling out the kickers and attacking them let me tell you how the K ball thing works there’s seven of them going into each game seven

Of them this is brand new out of the box seven of them they’re numbered week 15-1 WK 15-2 wk1 15-3 all the way to seven sure okay three through seven do not matter let me tell you why because you’re given 30 minutes before the game an equipment manager one person representing each

Team under the guidance of a referee where you’re allowed to have one like uh brush in one towel and you’re allowed to break in the balls okay for 30 minutes while you’re being watched not allowed to utilize any extracurriculars only sweat maybe a little spit side of brush

Some equipment managers do well and you got 30 minutes now our Guy frog absolute dog mhm now frog would have much better Christmas maybe than he would beforehand because of what he did but if you’re able to break those balls in you’re talking extra s to 10 yards broken in

Balls as opposed to balls three through seven that are fresh out of a box and cooked normally each equipment manager would take one ball we got one ball we’re odd you’re the home team you’re one we’re two sweet those will be the balls we’ll use we’ll break them in

We’ll do our thing sometimes another team’s kicker or pter will say say hey our guy sucks okay our guy sucks so we’ll say all right we’ll just use ball one the entire time today no big deal there has been times where kickers have screwed over other kickers and like told

K ball person that was holding them to throw in ball four or ball five for like a gamewinner and the football gods have come back and ruin those people’s lives that is something that has taken place so the balls are a big deal they’re also very well known that these are the balls

There’s a k ball person that regulates them there’s only a few people to touch them and it’s the game so for the New England Patriots yet again here we go to be in a conversation of zeroing in on a Target and trying to kill them like you guys

Did to Harrison Bucker and Tommy Tanson okay Harrison bucker hadn’t missed a kick All Year Tommy town are one of the best in the NFL first half these guys aren’t having the the performances that we’re used to Harrison bucker misses his first kick of the year yeah first kick

Of the Year ball goes to the right and they closed in that Stadium it’s a lot easier with the win now than it was like 5 years ago bucker doesn’t miss that kick ever good snap good hold the kick he and then that thing slices out to the

Right actual movement from left to right then let’s go to the Patriots kicker shall we now this guy misses a lot of kicks but in the first half boom pulls this thing left he misses the Whole Net he misses the Whole Net the Whole Net yeah that one got

Pushed so I’m not saying okay and that thing’s still moving in the air oh yeah I’m not saying that bill bich knew that this was happening sure because why would he sent his kicker out who is known to miss for a 40 some yard with bad balls but people need to know

The operations of kicking okay so if you’re an NFL kicker that means you have a strong enough leg to be able to break through the barrier of the leather of the football normally pumped at like 13.1 PSI this one was down at 11 PSI so it’s much softer kickers do not want a

Soft ball okay that is not what kickers want at all now if you do not have a strong leg and you do not have the ability to crack into the the bladder the air bladder inside of it through the leather you will not want a hard ball

Because you’re not able to indent it okay so you don’t want the ball too hard like a rock cuz then you can’t crack it but you certainly want it as hard as possible if you’re somebody who has a strong leg if you have a strong leg and the

Ball’s flat that means your foot is breaking into the ball okay the ball is wrapping around your foot longer and then as it’s being projected off your foot it can okay like it did with Harrison bucker known massive leg or like Chad Ryland hang on your foot a

Little bit too long you’re a righty you spin that thing hook hooks to the left yeah this was an outright attack yep on the kickers and the pun and for punters the ball just it’s a you’re not going to be able to turn it over yeah just like

Baseball players who are good hitters they want that ball coming in harder cuz what do they say to harder comes in harder goes out same thing with kicking with the balls so quarterbacks want a softer ball kickers want a hard ball and somehow you guys do things that only

Benefit you guys and I’m not saying it’s organizationally but somebody’s breaking into that building and trying to screw people and I don’t like it one bit at all well I mean it didn’t help us we missed the field goal as well and the funny thing about yeah but you guys

Always miss him yeah okay but once again just like Bill with you know Rogers we’re not trying to do that uh also Chad Ryland there’s a massive difference between those two Miss field buckers turned right a little and then it kept going straight on that angle and

It hit the net Chad Ryland as he does he missed the entire net behind the field goal post that’s going to happen is that 11 PSI number actually real because if it is in the referee picks up a ball that’s supposed to be two PSI points

After that’s on him now also I would assume long samper is the one that felt it and also when you kick to get caught punter as soon as you I mean I’ve there’s been a couple balls that have snuck their ways into games that either

Had like a little bit of a leak or something it now I don’t know if I could do it now six years removed from it all but as soon as you touch a ball I knew exactly exactly they switch second half did they switch the balls then half they

Got it figured out I would assume they just inflated balls one and two is it possible that a ball loses that much air Pat is it possible the ball loses especially the weather Bill not science guy said that he took it into account yeah we went we went into this in the

First deflate gate and actually information was released after the punishment of deflate gate that they weren’t deflated balls was the weather but again beside the point but yeah that can happen I mean we got to come in here and blow up these goddamn basketballs every these balls come fresh out of a

Box okay they’re being regulated by refs I don’t know how it continues to happen up there because anybody that’s around balls literally knows you know you know as soon as you feel what was the question like aren’t they under locking key like you said 30 like so and he’s

Sitting there watching them do it right so how do they get air in how do they get air out there’s a chance New England Patriots are getting painted in a bad narrative little needle no one can even see it all you need is one little needle

Just dab that sucker in there a little bit Yeah because if you do a that’s about half PSI exactly no one’s going to see that no one can see you do that but why would they want to do they would want to tell they would want to tell

Bill then it’s got to be weather has to be weather it’s their own kicking ball it’s not like Bill’s walking across Hey where’s you guys kicking ball I just want to you know see it for a second let’s see how it feels they check them both right after both misses is that how

It came to life they’re both in the first half yeah I would assume punter and Long Snapper we’re like hey those balls are not yeah those balls are not NFL balls what are we doing here that was why I hate Walt that’s why I hate Walt put ball seven in Walt Anderson

When we were in London yeah I caught it and I saw week whatever seven and I felt it I’m like what is this so I go to Sil I go frog what were they not let you breaking the balls he goes I was ball seven frog was all I’ll talk to him I’ll

Talk to him half I’m like wal Anderson screwing me this guy cuz allegedly he just cuz they have the head ref has to sign off on it at the end so I guess there’s a story potentially that Walt only signed off on later balls because the balls were too broken in potentially

Oh which our Guy frog he what he does she was the best in the league we’re talking about sweating onto it using his sweat like from his head dropping onto it he come out of there drenched it’s like literally as he comes out a baby F

He was the best you saw him doing the quarterback balls week right unbelievable so how phenomenal commitment I was going to say cuz obviously the quarterback balls and the regular game balls you get to do ahead of time during the week why is K balls

Day up well so there was a kicker who put the ball uh they you know what is it abuse leads to restrictions okay so there used to be K balls there used to be quarterback balls and the K balls were beat to hell like they they you

Could bring your own K balls and as long as they had all the laces in line and they looked like a Duke you can do whatever you want I’ve heard stories of these glorious balls that they used to kick that were just like basically Aussie Rules Football balls are like

Rugby balls they’ve been beat up for 15 weeks at practice and in games those things are you got should be able to kick them why would they take that away from kickers why not let’s let’s give the kickers every opportunity to make it make kicks so I think what happened was

And I don’t I haven’t researched it enough but this is just like the known story I think Mitch berer I think was the name Mitch Berger shout out AB dog never got a ball Don’s dead I think it was either Mitch bger or somebody I forget maybe maybe Todd I don’t know

There was somebody in uh yeah that they were putting a ball in like the dryer okay they like found an extra thing but the ball was so fat and it was so dull there was something that took place where Brett Favre ended up having to

Throw it yeah so it was like it was it going to be a fuel goal was it not going to be a field goal and like the K ball ended up during an actual play and there was a big to-do like I think he threw a

Pick yeah there was a big there was a big to-do about it like it was a massive ordeal so then they regulated it allegedly like the next offseason they’re like brand new balls so then guys for like 3 years were kicking brand new balls right out of the box it would

Arrive at the game they would open it up out of the box and they would give it to the ref and then the ref would throw it to you for kickoff like that is how regular very happy I was not in those times yeah I would have not been

Mentally tough enough for that but then enough people bitched and then they got the 30 minute grace period to break these balls in as opposed to fresh out of the box and that just kind of became the kind of became the thing but yeah it all started with uh a very beat up

Broken in ball just making its way into an actual real play and then all hell broke lose which is always going to be the Case


  1. I used to kick balls for a pretty prominent NFL team. I actually loved an under inflated ball because I could get that outer skin to wrap completely around my foot and do will stufff with it. I love4 shanking right but giving it enough spin to come back and split the uprights. I like a little drama to my kicking game. During punts it was kind of fun to curve them so the returner doesn't know where it's going to land exactly. Loved it and I made my fair share of tackles too.

  2. Magnets in the Balls?? We know they exist so please don't pretend that it's so far-fetched. And the rules in place make it easier to manipulate games,which again if you pretend doesn't happen there is no intelligent convo to be had.

  3. Again the media is lost..the referees control inflation of game balls…but again as usual…its the Patriots even when they are bottom feeders….its a referee issue.

  4. $18.6 billion generated last year and they still can't find a chemist to explain how gases work. PV=nRT means pressure is a function of temperature. What an absolute joke this league is for making this a thing again.

  5. The Pats are the one's complaining about the under inflated balls so i hope the NFL does an investigation because i wouldn't be surprised if they are being framed

  6. After this conversation, it’s sad that the NFL treated Brady the way they did. Witch hunt. Jokes on them! He won 51, 53, & 55 afterwards

  7. Sounds like Pat is still salty from all the years and games that Brady and the Patriots dragged their balls up and down the foreheads of the Colts for years

  8. The Chiefs won though, so it was actually Mahomes who deflated the balls for a competitive advantage. Mahomes needs to have his reputation artificially and permanently tarnished for the rest of his life, be suspended for four games, and the Chiefs need to have their first round pick stripped because they were clearly cheating in this game. It’s obvious they’re cheaters.

  9. Again? They were never caught the first time. I mean show us the video of them doing it if they were caught. It was all "more likely than not" nonsense..

  10. Ok so if only 2 balls matter or are broke in y are guys screwing themselves by launching ball or giving it to kid after a TD? Seems stupid idk

  11. Why would the patriots organization even try and deflate balls, they are out of playoffs. Maybe someone is trying to sabotage the patriots out of their draft pick.

  12. The article I read said Pat's and Bellicheck were the ones complaining about the balls being under inflated. Butker said he didn't really notice and wouldn't use it as an excuse or made a difference…. and the NFL hadn't made a comment on it yet. So I'm not sure why people are giving the Patriots the blame.

    Just my thought as a Browns Fan who has Butker in his fantasy team….

  13. Both teams balls were underinflated but somehow with billicheats track history i automatically wonder if somehow billicheat is behind it.. this game couldve came down to a kick the way the chiefs have been playing and its fishy because of billicheats history of cheating. Why the patriots again? The question must be asked.

  14. the nfl holds the responsibility for ball inflation pre-game now…… so blame them, don't make it a Patriots thing just for clout

  15. The only balls that are under inflated are the ones laying on pats chin, who else is tired of listening to this clown? Unless you consider how his career is being deflated quicker than footballs, he’s failed at just about every job he’s had. But he sure seems to know a lot about the way balls should feel. What a loser.

  16. Bill needs to be FIRED!!!!! Bill wasn't punished the last time his team was caught spying a few years ago! Nor was Kraft punished for his tug.
    goodell Must be removed!!! Make football great again.

  17. New England is definitely not the coldest place in the NFL so that’s confusing for both deflate gates to be dubbed to cold temperatures

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