Golf Players

Master Your Senior Golf Swing in 3 Easy Steps

In this VLS Golf lesson from Todd Kolb, we’re going to show you how to simplify your senior golf swing. By following these 3 easy senior golf swing tips, you’ll be able to improve your golfing skills quickly and easily!

If you’re looking to take your golfing skills to the next level, then this video is for you! By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to swing with greater ease and accuracy, and hit the ball further and harder!

The golf swing is about three things it’s setup it’s a pivot and it’s an arm swing that’s it and today we’re going to simplify this golf swing so you can enjoy the game you can go play golf have some fun relax and really make this game

What it’s meant to be and that’s should be some fun so let’s dive right into it so first of all how we set up now how you set up you could get we could talk for hours about this but at the end of the day here’s a simple way to get you

In a pretty good situp position I’ve got my seven iron all right so what I’m going to do is I’m going to Simply put my feet together and I’m going to put the ball in the center all right I’m going to put the club down behind the

Golf ball and go ahead and grip it and then all I’m going to do is I’m going to separate My Lead Foot towards the Target and I’m going to separate my trail foot away from The Target just a little bit further so if I’m set in here and the

Ball’s in the center got my grip let’s say I step towards a Target 4 in for sake of discussion I’m going to step away from the target 5 in all right it’s that simple and from that position right there I’ve almost guaranteed my club face is pretty Square the ball’s in a

Pretty good spot and my aim has got to be pretty good so let’s go through that I’m going to hit a shot and we’re going to talk about the second concept here to make this game simple and make it much easier feet together put the club down

By the ball there we go one step towards one step away that’s going to help me get my feet square my body nice and square go ahead and swing that’s really alls we’ve got to do for the setup now in a second here I’ll show you about the driver at the end

We’ll talk about how do we do that setup with the driver because I know that’s what you’re thinking all right so that’s step number one step number two is the golf sing is a pivot now a pivot is simply movement movement of pressure on

The feet I’m on my left foot I’m on my right foot I’m back on my left foot okay so when we’re swinging the golf club the pivot is pretty simple we start a little bit on the Lead Foot we move towards the trail foot we come back to the lead foot

And we finish with almost all of our weight on the lead foot but that’s little it we start lead we go Trail and then we go back to the lead so a simple way for you to practice that is what we like to call our right left drill so

You’re set in here okay what I’m going to do is I’m going to swing the club to the right and as I swing it to the right my weight goes to my right foot as I swing it towards the target my weight goes to my left foot so it looks like

This it’s right left right left left right left and once I’ve got that feel I’m going to go ahead and do my setup which we just talked about beat together separate separate and I’m now I’m going to repeat right left and that will in essence help me feel that pivot motion

Now when you’re doing that one of the things I want you to remember is is that you’re doing that in continuous motion you’ll notice when I did there weren’t full swings they weren’t fast but they were continuous so when I went to the right okay then and I went left I kept

That club moving right left right left right left okay go to my setup feet together separate separate and here we go right left okay make sense hopefully it does that’s how you start the golf swing from the setup and you get some pivot going now hey if you haven’t

Already be sure to subscribe to the channel here we love hearing from you leave a comment okay leave a comment make sure you subscribe and ring that Bell so that you know when new information is coming out we got the setup we got the pivot what about the

Arms well really the arms basically make a circle so when I swing the club back towards my trail side which for me is my right side I’m just going to Simply swing my arms and my hands above my right shoulder which is my trail shoulder so I’m literally just making a

Circle so it’s just shoulder above the shoulder shoulder shoulder shoulder so if I’m going take that and I tie that together with my right left that’s my golf swing that’s my Pivot that’s my arm string so here we go together let’s do the right left Dr but we’re going to add

The arm swing so we’re going right above the right shoulder left left shoulder right shoulder left shoulder right shoulder left shoulder that’s my circle that’s my arm string that’s my Pivot here we go feet together separate separate right left and that is literally how simple the golf swing

Should be we don’t need to talk about these other complicated angles and wrist angles and all that leave that for the pros okay leave that for the tour Pros if you’re watching this video and you’re an amateur golfer that’s how simple we want to keep it now let’s go ahead let’s

Talk about the driver because the driver is a little bit different when we’re hitting the driver the ball position is going to be different right because the ball’s on a te so let’s talk about that a little bit okay here we go let’s go and

Up now the beauty of this is that the swing is going to be the okay you’re still pivoting your right left you’re still making your circle with your hands above the right shoulder above the left shoulder if you’re a right-handed golfer but with the driver here’s what we’re

Going to do same process feet together see that ball in the center but this time I’m going to take just a little step towards the Target and I’m going to take a much bigger step away from the Target and that will get the ball slightly more forward in my stance so

It’s off my inside of my lead arm inside of my lead heel which is where we want it so here we go let’s take it from the beginning feet together okay little step towards the target big step away from the target okay let’s go ahead and let’s

Go right left with the pivot right shoulder left shoulder with the hands and that my friends is how simple and easy the gossing to be don’t complicate it keep it simple set up pivot Circle CC with the arms and you are going to be in business


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