This is Why You Should Throw Out Your ENTIRE Disc Golf Bag

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How’s it going everybody today I’m going to tell you why you should ditch your entire disc golf bag but before we can get into that we got to stop at my house real quick now the reason this video has to start down here in my basement where

All my discs are is because we’re building a new bag and not for the reason you might be suspecting I know I said we’re getting rid of the other bag we’re building a new one and that sounds a little crazy but just hear me out what

I’m going to be showing you here today is kind of an exercise that I like to do in this sport it serves a number of purposes uh I think one of the main ones is for those of you who have fatigue in dis golf whether that just

From playing the sport a lot or playing the sport and trying to get better and just kind of hitting a wall and and maybe getting tired of it so I think this exercise kind of serves those people and I think it also serves people who are trying to get better at disc

Golf may not be tired of it but this can be a fun exercise to maybe break through a plate and discover some new parts of your game you hadn’t thought of before so what I’m going to be doing exactly is I’m down here I’m going to grab just

Another bag that I have you can use your same bag I just happen to have one handy and I’m going to fill this with completely new discs these are discs preferably that I’ve never used before now I also want to preface this by saying you don’t need to have hundreds

Of discs um just lined up for you to choose from in order to do this I’m sure some of you watching have more discs than I do I’m sure a lot of you have less it doesn’t matter as long as you have just at least one disc to swap each

Out with this will work just fine and if you don’t even have that many just make a few swaps and just change your bag up as much as you can you don’t have to do a complete switch if you don’t have enough disc to make a new bag completely

So I’m going to go through here I’m going to pick all these new disc I’m going to put in my bag and I’m going to go play around with it now why am I doing this a lot of times what can happen in disc golf is you settle into

One bag that you like you may you build it over time and then you really just stick with it now this isn’t every player that I’m describing but I think it is quite a few of them myself included and even though I rotate discs in and out sometimes I get stuck on

Quite a few that just never really leave the bag and my bag can get a little stale one of the most fun Parts about playing disc off is the discs I would say it’s it’s kind of a central Focus especially for myself when I got into

This Sport and all too often you know we collect all these discs we buy them all and then we never really get a chance to use them I can tell you from personal experience I have so many awesome discs that I would love to throw and I just

Never have so much so to the point where when I lose a disc or need to replace one I actually get really excited at the thought of putting a new one in that I haven’t thrown yet and a little overwhelmed because I have so many options so what this exercise does is it

Forces me to throw all these new discs and just try them almost as its own separate thing and that way if I really like some of them and I and I find a need to put it in my current bag now I’ve actually vetted those discs I’ve

Thrown them before and even if I’m not ready to put them in my bag quite yet once I lose another one I know what a good backup is because if you’re not prepared to have a backup for a disc that you lose it can be a little

Exhausting trying to find one I would also say this exercise is good for those of you who are just trying to get better at disc off in your bag has stayed the same for quite some time maybe introducing new disc could be what allows you to find different shots you

Hadn’t thrown before or maybe there’s just a disc you’re really good with that you haven’t quite thrown yet I would just really encourage you to give this a try I know a lot of people do this already some people like having multiple bags at all times to just carry out um

But I really do think it is a lot of fun to try new discs uh especially ones that you’ve already invested in and you have so uh yeah that’s what we’re going to do so like I said I’m going to go through here and I’m going to try and pick discs

That are very interesting ones I’d love to try out and don’t know a ton of bout we’ll start with the putters and then we’ll kind of work our way up to the drivers I’m going to try and fill out an entire bag and granted I may not get to

Throw every single disc during the round I play but I’ll try to be uh as liberal as possible When selecting them and kind of spreading the love now putting putter I can’t change that does have to stay the candy um because I’m kind of tied into that not because of some

Contractual agreement but uh just a a thing that I do on social media every year where my putter gets chosen so the the putter the putting putter is not going to change it’s still going to be the Clash discs candy but I will throw in a few different throwing Putters

Another thing I’ll say about this exercise is when you’re putting your new bag together maybe instead of just trying to think about the way your bag was is created currently like for instance I currently have five different mid-ranges and they fill certain slots maybe instead of that with this bag I’ll

Do seven mid-ranges or I’ll only do two mid-ranges and I’ll force myself to create a bag in a different style because that’s something else you can take away from this maybe you go out to the the course and you have way more Fairway drivers than normal so you have

To throw them more and you realize wow Fairway drivers are great and I throw them almost as far as my distance drivers I should have more Fairway drivers this is just kind of a way to give yourself a blank slate and learn stuff about your game that you might not

Learn because when you’re stuck in the same bag for a long time you’re kind of in this constant Loop and it is a way to get better at disc off you know having the same consistent tools but sometimes it’s good to freshen things up all right

No more stalling into the bag okay I’m going to start out here with something really fun this is a old Discraft Crystal Z challenge um this one I guess I got from a u section somewhere and uh I picked it up because I think it looks pretty sweet

And I’ve been wanting to try it out so that’s going to be one of my throwing Putters I think for my other throwing putter I’m going to go with this Prodigy pa4 reason being I used to throw these in college really liked them but other

Than the one video I toss this in maybe once or twice I haven’t thrown them in a while so I’m going to throw this one as well all right next I’m looking for some approach discs one that stands out to me is this Gateway devil hog I really like

This thing I think it’s a sick plastic blend and feels really good in the hand and I didn’t I never really tried this much I think I might have thrown it once or twice so I’m going to throw this in the bag I’m not going to spend too much

Of the bag real estate on Putters and approach this I think I’ll stick with this unless I spot something else I like because realistically they don’t fly too much different from each other the mids and then especially the drivers are where things will get a little interesting okay I got my mid-range

Lineup I’ve got this uh Solstice from Millennium I picked up at usdc maybe threw it once I I heard this is kind of similar to the md4 um from dis Mania so I want to try that out um I have an actual md4 this is actually a stiff Pine

Md4 from dis Mania I don’t remember where I found this but I just think the idea of a baseline original md4 sounds really cool so I’m going to try that then I’ve got um this I think this is a 500 uh M4 with the Justin rosac stamp

Never threw this U then I got a couple fun inval ones this is a star rock somebody gifted me with my local clubs um or my former local clubs stamp on it and I never threw it and I I think it looks like an awesome disc and then I

Have this old school champ Viper that I want to try technically called a mid-range even though it might be more of a fairway but that’s the mids we’re going to go with all right let’s get some Fairways all right got a nice selection of Fairways here I’m going

With the Clash diss cookie um this one in the sunny plastic I also got a clash discs Lotus maybe throwing each of those a couple times don’t really know what they do um then I’ve got this DJ Avalanche um feels pretty nice and then

We’ve got a I think this is a p no this is a rival yeah rival from Legacy I got this at a tournament in Las Vegas felt really good in the hand and uh this is a crystal stalker that palic Beth gave me a long time ago um actually almost still

Has a signature on there um and I don’t think I ever threw it so I really like the stalker so I should give that a try and then this is a um Halo Thunderbird you know what I don’t have any other discs with this stamp I’m not going to

Throw this one instead I’m going to go with this first run passion because I don’t think I ever threw it everybody loves the passion I just never really throw them all right we’ll grab a couple distance drivers and then we should be good to go all right got some really fun

Distance drivers here we’ve got this Uli stamped n OS but it’s uh Zite plastic so it’s only like 159 grams I’ve got this 2008 David felberg boss that I’ve never thrown got it in a u section uh this is a la marada stamped champ turn that I

Got when I was at La marada um this is a old two time champion beast Barry schz Beast always wanted to toss that and uh then I got a first run disc craft pulse and a Innova Champion monster now you’ll notice a lot of those distance drivers

Especially are like really old molds and I think a lot of the discs I have sitting on the shelf are like that where I picked them up specifically just because they’re old and then just never threw them but this is my chance now I’m going to throw them and then they may be

Really hard to replace but who knows okay I think we got a pretty nice bag here let’s get back out to the course all right so now that we have our entire bag I’m out here at sanduski Park and we’re going to test it out see what

Sticks and and I’m excited to throw some of these discs so now that we’re out here at the course the premise of today’s video is to really just see um if any of these discs stick but I’ll make it a little interesting because because you know even though I’m just

Trying to demonstrate a concept I still want it to be entertaining golf for you to watch so even though I’m throwing new discs I’m going to set a line for myself to beat here today I’m going to play holes 1 through 4 and then I’m going to

Play holes 14 15 16 17 and 18 so a nine-hole loop total and we’re going to set the line at let’s be aggressive let’s just say let’s say four under I got to shoot four under or better if I don’t shoot that I’m going to give away

Every disc I just selected into that bag I’m going to give them all way to one lucky subscriber and if I do hit the line maybe I’ll still just give away one of the disc but if I don’t hit it I’m giving away them all so if you’re not

Subscribed make sure to hit that down below because one of my subscribers would be the one winner of this giveaway all right hole one I like to go backhand on this hole the forehand is really the play but I’m not good at it I’m going to

Go ahead and try out this star rock I’m really excited about this oh good Branch okay A little it held the anheiser longer than I thought it’s definitely a pretty straight disc I did get to probably about 35 ft so we’ll see what happens now a bit of an unfortunate

Event I did mention I was going to put with my candy in the basement there uh I forgot to bring it out here this is actually the next day and so that means I’m stuck putting with the the Z Challenger so I’m sure that’ll go super

Well it’s a pretty decent look though on whole one not I kind of want to make this here well I don’t kind of want to make it I I do want to make it stay up all right hey okay maybe Z Challengers are my thing one under

That’s a good start to keep in all my discs all right hole number two I need something nice and overstable here I’m going to try out this champ Viper um this is a very interesting disc it almost feels like a driver and a mid at the same time but I hopefully it goes

Left feels stable oh it’s stable I didn’t throw it there that was not very good and I did not get a good skip either all right not the look you want on hole two seeing as it is so easy but who knows maybe we can keep the magic alive I don’t have to

Stradle this oh it’s left not the worst part I’ve ever thrown in my life I like the way that Viper flew though his Viper is pretty nice I mean I didn’t throw it super hard but it had good bite to it I liked that let’s tap out

Here all right one under through two can’t complain I think I mentioned this before but one thing about about these rounds is you might not get to throw every single one of the discs you brought out to try and what I would recommend doing is at the end of your

Round if there’s anything you didn’t throw just go over to a field or one of the holes you had already played and just toss everything at least once because you’ve already taken the time to bring those discs out there you might as well give them a fair shot all right got

A four-and hole on hole three I’m going with the DJ Avalanche it’s pretty wobbly forehand definitely overstable it’s not quite putting enough ump behind it that’s he got a throw it harder another below average look on an easy hole not looking great for my expectations I’m sure as

The audience you’re probably rooting for it though it’s okay you know I’ve gotten to the point now where I feel like I’m throwing not embarrassing step puts but I’m not threatening the basket at any point all right one under through three not ideal not ideal hopefully we’re going to try the passion flip

That looks really good sit I think that might be parked so I genuinely haven’t really mess with the passion even though I watch my friends constantly throw awesome shots with it but I totally get the hype I mean that was a that was a nice heer flip and I’m

Not really a good Heiser flip player but 28 ft here get in there yes that was nice that’s two like slightly above average puts with the crystal Z Challenger maybe I don’t even need to throw this disc it’s just going to be my new putter okay

We skipped over to 14 now good start I mean I actually did not expect to get four so 200 under with the back holes to play now 4 under might not be too difficult I may have made it too easy on myself we’ll see um going to go with

This Pine md4 this thing’s been thrown a couple times but not by me I don’t believe I’ve ever thrown it um I’ve thrown Cline md4s but never the pine it’s basically casc Pro which I love so I want to see if I can work it onto an anheiser and get it Flex back

Here oh it holds the anheiser left it kind of short again I don’t know like if I’m just forgetting that I need to throw hard but that actually held the anheiser more than I thought which I kind of like it’s like a straight disc but uh I thought that’ have more bite to

It let me know in the comments down below if you guys are going to try this concept out by the way and try playing with a completely different bag let me know if there’s any uh this that you’re exciting excited to try try out and uh

Also let me know if you like videos that have an element of instruction or I wouldn’t even necessarily call this instruction was more of a fun idea but more of a talking speaking element integrated I’ve noticed that a lot of people do enjoy that but maybe some of

You don’t so let me know in the comments I always like the constructive criticism um it always helps out and you guys are really respectful in the comments honestly like I’ve been on YouTube a lot and I feel like sometimes the audience can get a little hostile but I really

Enjoy being in this community because everybody is very kind and so let’s keep that up it’s it’s been great everybody’s very respectful of each other in the comments just good stuff dang good line I’m hitting really good lines with that putter not generating a ton of speed but those a decent little

Bit car all right 15 is a dog leg right I usually try to chip something overstable on on this hole I’m going to go with this uari n curious to see how much bite it has um by by the way since I won’t get to throw every single dis

Disc in this video if there’s one that you saw me pick out that you really were interested to watch fly and you want to see me throw it just put that in the comments down below and maybe I’ll add it into a bag for another video cuz I

Like mixing it up and there are a lot of discs in there that I want to throw that I might not get a chance to on this course all right I like the feel of this disc I love forh handing lightweight discs it’s like my elbow just breathes a sigh of

Relief I mean it’s just so easy and look at the way that thing’s going to bite that was great get in the ditch okay once again theme for this video I left a little bit wow it’s still rolling I left it a little bit short didn’t push it far

Enough so it’s not really it’s like a jump up I didn’t quite get it to the ditch down there but I liked the way that was so effortless that Z Light man so effortless and it still had a ton of bite at the end listen light doesn’t

Just mean flippy just means not great in the wind all right actually a very daunting uh upshot here I’m going to go with the devil hog TR try and Chip it yeah just sit there yeah not bad it’s like 15 ft boom I will say I’ve definitely not been hindered by this

Putter that really says a lot all right 16 is a chiper par three I’m going to throw this uh James Proctor cookie really fascinating disc cuz like as flat as flat can be feels like it’ be crazy overstable but I feel like they’re not if I remember correctly I don’t think I

Threw this one yet but I think I’ve seen one people throw this mold so I’m throwing it on a ton of Hiser anyway so it shouldn’t matter oh I like that is it long enough short again eventually I’ll learn maybe I’m going to try and just flick the pa4

But not a great look it’s looking like I’m going to have to make it happen on 1718 17 is eable so that helps oh I love it get down hit the tree and balance dang actually a decent line I went long for once always getting

Ahead of myself I was like oh man I birdied like two of the first four this is going to be so easy and then par par par all right on the reachable par 4 here I’m going to go with the N again because I really want to throw it and

There’s a little bit of a headwind so we’ll see what it can do I’m going to trust it a lot oh I yanked it it’s coming back though I will say this about the really light disc is you kind of like lose the feeling for it in your hand I don’t know

If you if you’ve ever played golf some guys will put lead tape on their clubs because they’ll lose feeling of the club head if they get really especially if they’re really strong guys not saying I’m strong that disc is really light and I’m used to heavier so it’s in my hand I

Almost couldn’t time it as well because I couldn’t feel the disc as much in like the weight of it in my hand if that makes sense still worked out pretty good it’s a lot of fun to throw I mean you feel like you can throw forever all

Right well I’ve landed in worst spots and at least I’m inbounds so step put for Eagle here come back dang it all right got the birdie nonetheless all comes down to 18 perfect drama couldn’t script it any better got a birdie 18 if I don’t birdy it I’m giving

Away all the disc in my bag right now this bag that is and if I do birdie 18 but I’m still going to give away some of them so’s stick around all right final hole hole 18 I’m actually going to go with the Viper because I I kind of stink

At this hole when I try and attack it straight on so I’m going to try and just like throw this hard and into the hill and let it skip up feel like that’s my best chance oh it’s close wow it is way too stable for that oh it did get up top

Though okay that was very ugly but I think it is going to putt all right lie isn’t great here but it’s very doable not super far we’ll take it got to make it here got to heer it in get in there oh it wasn’t pretty I got to be honest I

Was not expecting to make that in the slightest I Was preparing my giveaway speech that was uh that surprised me a little bit this putter has surprised me today all right so that’ll do it for today I did hit the goal so I’m not giving away the entire bag of discs

Sorry to disappoint I honestly set up a lot of these goals with the idea that my lack of skill will push through and allow me to give away a lot of plastic that’s how it’s worked so far on this channel but uh I’m going to give away

Some of these discs anyway cuz I don’t want to leave you hanging so what I’ll have you do is make sure you’re subscribed to this channel make sure you’re following me on Instagram and Twitter and then go ahead and leave a comment Down Below in this video with

Which disc you’d like from this bag that I made up and I will pick a few of you and send those discs out to you um because even though I really like some of these today and I think certain discs like maybe that passion will probably

Get a run in my bag I’m not going to get to throw all of them and they don’t do any good sitting on my shelves I’d rather have people who would love to throw them getting to try them out so um yeah I will mention also you know kind

Of to wrap up the idea of the video discs that I’m definitely going to try Beyond this video um the N OS the Uli stamped one loved it um and I should mention I’m going to try them unless I pick a giveaway winner that takes it

From me which is totally fine um I really like the passion that one drive I thre with it I’m going to pursue that a little further and uh from the mid-ranges they all kind of flew pretty similar so I don’t know about any of those um and maybe I need to switch

Putters to Crystal Z Challengers next year cuz that kind of worked out but other than that hope you enjoyed this video and I’ll will see you next Monday with another one


  1. That Champ Viper 🤤
    One of my first doscs was a 90s DX Viper. Beaten in so much but will still bring it out on warm days with open holes.

  2. I bought a passion but havent had the chance to try it yet. I'd love the md4 though for sure. I want something that fly's like a teebird but with a mid range feel. Still looking for something like that.

  3. Been doing this myself with just my small bag forcing myself to throw less discs and it’s been helping a ton and I would love to steal the Uli nukeOS from you 😅

  4. I have a nuke of my own and it’s one of my favorites. I’d love to try that passion or cookie!

  5. Would love to see the same concept at New London so we can really see an array of discs and how they fly for you.

  6. I really like the idea of this video and the format of talking in between holes. I've tried a similar exercise when i go on vacation and don't have room for a full bag. Just grab a few discs from the shelf, and it's okay if they don't make it back home. Wouldn't mind trying out that PA4.

  7. Love your content, you have helped grow my love for disc golf and have helped spark a passion for such an awesome game! Honestly, I’d take any of them.

  8. Check, check, check. I would like to see you throw the Beast. I have a used Champion one and I haven’t quite figured it out. It’s much domier than my Avenger SS’s. That challenger was treating you nice, I’d say sneak into the bag😉

  9. Another goated video by Trev dawg! I just started disc golf about 8 months ago, and quickly became addicted lol. I probably have enough disc already to make one more bag 😂 , so I’ll give it a try! I wouldn’t mind throwing that avalanche!

  10. This video was one of my favorites so far and definitely have me contemplating trying out some new molds.

    As far as my favorite disc in the video that MD4 flew like a dream!

  11. The Uli stamped OS would be awesome. I have slower arm speed from an injury and a lighter approach disc sounds really interesting to try. Great video and I will totally try this with the extra discs I have.

  12. I've been playing disc golf for about 9 months now and I feel like I have a choice to make. I'm at the point where every disc I own is in my bag, and I've been holding off on getting more or replacing any I don't like because it feels weird to have discs just sitting around (even though I'd love to throw one of those cool sunny plastic Cookies instead of my volt). Do people think it's worth trying out some new discs and shelving ones I have that get the job done fine, or should I wait until I improve more as a player before getting more?

  13. I have an alternate bag the I call my “alternate universe bag” that has all the molds that were close but didn’t quite make the bag for one reason or another.. I take it from time to time for the same reason you made this video! Sometimes you don’t know you need something new till you try it. Love the channel!! Keep it up!

  14. I'd love to try out the cookie! I need a stable and reliable 7 speed. My bag I think has been lacking that.

  15. I really enjoy the videos with tips like this. I never thought to do this but I think I'm gonna try it out.

    Also Id love to try that cookie. I've heard some good things about clash discs but I've never thrown one.

  16. love the video, I really try to push myself to bring molds I havent thrown yet each time I go out and give them a try at least 1-2 times a round. Would really like to try out that DGA Avalanche though….

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