Golf Babe

🚨 [New] Police Interceptors 2024 πŸš” S21E10 πŸš” Golf Speeding at 90mph in Bradford πŸš”πŸš” Traffic COPS

🚨 [New] Police Interceptors 2024 πŸš” S21E10 πŸš” Golf Speeding at 90mph in Bradford πŸš”πŸš” Traffic COPS

We stood at the gate with a kitchen knife saying he’s going to stab police crime is on the rise armed with a axe and a machete trying to break into two separate houses but cometh the hour unit cometh the interceptors get FL out and running out and running we’re riding with West yorkshire’s

Elite alongside their Pursuit drivers contact contact s on target with their Firearms unit where your in the air with their eye in the sky off and running off and running this is the front line in the fight against Crime get on the floor get on the ground get on the

Ground this is police interceptors It’s Just Another Day in Paradise we’ve got a BMW 3 Series Bing St coming up speed now 9 interceptors going to overdrive pursuing a nicked high performance car two we’ve got Runners pinched in the iron grip of the pit team your face down now

And vehicle St ad reaps the rewards of a five-star sting I have a chle Chups L it but it has to be Coca-Cola [Applause] [Applause] flavor show on R come on S we need to go it’s night shift o’ I’m here and Sergeant Sophie is late for a date with a runaway driver ready ad gets his toe down to join a pursuit in Wakefield there’s L unit is behind a vehicle that’s failing to stop we’ll head to WS area to assist with uh basically the Tactical phase of hopefully bringing to a safe conclusion 8 Miles Away The Runaways already snagged a pack of pursuing interceptors the black on the Civic came

Pass with no lights off tried to flash him to put them on and took off we Bley road heading away from Whitefield ad and the sge had your plan well let go over at Bridge and go right on barsley road that’ll take us down towards uh J Lane

Yes way down that way they need to get into position with a stinger to take the wind out of his cils before someone’s hurt to 7 mph mirror signal maneuver he’s read the highway code we taking a left off Bary Road bit of a uh track but also the big

Book of bad boy driving chapter one take them onto rural roads chapter two bully passed oncoming cars and chapter four Crossroads what crossroads gone there straight ahead towards old Ryon he’s going like a bat out of hell in Pitch Black speed uh 90 mph which makes his next move the dimmest of

All five is um turned his lights Out lights out and high risk this driver is trying everything to shake off interceptors on the ground but with a bird’s eye view from 1,000 ft I think Prof 3 yet we’re just going on now there’s no escape from the eye in the sky it’s gone Straight Ahead Direction h

This bright spark is now on borrowed time you like right right right confirming right right right Kit Lane back towards W field and now yeah we might be against s I’m not sure if it come back to trying to get back TOA Chev Lan on Chev Lane

The plan worked the driver is hurtling towards ad and Sophie head on just coming around the cor cross speed hour 44 with Chev Lane Jun B with singer site it’s a race to lay the spikes before the target gets past them still continuing down trevet Lane towards

Barley Road speed is 7 mph in a the high tailing Honda is careering towards them at over double the speed limit is it a black golf 44 you coming toward distri say what vehicle is again the black Civic is going to come out 3 hour about 10 seconds yeah we’ve

Got to S aside the Trap is set 22 we’re going to head toward B down region in Wakefield a light out Honda is refusing to Stop he’s running other cars off the road 4 five is um turned his lights out but he can’t outrun the interceptors on the ground or in the sky speed is 70 milph in a 30 and he’s heading straight for 96 spikes thrown on the road by

0 he’s going to come out 3 hours in about about 10 seconds yeah we’ve got incoming 3 2 1 it’s been stung confirm it’s been Stung bang direct hit both front tires are punctured vehicle St I’m going going right right right he the wrong side of the carriageway right let’s get back it car I think he’s looking to get back across stand by and we are out and running that’s good thing

Perfect where’s it gone around right up there it must have been on must have car on up here most of them now going to keep it coming the fleet footed driver scales a high fence and legs it into school Playing Fields but the passenger isn’t quite as

Nimble Sophie and AD are quick to join the chase beautiful as the driver reaches the trees his flat footed mate is nicked going away from here behind your back now yes in corner of this compound they’ve got one down one to go but catching him won’t be so

Simple the second M over the 6ot Ben in front of [Applause] Me the driver has gone to ground 31 there yeah we uh we followed that one we lost him on the trees how do we get over this fence get up can you get over no no cuz it’s by up top can dog can dog get over

No the spiky fence is too high for the police dog but Tai boxing champion Sophie known in the ring as big dog isn’t going to let a six- foot fence defeat her be careful sge just watch out for them on your facee hold on you got

It got it which way is he gone going straight on delicately navigating a less spiky gate it’s time for hide and seek in the schoolyard that officer who who’s just made over the fence keep going along the fence line keep going big dogs on the hunt keep going right

Then yeah keep going that way the trees and that sort of shrubber is where we’ve lost him we can’t see into those trees so he’s around that area somewhere lost him in those trees there where they’ve spotted him stay there fella all right put your on your back we’ll get dog

Out back as well we’ got him the dangerous driver nicked in a playground is just 16 years old soon the rest the motor vehicle fin stop at this time all right PR in the bag the next challenge is to get him back over the railings we need some officers to come

And assist us getting him over at fence banged up for a stretch Behind Bars there’s time to reflect on ad’s AAR sting you not see the sting was perfect absolutely bang on they don’t do a badge anymore get another badge I think we’ll get you a badge for that I want a badge

For that yeah I think you need a badge for that that would I’ll have a CH chup slly but has to be Coca-Cola flavor cooc Coca-Cola flavor chup chup SL just uh stand back for us cuz there’s a bit of pressure with this they can’t get hold of the keys but Interceptor Hardware

Opens many doors and schools out kids beautiful thank you very much the teenage runaways will be treated to a sleepover in the cells before they head back to the Nick there’s just enough time for ad to admire his handiwork very happy we’ve loed up managed to sting both front

Wheels as you can see they’re both completely deflated as a result it’s brought the pursuit to a conclusion less than a half a kilometer from where we stung it so very happy with that going to go have a nice coffee now celebrate like it the teenage Joy rider was convicted

Of stealing the car and dangerous driving he was banned from the roads for a year and referred to the youth offending team for 12 months no further action was taken against his Slow Coach passenger see you later oh look at that oh that’s awesome Sergeant looking after me she’s going

And got me a chub Chups Lolly as requested I don’t look out like KJ this what an Interceptor doesn’t know about cars isn’t worth knowing oh you got slow you be going fast over those ples don’t exist you say the plates don’t exist and when something doesn’t ring true cuz the number of

Plates that are on it are not the true identity of the car that’s not my problem right they’re masters of weeding out lies please don’t treat like morons no that’s what you said I ask what your name is do you have a license Cassie no I don’t

Right that’s what we’re getting at right oh my God an undercover unit from the proactive intercept team or pit team for short are lying low in Bradford and they’ve clocked an apparently dodgy driver through their rear window time to have a word the suspect Audi winds through the back streets then flaws

It the pit Team hunting packs stand by got an Audi A5 roadford and Steph and Harry are only a few streets away towards Road toward where North North Cliff Road stand by with the lead car on its tail the reckless driver hammers through narrow streets while kids play at the

Roadside but he’s got himself into a tight spot the route ahead is blocked by an ambulance we’re in the back alley now it’s got diversal lights on May look to rammers stand by thinking better of a reverse Ram got bail out be right on foot he eventually

Takes his chances on foot two two we’ve got Runners Harry and St are nearby where are you mate where are you I don’t know where they are they need to find the runner fast as Chas I got SEC back there GPS built into the cops radio and a

Healthy dose of local knowledge works at treat got bridgew placeit to assist Bridge backet we coming to you mate I’m sure they find we just go right go right they’re closing in there there 899 TP on here mate 3 I’m with him it your first down now get your first down now

Oh one runaway driver I could get coms in cuffs but he seems to have a short memory you made off in the car you run away you’re looking at the scar things yeah lie on the ground on the side and stay there are you can’t breathe on your side

On all that not making off can get you out of breath what do you want from car plate there’s an all saying mate yeah can’t out run the Thunder yeah yeah okay mate which one there’s a mixed bag of number plates in his car Harry and the team take the

Driver petol head Steph gives the iffy Audi the once over and something doesn’t add up got to check under there as well no they have a build sticker don’t they there you go mate we’re looking for that’s a different one that’s a different one yeah when cars leave the factory they’re

Issued with a build sticker which shows the motor’s unique VIN number the VIN number steps found in the boot doesn’t match the ones in the window or engine bay so Steph asks control to run a check the Crowds Are Gathering and the results are in St we’ve checked that out and we’ve

Discovered this vehicle is an outstanding stolen vehicle you’ve got to know your cars and where to locate other VIN numbers so all in all for us a good result cuz we’ve got one male detained after a short foot chase as well right C cool who’s driving it yeah cool yeah yeah absolutely cheers

M good J you can see how busy it is all the [Β __Β ] about young kids no regard for it safety members at public it’s disgusting really there’s no injuries to anyone so it’s a good job he’s on his way to custody now will be interviewed unable to outrun the Thunder

Head first down now get first down now The Runaway driver has been charged with driving without due care and attention and no insurance he was not implicated in the theft of the car so faced no legal Action coming up properly you know you about a drugged up driver in denial right you’re under arrest Drive fit okay yes you are yes you are trust me you are and a shoot why is that G oh no cop car Krypton factor with Warren and Aiden this driver’s license just blown off the

Hell do we get into that get C interceptors like Chris Harding and Chris bastau are well vered in the Perils of pursuit 61 Chas down toward south Road they’ve been a crime fighting Duo slowly walk towards me I’m down you for the Last 5 Years cover in

Blood you’ve got to trust your driver haven’t you yeah and have confidence in your car these cars are designed and will do 150 and more without any issues so you just need to have confidence in that treat car respect and you’ll be fine today it’s basto in the saddle of

Their trusty Steed the BMW 330 but that’s not the only fast Beamer on the streets of coft a driver in a high performance Beamer has clocked the boys and booted it is going might have a car going here in SE craft hold on to your hats C let Go x-ray far one we’ve got a BMW 3 Series failing stop speed is approximately 90 mph this driver clearly has something to hide fleeing so fast which way which way the Chris is are left chasing Shadows yes yes it’s a left left left onto Old York Road we just uh through

Red lights near to Tesco Chris’s training gives him the edge and he quickly closes the gap on The Runaway still safe to continue speed 70 North Parkway towards K Avenue the dicey driver has a close call undertaking at 70 mph round about with Avenue straight over then plowing headlong into a

Roundabout continuation toward South Parkway he’s a [Β __Β ] paper away from a side on Smash but the near Miss hasn’t slowed him down Chris is pushing the 330 to the Limit speed is now 9 M hour a life-threatening game of chance on the wrong way roulette wheel oh one it’s wrong way

Roundabouts and then he makes for the narrow back Streets Keep Calm deep breath and trust your spidey sense Chris 46 is a right right around to Pigeon coat Road speed is 5 it’s gone the wrong way down North p way the road’s blocked time to think fast fancy footwork and local knowledge

Are the order of the day and if we going towards Bill Drive which way which Way despite a Little Help from the public is it this way the reckless driver goes to ground they keep up the hunt for the stolen car but this game of beamer versus Beamer has taken its toll got this castings that is a mixture of clutch clutch Breck tires sweat yeah just a bit

Of everything really it’s we’ve had to work gu extremely hard to keep up with him it was either what is a two series 135i or 140i which are 3 l petrol twin turbos they’re extremely quick cars so the trail might have gone cold but the same can’t be said for that

Car the brakes are smoking we’ll pop it in for a safety check I think think before they head back they go for one last look around the neighborhood could he have gone in here I think he’s gone straight back the highspeed pursuit is the Talk of the

Town yeah yeah we’re just looking for the car that’s all sorry to hold you it’s not all you don’t a cup of tea or a beer or anything I got for a second one while working thank you very much could do with bucket of water for them

Brakes you know what it’ be a good result just to get the car yeah and as if by Magic there is what’s that the BMW appears that’s it yeah this Pursuit um with f vehicle can I check chassis With You High powerered cars like this are often stolen and used by organized crime

Gangs and surprise surprise yeah I’ve got he one showing outstanding stolen from last year actually uh Tak a bur from Le area happy days it’s going to get recovered and it’s been outstanding stolen for nearly a year so I think it’s a good result all in

All a search of the stolen speed wagon turns up classic car thief booty are they original plates 65 no a set of dodgy plates any more Chris oh hang on what these Ones are they original ones no no it’s a good result is it it is a good result yeah it’s another stolen car Offroad so I’m happy it’s another car they’re using quite clearly to either commit crime or deal drugs so we’re taking car off them and it’s a fast car

So the one car down they’ll have to get a micro Smit next yeah the Nyx motor was recovered and handed back to the insurance company the hunt for the driver is still Ongoing over 79,000 motorists in the UK were caught driving without insurance last year finding the right policy can be a tricky business and it always pays to read the small Print bringing A Little Night Music to fagley whistling Warren Pickard is behind the wheel alongside captive audience Aiden Cullen oh oh yeah no insurance do it got no insance Insurance Warren tunefully lights him up we know it’s got no insurance link on PNC W’s musical talents No No Limits here it comes

Up here how you doing all right I’m good yeah my uncle’s at to lend me his car okay and this is his car yeah this is his car handing over his driver’s license the lad tells War he’s on his way to work but hasn’t had much luck

Recently my car got stolen in white and it were in a crash or it’s in an impound at the moment I got to go collect it today so my uncle said I can borrow his car to get to work okay which um I’m fully G but not only has his car been nicked

He may not be insured to drive this one and I’m sure that that would be the case however the third party entitlement will only cover you if that car’s insured and the reason we stopped you is that’s showing no insurance oh well my uncles’s told me that that is insured in his

Name whether his uncle’s insured the car or not Aiden’s found a problem in the driver’s policy your insurance policy says allowed to drive other vehicles no no so you noted anyway not not every insurance policy will cover you just because you’re full of comp it’s it’s a an old school myth

Almost he’s fully comp but not fully insured to drive this motor so the car from Uncle will be seized and they say bad things happen in threes ah shoot where is that G oh no big gust of wind then oh no hold up that’s why you need to get in car

Usually see if I can find it um those driver license is just blown off is that it there see how the hell do we get into that try insult to injury from nowhere a big gust of window is B throat window it’s picked up his driver’s license and

Shoved it down wind screen on Dashboard howl is that oh No I I’m thinking that you have to take the the wind screen out to get to it brilliant SS on that it’s a thir first and they don’t have the first clue what to do about it and I need that picture ID to get my the X5 has eaten his license kind of

Feel sorry for a [Β __Β ] I he’s devastated his lad he seems a nice kid as well as recovery arrived to seize uncle’s uninsured car wers got a plan for the nephew to retrieve his from the pound morning we’ve got a bit of a situation bit of a situation this lad’s coming to

Your compound today to get a car we’ve lost his driver’s license can you take a photograph of that young man what’s happened to Ben they can look at for go yeah it’s same guy pH ID we happy cops us are confirming he is or he’s telling you he

Is after sending a photo to the recovery yard cool right that’s done with an Interceptor seal of approval we got key aen have we lost that as well go make Jump they offer to give the stranded driver a lift you thought you were insured and then try to insult to injuries but your cops lose your License the moral of this story always read the small print The Unlucky lad was f300 for driving without insurance and got six points on his license which was eventually rescued from the belly of the Beamer by a dab hand mechanic to see you that’s a one in a million chance

That I couldn’t do that again if I have Tried generally most MERS of the public are absolutely fine with us in fact they quite like having us around uh but people that tend to go on the wrong wrong side of the law um yeah they they they don’t really like us do they some are like little kids

It’s like when you tell them no while they don’t get their own way it’s like to stamp the feet shout and ball a little bit especially when they got the mates about can get some more units down here please getting some attention locals responding to a job on the hurry

Up are interceptors Shane Kenny and Sam liser they’re on route to help another cop in leads who stopped a car that was being driven erratically some of the passengers have run off but the driver has been colored ch no sooner have they arrived on Scene someone else does a runner Sam’s out of the car at lightning speed your 4 CH he Street 4 on your lost lost on several place my got blown out I there’s no time to worry about the ones that got away look about to see if Shane’s all

Right fellow Interceptor gabs got the driver by the dungarees and suspects he’s been drinking take a deep breath and blow see your lips please first nice and steady do it properly you’re not I’m doing it what you on the about you’re not blowing properly the driver’s not playing ball right you’re rest driving

Don’t fit okay yes you are yes you are trust me you are no what you you get in get in I’m getting in man get in whatever try and kick me try and kick me c big up it’s not just a suspect playing up injury clear rip L just giv a better with

Please turn himself a traffic officer could drive to save his life while street performers Trot out frankly weak material gav goes back to the breathalyzer nice and steady the legal limit is 35 thank you thank you stop there we go thank you well done he’s blown

43 right you’re under rest of driving a Mot vehicle whil over the prescribed limit there we go we’ve just changed it from unfit to gav’s already found a small bag of tablets in the driver’s door but the car is otherwise clean whatever we’re in there is going to have that straight

Now the driver may have more than booze in his blood so gav does a drugs wipe thank you now stick your tongue out stick your tongue out please you’re not sticking it out oh see stick your tongue out no you’re failing to cooperate with a drug no stick your tongue out no leave

It out yeah when West with a little saliva there we go the wipe detects cocaine or cannabis in 8 minutes yeah he’s locked up at over prescrib limit possession of drugs and um soon to be like drug driving with looks as well it’s a full house the roadside test

Indicates he’s positive for cocaine and cannabis still to come okay come at custody G’s got a tough question for the drugged up driver do you agree to provide two specimens of breath for analysis you want to say that I never got that and manage another driver’s got the wrong

End of the stick about their insurance when you say you rent it from him did he tell you that you’re insured yeah he said it’s insured in his D it’s I know That in leads gavs arrested a driver for both drink and Drug driving right you Restless driving fit okay yes you are yes you are trust me you are now back at custody gabs taking a closer look at the evidence inside his driver’s door has been a a little bag containing six P

Tablets um believe the possibly ecstasy I initially made comments at the Viagra but it also get sent off for testing as well all right come all drivers who test positive for drink or drugs at the roadside are given a second evidential test of custody with a little bit of cooperation

He’ll be tested and tucked up in a Cell in no time do you agree to provide two specimens of breath for analysis you want to say that again mate I never got that have you in the last 20 minutes consumed any alcohol been used any mouth spray no used any mouth wash

No just Al got heing problems drug driving can lead to six months behind bars what um test you’ve heard what I’ve said you’ve understood everything I’ve said I’m not going to be messing about anymore okay are you going to give a blood sample or not but this charma is

More concerned about gav intercepting his cting all wanted to go do is sh some lasses just hopefully ladies will wait for you the breathalizer machine is on the blink so blood samples are taken to test for both alcohol and drugs and the driver is finally shown to his sou enjoy your own sweet

Oh I’ve been doing it 12 years now and I’d love for somebody to come along and say something original but they never do um same old same old he’s just trying to play it on and drag it out for as long as he can only time we’ll tell with this blood

Test and I’ve got no doubt it’ll be over gav wasn’t wrong blood analysis showed the driver was under the influence of ecstasy and cannabis and the pink pills found in his car were ecstasy for drug driving in possession of a Class A drug he was banned from the roads for 22

Months and ordered to do 40 hours of unpaid work no action was taken against him for drink driving in a suburb east of leads he’s got a dent don’t like DS interceptors ad and Chris are quietly tailing a white Astra Van car just caught his eye it’s got a

Break light out it looks a bit of a a shed to be polite it’s not well looked after so we’re just going to stop it have a look at it do relevant checks and see where we come van man’s shed has clearly seen better days he won’t be out

Running them in fact oh perfect he’s helpfully stopped his shed at the side of the road ad’s seen his fair share of dodgy fans how we doing all right is it your motor but at nearly 80 years old this veteran roofer isn’t your average white van man

Man struggle ladders if you can’t get out a car all right are you R for a su yeah hey that’s we going to struggle getting up them LS jumping here then we’re not going to get it by any cars be raining by the time we get up there

Jump ad was once a hot shot mechanic for harleydavidson and the dicky tail light really grinds his gears when you look at this car we’ve stopped it because you’ve got a brake light out yeah and then obviously there’s that bit hanging off the back you said it’s

Your M mot yeah yeah I rent him 15 good a day rent it when you say rent it from him did he tell you that you’re insured yeah he said it’s insured in his D it’s no I know that it’s a story The interceptors hear all too

Often the insurance that we can see would not cover you to drive it because it doesn’t cover it if it’s rented what about my insurance on car I’m sure to dve any other vehicle with other people’s permission what’s your car uh the elderly driver insists his own

Personal policy will cover him to drive his mate’s van it’s a 54 P somewh he can’t remember the regge so in his hour of need he turns to his wife for support second but I need to know can you go and look at car number the car registration number car

This will take some explaining I’m setting a police car which Old Gentleman and the uh want uh you know Insurance me to drive other people’s mot anyway just go get number at car please how long you been married there are many secrets to a long and happy marriage

Bless should be woring now watch you communication commitment and most of all honesty sh that again the roofer’s wife has had another look at the documents and he seems to have got his wires crossed he’s only a named driver on her insurance policy yeah I know but it’s not the news

He was hoping for hades’s got the job of explaining the finer details so yes you’re a name driver as a named driver you don’t have third party entitlement to drive on the vehicles only the policy so unfortunately I have to agree with your all last it sounds like an honest

Mistake but unfortunately the law is the law and by it sounds of it this guy is completely fidget wrong information but unfortunately as you as the driver your responsibility skates can uh we arrange recovery for a vehicle please no insurance details in ready the van is

Being seized and the mate to hired it to him will have to collect it from the pound so just have a good chat with him because it’s un you was going to get the points but since he’s now free to go the dedicated roofer decides to crack on

With his shift get your LS down from up up on roof to get mov stuff don’t you be looking out heavy out of there hey you all right expect that I I think he generally thought he Rec covered I feel sorry for him but at end of the day that’s life we

All have to pay insurance um age is not a defense driving without insurance earned him eight points and a fine but that will be the least of his worries once he’s back under his own roof his wife didn’t sound to pleas up for did she sure human she knew she knew

Answer she’s a woman she knows answer don’t she never wrong never wrong he stood at the gate with a kitchen knife saying he’s going to stab police crime is on the rise armed with a ax and the machete trying to break into two separate houses but cometh the hour unit un cometh the

Interceptors get on the floor out and running out and running we’re riding with West yorkshire’s Elite alongside their Pursuit drivers contact contact s on target with their firearms unit your in the air with their eye in the sky often running off and running this is the front line in the

Fight against Crime get on the CL get on the ground get on the [Applause] ground this is police interceptors It’s Just Another Day in Paradise coming up can we get a singer out please sing it Harry pops his Stinger Cherry now Justice is served for a hit and run

Driver she’s driven off Shan going off police station even if she reports it morning she’s still getting smashed for this it’s apping and the game of P the parcel ends with a suspect present for the interceptors what’s in hand [Applause] training new blood is a vital part of the job teaching rookie Matt Graham the way of the Interceptor tonight is Sensei Bob hoil right then let’s see what we can get the apprenticeship starts immediately do the duo join an ongoing pursuit of a runaway golf we don’t know what reason why it’s

Failed to stop for a moment in time um it seems like a routine checking decided uh not to stop yes you it’s currently just sort of residential Road at the moment not been able to get over s 50 mph The Runaway Golf TDI is doing laps like it’s at

Leon yeah he’s just doing Loops of this um sort of State go right but eventually heads out towards the main roads via a t Junction which he navigates like a toddler With blue lights in his rear view the smart move would be to pull up but he gets his toe down and tries something more terrifying right right towards Poe he has G side the right his next trick overtaking on a blind Bend side of bards continue currently

Doing 70 mil hour 70 turns to 80 and it’s getting tense dodgy swerve to the right to hide from a speed camera that speed camera it’s a mad maneuver but he might hope to avoid being ided on Camera and the camera shy kamakazi keeps it up veering all over the road to dodge being flashed he’s all over the shop pushing almost 90 in a 30 limit thankfully it’s early in the morning and the traffic is Light the suspect driver continues to push his look z a quick test of the golf Springs Before he hangs a left into the back streets the suspect’s treating his hatchback like a bumper car I think back alley SC road again go um he colliding with a park vehicle whether he’s going to look for a the golf hits the car on the corner collides

With a wheelie bin um he colliding with a pack and completes the hattick by bashing the Range Rover on the way out right he’s activated the idiot’s cloaking device but turning your lights off as the sun comes up isn’t exactly a criminal Master stroke don’t whether

He’s going to look for the de around here runaway drivers often return to areas they are familiar with to dump run it looks like the suspect driver knows his way around these narrow alleys and it’s back gton road the golf hangs a right the interceptors try to head him off for the

Bottom yes yes but the golf doesn’t reappear they’ve lost sight of him the cops flood the area I only think CU we following through and eventually locate the Golf please yeah 5 Z we’ve got the vehicle V2 uniforms but not the bloke who was driving it same two Lads up there Bob

And rookie Matt are on scene and clock two Lads walking near nearby SC budy where have you come From say again walk my car the lad says he was out for a stroll while another unit deals with his mate Matt leads the dawn Rambler to the car for questioning where about have you come from went for a walk all right take your hands out your pocket to me you got no

Keys on your all that search me up I just going for a walk I swear to God I just G for a walk why you called then you R up you’re absolutely R up and hot stuff is a familiar face to recently arrived Interceptor CLA gray oh hello

You know you see me yesterday I live yesterday we’re driving from a yesterday it seems he had a running with CLA yesterday and has been out of the police sales for just over 24 hours but he’s still denying being in the Gulf I just come on my hor for a walk

Now rookie Matt can’t prove who was in The Runaway car let alone idea driver so the Young Apprentice seeks words of wisdom from the Sensei Bob has that lad said where he’s come from no what’s he saying he said he’s just been for a walk there’s no evidence they

Were in the car so both suspects are released go put your on in I promise you com and knocking on your door I promise for get knock take every year but the spirited rookie has mastered the art of patience giving the area a final sweep he’s drawn to a makeshift Curtain which seems to be hiding something iffy come out what are you doing in there busted come out now come out and show me your hands sh get your hands out your pocket and come out now move could this be their missing driver get out now get out show me your run and

Get out Bob Hoy and rookie Matt grahe are after the driver of a white golf side of B the bloke is driven at crazy speeds something you currently 70 mil hour no concern for anyone’s safety go through he collided with a park and managed to lose the cops we’ve lost It but the interceptors have located the abandoned car a bit and rookie Matt has clocked someone lurking behind a makeshift curtain near the dumped golf come out what you doing in there come out now come out and show me your hand show get your hands out your pocket and come out now

Move come out now get out now get out show me your R and get out give me that hand it’s curtains for you my friend Matt takes the lead and asks the obvious what you doing stood in there F you mean nothing officer nothing officer yeah this morning timebody you

Detain for search section up P all right okay you’re riding just where Vehicles just been dumped after a Pursuit you got one you shouldn’t have oh no have you just run from that car on there uh no no the man denies involvement but they found a potentially

Crucial bit of evidence in his hidey ho would you uh like the honors is that where he was yeah we there right okay like the honors one car key he might deny all knowledge of the key smells as well smells boo right buing as well but he’s nicked this

Moment in time you’re arrest on suspicion of dangerous driving and failed to stop for police a quick check reveals the key fits the golf and Matt breath alizes him keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going right you keep stopping at that very important part you’re not

Out of breath so cut the rubbish out I give you one last shot and you’ll be locked up overwise you understand look one oh you don’t understand about it no right go last chance keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going come there we go thank you he’s blown

Over they also find Cannabis in the car it’s been an excellent bit of work by the rookie you get got Instinct really let’s have a look around here and I don’t know it just brings you around here it’s nice little place to hi nice little place to duck away and when you

Got a nice curtain well carpet dropped over a door it’s a bit odding it’s good and top marks from his teacher I think it’s brilliant that good hiding place but we knew it w going to be far away didn’t we yeah Keys as well bonus yeah brilliant good

Job The Runaway golf was suspected to be a pool car used by criminals and taken off the road the curtain twitcher found near the key admitted to being in the golf but they couldn’t prove he was driving he got a community resolution order for possession of cannabis now action was taken against

The other two Lads there’s no time to rest for Matt and Bob as the stakes on their next job couldn’t be higher received thank you do we know if she’s on the correct side at Bridge received thank you details are coming in of a suspected suicide attempt we’re just going to report

Moment of a female at seen stradlin side ofone at Bridges just a little bit further on just hearts in M for junction 25 um where is making our way just in case we need to look at putting a full closure up Motorway Network um but it’s also s of units going uh highways

England have also turned out and arrived and they’ve located a female um she’s on the correct side at bridge but she’s just not playing ball them at the moment so just going to go give him an hand uh and see if we can assist with all with

Suicide rates up nearly 12% in the UK last year interceptors are trained to deal with such situations Al need a little bit of help don’t you so we’ll see if we can give that a little bit of support they reached the scene to find a running car parked

Nearby and the lady sitting down at the roadside who is spooked by their arrival oh [Β __Β ] Matt leaps into action to assist this clearly distressed individual don’t don’t do oxat just stay there for me all right the rookies Chief concern is to get her away from the

Railings come s I’m not going to come any closer to you than you are just stay there for me what’s your name go on telly name listen I’m not going to go any further to you then what you are to me all right I promise you I’ll stay here

You just stay there for me sit down sit down having diffused the initial dangers Matt tries to get to the bottom of the situation what’s brought you up here I don’t want to leave anymore why while Matt deals with the lady bob also considers the risk posed to

Others uh sitting back down again she is distressed uh it might be that we get another unit to easn West just to in case we have to close this Carriage Way Matt has managed to persuade her to the safety of the police car sit in my car

Come on have a car what’s your name come on come sit in my car Where are you from she an ability to empathize is a key skill in these sensitive situations and the rookie is handling it well let come up here it means you’re in a [Β __Β ] state of mind and I can promise you you’re not the only one that in this world that’s

In a [Β __Β ] time and just that bit his part a bit of help is what you need sorry listen you have not caused it inconvenience whatsoever I’d rather be dealing with you up here giving you that help you need and support even if it’s just for a 10-minute chat and get your

On back on track more experienced officers arrive but Matt continues to lead you do not have to apologize us at all today all right I want rather sat here talking to you who’s clearly a decent lass with a clear clearly decent family a decent job then dealing with

Some n to sat in Bradford all right and I promise you that interceptors are trained not only to deal with the immediate situation but also get people the future help they need you need that bit of support that’s that’s what we’ll give you all you need is that little bit of

Help we’re not see to lock folk up and give them [Β __Β ] or out like that we join to help people like yourself need that little bit of support and that little bit advice having calmed her down matt moves to plan her support what I want to do with you is

Get you some support today all right and I don’t care how long that takes us and I don’t care if you have to take you miles and miles away but you just to talk and get that bit of support I promise you we’ve all been there no

Matter how old we are where you are in life come on you come to Michael’s car got this car the lady will be taken to the station and referred onto the appropriate support I’m going to drive your car back to police station W all right going you colleagues we’ll get her back station

We’ll get warmed up get her a despite it being Matt’s first such incident he’s deal with it like a seasoned Interceptor just talking to her for a little bit she’s clearly lovely lady got a lovely family behind her but she’s goinging for really badge patch in life

And she thought the best result would be to end her life really she’s here today and she’s going to accept that support just talking to n next last 10 minutes and she’s a love last got a good business got a good life and which just in that bad time at the moment but

Things will change for her she got support need today you don’t always want the car chase and stuff like that as much as that fun just helping someone who needs that bit of half an hour support and it goes a long way and it’s good good [Applause]

Job over the last four years hit and runs on the UK’s roads have increased by over 45% with many Road users still unaware that it’s a legal requirement to report any road traffic collision here we go interceptors Warren Pickard and Dave long are on patrol when news comes in of a hit and

Run at a petrol station I believe there’s a job that you’ve just gone to uh that may require us knock down um this guy is is knocking on a quite elderly but it’s not no of him alarm Bell start ringing when you tell me his elderly how old are we

Talking uh he 8 8 okay mate uh we’re coming over although the officer on scene reports the victim is okay given his age the interceptors aren’t taking any chances it’s like any job you learn from experience it’s okay for them to say yeah he’s fine we need to go there speak

With paramedics have a look at the mechanics of it where he’s being hit as he Fallen took FL he banged his head because the guy may feel fine now but a lot of that’s due to Adrenaline more than anything else else he might not feel fine in 2 hours and in 4 hours

Worst case scenario he could be dead off duty this ex spark is all about his family and even manages to run a youth footy team with his wife my grandparents are in their 80s and if they got knocked down I would like the best people to turn up to look

Look after them we the experts where the ones that deal with this you know day in day out when required um and it’s like anything else you want the right people turning up for the right job and that’s us they arrive on scene we go find out what’s

Going on first Port of Call the potentially injured party who’s been treated in the ambulance where have you been tonight black Bing L for a couple of drinks all right um how much have you had to drink if you don’t mind me ask three p three pints all right enjoy them yeah it’s

Good be yeah good stuff all right okay just explain to me what happened I was on my way home right okay I sought a glance to my right and there was this white car coming towards me yeah it didn’t stop it it um he knocked

Me down yeah right okay did you see what the car did afterwards No he might not have seen what happened but the garage CCTV did there he is there’s our guy the man is walking across the garage entrance when the Audi pulls in and knocks him over oh it’s a yeah it’s quite a minor impact very minor yeah she knows there’s some

Passenger seat as well most people will be out of the car like a shot but driver and passenger have other ideas that’s shocking as onlookers tend to the elderly man a passing motorist turns around and follows the Audi oh the this is the young lady that came to

Help oh yeah he’s off after now yeah brilliant the Good Samaritan tailed The Runaway Audi round the corner but the driver parked up and lagged it Warren and Dave are on the case so now we we’re going to try and find the audit that failed to stop which apparently has been pked somewhere

Around here and there it is the driver of the Audi may have scarped but its passenger Hasn’t noran oh you all right yeah you yeah not so bad how you keeping all right yeah good you what’s passing you got to say um he’s basically said that he went to uh shop to get some milk with his girlfriend but who SC it is yeah he

Was very vague in the details he seemed drunk he he’s uh said that he’s pked up here who were driving female par was driving and he was in the passenger seat with his seat on so I’m quite comfortably saying where is she don’t know where she is so we have no idea

Where she is she’s left she might have left the scene but she can’t escape Justice we we’re going to do it for fil to stop fil to report road traffic collision she’s no excuse she’s driven off she a’t gone up police station even if she reports it morning she’s still

Getting smashed for this cuz it’s appalling The Runaway Drive is facing serious charges but luckily for her the victim appears to be uninjured the ambulance crew have uh checked the gentleman out uh they’re amazed how fit and healthy he is for an 80-year old male so they’re going to

Transport him back home uh just due to the time of uh the time of day and he’s uh he’s happy enough to go home and go to bed I’m sure we might get a phone call in the morning with some spous excuse into why she did what she did but we shall

See the Shameless runaway never contacted the police but Warren tracked her down she pleaded guilty to failing to stop failure to report a road traffic collision and driving without due care and attention she was ordered to pay Β£490 in fines and costs and was given six points on her

License about now coming up you stay there kid for now all right the pit team are reunited with some old friends it was only last week we locked up with the same offense and they just Contin contining to do it I’m getting arrested and Tom and Wayne baged two for the price of

One you’ve tested positive for Cocaine please this is the drug trafficking crimes in West Yorkshire are at their highest level since 2010 with the Region’s dealers spreading Untold misery across local communities they don’t give two Hoops about anybody and you know the these drugs are being dealt to to kids and they don’t care as long as they’re

Selling the drugs getting the money from the drugs they have absolutely no concern about the impact of of what they’re doing it’s people who can’t be bothered to get themselves a real job do some real employment and make a real uh impact on society and so they just pray on the Weakest racing to apprehend a vehicle containing suspected dealers is the proactive intercept team including Harry Big H Jeffrey and Dave Lun for Big H this case is personal as he grew up in the area that they’re heading to it’s been cited in the Bingley area we suspect it’s gone out

There to commit further drug deals and crime so we’re doing our our best to make our way to the area and pick up on it on its return Journey Harry’s only been on the force for 3 years but he’s already an advanced driver and part of the elite intercept Team this won’t be his first encounter with these suspected drug dealers last time we lock these guys up we did catch them by surprise right in the act just a week ago now both of you big H and Steph niit the suspected gang with a stash of crack cocaine and

Heroin despite their best efforts to lob class A’s out of the window doesn’t get any better than that an unmarked unit is now behind the suspect vehicle can we get a cig out please let the plan is to take out the target’s tires with a stinger and local boy Harry knows just the

Spot India 2 three I’ll set thing asight Bradford Old Road near nfield gym just here it’s going to come up here man need up there up there somewhere Min down me I need you to give conss mate this is the first Stinger Harry will have deployed on active duty see won’t be

Relying on beginner’s look as his Interceptor training kicks in he unpacks a row of metal teeth each hungry for some rubber thing at mini roundabout we let him know an NPR when it’s deployed it’s hard to keep a low profile when you’re 6’6 but big H does his best yep it’s uh

Right right on C your road toward the center suspects incoming one two stings away about now and Boom direct hit Dave races to finish off the job and get the suspect stopped he’s got it knowing he’s running on borrowed time the voxo driver has pulled over no damage tires

Sge is on scene and the pair are quickly in cuffs stay there kid for now all right Harry’s not far behind a quick stop to admire his handiwork then H is reunited with the suspects he nicked the week before question is have they learned their lesson it’s going to be easy to just

Tell us where drugs are any got passenger no no they claim to be clean but the passenger is packing some serious wedge what’s cash on mate Universal Credit this is the tosser from the last stop and Harry thinks he’s trying to get away with it again down my CES what’s down there mate

Where down your kicks no put shorts on he claims it’s his shorts not drugs down there and there’s an easy way to find out you’re coming in for a strip search mate we’ll speak to an in an inspector to seek Authority I’m going to put your cffs to the rear

Okay but someone with nothing to hide he seems nervous just watch your hands you’re shaking both suspects are heading down the Nick all thanks to a successful first sting for Harry it’s not been aware of the police presence it’s allowed us to put the Stinger tactic in

Place so we found a suitable spot I’ve been able to throw this thing around out which is deflated at least one tire just to minimize that risk of a Pursuit however once it’s been stung it’s accelerated away looked like it was going to take a chase or attempt to take

A chase um so that suggest to me that find themselves that little bit of time just conceal any drugs uh as I’ve been searching the passenger has been quite fidgety shaking it seems to me like uh they may have conceal something but we’re getting on cust to for a strip

Search and have a look to see what we’ve got once the pair have checked in with the duty Sergeant do you understand why you’ve been arrested yeah okay they’re treated to a full strip search come on man turn around give us a squat and the passenger hiding something far worse

Than shorts secreted yeah proper secreted he had suspected class A’s concealed in his rear end I that to the cash found in the passenger’s pocket 20 40 50 55 and after the arrest last week the signs are that two drug dealers are about to go down it was only last week

They were locked up with the same offense and they’re just continuing to do it showing no regard uh for the communities that they’re dealing in well that car had been followed from Bingle by our sergeant and Bingle is where I I were born where I grew up so it’s a

Little bit of extra satisfaction for me that people drug dealing around where I live and grew up I’ve been able to disrupt that criminality get him off the streets so it’s it’s a good job a lot of satisfaction for me good thing clean up the area where I live so yeah I’m Ched both driver and passenger were found guilty of possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin for both the initial and the subsequent arrest the passenger got 7 years at Her Majesty’s pleasure the driver 32 months [Applause] There’s a fair amount of drugs there yes ma’ B go could smell it trying to conceal drugs from the interceptors is a mugs game you yeah up yeah but there’s no shortage of mugs out there willing to roll the dice ad I’m getting arrested yeah you get Arrested in leads Wayne Mason and Tom white are investigating a disturbance when a passing Merc Peaks Tom’s interest the occupants were acting Shifty not a good look to present to an Interceptor be way let’s go after that leaving another unit to deal with the disturbance I think it’s the last drive

In it but W’s in it Tom and Wayne go after the Shifty mobile they Light Up The Merc and break out the horn section after a slight delay off the driver sees sense I’ll do it cancel vehicle stopped why didn’t he stop straight away I thought you were taking over

That’s right right is it your car yes it’s fine no do you want to jump out so we can do some checks with you then just have a seat in there then Tom deals with the passengers you all right Tom yes I’ll me you well Wayne is on Driver Duty well

Have have have you got have you got some insurance for this yeah you have the Merc belongs to a friend the driver claims she’s covered under her own car insurance what kind of car is it um car subow however it doesn’t check out right that’s showing as scrapped with no

Insurance I don’t think you’ve got any insurance okay who’s got the key for car at the moment little cing Tom 165 mate get the key the car is heading to the pound pass it K sec I’m not doing anything key pass the key she’s asked

For it she’s no she on she has pass me a key don’t believe you pass me a key no the passenger isn’t playing ball can I have the can I have the key please I don’t have to give you the key some gentle persuasion she hasn’t got any

Insurance so we want the car key now please cuz we’re recovering the car put it like this Luke you’re not wanted at the minute and you’re not and if you don’t give us a car key you might get locked up for obstruct instead seems to

Do the trick give us a car key cuz we’re taking care thank you but no insurance could be the least of the driver’s worries yeah justly been driving a motor vehicle all right quiet um so side drug wi from you there is some evidence in

Car of drug use um do you consent to provide a a specimen of cyber yeah sck Tong out like this sit forward a bit so I can reach the wipe tests for cocaine and cannabis thank you this takes 8 minutes to do shut up pal cheers mate while

Wayne and Tom await the result of the wi they clock a clumsy Handover grab from driver to passenger bad move Qui what’s in your hand put on top put on top what is it it’s a package wrapped in tin foil and odds are it’s not his sandwiches want to know what that is

That’s not to me it’s in your hand don’t you put it there it was an audacious attempt but the dodgy delivery has been intercepted what is it best he claims it’s cannabis smells strong very good their little carryon has turned him from innocent passenger to suspect about search it section 20t J

Allight no problem and it seems he’s hiding something else what is it it’s black swist oh no we know what it is what is it they suspect it’s heroin I’m investing you on suspicion of possession of a class a jug right whatever the substance is one things for sure I’m getting

Arrested and attention turns back to the driver so you’ve had some drugs on you because you passed them to him he’s got some drugs on him so you are being detained now for the purpos of a searching the miss us to drugs app you understand

That it’s not going to be us doing it hopefully we’re going to try and get a female down to you while they await a female officer the test result is in and the drug in question is in no doubt be given evidence all right you’ve tested positive for cocaine right you’re under

Arrest on suspicion of drug driving so have you got anything on you you shouldn’t have you might as well tell us cuz we are going to find it I promise you that much what what else have you got on you knowing the game’s up she makes her

First sensible move of the night what’s that on some crack right there’s two pieces of crack in there is a have you got anything else on you no no right class A’s and B’s spell bad news for the driver right you’re also under arrest and suspicion of possession

Or a Class A substance okay who’s joining her mate in cuffs I want your hands behind your back all right because at this point in time until you searched I want to make sure that you can’t do or you’re limiting in terms of what you can and can’t do all

Right there’ll be no more pass the parcel for these two a search of the driver reveals nothing further and they’re both off down the Nick I’m see you in there mate I’m going to get in here p on nice one cheers the man eventually ided the drug in the

Container he was found guilty of possession of a Class A drug and received a 12-month community order Plus 90 victim search charge his partner in pass the parcel was convicted of drug driving no insurance and possession of cracked cocaine and cannabis she was disqualified for 15 months and had to pay

237 still to come he’s sling a little bit nice guy one minutes not so pleasant after blowing over the limit You Steve suet is single crude in the unmarked on the lookout for dodgy drivers and there’s one type in particular he has no time for I don’t understand the mentality behind drink drivers that there can be no reason for doing it you I have a stupid thinking that you’re not going to

Get caught sheer mindedness to say oh you know I don’t care type attitude your your senses your reaction times are all diminished through drink why would you do it this Advanced Driver is a teapac advisor and Road death investigator whose pet peeve is dangerous motorists [Applause] not the person you want to skip a red light in front of which is exactly what the Mercedes has done perhaps in a hurry to get a midnight snack McDonald’s as Well hey you all right pleasantry is over it’s down to business yeah sorry you went right through a red light there what on the yeah on the junction that’s a that would a red light for you cuz that would a right turn only lane sorry I I’ve never I’ve never come

Through light just drop back to our car then I’ll just get some details from you you for McDonald’s a before his late night Burger there’s a more pressing issue have you had any alcohol tonight I can smell you sling a little bit I’ve had yeah I’ve had two P okay I’m going

To run a quick breathalyzer with you all right okay I’ll hold the machine just lean forwards and blow through the tube until I tell you to stop keep keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep

Blowing go on keep going no you’re not doing enough you just have to do a little bit harder okay round two and keep going until I tell you to stop go for it keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep no no right okay taking

Steve for a sucker is a Sure Fire way to miss out on your Big Mac you can’t beat the machine right no no you’re not doing it right I know you’re not doing it right I can see you’re not doing it right I’m going to give you one more

Opportunity to provide a specimen of breath if you don’t do it this time you’re getting locked up do you understand no do you understand yeah no I understand so okay so it’s easy what you need to do seal your lips around the tube and blow steadily and evenly until

I tell you to stop he’s got one last chance blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow blow keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing stop that’s it you did it that time thank you he’s finally regained use

Of his lungs and deep breath he’s blown it okay we provided a positive breath test you’re under arrest for suspicion of being over the prescribed limit for alcohol do you understand yes the driver is way over the legal limit of 35 having blown 89 thank you so we’ll get him down

To the station put him on evidential machine see what he blows there but his uh he can’t speak properly he’s portrayed a manner of driving which would indicate to me that he’s had a drink of alcohol going through the red light a bit of a spade as well so let’s

See what we get it’s a trip to the Nick and the boost up driver is in a conversational mood enjoy it though like driving oh yeah yeah yeah yeah despite facing serious charges seen to go through a red traffic light on Commercial Street he failed the roadside breath test he’s acting the

CL do oh no I don’t on I’m just getting thinner it’s the way you tell them we’ll have to leave your shoes here as well okay and then you’ll get them back on here with all your other property can you wash him but he’s run out of gags by the time

They reach the evidential breath test rout what do we do if this is overs UPS up they they it appears losing his license will have a knock on effect to others however Steve has little sympathy it’s strange CU you didn’t think about that before you got in car did you don’t try and

Blow down the side of it going harder harder keep going keep going keep going keep going go on keep going no stop yeah slow blower seems to be up to his old tricks happen there blow blow kick no stop right and once again Steve’s having none

Of it just remember what I’ve said to you about yeah but machine don’t lie okay what it’s doing is it’s detecting you doing something different to what it wants you to do what it wants you to do is make a good seal with a tube and blow steadily

And evenly all in one it is a time thing I’m not trying to not do it well well well we’ll see what that’s what we’re doing playing for time is pointless if he doesn’t deliver within the allocated time he’ll be charged with failure to provide keep blowing keep blowing keep

Blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing stop that’s it you’ve done it well done just have a seat and you can uh just he’s blown 74 more than doubled the limit youve provided a reading over the prescribed limit okay so you will be

Charged with an offense to drink driving and you’ll have to attend at court at a date in the future okay the outcome has changed the mood can I can you off no no no you You what you got way you want to be here no no this way we haven’t finished yet we haven’t finished well I have finished no no listen don’t walk away from me right we’re doing a we’re doing a procedure listen you can talk to me whenever you want right don’t close that

Door so just so that there’s me and you in there right if you want to talk to me talk to me if you don’t want to talk to me don’t there’s nothing right there’s nothing really you’re just chatting AR you no I aren as the penny drops he

Wipes off his happy smile and puts on an angry face will you it starts off as a nice guy want him to be helpful um to the point where you know he’s just saying oh yeah I’ve had a couple of drinks having a nice chat but

As soon as the reality sets in as actually I’m over the limit and I’m getting banned here it becomes Mr angry so he can sleep it off in a Cell the mack Clown Foree Don’t for I need say oh home for for spee spee e Foree fore Speee Spee for spee for spee speee spee spee Speech for Fore speech speech for See spee for spe speech Spe VI detail

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