The Jones Rover Stand is My New Favorite Carry Bag

Looking for help figuring out which bag is right for you? Take our 30 second quiz and I’ll give you my best recommendation based on your needs:

Written Review:

Buy the Jones Rover Stand Bag:

Best Golf Bags of 2024:

00:00.    Ok…This is a little embarrassing.
01:32.     Not sure? Take our 30 second quiz.
01:52.     Save money and help me out!
02:18.     So, what is the Jones Rover and how does it compare to the Trouper?
03:06.     How are the looks?
04:04.     The stand.
04:19.     Storage.
05:30.     How does it carry?
05:48.     How about a like and subscribe?
05:59.     The Jones strap system.
07:10.     A great bag but I wish it had this.
07:59.     Is it feature-heavy enough for me?
08:30.     Enjoy “the carry”.
09:30.     Possible downside.
09:48.     The biggest competitor.
10:15.     Wrap up.
10:44.     Close.

All right guys look I’ve got a couple embarrassing things and I’m just going to I’m going to come clean we’re going to talk about them real quick and I’m just I’m I’m just going to say it I usually use a push card I’m getting close to 40 years old ouch that kind of

Sucks but uh I’ve got no ego I’m just trying to protect my back I want to play as much golf as possible so most of the time I use a push card and the second thing is that I’m a bit of a packrat and that’s probably why I prefer to use a

Push cart because if you give me the space in a bag I’m going to use all of it I will throw 15 golf balls and three rangefinders and seven gloves and four water bottles and two flat like I’ll put it all in there whether I need it or not

Now I’m trying to get better it’s a bit of a problem but that is why I typically don’t carry my cloves don’t get me wrong I love the idea of carrying my clubs but every time I pick up a bag it’s just so heavy because I put all the crap in it

So when I got this the Jones Rover I expected to I mean look like it’s a gorgeous looking bag but I wasn’t expecting it to be a bag that I was planning to use all the time because I don’t often carry my clubs but you know

What happened I love it I love carrying my clubs with this bag why well let’s talk about it today we’re talking about the Jones Rover stand bag it’s the Brand New Bag from Jones and honestly I’ve liked this bag more than I expected to because when you look at features if you

Look at everything it’s got it it doesn’t have a lot of the things that I usually look for on a golf bag but I’ve learned that’s kind of a good thing this is a bag that is better better than the sum of its parts and I’m going to tell

You why today hey if you’re watching this video and you’re still not sure which golf bag is right for you I’ve got something for you go take our 30C quiz you’re going to answer a few questions about what you’re looking for and I’m going to give you my best recommendation

Based on the bag I think is the best fit for your needs so you can even click the link open it up in another browser while you’re watching this video to uh get a little bit of an idea of whether or not this bag or something else is going to

Be right for you and in the end if you decide that the Jones Rover is a bag that you want if you uh if you click the link below I will get a commission and allows me to continue doing videos like this for you but one thing I

Want to make clear is I don’t care if you buy the bag or not I don’t care if you buy this or something else my whole goal here is to just help you find the right products for your needs if I do that and I do that well then I believe

My business is going to be taken care of by helping you get what you want so take all that for what it’s worth but if you got some value out of this maybe consider hitting that link all right so real quick let’s talk about what the

Jones Rover is so most of my experience with Jones golf bags has been with their Trooper Series so the trooper series is their more full-featured golf bag that’s the one that’s going to have the cooler and the extra handle and more storage space but the Rover Series is their more

Minimalist series of bags it has a stand that works great but you’re not going to find a lot of the storage options that the trooper has and this one is considerably lighter than the trooper Series so the utility Trooper over the years has been one of my all-time

Favorite bags I’ve recommended it to so many people and it’s one that I still continue to use on a very regular basis but like I said I like space I like to pack stuff in I don’t often straight up carry my clubs so I was expecting the

Rover to not necessarily fit my needs super well and I was surprised that it it has so first off let’s talk about looks I first saw this bag at the 2024 PGA show where the entire Jones booth just looked good like it was clear the stuff they were doing this year it all

Looked good all the color schemes everything worked together really really well and so I picked up this bag in sage and black but honestly it was a tough choice because I really like all of the colorways here I think this is one of the best looking bags on the market and

I think Jones knocked it out of the park there’s just some little touches that you’ll find here that I think set it apart from some other similar bag so one of them is on the hip pad here it’s got a sweet Herring bone design so it just

Looks elevated it looks a little more high-end you know sometimes in luxury cars you can get the leather seats that have that fancy Herring bone stitching it just looks more luxurious it just looks nicer and I think that’s the case here also a cool touch is with the main

Handle this intertwined twist I’ve not seen this in any other brand it’s kind of become a Jon style staple I love it it sets it apart it looks unique and it’s just one thing that adds to the aesthetic of this bag the stand on this bag works great it works exactly like it

Should it’s not necessarily the most robust stand when you compare it to some other full featured stand stand bags but uh I’ve had no issues with it and I have no reason to think that I would have any issues with it so so far it’s performed

Really well so when it comes to storage with this bag you have just enough for the essentials I’ve actually been surprised because you look at it it doesn’t necessarily feel like it has a ton of storage but when you think about what you actually need to put in your

Golf bag it’s kind of got plenty for everything you would need so you’ve got a valuables pocket up here which is great it’s not quite as padded as some other valuables Pockets but I would have no problems putting a watch in here I think it’s going to be totally safe on

Either side down here you have big storage Pockets that are not huge but they’re just big enough if you have like a sweater or a vest or a layer or something you can put it in here although you’re probably not going to want to put like full rain gear in here

That’s going to weigh you down it’s going to take up basically both of these Pockets if you were to put a jacket and rain pants in there so it’s probably not a bag you’re going to use during All Seasons but for a summer bag where you’re planning to walk and you only

Have a light layer you got plenty of space for that and then you have the main pocket here which is great whether you want to put balls in here it’s perfect for a water bottle so I usually kind of keep a water bottle in here um and then all my te’s glove little

Accessory goes in this front pocket so it’s been nice because the whole reason I have generally not gravitated towards carrying my clubs which I know is sacr as a golfer and the whole thing um is because I will tend to put too much stuff in it so I’ve now carried this for

Three rounds in a row and something funny kind of happened on the third round as I was going into it it wasn’t even a question of whether or not I would take a different bag or use a push cart I was excited to not only use this

Bag but to carry it and it’s been a long time since I’ve been excited about carrying my clubs hey 5 seconds is this helpful maybe subscribe it’ll help me out a lot and uh hopefully continue to help you out as you were looking for cool golf products 3 2 1 thank you let’s

Get back to it so you can’t talk about a Jones bag without talking about the strap system and in the past I’ve not necessarily been a fan of the way their straps work because you don’t have kind of a center equilibrium point where it just makes it feel like you’re putting

On a backpack you actually have two completely separate straps here but what’s nice about this is it makes it just as easy to single strap it as it is to double strap it and when it comes to double straps while in the past I’ve had a hard time kind of figuring out the

Jones system this one it took me like two holes once you figure out which strap to pick up and put on first there are zero issues it becomes second nature you will never think about it again so I know they’ve improved and tweaked some of the different design components to

The straps and I think these are the best straps that Jones has ever made when you compare this to more expensive like luxury bags some of the some of the attachments do feel a little cheap I I have no concerns about this braking or anything but compared to like a

Higher-end vessel bag uh these definitely don’t feel quite as robust but part of that is also weight savings I mean the whole point of this bag was to make it a great carry a great walking bag so by not using thicker Plastics and Leathers you’re helping keep the weight

Down which is part of why this thing is such a joy to carry that being said I have found one major downside for me personally there’s one thing that if Jones added to this bag it would make it like the ultimate carry bag for me and

That’s a top handle right here I didn’t realize how much I grab this spot right here when I’m picking up my clubs or when I’m taking it up and setting it down like my natural tendency is not to grab the handle it’s to grab this this

Top handle but there isn’t one so if you look at the Jones utility Trooper or most other full featured golf bags they have an extra plastic handle up here and they just don’t have it here because it’s more of a minimalist bag and they’re trying to keep the weight down

So I know I will get used to grabbing it on the handle but in the meantime I keep grabbing here which is probably going to cause undue wear just because that’s been my habit so I’m sure I will learn as I use this bag more but that’s one

Area where I’m happy having a little bit of extra weight to have that handle because it just is so much easier to use or at least I think that it is now honestly as I mentioned my initial thought was this is that I wasn’t going

To love it because I’m more of a feature heavy person because I’m usually using a push cart I can pack my bag full of stuff so I want all those extra pockets and all those storage options and all of those things and don’t get me wrong I

Still love those bags I still love that experience but with this I’m like I don’t know how I’m going to adjust to not having those options and I’ve got to say it’s been great aside from that handle we just talked about I’ve not found myself wanting with this bag this

Is a bag that I truly think is more than the sum of its parts this is the first bag that I’ve personally used that’s allowed me to just enjoy walking on a golf course and carry my clubs I felt more connected to the course I felt more

Connected to the round I actually feel like a proper golfer carrying my clubs like I should and this is a bag that I know I’m going to play a lot of rounds with this year which has surprised me because as I get older and I have more

Aches and pains I have no problem using a push cart if it extends the longevity of my body but because this when you throw six balls in in a rangefinder some teas a glove and a towel um in all your clubs because it’s still so light and

Feels so good and you can easily switch between single shoulder on one single shoulder on the other double strap because there’s so many options it hasn’t felt like a burden to carry my cloves like it has felt with some other bags so at $275 is this bag worth it uh

I would say absolutely yes if you’re looking for a more minimalist style bag that also still has a stand and still has storage for all the essentials I think this is one of the best bags on the Market I think you are going to love

It the downside is that if you do play in the offseason or you playing inclement weather a lot and you like to carry a lot of extra layers then this probably isn’t going to be your only bag this feels more like a three season bag spring summer fall you’ve got enough for

One layer but if you start really throwing in extra layers ring gear stuff like that then this isn’t necessarily going to be the best option in my mind the biggest competitor to this product is probably the Stitch air Walker so the Stitch air Walker is a similar weight

Comes in at just a little bit more expensive at $298 although we’ve got a coupon code that’s going to drop it all the way down to 238 so that becomes a pretty killer deal and is a little bit more of a full-featured bag so it’s got a cooler lined water bottle holder it

Does have the handle up top it’s got a little bit more storage space so if you’re looking for a more full feature bag that’s still relatively light I would check that out but I got to say when I compare the two this one just kind of gets me excited to use and that

One doesn’t as much it’s a great bag but there’s something about this and just be able to pick this up use the single strap the way it looks the way it feels um I really like this thing if you can’t tell so those are my thoughts on the

Jones Rover It’s a Wonderful bag it’s not going to be for everybody but if you’re looking for a light comfortable carry bag to experience golf the way it should be experienced carrying your clubs then you can do a whole lot worse than this my name is Sean Ogle I’m the

Founder of this thing here at break where we talk about cool golf products and cool golf courses if you got some value out of this maybe consider hitting subscribe it helped me out a lot it allows me to continue doing videos like this one and if you’re still not sure

Which bag is right for you like I said go take that quiz I think it’s going to help make your decision a whole lot easier so with that if you have any questions on the Jones Rover or any other bag like this drop a comment below

I will do my very best to answer and uh I hope you have an excellent day we’ll see you on the next video peace


  1. Man you absolutely nailed it with the weather comment. Same for the trouper. If it’s summer and I need maybe a wind breaker or small rain jacket at most, it’s a perfect bag. As soon as I need a hoodie or coat, it takes up the entire pocket (and takes up the valuables pockets too) and kind of becomes infuriating. I’m looking for something bigger for exactly those situations. I wish they could make something like the titleist hybrid that looks as good as a jones

  2. When I went from my Hoofer Lite to the Jones, I found out how much I used the top handle when lifting and setting down the bag. It allows for a two-handed operation and without it, I found my right arm tiring.

    It’s probably ok when not carrying a full set. But, definitely something I’m keeping an eye on going forward with new bag purchases as a must-have.

  3. Really interesting. In the UK and Ireland the default is push trolly everywhere. While carts are options some times it’s not used as much by most people. Carry happens but way way less frequently. Zero issue or judgement this side of the water…. So the interesting question is what bag if you only push cart

  4. Hey I’m 44 would KILL to be almost 40 it’s an exponential slide into the abyss once you cross tha magical 4 0

  5. LOL This guy just said im getting close to 40 , I mean how soft are you dude. 40???? A man is in his peak strength in his 40s. Holy shit what a weenie. Low T guys like this i swear in their 30s are everywhere nowadays, super sad.

  6. sick hoodie. love my black vessel vlx 1.0 but the black/wheat rover colorway is elite. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼

  7. I got the black camo utility stand bag and love it. I just got it in the off season and it’s been on my cart but I can’t wait to take it out for some walking rounds.

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