Improve Your Putting & Lower Your Golf Scores! Headcover GIVEAWAY!

Here are some tips to help you identify what is happening when you miss shorter putts, and how to adjust to make them drop in the hole. This video also includes a review of the Craftsman Golf Monster Putter Headcover and details of how to enter the GIVEAWAY!
0:00 Intro
1:14 Putter headcover preview
1:45: Putt past the hole
2:30 Putting alignment
5:04 Practice to a small target
5:26 Putting balance
8:56 Putting arm structure (don’t break you wrists)
9:50 Swing with a push or pull motion?
12:27 Tips recap
12:44 Craftsman Golf putter headcover review
13:58 Giveaway information
14:22 Thanks and outro

Here is the link to the Giveaway Instagram post:

Be sure you are following me (@GregsGolfShack) and @CraftsmanGolf_ on Instagram, like the post, and leave a comment telling us you’d like to win!
Visit and use the discount code GGS to save 10% sitewide. They have many cool headcovers and other golf accessories.

Here are a few more of my important putting videos you should watch:
Use a Line to Square Your Putter:
Dial in Your Putting Distances:
Find Your Putting Tempo:
How to Sink More Breaking Putts:

Join me on my Socials:
Twitter: @GregsGolfShack
Instagram: @GregsGolfShack
Facebook: @GregsGolfShack
TikTok: @GregsGolfShack

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Hey folks and welcome to Greg’s golf Shack today I want to help you improve your putting from 10 feet and in so this is 3ft putts 6ft putts 10t putts the more we can drop putts in that range the lower our score is going to go out on

The course we might drop as many as 10 Strokes if we can dial in this range of putting now this video isn’t going to be a single magic tip to guarantee that you’re going to drop putts within that range what I’m going to do is explain some of the common misses why that

Happens what we’re doing in our swing to have those reoccurring misses and adjustments you can make to your putting stroke to better dial in those distances and drop those putts and the things I’m going to talk about don’t really focus on just pure strikes or distance and

Pace or Tempo or even reading break I’ve got lots videos on my YouTube channel in fact specific videos covering those things and I’ll link them down in the description you should check those out to better dial in your putting and even subscribe to my channel because I’m always releasing new instructional

Content I’m a certified golf instructor and I want to help you improve your golf game and have more fun on the course now before I awaken my putter from its Slumber I want to show you this cool head cover from Craftsman golf monster head cover for square head Putters and

It’s just fun it makes me realize when I reach for my putter not to take things too seriously have some fun and make some putts stay tuned till the end of the video cuz I’m going to do a quick review of this head cover and we’re

Going to be doing a giveaway to one lucky viewer I’m going to give you details on how to qualify for that giveaway all right let’s make some putts so putting from 10 ft and in the main first most important aspect to be able to give that putt a chance to drop is to

Aim for the distance to be after the hole so if I’m aiming at this ball marker I have here on the floor I would like my ball to travel about 12 in to 18 in beyond that spot a shorter putt that comes up short of the hole has no chance

To go in if we Veer a little bit left or a little bit right it still has a chance to drop but short never goes in so we want to dial in just enough Pace to make sure we’re getting it to the hole a little bit past not too far now one of

The most common flaws I see when setting up for a short putt is our alignment now certainly we’d like the putter to be aiming towards the hole and that’s the path that we’d like our Putter and the ball to follow now what happens is I find with short putts a lot of people

Aim a little awkwardly with their stance now your toe line and your shoulder line should be pretty much in line now people have different postures and stances and swings so this isn’t an absolute formula to tell you you have to stand a certain way but alignment is important so if our

Putter is following along this line here to point at that hole we would like our toe line and our shoulder line to kind of match that parallel so our toes are kind of pointing to the side of the target this helps ensure that everything is aligning on the right path the common

Flaw is people will often aim their feet and their shoulders at the hole this can cause us to swing inside out and push the ball away from the hole but what I find even more common is people will open their shoulders pulling it inside of that Target and even if they have a

Toe line that is aiming correctly very often they’ll open their shoulders because they’re looking at a close Target and it feels like we should be kind of open there and that causes us to swing Along our shoulder line and pull the putt inside so in demonstrating that

Alignment even if our putter is lined up towards the hole if we close our stance and close our shoulders it can cause us to pull our putter in and swing the ball out away from the hole and opposite of that if we stand open to the Target even

If our toe line is straight but our shoulders are tilted open that can cause us to swing the club away from us and pull the club in and miss the ball inside the target what we are looking for is a toe line a shoulder line that

Is parallel with our Target line so our putter can swing Along that path and get over our intended target just like that now I realize these are rolling a little bit longer than the targets just for demonstration to help show you the path of the putts and

You’ll notice that I’m using a ball marker to putt two to work on my aim that’s a great practice drill because if you try and Putt that ball to a small Target when you get out on the course that hole is going to feel huge now

Fault and fix number two is our balance balance is a really important part of our putting and we want to try and have the weight distributed evenly between our toes and our heels the second most common issue I see with people when they’re struggling with putting is they

Get too much on their toes they kind of lean out towards the ball and that can be difficult to hit the ball square if our weight is way out on our toes it’s very easy for us to pull the club in to regain our balance if we swing away from

Us we’re going to fall over so it’s kind of natural for us to pull the club in that’ll often cause hitting it off the toe and also pulling the ball inside of the target so we set up and we’re way out on the toes we often do that

Alternatively a lot of folks will get out on their heels and the opposite it happens when we get on our heels it can cause us to want to kind of reach out with our putter to avoid falling back if we’re on our heels and we pull our putter in our balance shifts backwards

So if we have too much weight on the heels that can cause us to pull the putter in a little bit and then push it away from us causing this strike and path that pushes the ball out and away from the Target now just like our front

To back balance balancing too much on one side or the other can affect our putts we want to make sure we have a nice stable base we don’t want to be turning in the putting stroke and we don’t want to be swaying that’s going to alter our path make it difficult to

Judge the speed of our putt we want all that to be stable almost from the middle of our chest down and we want this nice triangular sort of shape this structure between our shoulders and our arms that kind of Teeters back and forth like this like

A pendulum and if we get too much weight on our Trail side for instance if we shift back and stay there again that can cause us similar to our toes to pull the club in towards us and miss that Target on the inside and some people like to

Have a little bit more weight on the lead side but again if we have too much weight if we kind of shift ourselves forward that can cause us to push the ball because the club doesn’t have a chance to release through impact it’s an open

Face the path is going inside out and we miss the Target on the outside so balance is of key importance I’d like you to get situated there shift your weight from your toes to your heels and find yourself a nice stable balance and

What you can do is if you end up on your toes too much wiggle your toes up and down softly get the feel of what it is to move the weight a little further back and if you find you’re a putter that’s on your heels too much just kind of

Loosen up do some little steps like that I like to kind of rock back and forth between them find that then plant your feet get a nice stable setup nice balance and then swing that pendulum right over the Target now this final scenario has to do with the actual

Swing and very often we’ll see people break their hands the most common is breaking the hands through impact less common is people who will kind of get too much forward shaftline and increase that angle through impact but it can happen so what happens when we do that

If we swing back nicely but then release with the hands that’s going to close the club face again cause us to hit off the toe a little bit and that’s going to to pull the ball on the inside so if I release my hands early there we go now it’s difficult to

Release the hands too late with a butter but if we do somehow that’s going to push the ball away from the Target because the hands didn’t have time to release so the key to this is figure out what kind of feeling do you like with the putter do you like to feel like

You’re kind of pulling the putt through through with your lead arm or do you feel like you’re underhand and kind of pushing the putter with your Trail arm some people are pretty good at using both arms equally and getting it through but you know there’s some different opinions and different Comfort levels so

You have to figure out what’s comfortable for you the key is to make sure that the arms the wrist the hands are moving in sequence to the Target we want to feel like we’re extending those arms towards the Target now there’s a natural little bit of Arc in our putting

Stroke but we’d like to feel like we are dragging this putter towards the target we want to keep it online as long as we can so I don’t want you to lock your wrists and feel like everything is stiff that’s going to make it very difficult

We want this nice and loose but we want this pendulum to move as a unit now you can experiment with what you prefer if you prefer the pull or if you prefer the push feeling one way to kind of get a feeling for that is to pick up the ball

And see what it feels like to toss it see if you can kind of land it on your Target by releasing that ball with a toss so release it like that pretty close or grab a ball and release it sort of underhand like this and what feels more comfortable for

You to get it online then you can apply that to your putting stroke now I really Advocate this backand pulling feeling with the full swing to me I kind of go back and forth I’m always trying to find what’s comfortable for my putting stroke for

That day and I tend to lean towards this pushing motion I like to feel like I’m underhand I feel like that allows me to be more Square than feel like I’m backhanding with a putter so I like to set up feel like I’m going to have a nice consistent structure here with my

Shoulders my arms my hands good alignment and I want to feel like I’m pushing the palm of my hand towards the target it’s in line with my arm here and see how it turns out ah I missed it a little bit to the right there must be some break on this

Floor but those are some tips that I think you can apply you can solve some of the problems you’re having on the course make an adjustment and syn more of those putts now I hope you enjoyed that content it helps you make more putts out on the course and lower your

Scores I’m going to put this putter to bed here put it in this fancy head cover here now Craftsman golf has some different styles of these monster head covers there’s different colors you can kind of reflect the mood you might be in or kind of reflect the colors you might

Be wearing out on the course they’re pretty fun and they have all kinds of different head cover designs if you visit Craftsman and use discount code ggs for Greg’s golf Shack you’re going to save 10% sitewide on all their products now this head cover is really nice really good quality

Stitching and that image is really nicely put on there you can see really high quality it’s actually pretty thick there’s a nice felt interior and it’s padded to keep your Club nice and safe and it’s got a magnetic clasp to keep it snug on your putter now

I really like the magnetic clasp there they last a long time and it’s not Velcro so you don’t have to listen to that sound all the time and it doesn’t wear down and rip through those velcro threads this is really nice that Stitch work is good the image is fun again it

Reminds me to have fun out on the course and we’re going to be giving this away all you have to do is visit my Instagram page @ Gregs golf Shack and I’m going to have a post about the giveaway with a little video and some images of this

Head cover make sure you follow @ Craftsman gool on Instagram as well like that post and leave a comment that you’re interested in winning the monster head cover giveaway I hope you enjoyed that video please like And subscribe we’ll see you next time on Greg’s golf Shack back

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