Golf Players


In this video I will be sharing 3 ways you can fix your downswing to allow your arms more freedom. A lot of the issues stem from a misunderstanding of old advice. Be sure to watch to the end to know how everything relates to each other.

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Music track: Storybook by Lukrembo
Copyright Free Background Music

In this video you guys are going to learn about how to stop getting stuck in your downswing so there’s going to be three ways or three things that you can focus on so that you can free up your arms and not have that straining feeling

On the way down and so that you have a lot of more freedom when you hit the golf shot and if you guys are interested in sending your swings in to me you can visit my profile on the skillist app and I’ll will leave the link to that in the

Description box but that way if you guys are are struggling with anything then I can take a look at what you’re doing and kind of prescribe the specific drills for you and kind of analyze what you’re doing so reason number one has to do with how you’re positioning your Trail

Arm in the downswing so a lot of people that feel stuck or kind of jammed in the downswing have this idea that their right arm has to be attached like completely attached to their rib cage on their side kind of like this okay so even in the back swing a lot of people

Just think that they have to keep this really close to them okay and that’ll make their back swing quite flat as well and when they come down since that arm is like kind of pulled behind their body and against the rib cage their arm can’t freely move in front of their stomach so

That trail arm should be a lot more free and you can kind of see how that trail arm is moving a lot more across my stomach okay right in front of me as opposed to being stuck against me like this way so if I come in with my trail

Arm against me like this then the only thing I can really do to get the club to the ball is to just throw my wrist at it okay or I would have to like really excessively turn myself okay so when people are in that position they they

Feel stuck because their arms are are the arms can’t get in front of them all right so what you want to actually do instead is you don’t want to keep it attached there should be some amount of space between like your bicep in your rib cage okay it doesn’t have to be like

Way up here you don’t want it to like fly away from you okay there has to be some amount so that like at least your elbow is kind of pointing down okay if it’s kind of against you that it’s kind of like almost pointing behind you your

Elbow so if you see the the position here if it’s attached to me in my back swing my elbow kind of points behind me if I get it a little more up and away from my rib cage the elbow kind of points more down downwards so it’s okay

To have a bit of space that’ll actually help you produce a bit more speed um and a bit more power and a bit more height in your back swing there okay so that’s one thing to look out for so if you keep some space in here then when you come

Down then you you’ll have a bit more freedom as you transition as as opposed to you kind of pulling it right into you like this okay so that’s one thing to watch out for and should really free your arms up okay so reason number two actually has to do with how people start

Their takeaway so the mistake just like I explained kind of in reason number one right the mistake is that people don’t really turn their bodies to initiate their takeaway but they instead they kind of pull their arm across their chest instead okay so when I just pull

My arm across without turning my body you can see how my trail arm like pulls kind of behind my body like this so then you kind of get that position where your right arm is stuck against your rib cage which I explained in the previous reason

So what you want to learn to do instead is that you have to really increase the amount that your body turns without moving your arms very much okay so remember the mistake is that you’re moving your arms quite excessively but not your body enough but instead you

Want to move your body without moving your arms very much so you can see when I get my body to open up my my arms are a little bit more free I don’t have to attach anything against my side a really simple drill that you guys can do is you

Can just grip the club like normal and you want to place the sh just gently against your your Trail neck like kind of right in here so again from the from the front view you can probably see how I’m just positioning it you don’t have to worry about where your arms are just

Just kind of gently place it right here so then when you’re in your posture all you got to do is just make sure that you fully turn your body okay my shoulders are turning kind of at least to 90 Dees and then from here all I’m going to do

Is I’m going to just stretch out my arms okay and at this point my arms are only about at the halfway position so my lead arm is kind of parallel to the ground it’s okay to have a slight Bend in that trail arm but what this drill does is

That it makes you focus on getting your body to turn and then just getting your arms to be straight at this position so if you can get into that position here you’re going to feel a lot more turn relative to your arms okay and then right away you should feel a lot more

Space here um between your Trail arm and your and your rib cage and that’ll give you a good idea so when you actually go to hit the golf ball you can kind of get into that same position with your arms and your chest instead of looking kind

Of like this you can kind of see the difference how I’m just pulling my arm across me versus getting the shoulder body to turn and my arms kind of staying more so like directly in front of my chest okay so that’s that’s another visual way to

Check if you’re doing it a lot more correct at this point here if your hands are like more so like over your shoulder at this point you see my chest is over here my hands are like really across me like excessively versus when you do it more

Correct then my hands are like a little bit more directly in front of my chest okay so that that should actually get your right arm to straighten out a little bit more it should feel a lot more straight because if you did pull it across your chest that right arm would

Kind of pull behind you and you’d see a lot more bending in that trail arm okay so that’s it’s a great exercise that you can do get it to here you get your body to turn and then you just stretch out your arms your hands should be a little

Bit more directly in front of the chest you should feel a lot more space between your right arm and your rib cage and if you want I mean you can even even hit some shots if you’re feeling confident enough okay but when you turn you extend

It out okay and then you can give hit a shot but if if you’re not comfortable doing that um just rehearse it a couple couple times get yourself in the right position get a feel and then just try to get yourself in that same position next time you’re hitting a shot so reason

Number three has to do with your Trail leg or your Trail knee as you make the down swing so what this looks like is when you make the back swing when you come down people tend to like thrust this knee towards the golf ball really excessively okay that’ll cause their hip

And everything to kind of move forward posture kind of move backward it’s kind of like a uh uh early extension all right but you can focus on this by only just focusing on what your Trail KN does so when people feel stuck when that trail knee comes forward when their

Hands come in they feel like they don’t have a lot of space between their hands and their thighs okay so then they kind of feel uh they look really close like this okay what should happen is if you were to draw an imaginary line like kind

Of right in front of my knees here when you go through it those that knee shouldn’t kind of thrust beyond that line so when you go through it like that and your knee doesn’t thrust out towards a golf ball then you you give your arms and your hands a bit more space through

The hitting area Okay as opposed to this going forward and your your hands almost kind of touching your thighs like this a way to practice this is that you can actually I don’t have a range bucket but if you have a range bucket that you can use you just place your right foot

Inside of the bucket so the opening of the bucket is facing you with your foot inside of it so the the rim or the edge of the bucket is pretty much like pretty close to the shin of your right leg for the purpose of this video we’ll just

Place like kind of a a border kind of in front of my knees it’s kind of the same thing but with your foot in that range bucket if you were to come into impact and and your shin touch the edge of that bucket then that would probably tell you

That your your your right leg is kind of thrusting into the golf ball too much all right so what you want to feel like instead of instead of thrusting It Forward you want to feel like your Trail leg kind of turns a little bit more internally like this it kind of turns in

Just a bit okay so that would prevent it from thrusting out kind of like this as opposed to you kind of turning it more inwards this way so from the side view you can see that when I thrust my knee forward my heel kind of moves straight

Up and down okay what you can feel instead is that you can see that my my trail leg kind of turns more inwards or more internal as opposed to this here so if you feel that and you’re not touching the border with your shin or if you draw

A line in front you’re not Crossing that border then again that should allow you to feel like your lower body stays more back behind and just feel a lot more kind of room here with your arms so it should help you help free up your arms through the hitting area thank you guys

So much for watching so if you have any questions you can leave a comment down below be sure to follow me on my Instagram at Jonathan Kos but other than that I’ll see you guys on the next video


  1. Best description of “getting stuck” I’ve ever heard
    … a major swing flaw for many of us.
    I see it every day.

    Good stuff, Jonathan 👍🏻
    Keep up the good work.

  2. One of the best instructors on YT – your channel is sure to continue its growth! Hey what kind of shoes are those bro?

  3. I’ve been stuck at a 6 handicap for years. I had sworn away from YouTube “golf instruction” because I realize a lot of it is absolute garbage or just trying to get people sign up for expensive programs. You do a phenomenal job explaining and you do not advocate for weird positions that are going to cause injuries years down the road. Thank you for making these videos, means a lot to me! Side note: I have a problem with pushing the ball with my woods and driver as a drawer of the ball, I know a lot of people have this problem but not a lot of information out there especially if you’ve verified that you are actually releasing the club properly🤷‍♂️. Would love a video on this if possible along with some practice “plans” that you would tell your competitive students to do.

  4. I tried that gluing my right elbow to my side before takeaway & indeed felt very constricted, so I abandoned it.

  5. thankyou for these vital pointers jonathan, they say the best
    swing is a simple movement, 🏌‍♂once you know the right
    components to keep👍😉

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