I Hit 100 Golf Balls With This New Wrist Angle and I’ll Be Using It FOREVER!

This angle creates the best feeling in golf pure ball striking with solid contact. It’s strange how affective this angle is, it works no matter your age or ability. Every golfer wants a golf lesson or golf tip that creates great contact, so you need this angle! We all think about the glove hand at the top of the backswing, I want you to lose that thought and focus all about the trail arm! This is for good reason! The angle is your trail wrist. When you understand how the trail wrist works in the golf swing, you’ll never flip at impact, and every single golfer wants this! The trail wrist is the gatekeeper to professional level ball striking. Pros know that it’s impossible to play great golf without this Angle, so let’s get you into this angle which FORCES You into Ridiculously Solid Contact With The Golf Bal! It just happens (FAST)
There’s no way you can play great golf without it. You’ll see why in this golf lesson.

I Hit 100 Golf Balls With This New Wrist Angle and I’ll Be Using It FOREVER!

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We all think about the glove hand at the top of the back swing or you’ve definitely had sensations of feeling that in order to try and get this club face somewhere near square but I want you to lose that thought I want you to focus on where your Trail hand is now

Think about this logically the reason why I’m saying this is most of us if we’re right-handed we’re right hand dominant if you’re left-handed you’re left hand dominant so we’re going to focus on your Trail hand so your right hand for right handed player and exactly

What position it has to be in at the top now this is going to improve your ball striking cuz simply it’s going to take your face on open to nice and strong and that means H in the go ball easier longer and more often now I put together

Here five steps for you to follow and you know by following each and every one of these steps and me talking it through this way it’s something that’s going to last in your game it’s not a flash in the pan it’s not going to happen then go

If you promise me you follow these five steps it will really improve your game now the first thing I want you to say is I want you to have a good blend of your grip now what I mean by a good blend it’s like we’re ringing out a towel we

Need equal and opposite forces in the same way so I always start and have a look at this in player cam with my Palms facing me and I ring my hands over to the point where both these creases start to run into our right shoulder ring it over

This is exactly the idea I have so I’m not too dominant in my right I’m not too dominant in my left Point number one is just feel that nice blend really feel that nice blend now Point number two before I tell you this right I I followed this exact same process with

Four different students just last week one of them was Susan one of them was Kev one of them was John one of them was Tom right and all of them came to me the idea of trying to square this club face at the top but they’ve been so focused

On this wrist and they had it some days and then it went others but this really made it last so the drill is point number two is get a TEEG and place it between the thumb okay of your first finger on your right hand so your your bottom hand on

The golf club so if you’re left-handed this would just be your left hand you’re right-handed this is your right hand I saw actually a lot of comments of people saying Alex make sure you mention us left-handers so here you go I’m trying my best to not get this modled and

Mention you left handers we’re already on to point number three in this video so we take our grip again with equal and opposite forces and we’ve got that teg in there what you’ve got to be able to do here is make three yes three practice swings in a row where you achieve this

If you do two and then you lose it you need to promise me you go back and make three again it’s really important that you’re able to establish this position with three in a row before you even think about taking a shot okay so what I’m looking for and I’ll show you this

From a great view is at the top of the back swing the teg to feel like it’s pointing more over your head if it points down into your right shoulder this means you’re very very CED so we got to be able to make three swings where we go boom pause check more over

My head pause check more over my head so let me show the importance of this if I hold this up here and you can see my club head now we’ve got a nice neutral grip if my right wrist gets more extended if my right wrist Moves In This fashion and my

Left wrist gets very CED you can see my club face opens and my teg points into my shoulder if I get it more pointing over my head if they’re up here my club face now is a lot stronger and even maybe possibly slightly closed which I

Actually don’t think is a bad thing for a lot of golfers so understand the relationship between the teg more at the shoulder weaker more open more over the head stronger so for Point don’t fall over this Alex for Point number three want you to make three practice swings

Where you feel the teg points over your head so I really feel like I’m educating your hands now with this teg so you’ve now got to go onto stage number four where after you’ve hit let’s say three shots away you you’re comfortable enough to go you know what I’m going to check

It out here and following this process the way I’m establishing it now with you and showing you it will really give you a good idea of how you make this last so every three shots right you’re going to hit three shots away with that exact same feeling look at that fly and then

You’re going to stand over the golf ball and you’re going to really go right pause don’t move your wrists check if it’s more your shoulder you know you got to feel this right wrist is more under the golf club not on the side more under not on the side to really get the

Understanding of a much stronger and squarer Club face I would also say at stage number four I was getting a little carried away there because I’ve done this a few times but what I said to my four students was come on let’s do this at like 50% speed give yourself a chance

When you’re trying to learn something new we’ve got to take a little bit of speed out okay stage number five is just where you’re going to be hopeful a little bit more comfortable and give me a little bit more normal speed if we can but please promise me this if you start

Hitting them and you’re losing it go back to 50% speed with the TEEG in there that is the best way I can promise you we’re going to make long lasting changes to your golf swing on some simple golf tips down here on the channel so the whole whole idea of

Today’s video is getting that angle at the top where we’re stronger we’re squarer we’re not weak and we’re not open and that’s really vital if we want to improve our ball striking thanks so much for watching and don’t forget to subscribe the channel for free simple golf tips


  1. I'm continually amazed by the wealth of knowledge on display in this thread. It's like having access to a virtual encyclopedia.💕

  2. One of your best videos Alex. This trains feelings instead of positions. Feelings is what makes you learn, not positions!

  3. …just realised, because of the focus on the tee, that my hands aren’t high enough. To get there I have to rotate and twist more which in return should produce a more powerful swing…using with it the throwing action and front hip backward videos. Clearly I need to get to the range but really can see how these come together 😮 – fingers crossed

  4. I am gettin too cofused
    Can youplease provide a chart with wrist positions, one for Left,one for right wrist, at A address, B take away, C top of back swing , D at impact , E at follow through
    4 Positions are 1 cupped , 2 straight or flat, 3 bent, 4 cocked (thumb up)

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