Golf Players

Diane Foster vs. Sherry Anderson – SEMIS – Biktrix Saskatchewan Senior Women

Diane Foster of Lloydminster, Saskatchewan playing Sherry Anderson of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in the SEMIFINALS of the 2024 Biktrix Saskatchewan Senior Women’s Curling Championship produced by Curling Stadium from March 14 to 17, 2024 and hosted by Martensville Curling Club in Martensville, Saskatchewan. Canada. [Sheet 3]


To 14 for sh yeah for got you e e one minute e you prac this is over Oh [Applause] Excellent [Applause] excellent hello and welcome it is Sunday morning you thought curling uh Championship season was over but nope we’ve got senior women’s to decide here my name is Rory mccusker your camera operator uh unfortunately for you commentator I’m joined by my Thursday night men’s league it’s an open League

I’d say Skip and more importantly uh 2021 Cali Golf Club Champion Sam Wells what’s up ladies and gents yeah that is the drunkest I’ve ever picked my girlfriend up from anywhere is that c Curling Club golf tournament well done Sam you took home the championship hey at least you took call

Your girlfriend that [Laughter] night and we’ve got Sher Anderson taking on Diane Foster this will be the at least the second maybe even the third time these two teams have played this this competition couple World champs yeah that’s what you’re were saying um I am uh I am not as familiar with

Foster’s team as as I am with Sherry’s I mean Sher Anderson seems to just be winning something every year so hard hard not to notice yeah I think I think I I don’t know where Diane played when she won um but I know she did win it so anyways

It’ll be a good battle um both these teams a lot of experience uh you donaly Dice on Diane’s team donal’s you know played I played her in doubles a lot she’s really good and you know there’s there’s a lot of lot of lot of pedigree

On the ice right now so this will be a fun game to watch been your classic Martinsville ice nice and quick nice and swingy yeah James Gordon the ice maker out there is pretty good ehy yeah he tries not as good as he thinks he is but uh he tries really hard

You can see all the advertising out there on on the ice this is a good example of how uh how much you can get out of a four sheet rink James’s james’ rink here lot of advertising out on the ice tries really hard for his curlers it’s a fantastic

Facility I love it every time I come to Martinsville to play curently all right let’s see if I can handle counting rocks here Sam three two blues and a red are gone look like Sherry’s going to start out with Hammer both teams coming to play in this first end we see a center guard we see a uh Rock in the forefoot and sher’s going to lock another one in the top 12 so good setup going so far too good in fact Foster’s going to run that guard back never a great feeling

When you have to run your own Center guard back but two well-made shots not going to leave her with a lot of options yeah that’s two very good shots by need a silver nle there that’s uh that’s what you want your uh your lead

Man to do so so that’s uh that’s a great start for team Team Anderson not going to get anything moving with the run back rolls are off to the side probably see Sher guard here um she could Loop that blue one that just rolled off to the side but

Uh but I think I think a guard here’s I I like the guard lot of rocks left right right I mean the scary thing about guarding is you right now you’re guarding your good setup but three or four shots later might end up being a

Blue one behind that that mess so it’s a little risky to throw a center guard with hammer for that [Applause] reason we got to get it in play first all right good sweep by the ladies there to to get that one huge scrub huge scrub those Sunday sweeping muscles not

That I play on Sunday that often but the well stamina herac corns there hammering It not Jake and Quinn heror either which is which is something you will see yeah those guys can sweep most people named herac corn can can really crush the rock it is St Patrick’s Day today happy St Patty’s Day our celebrating last night got that out of the Way yeah it’s uh if anyone knows me they know I like a good St Patty’s Day party um I was watching hockey last night so I was at a little place called ohland Irish Pub last night and if you know anything about ohland you know that I’m hung over Today still made it up to send me the link at 9:30 though Ro I I appreciate that got it would couldn’t miss this couldn’t miss this this is one of two semi-finals we’ve got uh Tracy stel and Deanna do I probably murdered that last name but that’s okay if I’ve never heard you

Say it I don’t know how to say it either so I never apologize for for screwing up a name on stream but the winner of that game will play the winner of this game in the championship final later today little guard peel trade action going team Anderson replacing the

Guard team Anderson’s done a they’ve done a great job of replacing this guard um when ice gets swinging like this it can be it can be very hard to perfectly guard a rock especially when it’s not splitting the center line and and the girls have thrown that’s either two or

Three in a row that uh it’s fully covered that top one so got to give him props for that yeah team Foster getting the worst of Both Worlds there ticks the guard but doesn’t get it fully out of the way decision time for for Sherry is she satisfied with what she’s got cooking

Here or does she want to make it a little better I can see she’s getting little greedy here nothing wrong with that wants to tap that top 12 rock into the foref foot well I think now there’s two guards in front it is important that cherry gets another one in the house

Here um you know it’s you play that if you leave Diane that angle blue tap or a wide come around um Cherry might not have a way to get it out so this way getting another rock close to the foref foot uh gives her a better chance of scoring Too yeah you don’t want to force yourself yeah that’s the worst that’s worst case Ontario come up a little late there yeah seems like didn’t have enough juice still biting the Rings he going to leave this double team Foster that’s a lot of rotation they’re going to have trouble getting this one back back I think that’s missing the whole pile yeah opportunity

Missed yeah that’s a lucky break for Sherry there uh with that that rock that first rock uh Patty’s coming up little light there and over over curling but uh don Le had a chance to make a doublin light too and and uh you know now they

Have a chance to play that same tap and and you know really put the put the pressure on Di here hello and good morning to our 44 viewers on curl Sask YouTube page it’s been a great year for streaming curling lots and lots of content to be had curl SAS coting a lot

Of uh a lot of streams this year working with curling stadium and myself James Gordon Jerry gz John Benton so it’s been a really fun year streaming a lot of Cur curl Sask events Gotta Love free curling on YouTube Hey and for those of you expecting to

Tune in and hear Chris hiker and Trevor brro we’re sorry you get Rory mccusker and sels today yeah I think we’ll there you’ve not seen the end of Chris hiker’s commentating career so fear not you’ll you’ll hear him again oh he’ll be on espn8 the oo good opportunity to make two Red

Rocks go away here Roll it still two red question ends up being how dangerous is that blue Rock worth getting rid of looks like uh Sher saying no um looks like she she’s wanting to throw a guard here uh I don’t mind the call either you know what’s what’s what’s Diane’s

Shot right now to uh to try and cut her down or or get a steal I think it’s it’s a it’s a blue it’s a blue runback tap or or this wide draw way around the outside blue on on the right hand side there yeah if this if this guard’s made

You’ll have pretty wide draw on either turn can’t take away both of them no only other thing I could think of doing here if your Sherry is is maybe playing like an aggressive tap down the middle and get get another one in the for foot but no first end satisfied with your decent

Setup nothing wrong with this call pretty artistic throw there from Sherry and first first rock of the first end little bit of a lean on there but that’s okay Sherry always finds a way to make it happen she has so far Sam in this competition thrown a few from her her

Belly which which will happen yeah it’s uh anything it’s a slippery game Rory not everyone can be us on Thursday nights the Cali no that is pure form at its most pure State yeah Sam Wills throw at the C Curling Club sheet 12 our favorite sheet oh Unstoppable out there

Actually that’s that’s where we played Diane Foster and the FED spiel and how’d that one go uh got the dub uh we got the dub yeah looks like Diane’s playing this wide draw here around uh around this blue on the that’s covering kind of half the half the 4 foot half

The8 foot there now it’s we got a ton of swing in Martinville here you know James Gordon does such a good job with the ice she might be able to get this around everything for a definitely second shot I don’t know if it’ll get there for shot but definitely second shot and that

Could put to make it tough on Sher so excited to see where this ends up I would think that would pretty effectively Force the end I don’t know how you’d you besides some kind of double run type thing no sher’s a Hall of Famer that’s true well they came to play this first

End lot of rocks in play lot of aggressive shock call see if they can sink one here sweepers like it this looks pretty good line looks really good look at this thing walk in there and I don’t know if this is going to get shot but this is

Definitely going to get second that’s a fantastic shot from Dian Foster wow yeah beautiful if you were to make one complaint about it it came just a foot or two deep might open the door for Sher she’s going to come right next to that guard though in order to to get shot

Over that so I think that’s a that’s a big old Joan mccusker Mike Harris mission accomplished mission accomplished is right you don’t make that draw you could be looking at giving up three or more and uh and you know she gets around there it’s buried it’s over buried if

You look at uh if you look left side of your screen you can see it’s over buried so Sherry has to try and get around it but as tight to that guard as Diane did and uh get on top of it or just inside it to score her

Two it is the last Rock of the first end it’s a shot for two Sher Anderson wide outt Draw sweepers are gunning this for line they going to get by the top one does it have enough juice to reach the forefoot and they get it there all right we have a we have a shooting display this morning Rory that’s that’s some pretty good curling for this early in

The morning I agree well hey senior women’s Cur they they love the morning draw Sam they’ll tell you that too it’s a big deuce to start things off for team Anderson it’ll be foster with the hammer in the second when we return here is what cowboy dreams are

Made of strong calloused hands open Skies the smell of leather and horses and Sage Brush it’s getting off the road to explore a chance to have a real Western experience hats boots and hard work it’s finding peace while connecting to the land and with those on the same

Adventure pull up a seat or get in the saddle in our living skies and Badlands Saskatchewan there’s no doubt running any kind of farm comes with day-to-day challenges we built a new facility 2 years ago technology has totally revolutionized Dairy farming fast milk gives us the tools to provide high

Quality standard of milk making sure our equipment is all well taken care of make sure that those animals are housed and care for appropriately they continue to push us with their standards to make sure that it just gets better and better when we were first looking at these ebikes I read the

Reviews what they talked about was an ebike grin and I had no idea what an ebike grin was but the first time I powered that bike up I had the biggest smile on my face it was unbelievable cuz unless you own one or driven one you really have no idea

What that feeling is like it’s it’s uh it’s hard to describe all right we are back those tourism SAS commercials are so well done enthralling in fact I don’t even know what to do with myself from they on whoever made them drops we have got I’ll show you in a second but we’ve

Got a corner guard got a rock top 12 look like uh Foster ignored Rock in the top 12 light of throwing their own corner look like sher’s cominging right Around pretty good shot by Anita there that’s back to back first two ends good setups by Anita that’s some good work that lead position is so important in today’s game the five Rock Rule the no tick rule the all these you know all these added rules

To increase the amount of rocks that are in play every end and to limit the amount of blank ends so now your your positioning with your lead rocks is so important if you don’t have someone like a need a silver nle throwing rocks like that all game you’re going to be in

Tough yeah you really start to notice as the like the level of competition goes up and up and up you’re just league league curling you know there’s a lot of time for mistakes yet but when you get to these highly competitive levels like you said Sam you just can’t start

Off on on the wrong foot every end if you want to if you want to compete at this level leads have become so important it’s a good thing I remember when I started curling it was kind of an Open Secret ah you know just toss your toss your worst players at lead in

Second see if you can hide them down there and maybe you’re skipping third will make a few shots and you can win the game that way but that’s just not the case anymore no not at all you’re you’re you know you look at even well you look at

Sher Anderson’s team here you know they they were just inducted into the curling Canada Hall of Fame which is really good for them but um you know them as a forceum over the years is lead through skip just been solid right um and that’s that’s what national champion

Championship teams are that’s what you know world they’re world champions um you don’t you don’t get to that level by trying to trying to hide a mistake here mistake there you’re you’re making your shots from the start to the end every end and it is important if you want to

Win and you you want to be really competitive and today’s game you have to do that you can’t uh you know you can’t be oh this guy’s a really good sweeper so they’re going to play lead but they aren’t going to make a lot of shots it

Doesn’t work anymore you gota you got to have to you got to have everything yeah totally agree here’s Denise her Corin Little cleaner of an end so far y I like how patient Diane’s playing you know lots of teams they’ll give up they’ll give up a deuce in the first and then all of a sudden you see the two corners coming out the next end and they’re going they’re going as hard

As they can to try and get their dudes back Diane’s uh she’s being really patient here uh you know she’s going to try and wait for maybe a half shot or a Miss before she before she makes a big move and you know it’s it’s a long game I like

That that’s a really good spot to roll right there is it ever now decision time Sherry is shot she could try to rip that blue out as she’s signaling with her broom you’re essentially giving the end to to team Foster though they’ll be able to either blank or or do what they want

To do but so here’s the decision shares decided to lie to play for the force only a two-point lead it’s nothing to really think you have the game under total control and you just rip out the rest of the rest of the game still got lots of game to

Play keep the foot on the gas here I like that after all that corner guard’s pretty high it is not going to easily hide anything behind that let’s see if the sweepers got one more big scrub in them they do another huge sweep from Team Anderson it’s enough to lie to

Bit of a struggle with the hits so far that’s the second second Miss hit team Foster going give Cherry a chance to guard this recently thrown Stone Oh wrong camera apologies that will Happen The good pair by Patty there yeah absolutely really flip this end around was looking like an open sort of controlled end for team Foster now all of a sudden you got some junk in the middle so if you’re they’re planning on scoring that stone in the side of the 12

Foot lots of work to do yet well they make if they make this good what what she’s called here then then uh you know you’re going to they’re going to have a chance looks like we’re a little tight though that is strangely that [Laughter] works yeah missed the target Rock but was close

Enough almost a good thing they over curled a little bit sometimes your best plan a is a good plan B RoR at least that’s was like holding the broom for you guys on Thursday yeah yeah when every time you call an intern Sam you’re you’re getting on a

Pretty wild ride and you know that so yeah just give me the old scarecrow yeah the only one that throws the intern good on our team is a Ley she throws most she throws almost everything good kind of scary yeah if Maria makes her first two shots she’s

Dialed like you should fear for your for your game if ay makes their first two they’re probably going to make their next 14 probably going to win this Bea’s classic well that’s a guarantee yeah all right the super stats on that are just out of this world lies at the sweeping

Beauties classic oh it’s insane they’re 100% hey sharers just throwing a come around here yeah replace that rock make it even a little better this is important shot you got to make sure you’re second shot here at least yeah any missed draw will open up an opportunity to score that rock in the

12 foot pretty pretty easy run back but this thing’s looking pretty good this looks uh almost perfect actually line is really nice they drag it for a piece of the for foot that’s totally buried really nice draw that is yeah fantastic shot by Sherry there up to 61

Viewers fantastic hello a skatch one uh senior ladies curling fans 62 oh party is growing uh kurl Sask has turned off the comments do I got to tone down the language now no just Kidd we got we got to compensate for it I blame stasha wasi for turning off the comments Smooth Move

Stasha surprised Sasha hasn’t muted me yet all right you think they’re trying to get shot Rock here Sam or is a corner freeze the call I think it’s a freeze uh um the freeze allows you to play on it on your next one what do I know either one’s probably pretty good

Yeah looks like this line they’re trying to go right around and it’s really close will it stop for Shot Rock it does settle in in the back four you only see about H it’s a thin half I thought Sherry might want to remove this thing but she’s look looks

Like that’s ice for a freeze well she just threw it right so you know it’s she just threw the come around perfect and it’s like well I got to get if I want to freeze this I probably got to put the broom in close to the same spot and just throw it two

Feet harder I think uh this is a shot that Sher feels pretty comfortable making yeah I’d be tempted to get rid of that thing though Sam I mean line two I guess what you’re not really making the draw for one that much harder I mean

I guess it depends where you end up but I mean I don’t think she ever has a shot for three so if you try to pick it and you don’t it doesn’t go your way I think that just makes her shot for two easier even if sher’s a little light

Here and she’s biting the top of the for foot it’s harder for Diane to draw I I I like this call this is the right call Sweet creepers like it they’re going hard trying to hold that line if they get it by this top one this is

Money he going to just chip off the top ends up in a fine spot yeah see Diana has to get tight to that guard cross the face and not touch her back on now to score two like that that works it makes her work a little bit for her too

If she tries to throw that pick and she doesn’t make it perfect she just gets a free draw of the four foot for two now she’s got to she’s got to make a really good shot here yeah that’s you can see they’re edge to edge your weight’s got to be

Perfect Line’s got to be perfect this is definitely a tough shot you’re going to need to lean on your sweepers here to to carve that in once you’re by the Guard great fight so far really fun first two ends both teams uh land it all out there yeah I like the rocks and play you know that’s like like I said earlier in the S Dian displayed a lot of patience here she does have a shot for two she’s got

To make a good one um both teams uh both teams yeah going at it we’re we’re seeing some action I really like that getting some dramatic camera work in here this morning a tight Zoom don’t lose the p Rory there we go holding it straight this looks really close Sam

This looks like a fantastic what a shot Diane Foster wow oh Beauty sneaks back sneaks it by the one of the back four nice firm hack morning we got some good shots going on the players is on the television I’m in my happy place Rory

This is this is a good day I am thrilled it’ll be a tie game team Anderson with hammer when we return well what do y’all think too blue not blue enough try this makes your eyes pop this could be our best yield yet and didn’t we get this seed at a great

Financing rate yeah we did I great idea let’s talk more about next year I got some thoughts and I’ve got some numbers nutrian Financial financing that’s in the field with you handcrafted in Canada hardlines ice pad has revolutionized curling for over a decade engineered with top tier

Precision and durability it is backed by an unmatched 10year warranty designed for curlers at all levels to sweep effortlessly with maximum efficiency it is trusted by the world’s best curlers including Olympic and world champions it is quite simply the best Brom in the game Hardline Join the

Revolution this isn’t just a beer this is a double- aged never backed down full of heart Western beer this is a beer brewed by 16 guys who risked it all original 16 underdogs since 1989 light up your love for curling with our customizable neon LED lights from

Letter lands choose your new neon mix doubles partner or make a statement with a neon curling Rock in your window also actual letter LS use discount code wo for 15% off only at letter at Pharmasave we see you and we care for prescriptions for common conditions expert Health advice or support for

Life’s little mishaps come talk to your Pharmacy Pharmacist in the game we are back looks like not got to update my score yet but looks like a center guard for team Foster a come around for team Anderson they left it poking out a little bit hack weight play is available oh it’s a lot of work between

Ends I didn’t switch my cameras over there we go lost the puck for a second get pucks deep get pucks to the net that’s always fun in the Sports Net truck work in the grand slams The a lot of those those guys they do hockey and baseball and all the other Sports Net

Sports so there’s a lot of uh cross uh terminology used with directors telling camera guys literally to follow the pock I wish I I wish I could record some of the banter that goes on in that production truck it is quite a hilarious working Environment that’s going to be significantly light chance for Diane to put some pressure on Sherry here the sent yeah that’s a free Center guard for team Foster not the way you want to miss that shot we are not yet getting the uh the trademark she not too

Mad body language has not come out yet so no panic yet never worried whereas if I was to throw that shot on Thursday night Sam would be uh rubbing his mustache which is how I know he’s very disappointed yeah I’m not mad I’m just Disappointed should probably give a little shout out to the uh University of vagina cougars men’s team who just won gold at the University National bden Carter Williams and Adam buerak uh who else is on that team Ryan garik coach Jamie Schneider yeah coach Jam’s been been

Hard on that uh program for many years it’s really nice to to hear that theyve got that they Capa that title those guys have been working hard playing playing a lot of curling over the last few years so awesome to hear them getting rewarded and they’re they’re great guys on and

Off the ice so absolutely Jam’s been a part of that program for a long time he coached me when we lost that National semi-final in 2017 um and uh I think Jamie was part of that program long before that so uh you know lots of lots of props of Coach there

Um that’s a that’s a big big Championship to win you know it’s we got we’re competing against funded programs like the U OFA and a couple in in Ontario and it’s uh it’s nice to see a Sask University win that yeah yeah big congrats guys

Sam and I both alumni of the U ofar curling program Allison what’s Allison’s last name Allison fiser yeah great supporter of curling absolutely I’m surprised she didn’t resign after hilly Jameson and I were done there but she was a really good kind of uh I

Think when she met me for the first time I was late for her first meeting surprise yeah she correctly identified that I’m going to be a little bit of a problem in this regard so she gave me the tough love right away set the rules set the expectations you know

You have to pass this many classes Rory you have to keep you have to keep up with this many practices and you know what she whipped me into shape so I will always appreciate Allison for investing her time in energy in myself Eric Edmonds David Haynes and Mitch Ryan

Which were an absolute rag tag group of gentlemen especially at that time she she got the most out of us she possibly could yeah that’s uh you know it’s University reina’s lucky to have her there in that program and this paid off University of Virgina curling program uh convinced catlyn Schneider

That he should probably stop playing football and start playing more curling which I think was a really good decision for him Allstar skip at the uh 2014 or 15 one of those years University Nationals Catlin Schneider allar third at the Brier one year yeah but he’s not a Hall of Famer like

Three of the gals on this sheet right now not yet anyway team Foster still with uh great control down the middle this end and team Anderson has not quite been able to crack the code but we got a pretty good looking run back here okay the guard becomes red The Rock

Does roll off of the foref foot I think that’s a pretty good Improvement yeah that’s uh no you didn’t you only got one out but now it’s your guard that’s coming in the house if you’re playing a run back so that’s huge for Sherry um another big part is she got that rock

Out from behind cover so now you know she has the ability to try and get in there it’s uh that that you know may not look like a whole lot but that’s that’s a really good shot by Patty there still looking quite good for team Foster especially if they can lay one

Top eight top four here Anderson is running out of rocks try and save this end big scrub here trying to keep the line just going to run out of juice whizzles off not ideal but that’s still good rock a good spot yeah it’s another little break here for

Sherry she’s going to have the ability to lie one after she makes us hit and roll okay one buried at that that uh that rock had to be a little bit uh a little bit deeper dond Le just threw there really solid delivery nice straight throw’s really out

There oh boy just going to be a chip behind cover and that’s that’s a disaster it’s not where you wanted to leave that blue stone almost made a shot for the opponent there probably better off not making contact at all sounded like hiker there Rory for a second disaster I’m on a coffee

Already as a commentary you try to avoid saying the same terms over and over again I think we all notice our our favorite commentators on TV get caught up a little bit and their their favorite words I rip on my mother Joan all the time for for repeating the same phrases

But I notice myself I I’m I’m guilty of it as well as curlers I think we’re bad for that Sam we we pick up on these terms and we we use and abuse them you know this this language of uh not terrible I don’t hate that we all seem to just have

The very we’re using one page of the dictionary over and over again well most of that comes from you know you’re trying you’re trying your hardest not to be angry and it’s like it’s more you know not terrible that’s the most passive aggressive thing on the planet

It’s like well you didn’t make your shot but right it’s I think that’s what all that stuff comes from because you try to be such a good teammate and you’re like oh well it’s not terrible but at the same time it’s like well it kind of

Is do you know what I’m saying yeah no I I totally hear you and you know I’ve been I’ve been lucky enough to cover some curling in the United States the last few years and I just love how determined the Americans are to Define their own lexicon their own uh

Terminology they’ll they’ll make up a new word just to not use the Canadian version like I know we’ve all heard the term we’ve all heard the term Christmas tree right yeah well uh I you know I I heard Colorado curler call it an acorn set up an acorn here so it’s it’s all

Just I I find it so fun and funny that they’re they’re just determined to to their own way I mean hey 2018 Olympic gold medalists can’t argue yeah John Schuster’s favorite term pair of pants give him a pair of pants here which I think just means a pocket two rocks kind

Of in a in a pocket when you know we would say kind of Hit the crotch or hit the hit the middle oh he pair of pants says John Shuster well you know after getting I I got a good chance of getting to know that Shuster team down in

Phoenix earlier this year uh we got to play them the a qualifier and then um continued on you know went out with them the one night and uh once he get to know those boys nothing really is ever going to surprise me that they say on TV

Anymore John Shuster might be one of the most candid miked up curlers that there is he’s gotten in trouble a few times for it but it’s that’s fine you know what they’re wildly entertaining they’re great guys and all four of them are funny like they they all yeah they’re they’re they’re they’re

Just good guys they love the game they’re good at the game and and it uh yeah that’s a team that uh and they put the work in that’s the team that they won the gold medal in it there’s some people that say they shouldn’t have but they they work

Hard I mean you beat koi twice that’s let’s say one of them was luck what was the other one I mean that was that was some really good shot making they were they’re also one of the first teams to embrace the analytic Kind of Revolution so they got rewarded for that yeah hey

Champs can’t take that away from him mhm back to our game Sherry’s uh missed her her first opportunity to get something in there this is starting to look real scary for team Anderson going to be a struggle to score as of right now I don’t even know what you have to score one

Sam yeah I’m my brain is in a buffer right now team Foster is going to take away the last remaining half to the 4 foot which I don’t even know if I don’t even know what they’re guarding right now Sam uh probably a hack waiter something like that maybe little

Inof uh but that’s like that’s so skinny I’m I’m not yeah I’m not 100% sure either I didn’t really maybe maybe the to on that red to only give up one um I don’t think that guard did a whole lot I think Sher tap to give up one is all I’m

Seeing I mean there’s a long hit and roll here I’ll try to give the overhead camera yeah that’d be great oh that hit and roll is pretty flat still though that’s that’s a good up one give up one it’s probably there but the thing with

That hit and roll is if even if you don’t roll it in for shot you can roll it in you know foot and a half and you’re still second shot I think that’s probably it gives you a wider area to miss you know that that tap you can only only see 3/4s of

The rock you hit a little thin you might not even tap it into the right spot if you rock on the guard you’re given up too I think the hidden roll is is is the actual correct shot here Rory but good end team Foster they got control of that middle

Early they uh they got the Miss early from from Team Anderson the the Long Center guard and they’re able to maintain that Center Line presence all end long so really nice end here from Team Foster which Sherry play here I think it’s a hit and roll oh yeah

There we go sorry she had the O turn set up start so I was confused yeah this is inter turn hit and roll Big Shot trying to save the end Sher Anderson got some weight coming down the ice look close let’s watch it from the throwers perspective oh this is really close ah

To roll it in oh they just didn’t quite hold it enough so that’s a Stila two it is indeed Stila two huge swing it’ll be team Anderson with hammer down two in the fourth when we return SAS how beind online wants to stop cyber bullying one in on the action we award

Up to $1,000 for youth initiatives that help spread kindness and prevent bullying what great idea do you have to help stop bullying sasel can help go to beind and apply for a grant today together we can make a difference hi I’m Shannon and we’re here at the

Brand new bike tricks electric bike showroom in Saskatoon saskin it’s grand opening so we’re going to head inside and talk to some bike tricks customers let’s go I chose bike tricks because of the reputation I know people who have bike trcks bikes and I know that it’s a

Local company which I like to support local they’re great bikes come down and see the team here the really a great team of people check out the bikes go for a ride provincial day of curling that’s a nice looking logo nice submissions there and a cool little video done up by kurl Sask

Carl Sask having an AllStar Staffing year I believe took on Jamie regir my old cooworker from the SAS Safety Council took on the junior programming and uh Club support role there crl Sask stasha winki working hard at events and coordinating Pat Simmons at a high performance thank you to kurlas for facilitating

These these streams these live streams so friends and family and fans can keep up with all the championship curling in the province it’s been a bang up job hopefully curling Stadium can continue to work more with kurl Sask and maybe we can even stream all the games at provincials wouldn’t that be a

Thing wouldn’t that be something guys back to our feature matchup here got four rocks down the sheet Corner guard and and come around for the team with hammer Center guard and come around for the team without not perfectly set up but both teams kind of doing their own thing

Little corner guard action Sam little Center guard action s beautiful yeah that uh I have the Kurig that takes the longest amount of time in the world to make a coffee so I it’s the first four rocks here but that this looks like another end that

Could play out with a little bit of Rockit Rock in play at the end maybe an interesting shot see if Sher Anderson can get something going to tie the game see if Diane phos some put put some pressure on I like this this is good really nice C around there nearly perfect

Spot will poke out kind of a little like over buried I guess we or not over buried uh just over curl the touch that is going to tempt Sher into playing a soft weight hit you want to make sure you hit something here Sam if you’re going to

Get the center guard you want to make sure you get it right out of the [Applause] way they’re selling out to make contact with The Rock in the Rings will the sweepers get it by no and just like I had uh the commentator’s curse and you know what as

A as a uh an extra little salt on the wound you’re going to remove their own Stone in the back of the ring so disaster it was a risky call and uh that was the risk they didn’t quite get that Center guard totally out of the way and as a as a

Real negative outcome they they ripped their own out of the back of the ring so not looking too good for team Anderson here these are the decisions we make well going to sweep hard to try and get it by the guard that’s that’s the risk oh just noticing that I did not update

My score bug give team Foster the steel of two not the third end there we go fourth end here team Anderson down two in this Semifinal got to rip this double peel kind of a mistake there grouping these two stones together team Foster would have liked those to have a little more separation but they’re going to get away with one here hits one hits another rolls to a really unfortunate spot

I got to find a new word for disaster now now that I’ve made you aware of uh the commentators curse of reusing the same terms over and over again some other curl sass stuff going in the curling world this week Rory we got uh we got quite a few SAS teams over

At the mix doubles provincial out in frederickton or is it Sydney Somewhere Out There o East you said mixed doubles provincial I think you meant uh mix doubles national ah okay I’m not sure I’m not sure actually don’t know who’s out there well we got Dustin kto and Chrissy gamble are the provincial

Champions uh they play at 700 p.m. local time out there today uh I do know we got Steve lck and Nancy Martin playing out there as well um so that’s uh they’ll be great Representatives ny’s finished second at the national a few times um I think Bren

Stewart Shay and kits are out there uh Braden and Shay obviously live they they live with matoba now shayin plays with Robin silver and angle still um that’s uh so that’s three I know if I’m missing anyone else someone remind me uh but good luck to those teams that starts the

Kicks off today I think it’s kicking off actually right now this morning so yes very good good luck to those teams still got uh a few more weeks of Championship curling left next weekend Saskatchewan provincial mixed crowning two Champions this weekend the senior men’s and Senior women’s the Brier and the Scotties may

Be over but playdowns aren’t that’s a whiff on that peel and the wheels are really falling off here team Anderson’s looking at a lot of trouble yet again and there’s the lean that’s the that’s the sad Sherry I was looking for I just I just love how how well you

Can learn um the the personalities of these curlers as you stream them online like with with this technology being able to watch more games that a team plays you really get to know their their personas and their their Tendencies and such and these curlers just become such

Characters in The the drama that is live curling [Applause] The okay opportunity missed it’s still a valuable Rock back there Sam but you would have really liked to stack the center line and leave something High yeah see now this shot sh sher’s playing a very very smart shot here if she if she makes this and hits it onto

The Blues in the forefoot obviously a great success if she’s a little wide um she’s all she’s going to be touching that blue in the center and she’ll actually remove two rocks um that are guards and this will actually allow them to get in there eventually uh so Patty makes a good one

Here we’re uh we’re Cherry Anderson’s team’s back back in this end um and we did the only thing we couldn’t do on that shot and leave an overlap so those those run backs no no longer available it’s going from bad to worse here oh I like to say to kov every once

In a while you always got the pin man yeah intern draw technically still there very difficult but yeah I’m I’m not too sure what they’re taking away on this side kind of uh one of those situations where you’re almost looking too good you’re looking at the Rings and just

Kind of thinking to yourself how do I make this better it’s it’s already pretty good and there we go They’re Gonna swap swap turns that’s what I thought they might do Sam yeah I think uh I think throwing the end turn here is is the right turn um

You know there’s you know you can make with how much swing here you could make make a good shot either way but I think uh your best chance for a good result is going to come from this side yeah I just don’t think sher’s got much on the outt side you’re not really

Taking anything away she’s she’s for sure going to play the inter turn so may as well beat her to it you just don’t want to leave any kind of backing here this is looking heavy yeah may as well come all the way back now so two rocks left Rory what do you play

Straight draw the can oh this is a really important end you do not want to give up another steel here so I think yeah you got to get shot Rock however you can right now uh you’re never cleaning up that front to the point where you’re going to have an

Easier shot on your last one you’re going to be making this draw to the pin no matter what so you may as well make it now I this is all about positioning too right even if she leaves us at top the four footer might be using

Yeah sure makes us good two still in play it’s not easy but it’s in play we didn’t think Dian Foster is getting two l in that second end there but she made a hell of a skip Stu very true one last look at the overhead here

Before we take it away to Sherry but you know she’s got the whole button it’s all you need trying to keep her dreams alive here trying to stay in this game it’s been a dominant last two ends from Team Foster to lean on their Skipper here Sher

Anderson get this rock in a good spot sweepers are digging hard at Martinsville oh P he trips over a rock okay ends up in a decent spot yeah see that’s a good that’s a good shot that’s usable would they would have loved to drag that an extra extra uh little bit

Get get at least second shot there but absolutely it is something it’s it’s better than they had before yeah trying to avoid this game getting away from them here we go now watch it C just trying to take that hole away Rock’s got to be in a good spot this looks like it’s finishing in a pretty good spot yeah all right I think you’re going to see a little red run action right now I mean I I guess you could nose that uh

One she just threw pretty scary though to run another blue into there yeah you ever hit that uh quarter inch too high and all of a sudden you’re giving up five leaping out of the hack is Sher Anderson I was miscounting my Stones there this is the last Rock of the end

Absolutely we are seeing a draw round everything and let’s see if this bites a little bit of the forefoot to take something away no Sherry taking her medicine giving up another steel of two it was a really well played End team Foster they have control in this game

It’ll be the fourth end break team Foster up 6-2 over Sher Anderson at phave we see you and we care for prescriptions for common conditions expert health advice or support for life’s little mishaps come talk to your Pharmacy Pharmacist this right here is time well spent why not pour yourself a smooth Saskatchewan made original 16 warm up to the opportunity to seize the day new at asham take your game to the next level with the gushu ultra light equipped with our world famous Rotator disc system that attaches by velcro

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Brewed by 16 guys who risked it all original 16 underdogs since 1989 Well Sam it’s it’s not a blowout yet but we’ve got uh a difficult situation for team Anderson they’ve given up two steals of two in a row what has been the difference this game in your opinion sir uh not capitalizing on opportunities we missed two pills or Sherry’s missed

Two pills the wrong way in uh in the fourth there on on some shots and you know that and Diane’s putting pressure on she’s made a couple clutch draws um her team’s made a couple clutch draws think this is uh by watching the surface I think we’ve got fooled both

Ways both teams on uh you know how to throw it when we’re throwing some hits we’ve seen some over curls we’ve seen some flashes so I think it’s nice that uh you know we get in good curl but you got to throw a true if you’re going to

Make if you’re going to make these hits and stuff like that if you’re not throwing a true you’re going to see see things that you know you don’t expect so so that’s that’s where the differences are I think we’ve missed some hits um Diane’s team’s made some draws put some

Pressure on and uh and yeah that’s that’s probably that’s probably the game right now um see if sher’s team can turn it around and and get closer to to Diane’s team on on the second half of the game here but uh Sherry does have the hammmer so yeah it’s definitely been uh Team

Anderson has been punished a little bit they’ve they’ve went for the best result kind of shot a lot of the times when maybe just a simple peel here or or you know just keeping their weight consistent and that that hack weight that just ticked the guard last end I

Think is really exemplary of that it’s they’re going for the very best result getting a little bit of tunnel vision I would say and and trying to fix it all at once and uh you know it’s two ends it’s really backfired on them those those Miss runbacks and and missed kind

Of double Peels and leaving leaving the rocks in bad spots but we it’s very far from over this situation is still manageable scores a deuce and this is still a game but I think you’re going to see uh Team Anderson firing on all Pistons here they’re they’re going to come out with

Purpose and and try really hard to get a multis score end cook in here yeah I think I think the important thing with with Sherry’s team is you you got to make sure sure you score your Deuce um either in this end or in six that’s uh that’s what’s going to keep

You in the game 8 end games you know you you can’t uh you can’t give the give the opposition too much of a too much of a lead going into that seventh end because it can it can you know kind of get away from you there so the important is to

Make sure you get your Deuce here in six and and uh then try and get your stealing shoes on for Sherry and for for Diane It’s try to maintain control um she’s she’s got a four-point lead does have Hammer but uh if she can get her Rock positioning well get some rocks on

The right spots she can she can maintain control for the rest of the game so it’ll be fun to see how this plays out it has been a fun game to watch so far really entertaining lots of rocks in play lots of uh interesting shots good sweeping we’ve seen so

Far you know it’s funny when you you watch uh watch a senior curling um it’s crazy all the years of experience in in the Judgment of where the rock is they you never really see him sweep at the wrong time they’re they uh they’ve played for so long they they

Know when to sweep and and that can be almost as valuable as as sweeping heart so uh it is pretty pretty entertaining pretty entertaining to watch they they probably got better eyes than uh than the rest of us when it comes to where that Rock’s going to end

Up that’s a good point Sam I agree so nice halfway uh Corner guard there that’s really good spot getting things back under control going to thank Bobby Lee teras off real estate for supporting this event without uh without the support of sponsor Sam curling just would not exist as we know it

It’s we owe so much to those businesses those community-minded businesses that support curling and Bobby Lee terasoft real estate you got the number and the the card right there give their Facebook page a visit and uh you know I I know personally growing up Sam curlers as parents everyone we interacted with

Business-wise was was from the curling World dentist Doctor you know people making repairs on our house uh a mortgage broker yeah Financial Services you name it it was all within the curling world so curling is a very Community oriented Sport and we thank those businesses that support abolutely

Liveing I’m fortunate enough I curl with a sponsor of the curling world of my men’s team and um you know he he pre preaches how lucky he is he’s part of the curling world because the amount uh the amount of business that generates himself and and the relationships he has

There um and it is true you know that’s the curlers support curlers and and it is a community and you know curlers are good people it’s quite quite interesting I don’t I haven’t really met a lot of curlers I don’t like or get along with and and uh there are lots of business

Owners in the curling world and and it uh yeah you’re right every everyone everyone everything you go to everything you do do is uh there’s a curling connection somewhere at least at least in our world there is yeah that’s part of the reason I love love the sport

And love the world that it creates and you know one day you kind of wake up and your friends and your family and and the people you do business with yeah they’re all connected to curling in some way so thank you again to those who uh support

Support curling and and bring these live streams to the audiences that they do and I think on that note oh we’re almost at 100 Sam almost at 100 viewers you know what Rory if we could take that 100 and times it by 10 we might be able to

Curl for a living eventually one day seems like a good time uh to our audience out there call a friend send the link to to a couple people let’s let’s crack that 100 Mark I think Matt ring is is busy right now counting that share button you can always rely on ringer for

Some promotional purposes he’s one of the best but yeah let’s get some people on the stream here we got two world champions playing each other this is a curling game folks look to be some discussion there front end back end they were wondering where to put this

Rock I like this call go around get two looped around the corner guard here that’s uh if you make this good Cherry has Cherry has something working you know they they got to they got to then move move their direction to the middle of the ice and

And you know try and get something going on um you know clear up don’t let Diana have too many opportunities out there but Denise her a COR that’s a fantastic shot get it around that corner guard Diane’s going to peel no Sher can hit and Li three she can draw on the center

She can throw another the guard she has lots of options now lots of ways to get herself set up get something going to and get herself back in this game that’s why having a good front end and making those shots early is important because now team Anderson is

Going to have options for the rest of the end to try and score that was a really well thrown heal it was big slide out of the hack nice and straight lots of rotation that arguing yeah yeah Lorraine uh when when Diane Foster put the broom down and and

Gave her more than a foot of ice I was I was a little concerned I was wondering how that was going to come down down the ice but no that was a really nice throw and the corner guard replace got to protect that double eventually team Anderson will

Have to do something about that that Blue Rock in the top 12 if they want to count their second red stone but for now middle of the end just a appeel and replace is going to be satisfactory curl this a little bit more ah it’s going to be in a good

Spot that is a great spot for that uh for that guard that’s you know that’s you’re exposing the outside quarter from the hack maybe an eighth so they got to continue to play this peel and this looks like it’s curling a little more than lorin’s did

Oh she still got it yeah another nicely made shot team Foster humming on all cylinders right now they’ve picked up some momentum here crazy you know you want to talk about momentum in the game and and you can kind of feel it right now f team Foster yeah they haven’t

Really missed much sher’s going to hit in L three here and and this uh this is about time third’s first all right they have made their move into the Rings here Sam to Li three it will give the double to team Foster but line three in the Rings looking decent right now now

There’s a way to make this shot really really good there is I think you got to hit a little thicker than what you’re seeing the Rory and I don’t know that’s going to take a lot of weight making two go away here would be a very very good thing we’re curl

Sweeping it right now are let’s take a look from the throwers perspective yeah that’s got to move no all right they are going to get one out of there not a very good trade though for team Foster cuz now Anderson really split the Rings up here and not leave any kind of

Double this is the exact kind of end that uh Team Anderson needed Sam and they’ve they’ve executed it to a t so far haven’t missed a shot yet this has to be in the Rings though you got to make sure that you’ve worked this hard to get your three set up oh

Sher’s coming out to help this is a scrub this is a scrub just not quite going to be able to get it there that you are right Rory that had to get in the Rings and that’s your commentators curse once again right to the start of the shot you go ah they

Haven’t missed yet this end oh yeah true enough I’ll see that comment and I’ll raise you a three guard oh I want to laugh Sam I want to to laugh but in this but like many in this province I am so sick I my lungs would explode if I laughed right

Now yeah that’s uh one of those things same Patty’s Day yep you would think I would stay home and rest but no all right we’re taking the open hit totally okay with giving up two this end is team [Applause] Foster that hammer back and six with the two-point lead sounds pretty [Applause] good little bit of a roll good news is there will always be that red rock at the top of the 12 available to hit for team Foster even if this roll is made perfectly I mean if the roll is

Made perfectly there might even be a double attempt there might be the issue with with not rolling this shot is is the Rocks high enough in the Rings now that if Sher just noses this to rolls a rock out Diane can actually make that roll above the taline behind the guard so

Sherry has to make it first if Sherry doesn’t make this person di going have an opportunity to make it which could result in a force or a steal and that uh that really is is no good for team Anderson they need to make sure they score their Deuce here so Sherry

Needs to make this role and Anita and Denise are going hard yeah this is this is out of danger of totally over curling and yeah it will went a little too hard for the roll there I guess and you can see sher’s quite disappointed yeah what looks like a really promising

End has kind of fell apart here if Diane can find a way to roll her shooter into the Rings here that’s going to really spell the force for for team Anderson you know it was it was a good End by team Anderson if Diane rolls this

In they OB just got to take their one um but if she just notices this or ruls out you know sherel blank and and they had uh they had the send set up really well you know it’s one of those those things the teams that win they got to grind

They got to continue to get end set up continue even if you’re not finishing uh just a really flat roll there that was surprising I thought she hit that exactly where she needed to no it’s crazy those rocks at the top of the house that aren’t in you got to hit them

Pretty steep to get them in the house I guess you’re running out of rings as as you’re rolling exactly right like it’s not like the 12T line stays flat all the way right that that get steeper and steeper as you go farther out yeah so it will be a blank

Attempt blank here set it up again in in six and and you know it’s if they can get the same kind of same kind of thing going in six they uh who knows Anderson can make a game of this still step one though is making sure

That you roll out on this blank attempt you really don’t want to stick around for one oh Sher Anderson trying to live live another end and she whipped it pretty good so it’s got enough weight girls are on it girls are on itook style must be a really curly spot in the

Ice there cuz that’s where Sher over curled on her her previous one as well yeah but she will roll out of the Wings makes the blank down four they’ll need a big end in the six when we return there’s no doubt running any kind of farm comes with day-to-day

Challenges we built a new facility 2 years ago technology has totally revolutionized Dairy farming fast milk gives us the tools to provide high quality standard of milk making sure our equipment is all well taken care of make sure that those animals are housed and care for appropriately they continue to push us

With their standards to make sure that it just gets better and better new at asham whether you’re in the hack or kicking back live it in style in the new throw and Stones line exclusively by asham curling is more than a sport it’s a lifestyle check out our website at

When you buy a lottery ticket in Saskatchewan your money really goes a long way more than 12,000 sport culture and Recreation groups receive funding from Sask lotteries every year everyone wins when we were first looking at these ebikes I read the reviews what they talked about was an

Ebike grim and I had no idea what an ebike grin was but the first time I powered that bike up I had the biggest smile on my face it was unbelievable cuz unless you own one or driven one you really have no no idea what that feeling is like it’s it’s uh

It’s hard to describe okay welcome back folks we’ve got 94 people watching our stream right now let’s get to that 100 see if you can’t call two friends and have them call two friends it’s a battle here team Anderson in need of a multis score end they had a three cooking

Up last end but could not pull it off managed to complete a blank Diane Foster so close to Rolling her shooter into count two would have really put the nails on this one but not quite able to roll into the Rings therefore Sher Anderson completes the

Blank well both teams starting off to a good setup here St Patrick’s Stay doesn’t feel like St Patrick’s Day Rory does it feel feel like St Patrick’s Day no it doesn’t I mean on a Sunday that’s a tough look yeah what’s what’s a leprechaun’s favorite dessert Rory I don’t know tell me shamrock shake oh I told you not to make me laugh Sam my lungs they can’t handle it Shamrock shap well I will be heading over for nice St Patrick’s Day dinner uh shamrock shake and a MCB yeah it’s funny we did I did buy beef

Ribs on sale at Costco and I delivered them straight to Glenn Buchanan and said smoke these for me so anytime you’re going to Michelle’s parents place for dinner is a good day so I’ve got that to look forward to yeah I will be eating a Burger in the lumson

Hockey rank tonight watching uh senior a provincial that has looked like an absolute Zoo I’ve been very jealous of viewing that although lumson is not that far away I suppose I could come out 6:45 game time 10 bucks a ticket probably more entertaining than listening to us talk I can guarantee

That bring your earplugs because uh Legend has it there’s a police siren as a goal horn lumon rck may or may not be [Applause] ours how are my rocks looking I think yeah that’s the sixth rock down the sheet so we’ve got a corner guard got three

Foster stones in the Rings all in pretty good positions I might say mhm and that Anderson Stone just coming a little deep so it’s it’s a good enough playground that I think uh Sherry can make something happen but I would give the advantage to team Foster right now electing to freeze Here this an interesting call but it looks like it’s perfect oh perfect but oh you can play the nose double on the top there it may or may not Jam time out on the ice yeah team Foster really stepping on the gas go to the overhead view for me

Rory I love that I love a commentator knows what he wants okay so there’s really not much up the middle um I think the the only shot it’s and it’s not an easy shot the only shot I see here is sher’s kind of got to play

It’s about a third of a rock double of the one that’s touching the center line the top eight top 12ish area over onto the one behind the corner guard um that may touch one of the top 4 foot it may not uh but that’s the only way that

You’re going to create an angle for yourself to try and get those two out of the back four uh if you try and play if you try and play the nose double on that top one so in the one in the for foot it probably jams in in the red on the side

And maybe even in the red in the back so you got to try and figure out a way to get rid of two of these Blues without jamming on one of your Reds that’s kind of the only way they’re going to set up a deuce here

Um you know if and if they don’t hit something they might be in real trouble yeah would you would you ever just lay all your cards on the table just draw draw to the back one right now yeah she caps you what do you have yeah I mean you got to keep tapping

Around look at where that corner guard is you look at left side of your screen that corner guard swings so much you probably can’t even make the draw to the back one yeah I just I just think it you’re there’s no way you’re scoring either of

Those red rocks in the Rings right now like I don’t if if if you think you are going to score either of them you do I think we’re late enough in the end we got to make a double somehow sher’s talking about moving these around a little bit um throwing lighter

Weight and just juggling around creating some backing that can work as well um but then when you’re doing that you’re saying you’re not going to bring those other two Reds into play you’re going to try and use these rocks that you’re making backing freezing different stuff

And use the remainder of your rocks to send the score which is also okay I think the important thing is Sherry is moving this one in the top top eight top 12 foot area but hey a good point Sam I mean there’s lots of rocks

Left so these these are a problem at the front of the Rings here so she’ll get one moving leaves her shooter in an okay spot you know that’s a fine result didn’t get the second one moving like they want they’re intended but so another supporter of Saskatchewan curling the container guy very

Interesting uh YouTube page if you’re kind of do-it-yourself sort of person check out the container Guys YouTube page he will show you how to do everything and more with a shipping container that you never thought was possible gets the red rolls to a really juicy spot wow Sam I don’t know know if

You could have even drawn that up better that’s going to be in a really good position on the wing yeah that’s uh that doesn’t make life easy on Cherry that’s for sure This is the third’s first stone is going to jam on the back but thinking of where this end was when they called timeout this is definitely an improvement for team Anderson over over how things were looking there’s a lot of freeze uport unities in here now yep four rocks

Left to score with so I think three oh yes three very good need some help counting there no it’s not much but it’s honest work Rory exactly okay red does Jam at the back I don’t know how good that shot is no it’s it’s now kind of Open Season for

For freezing on these this pair of pants here as John Su would say pair of pants pair of pants I’m going to use a term that our men’s team likes to use let’s see let’s get Patty to just melt one in here oh melted now Sean Joyce disagrees with me

He says if you melt it in there it doesn’t work because the you can’t melt the ice yeah I don’t think it’s a practical term Sean so I think you’re okay with saying that no it it’s not practical that’s not what they’re looking for heavy heavy and wide may have just

Been heavy but it was pretty significantly heavy didn’t use the sweepers it’s going to be blue lying three going to be really difficult to count that stone that was just thrown so I think the objective is just to take away the freeze angle put one in

The top eight you know would would you ever want to come deeper than that Sam I don’t think there’s a need to get any closer to the button than that depends what you leave on the if you leave something into that right hand side then maybe

But to put this rock in a spot where sher’s going to have to make a freeze around it is going to be a a good thing I mean I guess you could come top four top button and then there is no freeze around but team Foster really hitting

Their stride it’s it’s started in the second end and it really hasn’t stopped oh yeah you know that that’s uh good for team Foster to battle you know you give up the deuce in the first end to you know a very very good Sher Anderson team

And and uh you know just to keep that positivity up and grind and and now they’re they got they 62 lead that’s uh now this thing really slammed on the brakes they were not the sweepers were not concerned about that until about two3 the way down yeah this leaves Sherry an

Opportunity to get around here Rory we checked the score in the other game what’s the score in uh in the other the other semi-final here very good very good point Sam we should be staying updated on uh Tracy stle and do it is 4-2 for stle in the fifth end now that

Might need an update and if you want to watch that game that’s what curling stadium is all about all sheets live every Rock from every sheet so just go to curl Sask YouTube page and you’ll be able to hop over to that game basically Ro saying if you’re tired of listening

To us ramble on all day and you want to watch some other curling there is another game to watch exactly we are at 95 viewers I think someone needs to call five friends let’s get to that big that big buck 100 this is a great shot by Sherry here above the line dead

Buried this is what they’ve been looking for for 45 minutes now Shot Rock buried they just haven’t seemed to be able to get their rocks in the right spots and I just got a text message saying the score bug is wrong which it is it was a blank

In the fifth end is now the sixth end oh Sam the Thursday night payer win aat is just going off right now yeah I know all right Dian Foster has made some Beauties this game she can give herself a really good chance of winning by making a little tap freeze

Here getting shot Rock taking away Sher Anderson’s shot for two points just a little heavy that’s still a good shot that’s it’s pretty good it’s uh going to leave a tap for two was almost perfect Sam just needed to curl up a little bit more yeah now Sherry can come down here

With you know that back 4ish weight and just she’s only got a tap it looks like about four or five Ines and and uh and yeah she’ll get her Deuce here and and we got a ball game playing Seven um but that’s still a really good shot

Good end look at how many rocks are in play this is a five Rock Rule you know you see a four-point lead in the game even with the four Rock Rule you’d have no rocks in play now we get the five Rock Rule the no tick Rule now all of a

Sudden look at this look at all these blues that Di Fosters having to put in the house to put pressure on Sherry Sherry’s got Reds in the Rings this is this is this makes this game I I I love the amount of rocks in play I love how

This game’s going every end’s exciting see if Sherry can end this end one end off with a good shot here absolutely agree last Rock Sher Anderson sixth end trying to keep her team in the conversation in this senior women’s semifinal line looks pretty good got to curl it a little

More and that’s a deuce much needed two points they haven’t scored since the first end Sam now in the six they’ll take two points it’s a 64 lead for team Foster they’ll carry Hammer into the Seventh I don’t remember a time when curling wasn’t a part of my life when I wasn’t putting in the sweat and hard work to be the best that I can be clocking in the time the effort to practice day in day out curling is more than just a game

It’s a family a community and when it’s time to play I know I’ll be ready Hardline supporting hundreds of our next Generation athletes at VRA we believe in the power of connection our world leading agriculture Network connects producers and consumers to supply top quality food ingredients in each and every day our

Team takes great pride in working closely with Farmers to help feed the world it’s something we’ve been doing for over 100 years and as an industry leader we’re dedicated to playing a critical role in meeting the needs of a growing world because together we’re stronger and achieve more and we’re

Back and it’s a game team Sher Anderson hadn’t scored since the first and they finally get a deuce on the board in the sixth much needed Deuce to keep themselves in this we’re going to pan up we’re going to take a look at the time clocks

Here okay no one in serious danger team Anderson one timeout remaining seven minutes left on the Clock Team Foster 8 minutes and 40 seconds to timeout so no sweat there team Sher Anderson I think they put their stealing shoes on they’re calling for two Center guards here and it’s time to go to

Work got a feeling like you’re going to see another end with a ton of rocks and play at the end what a great setup by Anita a silver nle here two on the center line you got one you got a three that’s fantastic yeah Beauty that’s a career lead right there

Ladies and gents that’s uh that’s how you start and end when you need to steal it has been a heavy sweeping game for both teams really impressive scrubs out there and we got another one coming down the sheet an end to endend sweep they’re going to get it

There so that’s uh yeah you’re going to see Sherry ignore these two rocks that are in in the 12 foot because basically Diane cannot score in this end if they want to continue this game Diane scores you know it’s it’s going to be really really tough for team Anderson to

Tie so that’s Diane Foster and her team all they’re going to do is try and give Diane an opportunity to score one this end they’re going to try and keep it open they’re going to try and keep stuff out of the middle um and obviously sher’s going to do the opposite and

They’re going to try and get everything in the middle try and plug it up try and force you know Force the to a tough draw or something get a steal point in there and then if they do you’re going to see that play out again the the end after

That would have really liked to put that rock for team Anderson in the for foot have that be your steel stone coming up a little light there it hurts a little bit it’s still not bad you know what at this point in the end it’s basically like another guard you can draw around

Right um if it’s top eight that’s probably the worst spot at this point in the game um but uh but that that being where it is you know you can keep throwing one guard one guard one guard and and eventually those are your two guards you’re drawing

Around at the end of the end get your steel point in there it looks like sher’s coming around it now and it’s going to use it as a guard so I still don’t think that Rock’s in a terrible spot made the peel previously by one inch just barely got enough for that top

Guard to poke it out of the way just needs to curl a little bit but in the foref foot mostly buried that’s a fine shot especially coming the way that they were had had to go out extra wide think that’s a good make double opportunity blasting out of the hack

Lorine L arguing come with quite a bit of weight here gets two moving leaves her shooter leaves her shooter down the middle though not what they were hoping for and now this is looking you know step by step you get closer and closer those rocks keep going

Away steel is on the sheet these are those capitalization shots that Sher Anderson’s team hasn’t really been too great at today um they need to make this shot here this is one of those ones that if you make this good you’re going to put a lot of pressure on Diane’s team

And you know they they just they haven’t done that all game they’ve they’ve had opportunities and they haven’t you know really put the nails to them and that’s why the score is what it is right now um but they have an opportunity here let’s see if they can make it this draw is

Huge looking pretty good coming up just a little light I think it kissed the top one as well still in a fine spot a little more grouped together than they would have liked and jeez I know the score is what it is Sam but would would you ever just

Start drawing into the for foot if your team Foster absolutely not shot rock is wide open keep peeling keep making him throw if I’m Diane Foster at the end of the end I want to be nosing that one in the back of the forefoot yeah it’s it’s going to take two shots

To clean this up though in unless unless you throw a screamer here and and get three rocks moving along with your shooter it’s going to take two rocks to clean this mess up it definitely is but uh your risk reward on throwing that draw I think the

Risk is is too high and the reward is too too little one moves two moves three move now if you that shot that’s really good uh that’s a very good shot by Don dice I don’t know that’s they’re playing but uh absolutely great result lot of rocks moving there got

Some things off the center line still a good opportunity for Sherry to draw around but that was a much needed much needed make dond Lee and her sons very well known in the Saskatchewan curling Community Ryan and Ryan and kin I’ve got to play men’s against the two of them

Lots doubles against two of them lots Ryan actually Ryan and I got the curl together this year in an event in York that he came and played with our men’s team we were we were down a guy it’s uh there lots of curling going on in that

Family yep Ryan managing the ass tour thect schedule yeah that’s a thankless job thank you Ryan if you’re watching y third’s final Stone you can see just enough of it to make a play really want to make sure you hit some kind of red here yeah we’re curl sweeping

This by the top and by the back it’s a big Miss it’s a breath of breath of life for team Anderson who can now work on protecting these two Stones Steel of two here would be a huge swing we’ve already seen two steals of two so far both going team Foster Way

I just got a text from Kyle when we were talking about uh some shots earlier this end going two different skipping Styles duking it out on the mic today I like that lots of opinions between Rory and I yeah when when we suited up on Thursdays and Sam

Skipping uh the likelihood of the game going eight ends is very low we’re either we’re either really winning or really not winning well our record is winning yeah yeah we end up really winning more than we really don’t Win perfectly exemplified this last Thursday by the absolute licking we put on the barenstein Bears Thursday night Cali five Force four Force Shake hello when that Ley is humming our team is really good Mr moseman putting put the perfect sweep on on every draw it’s it’s a tough team to

Beat yeah the only downfalls on our team are you and me Rory really yeah yeah all right Di’s going to try and peel this say there’s a lot of ways this could go good for her you you peel that blue you peel that blue into that other

Blue in the top it might spin into the forefoot and and that might uh that might help her out a little bit here this almost looks like ice for a run back she could be playing run back too you’ll run back you make that that’s uh that’s hell of a shot

Momentum swinging here in this wild semifinal gave that a little shove outwards hey Sam you could see the momentum little little outward motion there and she is going to be able to peel it off so yeah I think that was priority number one was making that peel

Um the other thing is she has three rocks the side of the four or side of the 12 foot over there so if she could ever figure out a way to get those two out of the for foot of Sherry’s this a ball game but Sherry’s going to throw another guard here and

Say figure it out it’s a good feeling when you’re a Skip and you’re throwing a guard on your last yeah absolutely but normally when you’re doing that then you’re sitting there watching because they have something that’s probably not a high percentage shot but if they make it you’re really screww yeah gotta gota

Go now sher’s just guarding this up here no point in coming in is there uh no I don’t think so you’re sitting here too yeah see I’d be tempted to because you could you could basically make a c in the top eight as long as you get a

Little bit of overlap there’s nothing to hit got get it uh get it there first here I think looks like they’re just going for a guard yeah that’s it’s a good shot Cherry there yeah well managed by the sweepers that’s going to do the trick it is actually like it it is

Pretty cool watching watching these these I’ll call them athletes sweep because they they they really are their their expertise and judgment is is so accurate like they you don’t really ever see them sweep over sweep anything or like I haven’t seen that once today y That’s you see that all the time in

Men’s and women’s all the time yeah very true yeah the Judgment has been exemplary it’s a good point Sam huge shot huge shot here are you gonna go into the last end tied you gonna go into the last end up three that’s the swing oh it could even

She could cut Cherry down to one two here right she could be up one a lot of things that could happen and Foster trying to maintain this lead they work so hard to to earn Sweepers like it got to get it off this guard here RoR it’s by the guard it looks really good what a shot by Diane Foster that’s a beauty puts it right on the pin statement draw that’ll give team Foster a three-point lead going into the conclusive eighth end of this provincial

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The best room in the game Hardline Join the Revolution we are back a massive pressure draw Diane Foster puts a point on the board 74 lead Sam that was a massive swing team Anders finally getting some momentum going looked like they had a steel cooking up all end then a uh cold outturn

Draw Dian Foster for the single point yeah you want to talk about clutch yeah preventing the momentum from swinging too hard in the opposite Direction it’s been a wild one a really entertaining game it has been there’s been some fantastic curling shots made by both teams and and it’s uh you know what it’s fun watching it’s fun watching good good teams go against each other because you know there’s always going to

Be stuff going on there’s going to be rocks and play there’s going to be shots made the amount of the amount of great freezes and draws both these teams have made throughout the game is is quite fantastic we’ll take a quick look at the clocks here ah yeah around around four minutes

With timeouts each teams should be fine on time looking like another really good setup y flat Corner guards another 100% End Silver Nagle there’s a my custom cak topper that’s a another local Martinsville business really fun and creative and and affordable custom cake toppers it’s even

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Interesting kind of loaded up that that corner guard angle gets the gets the blue Center guard out of the way and kind of rolls to a what I want to say is a good spot but I don’t know is that overlap helping or hurting team Anderson yeah I uh I think that overlaps

Helping it makes that peel harder for Diane um she’s got to peel the inside you know Sherry’s going to have the opportunity to kind of roll or draw underneath one of the two so they got two timeouts team Foster they’re going to use one of them right

Here ready another St Patrick’s Day Dad joke for you Rory oh keep them coming okay what’s a leprechaun’s favorite place to sit I got no guess where the Sham rocking chair H old rocking chair I don’t see as many of those anymore be a staple of every living room

But the rocking chair not as in style as it once was oh so bad that’s so bad what a bad joke oh I’m used to it I do like a good dad joke not as maybe not as clean as the jokes that you get from hiker

But I was just down in the states with John Benton uh curling Stadium technical director and hiker drove through the Lakeland of Minnesota had a good visit with with Jon and his family and John just could not get enough of hiker’s uh sasky Good sasky Humor yeah he’s given a solid reputation

Isn’t he e what a guy Chris hiker one of the first uh first Club managers to welcome curling Stadium into their their club and if you just you can see what that’s done for the Swift Current Curling Club it’s become an international curling destination so many any High tier events

He’s had some of the best curlers in the world through his Club absolutely you know that’s and they do such a fantastic job down there in Swift Curr as well with with hosting and and their ice and it’s uh you got to get drops to them yeah yeah it’s a it’s a

Nice club but it it just goes to show what happens when when you put cameras in your Club Martinsville is another good example you’re absolutely look at Martin right now yeah it’s the the amount of events that you get is just it’s incredible once teams know that they can advertise their sponsors and

That their fans can follow along on YouTube it just it changes the game so since then curling stadium is you know geez I think there’s almost 20 clubs that we’re in now that’s fantastic all right Sher Anderson trying to make something work here yeah so they’ve got

Their guards they’ve got some stuff to freeze too so this is you know the opportunity is there I think you know you make this hit and roll the start it’s a good start this double peel looks like it might go back into the 4 foot so it’s kind of

Hard for Diane to deal with um Sher does need to get three so you know they they got to pretty well execute every rock out from here um but there there is opportunity there is a chance this is looking pretty good okay not very easy to remove this I’m

Not sure you wanted to get rid of those stones in the back of the foref foot Sam I don’t know if you wanted I yeah I was I was kind of hoping just making the roll and probably dead jamming there and then you know you have some stuff this

Doesn’t look as good it’s still okay um di does have to get to the inside of this red one now to get it out you know and and then you’re playing with those guards so it does make this shot a little higher difficulty let’s let’s see what those angles look like

Sam and still not still not looking great on the the corner guard angles for team Foster I don’t think you want to touch that probably just throwing a bullet right on the nose isn’t it yeah but like I mean you throw that bullet and it runs straight on you

You’re yeah I mean is J is a jam really the worst thing in the world either you’re unlikely to totally bury you’d have to miss pretty pretty high on the center line side well you if you jam that they’re looping the other the other one and then you know you’re so you jam

It Cherry steam Loops the blue you try and get that out they Loop the blue again now they’re sitting two buried so they’re going to play to their strengths team Foster does have uh Shot Rock and they’ve been drawing quite well this game so it’s going to be a draw

Call I think they’re trying to free free the angle here make sure that there is no run back or tap back it’s kind of a difficult call but I understand looks like she’s made this pretty good though yes not going to quite get the angle they were looking for that you

Know they were they were trying to take away the run back angle and for as as good as she threw that I don’t think the result is is that good there is going to be a opportunity to hide the shooter but once you make this run back Sam there’s there’s going

To be a red Rock exposed somewhere whether it’s that Center one or whether it’s your shooter there’s going to be something to hit at the end of this I’m pretty sure yeah I like this call that Sherry has going on here you can actually hit it a shade

Low roll it towards the center line a little yeah and leave and have two buried two buried you’ll still have to clean up that red at or sorry you’ll still have to clean up that blue Shot Rock fighting the forefoot at some point right now you’re just hoping you have a

Shot on sher’s last to TI right yeah that’s the goal you got to get yourself whatever whatever that is if you get to play a wild in off or whatever it is to score three or hoping you’re just hoping you have a shot for three right that’s

That’s what you’re trying to get to right now from the moment this rock settled in behind this corner Guard team Anderson knew they were going to play this run back at some point they’re cashing it in right now let’s see what kind of prize they can win one

Two and they’re they’re exposed but that does Shuffle things around there’s two red stones in the rings with two more to come so things are looking okay so let’s see so dian’s going to play this double she’s going to try and cross the face to

To avoid any jams if she tries to play it straight on like with a nose hit she might actually double jam it so she’s probably got to hit about half a rock this is a tough this is a tough shot this is and there’s a lot that

Could go wrong like you said there is a way that uh neither red leaves the Rings here angles are actually pretty bad like you said for the straight double might even double Jam so you want to make sure you hit this on the center line side just

Removing one red rock is is a fine result here but uh enough of the negative Sam this is a potential game-winning shot if she makes absolutely that’s what I’m saying like she has this lined up the right way dian’s been throwing a good all game game if she makes this it’s

Game over y absolutely so putting the game in her hands here Diane Foster that does not look like enough weight for a double that is curling on them already got to hit something here gets one it’s two well the one did go under so that’s

That is positive she got rid of one the only issue is now Sher Anderson is sitting shot Rock buried but it’s buried behind the blue one so that being said Diane does have an opportunity to play on that blue if she has to um sher’s going to try and freeze

I think over on this this blue on the left hand side in the8 foot there um and that’s a very good shot and I think Diane’s Diane’s only shot would either be to you know freeze or or play that blue that BW back so um Sherry

Makes this uh Diane’s going have to make a good one to not go to an extra end I think o big update from the other semi-final a massive score of four from Tracy stle it’s going to give her an 85 lead over de do playing eight playing eight down

Three playing eight so same situation as as we have here all right here comes that [Applause] draw this is a game saving shot if it can be made kind of walking the dog on this a bit it might be a little heavy trying to get it to curl for line it is going to bounce so that is going to be an open hit to win the game for

Uh for Foster just a little too much weight it was a tough ask to cook up three against a team playing so well I think Sher Anderson wishes she gave herself a a better chance here on her first one so here it is team that’s worked so

Hard to score seven points against a very strong opponent does have an open hit to win the game right here keeping her clean looks pretty good and that’ll be handshakes that’s the ball game what a that was a fantastic game by Diane Foster herself that draw on seven was that was so

Clutch and and all the all the shots she made throughout the game like this is a really well curled game put a lot of pressure on Sherry and and her team and and uh yeah that was that was a fun game watch absolutely and now you see the ladies congratulating each other all

Good sports out here I agree Sam that draw on the seventh end really stands out to me that was uh a remarkable momentum Buster team Anderson finally had the kind of ends that they were looking for in a big steel of two brewing and yeah Diane Foster ends that

Nonsense by putting it right on the pin in the seventh end a nice little team s there well folks thank you so much for for joining us for this semi-final action the winner of Doan uh and stle will take on this team Foster at 300 PM senior ladies final and Sam if if

You’ll come back we will’ll we’ll have another good game to commentate together are you kidding date date afternoon with you at 3 p.m. my man all right thanks very much folks we’ll see you at 3 hi I’m Shannon and we’re here at the brand new bike tricks electric bike

Showroom in Saskatoon ging it’s grand opening so we’re going to head inside and talk to some bike tricks customers let’s go I chose bike tricks because of the reputation I know people who have bike trcks bikes and I know that it’s a local company which I like to support

Local they’re great bikes come down and see the team here the really a great team of people check out the bikes go for a ride Saskatchewan you know SAS because we’re everywhere because being everywhere keeps us connected to you with sassel sponsorships we get to be part of your community we’re here with

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