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Susie Wolff files criminal complaint against the FIA

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What is going on people I apologize for being 60 seconds tardy andash and shout out to you for being so early in Melbourne it’s going to get techy this weekend isn’t it but it’s gotten even techier before then because one sir Lewis Hamilton has started speaking his

Mind bloody Norah for the longest time we’ve been gifted greeted even with Lewis Hamilton who’s minded PR over and above absolutely everything else we saw last year the incident with George Russell that soon thereafter leis was approaching George to offer his hand we’ve heard as recently as this week

Oscar pastri talking about the two incidents that he’s had with ls and the respect and sports etiquette that’s been manifest post race l once again reaching out to Oscar doing one of these Mia Cula I take responsibility that’s been Lewis Hamilton for God knows how many years

But he’s had enough now and I think this sinks very nicely with the season that he’s had having in that Mercedes car what’s he got to lose guys what has he got to lose zero his downside is limited he’s not racing for a championship not even for 25 points over a race weekend

At this rate he’ll be lucky to get a poll over the next 22 races so what has this fell got to lose the seven time Champion sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton by speaking out he’s had enough hasn’t he so long in his own mind has he been persecuted by the Fia The Regulator

Of Formula 1 what what what has he got to lose absolutely nothing and I don’t hate him I can’t I cannot hate him for it nor will I do such a thing but there is downside ramifications which we’ll get to let’s let’s talk about what he said first and again for table setting

You guys have heard that the Muhammad Ben Salam investigation which lasted 35 30 days even courtesy of the FIA committee and compliance or whoever I mean it’s a sham isn’t it they can call those committees whatever they want to but are they doing their job properly that’s the substantive that F1 fans

Around the world are really interested in but they investigated muhamad Ben Salam on two counts the first one for intervening in the investigation into Fernando Alonzo’s team having touched put hands on his car prior to the 5-sec Penalty having expired that’s the first one the second one did Muhammad Ben Salim intervene at

The Las Vegas Grand Prix telling race inspectors to announce pronounce that the track wasn’t fit for racing two counts he was EX exonerated by the FIA committee the Ethics Committee compliance officer he was exonerated by all of the above who said that there was it was beyond reasonable doubt that you can’t

Claim that this dude did that and that’s fair play still but there is inconsistency in that isn’t there there is inconsistency where where where’s the FI investigation into the Christian hor nothing and you guys are going to say well it’s A Private Matter Red Bull on a

Listed company they can do what they want an internal HR policy and ultimately both related parties are at the behest of that policy and their decisions and that’s cool that’s fine but what else with the FIA how many times have they dropped the ball in recent memory remember when in Austria

They had about 1,600 different track infes and we investigating the more post race what are we doing here Abu Dhabi still fresh in the memory bloody I my I can continue there has been loads of them czecho perz ined and overhanging botch that investigation the FIA can’t get it right they can’t stop

Seizing defeat from the jaws of Victory and then most recently of course table setting because we we like a bit of table setting here on the Cameron F1 J what’s going on the while I hope you’re good good evening if he had everything to lose L the spoke broken

Out that’s who he is CED us listen the while you make the point to be fair you do make the point but I’m going to come on to the down downside ramifications of which I think there are a few I think there are a few and that concerns me my racing cap

Burmon but let’s talk to what happened in business F1 I always forget the name is it F1 business or business F1 and it’s a publication that’s not got the greatest reputation this side of the pond they just write stuff they they that they were responsible as an example

For leaking the name of the complainant in the Christian horn debacle I mean what sort of Journalism is that Integrity responsible professional code of conduct and ethics I mean this the these guys write whatever they want to write and harm whoever they want to harm and they

Did that again only a few months past when they wrote an article accusing without found Foundation mind one SU wolf of acting upon a conflict of interest here’s what they said and do I read it out I’m not even going to read it I’m going to paraphrase it’s TCH

Thises because I don’t want to get sued and what they’ve said about Susie wolf especially in hindsight without Foundation just looks Rogue okay here’s what they said here’s what the accusation was that Toto Wolford rocked up at a team principal meeting with knowledge of circumstances and situations that that he he shouldn’t

Have knowledge of where the speculation being that the only place he could have got that from was his wife who apparently would have access would be privy to some sort of hidden Fountain of FIA knowledge being the fia the head of the FIA Academy the women series it

Doesn’t quite it doesn’t I don’t know doesn’t quite add up that the maths doesn’t maths I can’t Square it now initially I reacted thus okay so if there has been a conflict of interest if Toto rocked up to a Grand Prix and knew in advance that there was going to be an

Ever So slight Rule and reg change and Mercedes had those tools ready to equip the car with then you’ve got to ask questions and that was the accusation that was made around the conflict of interest but then if you are the FIA and you are worth your metal as a regulatory

Body then you’ve got to investigate on evidence right it can’t be here say you see the due respect that they’ve given to the Christian hor situation i’ have handled that with kid gloves probably a bit too much so a bit too risk averse because they still haven’t

Investigated for crying out loud but on the flip side of that with’ W Susie wolf straight in there weren’t they they couldn’t wait to investigate that one where is the evid they didn’t even need a complaint on the bloody on the FIA compliance officers hotline straight in

There with that statement where the the FIA we will investigate this conflict of interest seriously yada yada Y at which point the 10 team said you know what I’m out of this they all issued exactly the same statement saying that they’d lodged no official complaints with the FIA

You’re on your own Lads you’re on your own don’t look at us Christian herner did the same I’ve lodged no official Complaint said the Red Bull team principle on Sky Sports F1 the FIA were barking up the wrong tree and resending did all of their nonsense soon thereafter so that’s your

Table setting now yesterday Muhammad Ben salom was exonerated call shortly thereafter Susie wolf put out her statement where she’s done something very clever and I need to speak to she’s almost mirrored their statement hasn’t she she’s spoken to all the things that they’ve said that they’d exercised throughout their investigation of the

Head of the FIA Muhammad Ben suim being transparency huh improper Behavior Susie wolf has talked about all these things very deliberately in my humble opinion and I love it I love it not talking about them that’s that was the that’s what constituted the investigation that that was the framework she said that’s

What FIA that’s what F1 lacks and no longer is she not going to speak out about it people think that they people who think they sit in silence that that’s being brave Susie B is calling them out I’m not having it and props to her props to her Lodge your formal

Complaint in a court of law no less of course I’ve had enough listen I’ve had it can you imagine for a second listen let’s do this one can you imagine being a woman in F1 Rebecca Clancy her go and check this video she spoke about it quite extensively and very

Articulately more succinctly than I ever could you just imagine how difficult it is to be I’m not even going to do the minority thing because that’s that’s uh muddying the waters what we’re talking about is being a woman under Grid in two 2024 can you imagine the plot and then you see

This with Christian Herer and the way that the FI acting Muhammed Ben Sal and posting the pictures on his Instagram with Max Mosley and again you can go and look up his Shenanigans and his um indiscretions and bloody prince Andrew we all know what he was alleged to have

Gotten up to so how you going to post that Muhammad Ben suam head of the FI F FIA even I can’t even talk I’m so mad how are you going to post that on Instagram commemorating 20 years of the Bahrain Grand Prix the levels of insensitivity from this dude in this

Senior position Buggles the Mind genuinely I just don’t understand it honestly in the while it’s it’s baffling W you’re far too kind I I I’m lost the words here but Lu said the Fai is comparable to to Kardashians I really never seen anything like this in all my years watching not even Mosley

Ballestra not sure it’ll be forced out before so you see this all right we’re going to get to it in a while I promise you oh Matthew Brown you’re far too kind to you guys um Filipe will lose against the FIA filing a lawsuit for a race 16

Years ago when you had a role in your own dfall is just a joke Matthew Noel will get toward that Noel that Point’s coming I’m telling you that that point is coming about leis Hamilton and the one that you made earlier hybrid what’s going on pince Andrew can you imagine pince

Andrew look all right so just imagine let me finish this Sil on on being a woman in F1 just imagine how isolated one must feel as a woman on the grid especially you know when it’s not um my old boss used to say when people leave the company make sure you celebrate them

Because if you don’t celebrate them it it leaves a leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the people still at the coace right because when they leave they’re expecting a similarly dull send off celebrate their tenure and I think this parlays very nice into this example right Rebecca Clancy Natalie

Pinkham Naomi Schiff of course um Jess Hawkins Michelle mut these girls and ladies will be looking at this Christian Horn of fiasco can you imagine what they’re thinking of the FI they’re in action speaks volumes and even their attempt to cover it up Max how about you go and

Speak equivocally about Christian her in support of that chap like what are we doing like how dare you zero you’re a legend thank you so much how very Dare You FIA like how cover up as well in action is one thing yeah but now you’re going to try and convince Max fappen to

To take arms up against his father Jos what in the name of what defending a man who’s got these allegations in tow if you’re having an absolute jro honestly Beggars belief the FIA every single day you wake up and you surprised we shouldn’t be but you’re surprised by the

New lows that the FIA are hitting so go on then Cy wolf pushes this uh this statement out and says something to the effect of you’re not going to stay in silence anymore I’m going to talk up I’ve lodged an official Complaint with the French court against the FIA for the

Allegations that they leveraged against me a few months back of course hold them to account if they’re not going to hold themselves to account then somebody else has to of note someone’s senior someone that person has a name her name is Susie wolf let’s go come on NBS out so then shortly

Thereafter L Hamilton follows Su yeah is’s what Lewis has got to say and this is Andrew Benson of the BBC writing his article by the way and that matter cuz there are a lot of Gossip folks in and around F1 at the moment and not all all Publications are made equal but

Some they say are made more equal are more equal than others Andrew Benson is serious of the BBC and he said L Hamilton says there is Quotes no transparency and no accountability in Formula 1 not the FIA in Formula One More broadly the sport continues to be rocked by off track

Wrangle listen it’s been a craziness of the Season thus far right you couldn’t even like you can’t even you couldn’t have imagined it that would be so boring and monotonous on track and so so techy off it’s almost like there’s a like the racing gods have have gifted this to us

In anticipation of the season of monotony that that ensues Andrew Benson writes SE the seven time Champion appeared to conflate controversies involving the governing body the FIA and the behavior of Red Bull team principal Christian on and that’s significant speaking before this weekend’s Australian Grand Prix Hamilton said with

The FIA things happening behind closed doors there is no accountability and the fans need that yeah the fans do need that fans do need that don’t name Matthew far to kind m the brown we need to move on from 2008 and 2021 Lewis and Max have no right to lose their

Championship for somebody they had for something they had no part in su’s case however deserves more attention great work cam you guys far too kind Mathew and I am going to get to that 2008 chaos Steve a says oh the humanity from espia all right let me read out this thank you

So much you guys are too far too kind I’m humbled truly look leis continues how can you TR this is mad got me from the seven time Champion yeah L continues how can you trust the sport and what is happening here if you don’t have that and he says

That of course he’s meaning accountability and transparency and he’s right you can’t be trusted how do you know any regulatory body worth it’s meta open honest transparent consistent across all related parties black white woman fit like it doesn’t matter got to be consistent you need to have robust

Processes in play you guys got listen I’ve challenged anyone to go and read the sporting code of conduct and the regs they’re just written like a 5-year-old has penned them for crying out loud no definitions at the outset just reads like n what are we talking

About Define an overtake what is an apex any contract worth it metal have these terms and definitions at the outset early on so that anybody that picks it up and reads it knows what they’re reading no these rules and regs that the FIA have penned read like a 5-year-old

Has penned and my son could write that it’s nonsense it’s absolute nonsense and I wonder why when I rock up at Australia for the Grand Prix this weekend that is always this bloody wiggle room and interpretation and Lando Norris is like jump starting but the transponder didn’t

Work and similarly czecho Perez like why is he rolling so like this all this nonsense Man Charlie White in rip leis Hamilton is right there is no transparency there’s been no transparency for the longest time and listen like I said yesterday if this was a rinky dink formula then all right cool

We we could tolerate it yeah like we move whatever but it’s not a rinky D formula is it is it this is like the this is the creme supposed to be the creme de Creme of of motor sport globally WTF man like come on like what are we doing

Here hamon praised F1 Academy direct Susie for taking legal action against the fa those guys have known each other long do not get it twisted there is loyalty here what you think LS Hamilton’s going to come out and speak against one suie wolf you’re having Ed ra Ain you you’re having an absolute

Laugh no chance I I just beers belief man I just can’t believe that we’re here you can hear the disbelief in my tone L Hamilton continues this is the this is the one this is the one look when asked so Wolf announc the legal case which is believed to be one one of

Defamation against the number of senior figures within the FIA on the same day as organizations ethic committee cleared its president why go on then even that why is the Ethics Committee in where’s the Independent party outside of it you know like Red Bull hired an independent K kings Council right KC to investigate

All of this where’s the Independent party how comes we don’t know about that no it’s the FIA it’s his mates investigated how else did we think what else did we think that out outome was going to be for Pete’s sake it’s crazy go on then Mercedes driver said I’m incredibly proud of

Susie she’s so brave and stands the incredible values as a leader in a world where often people are silenced for her to be standing up send such a great message and I love that she’s taken it out of this world and is fighting it from the outside let’s go do you know

What I mean let’s go okay how can you trust the but there’s one piece in particular that I need to Find okay I remember it paraphrase cramon when asked sir LS Hamilton whether he can have confidence in muhamad Ben suim’s leadership leis Hamilton’s response was that he never has and that is dumbing they need to get rid of this dude because of a fish smells from the head

Down right how can you have this dud he his role is untenable now how can you have this dude up there parading around when the sight of him reeks of incompetence I mean like what are we what are we doing here it’s it’s not good enough I’ll tell you that from now

It’s not good enough and they need to do something about it however let me put on my racing cap now and address some of the things that you guys have been talking about in here so noal listen I I understand what you were saying noal about Lewis Hamilton

Would address it even in his peak time and I think that’s I think that’s true and I think that’s super admirable hybrid says 900 PM race for me this weekend getting some bruise and watching in the hot tub let’s go askar hybrid listen I wish it was 9:00 p.m. I don’t

Even know if I’m going to watch it Live Die Hard F1 fan card revokes Joo you’re a legend please do hit the like B faod it means a lot to me all right look so the while mentioned earlier and I want to address these points as I put my

Racing C firmly back on for the next 10 minutes or so I’m not sure that I’m really fond of the let me give you a good example and set the scene like this Johnny Herbert will be steing at this race weekend and I fear for Max for stappen because

Johnny Herber only this week has been talking brazing us about Christian Horner saying that he should he should sit down should resign from his position so that for me shows you Johnny Johnny Herbert showed you his hand and he’s not shy he’s never been shy he was the one

Who spoke out against Red Bull and Max a stappen when that needed to happen or when at least he thought that needed to happen so now you’ve got this guy as a steward now I trust Johnny Herbert’s professionalism I trust his ability to be unbiased and to look look through the

Lens of objectivity but he it’s there it’s there and we know it’s there so like I don’t know and with that fast forward now to leis Hamilton imagine imagine if 2025 is 2021 all over again the while and this is this is the point that’s upsetting me guys and girls

Imagine if it gets close imagine if Ferrari give sir Lewis and charlot cler a car worthy capable of challenging a Max for staben over the course of 24 races next season just imagine imagine towards the end towards the latter stages of that season imagine it gets

Close and the while you’re far too kind I’m telling you imagine it gets close what then what you don’t think the FIA avenge for you saw how they tried to persecute sir Lewis Hamilton with jewelry gate every single bloody time not withstanding the fact that stewards have long said that that stuff doesn’t

Matter that the only Roman groan when he had his big big accident said that the only piece of his hand that didn’t burn was the piece that his ring was on it’s like what are they talking about rules for rules sake as always

FIA but I say that to say this I Ro for Lis Hamilton going forward if he’s ever in a position to challenge for a championship I am so concerned as if the FIA didn’t have it out for him before and wouldn’t rule their rule was not a function of

Their bias their position against him now now what do you think it’s going to be like now that’s my problem that’s my problem and I don’t know maybe he’s dialing out maybe expects to ACW this Goodwill and reap it back during 2020 I don’t know maybe he just sees like the

Wild says maybe he just sees that listen this is this is my truth and I’m going to speak it the says everyone has taken notice of your of your hard work and integrity a true fan of racing of F1 keep it up keep up the great work there

Is too much money at state for F1 take action against NBS I hope I’m wrong the W so here’s what’s going to happen here’s what’s going to happen with with NBS here’s my prediction and again nobody bats a thousand everyone’s hot everyone’s had a a dodgy hot take or two

Myself included in that but here’s what I’m reading so F1 as desperate as they are so two things F1 re there’s talk about F1 departing um removing thems from the working arrangement that they currently have with the FIA that’s that’s one rumor second rumor is that they don’t want to rock the

Boat it would be more harming more damaging to F1 as a brand if Muhammad Ben suim is removed and I think there’s there’s parallels here between Christian Herer and NBS so here’s what I’m hearing that the F1 teams are just going to sit back Wai until the elections I think

December of next year and then get rid of him that way to have somebody resigning and quitting it’s just another bloody do you know what I mean it’s another news story for the daily mouth featuring the latest and greatest that F1 has to offer and I don’t think

Anybody wants that at this stage that’s my that’s that’s my take but who knows Matthew far too kind FYI Johnny Herbert said that he’s heard the max to to Mercedes deal is is nearer is nearer than deal oh my God I read the article I think we need to brace for another big

Move go on then Matthew should we talk about this all right look per the video that I put out yesterday I’m not sure all right look so the chat around Max for STA and going to Mercedes potentially is driven is a function even of the fact that in 2026 brand new rules

Brand new regulations yeah and there’s going to be much more emphasis on the power unit now who amongst the current 10 teams which one of those are you backing to build a power unit well ideally you on a Works team right now Red Bull are

Trying to get there with Ford at Al but Ford going to pull out potentially the rumor is that the Ford backed or the Ford branded Red Bull power units not putting out that much BHP but Mercedes are ahead of the game as you probably expect them to so we’ve w i cast firmly

On 20126 and and how this transpires welcome Mathew thank you so much how that that’s going to transpire I think I think I don’t know if it’s as likely as that article makes it out that Max for stappa moves that takes the plunge to the guys and girls at Brackley and

Brickworth being the Silver Arrows team I don’t know I I just don’t know I don’t know I I don’t know I like another story though you heard me talk about this yesterday right aramco potentially bying now Aston Martin as Lawrence strolls interest in all things F1 wains proportionate to his

Son’s underperformance in that car I I like that because Aamco if they get in there Saudi Arabian oil money if they come into F1 now then you’re going to see some blank checks being written for the likes of Adrian new and Max for Sten and he could listen cash rules

Everything around me cream get the M dollar dollar bills here who can turn down a hundred million US Dollars who not Adrian newie and definitely not Max with stappen so I and then the Honda link as well that I didn’t even talk about Honda Max stapper knows what Honda can produce he’s been

The benefactor of Honda’s competence with all things power unit over the past few years of course he has that’s still a Honda power unit to all intents and purposes just under a different name Red Bull power TR n man that’s a Honda power unit in essence so max for stapper knows

Their competence would he be hesitant would he think twice about linking up with them again I don’t think so I don’t think so I think he’d happily go there again with Honda what I mean you know what time it is with Honda and Max more importantly knows what time it is with

Honda so max the Aston Martine imagine that Max and Alonzo in that ason Martin the green ball in 202 alongside Lis and Charlotte Club potentially Carlos and George in the Mercedes oh my God inject it into my f I’m here for it let’s go let’s go I

Would be here for it um I don’t know I don’t know I just feel like I want to I tell you the truth I’ll let you into um a secret I almost want to just fast forward through this season and just crack on with 2026 I’ll be honest with

You I shouldn’t say that as an F1 fan as a F1 content creator that’s that’s not fair truth though what Lis in the red in those red overalls getting into that red car behave yourself here for it you know what I mean Kenny thank you so much says

Given the generally given the generally engine parity and Red Bull power trains X hund are doing the engine and Ford are only responsible for the electronics it’s more about car plus it’s a good shout Kenny it is a good shout um yeah I don’t know it’s speculation isn’t

It it is speculation yeah I I think you’re I think you’re absolutely on the money as as at now Red Bull power trains they’ve just lifted and dropped the the intellectual property haven’t they Red Bull that’s what they’ve done and maybe they might want to continue that relationship I don’t know

If for sacking it off as they’re as they’re saying that they might do I’m not sure if that’s not upside for Red Bull going forward but then aren Honda exclusively providing Aston Martin an engine maybe not exclusively I don’t know who knows okay here to talk about Lis Hamilton and

And now I’ve gone mahely off track go on and let me talk about the while mentioned something else that I want to talk to very quickly before I run away me read the out thank you so much Noah you’re far too kind everyone’s taken taken as that’s about me and I

Appreciate it but listen I’m trying to trying to I’m trying to break bad on this channel this year I’ve had enough one thing that I don’t want to lose out to I don’t want I don’t want another 10 years to pass and and have to live with

More regrets oh Cameron listen you had a you had a good crack at that channel but if you’d had only just kept it up I don’t want to be having those um those hypothetical conversations with my future self like I desperately don’t want it hence why you

See me try and up listen if I if it doesn’t work out it doesn’t work out but it’s not going to not work out because of lack of Industry that’s the promise that I’ve made to myself and my family and to you guys more importantly hence

What I’ve been trying to do every day and talk about F1 and news and reports Etc um cuz I mean there’s nothing much going on track is there let’s be honest not for now at least qu might be interesting on Saturday morning but I mean come on My Guy Peter wins is out

There in person right there was too much money at state for Fone to take action against NBS I hope I’m right yeah so I think you’re right in the while with that I think I addressed it already that as I understand it F1 a key not to

Move against NB it doesn’t need to be a cudar you know cuz the the V the Optics the visual look bad for all related parties right if they’re SE to usurp him I think but for that I think they would have sacked him up a long time ago if I’m honest no

But everyone doesn’t need more debacle and more Scandal at the moment that’s one thing that F1 can do without right it almost needs uh or at least the powers that be this is what they think it almost needs stasis for the foreseeable no allegations no Scandal no Muhammad Ben Su investigations no suie

Wolf speak it you know what I mean they hate this sort of stuff what people speaking out they hate it they absolutely hate it that’s why Muhammad bin Salam is in the background scoring around trying to smooth things over all Max how about you come out and

Support your your old your old team principle here Christian Horner unequivocally why don’t you do that and this isn’t something new you guys know anyone who’s watched their one for any length of time knows that Max Mosley is doing the same if not worst um similar with Bernie Bernie’s still in the

Backgound there’s some stories that one day will I will tell you I promise but Bernie’s still in the background as at March 24 pulling strings like you would not believe I’m telling you you wouldn’t believe and again his his Miss though is kind of involved isn’t she

I don’t know Bravo no noal is an absolute Legend makon wow Thum out let’s go make can’t wait for 2025 prob be the same for leis as when louder was still low oh my gosh D that is uh I just want to see him in the overalls you

Know I I think I’m might cry I just want to see him in the overalls I’ll be that day like testing tu 025 where they come out and it’s like charlot l oh my God you know it reminds me of I’ll let you into a secret I remember talking about

Obama becoming president and I said to one of my best friends I goes you know when you know it’s deep when you see those two little girls right running around in in The Gardens of the White House that’s when you know and I think equivalent for me with ls when I see him

Come out in those red overalls oh the humanity yeah no it’s going to get the if if they can give that fell a car next year oh my god with the FIA man I wish I’d listen I love that Lou speaks out I love it like he’s invest I almost feel

Like as a priority I feel I feel like he’s more invested in that than he’s an F1 I feel like I feel like he said that at some point that it’s Legacy and things that he’s building when he spoke the other day about Mercedes and why they were going to win another

Championship why he was sure you spoke about diversity and the fact that he’s been involved in the process didn’t he everything he says at the moment is laced with diversity and inclusion and Legacy building and the Next Generation and making things better for them so listen I don’t know maybe that

Is the priority but I just I I almost wish Just for future sake in case at some point it gets close between Lewis and Max and sha and whoever else and the fi are forced to get involved and and make a decision you know they they’re not going to break

Lewis any do you know what I mean they not going to give him any blies they’ll be ruling against Lewis Hamilton they they can’t wait they can’t wait to rule against leis Hamilton for whatever reason I can’t even get into that because it’s too late I can’t even get into that no thank

You so much no you’re a legend f j j hit the like I forgot Bernie oh the W Bernie’s um Reckless okay let me let me give Bernie some credit first as far as his bit and often this is the way right with these like business genius there is an equal

And opposite downside that comes with them indeed you can’t even separate the two they’re they’re the same entity almost and wrapped up in the in the package that was Bernie Aon is is a business genius everyone wouldn’t be it is in 2024 but for Bernie eklon but that that necessitated dodgy

Dealings and cloak and daggers and odd comments that are you know what I mean these bloody these these techy comments that didn’t really hold any water and speaking out against Lewis and I don’t know I don’t know it’s it’s it’s chaos makers says Bernie’s getting getting old

So OD I could spell the oh my God say it’s not so say it’s not so but yeah listen I I’m I’m glad I’m happy that L has spoken out and not before time like I think it’s time that these guys and it is this type of pressure from ke stakeholders in

A sir leis car Davidson Hamilton and the Susie wolf and the Toto wolf it needs to be those guys that kind of wield some in influence in order to have the sord of dle wielded on nbs’s head or at least his tenure in as head of the FIA right I

Don’t think it’s going to happen though I’ll be honest I don’t think it’s going to happen the W I don’t do it to me I’m just read you see the smile on her face if Lewis can win at that Ferrari the debate about who is the goat wow it

Would be an amazing end to a Stella career the W can you imagine the book end I can’t even the smile cannot wipe off my face thinking about it sometimes you you the guys that know I’m man here talking about I want to be objective but listen

We’ve all got our favorites and me just thinking about lisis winning in a red car chef’s kiss the the tears are coming to my eyes it’s just hey fever don’t worry gr men don’t cry I would cry and if I’m live streaming that race you know

The last time I let you guys that two things I’ll lend on yeah I’ll let you guys into a secret the last time in fact the the only time I’ve ever cried that’ be very nearly but too too old and gray at that stage the only time I’ve ever cried in

F1 watching a race was 2014 at Abu Dhabi I told this story but I’ll tell it again I I think you guys will enjoy this L leis Hamilton’s been before Lis it was like I I like Shaka towards the end like 2004 is but again same monotony thing

Right and again shaca did some things to my driver Damon Hill at the time in 1994 adelay the Australian Grand Prix which I’ll never be ever able to forgive him for quite and then ja vilner shortly thereafter in 97 at Heth Um but then there was a dve called Le Hamilton right and watching him come up through gp2 brilliant example Silverstone um maggots inter beckets blon an PK Jr and Pon three wide into that turn and ultimately nailed it like I don’t know there was something about Lewis Hamilton’s becoming his his coming of

Age and his growing into F1 that just attracted me and of course there were the obvious reasons first black man in F1 very goodlooking from stevenage UK we shared that as what like do you know what I mean they were obviously charismatic had that cheeky smile about

Him and that twinkle in his eye and kind of said the right things and you know what I mean there was something about LS Hamilton’s coming of age that I was just there were some things multi about that whole coming of age that just attracted me to that fell but the story

Of Le Hamilton his his his learning curve wasn’t it didn’t just climb right it wasn’t linear cuz after 2007 happened and China obviously like he should have won that Bloody Championship but for about bit of bad Fortune China there was the bloody gearbox that stopped working Midway partially through the final race in

Brazil in my humble opinion leis like he was just unlucky 2007 he was massively unlucky 2008 happened cool leis got it take that one but it felt like it was coming on the back of 2007 right that was a c catch up a craw of a championship if you will but then what

Happened 2009 201 10 2011 nothing and the Press were getting un Le my guy Nasha said this best on Quick Stop like the Press were getting at him so incessantly that it was hard not to believe what they were saying it was hard not to believe them when they were

Casting aspersions on Lewis Hamilton I felt foul of it I’m telling you like I started to buy into it is leis Hamilton’s career going to be one of unfulfilled potential is he too much on the runway and not enough in the cockpit the celebrity girlfriend isn’t doing him any

Good these are the types of thing that the press and media are writing that when all is said and done Lewis Hamilton’s career will be one of unfulfilled potential because remember 2008 was like what have you done for me lately it was like 5 years ago eh from

2013 2014 a long distance memory there were new ones coming up now Vel was hold it do you know what I mean like it was sometimes in sports your era can just pass you by do you know what I mean like you and you just never know Sports

Dynasties end like this and it just felt like F1 was just going to be one of those things to Lis like it was just the racing Gods can be cruel sometimes and maybe they were going to be cruel to Lewis Hamilton and his career was going to be one of unfulfilled potential or

Maybe that was the thought right so 2011 2012 goes by and This brilliant racer that is leis Hamilton still hasn’t won nothing one Championship UND done it looked like he was going to be another Damon Hill that was going to come and GNA go GNA take his one championship and

That was going to be it but that can’t be Lewis Hamilton right not Lewis because Damon was brilliant as well but this dude’s Talent as far as his ability to nail one lap as far as his ability to put together a race like he just had that knowledge and he was committed and

He kind of had everything in one right and you could see Race by race you could see like he was like an onion his skill set was layered and Race by race he would expose like a you’d see something else oh my God he’s resilient as well

Holy SM oh my God he can think his way through a championship as well what and then he’s faster than anyone with like he F1 driv normally have like an Achilles Like Vel was super quick right but he couldn’t like if he qualified in like seventh or eth he’d often struggled

To work his way through the field in a in a car that was quicker Shaker as brilliant as he was was often a bit of a line stepper so F1 drivers historically have these kind of Achilles here they’re brilliant in one facet but they’re not so good in another almost like a an

Equal and opposite offset but Lewis at that time just seemed like he didn’t have a week Ness didn’t seem like he had an Achilles heel except here it was now from 20 2009 through 203 there was the weakness and I was like okay so here it

Is LS is going to have this career and he’s going to be unfulfilled potential and that’s going to be on his epit sadly and it became a real thing it did it did and I I didn’t know whether this dude was ever going to win another CH being

Good was never a question for leis Hamilton he had that in bucket go ability speed racecraft Tire management he had all of that maybe more than anybody else had ever had up until that time but could he not could he get another championship because if he couldn’t that’s what the Nay says would

Say oh well he couldn’t get it done could he he he you know what I mean he flashing the pan his flame burned brightly but it didn’t burn for long that’s the sort of stuff that they were saying so in 200 14 when this fell against that backdrop managed to get it

Done myself as a LS Hamilton fan I was in a hotel and I cried like I stayed up and I watched it and I cried my eyes out confession time I cried and I cried and I cried and I cried until there were no more tears left because it was such a

If I felt I lived vicariously through Louis Hamilton like I read the criticisms the British media were Bing for him they couldn’t wait to start writing oh yeah another one another another career unfulfilled like I I’ve so when he won that championship in Abu Dhabi 2014 the weight was lifted off my

Shoulders to like and hence why I I cried like a baby properly subbed like crying noises and everything it meant a lot it really really meant a lot and so I say all that look at me to start crying again I say that to say this if he goes

And wins again in that Ferrari the eighth on the back of Abu Dhabi and 21 and the the next three years he was in a dog of a oh my God can you imagine as a Lou Hamilton fan I will have to put my objectivity to the side for for at least

12 months you know at least 12 months wi was we celebrate and revel in the record setting eth but I digress no world says it’s not just Talent his character like you said he’s resilient he’s got everything Noir at his best he’s hard to beat there’s no way Anthony Hamilton would have stood

For unrealized potential is true no but sometimes these things just happen though Noah more often than not right in sports when you think I try to think of an example you got if you guys watch NFL there’s a dad is it boritz no I’m I’m butchering that

Name anyway there was a there was a a famous Father and Son combination and the dad really he’s become he’s gone on to become a trainer since and the dad figured that he was just going to build the perfect quarterback right from he was like six months old he was feeding

In the right things nutrition bloody organic stuff training stretching everything was perfect and ultimately he just burned out right he went he got to college and it was just like it wasn’t for him so I just think the story more often than not is what the British media

Were talking about oh yeah another one unfulfilled potential and that’s why I cried but I will cry again if if if he bangs If he if he wins the record-breaking eight of Ferrari I will shed tears I don’t care grown men don’t cry say um and

Finally look okay state of F1 I wanted to drop this on you so Australian Grand Prix qualifying is at 4:00 a.m. Greenwich meantime 400 a.m. I think the race kicks off lights out is at 5 a.m. green meantime that’s British time um I don’t know I really

Want to stream it but I don’t know if I’m going to wake up I’ll be honest what are the stakes why am I waking up what just just because it’s a race weekend and it’s F1 that’s reason enough for me to hulkenberg and km mag makon says go let

Me read out this then before I run away um meline says holy smoke meline that’s a question and half we’ll address that at some point in the future meline let me put the go on then I’m going to address this meline says meline I’m trying to run away and you’ve just

Asked me a question to the to last another 30 minutes all right look meline says cam a serious question now would you still be a LS Fanboy if he was white madin look I don’t know why listen as a as a black man that lives in the UK

I can lean into this I can get I could die a tribe on this and go very deep but let me let me keep it as peripheral and surface level as possible I don’t know why listen Dutch Max let me flip reverse it so you understand it

Meline Dutch Max for stappen fans for the most part look a lot like Max for stappen it’s okay to root for the person that looks like you right there was a thing let me explain to you what I mean by this there was a thing in boxing now

They say that the term is racist but back in the day it wasn’t they just banded it out there was a thing in boxing called the Great White Hope and here’s what it means and here’s why I don’t think it’s it has racist undertones if we if we’re going

There and we’re going to start to talk about this stuff because socio so social injustice and socio economic stuff is a is a thing and there is an O as far as the ven diagram there is an inter an overlapping sector where these things cross so stick to F1 but sometimes you

Got to talk about this and since Madeline’s brought it up I will address it the Great White Hope in boxing so Tommy Morrison was a brilliant example and remember look I’ve wanted to you know what mine I’m glad that you bring this up because I’ve wanted to say this for a

While and we will book end this session with this and something else what WTF does it matter recolor Steve but it does matter Steve I love your um United Colors of Benetton lens Steve but it here’s why it matters look Tommy Morrison you guys can go and

Check my m on this but I remember this cuz I’m a massive boxing fan and my dad watches boxing he’ll probably be watching boxing now if you go into my folks house so the heavy boxing as a sport in the early 90s in particular was dominated by black men of course it was

Tyson Holyfield rid but especially the heavyweight division but even lower divisions sugaray Leonard Aaron Pro all the greats were either Black Or Hispanic Roberto Duran Alexis agu these guys were either literally either Black Or Hispanic so Caucasian Fighters did not get a looking that like back in the day okay

Henry Cooper and I don’t know um I’m trying to figure it said look at me struggling already for a Caucasian fighter of note Henry Cooper’s the only one I can mention Henry Cooper Rocky Marciano um max schmelling but you see the way I’m struggling it’s is the case in point

Right there were a gazillion successful black Fighters already gone through about 10 of them just off the top of the day Holyfield Tyson sugaray Leonard maywether um do you know what I mean the rule was that all the Champions were African-American or black that was

Just the way that boxing was so when one came along called Tommy Morrison and he wasn’t black he was Caucasian and a a white American the term in fact even before then who um Larry Holmes fought somebody called I can’t remember the guy’s name but there was a dude who started

Knocking at a white guy big white guy and start he started knocking out he knocked out Kenny Norton and all of a sudden people like oh my God there is a white guy a white heavyweight who can box he’s incredible what’s this is a unicorn and they made a a big thing

About it this dude for um gosh I’m going to have to look at the name this dude for so for Larry Holmes what great I need to remember his name uh Jerry Cooney there you go okay so this Chap’s name was Jerry Cooney Jerry Cooney came up and all of a sudden White America there we go thank you rock there we go thank you so Jerry Jerry Cooney came up and all of a

White America got super excited right because for the longest time even back in the day with Jack Johnson black heavyweight champions had always been black always just was whatever we can debate why or whatever but it just was the way so of course White America when Jerry Cooney was rising to Prime minutes

And looking like he could be the next Champion finally an American white Champion right and therein it the the phrase was coined the Great White Hope now bloody what’s his name I can’t even remember the guy’s name used it the other day to say Max aaen was the Great

White Hope but he’s not used it in context I don’t want even want to say it’s racist but he’s not used it in the proper context the context is this Jerry CUNY was labored the Great White Hope because he managed to penetrate and rise to the top of a sport that historically

Was dominated by people that didn’t look like him that’s where that phrase comes from the Great White Hope it was Jerry Cooney and then thereafter it was Tommy Morrison Tommy Morrison was the next heavyweight right that was that wasn’t black that managed to somehow rise to the top it’s

It’s rarified air this and it just that’s just what it was so now flip this on its head meline I’ve just explained it to you in terms that you can understand and Max stappen is is similar but different Max stappen represent something to the Dutch people who in

Their own minds when you speak to I’ve got Dutch friends right I’ve got listen to him classic racist statement I’ve got Dutch friends or black friends but listen I speak to my friends and they say that they feel underrepresented in the world right a minority of sorts and

So when Dutch fancy Max vapen representing their flag the Netherlands of course they’re going to root for him because he looks like them and he’s from the same country as them what’s wrong with that but meline now now apply that to my trade how comes it’s all right for Jerry Cooney and

White America and it’s okay for Max for stappen and and Dutch fans around the world but I can’t support the dude that looks like me just me like you got to single me out every the rule can the rule works and it’s pliable for everybody else Jerry Cooney Tommy

Morrison great white hopes as far as boxing and that makes sense because every once in a while very very rarely there’s a Caucasian man come along and start beating up black heavy but it just doesn’t happen right never I lay that to this now this is where we get techie

Never ever in F1 apart from only one who was a test driver yeah never ever since in F1 has there been get black a person of karon kind of but doesn’t really count but never ever since has there been a person of color who’s who’s gone anywhere now all of a

Sudden like tiger and Serena and Venus now all of a sudden you get a person of color a black man from the UK who’s come up now and he’s nailing it not just part not in there to just participate but he’s winning championships madine you

Got to you’ve got to give me that I’m sorry you’ve got to you’ve got to give me that no no no I understand madine I know you didn’t mean there was no malice and I think it’s I think the reason why I’m answering the question because I think it’s worthwhile talking about we

Don’t talk about this and and again I hear people say when who was it wasn’t blund Derek Warick when Derek Derek Warick referred to Max V stappen as the great white hype or the Great White Hope even um the wild yeah for education and setting an example for our kids maybe

Just maybe we can start changing behaviors just maybe in the US great unfulfilled potential for this great expect what I’m telling you look at those strong words um man then there’s something I was going to say to you just then it’s really bloody important and I’ve for

Gotten yeah Kenny I agree it’s a really really good question but I just think um bang Derek Warick leveraged so when lwis is winning all the time so between 2014 and 2020 the only season that Lewis didn’t win was 2016 when it was niai so it was this period of dominance yes very

Fair question Joe man I’m glad Madeline thank you for pitching that cuz I’ve always wanted to address this I don’t think I think because I watch so much bloody sport I have this context and people don’t share it like people don’t talk about this stuff a lot

And then it’s the Great White Hope is racism and all it’s not racist you you got to understand the atmology of the word right hence why I’m giving you the boxing background because that’s where that’s where I think the term was first used now for Derek Warick to leverage in

The midst of Lewis Hamilton’s dominance so from 2014 through to 2021 every season except for 2016 when Nico won fair play it was dominance wasn’t it from Lewis and some says it’s some say that it was monotonous I agree with them particularly to the latter stages when

He didn’t have a 2016 was an incredible season but towards the end like 2019 20 maybe like I I was quite pleased that like nobody wants to see a non race but then for Derek Warick to Levy the ter Max for staing in 21 is the Great White Hope completely misconstrues the sit

Situation he’s betrayed the term and what the term really means because what F1 has been is the flip reverse of boxing right remember boxing dominated historically by ethnic minorities particularly in the higher weight classes heavyweight all black lower weight classes Black and Hispanic always white people generally Caucasian

Boxers didn’t really get a look in so to say Great White Hope in that context makes sense because For the Longest Time always Caucasian boxers could never get a looking there were never Caucasian Champions or hardly any Rocky Marti I know Max Mellon going back hundreds years or whatever lip that into what

Derk wari said now F1 historically when has there been a person of color as a champion leis Hamilton won by himself only 2008 2014 through to 2021 every single year apart from 2016 before him there was nobody so what are we talking about Derek white Derek Warick what do you w

About great Max for staing is the Great White Hope what because L won a few championships how about before then go on let’s go through it jepi finina 1950 all through all through to bloody 2014 like 203 how many years is that 63 years no person of color even in the champ

Even in the series let alone winning races what are we talking about there so I don’t I don’t I’m not sure whether Derek was being malicious what Derek wanted to say was that he’s glad for he he wants change right he wanted somebody capable of challenging Lewis Hamilton

He’s used the wrong term whether there was malice behind it or not can’t I I can’t even get into that speculation it’s hard to be so definitive about these accusations without getting into somebody’s head right maybe maybe it was a bit malicious maybe it wasn’t is there

Right racist I couldn’t tell you I don’t know the guy but what I do know is that that term comes from boxing and boxing Great White Hope that comes from boxing because boxing historically has been dominated by nonwhite fitter so every time one would raise it whether that was Jerry Cooney

Whether that was Tommy Morrison whether that was Rocky martiano back in the day every time one would rise up to the top we would use the phrase they would use the phrase boxing officios afficianados would use the phrase great white hype you can’t just you can’t just change

White to black and then parlay that to lisis Hamilton because F1 has been dominated by Caucasian drivers for the longest time every single year before Lewis Hamilton and every single year since so what are we talking about Derek it’s nonsense drops some ucation not f1’s fault it’s already I’m not saying it

It’s f1’s fault BB I’m just I’m just I’m I’m truth saying out here this isn’t me being bitter I’m just trying to give like Obama rock or tiger or Serena and vimus but I’m just I’m trying to give the context because meline asked the question rewind the Tad Steve and you

Were you were hear the context the promise again Le was in a white dominated sport so your comparison to boxing is irrelevant uh it’s it’s flipped brain it’s flipped go back and listen to what I’ve just said right let me leave you guys with this as I Ponder whether to wake up and

Watch an Austrian Grand PRI God knows what time in the morning um I’m reminded of Adelaide 94 and here’s here’s the start contrast thing again um because this is quite important look I was thinking I really want to wake up but it’s very very early and I’ve had a

Tough week so again I need to balance it out I need to think of the risks and rewards right what am I do to gain is it going to be a dead Grand Prix is it going to be rubbish or am I going to get a proper Grand Prix with stakes and

Uncertainty and um and decent racing and overtaking a race that I won’t know who’s going to win until the very end of it probably not probably not right and then I thought let me try and remember the last time I woke up this early for a grand you know when it was

1994 the Australian 20 years ago one Damon Hill versus Michael schumack and why did I you know how old I was then was very young why did I have to wake up with my old man and watch that why why did I have to wait cuz there was Stakes it was

The final Grand Prix it was going to be an epic one just couldn’t even I couldn’t I couldn’t even sleep I wanted to see who was gonna name it was shoa it was Hill it was Stakes it was two giants of their era and I I needed to watch it

I couldn’t not be up to watch that it was epic and I’m glad that I woke up because it one of those moments in f one no sporting history that you needed to see live it one of those ones where were you when shaca took out Hill and then the

Circumstance around it and that was the year that sen it was just it was like I don’t know you needed to watch that you needed to be there to watch that season because it was so it was just that type of season you know so par into two that 2024 now like

Well I’m not sure if I need to I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see it’s not the same is it at risk of sounding like the old man down the pub back in my day is all very different weren’t it back in my day Etc

ET such a I don’t I don’t know if I’m going to make it guys and girls as badly as I want to stream and watch the race and qual review guys or am F1 give me some Stakes give me a reason to watch and if that’s not there if it’s not 1994

Again and Blood and Guts and shaca and Hill and all of the things that that came with center and stakes and British versus jut light you know what I mean like it’s just it was too much and if it’s not that then I’m not sure I’ve got enough reasons to wake up

In the morning at 400 a.m. and watch myself on Australian Grand Prix but I digress you guys have been Legends thank you so much for the generosity we we’ll catch up promise but between now and then prosecution rests no further questions rner


  1. The FIA are terrific ……….. at hiding issues behind NDA’s & gag orders transparency never existed and everyone benefited from lack of it at some point . Ferrari fuel pump cheat , also let’s not over look that Benny boy has Redbull all in his DNA from his rally days .. take that into consideration.

  2. FEW Realize the RACISM in the Arab World. Palestine, for Instance…There ARE so-called "Blacks" in Palestine. WHO Knew?? This go''s Back, Centuries, Let Alone in EGYPT!! Point? "HIS"Story!! So..

  3. Glad you went there vis a vis Lewis. So how about Zhou and Tsunoda? The same underlying and unspoken narratives are there. And the other one: class. These are for the most part kids of rich parents (not Lewis). It's something that's always kept me somewhat arms length about the actors in F1. I'm a huge cycling fan, and whilst they're not the most intellectual bunch, there's sometimes more character in the racer in cycling than I feel w F1, which obviously, often depends on the car.

  4. Awesome words on the race topic. I'm right there with you. As an American of West African descent, I've I been accused of the same type of favoritism for Sir Lewis.

    Allow me build on your wisdom, sir. 🫡🫡🫡

    Just going off our very similar Black histories in the West, I'd go a little further and say it IS like rooting for a driver from your own nation because we are a separate nation within our respective nations. (stolen, not migrated, etc…)

    I don't wanna "history" your comment section to tears, but WE know what I mean. No one bats an eye when Honda wants a Japanese driver in the car powered by their power unit. People don't seem to mind when we understand that Audi wants a German driver in one of its seats for '26. Yes, these are nationalities, but they are largely homogenous nations. Unlike ours. Easy to just mix us in with the rest of the population.

    No one cared that Pascal was German because he isn't Caucasian (my opinion).

    So when the Black tribe in the West roots for Sir Lewis, people should keep quiet.

    I'll give you one more…Nigerians will MURDER you if you say a bad word about…well… any of her athletes who excel at anything.

    I think Warrick used those words for this reason and this reason only.

    There is a certain section of the Caucasian community that would have Black people have NOTHING!! It's sorta like Trump/Obama in Nov. 2015. That select group was in TATTERS that a Black man was running "their" country & they wanted to see themselves represented again in the most dominant position.

    Same in F1. They were hating LIFE because a Black man had usurped Michael Schumacher and was en route to rewrite the history books…(still gets my blood boiling). That group wanted to see themselves restored to "power".

    He used those words (IMO) because that group had grown tired of it.

  5. We all know 2024 and 2025 are likely be re-runs of 2023 … also holding my breathe for 2026. It'll take Lewis a little while to settle into the red car, which will have been designed around Charles' driving style/preferences … but 2026 will hopefully be interesting.

  6. I always knew he’d have multiple championships.
    I once had a password saying this.
    So let it be written, so let it be done

  7. Maybe Lewis wants to start setting the rules of engagement/clear the air/ get things sorted/speak his truth etc. out this season before he starts afresh next season. (?)

  8. The FIA have always been dodgy. I don't see the women on sky sports F1 speaking Out after seeing what happened to Jonny Herbert when he didn't tell the line over Abu Dhabi, maybe takes a seven time. Will champion to speak up and hold them to account. Ultimately it's money that talks and we are the F1 fansbut as long as stadiums are full, they think everything is running smoothly and everybody is happy. Maybe you need to start a revolution Cameron

  9. I started following lewis in GP2. He reminded me of the great man Senna I'm with you Cameron it will be a brilliant season if Ferrari give him a good car and also I don't think I'll bother watching it live, which will be a first for me roll on 2025

  10. For Madeline – As another black British male who's been a F1 fan since 1974, I've been a huge fan of non-black drivers before Lewis (Hunt, Mansell, Senna, Schumacher) and after Lewis will still support and follow all British drivers. Cam love your pod, keep it up.

  11. The FIA even consider stripping lewis if the 2008 title that’s it for me , the total disgrace of 2021 & now this season is a joke , it needs a clean up .. this is just the beginning.. super cam your spot on again ❤

  12. Remember when we all thought FIA stood for Ferrari International Aid? That was bad enough, but WTF does it stand for now? How about Fraudulent Incompetent A*seholes? It seems to be a very exclusive organisation these days. Don’t bother expecting any kind of assistance from them unless you’re called Christian Horner or Fernando Alonso. Everyone else can fend for themselves 😂

  13. his downside will increase when he's wearing the red and will still be losing to Max, I do love him for roasting the morons/lawyers in the fia, especially the ones in the fia ethics commitee.
    On the other hand, anyone who saw the alledged chat messages by Horner must be supremely disappointed. What we saw in those messages is an infatuated teenager getting strung along. I mean, this guy lives for POWER.Sure he will jeopardize his life's work with his press attache. Sure. This guy is a borderline sociopath but too smart for this retarded bullshit. Did you see him excuding alhpa leaning over Tsunoda? Pff morons.

  14. Cameron, in listing the great black boxers of the past, you did not mention the most important and great of them. I'm shocked. His name is Muhammad Ali 😁

  15. Otherwise, you're doing great, buddy! Your analytics, especially in partnership with Peter, is always very interesting! Thank you

  16. Green Bull is a cool idea and Mr. Stroll will have contributed, broken even or much more on a free ride for Lance too.

  17. Overall a good channel. Good interviews with Peter Windsor. That said, sometimes feels a bit repetitive and has filler content. Remember it is better to have quality over quantity.

  18. I like watching your channel and the content with your guest but at times I think you get sucked into virtue signaling a bit like your favorite driver Lewis.

    I think your reference to Natalie, Naomi's and Co was a bit of gaslighting which is becoming a norm these days, trying to insinuate what they haven't said themselves. If F1 was so bad for women, and not safe, I bet they wouldn't be there. So this narrative needs a bit more interrogation and not just run with buzz words of the season. We assume too much and need to recognize we know so little of the realities in F1 business.

    As a long term sports watcher, you know the way the sport business works and so I'm surprised you seem to have misplaced expectations of F1. As I mentioned in the comments, if you tune into F1 for morality, you logged into the wrong channel. The eco system is built to maximize dollar, and behind closed doors this si all their priority. It's naive of us to expect them to destabilize what has been and is making them good profit to meet our virtue signaling standards.

  19. Sheeples..please wake up.
    It appears as if the business of F1 are using soap opera techniques, using Holywood style scripts to enhance the show. We don't know if all this blabla is actually true or not, as this never makes international news. This alone is the biggest red flag we should note.
    “Remember, all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more."

  20. I hope Aramco buys Aston just to kick out Stroll Jr., he's been in F1 for years due to daddy's cash, other drivers would've been shamed and kicked out by now, his performances are a joke!

  21. As a non-caucasian f1 fan, I was a raikkonen fan and then lewis came to the sport and changed everything. I will always be a Lewis fan and not feel bad about it! you said it best, there’s nothing wrong with cheering for someone who looks like you! Awesome episode cameron

  22. Susie was not investigated and was never accused of anything directly by the FiA. This was the statement from the FiA: "The FIA is aware of media speculation centred on the allegation of information of a confidential nature being passed to an F1 team principal from a member of FOM personnel. The FIA Compliance Department is looking in to the matter."

    looking into it……….not even an investigation was started, no names mentioned, she has no leg to stand on.

  23. Perhaps a wee bit of an exaggeration for the headline to claim "Hamilton destroys The FiA."

    He is, after all, merely stating the truth concerning all matters.

    For a sport's governing body (that is answerable to no higher authority), there needs to be no opaque action conducted in any sphere of operations and absolute accountability performed at all times.

    The FiA is not the police and the only organisation able to investigate itself!

  24. they know how its gonna be when you want a job in a alfamale world they have to act like guys to survive and you get ur respect while calling you a b@tch and call him an @sshole in responds and that s how its gonna be right?? we men used to be the f@king Assholes and now the wowan are maybe a f@cking middleroad its so stupid!!!!! and FIA investigates FIA whahahhahaha ofcourse

  25. The treatment of women by Saudi are well know over the world,LH speaking out is like trying to stop a tsunami,every one going to hear him but no one going to do anything,saudi money to deep in uk sports.he should rather watch his back,he may jusr disappear like many ppl be4 him

  26. The sport is moving on from being a BBC – "Billionaire Boy's Club", not the broadcaster to one of the largest sporting franchises on the planet. It's governance, processes and procedures are clearly immature – relying on 'heroic effort' of individuals rather than modern management techniques.

    Lack of mature decision making and consistency will lead to continual disappointments and the FIA will lose F1 as one of the sports it governs.

  27. FIA kept the cost cap on track while delaying the other 2021 reg changes for a year. That's a competition-killing direction to take as the one or two teams that get the new design closest to correct, are rewarded with dominance and that dominance is now maintained by the cap preventing all the other teams from buying enough design iterations to bring back competitiveness at the front. It led to 'Dominance by decree'…and many race weeks of "Lather. Rinse. Repeat." racing. Was that the plan?

    Is Cost Cap 2.0 under consideration? The 5% line between a major and minor breach is far too high. 5% is over $6 million and that amount can buy a lot of finishing places. Red Bull's inaugural overspend (ex tax credits) was only a third of that. RBR's $7m plus 10% of windtunnel/CFD has still left them spending more on racing since 2021 than every other team. Future penalties MUST come out of the offending team's future budgets or the spending never returns to a similar base.

    Many other elements of the 'pre-cap' world also need to be thought through much more completely. Another era of 'one car' dominance is not what the sport needs.

  28. Cameron I get what you're say about FIA getting their own back on Lewis, I don't think they'd dare once he's wearing them red overalls.

  29. As a white female, I like Hamilton because he is a fantastic driver but also because he is a black man. He has been a trail blazer and has fought to overcome so much. He is a role model and he is a great example for our children. I don't think I would have the same level of respect and adoration for him if he was another wealthy white man in the sport. 🤷

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